Backend added

parent 6550c505
from django.contrib import admin
# Register your models here.
from django.apps import AppConfig
class CgpappConfig(AppConfig):
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
name = 'CgpApp'
Assistant Director (Social Mobilization),Administrative
Technical Officer,Engineering
Development Officer,Operations
Data Processing Assistant,Operations
Community Decelopment Assistant,Operations
Management Assistant,Administrative
Technical Assistant,Engineering
Social Development Assistant,Administrative
Office Aid,Other
Record Keeper,Other
Administrative Appeals Tribunal,Administrative
Assistant Director (Legal),Administrative
Vocational Instructor,Academic
Medical Consultant,Healthcare
Medical Officer,Healthcare
Dental Surgeon,Healthcare
Para Medical,Healthcare
Nursing Officer,Healthcare
Nursing Sister,Healthcare
Dental Technician,Healthcare
Public Health Inspector,Healthcare
Management Assistant,Administrative
class cgphelper:
skip_words = ["qualification", "qualifications", "experience", "proficiency", "knowledge", "skills", "interview", "example", "example : ", "general conditions : ",
"n.b.", "note", "age", "salary", "salary", "educational qualifications", "other qualifications", "method of application", "clarity in communication.",
"punishment", "paste", "certification", "paste", "receipt", "\"", "n.b", "w", "fldgi", "fPoh", "time management.", "presentation methods.", "admission to the examination",
"appointing authority", "penalty for false information",
department_identifier = {"public service commision", "registrar",
"judicial service commision", "national dangerous drugs control board", "parliament of sri lanka"}
skip_substring = []
from spellchecker import SpellChecker
class Spell:
def spellcheck_(entry):
listofwords = entry.split()
spell = SpellChecker()
# find those words that may be misspelled
misspelled = spell.unknown(listofwords)
for word in misspelled:
# Get the one `most likely` answer
# Get a list of `likely` options
listofwords = spell.candidates(word)
newlist = []
for item in listofwords:
return newlist
# Generated by Django 3.2.8 on 2021-10-14 11:30
from django.db import migrations, models
import django.db.models.deletion
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
initial = True
dependencies = [
operations = [
('ITEM', models.AutoField(primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
('GAZETTE', models.CharField(default='N/A', max_length=4)),
('NAME', models.CharField(max_length=200)),
('CURRENTPRICE', models.CharField(default='0', max_length=50)),
('NEWPRICE', models.CharField(default='0', max_length=50)),
('GID', models.AutoField(primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
('GazetteNo', models.IntegerField()),
('PostTitle', models.CharField(max_length=200)),
('District', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
('Description', models.CharField(max_length=2000)),
('GazetteNo', models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
('GazetteDate', models.CharField(max_length=100)),
('PriceAvl', models.CharField(default='0', max_length=100)),
('GID', models.AutoField(primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
('GType', models.CharField(max_length=10)),
('GTitle', models.CharField(max_length=100)),
('GDesc', models.CharField(max_length=200)),
('UserID', models.AutoField(primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
('UserEmpID', models.CharField(default='00000', max_length=5)),
('UserDepartment', models.CharField(max_length=20)),
('UserPassword', models.CharField(max_length=20)),
('rowId', models.AutoField(primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
('GazetteNo', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='CgpApp.gazette')),
from django.db import models
# Create your models here.
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.fields import AutoField
# Create your models here.
class Users(models.Model):
UserID = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
UserEmpID = models.CharField(max_length=5, default='00000')
UserDepartment = models.CharField(max_length=20)
UserPassword = models.CharField(max_length=20)
class Gazette(models.Model):
GazetteNo = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
GazetteDate = models.CharField(max_length=100)
PriceAvl = models.CharField(
max_length=100, default="0")
class Gazette_mst(models.Model):
GID = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
GType = models.CharField(max_length=10)
GTitle = models.CharField(max_length=100)
GDesc = models.CharField(max_length=200)
class G_GEN(models.Model):
rowId = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
GazetteNo = models.ForeignKey(Gazette, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class G_POST_V(models.Model):
GID = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
GazetteNo = models.IntegerField()
PostTitle = models.CharField(max_length=200)
District = models.CharField(max_length=50)
Description = models.CharField(max_length=2000)
class Commodity(models.Model):
ITEM = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
GAZETTE = models.CharField(max_length=4, default="N/A")
NAME = models.CharField(max_length=200)
CURRENTPRICE = models.CharField(max_length=50, default="0")
NEWPRICE = models.CharField(max_length=50, default="0")
class Vac(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
department = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
title = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
description = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
summary = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
date = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
url = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
cat = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Exm(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
department = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
title = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
description = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
summary = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
date = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
url = models.CharField(max_length=20000)
cat = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class ComCompare(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
DateofMonth = models.CharField(max_length=100)
price = models.CharField(max_length=10)
Item,Importers Maximum,Maximum Retail Price,Maximum Retail Price
"",Wholesale Price,(Unpacketed),(Packeted)
White Sugar,Rs. 116/- per kg.,Rs. 122/- per kg.,Rs. 125/- per kg.
Brown or Red Sugar,,Rs. 125/- per kg.,Rs. 128/- per kg.
"",Variety,Maximum Retail
Keeri Samba,,Rs. 125/- per kg.
White/Red Samba - Steamed/Boiled (excluding Suduru Samba),,Rs. 103/- per kg.
White/Red Nadu - Steamed/Boiled (excluding Mottaikarupan and Attakari),,Rs. 98/- per kg.
White/Red Raw Rice,,Rs. 95/- per kg.
"I fldgi ( ^I& fPoh - YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd ckrcfha w;s fYI .ei m;%h - 2021'09'041A PART I : SEC. (I) - GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA - 04.09.2021"
matchers = ['department', 'ministry']
matching = [s for s in departmentList if any(
xs in s for xs in matchers)]
# to english
sent = " ".join(w for w in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(sent)
if w.lower() in words or not w.isalpha())
from django.db.models import fields
from rest_framework import serializers
from CgpApp.models import Gazette, Users, Gazette_mst, G_POST_V, Commodity, Vac, ComCompare
class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Users
fields = ('UserID', 'UserEmpID', 'UserDepartment', 'UserPassword')
class GazetteSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Gazette
fields = ('GazetteNo', 'GazetteDate', 'PriceAvl')
class GazetteMasterSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Gazette_mst
fields = ('GID', 'GTitle', 'GType', 'GDesc')
class PostVSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = G_POST_V
fields = ('GID', 'GazetteNo', 'PostTitle', 'District', 'Description')
class CommoditySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Commodity
class VacSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Vac
fields = ('id', 'department', 'title',
'description', 'summary', 'date', 'url', 'cat')
class ComSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = ComCompare
fields = ('id', 'name', 'DateofMonth', 'price')
from json.decoder import JSONDecoder
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nltk import word_tokenize
from typing import Any
from django.http import response
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser
from django.http.response import JsonResponse
from CgpApp.models import Gazette, Users, Gazette_mst, Commodity
from CgpApp.serializers import GazetteMasterSerializer, GazetteSerializer, UserSerializer, CommoditySerializer
from CgpApp.cgphelper import cgphelper
from CgpApp.topicclustering import TopicCluster
import numpy
from clint.textui import progress
import datetime
import calendar
import os.path
import glob
import re
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
import enchant
import spacy
import dotenv'punkt')
class Summarizer_:
def summarizer(text):
sentenceText = text.replace(" ", "")
lll = ''
if not sentenceText == "":
# Tokenizing the text
stopWords = set(stopwords.words("english"))
words = word_tokenize(text)
# Creating a frequency table to keep the
# score of each word
freqTable = dict()
for word in words:
word = word.lower()
if word in stopWords:
if word in freqTable:
freqTable[word] += 1
freqTable[word] = 1
# Creating a dictionary to keep the score
# of each sentence
sentences = sent_tokenize(text)
sentenceValue = dict()
for sentence in sentences:
for word, freq in freqTable.items():
if word in sentence.lower():
if sentence in sentenceValue:
sentenceValue[sentence] += freq
sentenceValue[sentence] = freq
sumValues = 0
for sentence in sentenceValue:
sumValues += sentenceValue[sentence]
# Average value of a sentence from the original text
average = int(sumValues / len(sentenceValue))
# Storing sentences into our summary.
summary = ''
for sentence in sentences:
if (sentence in sentenceValue) and (sentenceValue[sentence] > (1.2 * average)):
summary += " " + sentence
def clean_text(x):
x = " ".join(x.split())
x = " ".join((" ".join(x.split("[**"))).split("**]"))
x = re.sub(r"\([^()]*\)", "", x)
key_value_strip = (x.split(":"))
string = " ".join([sub_unit for sub_unit in key_value_strip if len(
sub_unit) > 10]) # Remove strings less than 10 Characters
# Remove serialization (eg 1. 1)
x = re.sub(r"(\d+)+(\.|\))", "", string)
x = re.sub(r"(\*|\?|=)+", "", x) # Removing ( *, ? and = )
# Removing dupicate words
x = re.sub(r"\b(\w+)( \1\b)+", r"\1", x)
x = x.replace("FOLLOW UP", "FOLLOWUP")
x = x.replace("FOLLOW-UP", "FOLLOWUP")
# Remove firstname
x = re.sub(
r"(\b)(f|F)(irst)(\b)?[\d\-\d]*(\s)*(\b)?(n|N)(ame)[\d\-\d]*(\s)*[\d\-\d]*(\b)", "", x)
x = re.sub(
r"(\b)(l|L)(ast)(\b)?[\d\-\d]*(\s)*(\b)?(n|N)(ame)[\d\-\d]*(\s)*[\d\-\d]*(\b)", "", x)
x = re.sub(r"(\b)(d|D)\.?(r|R)\.?(\b)",
"", x) # Remove abreviation
# Remove punctuations
x = re.sub(r"([^A-Za-z0-9\s](\s)){2,}", "", x)
return(x.replace(" ", " "))
summaryCleaned = clean_text(summary)
# Process the text (to find Out dependencies and hirerachy of the text)
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp(summaryCleaned)
lll = doc
# print("look here:::::::::::::::::", doc)
print("Input Description:")
# print(lll)
return "Summarized result: \n" + str(lll)
def commodityPriceHandler():
pdfFiles = []
for file in glob.glob("CgpApp/scrape_output/price/*.pdf"):
t = file.split("\\")
for iFile in pdfFiles:
iFile = iFile.replace(".pdf", "")
csvFile = "CgpApp/scrape_output/price/"+iFile+".csv"
file = "CgpApp/scrape_output/price/"+iFile+".pdf"
df = read_pdf(file, pages="all") # address of pdf file
# print(tabulate(df))
tabula.convert_into(file, csvFile)
gnumber = os.path.basename(file)[0:4]
gazetteRecord = Gazette.objects.get(GazetteNo=gnumber)
# update gazette table
gazetteRecord.PriceAvl = "11"
df = pd.read_csv(csvFile,
sep=",", encoding="cp1252")
c = 0
if "Item" in df:
priceData = pd.read_csv(
csvFile, sep=",", encoding='cp1252', usecols=[0, 3], header=None)
c = 1
elif "Variety" in df:
priceData = pd.read_csv(
csvFile, sep=",", encoding='cp1252', usecols=[0, 2], header=None)
c = 2
if c == 1:
for index, row in priceData.iterrows():
if 'Rs.' in str(row):
print(row[0], row[3])
NAME=row[0], NEWPRICE=row[3], GAZETTE=gnumber)
elif c == 2:
for index, row in priceData.iterrows():
if 'Rs.' in str(row):
print(row[0], row[2])
NAME=row[0], NEWPRICE=row[2], GAZETTE=gnumber)
