Commit cff90d92 authored by Linisha Siriwardana's avatar Linisha Siriwardana

Merge branch 'Lecture_Summarizing' into 'important_test_LEC_SUMM_01'

# Conflicts:
#   Test_text-summarizer/
parents ca56a46a d1264422
...@@ -9,7 +9,39 @@ This project will be created under the guidelines provided by the Research Proje ...@@ -9,7 +9,39 @@ This project will be created under the guidelines provided by the Research Proje
Main Objectives that will be targetted in this Research Project will be listed as follows. Main Objectives that will be targetted in this Research Project will be listed as follows.
* • Tracking student attendance using facial detection and facial recognition and notify and getting opinion from the students who are absent and students who are leaving the lecture in the during a specified time period (Attendance Register). * Tracking student attendance using facial detection and facial recognition and notify and getting opinion from the students who are absent and students who are leaving the lecture in the during a specified time period (Attendance Register).
* • Monitoring student behavior within the classroom during lecture periods to identify potential problem areas in retaining student attention and adapting the lecturing styles to suit the student needs (Monitoring Student Behavior). * Monitoring student behavior within the classroom during lecture periods to identify potential problem areas in retaining student attention and adapting the lecturing styles to suit the student needs (Monitoring Student Behavior).
* • Summarize the converted text and present as a document and identify the important points of the lecture to display them highlighted (Lecture Summarizing). * Summarize the converted text and present as a document and identify the important points of the lecture to display them highlighted (Lecture Summarizing).
* • Monitoring lecturers’ behavior by analyzing the teaching style in a lecture hall during the lecture hours (Monitor Lecturer Performance). * Monitoring lecturers’ behavior by analyzing the teaching style in a lecture hall during the lecture hours (Monitor Lecturer Performance).
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## Main Research Questions
This Research Project will be conducted to find answers for the following 4 research questions.
* “What is the optimum way of tracking student attendance in a much efficient way and how does the lecturer analyze reasons for student absenteeism?” (Q1).
* “Does a correlation exist between lecturing style and student behavior in the classroom and how can Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence be incorporated in determining this relationship?” (Q2).
* “How to summarize the lecture content to enable students to pay more attention to the lecture and reduce time spend for taking notes?” (Q3).
* “How to evaluate lecture performance by tracking their behavior during a lecture and analyzing the quality of the lecture content which is delivered by the lecturer?” (Q4).
## Individual Research Questions
### Attendance Register
### Monitoring Student Behavior
### Lecture Summarizing
### Monitoring Lecturer Performance
## Individual Objectives
### Attendance Register
### Monitoring Student Behavior
### Lecture Summarizing
### Monitoring Lecturer Performance
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# C extensions
# Distribution / packaging
# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
# Installer logs
# Unit test / coverage reports
# Translations
# Django stuff:
# Flask stuff:
# Scrapy stuff:
# Sphinx documentation
# PyBuilder
# IPython Notebook
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# noise_reduction
> See test results on: [](
## Audio enhancements feature tests in Python3
#### Installation
To install:
1. ``$ brew install sox``
1. ``$ brew install vorbis-tools``
1. Create a virtualenv
1. Install dependencies in one of two options:
- manually *(recommended)*:
``$ pip3 install librosa``
``$ pip3 install pysndfx``
- or automatically using pip:
``$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt``
To run:
``$ python3``
#### Interesting resources:
- LibROSA ([documentation]( + [repository]( + [paper](
- Think DSP ([book]( + [repository](
- Pyo ([blog post]( + [repository](
- pysndfx ([repository](
#### A bit less relevant papers:
- Noise Cancellation Method for Robust Speech Recognition ([PDF](
- Robust Features for Noisy Speech Recognition using MFCC Computation from Magnitude Spectrum of Higher Order Autocorrelation Coefficients
- Improving the Noise-Robustness of Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients for Speech Processing
Folder which includes the clips to reduce noise
Folder which includes noise reduced files
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<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>SpeakApp: Audio</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- <script>
function changeDuration(id){
var dur = document.getElementById(id);
dur = dur.duration;
durationID = id + "_duration";
document.getElementById(durationID).innerHTML = ("Duration: " + dur);
</script> -->
<h2>Audio Tests 2</h2>
<div class="text_container">
This is the second attempt to build a 'quick and dirty' solution to do reduce noise on an audio recording, and to trim moments of silence within the recording.<br>
This effort was build based on the feedback I received on my first try, and it is using the following open source Python packages:<br>
<li><a href="">LibROSA</a></li>
<li><a href="">pysndfx</a></li>
<li><a href="">python_speech_features</a></li>
<h3>About this set of examples<br>(and what do you need to do with it)</h3>
<p>This set of examples includes the best experiments I was able to generate so far.<br>
This time, I tried to use the famous MFCC technique, but it is very fragile I would not rely on it to work in real-world scenarios.</p>
<p>All results went through silence trimming (which was also improved a bit).</p>
<p>Please go over the samples of the different techniques, and <strong>send me your feedback</strong> -- which technique works best in your opinion, which one you would love to include in the product, etc.</p>
