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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
copyright s-hull.org 2011
released under the contributors beerware license
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7. If you meet any of the contributors to the code you used from s-hull.org in a pub or a bar, and you think the source code they contributed to is worth it, you can buy them a beer. If your principles run against beer a bacon-double-cheeseburger would do just as nicely or you could email david@s-hull.org and arrange to make a donation of 10 of your local currancy units to support s-hull.org.
contributors: Phil Atkin, Dr Sinclair.
namespace DelaunayTriangulator
public class SHullTriangulator
private List<Vertex> points;
public SHullTriangulator()
private void Analyse(List<Vertex> suppliedPoints, Hull hull, List<Triad> triads, bool rejectDuplicatePoints, bool hullOnly)
if (suppliedPoints.Count < 3)
throw new ArgumentException("Number of points supplied must be >= 3");
this.points = suppliedPoints;
int nump = points.Count;
float[] distance2ToCentre = new float[nump];
int[] sortedIndices = new int[nump];
// Choose first point as the seed
for (int k = 0; k < nump; k++)
distance2ToCentre[k] = points[0].distance2To(points[k]);
sortedIndices[k] = k;
// Sort by distance to seed point
Array.Sort(distance2ToCentre, sortedIndices);
// Duplicates are more efficiently rejected now we have sorted the vertices
if (rejectDuplicatePoints)
// Search backwards so each removal is independent of any other
for (int k = nump - 2; k >= 0; k--)
// If the points are identical then their distances will be the same,
// so they will be adjacent in the sorted list
if ((points[sortedIndices[k]].x == points[sortedIndices[k + 1]].x) &&
(points[sortedIndices[k]].y == points[sortedIndices[k + 1]].y))
// Duplicates are expected to be rare, so this is not particularly efficient
Array.Copy(sortedIndices, k + 2, sortedIndices, k + 1, nump - k - 2);
Array.Copy(distance2ToCentre, k + 2, distance2ToCentre, k + 1, nump - k - 2);
Debug.WriteLine((points.Count - nump).ToString() + " duplicate points rejected");
if (nump < 3)
throw new ArgumentException("Number of unique points supplied must be >= 3");
int mid = -1;
float romin2 = float.MaxValue, circumCentreX = 0, circumCentreY = 0;
// Find the point which, with the first two points, creates the triangle with the smallest circumcircle
Triad tri = new Triad(sortedIndices[0], sortedIndices[1], 2);
for (int kc = 2; kc < nump; kc++)
tri.c = sortedIndices[kc];
if (tri.FindCircumcirclePrecisely(points) && tri.circumcircleR2 < romin2)
mid = kc;
// Centre of the circumcentre of the seed triangle
romin2 = tri.circumcircleR2;
circumCentreX = tri.circumcircleX;
circumCentreY = tri.circumcircleY;
else if (romin2 * 4 < distance2ToCentre[kc])
// Change the indices, if necessary, to make the 2th point produce the smallest circumcircle with the 0th and 1th
if (mid != 2)
int indexMid = sortedIndices[mid];
float distance2Mid = distance2ToCentre[mid];
Array.Copy(sortedIndices, 2, sortedIndices, 3, mid - 2);
Array.Copy(distance2ToCentre, 2, distance2ToCentre, 3, mid - 2);
sortedIndices[2] = indexMid;
distance2ToCentre[2] = distance2Mid;
// These three points are our seed triangle
tri.c = sortedIndices[2];
// Add tri as the first triad, and the three points to the convex hull
hull.Add(new HullVertex(points, tri.a));
hull.Add(new HullVertex(points, tri.b));
hull.Add(new HullVertex(points, tri.c));
// Sort the remainder according to their distance from its centroid
// Re-measure the points' distances from the centre of the circumcircle
Vertex centre = new Vertex(circumCentreX, circumCentreY);
for (int k = 3; k < nump; k++)
distance2ToCentre[k] = points[sortedIndices[k]].distance2To(centre);
// Sort the _other_ points in order of distance to circumcentre
Array.Sort(distance2ToCentre, sortedIndices, 3, nump - 3);
// Add new points into hull (removing obscured ones from the chain)
// and creating triangles....
int numt = 0;
for (int k = 3; k < nump; k++)
int pointsIndex = sortedIndices[k];
HullVertex ptx = new HullVertex(points, pointsIndex);
float dx = ptx.x - hull[0].x, dy = ptx.y - hull[0].y; // outwards pointing from hull[0] to pt.
int numh = hull.Count, numh_old = numh;
List<int> pidx = new List<int>(), tridx = new List<int>();
int hidx; // new hull point location within hull.....
