GITENV file updated 20

parent 6e58b382
from .attributeruler import AttributeRuler
from .dep_parser import DependencyParser
from .entity_linker import EntityLinker
from .ner import EntityRecognizer
from .entityruler import EntityRuler
from .lemmatizer import Lemmatizer
from .morphologizer import Morphologizer
from .pipe import Pipe
from .trainable_pipe import TrainablePipe
from .senter import SentenceRecognizer
from .sentencizer import Sentencizer
from .tagger import Tagger
from .textcat import TextCategorizer
from .spancat import SpanCategorizer
from .textcat_multilabel import MultiLabel_TextCategorizer
from .tok2vec import Tok2Vec
from .functions import merge_entities, merge_noun_chunks, merge_subtokens
__all__ = [
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Iterable, Any, Optional, Callable
from typing import Tuple
import srsly
from pathlib import Path
from .pipe import Pipe
from ..errors import Errors
from import Example
from ..language import Language
from ..matcher import Matcher
from ..scorer import Scorer
from ..symbols import IDS
from ..tokens import Doc, Span
from ..tokens._retokenize import normalize_token_attrs, set_token_attrs
from ..vocab import Vocab
from ..util import SimpleFrozenList, registry
from .. import util
MatcherPatternType = List[Dict[Union[int, str], Any]]
AttributeRulerPatternType = Dict[str, Union[MatcherPatternType, Dict, int]]
TagMapType = Dict[str, Dict[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]]]
MorphRulesType = Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]]]]
"validate": False,
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.attribute_ruler_scorer.v1"},
def make_attribute_ruler(
nlp: Language, name: str, validate: bool, scorer: Optional[Callable]
return AttributeRuler(nlp.vocab, name, validate=validate, scorer=scorer)
def attribute_ruler_score(examples: Iterable[Example], **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def morph_key_getter(token, attr):
return getattr(token, attr).key
results = {}
results.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "tag", **kwargs))
results.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "pos", **kwargs))
Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "morph", getter=morph_key_getter, **kwargs)
examples, "morph", getter=morph_key_getter, **kwargs
results.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "lemma", **kwargs))
return results
def make_attribute_ruler_scorer():
return attribute_ruler_score
class AttributeRuler(Pipe):
"""Set token-level attributes for tokens matched by Matcher patterns.
Additionally supports importing patterns from tag maps and morph rules.
def __init__(
vocab: Vocab,
name: str = "attribute_ruler",
validate: bool = False,
scorer: Optional[Callable] = attribute_ruler_score,
) -> None:
"""Create the AttributeRuler. After creation, you can add patterns
with the `.initialize()` or `.add_patterns()` methods, or load patterns
with `.from_bytes()` or `.from_disk()`. Loading patterns will remove
any patterns you've added previously.
vocab (Vocab): The vocab.
name (str): The pipe name. Defaults to "attribute_ruler".
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
Scorer.score_token_attr for the attributes "tag", "pos", "morph" and
"lemma" and Scorer.score_token_attr_per_feat for the attribute
RETURNS (AttributeRuler): The AttributeRuler component.
""" = name
self.vocab = vocab
self.matcher = Matcher(self.vocab, validate=validate)
self.validate = validate
self.attrs: List[Dict] = []
self._attrs_unnormed: List[Dict] = [] # store for reference
self.indices: List[int] = []
self.scorer = scorer
def clear(self) -> None:
"""Reset all patterns."""
self.matcher = Matcher(self.vocab, validate=self.validate)
self.attrs = []
self._attrs_unnormed = []
self.indices = []
def initialize(
get_examples: Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]],
nlp: Optional[Language] = None,
patterns: Optional[Iterable[AttributeRulerPatternType]] = None,
tag_map: Optional[TagMapType] = None,
morph_rules: Optional[MorphRulesType] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the attribute ruler by adding zero or more patterns.
Rules can be specified as a sequence of dicts using the `patterns`
keyword argument. You can also provide rules using the "tag map" or
"morph rules" formats supported by spaCy prior to v3.
if patterns:
if tag_map:
if morph_rules:
def __call__(self, doc: Doc) -> Doc:
"""Apply the AttributeRuler to a Doc and set all attribute exceptions.
doc (Doc): The document to process.
RETURNS (Doc): The processed Doc.
error_handler = self.get_error_handler()
matches = self.match(doc)
self.set_annotations(doc, matches)
return doc
except Exception as e:
return error_handler(, self, [doc], e)
def match(self, doc: Doc):
matches = self.matcher(doc, allow_missing=True, as_spans=False)
# Sort by the attribute ID, so that later rules have precedence
matches = [
(int(self.vocab.strings[m_id]), m_id, s, e) for m_id, s, e in matches # type: ignore
return matches
def set_annotations(self, doc, matches):
"""Modify the document in place"""
for attr_id, match_id, start, end in matches:
span = Span(doc, start, end, label=match_id)
attrs = self.attrs[attr_id]
index = self.indices[attr_id]
# The index can be negative, which makes it annoying to do
# the boundscheck. Let Span do it instead.
token = span[index] # noqa: F841
except IndexError:
# The original exception is just our conditional logic, so we
# raise from.
raise ValueError(
span=[t.text for t in span],
) from None
set_token_attrs(span[index], attrs)
def load_from_tag_map(
self, tag_map: Dict[str, Dict[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]]]
) -> None:
"""Load attribute ruler patterns from a tag map.
tag_map (dict): The tag map that maps fine-grained tags to
coarse-grained tags and morphological features.
for tag, attrs in tag_map.items():
pattern = [{"TAG": tag}]
attrs, morph_attrs = _split_morph_attrs(attrs)
if "MORPH" not in attrs:
morph = self.vocab.morphology.add(morph_attrs)
attrs["MORPH"] = self.vocab.strings[morph]
morph = self.vocab.morphology.add(attrs["MORPH"])
attrs["MORPH"] = self.vocab.strings[morph]
self.add([pattern], attrs) # type: ignore[list-item]
def load_from_morph_rules(
self, morph_rules: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]]]]
) -> None:
"""Load attribute ruler patterns from morph rules.
morph_rules (dict): The morph rules that map token text and
fine-grained tags to coarse-grained tags, lemmas and morphological
for tag in morph_rules:
for word in morph_rules[tag]:
pattern = [{"ORTH": word, "TAG": tag}]
attrs = morph_rules[tag][word]
attrs, morph_attrs = _split_morph_attrs(attrs)
if "MORPH" in attrs:
morph = self.vocab.morphology.add(attrs["MORPH"])
attrs["MORPH"] = self.vocab.strings[morph]
elif morph_attrs:
morph = self.vocab.morphology.add(morph_attrs)
attrs["MORPH"] = self.vocab.strings[morph]
self.add([pattern], attrs) # type: ignore[list-item]
def add(
self, patterns: Iterable[MatcherPatternType], attrs: Dict, index: int = 0
) -> None:
"""Add Matcher patterns for tokens that should be modified with the
provided attributes. The token at the specified index within the
matched span will be assigned the attributes.
patterns (Iterable[List[Dict]]): A list of Matcher patterns.
attrs (Dict): The attributes to assign to the target token in the
matched span.
index (int): The index of the token in the matched span to modify. May
be negative to index from the end of the span. Defaults to 0.
# We need to make a string here, because otherwise the ID we pass back
# will be interpreted as the hash of a string, rather than an ordinal.
key = str(len(self.attrs))
self.matcher.add(self.vocab.strings.add(key), patterns) # type: ignore[arg-type]
attrs = normalize_token_attrs(self.vocab, attrs)
def add_patterns(self, patterns: Iterable[AttributeRulerPatternType]) -> None:
"""Add patterns from a list of pattern dicts with the keys as the
arguments to AttributeRuler.add.
patterns (Iterable[dict]): A list of pattern dicts with the keys
as the arguments to AttributeRuler.add (patterns/attrs/index) to
add as patterns.
for p in patterns:
self.add(**p) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def patterns(self) -> List[AttributeRulerPatternType]:
"""All the added patterns."""
all_patterns = []
for i in range(len(self.attrs)):
p = {}
p["patterns"] = self.matcher.get(str(i))[1]
p["attrs"] = self._attrs_unnormed[i] # type: ignore
p["index"] = self.indices[i] # type: ignore
return all_patterns # type: ignore[return-value]
def to_bytes(self, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()) -> bytes:
"""Serialize the AttributeRuler to a bytestring.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (bytes): The serialized object.
serialize = {}
serialize["vocab"] = lambda: self.vocab.to_bytes(exclude=exclude)
serialize["patterns"] = lambda: srsly.msgpack_dumps(self.patterns)
return util.to_bytes(serialize, exclude)
def from_bytes(
self, bytes_data: bytes, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> "AttributeRuler":
"""Load the AttributeRuler from a bytestring.
bytes_data (bytes): The data to load.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
returns (AttributeRuler): The loaded object.
def load_patterns(b):
deserialize = {
"vocab": lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b, exclude=exclude),
"patterns": load_patterns,
util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserialize, exclude)
return self
def to_disk(
self, path: Union[Path, str], exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> None:
"""Serialize the AttributeRuler to disk.
path (Union[Path, str]): A path to a directory.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
serialize = {
"vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p, exclude=exclude),
"patterns": lambda p: srsly.write_msgpack(p, self.patterns),
util.to_disk(path, serialize, exclude)
def from_disk(
self, path: Union[Path, str], exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> "AttributeRuler":
"""Load the AttributeRuler from disk.
path (Union[Path, str]): A path to a directory.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (AttributeRuler): The loaded object.
def load_patterns(p):
deserialize = {
"vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.from_disk(p, exclude=exclude),
"patterns": load_patterns,
util.from_disk(path, deserialize, exclude)
return self
def _split_morph_attrs(attrs: dict) -> Tuple[dict, dict]:
"""Split entries from a tag map or morph rules dict into to two dicts, one
with the token-level features (POS, LEMMA) and one with the remaining
features, which are presumed to be individual MORPH features."""
other_attrs = {}
morph_attrs = {}
for k, v in attrs.items():
if k in "_" or k in IDS.keys() or k in IDS.values():
other_attrs[k] = v
morph_attrs[k] = v
return other_attrs, morph_attrs
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True, binding=True
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional, Iterable, Callable
from thinc.api import Model, Config
from ._parser_internals.transition_system import TransitionSystem
from .transition_parser cimport Parser
from ._parser_internals.arc_eager cimport ArcEager
from .functions import merge_subtokens
from ..language import Language
from ._parser_internals import nonproj
from ._parser_internals.nonproj import DELIMITER
from ..scorer import Scorer
from ..util import registry
default_model_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v2"
state_type = "parser"
extra_state_tokens = false
hidden_width = 64
maxout_pieces = 2
use_upper = true
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v2"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 4
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
subword_features = true
DEFAULT_PARSER_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"]
assigns=["token.dep", "token.head", "token.is_sent_start", "doc.sents"],
"moves": None,
"update_with_oracle_cut_size": 100,
"learn_tokens": False,
"min_action_freq": 30,
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.parser_scorer.v1"},
"dep_uas": 0.5,
"dep_las": 0.5,
"dep_las_per_type": None,
"sents_p": None,
"sents_r": None,
"sents_f": 0.0,
def make_parser(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
model: Model,
moves: Optional[TransitionSystem],
update_with_oracle_cut_size: int,
learn_tokens: bool,
min_action_freq: int,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
"""Create a transition-based DependencyParser component. The dependency parser
jointly learns sentence segmentation and labelled dependency parsing, and can
optionally learn to merge tokens that had been over-segmented by the tokenizer.
The parser uses a variant of the non-monotonic arc-eager transition-system
described by Honnibal and Johnson (2014), with the addition of a "break"
transition to perform the sentence segmentation. Nivre's pseudo-projective
dependency transformation is used to allow the parser to predict
non-projective parses.
The parser is trained using an imitation learning objective. The parser follows
the actions predicted by the current weights, and at each state, determines
which actions are compatible with the optimal parse that could be reached
from the current state. The weights such that the scores assigned to the
set of optimal actions is increased, while scores assigned to other
actions are decreased. Note that more than one action may be optimal for
a given state.
model (Model): The model for the transition-based parser. The model needs
to have a specific substructure of named components --- see the for details.
moves (Optional[TransitionSystem]): This defines how the parse-state is created,
updated and evaluated. If 'moves' is None, a new instance is
created with `self.TransitionSystem()`. Defaults to `None`.
update_with_oracle_cut_size (int): During training, cut long sequences into
shorter segments by creating intermediate states based on the gold-standard
history. The model is not very sensitive to this parameter, so you usually
won't need to change it. 100 is a good default.
learn_tokens (bool): Whether to learn to merge subtokens that are split
relative to the gold standard. Experimental.
min_action_freq (int): The minimum frequency of labelled actions to retain.
Rarer labelled actions have their label backed-off to "dep". While this
primarily affects the label accuracy, it can also affect the attachment
structure, as the labels are used to represent the pseudo-projectivity
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method.
return DependencyParser(
# At some point in the future we can try to implement support for
# partial annotations, perhaps only in the beam objective.
assigns=["token.dep", "token.head", "token.is_sent_start", "doc.sents"],
"beam_width": 8,
"beam_density": 0.01,
"beam_update_prob": 0.5,
"moves": None,
"update_with_oracle_cut_size": 100,
"learn_tokens": False,
"min_action_freq": 30,
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.parser_scorer.v1"},
"dep_uas": 0.5,
"dep_las": 0.5,
"dep_las_per_type": None,
"sents_p": None,
"sents_r": None,
"sents_f": 0.0,
def make_beam_parser(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
model: Model,
moves: Optional[TransitionSystem],
update_with_oracle_cut_size: int,
learn_tokens: bool,
min_action_freq: int,
beam_width: int,
beam_density: float,
beam_update_prob: float,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
"""Create a transition-based DependencyParser component that uses beam-search.
The dependency parser jointly learns sentence segmentation and labelled
dependency parsing, and can optionally learn to merge tokens that had been
over-segmented by the tokenizer.
The parser uses a variant of the non-monotonic arc-eager transition-system
described by Honnibal and Johnson (2014), with the addition of a "break"
transition to perform the sentence segmentation. Nivre's pseudo-projective
dependency transformation is used to allow the parser to predict
non-projective parses.
The parser is trained using a global objective. That is, it learns to assign
probabilities to whole parses.
model (Model): The model for the transition-based parser. The model needs
to have a specific substructure of named components --- see the for details.
moves (Optional[TransitionSystem]): This defines how the parse-state is created,
updated and evaluated. If 'moves' is None, a new instance is
created with `self.TransitionSystem()`. Defaults to `None`.
update_with_oracle_cut_size (int): During training, cut long sequences into
shorter segments by creating intermediate states based on the gold-standard
history. The model is not very sensitive to this parameter, so you usually
won't need to change it. 100 is a good default.
beam_width (int): The number of candidate analyses to maintain.
beam_density (float): The minimum ratio between the scores of the first and
last candidates in the beam. This allows the parser to avoid exploring
candidates that are too far behind. This is mostly intended to improve
efficiency, but it can also improve accuracy as deeper search is not
always better.
beam_update_prob (float): The chance of making a beam update, instead of a
greedy update. Greedy updates are an approximation for the beam updates,
and are faster to compute.
learn_tokens (bool): Whether to learn to merge subtokens that are split
relative to the gold standard. Experimental.
min_action_freq (int): The minimum frequency of labelled actions to retain.
Rarer labelled actions have their label backed-off to "dep". While this
primarily affects the label accuracy, it can also affect the attachment
structure, as the labels are used to represent the pseudo-projectivity
return DependencyParser(
# At some point in the future we can try to implement support for
# partial annotations, perhaps only in the beam objective.
def parser_score(examples, **kwargs):
"""Score a batch of examples.
examples (Iterable[Example]): The examples to score.
RETURNS (Dict[str, Any]): The scores, produced by Scorer.score_spans
and Scorer.score_deps.
def has_sents(doc):
return doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
def dep_getter(token, attr):
dep = getattr(token, attr)
dep = token.vocab.strings.as_string(dep).lower()
return dep
results = {}
results.update(Scorer.score_spans(examples, "sents", has_annotation=has_sents, **kwargs))
kwargs.setdefault("getter", dep_getter)
kwargs.setdefault("ignore_labels", ("p", "punct"))
results.update(Scorer.score_deps(examples, "dep", **kwargs))
del results["sents_per_type"]
return results
def make_parser_scorer():
return parser_score
cdef class DependencyParser(Parser):
"""Pipeline component for dependency parsing.
TransitionSystem = ArcEager
def __init__(
"""Create a DependencyParser.
def postprocesses(self):
output = [nonproj.deprojectivize]
if self.cfg.get("learn_tokens") is True:
return tuple(output)
def add_multitask_objective(self, mt_component):
def init_multitask_objectives(self, get_examples, nlp=None, **cfg):
# TODO: transfer self.model.get_ref("tok2vec") to the multitask's model ?
for labeller in self._multitasks:
labeller.model.set_dim("nO", len(self.labels))
if labeller.model.has_ref("output_layer"):
labeller.model.get_ref("output_layer").set_dim("nO", len(self.labels))
labeller.initialize(get_examples, nlp=nlp)
def labels(self):
labels = set()
# Get the labels from the model by looking at the available moves
for move in self.move_names:
if "-" in move:
label = move.split("-")[1]
if DELIMITER in label:
label = label.split(DELIMITER)[1]
return tuple(sorted(labels))
def scored_parses(self, beams):
"""Return two dictionaries with scores for each beam/doc that was processed:
one containing (i, head) keys, and another containing (i, label) keys.
head_scores = []
label_scores = []
for beam in beams:
score_head_dict = defaultdict(float)
score_label_dict = defaultdict(float)
for score, parses in self.moves.get_beam_parses(beam):
for head, i, label in parses:
score_head_dict[(i, head)] += score
score_label_dict[(i, label)] += score
return head_scores, label_scores
def _ensure_labels_are_added(self, docs):
# This gives the parser a chance to add labels it's missing for a batch
# of documents. However, this isn't desirable for the dependency parser,
# because we instead have a label frequency cut-off and back off rare
# labels to 'dep'.
from typing import Optional, Iterable, Callable, Dict, Union, List, Any
from thinc.types import Floats2d
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import islice
import srsly
import random
from thinc.api import CosineDistance, Model, Optimizer, Config
from thinc.api import set_dropout_rate
import warnings
from ..kb import KnowledgeBase, Candidate
from import empty_kb
from ..tokens import Doc, Span
from .pipe import deserialize_config
from .trainable_pipe import TrainablePipe
from ..language import Language
from ..vocab import Vocab
from import Example, validate_examples, validate_get_examples
from ..errors import Errors, Warnings
from ..util import SimpleFrozenList, registry
from .. import util
from ..scorer import Scorer
# See #9050
default_model_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.EntityLinker.v1"
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v2"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 2
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
subword_features = true
DEFAULT_NEL_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"]
requires=["doc.ents", "doc.sents", "token.ent_iob", "token.ent_type"],
"labels_discard": [],
"n_sents": 0,
"incl_prior": True,
"incl_context": True,
"entity_vector_length": 64,
"get_candidates": {"@misc": "spacy.CandidateGenerator.v1"},
"overwrite": True,
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.entity_linker_scorer.v1"},
"nel_micro_f": 1.0,
"nel_micro_r": None,
"nel_micro_p": None,
def make_entity_linker(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
model: Model,
labels_discard: Iterable[str],
n_sents: int,
incl_prior: bool,
incl_context: bool,
entity_vector_length: int,
get_candidates: Callable[[KnowledgeBase, Span], Iterable[Candidate]],
overwrite: bool,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
"""Construct an EntityLinker component.
model (Model[List[Doc], Floats2d]): A model that learns document vector
representations. Given a batch of Doc objects, it should return a single
array, with one row per item in the batch.
labels_discard (Iterable[str]): NER labels that will automatically get a "NIL" prediction.
n_sents (int): The number of neighbouring sentences to take into account.
incl_prior (bool): Whether or not to include prior probabilities from the KB in the model.
incl_context (bool): Whether or not to include the local context in the model.
entity_vector_length (int): Size of encoding vectors in the KB.
get_candidates (Callable[[KnowledgeBase, "Span"], Iterable[Candidate]]): Function that
produces a list of candidates, given a certain knowledge base and a textual mention.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method.
return EntityLinker(
def entity_linker_score(examples, **kwargs):
return Scorer.score_links(examples, negative_labels=[EntityLinker.NIL], **kwargs)
def make_entity_linker_scorer():
return entity_linker_score
class EntityLinker(TrainablePipe):
"""Pipeline component for named entity linking.