<h3>A few things to keep in mind</h3>
<li>Some of the techniques I'm showing here (the MFCC ones) assume that the recording has a human <em>voice</em> in it. This might not be true in real-life. If we choose these techniques, we should test them in different scenarios, with and without human voice.</li>
<li>Most of the well known techniques to reduce noise are very sensitive, and almost not relevant on oudoor scenarios (e.g. street), which are probably SpeakApp's most common scenarios.</li>
<li>The fields of noise reduction and speech recognition are currently are under an ongoing research, with almost no break-throughs in recent years.</li>
<h3>What's next</h3>
<li>Send yyour feedback</li>
<li>Asaf will get the code and implement it in the server</li>
<li>We might need a toggle on the app that will allow us to hear incoming messages with and without noise reduction.</li>
<li>We need to test the noise reduction feature with different headsets and different iOS devices.</li>
<li>Original sample<br>
<div class="duration" id="01_duration">reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id="01" src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('01_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('01').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Reducing<br>
<div class="duration" id="02_duration">reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id="02" src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('02_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('02').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Mid-boosting<br>
<div class="duration" id="03_duration">reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id="03" src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('03_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('03').duration"></audio>
<li>Power / energy<br>
<div class="duration" id="04_duration">reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id="04" src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('04_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('04').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Decreasing<br>
<div class="duration" id="05_duration">reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id="05" src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('05_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('05').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Increasing<br>
<div class="duration" id="06_duration">reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id="06" src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('06_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('06').duration"></audio>
<h4>Wind and cars</h4>
<li>Original sample<br>
<div class="duration" id='07_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='07' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('07_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('07').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Reducing<br>
<div class="duration" id='08_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='08' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('08_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('08').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Mid-boosting<br>
<div class="duration" id='09_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='09' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('09_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('09').duration"></audio>
<li>Power / energy<br>
<div class="duration" id='10_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='10' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('10_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('10').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Decreasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='11_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='11' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('11_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('11').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Increasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='12_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='12' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('12_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('12').duration"></audio>
<li>Original sample<br>
<div class="duration" id='13_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='13' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('13_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('13').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Reducing<br>
<div class="duration" id='14_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='14' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('14_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('14').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Mid-boosting<br>
<div class="duration" id='15_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='15' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('15_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('15').duration"></audio>
<li>Power / energy<br>
<div class="duration" id='16_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='16' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('16_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('16').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Decreasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='17_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='17' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('17_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('17').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Increasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='18_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='18' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('18_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('18').duration"></audio>
<li>Original sample<br>
