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......@@ -130,5 +130,74 @@ and pneumonia by using chest X-ray images.
* Developing an algorithm to analyze a sample of captured chest x-ray images to predict the disease.
* Developing a method for classifying lung diseases
**IT18121698 Dias M.H.V**
Pneumonia, covid-19 are fatal diseases if it not detected on time. If it
diagnoses at the right moment lots of lives will be saved. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
is a respiratory tract infection caused by beta coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Pneumonia
is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. So, both
diseases cannot be taken as easy.
When it comes to identifying these diseases there’s lack of facilities to detect
these diseases on time in developing countries. Great majority of these deaths
occur in resource-limited settings. There is no proper way than going to hospital
and do a PCR test to identify whether they are infected or not. In developing
countries, there is a lack of resources to do these tests. So, the time taken to
a PCR test for a particular person is high. Sometimes it takes one week or more
than that.
n these situations, patients must wait for long time and it is stressful.
If there is a proper and speed method which gives the output in a very accurate
way, that will be helpful. Then patients no longer wait for a long time and will
not be stressed.
When compared to the existing applications which have developed to identify
covid-19, most of the applications only have the x-ray classification. The only
output which we can get from those applications is whether we are positive or
negative for pneumonia/covid-19. Those applications only consider x-ray screening.
It does not give priority to the patient’s current health condition. Therefor the
accuracy level seems very low.
Patients who have undergone for surgeries, pregnancy conditions are major factors
when compared to normal people who suffer from pneumonia and covid-19. They must
be specially considered when identifying the disease. They should give a high
priority level and should be advised responsibly. But in the existing applications
there is no such priority given to those special people. It is another major
problem that we have noticed during the literature survey. If this problem
addressed properly it should helpful.
When a person suspected positive for pneumonia or covid-19 he/she should be
advised about what they should do. Those patients should be directed for doctor
recommendation. The existing applications do not have that facility. It is
another major issue that we have monitored. Those applications only facilitate
identifying and notify patients whether they are infected from pneumonia.
Advice patient according to their severity level, give doctor recommendation
if necessary is one of the most important section to be implement after the
x-ray, CT scan classification. It is dominant to note that despite the fact
that intelligent bots can offer identify the severity level, valuable facts
and symptoms, they aren’t qualified and don’t have the authority to give an
official treatment for diagnosis. Become the first point of contact before
any human involvement is the main proposition behind these smart texting algorithms.
* Implement user friendly reliable communication method to interact with patient and gather information:
To give an accurate result we have to get a clear understanding about the
patient’s current health condition and past. In order to do that we suppose
to implement intelligent bot to interact with the patient. This is a chunk
of software that administer a discussions with patients via textual methods.
chronic diseases, pregnancy, bad health habits, surgeries etc., are the basic
information that we planned to ask from the patients.
* To monitoring current health condition:
To get an idea about what a patient is going through, the app asks them how the
current condition of health and health history from a menu of descriptive words
is. ex, if they are suffering from headache at the moment, they can rate that
emotion/pain from “slightly” to “extremely.”
* To give doctor recommendation/advice according to the severity level.
Analyze the severity level of the patient considering about all the data that
gathered via the question answering system. According to the severity level
patient will be advised what he/she can do as the next step and if its possible
we suppose to give medical recommendation.
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