NIL = "NIL" # string used to refer to a non-existing link
def __init__(
vocab: Vocab,
model: Model,
name: str = "entity_linker",
labels_discard: Iterable[str],
n_sents: int,
incl_prior: bool,
incl_context: bool,
entity_vector_length: int,
get_candidates: Callable[[KnowledgeBase, Span], Iterable[Candidate]],
overwrite: bool = BACKWARD_OVERWRITE,
scorer: Optional[Callable] = entity_linker_score,
) -> None:
"""Initialize an entity linker.
vocab (Vocab): The shared vocabulary.
model (thinc.api.Model): The Thinc Model powering the pipeline component.
name (str): The component instance name, used to add entries to the
losses during training.
labels_discard (Iterable[str]): NER labels that will automatically get a "NIL" prediction.
n_sents (int): The number of neighbouring sentences to take into account.
incl_prior (bool): Whether or not to include prior probabilities from the KB in the model.
incl_context (bool): Whether or not to include the local context in the model.
entity_vector_length (int): Size of encoding vectors in the KB.
get_candidates (Callable[[KnowledgeBase, Span], Iterable[Candidate]]): Function that
produces a list of candidates, given a certain knowledge base and a textual mention.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
self.labels_discard = list(labels_discard)
self.n_sents = n_sents
self.incl_prior = incl_prior
self.incl_context = incl_context
self.get_candidates = get_candidates
self.cfg: Dict[str, Any] = {"overwrite": overwrite}
self.distance = CosineDistance(normalize=False)
# how many neighbour sentences to take into account
# create an empty KB by default. If you want to load a predefined one, specify it in 'initialize'.
self.kb = empty_kb(entity_vector_length)(self.vocab)
self.scorer = scorer
def set_kb(self, kb_loader: Callable[[Vocab], KnowledgeBase]):
"""Define the KB of this pipe by providing a function that will
create it using this object's vocab."""
if not callable(kb_loader):
raise ValueError(Errors.E885.format(arg_type=type(kb_loader)))
self.kb = kb_loader(self.vocab)
def validate_kb(self) -> None:
# Raise an error if the knowledge base is not initialized.
if self.kb is None:
raise ValueError(Errors.E1018.format(
if len(self.kb) == 0:
raise ValueError(Errors.E139.format(
def initialize(
get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]],
nlp: Optional[Language] = None,
kb_loader: Optional[Callable[[Vocab], KnowledgeBase]] = None,
"""Initialize the pipe for training, using a representative set
of data examples.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
kb_loader (Callable[[Vocab], KnowledgeBase]): A function that creates a KnowledgeBase from a Vocab instance.
Note that providing this argument, will overwrite all data accumulated in the current KB.
Use this only when loading a KB as-such from file.
validate_get_examples(get_examples, "EntityLinker.initialize")
if kb_loader is not None:
nO = self.kb.entity_vector_length
doc_sample = []
vector_sample = []
for example in islice(get_examples(), 10):
assert len(doc_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
assert len(vector_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
X=doc_sample, Y=self.model.ops.asarray(vector_sample, dtype="float32")
def update(
examples: Iterable[Example],
drop: float = 0.0,
sgd: Optional[Optimizer] = None,
losses: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Learn from a batch of documents and gold-standard information,
updating the pipe's model. Delegates to predict and get_loss.
examples (Iterable[Example]): A batch of Example objects.
drop (float): The dropout rate.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
losses (Dict[str, float]): Optional record of the loss during training.
Updated using the component name as the key.
RETURNS (Dict[str, float]): The updated losses dictionary.
if losses is None:
losses = {}
losses.setdefault(, 0.0)
if not examples:
return losses
validate_examples(examples, "EntityLinker.update")
sentence_docs = []
for eg in examples:
sentences = [s for s in eg.reference.sents]
kb_ids = eg.get_aligned("ENT_KB_ID", as_string=True)
for ent in eg.reference.ents:
# KB ID of the first token is the same as the whole span
kb_id = kb_ids[ent.start]
if kb_id:
# find the sentence in the list of sentences.
sent_index = sentences.index(ent.sent)
except AttributeError:
# Catch the exception when ent.sent is None and provide a user-friendly warning
raise RuntimeError(Errors.E030) from None
# get n previous sentences, if there are any
start_sentence = max(0, sent_index - self.n_sents)
# get n posterior sentences, or as many < n as there are
end_sentence = min(len(sentences) - 1, sent_index + self.n_sents)
# get token positions
start_token = sentences[start_sentence].start
end_token = sentences[end_sentence].end
# append that span as a doc to training
sent_doc = eg.predicted[start_token:end_token].as_doc()
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
if not sentence_docs:
warnings.warn(Warnings.W093.format(name="Entity Linker"))
return losses
sentence_encodings, bp_context = self.model.begin_update(sentence_docs)
loss, d_scores = self.get_loss(
sentence_encodings=sentence_encodings, examples=examples
if sgd is not None:
losses[] += loss
return losses
def get_loss(self, examples: Iterable[Example], sentence_encodings: Floats2d):
validate_examples(examples, "EntityLinker.get_loss")
entity_encodings = []
for eg in examples:
kb_ids = eg.get_aligned("ENT_KB_ID", as_string=True)
for ent in eg.reference.ents:
kb_id = kb_ids[ent.start]
if kb_id:
entity_encoding = self.kb.get_vector(kb_id)
entity_encodings = self.model.ops.asarray(entity_encodings, dtype="float32")
if sentence_encodings.shape != entity_encodings.shape:
err = Errors.E147.format(
method="get_loss", msg="gold entities do not match up"
raise RuntimeError(err)
# TODO: fix typing issue here
gradients = self.distance.get_grad(sentence_encodings, entity_encodings) # type: ignore
loss = self.distance.get_loss(sentence_encodings, entity_encodings) # type: ignore
loss = loss / len(entity_encodings)
return float(loss), gradients
def predict(self, docs: Iterable[Doc]) -> List[str]:
"""Apply the pipeline's model to a batch of docs, without modifying them.
Returns the KB IDs for each entity in each doc, including NIL if there is
no prediction.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to predict.
RETURNS (List[str]): The models prediction for each document.
entity_count = 0
final_kb_ids: List[str] = []
if not docs:
return final_kb_ids
if isinstance(docs, Doc):
docs = [docs]
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
sentences = [s for s in doc.sents]
if len(doc) > 0:
# Looping through each entity (TODO: rewrite)
for ent in doc.ents:
sent = ent.sent
sent_index = sentences.index(sent)
assert sent_index >= 0
# get n_neighbour sentences, clipped to the length of the document
start_sentence = max(0, sent_index - self.n_sents)
end_sentence = min(len(sentences) - 1, sent_index + self.n_sents)
start_token = sentences[start_sentence].start
end_token = sentences[end_sentence].end
sent_doc = doc[start_token:end_token].as_doc()
# currently, the context is the same for each entity in a sentence (should be refined)
xp = self.model.ops.xp
if self.incl_context:
sentence_encoding = self.model.predict([sent_doc])[0]
sentence_encoding_t = sentence_encoding.T
sentence_norm = xp.linalg.norm(sentence_encoding_t)
entity_count += 1
if ent.label_ in self.labels_discard:
# ignoring this entity - setting to NIL
candidates = list(self.get_candidates(self.kb, ent))
if not candidates:
# no prediction possible for this entity - setting to NIL
elif len(candidates) == 1:
# shortcut for efficiency reasons: take the 1 candidate
# TODO: thresholding
# set all prior probabilities to 0 if incl_prior=False
prior_probs = xp.asarray([c.prior_prob for c in candidates])
if not self.incl_prior:
prior_probs = xp.asarray([0.0 for _ in candidates])
scores = prior_probs
# add in similarity from the context
if self.incl_context:
entity_encodings = xp.asarray(
[c.entity_vector for c in candidates]
entity_norm = xp.linalg.norm(entity_encodings, axis=1)
if len(entity_encodings) != len(prior_probs):
raise RuntimeError(
msg="vectors not of equal length",
# cosine similarity
sims =, sentence_encoding_t) / (
sentence_norm * entity_norm
if sims.shape != prior_probs.shape:
raise ValueError(Errors.E161)
scores = prior_probs + sims - (prior_probs * sims)
# TODO: thresholding
best_index = scores.argmax().item()
best_candidate = candidates[best_index]
if not (len(final_kb_ids) == entity_count):
err = Errors.E147.format(
method="predict", msg="result variables not of equal length"
raise RuntimeError(err)
return final_kb_ids
def set_annotations(self, docs: Iterable[Doc], kb_ids: List[str]) -> None:
"""Modify a batch of documents, using pre-computed scores.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to modify.
kb_ids (List[str]): The IDs to set, produced by EntityLinker.predict.
count_ents = len([ent for doc in docs for ent in doc.ents])
if count_ents != len(kb_ids):
raise ValueError(Errors.E148.format(ents=count_ents, ids=len(kb_ids)))
i = 0
overwrite = self.cfg["overwrite"]
for doc in docs:
for ent in doc.ents:
kb_id = kb_ids[i]
i += 1
for token in ent:
if token.ent_kb_id == 0 or overwrite:
token.ent_kb_id_ = kb_id
def to_bytes(self, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Serialize the pipe to a bytestring.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (bytes): The serialized object.
serialize = {}
if hasattr(self, "cfg") and self.cfg is not None:
serialize["cfg"] = lambda: srsly.json_dumps(self.cfg)
serialize["vocab"] = lambda: self.vocab.to_bytes(exclude=exclude)
serialize["kb"] = self.kb.to_bytes
serialize["model"] = self.model.to_bytes
return util.to_bytes(serialize, exclude)
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Load the pipe from a bytestring.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (TrainablePipe): The loaded object.
def load_model(b):
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
deserialize = {}
if hasattr(self, "cfg") and self.cfg is not None:
deserialize["cfg"] = lambda b: self.cfg.update(srsly.json_loads(b))
deserialize["vocab"] = lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b, exclude=exclude)
deserialize["kb"] = lambda b: self.kb.from_bytes(b)
deserialize["model"] = load_model
util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserialize, exclude)
return self
def to_disk(
self, path: Union[str, Path], *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> None:
"""Serialize the pipe to disk.
path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
serialize = {}
serialize["vocab"] = lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p, exclude=exclude)
serialize["cfg"] = lambda p: srsly.write_json(p, self.cfg)
serialize["kb"] = lambda p: self.kb.to_disk(p)
serialize["model"] = lambda p: self.model.to_disk(p)
util.to_disk(path, serialize, exclude)
def from_disk(
self, path: Union[str, Path], *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> "EntityLinker":
"""Load the pipe from disk. Modifies the object in place and returns it.
path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (EntityLinker): The modified EntityLinker object.
def load_model(p):
with"rb") as infile:
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
deserialize: Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]] = {}
deserialize["cfg"] = lambda p: self.cfg.update(deserialize_config(p))
deserialize["vocab"] = lambda p: self.vocab.from_disk(p, exclude=exclude)
deserialize["kb"] = lambda p: self.kb.from_disk(p)
deserialize["model"] = load_model
util.from_disk(path, deserialize, exclude)
return self
def rehearse(self, examples, *, sgd=None, losses=None, **config):
raise NotImplementedError
def add_label(self, label):
raise NotImplementedError
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Dict, Tuple, Iterable, Any, Callable, Sequence
from typing import cast
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
import srsly
from .pipe import Pipe
from import Example
from ..language import Language
from ..errors import Errors, Warnings
from ..util import ensure_path, to_disk, from_disk, SimpleFrozenList, registry
from ..tokens import Doc, Span
from ..matcher import Matcher, PhraseMatcher
from ..scorer import get_ner_prf
PatternType = Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]]
assigns=["doc.ents", "token.ent_type", "token.ent_iob"],
"phrase_matcher_attr": None,
"validate": False,
"overwrite_ents": False,
"ent_id_sep": DEFAULT_ENT_ID_SEP,
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.entity_ruler_scorer.v1"},
"ents_f": 1.0,
"ents_p": 0.0,
"ents_r": 0.0,
"ents_per_type": None,
def make_entity_ruler(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
phrase_matcher_attr: Optional[Union[int, str]],
validate: bool,
overwrite_ents: bool,
ent_id_sep: str,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
return EntityRuler(
def entity_ruler_score(examples, **kwargs):
return get_ner_prf(examples)
def make_entity_ruler_scorer():
return entity_ruler_score
class EntityRuler(Pipe):
"""The EntityRuler lets you add spans to the `Doc.ents` using token-based
rules or exact phrase matches. It can be combined with the statistical
`EntityRecognizer` to boost accuracy, or used on its own to implement a
purely rule-based entity recognition system. After initialization, the
component is typically added to the pipeline using `nlp.add_pipe`.
def __init__(
nlp: Language,
name: str = "entity_ruler",
phrase_matcher_attr: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
validate: bool = False,
overwrite_ents: bool = False,
ent_id_sep: str = DEFAULT_ENT_ID_SEP,
patterns: Optional[List[PatternType]] = None,
scorer: Optional[Callable] = entity_ruler_score,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the entity ruler. If patterns are supplied here, they
need to be a list of dictionaries with a `"label"` and `"pattern"`
key. A pattern can either be a token pattern (list) or a phrase pattern
(string). For example: `{'label': 'ORG', 'pattern': 'Apple'}`.
nlp (Language): The shared nlp object to pass the vocab to the matchers
and process phrase patterns.
name (str): Instance name of the current pipeline component. Typically
passed in automatically from the factory when the component is
added. Used to disable the current entity ruler while creating
phrase patterns with the nlp object.
phrase_matcher_attr (int / str): Token attribute to match on, passed
to the internal PhraseMatcher as `attr`
validate (bool): Whether patterns should be validated, passed to
Matcher and PhraseMatcher as `validate`
patterns (iterable): Optional patterns to load in.
overwrite_ents (bool): If existing entities are present, e.g. entities
added by the model, overwrite them by matches if necessary.
ent_id_sep (str): Separator used internally for entity IDs.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
self.nlp = nlp = name
self.overwrite = overwrite_ents
self.token_patterns = defaultdict(list) # type: ignore
self.phrase_patterns = defaultdict(list) # type: ignore
self._validate = validate
self.matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab, validate=validate)
self.phrase_matcher_attr = phrase_matcher_attr
self.phrase_matcher = PhraseMatcher(
nlp.vocab, attr=self.phrase_matcher_attr, validate=validate
self.ent_id_sep = ent_id_sep
self._ent_ids = defaultdict(tuple) # type: ignore
if patterns is not None:
self.scorer = scorer
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""The number of all patterns added to the entity ruler."""
n_token_patterns = sum(len(p) for p in self.token_patterns.values())
n_phrase_patterns = sum(len(p) for p in self.phrase_patterns.values())
return n_token_patterns + n_phrase_patterns
def __contains__(self, label: str) -> bool:
"""Whether a label is present in the patterns."""
return label in self.token_patterns or label in self.phrase_patterns
def __call__(self, doc: Doc) -> Doc:
"""Find matches in document and add them as entities.
doc (Doc): The Doc object in the pipeline.
RETURNS (Doc): The Doc with added entities, if available.
error_handler = self.get_error_handler()
matches = self.match(doc)
self.set_annotations(doc, matches)
return doc
except Exception as e:
return error_handler(, self, [doc], e)
def match(self, doc: Doc):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="\\[W036")
matches = cast(
List[Tuple[int, int, int]],
list(self.matcher(doc)) + list(self.phrase_matcher(doc)),
final_matches = set(
[(m_id, start, end) for m_id, start, end in matches if start != end]
get_sort_key = lambda m: (m[2] - m[1], -m[1])
final_matches = sorted(final_matches, key=get_sort_key, reverse=True)
return final_matches
def set_annotations(self, doc, matches):
"""Modify the document in place"""
entities = list(doc.ents)
new_entities = []
seen_tokens = set()
for match_id, start, end in matches:
if any(t.ent_type for t in doc[start:end]) and not self.overwrite:
# check for end - 1 here because boundaries are inclusive
if start not in seen_tokens and end - 1 not in seen_tokens:
if match_id in self._ent_ids:
label, ent_id = self._ent_ids[match_id]
span = Span(doc, start, end, label=label)
if ent_id:
for token in span:
token.ent_id_ = ent_id
span = Span(doc, start, end, label=match_id)
entities = [
e for e in entities if not (e.start < end and e.end > start)
seen_tokens.update(range(start, end))
doc.ents = entities + new_entities
def labels(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""All labels present in the match patterns.
RETURNS (set): The string labels.
keys = set(self.token_patterns.keys())
all_labels = set()
for l in keys:
if self.ent_id_sep in l:
label, _ = self._split_label(l)
return tuple(sorted(all_labels))
def initialize(
get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]],
nlp: Optional[Language] = None,
patterns: Optional[Sequence[PatternType]] = None,
"""Initialize the pipe for training.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
patterns Optional[Iterable[PatternType]]: The list of patterns.
if patterns:
self.add_patterns(patterns) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def ent_ids(self) -> Tuple[Optional[str], ...]:
"""All entity ids present in the match patterns `id` properties
RETURNS (set): The string entity ids.
keys = set(self.token_patterns.keys())
all_ent_ids = set()
for l in keys:
if self.ent_id_sep in l:
_, ent_id = self._split_label(l)
return tuple(all_ent_ids)
def patterns(self) -> List[PatternType]:
"""Get all patterns that were added to the entity ruler.
RETURNS (list): The original patterns, one dictionary per pattern.
all_patterns = []
for label, patterns in self.token_patterns.items():
for pattern in patterns:
ent_label, ent_id = self._split_label(label)
p = {"label": ent_label, "pattern": pattern}
if ent_id:
p["id"] = ent_id
for label, patterns in self.phrase_patterns.items():
for pattern in patterns:
ent_label, ent_id = self._split_label(label)
p = {"label": ent_label, "pattern": pattern.text}
if ent_id:
p["id"] = ent_id
return all_patterns
def add_patterns(self, patterns: List[PatternType]) -> None:
"""Add patterns to the entity ruler. A pattern can either be a token
pattern (list of dicts) or a phrase pattern (string). For example:
{'label': 'ORG', 'pattern': 'Apple'}
{'label': 'GPE', 'pattern': [{'lower': 'san'}, {'lower': 'francisco'}]}
patterns (list): The patterns to add.