from django.test import TestCase
# Create your tests here.
from typing import Text
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import re
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
# KMeans clustering is a method of clustering.
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from numpy import concatenate
import numpy as np
from fuzzywuzzy import process
import json
class TopicCluster:
def cluster():
texts = [
"Registrar of Births Deaths and MarriagesAdditional Marriages Kandyan",
"Registrar of Muslim Marriages -Gampaha",
"Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages",
"Registrar of Muslim Marriages -Ratnapura",
"Registrar of Births Deaths and MarriagesAdditional Marriages Kandyan",
"Teacher Services 2021 for sinhala,Tamil and English-Kaluthara District",
"Teacher Services 2021 for sinhala,Tamil and English-Galle District",
"Teacher Services for sinhala-Ratnapura District",
"Medical officer preliminary grade i",
"medical consultant",
"medical officer grade i",
"medical officer grade ii",
"Medical officer preliminary grade ii",
"Community Development Assistant",
"Data Processing Assistant -colombo",
"Community Development Assistant",
"Data Processing Assistant -ratnapura",
"Social Development Assistant",
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
# .fit_transfer TOKENIZES and COUNTS
X = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# We'll make a new vectorizer
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
#count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words=['the', 'and'])
# .fit_transfer TOKENIZES and COUNTS
X = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# print(count_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
# This is what our normal tokenizer looks like
def boring_tokenizer(str_input):
words = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]", " ", str_input).lower().split()
return words
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=boring_tokenizer)
X = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# print(count_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
porter_stemmer = PorterStemmer()
def stemming_tokenizer(str_input):
words = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]", " ", str_input).lower().split()
words = [porter_stemmer.stem(word) for word in words]
return words
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer)
X = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# print(count_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=False, norm='l1')
X = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=False, norm='l1')
X = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
df = pd.DataFrame(
X.toarray(), columns=tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
# df
# use_idf=True is default, but I'll leave it in
idf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=True, norm='l1')
X = idf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
idf_df = pd.DataFrame(
X.toarray(), columns=idf_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
# idf_df
# use_idf=True is default, but I'll leave it in
idf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=True, norm='l2')
X = idf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
idf_df = pd.DataFrame(
X.toarray(), columns=idf_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
# idf_df
# use_idf=True is default, but I'll leave it in
l2_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=True)
X = l2_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
l2_df = pd.DataFrame(
X.toarray(), columns=l2_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
# l2_df
# Initialize a vectorizer
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
use_idf=True, tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, stop_words='english')
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# distortions = []
# K = range(1, 8)
# for k in K:
# kmeanModel = KMeans(n_clusters=k)
# distortions.append(kmeanModel.inertia_)
# plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
# plt.plot(K, distortions, 'bx-')
# plt.xlabel('k')
# plt.ylabel('Distortion')
# plt.title('The Elbow Method showing the optimal k')
def get_k_value(y_list):
coordinate_dict = {}
for x in range(2, len(y_list) + 1):
coordinate_dict[x] = abs(y_list[x - 2] - y_list[x - 1])
if x == len(y_list):
x += 1
return max(coordinate_dict, key=coordinate_dict.get)
return None
def get_distinct_jobs_count():
jobCsvFile = "CgpApp/assets/job_cat.csv"
jobsDF = pd.read_csv(jobCsvFile)
return len(jobsDF['category'].unique().tolist())
number_of_clusters = get_distinct_jobs_count()
# random_state = 1
km = KMeans(n_clusters=number_of_clusters)
# clf = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=random_state)
data =
random_state = 1
centroids = km.cluster_centers_
# # we want to transform the rows and the centroids
# everything = concatenate((X.todense(), centroids))
# tsne_init = 'pca' # could also be 'random'
# tsne_perplexity = 20.0
# tsne_early_exaggeration = 4.0
# tsne_learning_rate = 10
# model = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=random_state, init=tsne_init,
# perplexity=tsne_perplexity,
# early_exaggeration=tsne_early_exaggeration, learning_rate=tsne_learning_rate)
# transformed_everything = model.fit_transform(everything)
# print(transformed_everything)
# n_clusters = 4
# plt.scatter(transformed_everything[:-n_clusters, 0],
# transformed_everything[:-n_clusters, 1], marker='x')
# plt.scatter(transformed_everything[-n_clusters:, 0],
# transformed_everything[-n_clusters:, 1], marker='o')
def get_category_name(top_words):
avgList = []
category = ''
jobCsvFile = "CgpApp/assets/job_cat.csv"
jobsDF = pd.read_csv(jobCsvFile)
jj = jobsDF.groupby('category')
for name, group in jj:
titlesList = group['title'].tolist()
groupName = name
Ratios = process.extract(str(top_words), titlesList)
totalScore = 0
for i in Ratios:
totalScore = totalScore + i[1]
avgScore = totalScore / len(Ratios)
avgList.append((groupName, avgScore))
category = max(avgList, key=lambda item: item[1])[0]
print("Average similarity betweem top terms and each category: \n")
for i in avgList:
return category
cluster_names_list = []
print("Top terms per cluster:")
order_centroids = km.cluster_centers_.argsort()[:, ::-1]
terms = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
for i in range(number_of_clusters):
top_ten_words = [terms[ind] for ind in order_centroids[i, :5]]
cat = get_category_name(top_ten_words)
cluster_names_list.append((i, cat))
print("Cluster {}: {}".format(cat, ' '.join(top_ten_words)))
newkmlist_ = km.labels_
for tuple in cluster_names_list:
newkmlist_ = [tuple[1] if i == tuple[0] else i for i in newkmlist_]
results = pd.DataFrame()
results['text'] = texts
results['category'] = newkmlist_
def clustervac(vaclist):
texts = [
"Registrar of Births Deaths and MarriagesAdditional Marriages Kandyan",
"Registrar of Muslim Marriages -Gampaha",
"Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages",
"Registrar of Muslim Marriages -Ratnapura",
"Registrar of Births Deaths and MarriagesAdditional Marriages Kandyan",
"Teacher Services 2021 for sinhala,Tamil and English-Kaluthara District",
"Teacher Services 2021 for sinhala,Tamil and English-Galle District",
"Teacher Services for sinhala-Ratnapura District",
"Medical officer preliminary grade i",
"medical consultant",
"medical officer grade i",
"medical officer grade ii",
"Medical officer preliminary grade ii",
"Community Development Assistant",
"Data Processing Assistant -colombo",
"Community Development Assistant",
"Data Processing Assistant -ratnapura",
"Social Development Assistant",
json_string = json.dumps(vaclist)
y = json.loads(json_string)
texts = []
for t in y:
if 'title' in t:
r = ''
for l in t["title"]:
r = r + l
print("length of texts:" + str(len(texts)))
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
# .fit_transfer TOKENIZES and COUNTS
X = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# We'll make a new vectorizer
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
X = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# This is what our normal tokenizer looks like
def boring_tokenizer(str_input):
words = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]", " ", str_input).lower().split()
return words
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=boring_tokenizer)
X = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# print(count_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
porter_stemmer = PorterStemmer()
def stemming_tokenizer(str_input):
words = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]", " ", str_input).lower().split()
words = [porter_stemmer.stem(word) for word in words]
return words
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer)
X = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# print(count_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=False, norm='l1')
X = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(), columns=tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=False, norm='l1')
X = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
df = pd.DataFrame(
X.toarray(), columns=tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
# df
# use_idf=True is default, but I'll leave it in
idf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=True, norm='l1')
X = idf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
idf_df = pd.DataFrame(
X.toarray(), columns=idf_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
# idf_df
# use_idf=True is default, but I'll leave it in
idf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=True, norm='l2')
X = idf_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
idf_df = pd.DataFrame(
X.toarray(), columns=idf_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
# idf_df
# use_idf=True is default, but I'll leave it in
l2_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words='english', tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, use_idf=True)
X = l2_vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
l2_df = pd.DataFrame(
X.toarray(), columns=l2_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
# l2_df
# Initialize a vectorizer
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
use_idf=True, tokenizer=stemming_tokenizer, stop_words='english')
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
def get_distinct_jobs_count():
jobCsvFile = "CgpApp/assets/job_cat.csv"
jobsDF = pd.read_csv(jobCsvFile)
return len(jobsDF['category'].unique().tolist())
def get_k_value(y_list):
coordinate_dict = {}
for x in range(2, len(y_list) + 1):
coordinate_dict[x] = abs(y_list[x - 2] - y_list[x - 1])
if x == len(y_list):
x += 1
return max(coordinate_dict, key=coordinate_dict.get)
return None
number_of_clusters = get_distinct_jobs_count()
# random_state = 1
km = KMeans(n_clusters=number_of_clusters)
# clf = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=random_state)
data =
random_state = 1
centroids = km.cluster_centers_
def get_category_name(top_words):
avgList = []
category = ''
jobCsvFile = "CgpApp/assets/job_cat.csv"
jobsDF = pd.read_csv(jobCsvFile)
jj = jobsDF.groupby('category')
for name, group in jj:
titlesList = group['title'].tolist()
groupName = name
Ratios = process.extract(str(top_words), titlesList)
totalScore = 0
for i in Ratios:
totalScore = totalScore + i[1]
avgScore = totalScore / len(Ratios)
avgList.append((groupName, avgScore))
category = max(avgList, key=lambda item: item[1])[0]
print("Average similarity betweem top terms and each category: \n")
for i in avgList:
return category
cluster_names_list = []
print("Top terms per cluster:")
order_centroids = km.cluster_centers_.argsort()[:, ::-1]
terms = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
for i in range(number_of_clusters):
top_ten_words = [terms[ind] for ind in order_centroids[i, :5]]
cat = get_category_name(top_ten_words)
cluster_names_list.append((i, cat))
print("Cluster {}: {}".format(cat, ' '.join(top_ten_words)))
newkmlist_ = km.labels_
for tuple in cluster_names_list:
newkmlist_ = [tuple[1] if i == tuple[0] else i for i in newkmlist_]
print("length of km" + str(len(newkmlist_)))
print("length of next vac" + str(len(vaclist)))
c = 0
ls = []
for item in vaclist:
item["category"] = newkmlist_[c]
c = c + 1
print("array too long")
results = pd.DataFrame()
results['text'] = texts
results['category'] = newkmlist_
df = {}
for item in y:
if 'title' in item:
r = ''
for l in t["title"]:
r = r + l
if r in results['text']:
q = results.query(r)
df["department"] = item["department"]
df["title"] = r
df["cat"] = results['category']
return ls
from django.conf.urls import url
from CgpApp import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^gazette/$', views.gazetteApi),
url(r'^gazette/([0-9]+)$', views.gazetteApi),
url(r'^gazettemst/$', views.gazetteMSTApi),
url(r'^postvacancy/([a-zA-Z]+)$', views.vacancyAPI),
url(r'^userhandler/([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+)$', views.userhandlerAPI),
url(r'^getalldata/$', views.getAllData),
url(r'^getalldata/$', views.getAllData),
url(r'^examinations/$', views.examinationAPI),
url(r'^gazetteDownloadDetailsApi/$', views.gazetteDownloadDetailsApi),
url(r'^commodity/$', views.commodityAPI),
url(r'^vacancy/([a-zA-Z]+)$', views.vacancy),
url(r'^examination/([a-zA-Z]+)$', views.examination),
url(r'^testapi/$', views.testapi),
url(r'^spellingChecker/([a-zA-Z]+)$', views.spellingChecker),
url(r'^comcompare/$', views.comcompare),
from django.shortcuts import render
# Create your views here.
from json.decoder import JSONDecoder
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nltk import word_tokenize
from typing import Any
from django.http import response
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser
from django.http.response import JsonResponse
from CgpApp.models import ComCompare, Gazette, Users, Gazette_mst, Commodity, Vac, Exm
from CgpApp.serializers import ComSerializer, GazetteMasterSerializer, GazetteSerializer, UserSerializer, CommoditySerializer, VacSerializer
from CgpApp.cgphelper import cgphelper
from CgpApp.topicclustering import TopicCluster
from CgpApp.summarizer import Summarizer_
from CgpApp.contentsearch import Spell
import traceback
import requests
import pandas as pd
import json
import shutil
import os
import numpy
from clint.textui import progress
import datetime
import calendar
from docx import *
import dotenv
from pdf2docx import Converter
import os.path
import glob
import re
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
import enchant
import spacy
from hdfs import InsecureClient
from json import dump, load, dumps
import tabula
from tabula import read_pdf
from tabulate import tabulate'punkt')
# For Graphs (Histogram,Bar Graphs)
# get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'auto')
def scrape():
x = 0
gz_url = ''
def get_base_path():
return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def _scarpe_gazettes(_date_dict):
url = ''
ret = "no"
date = '%s-%s-%s' % (_date_dict['year'],
_date_dict['month'], _date_dict['day'])
data_dict = {'pubType': 'gz', 'date': date, 'lang': 'E'}
response =, data=data_dict)
gazette_dict = json.loads(response.text)
gazette_dict = {}
return "one"
if 'exist' in gazette_dict.keys():
if gazette_dict['exist'] != "N":
for key, value in gazette_dict.items():
gz_url = '' % value.replace(
'..', '')
if '.pdf' in gz_url:
# print(gz_url)
folder_path = 'CgpApp/scrape_output/'
file_name = gz_url.split('/')[-1]
# print(folder_path)
if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (folder_path, file_name)):
if '(I-IIA)E' in file_name:
folder_path, gz_url, file_name)
'Gazette already exists in the local storage!')