if (hull.EdgeVisibleFrom(0, dx, dy))
// starting with a visible hull facet !!!
int e2 = numh;
hidx = 0;
// check to see if segment numh is also visible
if (hull.EdgeVisibleFrom(numh - 1, dx, dy))
// visible.
pidx.Add(hull[numh - 1].pointsIndex);
tridx.Add(hull[numh - 1].triadIndex);
for (int h = 0; h < numh - 1; h++)
// if segment h is visible delete h
if (hull.EdgeVisibleFrom(h, ptx))
// quit on invisibility
hull.Insert(0, ptx);
// look backwards through the hull structure
for (int h = numh - 2; h > 0; h--)
// if segment h is visible delete h + 1
if (hull.EdgeVisibleFrom(h, ptx))
pidx.Insert(0, hull[h].pointsIndex);
tridx.Insert(0, hull[h].triadIndex);
hull.RemoveAt(h + 1); // erase end of chain
break; // quit on invisibility
hidx = 1; // keep pt hull[0]
for (int h = 1; h < numh; h++)
// if segment h is visible delete h
if (hull.EdgeVisibleFrom(h, ptx))
{ // visible
// quit on invisibility
hull.Insert(h, ptx);
int e1 = -1, e2 = numh;
for (int h = 1; h < numh; h++)
if (hull.EdgeVisibleFrom(h, ptx))
if (e1 < 0)
e1 = h; // first visible
if (e1 > 0)
// first invisible segment.
e2 = h;
// triangle pidx starts at e1 and ends at e2 (inclusive).
if (e2 < numh)
for (int e = e1; e <= e2; e++)
for (int e = e1; e < e2; e++)
tridx.Add(hull[e].triadIndex); // there are only n-1 triangles from n hull pts.
// erase elements e1+1 : e2-1 inclusive.
if (e1 < e2 - 1)
hull.RemoveRange(e1 + 1, e2 - e1 - 1);
// insert ptx at location e1+1.
hull.Insert(e1 + 1, ptx);
hidx = e1 + 1;
// If we're only computing the hull, we're done with this point
if (hullOnly)
int a = pointsIndex, T0;
int npx = pidx.Count - 1;
numt = triads.Count;
T0 = numt;
for (int p = 0; p < npx; p++)
Triad trx = new Triad(a, pidx[p], pidx[p + 1]);
trx.bc = tridx[p];
if (p > 0)
trx.ab = numt - 1;
trx.ac = numt + 1;
// index back into the triads.
Triad txx = triads[tridx[p]];
if ((trx.b == txx.a && trx.c == txx.b) | (trx.b == txx.b && trx.c == txx.a))
txx.ab = numt;
else if ((trx.b == txx.a && trx.c == txx.c) | (trx.b == txx.c && trx.c == txx.a))
txx.ac = numt;
else if ((trx.b == txx.b && trx.c == txx.c) | (trx.b == txx.c && trx.c == txx.b))
txx.bc = numt;
// Last edge is on the outside
triads[numt - 1].ac = -1;
hull[hidx].triadIndex = numt - 1;
if (hidx > 0)
hull[hidx - 1].triadIndex = T0;
numh = hull.Count;
hull[numh - 1].triadIndex = T0;
/// <summary>
/// Return the convex hull of the supplied points,
/// Don't check for duplicate points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="points">List of 2D vertices</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<Vertex> ConvexHull(List<Vertex> points)
return ConvexHull(points, false);
/// <summary>
/// Return the convex hull of the supplied points,
/// Optionally check for duplicate points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="points">List of 2D vertices</param>
/// <param name="rejectDuplicatePoints">Whether to omit duplicated points</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<Vertex> ConvexHull(List<Vertex> points, bool rejectDuplicatePoints)
Hull hull = new Hull();
List<Triad> triads = new List<Triad>();
Analyse(points, hull, triads, rejectDuplicatePoints, true);
List<Vertex> hullVertices = new List<Vertex>();
foreach (HullVertex hv in hull)
hullVertices.Add(new Vertex(hv.x, hv.y));
return hullVertices;
/// <summary>
/// Return the Delaunay triangulation of the supplied points
/// Don't check for duplicate points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="points">List of 2D vertices</param>
/// <returns>Triads specifying the triangulation</returns>
public List<Triad> Triangulation(List<Vertex> points)
return Triangulation(points, false);
/// <summary>
/// Return the Delaunay triangulation of the supplied points
/// Optionally check for duplicate points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="points">List of 2D vertices</param>