# disable the nlp components after this one in case they hadn't been initialized / deserialised yet
current_index = -1
for i, (name, pipe) in enumerate(self.nlp.pipeline):
if self == pipe:
current_index = i
subsequent_pipes = [pipe for pipe in self.nlp.pipe_names[current_index:]]
except ValueError:
subsequent_pipes = []
with self.nlp.select_pipes(disable=subsequent_pipes):
token_patterns = []
phrase_pattern_labels = []
phrase_pattern_texts = []
phrase_pattern_ids = []
for entry in patterns:
if isinstance(entry["pattern"], str):
elif isinstance(entry["pattern"], list):
phrase_patterns = []
for label, pattern, ent_id in zip(
phrase_pattern = {"label": label, "pattern": pattern}
if ent_id:
phrase_pattern["id"] = ent_id
for entry in token_patterns + phrase_patterns: # type: ignore[operator]
label = entry["label"]
if "id" in entry:
ent_label = label
label = self._create_label(label, entry["id"])
key = self.matcher._normalize_key(label)
self._ent_ids[key] = (ent_label, entry["id"])
pattern = entry["pattern"] # type: ignore
if isinstance(pattern, Doc):
self.phrase_matcher.add(label, [pattern]) # type: ignore
elif isinstance(pattern, list):
self.matcher.add(label, [pattern])
raise ValueError(Errors.E097.format(pattern=pattern))
def clear(self) -> None:
"""Reset all patterns."""
self.token_patterns = defaultdict(list)
self.phrase_patterns = defaultdict(list)
self._ent_ids = defaultdict(tuple)
self.matcher = Matcher(self.nlp.vocab, validate=self._validate)
self.phrase_matcher = PhraseMatcher(
self.nlp.vocab, attr=self.phrase_matcher_attr, validate=self._validate
def _require_patterns(self) -> None:
"""Raise a warning if this component has no patterns defined."""
if len(self) == 0:
def _split_label(self, label: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]:
"""Split Entity label into ent_label and ent_id if it contains self.ent_id_sep
label (str): The value of label in a pattern entry
RETURNS (tuple): ent_label, ent_id
if self.ent_id_sep in label:
ent_label, ent_id = label.rsplit(self.ent_id_sep, 1)
ent_label = label
ent_id = None # type: ignore
return ent_label, ent_id
def _create_label(self, label: Any, ent_id: Any) -> str:
"""Join Entity label with ent_id if the pattern has an `id` attribute
If ent_id is not a string, the label is returned as is.
label (str): The label to set for ent.label_
ent_id (str): The label
RETURNS (str): The ent_label joined with configured `ent_id_sep`
if isinstance(ent_id, str):
label = f"{label}{self.ent_id_sep}{ent_id}"
return label
def from_bytes(
self, patterns_bytes: bytes, *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> "EntityRuler":
"""Load the entity ruler from a bytestring.
patterns_bytes (bytes): The bytestring to load.
RETURNS (EntityRuler): The loaded entity ruler.
cfg = srsly.msgpack_loads(patterns_bytes)
if isinstance(cfg, dict):
self.add_patterns(cfg.get("patterns", cfg))
self.overwrite = cfg.get("overwrite", False)
self.phrase_matcher_attr = cfg.get("phrase_matcher_attr", None)
self.phrase_matcher = PhraseMatcher(
self.nlp.vocab, attr=self.phrase_matcher_attr
self.ent_id_sep = cfg.get("ent_id_sep", DEFAULT_ENT_ID_SEP)
return self
def to_bytes(self, *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()) -> bytes:
"""Serialize the entity ruler patterns to a bytestring.
RETURNS (bytes): The serialized patterns.
serial = {
"overwrite": self.overwrite,
"ent_id_sep": self.ent_id_sep,
"phrase_matcher_attr": self.phrase_matcher_attr,
"patterns": self.patterns,
return srsly.msgpack_dumps(serial)
def from_disk(
self, path: Union[str, Path], *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> "EntityRuler":
"""Load the entity ruler from a file. Expects a file containing
newline-delimited JSON (JSONL) with one entry per line.
path (str / Path): The JSONL file to load.
RETURNS (EntityRuler): The loaded entity ruler.
path = ensure_path(path)
depr_patterns_path = path.with_suffix(".jsonl")
if depr_patterns_path.is_file():
patterns = srsly.read_jsonl(depr_patterns_path)
cfg = {}
deserializers_patterns = {
"patterns": lambda p: self.add_patterns(
deserializers_cfg = {"cfg": lambda p: cfg.update(srsly.read_json(p))}
from_disk(path, deserializers_cfg, {})
self.overwrite = cfg.get("overwrite", False)
self.phrase_matcher_attr = cfg.get("phrase_matcher_attr")
self.ent_id_sep = cfg.get("ent_id_sep", DEFAULT_ENT_ID_SEP)
self.phrase_matcher = PhraseMatcher(
self.nlp.vocab, attr=self.phrase_matcher_attr
from_disk(path, deserializers_patterns, {})
return self
def to_disk(
self, path: Union[str, Path], *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> None:
"""Save the entity ruler patterns to a directory. The patterns will be
saved as newline-delimited JSON (JSONL).
path (str / Path): The JSONL file to save.
path = ensure_path(path)
cfg = {
"overwrite": self.overwrite,
"phrase_matcher_attr": self.phrase_matcher_attr,
"ent_id_sep": self.ent_id_sep,
serializers = {
"patterns": lambda p: srsly.write_jsonl(
p.with_suffix(".jsonl"), self.patterns
"cfg": lambda p: srsly.write_json(p, cfg),
if path.suffix == ".jsonl": # user wants to save only JSONL
srsly.write_jsonl(path, self.patterns)
to_disk(path, serializers, {})
from typing import Dict, Any
import srsly
from ..language import Language
from ..matcher import Matcher
from ..tokens import Doc
from .. import util
requires=["token.dep", "token.tag", "token.pos"],
def merge_noun_chunks(doc: Doc) -> Doc:
"""Merge noun chunks into a single token.
doc (Doc): The Doc object.
RETURNS (Doc): The Doc object with merged noun chunks.
if not doc.has_annotation("DEP"):
return doc
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
for np in doc.noun_chunks:
attrs = {"tag": np.root.tag, "dep": np.root.dep}
retokenizer.merge(np, attrs=attrs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
return doc
requires=["doc.ents", "token.ent_iob", "token.ent_type"],
def merge_entities(doc: Doc):
"""Merge entities into a single token.
doc (Doc): The Doc object.
RETURNS (Doc): The Doc object with merged entities.
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
for ent in doc.ents:
attrs = {"tag": ent.root.tag, "dep": ent.root.dep, "ent_type": ent.label}
retokenizer.merge(ent, attrs=attrs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
return doc
@Language.component("merge_subtokens", requires=["token.dep"], retokenizes=True)
def merge_subtokens(doc: Doc, label: str = "subtok") -> Doc:
"""Merge subtokens into a single token.
doc (Doc): The Doc object.
label (str): The subtoken dependency label.
RETURNS (Doc): The Doc object with merged subtokens.
# TODO: make stateful component with "label" config
merger = Matcher(doc.vocab)
merger.add("SUBTOK", [[{"DEP": label, "op": "+"}]])
matches = merger(doc)
spans = util.filter_spans([doc[start : end + 1] for _, start, end in matches]) # type: ignore[misc, operator]
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
for span in spans:
return doc
default_config={"min_length": 25, "split_length": 10},
def make_token_splitter(
nlp: Language, name: str, *, min_length: int = 0, split_length: int = 0
return TokenSplitter(min_length=min_length, split_length=split_length)
class TokenSplitter:
def __init__(self, min_length: int = 0, split_length: int = 0):
self.min_length = min_length
self.split_length = split_length
def __call__(self, doc: Doc) -> Doc:
if self.min_length > 0 and self.split_length > 0:
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
for t in doc:
if len(t.text) >= self.min_length:
orths = []
heads = []
attrs = {} # type: ignore[var-annotated]
for i in range(0, len(t.text), self.split_length):
orths.append(t.text[i : i + self.split_length])
heads.append((t, i / self.split_length))
retokenizer.split(t, orths, heads, attrs) # type: ignore[arg-type]
return doc
def _get_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"min_length": self.min_length,
"split_length": self.split_length,
def _set_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> None:
self.min_length = config.get("min_length", 0)
self.split_length = config.get("split_length", 0)
def to_bytes(self, **kwargs):
serializers = {
"cfg": lambda: srsly.json_dumps(self._get_config()),
return util.to_bytes(serializers, [])
def from_bytes(self, data, **kwargs):
deserializers = {
"cfg": lambda b: self._set_config(srsly.json_loads(b)),
util.from_bytes(data, deserializers, [])
return self
def to_disk(self, path, **kwargs):
path = util.ensure_path(path)
serializers = {
"cfg": lambda p: srsly.write_json(p, self._get_config()),
return util.to_disk(path, serializers, [])
def from_disk(self, path, **kwargs):
path = util.ensure_path(path)
serializers = {
"cfg": lambda p: self._set_config(srsly.read_json(p)),
util.from_disk(path, serializers, [])
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any, Callable, Iterable, Union, Tuple
from thinc.api import Model
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
from .pipe import Pipe
from ..errors import Errors, Warnings
from ..language import Language
from import Example
from ..lookups import Lookups, load_lookups
from ..scorer import Scorer
from ..tokens import Doc, Token
from ..vocab import Vocab
from ..util import logger, SimpleFrozenList, registry
from .. import util
"model": None,
"mode": "lookup",
"overwrite": False,
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.lemmatizer_scorer.v1"},
default_score_weights={"lemma_acc": 1.0},
def make_lemmatizer(
nlp: Language,
model: Optional[Model],
name: str,
mode: str,
overwrite: bool,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
return Lemmatizer(
nlp.vocab, model, name, mode=mode, overwrite=overwrite, scorer=scorer
def lemmatizer_score(examples: Iterable[Example], **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "lemma", **kwargs)
def make_lemmatizer_scorer():
return lemmatizer_score
class Lemmatizer(Pipe):
The Lemmatizer supports simple part-of-speech-sensitive suffix rules and
lookup tables.
def get_lookups_config(cls, mode: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
"""Returns the lookups configuration settings for a given mode for use
in Lemmatizer.load_lookups.
mode (str): The lemmatizer mode.
RETURNS (Tuple[List[str], List[str]]): The required and optional
lookup tables for this mode.
if mode == "lookup":
return (["lemma_lookup"], [])
elif mode == "rule":
return (["lemma_rules"], ["lemma_exc", "lemma_index"])
return ([], [])
def __init__(
vocab: Vocab,
model: Optional[Model],
name: str = "lemmatizer",
mode: str = "lookup",
overwrite: bool = False,
scorer: Optional[Callable] = lemmatizer_score,
) -> None:
"""Initialize a Lemmatizer.
vocab (Vocab): The vocab.
model (Model): A model (not yet implemented).
name (str): The component name. Defaults to "lemmatizer".
mode (str): The lemmatizer mode: "lookup", "rule". Defaults to "lookup".
overwrite (bool): Whether to overwrite existing lemmas. Defaults to
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
Scorer.score_token_attr for the attribute "lemma".
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
self._mode = mode
self.lookups = Lookups()
self.overwrite = overwrite
self._validated = False
if self.mode == "lookup":
self.lemmatize = self.lookup_lemmatize
elif self.mode == "rule":
self.lemmatize = self.rule_lemmatize
mode_attr = f"{self.mode}_lemmatize"
if not hasattr(self, mode_attr):
raise ValueError(Errors.E1003.format(mode=mode))
self.lemmatize = getattr(self, mode_attr)
self.cache = {} # type: ignore[var-annotated]
self.scorer = scorer
def mode(self):
return self._mode
def __call__(self, doc: Doc) -> Doc:
"""Apply the lemmatizer to one document.
doc (Doc): The Doc to process.
RETURNS (Doc): The processed Doc.
if not self._validated:
error_handler = self.get_error_handler()
for token in doc:
if self.overwrite or token.lemma == 0:
token.lemma_ = self.lemmatize(token)[0]
return doc
except Exception as e:
error_handler(, self, [doc], e)
def initialize(
get_examples: Optional[Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]] = None,
nlp: Optional[Language] = None,
lookups: Optional[Lookups] = None,
"""Initialize the lemmatizer and load in data.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
lookups (Lookups): The lookups object containing the (optional) tables
such as "lemma_rules", "lemma_index", "lemma_exc" and
"lemma_lookup". Defaults to None.
required_tables, optional_tables = self.get_lookups_config(self.mode)
if lookups is None:
logger.debug("Lemmatizer: loading tables from spacy-lookups-data")
lookups = load_lookups(lang=self.vocab.lang, tables=required_tables)
optional_lookups = load_lookups(
lang=self.vocab.lang, tables=optional_tables, strict=False
for table in optional_lookups.tables:
lookups.set_table(table, optional_lookups.get_table(table))
self.lookups = lookups
def _validate_tables(self, error_message: str = Errors.E912) -> None:
"""Check that the lookups are correct for the current mode."""
required_tables, optional_tables = self.get_lookups_config(self.mode)
for table in required_tables:
if table not in self.lookups:
raise ValueError(
self._validated = True
def lookup_lemmatize(self, token: Token) -> List[str]:
"""Lemmatize using a lookup-based approach.
token (Token): The token to lemmatize.
RETURNS (list): The available lemmas for the string.
lookup_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_lookup", {})
result = lookup_table.get(token.text, token.text)
if isinstance(result, str):
result = [result]
return result
def rule_lemmatize(self, token: Token) -> List[str]:
"""Lemmatize using a rule-based approach.
token (Token): The token to lemmatize.
RETURNS (list): The available lemmas for the string.
cache_key = (token.orth, token.pos, token.morph.key) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if cache_key in self.cache:
return self.cache[cache_key]
string = token.text
univ_pos = token.pos_.lower()
if univ_pos in ("", "eol", "space"):
if univ_pos == "":
return [string.lower()]
# See Issue #435 for example of where this logic is requied.
if self.is_base_form(token):
return [string.lower()]
index_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_index", {})
exc_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_exc", {})
rules_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules", {})
if not any(
if univ_pos == "propn":
return [string]
return [string.lower()]
index = index_table.get(univ_pos, {})
exceptions = exc_table.get(univ_pos, {})
rules = rules_table.get(univ_pos, {})
orig = string
string = string.lower()
forms = []
oov_forms = []
for old, new in rules:
if string.endswith(old):
form = string[: len(string) - len(old)] + new
if not form:
elif form in index or not form.isalpha():
# Remove duplicates but preserve the ordering of applied "rules"
forms = list(dict.fromkeys(forms))
# Put exceptions at the front of the list, so they get priority.
# This is a dodgy heuristic -- but it's the best we can do until we get
# frequencies on this. We can at least prune out problematic exceptions,
# if they shadow more frequent analyses.
for form in exceptions.get(string, []):
if form not in forms:
forms.insert(0, form)
if not forms:
if not forms:
self.cache[cache_key] = forms
return forms
def is_base_form(self, token: Token) -> bool:
"""Check whether the token is a base form that does not need further
analysis for lemmatization.
token (Token): The token.
RETURNS (bool): Whether the token is a base form.
return False
def to_disk(
self, path: Union[str, Path], *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
"""Serialize the pipe to disk.
path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
serialize = {}
serialize["vocab"] = lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p, exclude=exclude)
serialize["lookups"] = lambda p: self.lookups.to_disk(p)
util.to_disk(path, serialize, exclude)
def from_disk(
self, path: Union[str, Path], *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> "Lemmatizer":
"""Load the pipe from disk. Modifies the object in place and returns it.
path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (Lemmatizer): The modified Lemmatizer object.
deserialize: Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]] = {}
deserialize["vocab"] = lambda p: self.vocab.from_disk(p, exclude=exclude)
deserialize["lookups"] = lambda p: self.lookups.from_disk(p)
util.from_disk(path, deserialize, exclude)
return self
def to_bytes(self, *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()) -> bytes:
"""Serialize the pipe to a bytestring.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (bytes): The serialized object.
serialize = {}
serialize["vocab"] = lambda: self.vocab.to_bytes(exclude=exclude)
serialize["lookups"] = self.lookups.to_bytes
return util.to_bytes(serialize, exclude)
def from_bytes(
self, bytes_data: bytes, *, exclude: Iterable[str] = SimpleFrozenList()
) -> "Lemmatizer":
"""Load the pipe from a bytestring.
bytes_data (bytes): The serialized pipe.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (Lemmatizer): The loaded Lemmatizer.
deserialize: Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]] = {}
deserialize["vocab"] = lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b, exclude=exclude)
deserialize["lookups"] = lambda b: self.lookups.from_bytes(b)
util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserialize, exclude)
return self
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True, binding=True
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Callable
import srsly
from thinc.api import SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy, Model, Config
from itertools import islice
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from ..vocab cimport Vocab
from ..morphology cimport Morphology
from ..parts_of_speech import IDS as POS_IDS
from ..symbols import POS
from ..language import Language
from ..errors import Errors
from .pipe import deserialize_config
from .tagger import Tagger
from .. import util
from ..scorer import Scorer
from import validate_examples, validate_get_examples
from ..util import registry
# See #9050
default_model_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.Tagger.v1"
@architectures = "spacy.Tok2Vec.v2"
@architectures = "spacy.CharacterEmbed.v2"
width = 128
rows = 7000
nM = 64
nC = 8
include_static_vectors = false
@architectures = "spacy.MaxoutWindowEncoder.v2"
width = 128
depth = 4
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
DEFAULT_MORPH_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"]
assigns=["token.morph", "token.pos"],
default_config={"model": DEFAULT_MORPH_MODEL, "overwrite": True, "extend": False, "scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.morphologizer_scorer.v1"}},
default_score_weights={"pos_acc": 0.5, "morph_acc": 0.5, "morph_per_feat": None},
def make_morphologizer(
nlp: Language,
model: Model,
name: str,
overwrite: bool,
extend: bool,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
return Morphologizer(nlp.vocab, model, name, overwrite=overwrite, extend=extend, scorer=scorer)
def morphologizer_score(examples, **kwargs):
def morph_key_getter(token, attr):
return getattr(token, attr).key
results = {}
results.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "pos", **kwargs))
results.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "morph", getter=morph_key_getter, **kwargs))
"morph", getter=morph_key_getter, **kwargs))
return results
def make_morphologizer_scorer():
return morphologizer_score
class Morphologizer(Tagger):
def __init__(
vocab: Vocab,
model: Model,
name: str = "morphologizer",
overwrite: bool = BACKWARD_OVERWRITE,
extend: bool = BACKWARD_EXTEND,
scorer: Optional[Callable] = morphologizer_score,
"""Initialize a morphologizer.
vocab (Vocab): The shared vocabulary.
model (thinc.api.Model): The Thinc Model powering the pipeline component.
name (str): The component instance name, used to add entries to the
losses during training.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
Scorer.score_token_attr for the attributes "pos" and "morph" and
Scorer.score_token_attr_per_feat for the attribute "morph".
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
self._rehearsal_model = None
# to be able to set annotations without string operations on labels,
# store mappings from morph+POS labels to token-level annotations:
# 1) labels_morph stores a mapping from morph+POS->morph
# 2) labels_pos stores a mapping from morph+POS->POS
cfg = {
"labels_morph": {},
"labels_pos": {},
"overwrite": overwrite,
"extend": extend,
self.cfg = dict(sorted(cfg.items()))
self.scorer = scorer
def labels(self):
"""RETURNS (Tuple[str]): The labels currently added to the component."""
return tuple(self.cfg["labels_morph"].keys())
def label_data(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, float, int, None]]]:
"""A dictionary with all labels data."""
return {"morph": self.cfg["labels_morph"], "pos": self.cfg["labels_pos"]}
def add_label(self, label):
"""Add a new label to the pipe.
label (str): The label to add.