ret = "yes"
return "two"
print("Enter Valid Date")
return "three"
return "four"
return ret
def _download_with_proress(folder_path, gz_url, file_name):
path = 'CgpApp/scrape_output/%s' % (file_name)
r = requests.get(gz_url, stream=True)
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
total_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length'))
for chunk in, expected_size=(total_length / 1024) + 1):
if chunk:
print('Gazettes Successfully Downloaded!')
print("urllllllllll" + gz_url)
# get last friday
lastFriday =
oneday = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
while lastFriday.weekday() != calendar.FRIDAY:
lastFriday -= oneday
print("formatted date: ", lastFriday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
f_date = lastFriday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
datee = datetime.datetime.strptime(f_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
print("month :", datee.month)
print("date: ", datee)
def _get_date():
_date_dict = {}
_date_dict["year"] = datee.year
_date_dict["month"] = datee.month
_date_dict["day"] =
# _date_dict["year"] = "2021"
# _date_dict["month"] = "02"
# _date_dict["day"] = "19"
d = _scarpe_gazettes(_date_dict)
return d
q = _get_date()
return q
# reading pdfs
dictTD = [{"key": "value"}]
def PdfBreaker(gz_url):
def get_base_path():
return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def arrangeDictionary(listRuns, ler, listT, listD, counter, dt, dep, gnum, exType, firstRun, pubDate):
id = counter + 1
completeDescription = ''
ct = ''
# collection description listitems to one whole description
for item in listD:
completeDescription = completeDescription + item
summarizedDescription = Summarizer_.summarizer(completeDescription)
dt.append({"department": dep, "title": listT, "description": completeDescription,
"summary": summarizedDescription, "date": pubDate, "url": gz_url})
for item in listT:
ct = ct + item
# new = Vac(department=dep, title=ct, description=completeDescription,
# summary=summarizedDescription, date=pubDate, url=gz_url)
beginIndex = 0
for run in listRuns:
if run == ler:
beginIndex = listRuns.index(run)
filteredRunList = listRuns[beginIndex: len(listRuns) - 1]
getTopics(filteredRunList, id, dt, gnum,
exType, firstRun, pubDate)
def getTopics(listRuns, counter, dt, gnum, exType, firstRun, pubDate):
dictTD = [{"key": "value"}]
isTopic = False
isDescription = False
listTopics = []
listDescriptions = []
lastExRun = None
json_object = None
words = set(nltk.corpus.words.words())
d = enchant.Dict("en_US")
department = ''
district = ''
isDigitinTopic = False
if firstRun and len(listRuns) == 0:
print("empty list of runs")
if exType == 0:
jsonFileName = 'gz-p-' + str(gnum) + ".json"
with open('dumps/'+jsonFileName, "w") as outfile:
json.dump([{"state": "unavailable"}], outfile)
elif exType == 1:
jsonFileName = 'gz-e-' + str(gnum) + ".json"
with open('dumps/'+jsonFileName, "w") as outfile:
json.dump([{"state": "unavailable"}], outfile)
firstRun = False
for run in listRuns:
_temp = run.text.replace(" ", "").replace(
"–", "").replace("-", "").lower()
if _temp == 'postsvacant':
if run.text == 'Examinations, Results of Examinations & c.' or run.text == 'Examinations, Results of Examinations':
if run.text.isspace():
if len(run.text) < 10:
lastExRun = run
runText = run.text
listWords = []
# runText = runText.capitalize()
# for word in runText:
# if d.check(word):
# listWords.append(word)
# runText = "".join(t for t in listWords)
runText = runText.lower()
for character in runText:
if character.isdigit():
isDigitinTopic = True
if run.bold and runText not in cgphelper.skip_words and 'fldgi' not in runText and 'fpoh' not in runText and not isDigitinTopic:
print(runText + "-")
t3 = runText.lower()
# topic
isTopic = True
if isDescription:
lastExRun = run
elif t3 in cgphelper.department_identifier:
department = t3
# TODO create a list of departments in support
elif 'department' in t3 or 'ministry' in t3 or 'commision' in t3 or 'board' in t3 or 'parliament' in t3 or 'hospital':
department = t3
listTopics.append(runText + " ")
# add to topics
# sent = " ".join(w for w in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(runText)
# if w.lower() in words or not w.isalpha())
listTopics.append(runText + " ")
elif 'district' in runText.lower() and len(runText.split(" ")) == 2:
district = runText
# not topic
isDescription = True
sent = " ".join(w for w in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(runText)
if w.lower() in words or not w.isalpha())
listDescriptions.append(runText + " ")
isDigitinTopic = False
if not lastExRun == None:
arrangeDictionary(listRuns, lastExRun, listTopics,
listDescriptions, counter, dt, department, gnum, exType, firstRun, pubDate) # send date as well
dictTD = dt
json_object = json.dumps(dictTD, indent=4)
if exType == 0:
jsonFileName = 'gz-p-' + \
str(gnum) + ".json"
with open('dumps/'+jsonFileName, "w") as outfile:
json.dump(dictTD, outfile)
elif exType == 1:
jsonFileName = 'gz-e-' + \
str(gnum) + ".json"
with open('dumps/'+jsonFileName, "w") as outfile:
json.dump(dictTD, outfile)
# hadoop
print("============= sending to hadoop =================")
hadoopUpload(dictTD, gnum, exType, pubDate)
# print(json_object)
return json_object
def main_breaker(pubDate_, document=None, js=None):
is_post_vacant = False
is_examinations = False
post_vacant_run_list = []
examinations_run_list = []
firstRun = True
gno = ''
date = ''
for para in document.paragraphs:
for run in para.runs:
# getting gazette number
if'friday', run.text, re.IGNORECASE):
gno = run.text
if'thursday', run.text, re.IGNORECASE):
gno = run.text
runText = str(run.text)
_temp = runText.replace(" ", "").replace(
"–", "").replace("-", "").lower()
if _temp == 'postsvacant':
is_post_vacant = True
is_examinations = False
if 'Examinations, Results of Examinations' in runText or 'Examinations, Results of Examinations & c.' in runText:
is_post_vacant = False
is_examinations = True
if is_post_vacant:
elif is_examinations:
# extracting gazette number from line
gno = gno.split(" ")
gazetteno = gno[1].replace(',', '')
gazetteno = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", gazetteno)
pubDate = pubDate_
print("date: ", pubDate)
print("gazette no -", gazetteno)
isScraped = Gazette.objects.all().filter(GazetteNo=gazetteno)
isScrapedStr = str(isScraped)
if isScrapedStr == '<QuerySet []>':
js = getTopics(post_vacant_run_list,
0, dictTD, gazetteno, 0, firstRun, pubDate)
js2 = getTopics(examinations_run_list,
0, dictTD, gazetteno, 1, firstRun, pubDate)
# update gazette table
new = Gazette(GazetteNo=gazetteno, GazetteDate=pubDate)
js = {""}
return js
# Main function of PDFBreaker
pdfFiles = []
js = None
for file in glob.glob("CgpApp/scrape_output/*.pdf"):
t = file.split("\\")
for inputFile in pdfFiles:
input_pdf_file_path = '{}/scrape_output/' + inputFile
output_docx_file_path = '{}/scrape_output/' + inputFile + '.docx'
pdf_file = input_pdf_file_path.format(get_base_path()) # source file
docx_file = output_docx_file_path.format(
get_base_path()) # destination file
print(pdf_file + " " + docx_file)
if os.path.isfile(docx_file):
cv = Converter(pdf_file)
cv.convert(docx_file, start=0, end=None)
pubDate_ = os.path.basename(pdf_file)[0:10]
document = Document(output_docx_file_path.format(get_base_path()))
js = main_breaker(pubDate_, document, js)
return js
def hadoopUpload(jsObj, gazetteno, exType, pubDate):
client = InsecureClient('http://localhost:9870',
data__ = []
content = None
if exType == 0:
outputFileName = '/home/user_e/egaz/gz-p-' + \
str(gazetteno) + '.json'
elif exType == 1:
outputFileName = '/home/user_e/egaz/gz-e-' + \
str(gazetteno) + '.json'
data=dumps(jsObj), overwrite=True)
# data_ = readHadoopDataVacancy()
# data_ = TopicCluster.clustervac(data_)
# for item in data_:
# if item["category"] == id:
# data__.append(item)
# new = Vac(department=dep, title=ct, description=completeDescription, summary=summarizedDescription, date=pubDate, url=gz_url, cat=)
def readHadoopDataAll():
data_ = []
client = InsecureClient('http://localhost:9870', user='')
gzList = Gazette.objects.values_list('GazetteNo', flat=True)
for item in gzList:
outputFileName = '/home/user_e/egaz/gz-p-' + str(item) + '.json'
with as reader:
content =
js = json.loads(content)
print("There are no post vacancies")
outputFileName = '/home/user_e/egaz/gz-e-' + str(item) + '.json'
with as reader:
content =
js = json.loads(content)
print("There are no examinations")
return data_
def readHadoopDataExam():
data_ = []
client = InsecureClient('http://localhost:9870', user='')
gzList = Gazette.objects.values_list('GazetteNo', flat=True)
for item in gzList:
outputFileName = '/home/user_e/egaz/gz-e-' + str(item) + '.json'
with as reader:
content =
js = json.loads(content)
print("There are no examinations")
return data_
def readHadoopDataVacancy():
data_ = []
client = InsecureClient('http://localhost:9870', user='')
gzList = Gazette.objects.values_list('GazetteNo', flat=True)
for item in gzList:
outputFileName = '/home/user_e/egaz/gz-p-' + str(item) + '.json'
with as reader:
content =
js = json.loads(content)
print("There are no vacancies")
return data_
def readSingleHadoopData(gazetteno):
def SingleUpload(jsObj, name):
client = InsecureClient('http://localhost:9870',
outputFileName = '/home/user_e/egaz/' + name + '.json'
client.write(outputFileName, data=dumps(jsObj), overwrite=True)
def readSecondaryStorage():
data_ = []
path_to_json = 'dumps/well-structured-final/'
for file_name in [file for file in os.listdir(path_to_json) if file.endswith('.json')]:
with open(path_to_json + file_name, encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
return data_
# API configuarations
@ csrf_exempt
def gazetteDownloadDetailsApi(request, id=0):
data_ = []
# retrieving
if request.method == 'GET':
gazettes = Gazette.objects.all()
gazette_serializer = GazetteSerializer(gazettes, many=True)
# commodityPriceHandler()
# import codecs
# types_of_encoding = ["utf8", "cp1252"]
# for encoding_type in types_of_encoding:
# with"dumps/well-structered/gz-p-2240.json", encoding=encoding_type, errors='replace') as csvfile:
# data_ = json.load(csvfile)
# SingleUpload(data_, 'gz-p-2240')
return JsonResponse(, safe=False)
@ csrf_exempt
def gazetteApi(request, id=0):
# retrieving
if request.method == 'GET':
gazettes = Gazette.objects.all()
gazette_serializer = GazetteSerializer(gazettes, many=True)
f = scrape()
return JsonResponse({"files_exist": f}, safe=False)
@ csrf_exempt
def gazetteMSTApi(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
gazettes = Gazette_mst.objects.all()
gazette_serializer = GazetteMasterSerializer(gazettes, many=True)
# readHadoopData()
# js = PdfBreaker()
# print(cgphelper.skip_words)
TopicCluster.cluster() # <-------------------------------- clustering
# import os
# size = os.stat('dumps/gz-e-2220.json').st_size
# size1 = os.stat('dumps/gz-p-2216.json').st_size
# size2 = os.stat('dumps/gz-p-2243.json').st_size
# print("\n Size of 3 files to be uploaded: \n")
# print(" " + str(size/(1024*1024)) + "mb\n")
# print(" " + str(size1/(1024*1024)) + "mb\n")
# print(" " + str(size2/(1024*1024)) + "mb\n")
# tot = (size2+size+size1)/(1024*1024)
# print(" total size =" + str(tot) + "mb\n")
# print(" average: " + str(tot/3) + "mb\n")
# import sys
# # input comes from STDIN (standard input)
# text = "Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications.09. Background check 9.1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order."