<div class="duration" id='19_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='19' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('19_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('19').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Reducing<br>
<div class="duration" id='20_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='20' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('20_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('20').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Mid-boosting<br>
<div class="duration" id='21_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='21' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('21_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('21').duration"></audio>
<li>Power / energy<br>
<div class="duration" id='22_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='22' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('22_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('22').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Decreasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='23_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='23' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('23_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('23').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Increasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='24_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='24' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('24_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('24').duration"></audio>
<li>Original sample<br>
<div class="duration" id='25_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='25' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('25_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('25').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Reducing<br>
<div class="duration" id='26_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='26' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('26_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('26').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Mid-boosting<br>
<div class="duration" id='27_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='27' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('27_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('27').duration"></audio>
<li>Power / energy<br>
<div class="duration" id='28_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='28' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('28_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('28').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Decreasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='29_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='29' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('29_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('29').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Increasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='30_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='30' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('30_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('30').duration"></audio>
<li>Original sample<br>
<div class="duration" id='31_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='31' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('31_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('31').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Reducing<br>
<div class="duration" id='32_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='32' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('32_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('32').duration"></audio>
<li>Centroid: Mid-boosting<br>
<div class="duration" id='33_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='33' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('33_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('33').duration"></audio>
<li>Power / energy<br>
<div class="duration" id='34_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='34' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('34_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('34').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Decreasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='35_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='35' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('35_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('35').duration"></audio>
<li>MFCC: Increasing<br>
<div class="duration" id='36_duration'>reading audio file duration...</div>
<audio id='36' src="" controls preload
oncanplaythrough="document.getElementById('36_duration').innerHTML = 'duration: ' + document.getElementById('36').duration"></audio>
import librosa
from pysndfx import AudioEffectsChain
import numpy as np
import math
import python_speech_features
import scipy as sp
from scipy import signal
import soundfile
receives filename,
returns audio time series (y) and sampling rate of y (sr)
def read_file(file_name):
sample_file = file_name
sample_directory = '00_samples/'
sample_path = sample_directory + sample_file
# generating audio time series and a sampling rate (int)
y, sr = librosa.load(sample_path)
return y, sr
receives an audio matrix,
returns the matrix after gain reduction on noise
def reduce_noise_power(y, sr):
cent = librosa.feature.spectral_centroid(y=y, sr=sr)
threshold_h = round(np.median(cent))*1.5
threshold_l = round(np.median(cent))*0.1
less_noise = AudioEffectsChain().lowshelf(gain=-30.0, frequency=threshold_l, slope=0.8).highshelf(gain=-12.0, frequency=threshold_h, slope=0.5)#.limiter(gain=6.0)
y_clean = less_noise(y)
return y_clean
receives an audio matrix,
returns the matrix after gain reduction on noise
def reduce_noise_centroid_s(y, sr):
cent = librosa.feature.spectral_centroid(y=y, sr=sr)
threshold_h = np.max(cent)
threshold_l = np.min(cent)
less_noise = AudioEffectsChain().lowshelf(gain=-12.0, frequency=threshold_l, slope=0.5).highshelf(gain=-12.0, frequency=threshold_h, slope=0.5).limiter(gain=6.0)
y_cleaned = less_noise(y)
return y_cleaned
def reduce_noise_centroid_mb(y, sr):