RETURNS (int): 0 if label is already present, otherwise 1.
if not isinstance(label, str):
raise ValueError(Errors.E187)
if label in self.labels:
return 0
# normalize label
norm_label = self.vocab.morphology.normalize_features(label)
# extract separate POS and morph tags
label_dict = Morphology.feats_to_dict(label)
pos = label_dict.get(self.POS_FEAT, "")
if self.POS_FEAT in label_dict:
# normalize morph string and add to morphology table
norm_morph = self.vocab.strings[self.vocab.morphology.add(label_dict)]
# add label mappings
if norm_label not in self.cfg["labels_morph"]:
self.cfg["labels_morph"][norm_label] = norm_morph
self.cfg["labels_pos"][norm_label] = POS_IDS[pos]
return 1
def initialize(self, get_examples, *, nlp=None, labels=None):
"""Initialize the pipe for training, using a representative set
of data examples.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
validate_get_examples(get_examples, "Morphologizer.initialize")
util.check_lexeme_norms(self.vocab, "morphologizer")
if labels is not None:
self.cfg["labels_morph"] = labels["morph"]
self.cfg["labels_pos"] = labels["pos"]
# First, fetch all labels from the data
for example in get_examples():
for i, token in enumerate(example.reference):
pos = token.pos_
# if both are unset, annotation is missing, so do not add
# an empty label
if pos == "" and not token.has_morph():
morph = str(token.morph)
# create and add the combined morph+POS label
morph_dict = Morphology.feats_to_dict(morph)
if pos:
morph_dict[self.POS_FEAT] = pos
norm_label = self.vocab.strings[self.vocab.morphology.add(morph_dict)]
# add label->morph and label->POS mappings
if norm_label not in self.cfg["labels_morph"]:
self.cfg["labels_morph"][norm_label] = morph
self.cfg["labels_pos"][norm_label] = POS_IDS[pos]
if len(self.labels) < 1:
raise ValueError(Errors.E143.format(
doc_sample = []
label_sample = []
for example in islice(get_examples(), 10):
gold_array = []
for i, token in enumerate(example.reference):
pos = token.pos_
morph = str(token.morph)
morph_dict = Morphology.feats_to_dict(morph)
if pos:
morph_dict[self.POS_FEAT] = pos
norm_label = self.vocab.strings[self.vocab.morphology.add(morph_dict)]
gold_array.append([1.0 if label == norm_label else 0.0 for label in self.labels])
label_sample.append(self.model.ops.asarray(gold_array, dtype="float32"))
assert len(doc_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
assert len(label_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
self.model.initialize(X=doc_sample, Y=label_sample)
def set_annotations(self, docs, batch_tag_ids):
"""Modify a batch of documents, using pre-computed scores.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to modify.
batch_tag_ids: The IDs to set, produced by Morphologizer.predict.
if isinstance(docs, Doc):
docs = [docs]
cdef Doc doc
cdef Vocab vocab = self.vocab
cdef bint overwrite = self.cfg["overwrite"]
cdef bint extend = self.cfg["extend"]
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
doc_tag_ids = batch_tag_ids[i]
if hasattr(doc_tag_ids, "get"):
doc_tag_ids = doc_tag_ids.get()
for j, tag_id in enumerate(doc_tag_ids):
morph = self.labels[tag_id]
# set morph
if doc.c[j].morph == 0 or overwrite or extend:
if overwrite and extend:
# morphologizer morph overwrites any existing features
# while extending
extended_morph = Morphology.feats_to_dict(self.vocab.strings[doc.c[j].morph])
extended_morph.update(Morphology.feats_to_dict(self.cfg["labels_morph"].get(morph, 0)))
doc.c[j].morph = self.vocab.morphology.add(extended_morph)
elif extend:
# existing features are preserved and any new features
# are added
extended_morph = Morphology.feats_to_dict(self.cfg["labels_morph"].get(morph, 0))
doc.c[j].morph = self.vocab.morphology.add(extended_morph)
# clobber
doc.c[j].morph = self.vocab.morphology.add(self.cfg["labels_morph"].get(morph, 0))
# set POS
if doc.c[j].pos == 0 or overwrite:
doc.c[j].pos = self.cfg["labels_pos"].get(morph, 0)
def get_loss(self, examples, scores):
"""Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and
their predicted scores.
examples (Iterable[Examples]): The batch of examples.
scores: Scores representing the model's predictions.
RETURNS (Tuple[float, float]): The loss and the gradient.
validate_examples(examples, "Morphologizer.get_loss")
loss_func = SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy(names=self.labels, normalize=False)
truths = []
for eg in examples:
eg_truths = []
pos_tags = eg.get_aligned("POS", as_string=True)
morphs = eg.get_aligned("MORPH", as_string=True)
for i in range(len(morphs)):
pos = pos_tags[i]
morph = morphs[i]
# POS may align (same value for multiple tokens) when morph
# doesn't, so if either is misaligned (None), treat the
# annotation as missing so that truths doesn't end up with an
# unknown morph+POS combination
if pos is None or morph is None:
label = None
# If both are unset, the annotation is missing (empty morph
# converted from int is "_" rather than "")
elif pos == "" and morph == "":
label = None
# Otherwise, generate the combined label
label_dict = Morphology.feats_to_dict(morph)
if pos:
label_dict[self.POS_FEAT] = pos
label = self.vocab.strings[self.vocab.morphology.add(label_dict)]
# As a fail-safe, skip any unrecognized labels
if label not in self.labels:
label = None
d_scores, loss = loss_func(scores, truths)
if self.model.ops.xp.isnan(loss):
raise ValueError(Errors.E910.format(
return float(loss), d_scores
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True, binding=True
from typing import Optional
import numpy
from thinc.api import CosineDistance, to_categorical, Model, Config
from thinc.api import set_dropout_rate
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from .trainable_pipe import TrainablePipe
from .tagger import Tagger
from import validate_examples
from ..language import Language
from ._parser_internals import nonproj
from ..attrs import POS, ID
from ..errors import Errors
default_model_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.MultiTask.v1"
maxout_pieces = 3
token_vector_width = 96
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v2"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 4
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 2
subword_features = true
DEFAULT_MT_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"]
default_config={"labels": None, "target": "dep_tag_offset", "model": DEFAULT_MT_MODEL}
def make_nn_labeller(nlp: Language, name: str, model: Model, labels: Optional[dict], target: str):
return MultitaskObjective(nlp.vocab, model, name)
class MultitaskObjective(Tagger):
"""Experimental: Assist training of a parser or tagger, by training a
def __init__(self, vocab, model, name="nn_labeller", *, target):
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
if target == "dep":
self.make_label = self.make_dep
elif target == "tag":
self.make_label = self.make_tag
elif target == "ent":
self.make_label = self.make_ent
elif target == "dep_tag_offset":
self.make_label = self.make_dep_tag_offset
elif target == "ent_tag":
self.make_label = self.make_ent_tag
elif target == "sent_start":
self.make_label = self.make_sent_start
elif hasattr(target, "__call__"):
self.make_label = target
raise ValueError(Errors.E016)
cfg = {"labels": {}, "target": target}
self.cfg = dict(cfg)
def labels(self):
return self.cfg.setdefault("labels", {})
def labels(self, value):
self.cfg["labels"] = value
def set_annotations(self, docs, dep_ids):
def initialize(self, get_examples, nlp=None, labels=None):
if not hasattr(get_examples, "__call__"):
err = Errors.E930.format(name="MultitaskObjective", obj=type(get_examples))
raise ValueError(err)
if labels is not None:
self.labels = labels
for example in get_examples():
for token in example.y:
label = self.make_label(token)
if label is not None and label not in self.labels:
self.labels[label] = len(self.labels)
self.model.initialize() # TODO: fix initialization by defining X and Y
def predict(self, docs):
tokvecs = self.model.get_ref("tok2vec")(docs)
scores = self.model.get_ref("softmax")(tokvecs)
return tokvecs, scores
def get_loss(self, examples, scores):
cdef int idx = 0
correct = numpy.zeros((scores.shape[0],), dtype="i")
guesses = scores.argmax(axis=1)
docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples]
for i, eg in enumerate(examples):
# Handles alignment for tokenization differences
doc_annots = eg.get_aligned() # TODO
for j in range(len(eg.predicted)):
tok_annots = {key: values[j] for key, values in tok_annots.items()}
label = self.make_label(j, tok_annots)
if label is None or label not in self.labels:
correct[idx] = guesses[idx]
correct[idx] = self.labels[label]
idx += 1
correct = self.model.ops.xp.array(correct, dtype="i")
d_scores = scores - to_categorical(correct, n_classes=scores.shape[1])
loss = (d_scores**2).sum()
return float(loss), d_scores
def make_dep(token):
return token.dep_
def make_tag(token):
return token.tag_
def make_ent(token):
if token.ent_iob_ == "O":
return "O"
return token.ent_iob_ + "-" + token.ent_type_
def make_dep_tag_offset(token):
dep = token.dep_
tag = token.tag_
offset = token.head.i - token.i
offset = min(offset, 2)
offset = max(offset, -2)
return f"{dep}-{tag}:{offset}"
def make_ent_tag(token):
if token.ent_iob_ == "O":
ent = "O"
ent = token.ent_iob_ + "-" + token.ent_type_
tag = token.tag_
return f"{tag}-{ent}"
def make_sent_start(token):
"""A multi-task objective for representing sentence boundaries,
using BILU scheme. (O is impossible)
if token.is_sent_start and token.is_sent_end:
return "U-SENT"
elif token.is_sent_start:
return "B-SENT"
return "I-SENT"
class ClozeMultitask(TrainablePipe):
def __init__(self, vocab, model, **cfg):
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model
self.cfg = cfg
self.distance = CosineDistance(ignore_zeros=True, normalize=False) # TODO: in config
def set_annotations(self, docs, dep_ids):
def initialize(self, get_examples, nlp=None):
self.model.initialize() # TODO: fix initialization by defining X and Y
X = self.model.ops.alloc((5, self.model.get_ref("tok2vec").get_dim("nO")))
def predict(self, docs):
tokvecs = self.model.get_ref("tok2vec")(docs)
vectors = self.model.get_ref("output_layer")(tokvecs)
return tokvecs, vectors
def get_loss(self, examples, vectors, prediction):
validate_examples(examples, "ClozeMultitask.get_loss")
# The simplest way to implement this would be to vstack the
# token.vector values, but that's a bit inefficient, especially on GPU.
# Instead we fetch the index into the vectors table for each of our tokens,
# and look them up all at once. This prevents data copying.
ids = self.model.ops.flatten([eg.predicted.to_array(ID).ravel() for eg in examples])
target = vectors[ids]
gradient = self.distance.get_grad(prediction, target)
loss = self.distance.get_loss(prediction, target)
return float(loss), gradient
def update(self, examples, *, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None):
def rehearse(self, examples, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None):
if losses is not None and not in losses:
losses[] = 0.
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
validate_examples(examples, "ClozeMultitask.rehearse")
docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples]
predictions, bp_predictions = self.model.begin_update()
loss, d_predictions = self.get_loss(examples,, predictions)
if sgd is not None:
if losses is not None:
losses[] += loss
return losses
def add_label(self, label):
raise NotImplementedError
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True, binding=True
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional, Iterable, Callable
from thinc.api import Model, Config
from ._parser_internals.transition_system import TransitionSystem
from .transition_parser cimport Parser
from ._parser_internals.ner cimport BiluoPushDown
from ..language import Language
from ..scorer import get_ner_prf, PRFScore
from ..util import registry
default_model_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v2"
state_type = "ner"
extra_state_tokens = false
hidden_width = 64
maxout_pieces = 2
use_upper = true
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v2"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 4
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
subword_features = true
DEFAULT_NER_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"]
assigns=["doc.ents", "token.ent_iob", "token.ent_type"],
"moves": None,
"update_with_oracle_cut_size": 100,
"incorrect_spans_key": None,
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.ner_scorer.v1"},
default_score_weights={"ents_f": 1.0, "ents_p": 0.0, "ents_r": 0.0, "ents_per_type": None},
def make_ner(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
model: Model,
moves: Optional[TransitionSystem],
update_with_oracle_cut_size: int,
incorrect_spans_key: Optional[str],
scorer: Optional[Callable],
"""Create a transition-based EntityRecognizer component. The entity recognizer
identifies non-overlapping labelled spans of tokens.
The transition-based algorithm used encodes certain assumptions that are
effective for "traditional" named entity recognition tasks, but may not be
a good fit for every span identification problem. Specifically, the loss
function optimizes for whole entity accuracy, so if your inter-annotator
agreement on boundary tokens is low, the component will likely perform poorly
on your problem. The transition-based algorithm also assumes that the most
decisive information about your entities will be close to their initial tokens.
If your entities are long and characterised by tokens in their middle, the
component will likely do poorly on your task.
model (Model): The model for the transition-based parser. The model needs
to have a specific substructure of named components --- see the for details.
moves (Optional[TransitionSystem]): This defines how the parse-state is created,
updated and evaluated. If 'moves' is None, a new instance is
created with `self.TransitionSystem()`. Defaults to `None`.
update_with_oracle_cut_size (int): During training, cut long sequences into
shorter segments by creating intermediate states based on the gold-standard
history. The model is not very sensitive to this parameter, so you usually
won't need to change it. 100 is a good default.
incorrect_spans_key (Optional[str]): Identifies spans that are known
to be incorrect entity annotations. The incorrect entity annotations
can be stored in the span group, under this key.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method.
return EntityRecognizer(
assigns=["doc.ents", "token.ent_iob", "token.ent_type"],
"moves": None,
"update_with_oracle_cut_size": 100,
"beam_density": 0.01,
"beam_update_prob": 0.5,
"beam_width": 32,
"incorrect_spans_key": None,
"scorer": None,
default_score_weights={"ents_f": 1.0, "ents_p": 0.0, "ents_r": 0.0, "ents_per_type": None},
def make_beam_ner(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
model: Model,
moves: Optional[TransitionSystem],
update_with_oracle_cut_size: int,
beam_width: int,
beam_density: float,
beam_update_prob: float,
incorrect_spans_key: Optional[str],
scorer: Optional[Callable],
"""Create a transition-based EntityRecognizer component that uses beam-search.
The entity recognizer identifies non-overlapping labelled spans of tokens.
The transition-based algorithm used encodes certain assumptions that are
effective for "traditional" named entity recognition tasks, but may not be
a good fit for every span identification problem. Specifically, the loss
function optimizes for whole entity accuracy, so if your inter-annotator
agreement on boundary tokens is low, the component will likely perform poorly
on your problem. The transition-based algorithm also assumes that the most
decisive information about your entities will be close to their initial tokens.
If your entities are long and characterised by tokens in their middle, the
component will likely do poorly on your task.
model (Model): The model for the transition-based parser. The model needs
to have a specific substructure of named components --- see the for details.
moves (Optional[TransitionSystem]): This defines how the parse-state is created,
updated and evaluated. If 'moves' is None, a new instance is
created with `self.TransitionSystem()`. Defaults to `None`.
update_with_oracle_cut_size (int): During training, cut long sequences into
shorter segments by creating intermediate states based on the gold-standard
history. The model is not very sensitive to this parameter, so you usually
won't need to change it. 100 is a good default.
beam_width (int): The number of candidate analyses to maintain.
beam_density (float): The minimum ratio between the scores of the first and
last candidates in the beam. This allows the parser to avoid exploring
candidates that are too far behind. This is mostly intended to improve
efficiency, but it can also improve accuracy as deeper search is not
always better.
beam_update_prob (float): The chance of making a beam update, instead of a
greedy update. Greedy updates are an approximation for the beam updates,
and are faster to compute.
incorrect_spans_key (Optional[str]): Optional key into span groups of
entities known to be non-entities.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method.
return EntityRecognizer(
def ner_score(examples, **kwargs):
return get_ner_prf(examples, **kwargs)
def make_ner_scorer():
return ner_score
cdef class EntityRecognizer(Parser):
"""Pipeline component for named entity recognition.
TransitionSystem = BiluoPushDown
def __init__(
"""Create an EntityRecognizer.
min_action_freq=1, # not relevant for NER
learn_tokens=False, # not relevant for NER
def add_multitask_objective(self, mt_component):
"""Register another component as a multi-task objective. Experimental."""
def init_multitask_objectives(self, get_examples, nlp=None, **cfg):
"""Setup multi-task objective components. Experimental and internal."""
# TODO: transfer self.model.get_ref("tok2vec") to the multitask's model ?
for labeller in self._multitasks:
labeller.model.set_dim("nO", len(self.labels))
if labeller.model.has_ref("output_layer"):
labeller.model.get_ref("output_layer").set_dim("nO", len(self.labels))
labeller.initialize(get_examples, nlp=nlp)
def labels(self):
# Get the labels from the model by looking at the available moves, e.g.
labels = set(move.split("-")[1] for move in self.move_names
if move[0] in ("B", "I", "L", "U"))
return tuple(sorted(labels))
def scored_ents(self, beams):
"""Return a dictionary of (start, end, label) tuples with corresponding scores
for each beam/doc that was processed.
entity_scores = []
for beam in beams:
score_dict = defaultdict(float)
for score, ents in self.moves.get_beam_parses(beam):
for start, end, label in ents:
score_dict[(start, end, label)] += score
return entity_scores
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
cdef class Pipe:
cdef public str name
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List
from typing import NoReturn, Optional, Tuple, Union
from ..tokens.doc import Doc
from import Example
from ..language import Language
class Pipe:
def __call__(self, doc: Doc) -> Doc: ...
def pipe(
self, stream: Iterable[Doc], *, batch_size: int = ...
) -> Iterator[Doc]: ...
def initialize(
get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]],
nlp: Language = ...,
) -> None: ...
def score(
self, examples: Iterable[Example], **kwargs: Any
) -> Dict[str, Union[float, Dict[str, float]]]: ...
def is_trainable(self) -> bool: ...
def labels(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: ...
def label_data(self) -> Any: ...
def _require_labels(self) -> None: ...
def set_error_handler(
self, error_handler: Callable[[str, "Pipe", List[Doc], Exception], NoReturn]
) -> None: ...
def get_error_handler(
) -> Callable[[str, "Pipe", List[Doc], Exception], NoReturn]: ...
def deserialize_config(path: Path) -> Any: ...
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Iterable, Iterator, Callable, Union, Dict
import srsly
import warnings
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from import Example
from ..errors import Errors, Warnings
from ..language import Language
from ..util import raise_error
cdef class Pipe:
"""This class is a base class and not instantiated directly. It provides
an interface for pipeline components to implement.
Trainable pipeline components like the EntityRecognizer or TextCategorizer
should inherit from the subclass 'TrainablePipe'.
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
"""Raise a warning if an inheriting class implements 'begin_training'
(from v2) instead of the new 'initialize' method (from v3)"""
if hasattr(cls, "begin_training"):
def __call__(self, Doc doc) -> Doc:
"""Apply the pipe to one document. The document is modified in place,
and returned. This usually happens under the hood when the nlp object
is called on a text and all components are applied to the Doc.
docs (Doc): The Doc to process.
RETURNS (Doc): The processed Doc.
raise NotImplementedError(Errors.E931.format(parent="Pipe", method="__call__",
def pipe(self, stream: Iterable[Doc], *, batch_size: int=128) -> Iterator[Doc]:
"""Apply the pipe to a stream of documents. This usually happens under
the hood when the nlp object is called on a text and all components are
applied to the Doc.
stream (Iterable[Doc]): A stream of documents.
batch_size (int): The number of documents to buffer.
YIELDS (Doc): Processed documents in order.
error_handler = self.get_error_handler()
for doc in stream:
doc = self(doc)
yield doc
except Exception as e:
error_handler(, self, [doc], e)
def initialize(self, get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]], *, nlp: Language=None):
"""Initialize the pipe. For non-trainable components, this method
is optional. For trainable components, which should inherit
from the subclass TrainablePipe, the provided data examples
should be used to ensure that the internal model is initialized
properly and all input/output dimensions throughout the network are
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
def score(self, examples: Iterable[Example], **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Union[float, Dict[str, float]]]:
"""Score a batch of examples.
examples (Iterable[Example]): The examples to score.
RETURNS (Dict[str, Any]): The scores.
if hasattr(self, "scorer") and self.scorer is not None:
scorer_kwargs = {}
# use default settings from cfg (e.g., threshold)
if hasattr(self, "cfg") and isinstance(self.cfg, dict):
# override self.cfg["labels"] with self.labels
if hasattr(self, "labels"):
scorer_kwargs["labels"] = self.labels
# override with kwargs settings
return self.scorer(examples, **scorer_kwargs)
return {}
def is_trainable(self) -> bool:
return False
def labels(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return tuple()
def label_data(self):
"""Optional JSON-serializable data that would be sufficient to recreate
the label set if provided to the `pipe.initialize()` method.
return None
def _require_labels(self) -> None:
"""Raise an error if this component has no labels defined."""
if not self.labels or list(self.labels) == [""]:
raise ValueError(Errors.E143.format(
def set_error_handler(self, error_handler: Callable) -> None:
"""Set an error handler function.
error_handler (Callable[[str, Callable[[Doc], Doc], List[Doc], Exception], None]):
Function that deals with a failing batch of documents. This callable function should take in
the component's name, the component itself, the offending batch of documents, and the exception
that was thrown.
self.error_handler = error_handler
def get_error_handler(self) -> Callable:
"""Retrieve the error handler function.