# arr = text.split(" ")
# print(arr)
# dict = {}
# for i in arr:
# sum = 0
# temp = i
# arr2 = arr[0: len(arr)]
# for j in arr2:
# if temp == j:
# sum = sum + 1
# dict[temp] = sum
# print("\n")
# print(dict)
# print("\n")
return JsonResponse(, safe=False)
@ csrf_exempt
def getAllData(request, id=0):
data_ = []
if request.method == 'GET':
#data_ = readHadoopDataAll()
# with open("dumps/gz-p-2240.json",) as infile:
# data_.extend(json.load(infile))
data_ = readSecondaryStorage()
return JsonResponse(data_, safe=False)
def spellingChecker(request, id=0):
# remember to pip install pyspellchecker
if request.method == 'GET':
list = Spell.spellcheck_(id)
# for i in list:
return JsonResponse({"state": "success", "list": list}, safe=False)
@ csrf_exempt
def vacancyAPI(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
data_ = []
data__ = []
data_ = readHadoopDataVacancy()
# import codecs
# types_of_encoding = ["utf8", "cp1252"]
# for encoding_type in types_of_encoding:
# with"dumps/gz-p-2240.json", encoding=encoding_type, errors='replace') as csvfile:
# data_.extend(json.load(csvfile))
# with open("dumps/gz-p-2240.json",) as infile:
# data_.extend(json.load(infile))
data_ = TopicCluster.clustervac(data_)
for item in data_:
if item["category"] == id:
return JsonResponse(data__, safe=False)
@ csrf_exempt
def examinationAPI(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
data_ = readHadoopDataExam()
return JsonResponse(data_, safe=False)
@ csrf_exempt
def userhandlerAPI(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
users = Users.objects.get(UserEmpID=id)
userSerializer = UserSerializer(users)
return JsonResponse(, safe=False)
@ csrf_exempt
def commodityAPI(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
if id != 0:
com = Commodity.get(GAZETTE=id)
comSerializer = CommoditySerializer(com)
com = Commodity.objects.all()
comSerializer = CommoditySerializer(com, many=True)
return JsonResponse(, safe=False)
def refreshClustering_Vacancy(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
data_ = readHadoopDataVacancy()
data_ = TopicCluster.clustervac(data_)
# print(data_)
# Vac.objects.all().delete()
for vacancy in data_:
if 'department' in vacancy.keys():
completeTitle = ""
for t in vacancy['title']:
completeTitle = completeTitle + t
new = Vac(department=vacancy['department'], title=completeTitle, description=vacancy['description'],
summary=vacancy['summary'], date=vacancy['date'], url=vacancy['url'], cat=vacancy['category'])
return JsonResponse({"state": "success", "data": data_}, safe=False)
def refreshClustering_Examinations(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
data_ = readHadoopDataExam()
data_ = TopicCluster.clustervac(data_)
# Exm.objects.all().delete()
for examination in data_:
if 'department' in examination.keys():
completeTitle = ""
for t in examination['title']:
completeTitle = completeTitle + t
new = Exm(department=examination['department'], title=completeTitle, description=examination['description'],
summary=examination['summary'], date=examination['date'], url=examination['url'], cat=examination['category'])
return JsonResponse({"state": "success"})
@ csrf_exempt
def vacancy(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
com = Vac.objects.all().filter(cat=id)
comSerializer = VacSerializer(com, many=True)
return JsonResponse(, safe=False)
@ csrf_exempt
def examination(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
com = Exm.objects.all().filter(cat=id)
comSerializer = VacSerializer(com, many=True)
return JsonResponse(, safe=False)
def testapi(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
jsonFiles = []
for file in glob.glob("dumps/well-structured-final/*.json"):
t = file.split("\\")
client = InsecureClient('http://localhost:9870', user='Shalini')
for file in jsonFiles:
with open('dumps/well-structured-final/' + file + '.json', encoding='cp850') as json_file:
jsObj = json.load(json_file)
outputFileName = '/home/user_e/egaz/' + file + '.json'
client.write(outputFileName, data=dumps(jsObj), overwrite=True)
def comcompare(request, id=0):
if request.method == 'GET':
listdates = []
listprice = []
dtData = []
com = ComCompare.objects.all()
comser = ComSerializer(com, many=True)
com1 = ComCompare.objects.all().values('DateofMonth').distinct()
com2 = ComCompare.objects.all().values('name').distinct()
# comser2 = ComSerializer(com1, many=True)
for item in com1:
dtData.append({"dates": listdates})
for item in com2:
for j in
if j["name"] == item['name']:
dtData.append({"name": item['name'], "prices": listprice})
# dtData["name"] = item['name']
# dtData["prices"] = listprice
listprice = []
return JsonResponse(dtData, safe=False)
ASGI config for cgp1 project.
It exposes the ASGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``.
For more information on this file, see
import os
from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'cgp1.settings')
application = get_asgi_application()
Django settings for cgp1 project.
Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 3.2.5.
For more information on this file, see
For the full list of settings and their values, see
from pathlib import Path
# Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'.
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
# Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
# See
# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = 'django-insecure-nx*xc56u1xj)393=*v!b8p66ba!xjk=hzv^h6k6avgs8k3p0uf'
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True
# Application definition
ROOT_URLCONF = 'cgp1.urls'
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': [],
'APP_DIRS': True,
'context_processors': [
WSGI_APPLICATION = 'cgp1.wsgi.application'
# Database
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',
# Password validation
'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator',
'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator',
'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator',
'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator',
# Internationalization
USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True
USE_TZ = True
# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
# Default primary key field type
DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
"""cgp1 URL Configuration
The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see:
Function views
1. Add an import: from my_app import views
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', views.home, name='home')
Class-based views
1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', Home.as_view(), name='home')
Including another URLconf
1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('blog/', include('blog.urls'))
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from django.conf.urls import url, include
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^', include('CgpApp.urls'))
WSGI config for cgp1 project.
It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``.
For more information on this file, see
import os
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'cgp1.settings')
application = get_wsgi_application()
File added
\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["Posts vacant "], "description": "Posts vacant ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Sri lanka police "], "description": "Sri lanka police ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of woman police constable special task force "], "description": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. 2. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. 223 bauddaloka mawatha Colombo 07. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before 30.06.2021. late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. 3. Salary scale . monthly rs. 29540 7 x 300 27 x 270 rs. 41630. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. C all the uniforms will be provided free of charge. D facilities to enhance ones sports skills And inborn Talents. E travelling expenses for duties and Financial rewards For exceptional peformance and arduous service. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. 04. Basic qualifications required 4.2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. 032016. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 07.01.2013 bearing no. 24162013. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. Rs. cts. In addition to the above said allowances A free transport facilities. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting. and the applicant Should have passed the subject mathematics In not more than two sittings. Note ", "summary": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. Basic qualifications required 2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 2013 bearing no. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting."}, {"department": "", "title": [" 01. according to the "], "description": " 01. according to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Subject classification "], "description": "Subject classification ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Of the department of examinations two "], "description": "Of the department of examinations two ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and "], "description": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and ", "summary": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["44 are considered as a single subject and "], "description": "44 are considered as a single subject and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 "], "description": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 ", "summary": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["And 45 are also considered as a single "], "description": "And 45 are also considered as a single ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Subject when determining the number "], "description": "Subject when determining the number ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of subjects passed at the examination. "], "description": "Of subjects passed at the examination. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["02. despite having passed the "], "description": "02. despite having passed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Practical test "], "description": "Practical test ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of the technological studies at g. c. e. "], "description": "Of the technological studies at g. c. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination failing in the written "], "description": "ol examination failing in the written ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Test of the same subject is considered as "], "description": "Test of the same subject is considered as ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Having failed the said subject. "], "description": "Having failed the said subject. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["03. since the subjects "], "description": "03. since the subjects ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Optional tamil "], "description": "Optional tamil ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["English and sinhala are not included in "], "description": "English and sinhala are not included in ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["G. c. e. ol subject stream having "], "description": "G. c. e. ol subject stream having I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1115 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Passed those subjects is "], "description": "Passed those subjects is ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Not considered "], "description": "Not considered ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["As one of the subjects passed at g. "], "description": "As one of the subjects passed at g. C. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination. "], "description": "ol examination. 43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than 612. if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 618. 433 should not have Undergone artificial Body modifications which might be Deemed unsuitable for the honour Of Police Service Or May Cause Obstruction in the execution of duty. 44 Other qualifications 441 should be a citizen of sri lanka. 442 the applicant should not possess A tarnished Character. 443 the applicant should be A bachelor divorcees widows and single parents are Not qualified to apply 444 should be prepared to work Anywhere in The country. 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. 5. Preliminary interview . Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council. Note ", "summary": "43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council."}, {"department": "", "title": [" applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having "], "description": " applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Failed the "], "description": "Failed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. "], "description": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. 1116 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 06. Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. the written examination will be held under the following subjects 07. Structured interview. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the structured interview board will be appointed by the inspector General of Police. 08. Method of recruitment. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies. Note ", "summary": "Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies."}, {"department": "", "title": [" deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess "], "description": " deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Exceptional sports "], "description": "Exceptional sports ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a "], "description": "Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the "], "description": "Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. "], "description": "Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. 09. Background check 9.1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 9.2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. 9.3 providing false information during recruitment by applicants will result in disqualification. if it Is revealed After the recruitment that false information had been provided service will be terminated at any time. 10. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. an applicant can take the medical test only once. the medical test will Be conducted Under health 169 form. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Background check 1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1117 11 . Training 11.1 based on the vacancies Available only The applicants who have passed the above Tests will be called for training on a date Specified by the inspector general of Police. selected applicants will receive the Preliminary training at sri lanka police College. afterwards They Will Receive Extensive training in the respective field during The probation period. 11.2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. 12. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme 13. service conditions 13.1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 13.3. 13.2 the selected applicants shall act In conformity With any orders or circulars already made Or may hereafter be made to implement the Official language policy. 13.3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. Circulars instruction codes and provisions Thereof and conditions of the appointment Letter. 13.4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. one should enter Into marriage only as per the instructions given In l.g.p. circulars. if getting married during Probation period a special permission should Be obtained from inspector general of police. If this regulation is violated the appointment Shall be nullified. 13.5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. Measures will be taken as per the provisions of Establishment code and procedural rules of Public service commission in relation to the Resignation. 13.6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 261 revised to inspector general of Police to be included in his personal file. Officer immediately after the Marriage should Include the above particulars about His spouse And submit. If a new asset or possession as described In the Above is acquired a complete Description of The said asset or possession should be Given in Writing to the inspector general of police To be Included in the personal file. 13.7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. 14. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period. 1118 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme service conditions 1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. 4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. 5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. 6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. 15 Efficiency bars efficiency bar examinations should be passed as follows. 16. Language proficiency 17. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. 19. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. those applications should accompany a certificate indicating that the applicant can be released if selected. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances. 20. applications that do not conform to the requirements of this notification will be rejected. replies will not be sent to Such applicants in that regard. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1119 Note ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" travelling or any other expense "], "description": " travelling or any other expense Will not ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Be paid by the sri lanka police to the "], "description": "Be paid by the sri lanka police to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Applicants who are called for interviews and "], "description": "Applicants who are called for interviews and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Examinations. "], "description": "Examinations. C. d. w Ickramaratne Inspector general of police. Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form 01. A name in full . in clear and legible handwriting should be exactly as mentioned in the nic B name with initials . C post applied . 02. national identity card No. . a copy of the nic should be attached 03. fathers full name . 04. place of birth of the applicant . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . Province . 05. A present address . B relevant police station of present address . C permanent address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . E mailing address . F grama niladaris division of Permanent address . divisional secretariat . G telephone no. home . Mobile . H email address . 06. A nationality . B whether you are a sri lankan citizen by Descent or by registration . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . ii applicants father . iii applicants paternal grand father . iv applicants paternal great grand father . 07. date of birth . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . as at the closing date of this Gazette Notification Years months days . 08. height feet . inches . 09. educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached . 10. marital status . 11. i present employment . ii are you a member of the armed forces . 12. have you ever served in sri lanka police . Post and rank no. . If yes indicate the reasons for you to resign From the Post . B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge . 1120 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form . a copy of the nic should be attached fathers full name . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . B relevant police station of present address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge ."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 15. have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a"}, {"department": "", "title": ["Posts vacant "], "description": "Posts vacant ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Sri lanka police "], "description": "Sri lanka police ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of woman police constable special task force "], "description": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. 2. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. 223 bauddaloka mawatha Colombo 07. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before 30.06.2021. late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. 3. Salary scale . monthly rs. 29540 7 x 300 27 x 270 rs. 41630. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. C all the uniforms will be provided free of charge. D facilities to enhance ones sports skills And inborn Talents. E travelling expenses for duties and Financial rewards For exceptional peformance and arduous service. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. 04. Basic qualifications required 4.2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. 032016. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 07.01.2013 bearing no. 24162013. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. Rs. cts. In addition to the above said allowances A free transport facilities. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting. and the applicant Should have passed the subject mathematics In not more than two sittings. Note ", "summary": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. Basic qualifications required 2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 2013 bearing no. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting."}, {"department": "", "title": [" 01. according to the "], "description": " 01. according to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Subject classification "], "description": "Subject classification ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Of the department of examinations two "], "description": "Of the department of examinations two ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and "], "description": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and ", "summary": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["44 are considered as a single subject and "], "description": "44 are considered as a single subject and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 "], "description": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 ", "summary": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["And 45 are also considered as a single "], "description": "And 45 are also considered as a single ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Subject when determining the number "], "description": "Subject when determining the number ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of subjects passed at the examination. "], "description": "Of subjects passed at the examination. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["02. despite having passed the "], "description": "02. despite having passed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Practical test "], "description": "Practical test ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of the technological studies at g. c. e. "], "description": "Of the technological studies at g. c. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination failing in the written "], "description": "ol examination failing in the written ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Test of the same subject is considered as "], "description": "Test of the same subject is considered as ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Having failed the said subject. "], "description": "Having failed the said subject. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["03. since the subjects "], "description": "03. since the subjects ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Optional tamil "], "description": "Optional tamil ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["English and sinhala are not included in "], "description": "English and sinhala are not included in ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["G. c. e. ol subject stream having "], "description": "G. c. e. ol subject stream having I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1115 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Passed those subjects is "], "description": "Passed those subjects is ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Not considered "], "description": "Not considered ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["As one of the subjects passed at g. "], "description": "As one of the subjects passed at g. C. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination. "], "description": "ol examination. 43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than 612. if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 618. 433 should not have Undergone artificial Body modifications which might be Deemed unsuitable for the honour Of Police Service Or May Cause Obstruction in the execution of duty. 44 Other qualifications 441 should be a citizen of sri lanka. 442 the applicant should not possess A tarnished Character. 443 the applicant should be A bachelor divorcees widows and single parents are Not qualified to apply 444 should be prepared to work Anywhere in The country. 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. 5. Preliminary interview . Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council. Note ", "summary": "43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council."}, {"department": "", "title": [" applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having "], "description": " applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Failed the "], "description": "Failed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. "], "description": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. 1116 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 06. Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. the written examination will be held under the following subjects 07. Structured interview. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the structured interview board will be appointed by the inspector General of Police. 08. Method of recruitment. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies. Note ", "summary": "Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies."}, {"department": "", "title": [" deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess "], "description": " deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Exceptional sports "], "description": "Exceptional sports ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a "], "description": "Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the "], "description": "Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. "], "description": "Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. 09. Background check 9.1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 9.2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. 9.3 providing false information during recruitment by applicants will result in disqualification. if it Is revealed After the recruitment that false information had been provided service will be terminated at any time. 10. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. an applicant can take the medical test only once. the medical test will Be conducted Under health 169 form. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Background check 1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1117 11 . Training 11.1 based on the vacancies Available only The applicants who have passed the above Tests will be called for training on a date Specified by the inspector general of Police. selected applicants will receive the Preliminary training at sri lanka police College. afterwards They Will Receive Extensive training in the respective field during The probation period. 11.2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. 12. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme 13. service conditions 13.1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 13.3. 13.2 the selected applicants shall act In conformity With any orders or circulars already made Or may hereafter be made to implement the Official language policy. 13.3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. Circulars instruction codes and provisions Thereof and conditions of the appointment Letter. 13.4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. one should enter Into marriage only as per the instructions given In l.g.p. circulars. if getting married during Probation period a special permission should Be obtained from inspector general of police. If this regulation is violated the appointment Shall be nullified. 13.5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. Measures will be taken as per the provisions of Establishment code and procedural rules of Public service commission in relation to the Resignation. 13.6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 261 revised to inspector general of Police to be included in his personal file. Officer immediately after the Marriage should Include the above particulars about His spouse And submit. If a new asset or possession as described In the Above is acquired a complete Description of The said asset or possession should be Given in Writing to the inspector general of police To be Included in the personal file. 13.7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. 14. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period. 1118 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme service conditions 1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. 4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. 5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. 6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. 15 Efficiency bars efficiency bar examinations should be passed as follows. 16. Language proficiency 17. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. 19. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. those applications should accompany a certificate indicating that the applicant can be released if selected. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances. 20. applications that do not conform to the requirements of this notification will be rejected. replies will not be sent to Such applicants in that regard. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1119 Note ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" travelling or any other expense "], "description": " travelling or any other expense Will not ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Be paid by the sri lanka police to the "], "description": "Be paid by the sri lanka police to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Applicants who are called for interviews and "], "description": "Applicants who are called for interviews and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Examinations. "], "description": "Examinations. C. d. w Ickramaratne Inspector general of police. Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form 01. A name in full . in clear and legible handwriting should be exactly as mentioned in the nic B name with initials . C post applied . 02. national identity card No. . a copy of the nic should be attached 03. fathers full name . 04. place of birth of the applicant . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . Province . 05. A present address . B relevant police station of present address . C permanent address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . E mailing address . F grama niladaris division of Permanent address . divisional secretariat . G telephone no. home . Mobile . H email address . 06. A nationality . B whether you are a sri lankan citizen by Descent or by registration . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . ii applicants father . iii applicants paternal grand father . iv applicants paternal great grand father . 07. date of birth . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . as at the closing date of this Gazette Notification Years months days . 08. height feet . inches . 09. educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached . 10. marital status . 11. i present employment . ii are you a member of the armed forces . 12. have you ever served in sri lanka police . Post and rank no. . If yes indicate the reasons for you to resign From the Post . B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge . 1120 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form . a copy of the nic should be attached fathers full name . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . B relevant police station of present address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge ."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 15. have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a"}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "Amendment The Gazette notice which was published in the government gazette no. 2225 under 04709 dated on 23.04.2021 should Be as follows ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "the department ", "title": ["Amending the closing date of applications for the post of technical officergrade iii in "], "description": "Amending the closing date of applications for the post of technical officergrade iii in ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "the department ", "title": ["The department "], "description": "The department ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of national community water supply "], "description": "Of national community water supply Closing date of applications of the open competitive examination for recruitment to the post of technical Officer grade Iii in the department of national community water supply under the state ministry of rural and divisional Drinking water Supply projects development which mentioned the date as 23.05.2021 should be amended as 24.05.2021. H. m. j Ayathilaka h Erath Director general. Department of national community Water supply No. 1114 pannipitiya road Thalawathugoda 21st may 2021. 05454 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Of national community water supply Closing date of applications of the open competitive examination for recruitment to the post of technical Officer grade Iii in the department of national community water supply under the state ministry of rural and divisional Drinking water Supply projects development which mentioned the date as 2021 should be amended as "}, {"department": "foreign ministry", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1121 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "foreign ministry", "title": ["Foreign ministry "], "description": "Foreign ministry ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Open competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka foreign "], "description": "Open competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka foreign Service 20202021 The public service commission has approved the following amendments to the part i section iia advertising Of the Gazette ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Notification of the open competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of the "], "description": "Notification of the open competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of the Sri lanka ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Foreign service 20202021 "], "description": "Foreign service 20202021 Published in the Gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. 2223 of 09.04.2021. Amendment The closing date for applications for the above examination mentioned in section 08iii of the above notification is Extended to 04.06.2021. ", "summary": "Foreign service 20202021 Published in the Gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. Amendment The closing date for applications for the above examination mentioned in section 08iii of the above notification is Extended to "}, {"department": "", "title": ["Further the maximum age limit specified in section 04 of the notification shall remain the same as at the previous "], "description": "Further the maximum age limit specified in section 04 of the notification shall remain the same as at the previous ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Closing date for applications i. e. 10.05.2021 given in the original "], "description": "Closing date for applications i. e. 10.05.2021 given in the original Gazette ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" notification. "], "description": " notification. Admiral prof. J Ayanath c Olombage Secretary ", "summary": "Admiral prof. J Ayanath c Olombage Secretary"}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"state": "unavailable"}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["Posts vacant "], "description": "Posts vacant ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Public service commission "], "description": "Public service commission ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Calling applications for the recruitment of "], "description": "Calling applications for the recruitment of ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Officers to the post of assistant director "], "description": "Officers to the post of assistant director legal of ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["The commission to investigate allegations of "], "description": "The commission to investigate allegations of ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Bribery or corruption 2020 "], "description": "Bribery or corruption 2020 Applications are called by order of the Public service Commission to select eligible candidates for 14 Vacancies Of the post of assistant director legal of The commission To investigate allegations of bribery Or corruption. Applications prepared according to the specimen Given in This notice should be sent under registered cover To reach The director general commission to Investigate allegations Of bribery or corruption no.36 Malalasekara mawatha Colombo 07 on or before 25.03.2021 . the top Left hand Corner of the envelope containing the Application should Indicate ", "summary": "Bribery or corruption 2020 Applications are called by order of the Public service Commission to select eligible candidates for 14 Vacancies Of the post of assistant director legal of The commission To investigate allegations of bribery Or corruption. Applications prepared according to the specimen Given in This notice should be sent under registered cover To reach The director general commission to Investigate allegations Of bribery or corruption no.36 Malalasekara mawatha Colombo 07 on or before 2021 ."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of assistant director legal "], "description": "Post of assistant director legal . A closing date of applications ", "summary": "Post of assistant director legal ."}, {"department": "", "title": ["25.03.2021 "], "description": "25.03.2021 Note complaints with regard to the losses or Delays of an application or any other related Document in the post will not be considered. Losses incurred by failure To submit Application on the due date must be Borne by The applicant. 1. Method of recruitment suitable applicants will Be recruited upon a structured interview according To the Order of marks on merit achieved by each candidate And the Vacancies available. number of vacancies is 14. number Of appointments and the effective date of Appointment will Depend on the order of the public service commission. 