/// <param name="rejectDuplicatePoints">Whether to omit duplicated points</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<Triad> Triangulation(List<Vertex> points, bool rejectDuplicatePoints)
List<Triad> triads = new List<Triad>();
Hull hull = new Hull();
Analyse(points, hull, triads, rejectDuplicatePoints, false);
// Now, need to flip any pairs of adjacent triangles not satisfying
// the Delaunay criterion
int numt = triads.Count;
bool[] idsA = new bool[numt];
bool[] idsB = new bool[numt];
// We maintain a "list" of the triangles we've flipped in order to propogate any
// consequent changes
// When the number of changes is large, this is best maintained as a vector of bools
// When the number becomes small, it's best maintained as a set
// We switch between these regimes as the number flipped decreases
int flipped = FlipTriangles(triads, idsA);
int iterations = 1;
while (flipped > (int)(fraction * (float)numt))
if ((iterations & 1) == 1)
flipped = FlipTriangles(triads, idsA, idsB);
flipped = FlipTriangles(triads, idsB, idsA);
Set<int> idSetA = new Set<int>(), idSetB = new Set<int>();
flipped = FlipTriangles(triads,
((iterations & 1) == 1) ? idsA : idsB, idSetA);
iterations = 1;
while (flipped > 0)
if ((iterations & 1) == 1)
flipped = FlipTriangles(triads, idSetA, idSetB);
flipped = FlipTriangles(triads, idSetB, idSetA);
return triads;
public float fraction = 0.3f;
/// <summary>
/// Test the triad against its 3 neighbours and flip it with any neighbour whose opposite point
/// is inside the circumcircle of the triad
/// </summary>
/// <param name="triads">The triads</param>
/// <param name="triadIndexToTest">The index of the triad to test</param>
/// <param name="triadIndexFlipped">Index of adjacent triangle it was flipped with (if any)</param>
/// <returns>true iff the triad was flipped with any of its neighbours</returns>
bool FlipTriangle(List<Triad> triads, int triadIndexToTest, out int triadIndexFlipped)
int oppositeVertex = 0, edge1, edge2, edge3 = 0, edge4 = 0;
triadIndexFlipped = 0;
Triad tri = triads[triadIndexToTest];
// test all 3 neighbours of tri
if (tri.bc >= 0)
triadIndexFlipped = tri.bc;
Triad t2 = triads[triadIndexFlipped];
// find relative orientation (shared limb).
t2.FindAdjacency(tri.b, triadIndexToTest, out oppositeVertex, out edge3, out edge4);
if (tri.InsideCircumcircle(points[oppositeVertex]))
{ // not valid in the Delaunay sense.
edge1 = tri.ab;
edge2 = tri.ac;
if (edge1 != edge3 && edge2 != edge4)
int tria = tri.a, trib = tri.b, tric = tri.c;
tri.Initialize(tria, trib, oppositeVertex, edge1, edge3, triadIndexFlipped, points);
t2.Initialize(tria, tric, oppositeVertex, edge2, edge4, triadIndexToTest, points);
// change knock on triangle labels.
if (edge3 >= 0)
triads[edge3].ChangeAdjacentIndex(triadIndexFlipped, triadIndexToTest);
if (edge2 >= 0)
triads[edge2].ChangeAdjacentIndex(triadIndexToTest, triadIndexFlipped);
return true;
if (tri.ab >= 0)
triadIndexFlipped = tri.ab;
Triad t2 = triads[triadIndexFlipped];
// find relative orientation (shared limb).
t2.FindAdjacency(tri.a, triadIndexToTest, out oppositeVertex, out edge3, out edge4);
if (tri.InsideCircumcircle(points[oppositeVertex]))
{ // not valid in the Delaunay sense.
edge1 = tri.ac;
edge2 = tri.bc;
if (edge1 != edge3 && edge2 != edge4)
int tria = tri.a, trib = tri.b, tric = tri.c;
tri.Initialize(tric, tria, oppositeVertex, edge1, edge3, triadIndexFlipped, points);
t2.Initialize(tric, trib, oppositeVertex, edge2, edge4, triadIndexToTest, points);
// change knock on triangle labels.
if (edge3 >= 0)
triads[edge3].ChangeAdjacentIndex(triadIndexFlipped, triadIndexToTest);
if (edge2 >= 0)
triads[edge2].ChangeAdjacentIndex(triadIndexToTest, triadIndexFlipped);
return true;
if (tri.ac >= 0)
triadIndexFlipped = tri.ac;
Triad t2 = triads[triadIndexFlipped];
// find relative orientation (shared limb).