RETURNS (Callable): The error handler, or if it's not set a default function that just reraises.
if hasattr(self, "error_handler"):
return self.error_handler
return raise_error
def deserialize_config(path):
if path.exists():
return srsly.read_json(path)
return {}
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True, binding=True
from typing import Optional, List, Callable
import srsly
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from .pipe import Pipe
from .senter import senter_score
from ..language import Language
from ..scorer import Scorer
from .. import util
# see #9050
assigns=["token.is_sent_start", "doc.sents"],
default_config={"punct_chars": None, "overwrite": False, "scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.senter_scorer.v1"}},
default_score_weights={"sents_f": 1.0, "sents_p": 0.0, "sents_r": 0.0},
def make_sentencizer(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
punct_chars: Optional[List[str]],
overwrite: bool,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
return Sentencizer(name, punct_chars=punct_chars, overwrite=overwrite, scorer=scorer)
class Sentencizer(Pipe):
"""Segment the Doc into sentences using a rule-based strategy.
default_punct_chars = ['!', '.', '?', '։', '؟', '۔', '܀', '܁', '܂', '߹',
'।', '॥', '၊', '။', '።', '፧', '፨', '᙮', '᜵', '᜶', '᠃', '᠉', '᥄',
'᥅', '᪨', '᪩', '᪪', '᪫', '᭚', '᭛', '᭞', '᭟', '᰻', '᰼', '᱾', '᱿',
'‼', '‽', '⁇', '⁈', '⁉', '⸮', '⸼', '꓿', '꘎', '꘏', '꛳', '꛷', '꡶',
'꡷', '꣎', '꣏', '꤯', '꧈', '꧉', '꩝', '꩞', '꩟', '꫰', '꫱', '꯫', '﹒',
'﹖', '﹗', '!', '.', '?', '𐩖', '𐩗', '𑁇', '𑁈', '𑂾', '𑂿', '𑃀',
'𑃁', '𑅁', '𑅂', '𑅃', '𑇅', '𑇆', '𑇍', '𑇞', '𑇟', '𑈸', '𑈹', '𑈻', '𑈼',
'𑊩', '𑑋', '𑑌', '𑗂', '𑗃', '𑗉', '𑗊', '𑗋', '𑗌', '𑗍', '𑗎', '𑗏', '𑗐',
'𑗑', '𑗒', '𑗓', '𑗔', '𑗕', '𑗖', '𑗗', '𑙁', '𑙂', '𑜼', '𑜽', '𑜾', '𑩂',
'𑩃', '𑪛', '𑪜', '𑱁', '𑱂', '𖩮', '𖩯', '𖫵', '𖬷', '𖬸', '𖭄', '𛲟', '𝪈',
'。', '。']
def __init__(
"""Initialize the sentencizer.
punct_chars (list): Punctuation characters to split on. Will be
serialized with the nlp object.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
Scorer.score_spans for the attribute "sents".
""" = name
if punct_chars:
self.punct_chars = set(punct_chars)
self.punct_chars = set(self.default_punct_chars)
self.overwrite = overwrite
self.scorer = scorer
def __call__(self, doc):
"""Apply the sentencizer to a Doc and set Token.is_sent_start.
doc (Doc): The document to process.
RETURNS (Doc): The processed Doc.
error_handler = self.get_error_handler()
tags = self.predict([doc])
self.set_annotations([doc], tags)
return doc
except Exception as e:
error_handler(, self, [doc], e)
def predict(self, docs):
"""Apply the pipe to a batch of docs, without modifying them.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to predict.
RETURNS: The predictions for each document.
if not any(len(doc) for doc in docs):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
guesses = [[] for doc in docs]
return guesses
guesses = []
for doc in docs:
doc_guesses = [False] * len(doc)
if len(doc) > 0:
start = 0
seen_period = False
doc_guesses[0] = True
for i, token in enumerate(doc):
is_in_punct_chars = token.text in self.punct_chars
if seen_period and not token.is_punct and not is_in_punct_chars:
doc_guesses[start] = True
start = token.i
seen_period = False
elif is_in_punct_chars:
seen_period = True
if start < len(doc):
doc_guesses[start] = True
return guesses
def set_annotations(self, docs, batch_tag_ids):
"""Modify a batch of documents, using pre-computed scores.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to modify.
scores: The tag IDs produced by Sentencizer.predict.
if isinstance(docs, Doc):
docs = [docs]
cdef Doc doc
cdef int idx = 0
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
doc_tag_ids = batch_tag_ids[i]
for j, tag_id in enumerate(doc_tag_ids):
if doc.c[j].sent_start == 0 or self.overwrite:
if tag_id:
doc.c[j].sent_start = 1
doc.c[j].sent_start = -1
def to_bytes(self, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Serialize the sentencizer to a bytestring.
RETURNS (bytes): The serialized object.
return srsly.msgpack_dumps({"punct_chars": list(self.punct_chars), "overwrite": self.overwrite})
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Load the sentencizer from a bytestring.
bytes_data (bytes): The data to load.
returns (Sentencizer): The loaded object.
cfg = srsly.msgpack_loads(bytes_data)
self.punct_chars = set(cfg.get("punct_chars", self.default_punct_chars))
self.overwrite = cfg.get("overwrite", self.overwrite)
return self
def to_disk(self, path, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Serialize the sentencizer to disk.
path = util.ensure_path(path)
path = path.with_suffix(".json")
srsly.write_json(path, {"punct_chars": list(self.punct_chars), "overwrite": self.overwrite})
def from_disk(self, path, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Load the sentencizer from disk.
path = util.ensure_path(path)
path = path.with_suffix(".json")
cfg = srsly.read_json(path)
self.punct_chars = set(cfg.get("punct_chars", self.default_punct_chars))
self.overwrite = cfg.get("overwrite", self.overwrite)
return self
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True, binding=True
from itertools import islice
from typing import Optional, Callable
import srsly
from thinc.api import Model, SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy, Config
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from .tagger import Tagger
from ..language import Language
from ..errors import Errors
from ..scorer import Scorer
from import validate_examples, validate_get_examples
from ..util import registry
from .. import util
# See #9050
default_model_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.Tagger.v1"
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v2"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 12
depth = 1
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 2
subword_features = true
DEFAULT_SENTER_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"]
default_config={"model": DEFAULT_SENTER_MODEL, "overwrite": False, "scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.senter_scorer.v1"}},
default_score_weights={"sents_f": 1.0, "sents_p": 0.0, "sents_r": 0.0},
def make_senter(nlp: Language, name: str, model: Model, overwrite: bool, scorer: Optional[Callable]):
return SentenceRecognizer(nlp.vocab, model, name, overwrite=overwrite, scorer=scorer)
def senter_score(examples, **kwargs):
def has_sents(doc):
return doc.has_annotation("SENT_START")
results = Scorer.score_spans(examples, "sents", has_annotation=has_sents, **kwargs)
del results["sents_per_type"]
return results
def make_senter_scorer():
return senter_score
class SentenceRecognizer(Tagger):
"""Pipeline component for sentence segmentation.
def __init__(
"""Initialize a sentence recognizer.
vocab (Vocab): The shared vocabulary.
model (thinc.api.Model): The Thinc Model powering the pipeline component.
name (str): The component instance name, used to add entries to the
losses during training.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
Scorer.score_spans for the attribute "sents".
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
self._rehearsal_model = None
self.cfg = {"overwrite": overwrite}
self.scorer = scorer
def labels(self):
"""RETURNS (Tuple[str]): The labels."""
# labels are numbered by index internally, so this matches GoldParse
# and Example where the sentence-initial tag is 1 and other positions
# are 0
return tuple(["I", "S"])
def label_data(self):
return None
def set_annotations(self, docs, batch_tag_ids):
"""Modify a batch of documents, using pre-computed scores.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to modify.
batch_tag_ids: The IDs to set, produced by SentenceRecognizer.predict.
if isinstance(docs, Doc):
docs = [docs]
cdef Doc doc
cdef bint overwrite = self.cfg["overwrite"]
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
doc_tag_ids = batch_tag_ids[i]
if hasattr(doc_tag_ids, "get"):
doc_tag_ids = doc_tag_ids.get()
for j, tag_id in enumerate(doc_tag_ids):
if doc.c[j].sent_start == 0 or overwrite:
if tag_id == 1:
doc.c[j].sent_start = 1
doc.c[j].sent_start = -1
def get_loss(self, examples, scores):
"""Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and
their predicted scores.
examples (Iterable[Examples]): The batch of examples.
scores: Scores representing the model's predictions.
RETURNS (Tuple[float, float]): The loss and the gradient.
validate_examples(examples, "SentenceRecognizer.get_loss")
labels = self.labels
loss_func = SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy(names=labels, normalize=False)
truths = []
for eg in examples:
eg_truth = []
for x in eg.get_aligned("SENT_START"):
if x is None:
elif x == 1:
# anything other than 1: 0, -1, -1 as uint64
d_scores, loss = loss_func(scores, truths)
if self.model.ops.xp.isnan(loss):
raise ValueError(Errors.E910.format(
return float(loss), d_scores
def initialize(self, get_examples, *, nlp=None):
"""Initialize the pipe for training, using a representative set
of data examples.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
validate_get_examples(get_examples, "SentenceRecognizer.initialize")
util.check_lexeme_norms(self.vocab, "senter")
doc_sample = []
label_sample = []
assert self.labels, Errors.E924.format(
for example in islice(get_examples(), 10):
gold_tags = example.get_aligned("SENT_START")
gold_array = [[1.0 if tag == gold_tag else 0.0 for tag in self.labels] for gold_tag in gold_tags]
label_sample.append(self.model.ops.asarray(gold_array, dtype="float32"))
assert len(doc_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
assert len(label_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
self.model.initialize(X=doc_sample, Y=label_sample)
def add_label(self, label, values=None):
raise NotImplementedError
import numpy
from typing import List, Dict, Callable, Tuple, Optional, Iterable, Any, cast
from thinc.api import Config, Model, get_current_ops, set_dropout_rate, Ops
from thinc.api import Optimizer
from thinc.types import Ragged, Ints2d, Floats2d, Ints1d
from ..compat import Protocol, runtime_checkable
from ..scorer import Scorer
from ..language import Language
from .trainable_pipe import TrainablePipe
from ..tokens import Doc, SpanGroup, Span
from ..vocab import Vocab
from import Example, validate_examples
from ..errors import Errors
from ..util import registry
spancat_default_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.SpanCategorizer.v1"
scorer = {"@layers": "spacy.LinearLogistic.v1"}
@layers = spacy.mean_max_reducer.v1
hidden_size = 128
@architectures = "spacy.Tok2Vec.v1"
@architectures = "spacy.MultiHashEmbed.v1"
width = 96
rows = [5000, 2000, 1000, 1000]
attrs = ["ORTH", "PREFIX", "SUFFIX", "SHAPE"]
include_static_vectors = false
@architectures = "spacy.MaxoutWindowEncoder.v1"
width = ${model.tok2vec.embed.width}
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
depth = 4
DEFAULT_SPANCAT_MODEL = Config().from_str(spancat_default_config)["model"]
class Suggester(Protocol):
def __call__(self, docs: Iterable[Doc], *, ops: Optional[Ops] = None) -> Ragged:
def build_ngram_suggester(sizes: List[int]) -> Suggester:
"""Suggest all spans of the given lengths. Spans are returned as a ragged
array of integers. The array has two columns, indicating the start and end
def ngram_suggester(docs: Iterable[Doc], *, ops: Optional[Ops] = None) -> Ragged:
if ops is None:
ops = get_current_ops()
spans = []
lengths = []
for doc in docs:
starts = ops.xp.arange(len(doc), dtype="i")
starts = starts.reshape((-1, 1))
length = 0
for size in sizes:
if size <= len(doc):
starts_size = starts[: len(doc) - (size - 1)]
spans.append(ops.xp.hstack((starts_size, starts_size + size)))
length += spans[-1].shape[0]
if spans:
assert spans[-1].ndim == 2, spans[-1].shape
lengths_array = cast(Ints1d, ops.asarray(lengths, dtype="i"))
if len(spans) > 0:
output = Ragged(ops.xp.vstack(spans), lengths_array)
output = Ragged(ops.xp.zeros((0, 0)), lengths_array)
assert output.dataXd.ndim == 2
return output
return ngram_suggester
def build_ngram_range_suggester(min_size: int, max_size: int) -> Suggester:
"""Suggest all spans of the given lengths between a given min and max value - both inclusive.
Spans are returned as a ragged array of integers. The array has two columns,
indicating the start and end position."""
sizes = list(range(min_size, max_size + 1))
return build_ngram_suggester(sizes)
"threshold": 0.5,
"spans_key": "sc",
"max_positive": None,
"suggester": {"@misc": "spacy.ngram_suggester.v1", "sizes": [1, 2, 3]},
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.spancat_scorer.v1"},
default_score_weights={"spans_sc_f": 1.0, "spans_sc_p": 0.0, "spans_sc_r": 0.0},
def make_spancat(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
suggester: Suggester,
model: Model[Tuple[List[Doc], Ragged], Floats2d],
spans_key: str,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
threshold: float,
max_positive: Optional[int],
) -> "SpanCategorizer":
"""Create a SpanCategorizer component. The span categorizer consists of two
parts: a suggester function that proposes candidate spans, and a labeller
model that predicts one or more labels for each span.
suggester (Callable[[Iterable[Doc], Optional[Ops]], Ragged]): A function that suggests spans.
Spans are returned as a ragged array with two integer columns, for the
start and end positions.
model (Model[Tuple[List[Doc], Ragged], Floats2d]): A model instance that
is given a list of documents and (start, end) indices representing
candidate span offsets. The model predicts a probability for each category
for each span.
spans_key (str): Key of the doc.spans dict to save the spans under. During
initialization and training, the component will look for spans on the
reference document under the same key.
threshold (float): Minimum probability to consider a prediction positive.
Spans with a positive prediction will be saved on the Doc. Defaults to
max_positive (Optional[int]): Maximum number of labels to consider positive
per span. Defaults to None, indicating no limit.
return SpanCategorizer(
def spancat_score(examples: Iterable[Example], **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
kwargs = dict(kwargs)
attr_prefix = "spans_"
key = kwargs["spans_key"]
kwargs.setdefault("attr", f"{attr_prefix}{key}")
kwargs.setdefault("allow_overlap", True)
"getter", lambda doc, key: doc.spans.get(key[len(attr_prefix) :], [])
kwargs.setdefault("has_annotation", lambda doc: key in doc.spans)
return Scorer.score_spans(examples, **kwargs)
def make_spancat_scorer():
return spancat_score
class SpanCategorizer(TrainablePipe):
"""Pipeline component to label spans of text.
def __init__(
vocab: Vocab,
model: Model[Tuple[List[Doc], Ragged], Floats2d],
suggester: Suggester,
name: str = "spancat",
spans_key: str = "spans",
threshold: float = 0.5,
max_positive: Optional[int] = None,
scorer: Optional[Callable] = spancat_score,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the span categorizer.
vocab (Vocab): The shared vocabulary.
model (thinc.api.Model): The Thinc Model powering the pipeline component.
name (str): The component instance name, used to add entries to the
losses during training.
spans_key (str): Key of the Doc.spans dict to save the spans under.
During initialization and training, the component will look for
spans on the reference document under the same key. Defaults to
threshold (float): Minimum probability to consider a prediction
positive. Spans with a positive prediction will be saved on the Doc.
Defaults to 0.5.
max_positive (Optional[int]): Maximum number of labels to consider
positive per span. Defaults to None, indicating no limit.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
Scorer.score_spans for the Doc.spans[spans_key] with overlapping
spans allowed.
self.cfg = {
"labels": [],
"spans_key": spans_key,
"threshold": threshold,
"max_positive": max_positive,
self.vocab = vocab
self.suggester = suggester
self.model = model = name
self.scorer = scorer
def key(self) -> str:
"""Key of the doc.spans dict to save the spans under. During
initialization and training, the component will look for spans on the
reference document under the same key.
return str(self.cfg["spans_key"])
def add_label(self, label: str) -> int:
"""Add a new label to the pipe.
label (str): The label to add.
RETURNS (int): 0 if label is already present, otherwise 1.
if not isinstance(label, str):
raise ValueError(Errors.E187)
if label in self.labels:
return 0
self.cfg["labels"].append(label) # type: ignore
return 1
def labels(self) -> Tuple[str]:
"""RETURNS (Tuple[str]): The labels currently added to the component.
return tuple(self.cfg["labels"]) # type: ignore
def label_data(self) -> List[str]:
"""RETURNS (List[str]): Information about the component's labels.
return list(self.labels)
def predict(self, docs: Iterable[Doc]):
"""Apply the pipeline's model to a batch of docs, without modifying them.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to predict.
RETURNS: The models prediction for each document.
indices = self.suggester(docs, ops=self.model.ops)
scores = self.model.predict((docs, indices)) # type: ignore
return indices, scores
def set_annotations(self, docs: Iterable[Doc], indices_scores) -> None:
"""Modify a batch of Doc objects, using pre-computed scores.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to modify.
scores: The scores to set, produced by SpanCategorizer.predict.
labels = self.labels
indices, scores = indices_scores
offset = 0
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
indices_i = indices[i].dataXd
doc.spans[self.key] = self._make_span_group(
doc, indices_i, scores[offset : offset + indices.lengths[i]], labels # type: ignore[arg-type]
offset += indices.lengths[i]
def update(
examples: Iterable[Example],
drop: float = 0.0,
sgd: Optional[Optimizer] = None,
losses: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Learn from a batch of documents and gold-standard information,
updating the pipe's model. Delegates to predict and get_loss.
examples (Iterable[Example]): A batch of Example objects.
drop (float): The dropout rate.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
losses (Dict[str, float]): Optional record of the loss during training.
Updated using the component name as the key.
RETURNS (Dict[str, float]): The updated losses dictionary.
if losses is None:
losses = {}
losses.setdefault(, 0.0)
validate_examples(examples, "SpanCategorizer.update")
if not any(len(eg.predicted) if eg.predicted else 0 for eg in examples):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
return losses
docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples]
spans = self.suggester(docs, ops=self.model.ops)
if spans.lengths.sum() == 0:
return losses
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
scores, backprop_scores = self.model.begin_update((docs, spans))
loss, d_scores = self.get_loss(examples, (spans, scores))
backprop_scores(d_scores) # type: ignore
if sgd is not None:
losses[] += loss
return losses
def get_loss(
self, examples: Iterable[Example], spans_scores: Tuple[Ragged, Floats2d]
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and
their predicted scores.
examples (Iterable[Examples]): The batch of examples.
spans_scores: Scores representing the model's predictions.