2. Service conditions I. this post is permanent and Pensionable. you Shall be subjected to any policy decision taken By the government in future regarding pension Scheme which you are entitled to. further you Are required to contribute to the widows and Orphans widowers and orphans pension Scheme. contributions to the pension scheme Should be made as per the directions taken time To time by the government. Ii. the officers appointed to this post Will be Subjected to a probation period of three 03 Years and the first efficiency bar examination Should be passed during three 03 Year probation Period. Iii. you should confirm that the Proficiency in Official language is acquired in accordance with The policies of the government before the lapse Of three03 years from the date of acceptance Of this appointment. if you have qualified for This appointment in sinhala language your other Official language should be tamil language and if You have qualified for this appointment in tamil Language your other official language should be Sinhala language. the provisions of the public Administration circular no. 182020 dated 16.10.2020 and the provisions of the circulars Incidental there to are applicable for this. Iv. the public service commission Reserves the Power to cancel the appointment of any candidate Who fails to assume duties of the appointed post On due date andor rejects or avoids serving in an Area where the applicant is appointed. V. this appointment is subjected to The procedural Rules Of Public Service Commission Establishment code of the democratic socialist Republic of sri lanka public financial Regulations and regulations of the commission To investigate allegations of bribery or Corruption and circular regulations issued time To time by the government. 3. Salary scale Salary scale applicable to this post As per the public administration circular No.032016 is Sl 52016 rs. 58295 5 x 13355 x 163015 x2170 Rs 105670monthly. 4. Educational qualifications I. should have taken oath as an Attomeyatlaw in The supreme court Experience Should have active service period of not less than three 03 years upon taking oath as an attorneyatlaw In the supreme court Or Should have experience of not less than three 03 Years in following fields in a public institution upon Taking oath as an attorneyatlaw in the supreme Court I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "number of vacancies is number Of appointments and the effective date of Appointment will Depend on the order of the public service commission. the officers appointed to this post Will be Subjected to a probation period of three 03 Years and the first efficiency bar examination Should be passed during three 03 Year probation Period. you should confirm that the Proficiency in Official language is acquired in accordance with The policies of the government before the lapse Of three03 years from the date of acceptance Of this appointment. the public service commission Reserves the Power to cancel the appointment of any candidate Who fails to assume duties of the appointed post On due date andor rejects or avoids serving in an Area where the applicant is appointed. V. this appointment is subjected to The procedural Rules Of Public Service Commission Establishment code of the democratic socialist Republic of sri lanka public financial Regulations and regulations of the commission To investigate allegations of bribery or Corruption and circular regulations issued time To time by the government. Salary scale Salary scale applicable to this post As per the public administration circular No.032016 is Sl 52016 rs. Educational qualifications I. should have taken oath as an Attomeyatlaw in The supreme court Experience Should have active service period of not less than three 03 years upon taking oath as an attorneyatlaw In the supreme court Or Should have experience of not less than three 03 Years in following fields in a public institution upon Taking oath as an attorneyatlaw in the supreme Court I fldgi ii W"}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 349 I. legal Proceedings On Cases And Coordination with attorney generals Department Ii. agreements related with legal undertakings iii. legal activities on acts and regulations iv. formulation of legal documents Such as Drafting acts circulars regulations V. legal or judicial activities Or inquiries Conducted by statutory institutions 5. Age limit should not be below 22 years and over 45 years as at the closing date of the Application. only The persons bom on or before 25.03.1999 and on Or after 25.03.1976 are eligible to apply for this post. 6. Physical qualifications Should be physically and Mentally fit to serve in any part of the island and To execute The duties of the post. 7. Other qualifications I. should be a sri lankan citizen. Ii. should have an excellent character Iii. applicant or any member of the Family should Not be found guilty for criminal charges under The law of sri lanka Iv. the applicants should have Achieved all Qualifications required to recruit to the post as at The closing date of the applications mentioned In the Gazette notification. V. a security clearance report will be Called before Making appointment on all selected applicants To examine the suitability of each person to Serve in the commission. 8. Method of recruitment 8.1 structured interview Marks will be awarded by an interview board Appointed by The public service commission. 8.2 marking scheme for the interview will be as follows 350 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 349 I. legal Proceedings On Cases And Coordination with attorney generals Department Ii. formulation of legal documents Such as Drafting acts circulars regulations V. legal or judicial activities Or inquiries Conducted by statutory institutions the applicants should have Achieved all Qualifications required to recruit to the post as at The closing date of the applications mentioned In the Gazette notification. V. a security clearance report will be Called before Making appointment on all selected applicants To examine the suitability of each person to Serve in the commission."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 351 9. the application should be prepared using 2229cm size a4 sheets in such a way that headings 0109 should Appear on first page. the application should be dully filled by own hand writing of the applicant. Computerized typewritten Applications can also be used in this purpose. applications that do not comply with the specimen or that have Not been Completed properly will be rejected without any notification. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application With the Candidate. it is the responsibility of the candidate to verify that the perfected application complies with the Specimen given In the notification as otherwise the application may be rejected. N.b. A any document or a copy should not be attached to the application B applications of the candidates who fail to produce documents when requested to do so will not be considered. 10. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer Authorized by himher and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head retired officer of A government School grama niladhari of the respective division a commissioner for oaths an attomeyatlaw a notary Public a Commissioned officer of three forces a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary Above rs.415260 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 351 the application should be prepared using 2229cm size a4 sheets in such a way that headings 0109 should Appear on first page. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer Authorized by himher and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head retired officer of A government School grama niladhari of the respective division a commissioner for oaths an attomeyatlaw a notary Public a Commissioned officer of three forces a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary Above rs.415260 I fldgi ii W"}, {"department": "state ministry of ", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 353 14. names and addresses of nonrelated referees Who can Provide your information Note signatures of the candidates currently in Public service Should be attested by the respective head of The institution Or an authorized officer. If the applicant is in public service I do hereby certify that the particulars given by me In the application are true and correct. i am aware That if Any particulars contained herein are found to be False or Incorrect before selection i am subjected to Be disqualified Or dismissed from the service without any compensation If it Is revealed after selection. .................................. Signature of the applicant. Date ........................ Attestation of the applicants signature I certify that mr.mrs.miss. ........................................ known to me personally and That heshe Placed hisher signature in my presence on this .............. day Of ....................... 2021. ............................ Signature. Name and Designation .......................................................... Official Frank ........................................................................ Date ....................................................................................... Certification of the head of the institution I certify that this applicant mr. mrs. miss ....................... Presently serves in this ministry department Institution in Permanent temporary basis and the details given By him Her are true and correct according to the Officers personal File and other relevant documents. he she could Be could Not be released from hisher present post if heshe Is selected To the above post. ................................... Signature of head of the institution. Date............................... Name .............................. Designation ............................. Institution ................................ strike through irrelevant words 02305 ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 353 names and addresses of nonrelated referees Who can Provide your information Note signatures of the candidates currently in Public service Should be attested by the respective head of The institution Or an authorized officer. Date ....................................................................................... Certification of the head of the institution I certify that this applicant mr. mrs. miss ......................."}, {"department": "state ministry of ", "title": ["State ministry of "], "description": "State ministry of ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Primary health "], "description": "Primary health ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "department of social service development", "title": ["Services pandemics and covid "], "description": "Services pandemics and covid Prevention ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "department of social service development", "title": ["Department of social service development "], "description": "Department of social service development Vocational instructor grade iii Applications are called from eligible Sri lankan Citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of Vocational instructor To batticaloa vocational training centers which Will be Commencing soon for a disable persons under The department Of social service. applications prepared in Accordance with Following specimen should be sent to Director department Of social service 2 Nd floor 2 Nd Stage sethsiripaya Baththaramulla by registered post on or Before 05.03.2021. The words recruitment of vocational Instructor grade Iii should be written on the top left hand corner Of the Envelop in which the application is Enclosed. application And details could also be downloaded through the Website of Required qualifications to recruit for this post 1. Vocational instructor electronic sewing 1.1. age limit shall be not less than 18 Years and Not more than 35 years of age on the closing Date of applications. 1.2. Educational qualifications A educational qualifications for Post of Vocational instructor electronic sewing i should have passed 06 subjects With credit passes for four subjects Including Sinhala Or Tamil Language and mathematics and two 354 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Department of social service development Vocational instructor grade iii Applications are called from eligible Sri lankan Citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of Vocational instructor To batticaloa vocational training centers which Will be Commencing soon for a disable persons under The department Of social service."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 Of any other subjects at The g.c.e. ordinary level Examination at One sitting. And ii should Have Passed G.c.e. advanced level all subjects in Any stream except the general Paper and should have achieved The required level of achievement to Pursue a tertiary education course 1.3 Professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more on relevant profession From ceylon technical college or ceylon German technical training institute Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more from department of Small industries or the department of textile Industries Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more from department of Social services or national youth service Council or its affiliated institutes Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more on relevant profession From vocational training authority or its Affiliated institutes Or should have successfully Followed and Obtained the certificate for a technical course Recognized By Tertiary And Vocational Education commission as a course categorized Under National Vocational Qualification nvq level 05 or a course recommended by That commission as an equivalent to that level 1.4 Experience not applicable 1.5 Physical fitness All the candidates should have Physical and Mental fitness to serve in any part of The island And to perform the duties of the post. 1.6 Other 1.7 Method of recruitment Recruitments are made on the result Of written And professional test. the written test Will be Held first. twice the number of required Will be Called for interview from the Candidates who Score high marks in the written Test according To the order of merit. only The candidates Who get through the general Interview will Be forwarded for professional Test. the Number equal to the number Of vacancies Will be selected for the training Course from The candidates who also get Through from The professional test according to The total Aggregated marks obtained from Written and Professional test in order of Merit. those Who are selected should obtain A certificate After Successfully Completion 3 Month Training course on teaching methods. Only the Candidates who obtain that certificate Will be Recruited for the post. 1.7.1 Written test 1.8 Salary scale salary code mt01 2016 as Per the public administration circular no. 032016 Salary scale rs. 2984010x30011x350 10x56010x660 rs. 48890. 1.9. Terms of service this post Is permanent And pensionable. it is subjected to a future Policy decision on scheme of pension made by I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "advanced level all subjects in Any stream except the general Paper and should have achieved The required level of achievement to Pursue a tertiary education course 3 Professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more on relevant profession From ceylon technical college or ceylon German technical training institute Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more from department of Small industries or the department of textile Industries Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more from department of Social services or national youth service Council or its affiliated institutes Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more on relevant profession From vocational training authority or its Affiliated institutes Or should have successfully Followed and Obtained the certificate for a technical course Recognized By Tertiary And Vocational Education commission as a course categorized Under National Vocational Qualification nvq level 05 or a course recommended by That commission as an equivalent to that level 4 Experience not applicable 5 Physical fitness All the candidates should have Physical and Mental fitness to serve in any part of The island And to perform the duties of the post. twice the number of required Will be Called for interview from the Candidates who Score high marks in the written Test according To the order of merit. the Number equal to the number Of vacancies Will be selected for the training Course from The candidates who also get Through from The professional test according to The total Aggregated marks obtained from Written and Professional test in order of Merit. those Who are selected should obtain A certificate After Successfully Completion 3 Month Training course on teaching methods."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 355 Government and required to contribute widowswidowers and orphans pension fund. it should Be acquired Proficiency in the prescribed official language within 05 years in accordance with the Public administration Circular no. 012014 and incidental circulars to that. Note C Handana r Anaweera a Rachchi Social service director. Department of Social services 2 Nd floor 2 Nd stage Sethsiripaya Baththaramulla 12.02.2021. A Pplication For Recruitment To The Post Of .......................................... Language medium 01. name with initials ......................................................................................................................................................... 02. names denoted by initials ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 03. Address .......................................................................................................................................................................... 04. telephone number ........................................................................................................................................................ 05. nic number .................................................................................................................................................................. 06. date of Birth .................................................................................................................................................................. 07. age as at closing date of application Years ............................... months ............................... days ............................... 08. marital status ................................................................................................................................................................. 09. sex ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10. educational qualifications ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 355 Government and required to contribute widowswidowers and orphans pension fund. Language medium name with initials ......................................................................................................................................................... names denoted by initials ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Address .......................................................................................................................................................................... telephone number ........................................................................................................................................................ nic number .................................................................................................................................................................. date of Birth .................................................................................................................................................................. age as at closing date of application Years ............................... months ............................... days ............................... marital status ................................................................................................................................................................. sex ................................................................................................................................................................................. educational qualifications"}, {"department": "", "title": ["I. g.c.e.ordinary level "], "description": "I. g.c.e.ordinary level year . index number .. 356 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "index number .. 356 I fldgi ii W"}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 ii. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["G.c.e.advanced level "], "description": "G.c.e.advanced level year . index number .. 11. professional and other qualifications 12. experience .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... I hereby certify that particulars furnished by me in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge And belief. ............................................. Signature of applicant. 02667 ", "summary": "index number .. professional and other qualifications experience .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... I hereby certify that particulars furnished by me in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge And belief."}, {"department": "", "title": ["University hospital "], "description": "University hospital ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["General sir "], "description": "General sir ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["John kotelawala defence university "], "description": "John kotelawala defence university Vacancies General sir John Kotelawala defence university hospital calls Applications from Qualified persons for the following posts ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["1. medical consultant "], "description": "1. medical consultant I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 357 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualification "], "description": "Qualification i medical officers and dental surgeon Who have Registered registerable in the sri lanka medical Council according to the medical amendment of 2018 Or ii medical officers dental surgeons With valid Full registration of sri lanka medical council slmc And iii doctor of medicine md master Of surgery ms in the relevant specialty with board Certification of postgraduate institute of Medicine pgim university of colombo sri Lanka appendix i of the gazette extraordinary No.188317 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic Socialist republic of sri lanka And iv certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 30 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "Qualification i medical officers and dental surgeon Who have Registered registerable in the sri lanka medical Council according to the medical amendment of 2018 Or ii medical officers dental surgeons With valid Full registration of sri lanka medical council slmc And iii doctor of medicine md master Of surgery ms in the relevant specialty with board Certification of postgraduate institute of Medicine pgim university of colombo sri Lanka appendix i of the gazette extraordinary No.188317 dated 2014 of the democratic Socialist republic of sri lanka And iv certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mc 12 rs. 91645 12 x 2700 Rs. 124045 grade i medical consultants are placed in 1 St Step Of mc 12 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["2. medical officer grade i "], "description": "2. medical officer grade i ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i medical officer with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing As a medical officer. And ii should have a minimum of six 06 Years of Experience as a grade ii medical officer in Institution coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes. and iii should have a recognized Post graduate Qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the Gazette extraordinary No188317 Dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic Of sri lanka. and iv certificate of good standing from the Sri lanka Medical council slmc Age limit shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii should have a minimum of six 06 Years of Experience as a grade ii medical officer in Institution coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs. 58675 3 x 1375 7 x1385 2 x1910 10 x 2270 99015 grade i medical officers are placed in 14 Th Step Of mo 11 rs.78585.00 ", "summary": "58675 3 x 1375 7 x1385 2 x1910 10 x 2270 99015 grade i medical officers are placed in 14 Th Step Of mo 11 rs.00"}, {"department": "", "title": ["3. dental surgeon grade i "], "description": "3. dental surgeon grade i ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i dental surgeons with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing as A dental surgeon. And ii should have a minimum of nine 09 Years of Experience as a grade ii dental surgeon in Institutions coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes. And iii should have a recognized Post graduate Qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the Gazette extraordinary No188317 Dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic Of sri lanka. And iv certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii should have a minimum of nine 09 Years of Experience as a grade ii dental surgeon in Institutions coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs. 58675 31375 71385 21910102270 rs. 99015 grade i dental surgeons are placed in 14 Th Step of Mo 11 rs.78585.00 358 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "99015 grade i dental surgeons are placed in 14 Th Step of Mo 11 rs.00 358 I fldgi ii W"}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 4. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Medical officer grade ii "], "description": "Medical officer grade ii ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i medical officer with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing as A medical officer. And ii should have a minimum of two 02 Years of Experience as a medical officer in institutions Coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes. And iii certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii should have a minimum of two 02 Years of Experience as a medical officer in institutions Coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs. 58675 31375 71385 21910102270 99015 grade ii medical officer are placed in 5 Th Step of Mo 11 rs.64185.00 5. ", "summary": "58675 31375 71385 21910102270 99015 grade ii medical officer are placed in 5 Th Step of Mo 11 rs.00 "}, {"department": "", "title": ["Dental surgeon grade ii "], "description": "Dental surgeon grade ii ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications I. dental surgeon with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing as A dental surgeon. And Ii. certificate of good standing from the Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "Qualifications I. dental surgeon with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing as A dental surgeon. certificate of good standing from the Sri lanka Medical council slmc."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs. 58675 31375 71385 21910102270 rs. 99015 grade ii dental surgeons are placed in 1 St step of Mo 11 rs.58675.00 6. ", "summary": "99015 grade ii dental surgeons are placed in 1 St step of Mo 11 rs.00 "}, {"department": "", "title": ["Medical officer preliminary grade "], "description": "Medical officer preliminary grade ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i medical officers with valid Full registration Of sri lanka medical council slmc for Practicing as a medical officer. And ii certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "Qualifications i medical officers with valid Full registration Of sri lanka medical council slmc for Practicing as a medical officer."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs.58675 31375 7 1385 2 1910 10 2270 rs. 99015 preliminary grade medical officers are Placed in 2 Nd step of mo 11 rs.60050.00 7. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Para medical special grade "], "description": "Para medical special grade ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i should have completed at least ten Years 10 Of satisfactory service in grade i of the service Category. And ii if has worked under the ministry Of health Having passed all the relevant efficiency Bar examination and earned ten 10 salary Increments. Age limit Must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 55 years. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 8 rs.50970 10 1385 8 1910 80100 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 359 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["8. matron special grade nursing officer "], "description": "8. matron special grade nursing officer ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i should be a special grade nursing officer. And ii should have successfully completed the 1 Year diploma which include ward management And supervision teaching and supervising public health nursing and midwifery Psychiatry conducted by the national institute For nursing education post basic nursing School and should have completed 05 years Of experience in a grade i nursing officer hospital service education public health Post. And iii having completed the 3 Rd Efficiency bar Examination. And iv having earned all due salary Increments and Completed a satisfactory service period during The immediately preceding 05 years. And v performance above satisfactory level In the 05 years prior to the date of promotion as per Approved performance appraisal procedure. Age limit Must be not less than 25 years and not more Than 55 years. ", "summary": "And ii should have successfully completed the 1 Year diploma which include ward management And supervision teaching and supervising public health nursing and midwifery Psychiatry conducted by the national institute For nursing education post basic nursing School and should have completed 05 years Of experience in a grade i nursing officer hospital service education public health Post."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt8 rs. 50970 10 x 1385 8 x 1910 80100 matrons special grade are placed 4 Th step Of mt 8 rs.55125 ", "summary": "50970 10 x 1385 8 x 1910 80100 matrons special grade are placed 4 Th step Of mt 8 rs.55125"}, {"department": "", "title": ["9. nursing sister "], "description": "9. nursing sister ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i should be a grade 1 nursing officer. And ii should be a nursing officer who Has followed And passed the 1 year diploma course in Ward management and supervision Teaching And supervising Public health nursing and Midwifery mental health nursing conducted By the national nursing training school Or post Primary nursing school. And iii having passed the 2 Nd efficiency bar examination. And iv having earned all due salary Increments and Completed an active and satisfactory service period During the preceding 5 years. And v performance above satisfactory level in The 05 Years prior to the date of promotion as per approved Performance appraisal procedure. Age limit must be not less than 25 years and not more Than 55 years. ", "summary": "And ii should be a nursing officer who Has followed And passed the 1 year diploma course in Ward management and supervision Teaching And supervising Public health nursing and Midwifery mental health nursing conducted By the national nursing training school Or post Primary nursing school."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 7 rs 33295 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 5 x 750 59805 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["10. nursing officer "], "description": "10. nursing officer ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall possess a bsc degree in nursing Or diploma In nursing from a recognized university or from The ministry of health. And ii shall have passed all subjects in Biology or Mathematics or agriculture streams except Common general test at one sitting at the g.c.e. al examination or three 03 subjects of the Old syllabus in the same streams at one sitting. And iii shall have passed six 06 subjects at Not more Than two sittings with four 04 credit passes for Sinhala tamil language mathematics science And english at the g.c.e. ol examination. Age limit Shall not be less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii shall have passed all subjects in Biology or Mathematics or agriculture streams except Common general test at one sitting at the g.c.e. And iii shall have passed six 06 subjects at Not more Than two sittings with four 04 credit passes for Sinhala tamil language mathematics science And english at the g.c.e."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 7 rs.33295 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 5 x750 59805 nursing officer is placed under the 1 St step of mt 7. 360 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Salary scale Mt 7 rs.33295 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 5 x750 59805 nursing officer is placed under the 1 St step of mt "}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["11. pharmacist "], "description": "11. pharmacist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i passed the g.c.e. ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one sitting And passed the english language at not more than Two sittings. And ii passed the g.c.e. al examination In three Subjects with a credit pass for chemistry and Two other subjects of combined mathematics Biology physics or agriculture at one sitting. And iii A should have a degree in Pharmacology Science pharmacology from a university Recognized By The University Grants Commission or from an institution recognized By the university grants commission as a Degree awarding institution. Or B should have completed the Twoyear fulltime Diploma course in pharmacology conducted By the ministry of health. And iv A registration of sri lanka Medical council slmc to practice as a pharmacist. Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as a pharmacist in sri Lanka. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. Sitting and passed english language at Not more Than two sittings. And ii passed the g.c.e. al examination With a Credit pass for physics and two other subjects Including combined mathematics biology Chemistry or agriculture at one sitting. And iii A bachelors degree in Radiotherapy Radiology from a university recognized By the university grants commission or An institution recognized by the university Grants commission as a degree awarding Institution. Or B should have passed the Twoyear diploma Training course in radiographer Conducted By the ministry of health. And v A should have registered with the Sri lanka Medical council to work as a Radiographer In sri lanka. Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as a Radiographer in Sri lanka. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one sitting And passed the english language at not more than Two sittings. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 59360 radiographer is placed in 1 St step of mt6. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["13. occupational therapist "], "description": "13. occupational therapist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 pharmacist is placed in 1 St step of mt 6. ", "summary": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["12. radiographer therapist "], "description": "12. radiographer therapist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i passed the gce ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including Sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i passed the gce ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one sitting And passed english language at not more than Two sittings. And ii passed the g.c.e. al examination In three Subjects with a credit pass for physics and I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Qualifications i passed the gce ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one sitting And passed english language at not more than Two sittings."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 361 Two other subjects of Combined mathematics Biology chemistry or agriculture at one sitting. And iii A should have a degree In occupational Therapist from a university recognized by The university grants commission or from And institution recognized by the university Grants commission as a degree awarding Institution. Or B should have completed the twoyear full Time diploma course in occupational Therapist conducted by the ministry of Health. And iv A should have registered with the Sri lanka Medical council to work as an Occupational Therapist. Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as an Occupational Therapist in sri lanka. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 361 Two other subjects of Combined mathematics Biology chemistry or agriculture at one sitting. And iii A should have a degree In occupational Therapist from a university recognized by The university grants commission or from And institution recognized by the university Grants commission as a degree awarding Institution. Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as an Occupational Therapist in sri lanka."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 occupational therapist is placed under 1 St step of mt6 By the faculty of dental university Of peradeniya Or ministry of health. And iv should have registered with the sri Lanka medical Council. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 occupational therapist is placed under 1 St step of mt6 By the faculty of dental university Of peradeniya Or ministry of health."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 6 rs32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 dental technician is placed under 1 St step of mt 6. ", "summary": "Salary scale mt 6 rs32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["15. ophthalmic technologist "], "description": "15. ophthalmic technologist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications I. passed the g.c.e ol examination In six Subjects including english language with credit Passes for sinhala tamil mathematics science And one other subject at not more than two sittings. And Ii. passed the g.c.e. al examination In the Science stream with a credit pass for physics and Two other subjects from chemistry biology or Agriculture at one sitting. And iii. should have passed the twoyear Fulltime diploma In ophthalmic technology course conducted by The ministry of health. And ", "summary": "Qualifications I. passed the g.c.e ol examination In six Subjects including english language with credit Passes for sinhala tamil mathematics science And one other subject at not more than two sittings. al examination In the Science stream with a credit pass for physics and Two other subjects from chemistry biology or Agriculture at one sitting. should have passed the twoyear Fulltime diploma In ophthalmic technology course conducted by The ministry of health."}, {"department": "", "title": ["14. dental technician "], "description": "14. dental technician ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i passed the g.c.e. ol examination In six Subjects including english language with credit Passes for sinhala tamil mathematics science And one other subject at not more than two Sittings. And ii passed the g.c.e. al examination In the Science stream with a credit pass for chemistry And passed two other subjects from physics Biology or agriculture at one sitting. And iii should have passed the twoyear Fulltime Diploma course for dental technicians conducted Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as an ophthalmic Technologist in sri lanka. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "ol examination In six Subjects including english language with credit Passes for sinhala tamil mathematics science And one other subject at not more than two Sittings. al examination In the Science stream with a credit pass for chemistry And passed two other subjects from physics Biology or agriculture at one sitting. And iii should have passed the twoyear Fulltime Diploma course for dental technicians conducted Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as an ophthalmic Technologist in sri lanka."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 59360 Ophthalmic technologist is placed under 1 St Step of Mt6. 