t2.FindAdjacency(tri.a, triadIndexToTest, out oppositeVertex, out edge3, out edge4);
if (tri.InsideCircumcircle(points[oppositeVertex]))
{ // not valid in the Delaunay sense.
edge1 = tri.ab; // .ac shared limb
edge2 = tri.bc;
if (edge1 != edge3 && edge2 != edge4)
int tria = tri.a, trib = tri.b, tric = tri.c;
tri.Initialize(trib, tria, oppositeVertex, edge1, edge3, triadIndexFlipped, points);
t2.Initialize(trib, tric, oppositeVertex, edge2, edge4, triadIndexToTest, points);
// change knock on triangle labels.
if (edge3 >= 0)
triads[edge3].ChangeAdjacentIndex(triadIndexFlipped, triadIndexToTest);
if (edge2 >= 0)
triads[edge2].ChangeAdjacentIndex(triadIndexToTest, triadIndexFlipped);
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Flip triangles that do not satisfy the Delaunay condition
/// </summary>
private int FlipTriangles(List<Triad> triads, bool[] idsFlipped)
int numt = (int)triads.Count;
Array.Clear(idsFlipped, 0, numt);
int flipped = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < numt; t++)
int t2;
if (FlipTriangle(triads, t, out t2))
flipped += 2;
idsFlipped[t] = true;
idsFlipped[t2] = true;
return flipped;
private int FlipTriangles(List<Triad> triads, bool[] idsToTest, bool[] idsFlipped)
int numt = (int)triads.Count;
Array.Clear(idsFlipped, 0, numt);
int flipped = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < numt; t++)
if (idsToTest[t])
int t2;
if (FlipTriangle(triads, t, out t2))
flipped += 2;
idsFlipped[t] = true;
idsFlipped[t2] = true;
return flipped;
private int FlipTriangles(List<Triad> triads, bool[] idsToTest, Set<int> idsFlipped)
int numt = (int)triads.Count;
int flipped = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < numt; t++)
if (idsToTest[t])
int t2;
if (FlipTriangle(triads, t, out t2))
flipped += 2;
return flipped;
private int FlipTriangles(List<Triad> triads, Set<int> idsToTest, Set<int> idsFlipped)
int flipped = 0;
foreach (int t in idsToTest)
int t2;
if (FlipTriangle(triads, t, out t2))
flipped += 2;
return flipped;
#region Debug verification routines: verify that triad adjacency and indeces are set correctly
private void VerifyHullContains(Hull hull, int idA, int idB)
if (
((hull[0].pointsIndex == idA) && (hull[hull.Count - 1].pointsIndex == idB)) ||
((hull[0].pointsIndex == idB) && (hull[hull.Count - 1].pointsIndex == idA)))
for (int h = 0; h < hull.Count - 1; h++)
if (hull[h].pointsIndex == idA)
Debug.Assert(hull[h + 1].pointsIndex == idB);
else if (hull[h].pointsIndex == idB)
Debug.Assert(hull[h + 1].pointsIndex == idA);
private void VerifyTriadContains(Triad tri, int nbourTriad, int idA, int idB)
if (tri.ab == nbourTriad)
((tri.a == idA) && (tri.b == idB)) ||
((tri.b == idA) && (tri.a == idB)));
else if (tri.ac == nbourTriad)
((tri.a == idA) && (tri.c == idB)) ||
((tri.c == idA) && (tri.a == idB)));
else if (tri.bc == nbourTriad)
((tri.c == idA) && (tri.b == idB)) ||
((tri.b == idA) && (tri.c == idB)));
private void VerifyTriads(List<Triad> triads, Hull hull)
for (int t = 0; t < triads.Count; t++)
if (t == 17840)
t = t + 0;
Triad tri = triads[t];
if (tri.ac == -1)
VerifyHullContains(hull, tri.a, tri.c);
VerifyTriadContains(triads[tri.ac], t, tri.a, tri.c);
if (tri.ab == -1)
VerifyHullContains(hull, tri.a, tri.b);
VerifyTriadContains(triads[tri.ab], t, tri.a, tri.b);
if (tri.bc == -1)
VerifyHullContains(hull, tri.b, tri.c);
VerifyTriadContains(triads[tri.bc], t, tri.b, tri.c);
private void WriteTriangles(List<Triad> triangles, string name)
using (System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(name + ".dtt"))
for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
Triad t = triangles[i];
writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1} {2} {3} - {4} {5} {6}",
i + 1,
t.a, t.b, t.c,
t.ab + 1, t.bc + 1, t.ac + 1));
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