RETURNS (Tuple[float, float]): The loss and the gradient.
spans, scores = spans_scores
spans = Ragged(
self.model.ops.to_numpy(, self.model.ops.to_numpy(spans.lengths)
label_map = {label: i for i, label in enumerate(self.labels)}
target = numpy.zeros(scores.shape, dtype=scores.dtype)
offset = 0
for i, eg in enumerate(examples):
# Map (start, end) offset of spans to the row in the d_scores array,
# so that we can adjust the gradient for predictions that were
# in the gold standard.
spans_index = {}
spans_i = spans[i].dataXd
for j in range(spans.lengths[i]):
start = int(spans_i[j, 0]) # type: ignore
end = int(spans_i[j, 1]) # type: ignore
spans_index[(start, end)] = offset + j
for gold_span in self._get_aligned_spans(eg):
key = (gold_span.start, gold_span.end)
if key in spans_index:
row = spans_index[key]
k = label_map[gold_span.label_]
target[row, k] = 1.0
# The target is a flat array for all docs. Track the position
# we're at within the flat array.
offset += spans.lengths[i]
target = self.model.ops.asarray(target, dtype="f") # type: ignore
# The target will have the values 0 (for untrue predictions) or 1
# (for true predictions).
# The scores should be in the range [0, 1].
# If the prediction is 0.9 and it's true, the gradient
# will be -0.1 (0.9 - 1.0).
# If the prediction is 0.9 and it's false, the gradient will be
# 0.9 (0.9 - 0.0)
d_scores = scores - target
loss = float((d_scores ** 2).sum())
return loss, d_scores
def initialize(
get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]],
nlp: Optional[Language] = None,
labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the pipe for training, using a representative set
of data examples.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Optional[Language]): The current nlp object the component is part of.
labels (Optional[List[str]]): The labels to add to the component, typically generated by the
`init labels` command. If no labels are provided, the get_examples
callback is used to extract the labels from the data.
subbatch: List[Example] = []
if labels is not None:
for label in labels:
for eg in get_examples():
if labels is None:
for span in eg.reference.spans.get(self.key, []):
if len(subbatch) < 10:
if subbatch:
docs = [eg.x for eg in subbatch]
spans = self.suggester(docs)
Y = self.model.ops.alloc2f(spans.dataXd.shape[0], len(self.labels))
self.model.initialize(X=(docs, spans), Y=Y)
def _validate_categories(self, examples: Iterable[Example]):
def _get_aligned_spans(self, eg: Example):
return eg.get_aligned_spans_y2x(
eg.reference.spans.get(self.key, []), allow_overlap=True
def _make_span_group(
self, doc: Doc, indices: Ints2d, scores: Floats2d, labels: List[str]
) -> SpanGroup:
spans = SpanGroup(doc, name=self.key)
max_positive = self.cfg["max_positive"]
threshold = self.cfg["threshold"]
keeps = scores >= threshold
ranked = (scores * -1).argsort() # type: ignore
if max_positive is not None:
assert isinstance(max_positive, int)
span_filter = ranked[:, max_positive:]
for i, row in enumerate(span_filter):
keeps[i, row] = False
spans.attrs["scores"] = scores[keeps].flatten()
indices = self.model.ops.to_numpy(indices)
keeps = self.model.ops.to_numpy(keeps)
for i in range(indices.shape[0]):
start = indices[i, 0]
end = indices[i, 1]
for j, keep in enumerate(keeps[i]):
if keep:
spans.append(Span(doc, start, end, label=labels[j]))
return spans
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True, binding=True
from typing import Callable, Optional
import numpy
import srsly
from thinc.api import Model, set_dropout_rate, SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy, Config
from thinc.types import Floats2d
import warnings
from itertools import islice
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from ..morphology cimport Morphology
from ..vocab cimport Vocab
from .trainable_pipe import TrainablePipe
from .pipe import deserialize_config
from ..language import Language
from ..attrs import POS, ID
from ..parts_of_speech import X
from ..errors import Errors, Warnings
from ..scorer import Scorer
from import validate_examples, validate_get_examples
from ..util import registry
from .. import util
# See #9050
default_model_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.Tagger.v1"
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v2"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 4
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
subword_features = true
DEFAULT_TAGGER_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"]
default_config={"model": DEFAULT_TAGGER_MODEL, "overwrite": False, "scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.tagger_scorer.v1"}},
default_score_weights={"tag_acc": 1.0},
def make_tagger(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
model: Model,
overwrite: bool,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
"""Construct a part-of-speech tagger component.
model (Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]): A model instance that predicts
the tag probabilities. The output vectors should match the number of tags
in size, and be normalized as probabilities (all scores between 0 and 1,
with the rows summing to 1).
return Tagger(nlp.vocab, model, name, overwrite=overwrite, scorer=scorer)
def tagger_score(examples, **kwargs):
return Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "tag", **kwargs)
def make_tagger_scorer():
return tagger_score
class Tagger(TrainablePipe):
"""Pipeline component for part-of-speech tagging.
def __init__(
"""Initialize a part-of-speech tagger.
vocab (Vocab): The shared vocabulary.
model (thinc.api.Model): The Thinc Model powering the pipeline component.
name (str): The component instance name, used to add entries to the
losses during training.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
Scorer.score_token_attr for the attribute "tag".
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
self._rehearsal_model = None
cfg = {"labels": [], "overwrite": overwrite}
self.cfg = dict(sorted(cfg.items()))
self.scorer = scorer
def labels(self):
"""The labels currently added to the component. Note that even for a
blank component, this will always include the built-in coarse-grained
part-of-speech tags by default.
RETURNS (Tuple[str]): The labels.
return tuple(self.cfg["labels"])
def label_data(self):
"""Data about the labels currently added to the component."""
return tuple(self.cfg["labels"])
def predict(self, docs):
"""Apply the pipeline's model to a batch of docs, without modifying them.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to predict.
RETURNS: The models prediction for each document.
if not any(len(doc) for doc in docs):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
n_labels = len(self.labels)
guesses = [self.model.ops.alloc((0, n_labels)) for doc in docs]
assert len(guesses) == len(docs)
return guesses
scores = self.model.predict(docs)
assert len(scores) == len(docs), (len(scores), len(docs))
guesses = self._scores2guesses(scores)
assert len(guesses) == len(docs)
return guesses
def _scores2guesses(self, scores):
guesses = []
for doc_scores in scores:
doc_guesses = doc_scores.argmax(axis=1)
if not isinstance(doc_guesses, numpy.ndarray):
doc_guesses = doc_guesses.get()
return guesses
def set_annotations(self, docs, batch_tag_ids):
"""Modify a batch of documents, using pre-computed scores.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to modify.
batch_tag_ids: The IDs to set, produced by Tagger.predict.
if isinstance(docs, Doc):
docs = [docs]
cdef Doc doc
cdef Vocab vocab = self.vocab
cdef bint overwrite = self.cfg["overwrite"]
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
doc_tag_ids = batch_tag_ids[i]
if hasattr(doc_tag_ids, "get"):
doc_tag_ids = doc_tag_ids.get()
for j, tag_id in enumerate(doc_tag_ids):
if doc.c[j].tag == 0 or overwrite:
doc.c[j].tag = self.vocab.strings[self.labels[tag_id]]
def update(self, examples, *, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None):
"""Learn from a batch of documents and gold-standard information,
updating the pipe's model. Delegates to predict and get_loss.
examples (Iterable[Example]): A batch of Example objects.
drop (float): The dropout rate.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
losses (Dict[str, float]): Optional record of the loss during training.
Updated using the component name as the key.
RETURNS (Dict[str, float]): The updated losses dictionary.
if losses is None:
losses = {}
losses.setdefault(, 0.0)
validate_examples(examples, "Tagger.update")
if not any(len(eg.predicted) if eg.predicted else 0 for eg in examples):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
return losses
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
tag_scores, bp_tag_scores = self.model.begin_update([eg.predicted for eg in examples])
for sc in tag_scores:
if self.model.ops.xp.isnan(sc.sum()):
raise ValueError(Errors.E940)
loss, d_tag_scores = self.get_loss(examples, tag_scores)
if sgd not in (None, False):
losses[] += loss
return losses
def rehearse(self, examples, *, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None):
"""Perform a "rehearsal" update from a batch of data. Rehearsal updates
teach the current model to make predictions similar to an initial model,
to try to address the "catastrophic forgetting" problem. This feature is
examples (Iterable[Example]): A batch of Example objects.
drop (float): The dropout rate.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
losses (Dict[str, float]): Optional record of the loss during training.
Updated using the component name as the key.
RETURNS (Dict[str, float]): The updated losses dictionary.
if losses is None:
losses = {}
losses.setdefault(, 0.0)
validate_examples(examples, "Tagger.rehearse")
docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples]
if self._rehearsal_model is None:
return losses
if not any(len(doc) for doc in docs):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
return losses
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
guesses, backprop = self.model.begin_update(docs)
target = self._rehearsal_model(examples)
gradient = guesses - target
losses[] += (gradient**2).sum()
return losses
def get_loss(self, examples, scores):
"""Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and
their predicted scores.
examples (Iterable[Examples]): The batch of examples.
scores: Scores representing the model's predictions.
RETURNS (Tuple[float, float]): The loss and the gradient.
validate_examples(examples, "Tagger.get_loss")
loss_func = SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy(names=self.labels, normalize=False, neg_prefix="!")
# Convert empty tag "" to missing value None so that both misaligned
# tokens and tokens with missing annotation have the default missing
# value None.
truths = []
for eg in examples:
eg_truths = [tag if tag is not "" else None for tag in eg.get_aligned("TAG", as_string=True)]
d_scores, loss = loss_func(scores, truths)
if self.model.ops.xp.isnan(loss):
raise ValueError(Errors.E910.format(
return float(loss), d_scores
def initialize(self, get_examples, *, nlp=None, labels=None):
"""Initialize the pipe for training, using a representative set
of data examples.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects..
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
labels: The labels to add to the component, typically generated by the
`init labels` command. If no labels are provided, the get_examples
callback is used to extract the labels from the data.
validate_get_examples(get_examples, "Tagger.initialize")
util.check_lexeme_norms(self.vocab, "tagger")
if labels is not None:
for tag in labels:
tags = set()
for example in get_examples():
for token in example.y:
if token.tag_:
for tag in sorted(tags):
doc_sample = []
label_sample = []
for example in islice(get_examples(), 10):
gold_tags = example.get_aligned("TAG", as_string=True)
gold_array = [[1.0 if tag == gold_tag else 0.0 for tag in self.labels] for gold_tag in gold_tags]
label_sample.append(self.model.ops.asarray(gold_array, dtype="float32"))
assert len(doc_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
assert len(label_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
self.model.initialize(X=doc_sample, Y=label_sample)
def add_label(self, label):
"""Add a new label to the pipe.
label (str): The label to add.
RETURNS (int): 0 if label is already present, otherwise 1.
if not isinstance(label, str):
raise ValueError(Errors.E187)
if label in self.labels:
return 0
return 1
from itertools import islice
from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Optional, Dict, List, Callable, Any
from thinc.api import get_array_module, Model, Optimizer, set_dropout_rate, Config
from thinc.types import Floats2d
import numpy
from .trainable_pipe import TrainablePipe
from ..language import Language
from import Example, validate_examples, validate_get_examples
from ..errors import Errors
from ..scorer import Scorer
from ..tokens import Doc
from ..util import registry
from ..vocab import Vocab
single_label_default_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.TextCatEnsemble.v2"
@architectures = "spacy.Tok2Vec.v2"
@architectures = "spacy.MultiHashEmbed.v2"
width = 64
rows = [2000, 2000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000]
attrs = ["ORTH", "LOWER", "PREFIX", "SUFFIX", "SHAPE", "ID"]
include_static_vectors = false
@architectures = "spacy.MaxoutWindowEncoder.v2"
width = ${model.tok2vec.embed.width}
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
depth = 2
@architectures = "spacy.TextCatBOW.v2"
exclusive_classes = true
ngram_size = 1
no_output_layer = false
DEFAULT_SINGLE_TEXTCAT_MODEL = Config().from_str(single_label_default_config)["model"]
single_label_bow_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.TextCatBOW.v2"
exclusive_classes = true
ngram_size = 1
no_output_layer = false
single_label_cnn_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.TextCatCNN.v2"
exclusive_classes = true
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v2"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 4
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
subword_features = true
"threshold": 0.5,
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.textcat_scorer.v1"},
"cats_score": 1.0,
"cats_score_desc": None,
"cats_micro_p": None,
"cats_micro_r": None,
"cats_micro_f": None,
"cats_macro_p": None,
"cats_macro_r": None,
"cats_macro_f": None,
"cats_macro_auc": None,
"cats_f_per_type": None,
"cats_macro_auc_per_type": None,
def make_textcat(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
model: Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]],
threshold: float,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
) -> "TextCategorizer":
"""Create a TextCategorizer component. The text categorizer predicts categories
over a whole document. It can learn one or more labels, and the labels are considered
to be mutually exclusive (i.e. one true label per doc).
model (Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]): A model instance that predicts
scores for each category.
threshold (float): Cutoff to consider a prediction "positive".
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method.
return TextCategorizer(nlp.vocab, model, name, threshold=threshold, scorer=scorer)
def textcat_score(examples: Iterable[Example], **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return Scorer.score_cats(
def make_textcat_scorer():
return textcat_score
class TextCategorizer(TrainablePipe):
"""Pipeline component for single-label text classification.
def __init__(
vocab: Vocab,
model: Model,
name: str = "textcat",
threshold: float,
scorer: Optional[Callable] = textcat_score,
) -> None:
"""Initialize a text categorizer for single-label classification.
vocab (Vocab): The shared vocabulary.
model (thinc.api.Model): The Thinc Model powering the pipeline component.
name (str): The component instance name, used to add entries to the
losses during training.
threshold (float): Cutoff to consider a prediction "positive".
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to
Scorer.score_cats for the attribute "cats".
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
self._rehearsal_model = None
cfg = {"labels": [], "threshold": threshold, "positive_label": None}
self.cfg = dict(cfg)
self.scorer = scorer
def labels(self) -> Tuple[str]:
"""RETURNS (Tuple[str]): The labels currently added to the component.
return tuple(self.cfg["labels"]) # type: ignore[arg-type, return-value]
def label_data(self) -> List[str]:
"""RETURNS (List[str]): Information about the component's labels.
return self.labels # type: ignore[return-value]
def predict(self, docs: Iterable[Doc]):
"""Apply the pipeline's model to a batch of docs, without modifying them.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to predict.
RETURNS: The models prediction for each document.
if not any(len(doc) for doc in docs):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
tensors = [doc.tensor for doc in docs]
xp = get_array_module(tensors)
scores = xp.zeros((len(list(docs)), len(self.labels)))
return scores
scores = self.model.predict(docs)
scores = self.model.ops.asarray(scores)
return scores
def set_annotations(self, docs: Iterable[Doc], scores) -> None:
"""Modify a batch of Doc objects, using pre-computed scores.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to modify.
scores: The scores to set, produced by TextCategorizer.predict.
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
for j, label in enumerate(self.labels):
doc.cats[label] = float(scores[i, j])
def update(
examples: Iterable[Example],
drop: float = 0.0,
sgd: Optional[Optimizer] = None,
losses: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Learn from a batch of documents and gold-standard information,
updating the pipe's model. Delegates to predict and get_loss.
examples (Iterable[Example]): A batch of Example objects.
drop (float): The dropout rate.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
losses (Dict[str, float]): Optional record of the loss during training.
Updated using the component name as the key.
RETURNS (Dict[str, float]): The updated losses dictionary.
if losses is None:
losses = {}
losses.setdefault(, 0.0)
validate_examples(examples, "TextCategorizer.update")
if not any(len(eg.predicted) if eg.predicted else 0 for eg in examples):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
return losses
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
scores, bp_scores = self.model.begin_update([eg.predicted for eg in examples])
loss, d_scores = self.get_loss(examples, scores)
if sgd is not None:
losses[] += loss
return losses
def rehearse(
examples: Iterable[Example],
drop: float = 0.0,
sgd: Optional[Optimizer] = None,
losses: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Perform a "rehearsal" update from a batch of data. Rehearsal updates
teach the current model to make predictions similar to an initial model,
to try to address the "catastrophic forgetting" problem. This feature is
examples (Iterable[Example]): A batch of Example objects.
drop (float): The dropout rate.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
losses (Dict[str, float]): Optional record of the loss during training.
Updated using the component name as the key.
RETURNS (Dict[str, float]): The updated losses dictionary.
if losses is None:
losses = {}
losses.setdefault(, 0.0)
if self._rehearsal_model is None:
return losses
validate_examples(examples, "TextCategorizer.rehearse")
docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples]
if not any(len(doc) for doc in docs):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
return losses
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
scores, bp_scores = self.model.begin_update(docs)
target = self._rehearsal_model(examples)
gradient = scores - target
if sgd is not None:
losses[] += (gradient ** 2).sum()
return losses
def _examples_to_truth(
self, examples: Iterable[Example]
) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
nr_examples = len(list(examples))
truths = numpy.zeros((nr_examples, len(self.labels)), dtype="f")
not_missing = numpy.ones((nr_examples, len(self.labels)), dtype="f")
for i, eg in enumerate(examples):
for j, label in enumerate(self.labels):
if label in eg.reference.cats:
truths[i, j] = eg.reference.cats[label]
not_missing[i, j] = 0.0
truths = self.model.ops.asarray(truths) # type: ignore
return truths, not_missing # type: ignore
def get_loss(self, examples: Iterable[Example], scores) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and
their predicted scores.
examples (Iterable[Examples]): The batch of examples.
scores: Scores representing the model's predictions.
RETURNS (Tuple[float, float]): The loss and the gradient.
validate_examples(examples, "TextCategorizer.get_loss")
truths, not_missing = self._examples_to_truth(examples)
not_missing = self.model.ops.asarray(not_missing) # type: ignore
d_scores = (scores - truths) / scores.shape[0]
d_scores *= not_missing
mean_square_error = (d_scores ** 2).sum(axis=1).mean()
return float(mean_square_error), d_scores
def add_label(self, label: str) -> int:
"""Add a new label to the pipe.
label (str): The label to add.
RETURNS (int): 0 if label is already present, otherwise 1.
if not isinstance(label, str):
raise ValueError(Errors.E187)
if label in self.labels:
return 0
self.cfg["labels"].append(label) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if self.model and "resize_output" in self.model.attrs:
self.model = self.model.attrs["resize_output"](self.model, len(self.labels))
return 1
def initialize(
get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]],
nlp: Optional[Language] = None,
labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
positive_label: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the pipe for training, using a representative set
of data examples.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
labels (Optional[Iterable[str]]): The labels to add to the component, typically generated by the
`init labels` command. If no labels are provided, the get_examples
callback is used to extract the labels from the data.
positive_label (Optional[str]): The positive label for a binary task with exclusive classes,
`None` otherwise and by default.
validate_get_examples(get_examples, "TextCategorizer.initialize")
if labels is None:
for example in get_examples():
for cat in example.y.cats:
for label in labels:
if len(self.labels) < 2:
raise ValueError(Errors.E867)
if positive_label is not None:
if positive_label not in self.labels:
err = Errors.E920.format(pos_label=positive_label, labels=self.labels)
raise ValueError(err)
if len(self.labels) != 2:
err = Errors.E919.format(pos_label=positive_label, labels=self.labels)
raise ValueError(err)
self.cfg["positive_label"] = positive_label
subbatch = list(islice(get_examples(), 10))
doc_sample = [eg.reference for eg in subbatch]
label_sample, _ = self._examples_to_truth(subbatch)
assert len(doc_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
assert len(label_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
self.model.initialize(X=doc_sample, Y=label_sample)
def _validate_categories(self, examples: Iterable[Example]):
"""Check whether the provided examples all have single-label cats annotations."""
for ex in examples:
if list(ex.reference.cats.values()).count(1.0) > 1:
raise ValueError(Errors.E895.format(value=ex.reference.cats))
from itertools import islice
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Dict, List, Callable, Any
from thinc.api import Model, Config
from thinc.types import Floats2d
from ..language import Language
from import Example, validate_get_examples
from ..errors import Errors
from ..scorer import Scorer
from ..tokens import Doc
from ..util import registry
from ..vocab import Vocab
from .textcat import TextCategorizer
multi_label_default_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.TextCatEnsemble.v2"
@architectures = "spacy.Tok2Vec.v1"
@architectures = "spacy.MultiHashEmbed.v2"
width = 64
rows = [2000, 2000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000]
attrs = ["ORTH", "LOWER", "PREFIX", "SUFFIX", "SHAPE", "ID"]
include_static_vectors = false
@architectures = "spacy.MaxoutWindowEncoder.v1"
width = ${model.tok2vec.embed.width}
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
depth = 2
@architectures = "spacy.TextCatBOW.v2"
exclusive_classes = false
ngram_size = 1
no_output_layer = false
DEFAULT_MULTI_TEXTCAT_MODEL = Config().from_str(multi_label_default_config)["model"]
multi_label_bow_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.TextCatBOW.v2"
exclusive_classes = false
ngram_size = 1
no_output_layer = false
multi_label_cnn_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.TextCatCNN.v2"
exclusive_classes = false
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v2"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 4
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
subword_features = true
"threshold": 0.5,
"scorer": {"@scorers": "spacy.textcat_multilabel_scorer.v1"},
"cats_score": 1.0,
"cats_score_desc": None,
"cats_micro_p": None,
"cats_micro_r": None,
"cats_micro_f": None,
"cats_macro_p": None,
"cats_macro_r": None,
"cats_macro_f": None,
"cats_macro_auc": None,
"cats_f_per_type": None,
"cats_macro_auc_per_type": None,
def make_multilabel_textcat(
nlp: Language,
name: str,
model: Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]],
threshold: float,
scorer: Optional[Callable],
) -> "TextCategorizer":
"""Create a TextCategorizer component. The text categorizer predicts categories
over a whole document. It can learn one or more labels, and the labels are considered
to be non-mutually exclusive, which means that there can be zero or more labels
per doc).
model (Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]): A model instance that predicts
scores for each category.
threshold (float): Cutoff to consider a prediction "positive".
return MultiLabel_TextCategorizer(
nlp.vocab, model, name, threshold=threshold, scorer=scorer
def textcat_multilabel_score(examples: Iterable[Example], **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return Scorer.score_cats(
def make_textcat_multilabel_scorer():
return textcat_multilabel_score
class MultiLabel_TextCategorizer(TextCategorizer):
"""Pipeline component for multi-label text classification.
def __init__(
vocab: Vocab,
model: Model,
name: str = "textcat_multilabel",
threshold: float,
scorer: Optional[Callable] = textcat_multilabel_score,
) -> None:
"""Initialize a text categorizer for multi-label classification.
vocab (Vocab): The shared vocabulary.
model (thinc.api.Model): The Thinc Model powering the pipeline component.
name (str): The component instance name, used to add entries to the
losses during training.
threshold (float): Cutoff to consider a prediction "positive".