cent = librosa.feature.spectral_centroid(y=y, sr=sr)
threshold_h = np.max(cent)
threshold_l = np.min(cent)
less_noise = AudioEffectsChain().lowshelf(gain=-30.0, frequency=threshold_l, slope=0.5).highshelf(gain=-30.0, frequency=threshold_h, slope=0.5).limiter(gain=10.0)
# less_noise = AudioEffectsChain().lowpass(frequency=threshold_h).highpass(frequency=threshold_l)
y_cleaned = less_noise(y)
cent_cleaned = librosa.feature.spectral_centroid(y=y_cleaned, sr=sr)
columns, rows = cent_cleaned.shape
boost_h = math.floor(rows/3*2)
boost_l = math.floor(rows/6)
boost = math.floor(rows/3)
# boost_bass = AudioEffectsChain().lowshelf(gain=20.0, frequency=boost, slope=0.8)
boost_bass = AudioEffectsChain().lowshelf(gain=16.0, frequency=boost_h, slope=0.5)#.lowshelf(gain=-20.0, frequency=boost_l, slope=0.8)
y_clean_boosted = boost_bass(y_cleaned)
return y_clean_boosted
receives an audio matrix,
returns the matrix after gain reduction on noise
def reduce_noise_mfcc_down(y, sr):
hop_length = 512
## librosa
# mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length, n_mfcc=13)
# librosa.mel_to_hz(mfcc)
## mfcc
mfcc = python_speech_features.base.mfcc(y)
mfcc = python_speech_features.base.logfbank(y)
mfcc = python_speech_features.base.lifter(mfcc)
sum_of_squares = []
index = -1
for r in mfcc:
index = index + 1
for n in r:
sum_of_squares[index] = sum_of_squares[index] + n**2
strongest_frame = sum_of_squares.index(max(sum_of_squares))
hz = python_speech_features.base.mel2hz(mfcc[strongest_frame])
max_hz = max(hz)
min_hz = min(hz)
speech_booster = AudioEffectsChain().highshelf(frequency=min_hz*(-1)*1.2, gain=-12.0, slope=0.6).limiter(gain=8.0)
y_speach_boosted = speech_booster(y)
return (y_speach_boosted)
def reduce_noise_mfcc_up(y, sr):
hop_length = 512
## librosa
# mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length, n_mfcc=13)
# librosa.mel_to_hz(mfcc)
## mfcc
mfcc = python_speech_features.base.mfcc(y)
mfcc = python_speech_features.base.logfbank(y)
mfcc = python_speech_features.base.lifter(mfcc)
sum_of_squares = []
index = -1
for r in mfcc:
index = index + 1
for n in r:
sum_of_squares[index] = sum_of_squares[index] + n**2
strongest_frame = sum_of_squares.index(max(sum_of_squares))
hz = python_speech_features.base.mel2hz(mfcc[strongest_frame])
max_hz = max(hz)
min_hz = min(hz)
speech_booster = AudioEffectsChain().lowshelf(frequency=min_hz*(-1), gain=12.0, slope=0.5)#.highshelf(frequency=min_hz*(-1)*1.2, gain=-12.0, slope=0.5)#.limiter(gain=8.0)
y_speach_boosted = speech_booster(y)
return (y_speach_boosted)
receives an audio matrix,
returns the matrix after gain reduction on noise
def reduce_noise_median(y, sr):
y = sp.signal.medfilt(y,3)
return (y)
receives an audio matrix,
returns an audio matrix with less silence and the amout of time that was trimmed
def trim_silence(y):
y_trimmed, index = librosa.effects.trim(y, top_db=20, frame_length=2, hop_length=500)
trimmed_length = librosa.get_duration(y) - librosa.get_duration(y_trimmed)
return y_trimmed, trimmed_length
receives an audio matrix,
returns the same matrix after audio manipulation
def enhance(y):
apply_audio_effects = AudioEffectsChain().lowshelf(gain=10.0, frequency=260, slope=0.1).reverb(reverberance=25, hf_damping=5, room_scale=5, stereo_depth=50, pre_delay=20, wet_gain=0, wet_only=False)#.normalize()
y_enhanced = apply_audio_effects(y)
return y_enhanced
receives a destination path, file name, audio matrix, and sample rate,
generates a wav file based on input
def output_file(destination ,filename, y, sr, ext=""):
destination = destination + filename[:-4] + ext + '.wav'
librosa.output.write_wav(destination, y, sr)
[1] load file
[2] reduce noise
[3] trim silence
[4] output file
sample files:
samples = ['01_counting.m4a','02_wind_and_cars.m4a','03_truck.m4a','04_voices.m4a','05_ambeint.m4a','06_office.m4a']
for s in samples:
# reading a file
filename = s
y, sr = read_file(filename)
# reducing noise using db power
y_reduced_power = reduce_noise_power(y, sr)
y_reduced_centroid_s = reduce_noise_centroid_s(y, sr)
y_reduced_centroid_mb = reduce_noise_centroid_mb(y, sr)
y_reduced_mfcc_up = reduce_noise_mfcc_up(y, sr)
y_reduced_mfcc_down = reduce_noise_mfcc_down(y, sr)
y_reduced_median = reduce_noise_median(y, sr)
# trimming silences
y_reduced_power, time_trimmed = trim_silence(y_reduced_power)
# print (time_trimmed)
y_reduced_centroid_s, time_trimmed = trim_silence(y_reduced_centroid_s)
# print (time_trimmed)
y_reduced_power, time_trimmed = trim_silence(y_reduced_power)
# print (time_trimmed)
y_reduced_centroid_mb, time_trimmed = trim_silence(y_reduced_centroid_mb)
# print (time_trimmed)
y_reduced_mfcc_up, time_trimmed = trim_silence(y_reduced_mfcc_up)
# print (time_trimmed)
y_reduced_mfcc_down, time_trimmed = trim_silence(y_reduced_mfcc_down)
# print (time_trimmed)
y_reduced_median, time_trimmed = trim_silence(y_reduced_median)
# generating output file [1]
//output_file('01_samples_trimmed_noise_reduced/' ,filename, y_reduced_power, sr, '_pwr')
output_file('01_samples_trimmed_noise_reduced/' ,filename, y_reduced_centroid_s, sr, '_ctr_s')
output_file('01_samples_trimmed_noise_reduced/' ,filename, y_reduced_centroid_mb, sr, '_ctr_mb')
output_file('01_samples_trimmed_noise_reduced/' ,filename, y_reduced_mfcc_up, sr, '_mfcc_up')
output_file('01_samples_trimmed_noise_reduced/' ,filename, y_reduced_mfcc_down, sr, '_mfcc_down')
output_file('01_samples_trimmed_noise_reduced/' ,filename, y_reduced_median, sr, '_median')
//output_file('01_samples_trimmed_noise_reduced/' ,filename, y, sr, '_org')
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import librosa
sample_file = '06_office.m4a'
sample_directory = '00_samples/'
sample_path = sample_directory + sample_file
trimmed_destination = 'samples_trimmed/'
silenced_destination = 'samples_silence_reduced/'
y, sr = librosa.load(sample_path)
y_trimmed, index = librosa.effects.trim(y, top_db=12, frame_length=2)
print(librosa.get_duration(y), librosa.get_duration(y_trimmed))
destination = trimmed_destination + sample_file[:-4] + '.wav'
librosa.output.write_wav(destination, y_trimmed, sr)
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