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
self._rehearsal_model = None
cfg = {"labels": [], "threshold": threshold}
self.cfg = dict(cfg)
self.scorer = scorer
def initialize( # type: ignore[override]
get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]],
nlp: Optional[Language] = None,
labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
"""Initialize the pipe for training, using a representative set
of data examples.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
labels: The labels to add to the component, typically generated by the
`init labels` command. If no labels are provided, the get_examples
callback is used to extract the labels from the data.
validate_get_examples(get_examples, "MultiLabel_TextCategorizer.initialize")
if labels is None:
for example in get_examples():
for cat in example.y.cats:
for label in labels:
subbatch = list(islice(get_examples(), 10))
doc_sample = [eg.reference for eg in subbatch]
label_sample, _ = self._examples_to_truth(subbatch)
assert len(doc_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
assert len(label_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
self.model.initialize(X=doc_sample, Y=label_sample)
def _validate_categories(self, examples: Iterable[Example]):
"""This component allows any type of single- or multi-label annotations.
This method overwrites the more strict one from 'textcat'."""
from typing import Sequence, Iterable, Optional, Dict, Callable, List, Any
from thinc.api import Model, set_dropout_rate, Optimizer, Config
from itertools import islice
from .trainable_pipe import TrainablePipe
from import Example, validate_examples, validate_get_examples
from ..tokens import Doc
from ..vocab import Vocab
from ..language import Language
from ..errors import Errors
default_model_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v2"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 4
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
subword_features = true
DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"]
"tok2vec", assigns=["doc.tensor"], default_config={"model": DEFAULT_TOK2VEC_MODEL}
def make_tok2vec(nlp: Language, name: str, model: Model) -> "Tok2Vec":
return Tok2Vec(nlp.vocab, model, name)
class Tok2Vec(TrainablePipe):
"""Apply a "token-to-vector" model and set its outputs in the doc.tensor
attribute. This is mostly useful to share a single subnetwork between multiple
components, e.g. to have one embedding and CNN network shared between a
parser, tagger and NER.
In order to use the `Tok2Vec` predictions, subsequent components should use
the `Tok2VecListener` layer as the tok2vec subnetwork of their model. This
layer will read data from the `doc.tensor` attribute during prediction.
During training, the `Tok2Vec` component will save its prediction and backprop
callback for each batch, so that the subsequent components can backpropagate
to the shared weights. This implementation is used because it allows us to
avoid relying on object identity within the models to achieve the parameter
def __init__(self, vocab: Vocab, model: Model, name: str = "tok2vec") -> None:
"""Initialize a tok2vec component.
vocab (Vocab): The shared vocabulary.
model (thinc.api.Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]):
The Thinc Model powering the pipeline component. It should take
a list of Doc objects as input, and output a list of 2d float arrays.
name (str): The component instance name.
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
self.listener_map: Dict[str, List["Tok2VecListener"]] = {}
self.cfg: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def listeners(self) -> List["Tok2VecListener"]:
"""RETURNS (List[Tok2VecListener]): The listener models listening to this
component. Usually internals.
return [m for c in self.listening_components for m in self.listener_map[c]]
def listening_components(self) -> List[str]:
"""RETURNS (List[str]): The downstream components listening to this
component. Usually internals.
return list(self.listener_map.keys())
def add_listener(self, listener: "Tok2VecListener", component_name: str) -> None:
"""Add a listener for a downstream component. Usually internals."""
self.listener_map.setdefault(component_name, [])
if listener not in self.listener_map[component_name]:
def remove_listener(self, listener: "Tok2VecListener", component_name: str) -> bool:
"""Remove a listener for a downstream component. Usually internals."""
if component_name in self.listener_map:
if listener in self.listener_map[component_name]:
# If no listeners are left, remove entry
if not self.listener_map[component_name]:
del self.listener_map[component_name]
return True
return False
def find_listeners(self, component) -> None:
"""Walk over a model of a processing component, looking for layers that
are Tok2vecListener subclasses that have an upstream_name that matches
this component. Listeners can also set their upstream_name attribute to
the wildcard string '*' to match any `Tok2Vec`.
You're unlikely to ever need multiple `Tok2Vec` components, so it's
fine to leave your listeners upstream_name on '*'.
names = ("*",
if isinstance(getattr(component, "model", None), Model):
for node in component.model.walk():
if isinstance(node, Tok2VecListener) and node.upstream_name in names:
def predict(self, docs: Iterable[Doc]):
"""Apply the pipeline's model to a batch of docs, without modifying them.
Returns a single tensor for a batch of documents.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to predict.
RETURNS: Vector representations for each token in the documents.
tokvecs = self.model.predict(docs)
batch_id = Tok2VecListener.get_batch_id(docs)
for listener in self.listeners:
listener.receive(batch_id, tokvecs, _empty_backprop)
return tokvecs
def set_annotations(self, docs: Sequence[Doc], tokvecses) -> None:
"""Modify a batch of documents, using pre-computed scores.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to modify.
tokvecses: The tensors to set, produced by Tok2Vec.predict.
for doc, tokvecs in zip(docs, tokvecses):
assert tokvecs.shape[0] == len(doc)
doc.tensor = tokvecs
def update(
examples: Iterable[Example],
drop: float = 0.0,
sgd: Optional[Optimizer] = None,
losses: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
"""Learn from a batch of documents and gold-standard information,
updating the pipe's model.
examples (Iterable[Example]): A batch of Example objects.
drop (float): The dropout rate.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
losses (Dict[str, float]): Optional record of the loss during training.
Updated using the component name as the key.
RETURNS (Dict[str, float]): The updated losses dictionary.
if losses is None:
losses = {}
validate_examples(examples, "Tok2Vec.update")
docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples]
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
tokvecs, bp_tokvecs = self.model.begin_update(docs)
d_tokvecs = [self.model.ops.alloc2f(*t2v.shape) for t2v in tokvecs]
losses.setdefault(, 0.0)
def accumulate_gradient(one_d_tokvecs):
"""Accumulate tok2vec loss and gradient. This is passed as a callback
to all but the last listener. Only the last one does the backprop.
nonlocal d_tokvecs
for i in range(len(one_d_tokvecs)):
d_tokvecs[i] += one_d_tokvecs[i]
losses[] += float((one_d_tokvecs[i] ** 2).sum())
return [self.model.ops.alloc2f(*t2v.shape) for t2v in tokvecs]
def backprop(one_d_tokvecs):
"""Callback to actually do the backprop. Passed to last listener."""
d_docs = bp_tokvecs(d_tokvecs)
if sgd is not None:
return d_docs
batch_id = Tok2VecListener.get_batch_id(docs)
for listener in self.listeners[:-1]:
listener.receive(batch_id, tokvecs, accumulate_gradient)
if self.listeners:
self.listeners[-1].receive(batch_id, tokvecs, backprop)
return losses
def get_loss(self, examples, scores) -> None:
def initialize(
get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]],
nlp: Optional[Language] = None,
"""Initialize the pipe for training, using a representative set
of data examples.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
validate_get_examples(get_examples, "Tok2Vec.initialize")
doc_sample = []
for example in islice(get_examples(), 10):
assert doc_sample, Errors.E923.format(
def add_label(self, label):
raise NotImplementedError
class Tok2VecListener(Model):
"""A layer that gets fed its answers from an upstream connection,
for instance from a component earlier in the pipeline.
The Tok2VecListener layer is used as a sublayer within a component such
as a parser, NER or text categorizer. Usually you'll have multiple listeners
connecting to a single upstream Tok2Vec component, that's earlier in the
pipeline. The Tok2VecListener layers act as proxies, passing the predictions
from the Tok2Vec component into downstream components, and communicating
gradients back upstream.
name = "tok2vec-listener"
def __init__(self, upstream_name: str, width: int) -> None:
upstream_name (str): A string to identify the 'upstream' Tok2Vec component
to communicate with. The upstream name should either be the wildcard
string '*', or the name of the `Tok2Vec` component. You'll almost
never have multiple upstream Tok2Vec components, so the wildcard
string will almost always be fine.
width (int):
The width of the vectors produced by the upstream tok2vec component.
Model.__init__(self,, forward=forward, dims={"nO": width})
self.upstream_name = upstream_name
self._batch_id: Optional[int] = None
self._outputs = None
self._backprop = None
def get_batch_id(cls, inputs: Iterable[Doc]) -> int:
"""Calculate a content-sensitive hash of the batch of documents, to check
whether the next batch of documents is unexpected.
return sum(sum(token.orth for token in doc) for doc in inputs)
def receive(self, batch_id: int, outputs, backprop) -> None:
"""Store a batch of training predictions and a backprop callback. The
predictions and callback are produced by the upstream Tok2Vec component,
and later will be used when the listener's component's model is called.
self._batch_id = batch_id
self._outputs = outputs
self._backprop = backprop
def verify_inputs(self, inputs) -> bool:
"""Check that the batch of Doc objects matches the ones we have a
prediction for.
if self._batch_id is None and self._outputs is None:
raise ValueError(Errors.E954)
batch_id = self.get_batch_id(inputs)
if batch_id != self._batch_id:
raise ValueError(Errors.E953.format(id1=batch_id, id2=self._batch_id))
return True
def forward(model: Tok2VecListener, inputs, is_train: bool):
"""Supply the outputs from the upstream Tok2Vec component."""
if is_train:
return model._outputs, model._backprop
# This is pretty grim, but it's hard to do better :(.
# It's hard to avoid relying on the doc.tensor attribute, because the
# pipeline components can batch the data differently during prediction.
# That doesn't happen in update, where the nlp object works on batches
# of data.
# When the components batch differently, we don't receive a matching
# prediction from the upstream, so we can't predict.
outputs = []
width = model.get_dim("nO")
for doc in inputs:
if doc.tensor.size == 0:
# But we do need to do *something* if the tensor hasn't been set.
# The compromise is to at least return data of the right shape,
# so the output is valid.
outputs.append(model.ops.alloc2f(len(doc), width))
return outputs, lambda dX: []
def _empty_backprop(dX): # for pickling
return []
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
from .pipe cimport Pipe
from ..vocab cimport Vocab
cdef class TrainablePipe(Pipe):
cdef public Vocab vocab
cdef public object model
cdef public object cfg
cdef public object scorer
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Dict, Tuple, Callable
import srsly
from thinc.api import set_dropout_rate, Model, Optimizer
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from import validate_examples
from ..errors import Errors
from .pipe import Pipe, deserialize_config
from .. import util
from ..vocab import Vocab
from ..language import Language
from import Example
cdef class TrainablePipe(Pipe):
"""This class is a base class and not instantiated directly. Trainable
pipeline components like the EntityRecognizer or TextCategorizer inherit
from it and it defines the interface that components should follow to
function as trainable components in a spaCy pipeline.
def __init__(self, vocab: Vocab, model: Model, name: str, **cfg):
"""Initialize a pipeline component.
vocab (Vocab): The shared vocabulary.
model (thinc.api.Model): The Thinc Model powering the pipeline component.
name (str): The component instance name.
**cfg: Additional settings and config parameters.
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model = name
self.cfg = dict(cfg)
def __call__(self, Doc doc) -> Doc:
"""Apply the pipe to one document. The document is modified in place,
and returned. This usually happens under the hood when the nlp object
is called on a text and all components are applied to the Doc.
docs (Doc): The Doc to process.
RETURNS (Doc): The processed Doc.
error_handler = self.get_error_handler()
scores = self.predict([doc])
self.set_annotations([doc], scores)
return doc
except Exception as e:
error_handler(, self, [doc], e)
def pipe(self, stream: Iterable[Doc], *, batch_size: int=128) -> Iterator[Doc]:
"""Apply the pipe to a stream of documents. This usually happens under
the hood when the nlp object is called on a text and all components are
applied to the Doc.
stream (Iterable[Doc]): A stream of documents.
batch_size (int): The number of documents to buffer.
error_handler (Callable[[str, List[Doc], Exception], Any]): Function that
deals with a failing batch of documents. The default function just reraises
the exception.
YIELDS (Doc): Processed documents in order.
error_handler = self.get_error_handler()
for docs in util.minibatch(stream, size=batch_size):
scores = self.predict(docs)
self.set_annotations(docs, scores)
yield from docs
except Exception as e:
error_handler(, self, docs, e)
def predict(self, docs: Iterable[Doc]):
"""Apply the pipeline's model to a batch of docs, without modifying them.
Returns a single tensor for a batch of documents.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to predict.
RETURNS: Vector representations of the predictions.
raise NotImplementedError(Errors.E931.format(parent="TrainablePipe", method="predict",
def set_annotations(self, docs: Iterable[Doc], scores):
"""Modify a batch of documents, using pre-computed scores.
docs (Iterable[Doc]): The documents to modify.
scores: The scores to assign.
raise NotImplementedError(Errors.E931.format(parent="TrainablePipe", method="set_annotations",
def update(self,
examples: Iterable["Example"],
drop: float=0.0,
sgd: Optimizer=None,
losses: Optional[Dict[str, float]]=None) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Learn from a batch of documents and gold-standard information,
updating the pipe's model. Delegates to predict and get_loss.
examples (Iterable[Example]): A batch of Example objects.
drop (float): The dropout rate.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
losses (Dict[str, float]): Optional record of the loss during training.
Updated using the component name as the key.
RETURNS (Dict[str, float]): The updated losses dictionary.
if losses is None:
losses = {}
if not hasattr(self, "model") or self.model in (None, True, False):
return losses
losses.setdefault(, 0.0)
validate_examples(examples, "TrainablePipe.update")
if not any(len(eg.predicted) if eg.predicted else 0 for eg in examples):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
return losses
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
scores, bp_scores = self.model.begin_update([eg.predicted for eg in examples])
loss, d_scores = self.get_loss(examples, scores)
if sgd not in (None, False):
losses[] += loss
return losses
def rehearse(self,
examples: Iterable[Example],
sgd: Optimizer=None,
losses: Dict[str, float]=None,
**config) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Perform a "rehearsal" update from a batch of data. Rehearsal updates
teach the current model to make predictions similar to an initial model,
to try to address the "catastrophic forgetting" problem. This feature is
examples (Iterable[Example]): A batch of Example objects.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
losses (Dict[str, float]): Optional record of the loss during training.
Updated using the component name as the key.
RETURNS (Dict[str, float]): The updated losses dictionary.
def get_loss(self, examples: Iterable[Example], scores) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Find the loss and gradient of loss for the batch of documents and
their predicted scores.
examples (Iterable[Examples]): The batch of examples.
scores: Scores representing the model's predictions.
RETURNS (Tuple[float, float]): The loss and the gradient.
raise NotImplementedError(Errors.E931.format(parent="TrainablePipe", method="get_loss",
def create_optimizer(self) -> Optimizer:
"""Create an optimizer for the pipeline component.
RETURNS (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
return util.create_default_optimizer()
def initialize(self, get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]], *, nlp: Language=None):
"""Initialize the pipe for training, using data examples if available.
This method needs to be implemented by each TrainablePipe component,
ensuring the internal model (if available) is initialized properly
using the provided sample of Example objects.
get_examples (Callable[[], Iterable[Example]]): Function that
returns a representative sample of gold-standard Example objects.
nlp (Language): The current nlp object the component is part of.
raise NotImplementedError(Errors.E931.format(parent="TrainablePipe", method="initialize",
def add_label(self, label: str) -> int:
"""Add an output label.
For TrainablePipe components, it is possible to
extend pretrained models with new labels, but care should be taken to
avoid the "catastrophic forgetting" problem.
label (str): The label to add.
RETURNS (int): 0 if label is already present, otherwise 1.
raise NotImplementedError(Errors.E931.format(parent="Pipe", method="add_label",
def is_trainable(self) -> bool:
return True
def is_resizable(self) -> bool:
return getattr(self, "model", None) and "resize_output" in self.model.attrs
def _allow_extra_label(self) -> None:
"""Raise an error if the component can not add any more labels."""
nO = None
if self.model.has_dim("nO"):
nO = self.model.get_dim("nO")
elif self.model.has_ref("output_layer") and self.model.get_ref("output_layer").has_dim("nO"):
nO = self.model.get_ref("output_layer").get_dim("nO")
if nO is not None and nO == len(self.labels):
if not self.is_resizable:
raise ValueError(Errors.E922.format(, nO=self.model.get_dim("nO")))
def set_output(self, nO: int) -> None:
if self.is_resizable:
self.model.attrs["resize_output"](self.model, nO)
raise NotImplementedError(Errors.E921)
def use_params(self, params: dict):
"""Modify the pipe's model, to use the given parameter values. At the
end of the context, the original parameters are restored.
params (dict): The parameter values to use in the model.
with self.model.use_params(params):
def finish_update(self, sgd: Optimizer) -> None:
"""Update parameters using the current parameter gradients.
The Optimizer instance contains the functionality to perform
the stochastic gradient descent.
sgd (thinc.api.Optimizer): The optimizer.
def _validate_serialization_attrs(self):
"""Check that the pipe implements the required attributes. If a subclass
implements a custom __init__ method but doesn't set these attributes,
they currently default to None, so we need to perform additonal checks.
if not hasattr(self, "vocab") or self.vocab is None:
raise ValueError(Errors.E899.format(name=util.get_object_name(self)))
if not hasattr(self, "model") or self.model is None:
raise ValueError(Errors.E898.format(name=util.get_object_name(self)))
def to_bytes(self, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Serialize the pipe to a bytestring.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (bytes): The serialized object.
serialize = {}
if hasattr(self, "cfg") and self.cfg is not None:
serialize["cfg"] = lambda: srsly.json_dumps(self.cfg)
serialize["vocab"] = lambda: self.vocab.to_bytes(exclude=exclude)
serialize["model"] = self.model.to_bytes
return util.to_bytes(serialize, exclude)
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Load the pipe from a bytestring.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (TrainablePipe): The loaded object.
def load_model(b):
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
deserialize = {}
if hasattr(self, "cfg") and self.cfg is not None:
deserialize["cfg"] = lambda b: self.cfg.update(srsly.json_loads(b))
deserialize["vocab"] = lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b, exclude=exclude)
deserialize["model"] = load_model
util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserialize, exclude)
return self
def to_disk(self, path, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Serialize the pipe to disk.
path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
serialize = {}
if hasattr(self, "cfg") and self.cfg is not None:
serialize["cfg"] = lambda p: srsly.write_json(p, self.cfg)
serialize["vocab"] = lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p, exclude=exclude)
serialize["model"] = lambda p: self.model.to_disk(p)
util.to_disk(path, serialize, exclude)
def from_disk(self, path, *, exclude=tuple()):
"""Load the pipe from disk.
path (str / Path): Path to a directory.
exclude (Iterable[str]): String names of serialization fields to exclude.
RETURNS (TrainablePipe): The loaded object.
def load_model(p):
with open(p, "rb") as mfile:
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
deserialize = {}
if hasattr(self, "cfg") and self.cfg is not None:
deserialize["cfg"] = lambda p: self.cfg.update(deserialize_config(p))
deserialize["vocab"] = lambda p: self.vocab.from_disk(p, exclude=exclude)
deserialize["model"] = load_model
util.from_disk(path, deserialize, exclude)
return self
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from ..vocab cimport Vocab
from .trainable_pipe cimport TrainablePipe
from ._parser_internals.transition_system cimport Transition, TransitionSystem
from ._parser_internals._state cimport StateC
from cimport WeightsC, ActivationsC, SizesC
cdef class Parser(TrainablePipe):
cdef public object _rehearsal_model
cdef readonly TransitionSystem moves
cdef public object _multitasks
cdef void _parseC(self, StateC** states,
WeightsC weights, SizesC sizes) nogil
cdef void c_transition_batch(self, StateC** states, const float* scores,
int nr_class, int batch_size) nogil
# cython: infer_types=True, cdivision=True, boundscheck=False, binding=True
from __future__ import print_function
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
cimport numpy as np
from itertools import islice
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from libc.string cimport memset, memcpy
from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, free
import random
import srsly
from thinc.api import set_dropout_rate, CupyOps
from cimport Beam
import numpy.random
import numpy
import warnings
from ._parser_internals.stateclass cimport StateClass
from cimport alloc_activations, free_activations
from cimport predict_states, arg_max_if_valid
from cimport WeightsC, ActivationsC, SizesC, cpu_log_loss
from cimport get_c_weights, get_c_sizes
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from .trainable_pipe import TrainablePipe
from ._parser_internals cimport _beam_utils
from ._parser_internals import _beam_utils
from import validate_examples, validate_get_examples
from ..errors import Errors, Warnings
from .. import util
cdef class Parser(TrainablePipe):
Base class of the DependencyParser and EntityRecognizer.
def __init__(
Vocab vocab,
"""Create a Parser.
vocab (Vocab): The vocabulary object. Must be shared with documents
to be processed. The value is set to the `.vocab` attribute.
model (Model): The model for the transition-based parser. The model needs
to have a specific substructure of named components --- see the for details.
name (str): The name of the pipeline component
moves (Optional[TransitionSystem]): This defines how the parse-state is created,
updated and evaluated. If 'moves' is None, a new instance is
created with `self.TransitionSystem()`. Defaults to `None`.
update_with_oracle_cut_size (int): During training, cut long sequences into
shorter segments by creating intermediate states based on the gold-standard
history. The model is not very sensitive to this parameter, so you usually
won't need to change it. 100 is a good default.
min_action_freq (int): The minimum frequency of labelled actions to retain.
Rarer labelled actions have their label backed-off to "dep". While this
primarily affects the label accuracy, it can also affect the attachment
structure, as the labels are used to represent the pseudo-projectivity
learn_tokens (bool): Whether to learn to merge subtokens that are split
relative to the gold standard. Experimental.
beam_width (int): The number of candidate analyses to maintain.
beam_density (float): The minimum ratio between the scores of the first and
last candidates in the beam. This allows the parser to avoid exploring
candidates that are too far behind. This is mostly intended to improve
efficiency, but it can also improve accuracy as deeper search is not
always better.
beam_update_prob (float): The chance of making a beam update, instead of a
greedy update. Greedy updates are an approximation for the beam updates,
and are faster to compute.
multitasks: additional multi-tasking components. Experimental.
incorrect_spans_key (Optional[str]): Identifies spans that are known
to be incorrect entity annotations. The incorrect entity annotations
can be stored in the span group, under this key.
scorer (Optional[Callable]): The scoring method. Defaults to None.
self.vocab = vocab = name
cfg = {
"moves": moves,
"update_with_oracle_cut_size": update_with_oracle_cut_size,
"multitasks": list(multitasks),
"min_action_freq": min_action_freq,
"learn_tokens": learn_tokens,
"beam_width": beam_width,
"beam_density": beam_density,
"beam_update_prob": beam_update_prob,
"incorrect_spans_key": incorrect_spans_key
if moves is None:
# EntityRecognizer -> BiluoPushDown
# DependencyParser -> ArcEager
moves = self.TransitionSystem(
self.moves = moves
self.model = model
if self.moves.n_moves != 0:
self.cfg = cfg
self._multitasks = []
for multitask in cfg["multitasks"]:
self._rehearsal_model = None
self.scorer = scorer
def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
"""This allows pickling the Parser and its keyword-only init arguments"""
args = (self.vocab, self.model,, self.moves)
return args, self.cfg
def move_names(self):
names = []
for i in range(self.moves.n_moves):
name = self.moves.move_name(self.moves.c[i].move, self.moves.c[i].label)
# Explicitly removing the internal "U-" token used for blocking entities
if name != "U-":
return names
def labels(self):
class_names = [self.moves.get_class_name(i) for i in range(self.moves.n_moves)]
return class_names
def label_data(self):
return self.moves.labels
def tok2vec(self):
"""Return the embedding and convolutional layer of the model."""
return self.model.get_ref("tok2vec")
def postprocesses(self):
# Available for subclasses, e.g. to deprojectivize
return []
def incorrect_spans_key(self):
return self.cfg["incorrect_spans_key"]
def add_label(self, label):
resized = False
for action in self.moves.action_types:
added = self.moves.add_action(action, label)
if added:
resized = True
if resized:
return 1
return 0
def _ensure_labels_are_added(self, docs):
"""Ensure that all labels for a batch of docs are added."""
resized = False
labels = set()
for doc in docs:
for label in labels:
for action in self.moves.action_types:
added = self.moves.add_action(action, label)
if added:
resized = True
if resized:
return 1
return 0
def _resize(self):
self.model.attrs["resize_output"](self.model, self.moves.n_moves)
if self._rehearsal_model not in (True, False, None):
self._rehearsal_model, self.moves.n_moves
def add_multitask_objective(self, target):
# Defined in subclasses, to avoid circular import
raise NotImplementedError
def init_multitask_objectives(self, get_examples, pipeline, **cfg):
"""Setup models for secondary objectives, to benefit from multi-task
learning. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses.
For instance, the dependency parser can benefit from sharing
an input representation with a label prediction model. These auxiliary
models are discarded after training.
def use_params(self, params):
# Can't decorate cdef class :(. Workaround.
with self.model.use_params(params):
def pipe(self, docs, *, int batch_size=256):
"""Process a stream of documents.
stream: The sequence of documents to process.
batch_size (int): Number of documents to accumulate into a working set.
error_handler (Callable[[str, List[Doc], Exception], Any]): Function that
deals with a failing batch of documents. The default function just reraises
the exception.
YIELDS (Doc): Documents, in order.
cdef Doc doc
error_handler = self.get_error_handler()
for batch in util.minibatch(docs, size=batch_size):
batch_in_order = list(batch)
by_length = sorted(batch, key=lambda doc: len(doc))
for subbatch in util.minibatch(by_length, size=max(batch_size//4, 2)):
subbatch = list(subbatch)
parse_states = self.predict(subbatch)
self.set_annotations(subbatch, parse_states)
yield from batch_in_order
except Exception as e:
error_handler(, self, batch_in_order, e)
def predict(self, docs):
if isinstance(docs, Doc):
docs = [docs]
if not any(len(doc) for doc in docs):
result = self.moves.init_batch(docs)
return result
if self.cfg["beam_width"] == 1:
return self.greedy_parse(docs, drop=0.0)
return self.beam_parse(
def greedy_parse(self, docs, drop=0.):
cdef vector[StateC*] states
cdef StateClass state
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
batch = self.moves.init_batch(docs)
model = self.model.predict(docs)
weights = get_c_weights(model)
for state in batch:
if not state.is_final():
sizes = get_c_sizes(model, states.size())
with nogil:
weights, sizes)
del model
return batch
def beam_parse(self, docs, int beam_width, float drop=0., beam_density=0.):
cdef Beam beam
cdef Doc doc
batch = _beam_utils.BeamBatch(
model = self.model.predict(docs)
while not batch.is_done:
states = batch.get_unfinished_states()
if not states:
scores = model.predict(states)
del model
return list(batch)
cdef void _parseC(self, StateC** states,
WeightsC weights, SizesC sizes) nogil:
cdef int i, j
cdef vector[StateC*] unfinished
cdef ActivationsC activations = alloc_activations(sizes)
while sizes.states >= 1:
states, &weights, sizes)
# Validate actions, argmax, take action.
activations.scores, sizes.classes, sizes.states)
for i in range(sizes.states):
if not states[i].is_final():
for i in range(unfinished.size()):
states[i] = unfinished[i]
sizes.states = unfinished.size()
def set_annotations(self, docs, states_or_beams):
cdef StateClass state
cdef Beam beam
cdef Doc doc
states = _beam_utils.collect_states(states_or_beams, docs)
for i, (state, doc) in enumerate(zip(states, docs)):
self.moves.set_annotations(state, doc)
for hook in self.postprocesses:
def transition_states(self, states, float[:, ::1] scores):
cdef StateClass state
cdef float* c_scores = &scores[0, 0]
cdef vector[StateC*] c_states
for state in states:
self.c_transition_batch(&c_states[0], c_scores, scores.shape[1], scores.shape[0])
return [state for state in states if not state.c.is_final()]
cdef void c_transition_batch(self, StateC** states, const float* scores,
int nr_class, int batch_size) nogil:
# n_moves should not be zero at this point, but make sure to avoid zero-length mem alloc
with gil:
assert self.moves.n_moves > 0, Errors.E924.format(
is_valid = <int*>calloc(self.moves.n_moves, sizeof(int))
cdef int i, guess
cdef Transition action
for i in range(batch_size):
self.moves.set_valid(is_valid, states[i])
guess = arg_max_if_valid(&scores[i*nr_class], is_valid, nr_class)
if guess == -1:
# This shouldn't happen, but it's hard to raise an error here,
# and we don't want to infinite loop. So, force to end state.
action = self.moves.c[guess][i], action.label)
def update(self, examples, *, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None):
cdef StateClass state
if losses is None:
losses = {}
losses.setdefault(, 0.)
validate_examples(examples, "Parser.update")
[eg.x for eg in examples] + [eg.y for eg in examples]
for multitask in self._multitasks:
multitask.update(examples, drop=drop, sgd=sgd)
n_examples = len([eg for eg in examples if self.moves.has_gold(eg)])
if n_examples == 0:
return losses
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
# The probability we use beam update, instead of falling back to
# a greedy update
beam_update_prob = self.cfg["beam_update_prob"]
if self.cfg['beam_width'] >= 2 and numpy.random.random() < beam_update_prob:
return self.update_beam(
max_moves = self.cfg["update_with_oracle_cut_size"]
if max_moves >= 1:
# Chop sequences into lengths of this many words, to make the
# batch uniform length.
max_moves = int(random.uniform(max_moves // 2, max_moves * 2))
states, golds, _ = self._init_gold_batch(
states, golds, _ = self.moves.init_gold_batch(examples)
if not states:
return losses
model, backprop_tok2vec = self.model.begin_update([eg.x for eg in examples])
all_states = list(states)
states_golds = list(zip(states, golds))
n_moves = 0
while states_golds:
states, golds = zip(*states_golds)
scores, backprop = model.begin_update(states)
d_scores = self.get_batch_loss(states, golds, scores, losses)
# Note that the gradient isn't normalized by the batch size
# here, because our "samples" are really the states...But we
# can't normalize by the number of states either, as then we'd
# be getting smaller gradients for states in long sequences.
# Follow the predicted action
self.transition_states(states, scores)
states_golds = [(s, g) for (s, g) in zip(states, golds) if not s.is_final()]
if max_moves >= 1 and n_moves >= max_moves:
n_moves += 1
if sgd not in (None, False):
# Ugh, this is annoying. If we're working on GPU, we want to free the
# memory ASAP. It seems that Python doesn't necessarily get around to
# removing these in time if we don't explicitly delete? It's confusing.
del backprop
del backprop_tok2vec
del model
return losses
def rehearse(self, examples, sgd=None, losses=None, **cfg):
"""Perform a "rehearsal" update, to prevent catastrophic forgetting."""
if losses is None:
losses = {}
for multitask in self._multitasks:
if hasattr(multitask, 'rehearse'):
multitask.rehearse(examples, losses=losses, sgd=sgd)
if self._rehearsal_model is None:
return None
losses.setdefault(, 0.)
validate_examples(examples, "Parser.rehearse")
docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples]
states = self.moves.init_batch(docs)
# This is pretty dirty, but the NER can resize itself in init_batch,
# if labels are missing. We therefore have to check whether we need to
# expand our model output.
# Prepare the stepwise model, and get the callback for finishing the batch
set_dropout_rate(self._rehearsal_model, 0.0)
set_dropout_rate(self.model, 0.0)
tutor, _ = self._rehearsal_model.begin_update(docs)
model, backprop_tok2vec = self.model.begin_update(docs)
n_scores = 0.
loss = 0.
while states:
targets, _ = tutor.begin_update(states)
guesses, backprop = model.begin_update(states)
d_scores = (guesses - targets) / targets.shape[0]
# If all weights for an output are 0 in the original model, don't
# supervise that output. This allows us to add classes.
loss += (d_scores**2).sum()
# Follow the predicted action
self.transition_states(states, guesses)
states = [state for state in states if not state.is_final()]
n_scores += d_scores.size
# Do the backprop
if sgd is not None:
losses[] += loss / n_scores
del backprop
del backprop_tok2vec
del model
del tutor
return losses
def update_beam(self, examples, *, beam_width,
drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None, beam_density=0.0):
states, golds, _ = self.moves.init_gold_batch(examples)
if not states:
return losses
# Prepare the stepwise model, and get the callback for finishing the batch
model, backprop_tok2vec = self.model.begin_update(
[eg.predicted for eg in examples])
loss = _beam_utils.update_beam(
losses[] += loss
if sgd is not None:
def get_batch_loss(self, states, golds, float[:, ::1] scores, losses):
cdef StateClass state
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
cdef int i
# n_moves should not be zero at this point, but make sure to avoid zero-length mem alloc
assert self.moves.n_moves > 0, Errors.E924.format(
is_valid = <int*>mem.alloc(self.moves.n_moves, sizeof(int))
costs = <float*>mem.alloc(self.moves.n_moves, sizeof(float))
cdef np.ndarray d_scores = numpy.zeros((len(states), self.moves.n_moves),
dtype='f', order='C')
c_d_scores = <float*>
unseen_classes = self.model.attrs["unseen_classes"]
for i, (state, gold) in enumerate(zip(states, golds)):
memset(is_valid, 0, self.moves.n_moves * sizeof(int))
memset(costs, 0, self.moves.n_moves * sizeof(float))
self.moves.set_costs(is_valid, costs, state.c, gold)
for j in range(self.moves.n_moves):
if costs[j] <= 0.0 and j in unseen_classes:
costs, is_valid, &scores[i, 0], d_scores.shape[1])
c_d_scores += d_scores.shape[1]
# Note that we don't normalize this. See comment in update() for why.
if losses is not None:
losses.setdefault(, 0.)
losses[] += (d_scores**2).sum()
return d_scores
def set_output(self, nO):
self.model.attrs["resize_output"](self.model, nO)
def initialize(self, get_examples, nlp=None, labels=None):
validate_get_examples(get_examples, "Parser.initialize")
util.check_lexeme_norms(self.vocab, "parser or NER")
if labels is not None:
actions = dict(labels)
actions = self.moves.get_actions(
for action, labels in self.moves.labels.items():
actions.setdefault(action, {})
for label, freq in labels.items():
if label not in actions[action]:
actions[action][label] = freq
# make sure we resize so we have an appropriate upper layer
doc_sample = []
if nlp is not None:
for name, component in nlp.pipeline:
if component is self:
# non-trainable components may have a pipe() implementation that refers to dummy
# predict and set_annotations methods
if hasattr(component, "pipe"):
doc_sample = list(component.pipe(doc_sample, batch_size=8))
doc_sample = [component(doc) for doc in doc_sample]
if not doc_sample:
for example in islice(get_examples(), 10):
assert len(doc_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format(
if nlp is not None:
self.init_multitask_objectives(get_examples, nlp.pipeline)
def to_disk(self, path, exclude=tuple()):
serializers = {
"model": lambda p: (self.model.to_disk(p) if self.model is not True else True),
"vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p, exclude=exclude),
"moves": lambda p: self.moves.to_disk(p, exclude=["strings"]),
"cfg": lambda p: srsly.write_json(p, self.cfg)
util.to_disk(path, serializers, exclude)
def from_disk(self, path, exclude=tuple()):
deserializers = {
"vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.from_disk(p, exclude=exclude),
"moves": lambda p: self.moves.from_disk(p, exclude=["strings"]),
"cfg": lambda p: self.cfg.update(srsly.read_json(p)),
"model": lambda p: None,
util.from_disk(path, deserializers, exclude)
if "model" not in exclude:
path = util.ensure_path(path)
with (path / "model").open("rb") as file_:
bytes_data =
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149)
return self
def to_bytes(self, exclude=tuple()):
serializers = {
"model": lambda: (self.model.to_bytes()),
"vocab": lambda: self.vocab.to_bytes(exclude=exclude),
"moves": lambda: self.moves.to_bytes(exclude=["strings"]),
"cfg": lambda: srsly.json_dumps(self.cfg, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
return util.to_bytes(serializers, exclude)
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, exclude=tuple()):
deserializers = {
"vocab": lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b, exclude=exclude),
"moves": lambda b: self.moves.from_bytes(b, exclude=["strings"]),
"cfg": lambda b: self.cfg.update(srsly.json_loads(b)),
"model": lambda b: None,
msg = util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserializers, exclude)
if 'model' not in exclude:
if 'model' in msg:
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149) from None
return self
def _init_gold_batch(self, examples, max_length):
"""Make a square batch, of length equal to the shortest transition
sequence or a cap. A long
doc will get multiple states. Let's say we have a doc of length 2*N,
where N is the shortest doc. We'll make two states, one representing
long_doc[:N], and another representing long_doc[N:]."""
StateClass start_state
StateClass state
Transition action
all_states = self.moves.init_batch([eg.predicted for eg in examples])
states = []
golds = []
to_cut = []
for state, eg in zip(all_states, examples):
if self.moves.has_gold(eg) and not state.is_final():
gold = self.moves.init_gold(state, eg)
if len(eg.x) < max_length:
oracle_actions = self.moves.get_oracle_sequence_from_state(
state.copy(), gold)
to_cut.append((eg, state, gold, oracle_actions))
if not to_cut:
return states, golds, 0
cdef int clas
for eg, state, gold, oracle_actions in to_cut:
for i in range(0, len(oracle_actions), max_length):
start_state = state.copy()
for clas in oracle_actions[i:i+max_length]:
action = self.moves.c[clas], action.label)
if state.is_final():
if self.moves.has_gold(eg, start_state.B(0), state.B(0)):
if state.is_final():
return states, golds, max_length
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