362 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 59360 Ophthalmic technologist is placed under 1 St Step of Mt"}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["16. orthoptist "], "description": "16. orthoptist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i should have been confirmed in service As an Ophthalmic technologist. And ii should be in grade ii or above in The service Category having passed the satisfactory efficiency Bar examination on the due date and should have Completed an active service period of five 05 Years to the closing date of the application. And iii shall have completed the 06 Months training In orthoptist conducted by the national eye Hospital sri lanka and should have passed the Final examination. And iv shall be registered in the sri Lanka medical Council. Age limit Shall not be less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii should be in grade ii or above in The service Category having passed the satisfactory efficiency Bar examination on the due date and should have Completed an active service period of five 05 Years to the closing date of the application. And iii shall have completed the 06 Months training In orthoptist conducted by the national eye Hospital sri lanka and should have passed the Final examination."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 orthoptist is placed in 1 St step of mt 6. ", "summary": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": [" 17. speech therapist "], "description": " 17. speech therapist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall possess a fulltime diploma In speech Therapy of not less than two years from an institute Recognized as a degree awarding institution by University grant commission or a university Recognized by the university grant commission. Age limit not less than 22 years and not more than 45 Years. ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall possess a fulltime diploma In speech Therapy of not less than two years from an institute Recognized as a degree awarding institution by University grant commission or a university Recognized by the university grant commission."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs. 32850 10 x 445 11x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 Speech therapist is placed under 1 St step of mt 6. ", "summary": "32850 10 x 445 11x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["18. public health inspector "], "description": "18. public health inspector ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including English with four 04 credit passes for sinhala tamil language mathematics science and one Other subject at not more than two sittings at the G.c.e. ol examination. And ii should have passed two 02 Subjects from Chemistry physics and agriculture with a credit Pass for biology or combined mathematics at one Sitting at the g.c.e. al examination. And iii should have obtained the Diploma certificate After successfully completing the fulltime years Diploma for public health inspectors conducted By ministry of health. And iv only males can apply. Age limit Not less than 22 years and not more than 55 Years. ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including English with four 04 credit passes for sinhala tamil language mathematics science and one Other subject at not more than two sittings at the G.c.e. And ii should have passed two 02 Subjects from Chemistry physics and agriculture with a credit Pass for biology or combined mathematics at one Sitting at the g.c.e. And iii should have obtained the Diploma certificate After successfully completing the fulltime years Diploma for public health inspectors conducted By ministry of health."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 5 rs. 32405 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 58915 Public health inspector is placed under 1 St Step of Mt 5 ", "summary": "32405 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["19. midwife "], "description": "19. midwife ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including English with four 04 credit passes for sinhala tamil language mathematics science and one Other subject at not more than two sittings at the G.c.e. ol examination. And ii shall have passed three subjects From bio Science physics agriculture and chemistry at One sitting at the g.c.e al examination. And iii should have obtained the Diploma certificate After successfully completing the fulltime Years diploma for midwifery conducted by Ministry of health. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including English with four 04 credit passes for sinhala tamil language mathematics science and one Other subject at not more than two sittings at the G.c.e. And ii shall have passed three subjects From bio Science physics agriculture and chemistry at One sitting at the g.c.e al examination."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 363 And iv only females can apply. Age limit Shall not be less than 22 years and not more Than 55 years. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 5 rs. 32405 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 58915 Midwife is placed under 1 St step of mt 5 ", "summary": "32405 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["20. management assistant "], "description": "20. management assistant Non technical ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including Sinhala tamil language mathematics and English with four 04 credit passes at one sitting At the g.c.e. ol examination. And ii shall have passed three subjects at The g.c.e. al except common general test at one Sitting. ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including Sinhala tamil language mathematics and English with four 04 credit passes at one sitting At the g.c.e."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Additional qualification "], "description": "Additional qualification The ability to write and speak In english and tamil is considered as a Special qualification At the interview. Age limit not less than 18 years and not more than 45 Years. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Ma 12 rs .27910 10 x 300 7 x 350 12 x 600 12 x 710 rs. 49080 Management assistant nontechnical Is placed Under 1 St step of ma 1 2. ", "summary": "Salary scale Ma 12 rs .27910 10 x 300 7 x 350 12 x 600 12 x 710 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["21. driver "], "description": "21. driver ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 subjects With two 02 credit passes at not more than two sittings at The g.c.e. ol examination. ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 subjects With two 02 credit passes at not more than two sittings at The g.c.e."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Vocational qualifications "], "description": "Vocational qualifications i should possess a driving license issued By the Commissioner general motor traffic for heavy Vehicles .a driving license in vehicle class a Under old procedure or a driving license in vehicle Class d according to new procedure Shall have Been obtained. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Experience "], "description": "Experience i should possess a minimum of Three years Experience in driving after receiving the driving License. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Physical qualifications "], "description": "Physical qualifications i should be of sound physical and Mental health To perform duties under any circumstance in day Time and night time and if needed should be able To perform in shifts through all 24 hours. ii minimum height should be 5 feet and 2 inches. ", "summary": "Physical qualifications i should be of sound physical and Mental health To perform duties under any circumstance in day Time and night time and if needed should be able To perform in shifts through all 24 hours."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Visual acuity "], "description": "Visual acuity i visual acuity of 69 for both eyes is Required as Per the vision standards recognized for drivers of Heavy vehicles by eye surgeon association. ", "summary": ""}]
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[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["Posts vacant "], "description": "Posts vacant ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Sri lanka police "], "description": "Sri lanka police ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of woman police constable special task force "], "description": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. 2. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. 223 bauddaloka mawatha Colombo 07. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before 30.06.2021. late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. 3. Salary scale . monthly rs. 29540 7 x 300 27 x 270 rs. 41630. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. C all the uniforms will be provided free of charge. D facilities to enhance ones sports skills And inborn Talents. E travelling expenses for duties and Financial rewards For exceptional peformance and arduous service. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. 04. Basic qualifications required 4.2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. 032016. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 07.01.2013 bearing no. 24162013. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. Rs. cts. In addition to the above said allowances A free transport facilities. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting. and the applicant Should have passed the subject mathematics In not more than two sittings. Note ", "summary": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. Basic qualifications required 2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 2013 bearing no. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting."}, {"department": "", "title": [" 01. according to the "], "description": " 01. according to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Subject classification "], "description": "Subject classification ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Of the department of examinations two "], "description": "Of the department of examinations two ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and "], "description": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and ", "summary": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["44 are considered as a single subject and "], "description": "44 are considered as a single subject and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 "], "description": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 ", "summary": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["And 45 are also considered as a single "], "description": "And 45 are also considered as a single ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Subject when determining the number "], "description": "Subject when determining the number ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of subjects passed at the examination. "], "description": "Of subjects passed at the examination. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["02. despite having passed the "], "description": "02. despite having passed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Practical test "], "description": "Practical test ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of the technological studies at g. c. e. "], "description": "Of the technological studies at g. c. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination failing in the written "], "description": "ol examination failing in the written ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Test of the same subject is considered as "], "description": "Test of the same subject is considered as ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Having failed the said subject. "], "description": "Having failed the said subject. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["03. since the subjects "], "description": "03. since the subjects ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Optional tamil "], "description": "Optional tamil ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["English and sinhala are not included in "], "description": "English and sinhala are not included in ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["G. c. e. ol subject stream having "], "description": "G. c. e. ol subject stream having I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1115 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Passed those subjects is "], "description": "Passed those subjects is ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Not considered "], "description": "Not considered ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["As one of the subjects passed at g. "], "description": "As one of the subjects passed at g. C. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination. "], "description": "ol examination. 43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than 612. if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 618. 433 should not have Undergone artificial Body modifications which might be Deemed unsuitable for the honour Of Police Service Or May Cause Obstruction in the execution of duty. 44 Other qualifications 441 should be a citizen of sri lanka. 442 the applicant should not possess A tarnished Character. 443 the applicant should be A bachelor divorcees widows and single parents are Not qualified to apply 444 should be prepared to work Anywhere in The country. 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. 5. Preliminary interview . Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council. Note ", "summary": "43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council."}, {"department": "", "title": [" applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having "], "description": " applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Failed the "], "description": "Failed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. "], "description": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. 1116 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 06. Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. the written examination will be held under the following subjects 07. Structured interview. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the structured interview board will be appointed by the inspector General of Police. 08. Method of recruitment. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies. Note ", "summary": "Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies."}, {"department": "", "title": [" deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess "], "description": " deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Exceptional sports "], "description": "Exceptional sports ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a "], "description": "Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the "], "description": "Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. "], "description": "Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. 09. Background check 9.1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 9.2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. 9.3 providing false information during recruitment by applicants will result in disqualification. if it Is revealed After the recruitment that false information had been provided service will be terminated at any time. 10. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. an applicant can take the medical test only once. the medical test will Be conducted Under health 169 form. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Background check 1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1117 11 . Training 11.1 based on the vacancies Available only The applicants who have passed the above Tests will be called for training on a date Specified by the inspector general of Police. selected applicants will receive the Preliminary training at sri lanka police College. afterwards They Will Receive Extensive training in the respective field during The probation period. 11.2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. 12. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme 13. service conditions 13.1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 13.3. 13.2 the selected applicants shall act In conformity With any orders or circulars already made Or may hereafter be made to implement the Official language policy. 13.3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. Circulars instruction codes and provisions Thereof and conditions of the appointment Letter. 13.4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. one should enter Into marriage only as per the instructions given In l.g.p. circulars. if getting married during Probation period a special permission should Be obtained from inspector general of police. If this regulation is violated the appointment Shall be nullified. 13.5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. Measures will be taken as per the provisions of Establishment code and procedural rules of Public service commission in relation to the Resignation. 13.6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 261 revised to inspector general of Police to be included in his personal file. Officer immediately after the Marriage should Include the above particulars about His spouse And submit. If a new asset or possession as described In the Above is acquired a complete Description of The said asset or possession should be Given in Writing to the inspector general of police To be Included in the personal file. 13.7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. 14. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period. 1118 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme service conditions 1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. 4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. 5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. 6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. 15 Efficiency bars efficiency bar examinations should be passed as follows. 16. Language proficiency 17. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. 19. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. those applications should accompany a certificate indicating that the applicant can be released if selected. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances. 20. applications that do not conform to the requirements of this notification will be rejected. replies will not be sent to Such applicants in that regard. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1119 Note ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" travelling or any other expense "], "description": " travelling or any other expense Will not ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Be paid by the sri lanka police to the "], "description": "Be paid by the sri lanka police to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Applicants who are called for interviews and "], "description": "Applicants who are called for interviews and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Examinations. "], "description": "Examinations. C. d. w Ickramaratne Inspector general of police. Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form 01. A name in full . in clear and legible handwriting should be exactly as mentioned in the nic B name with initials . C post applied . 02. national identity card No. . a copy of the nic should be attached 03. fathers full name . 04. place of birth of the applicant . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . Province . 05. A present address . B relevant police station of present address . C permanent address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . E mailing address . F grama niladaris division of Permanent address . divisional secretariat . G telephone no. home . Mobile . H email address . 06. A nationality . B whether you are a sri lankan citizen by Descent or by registration . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . ii applicants father . iii applicants paternal grand father . iv applicants paternal great grand father . 07. date of birth . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . as at the closing date of this Gazette Notification Years months days . 08. height feet . inches . 09. educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached . 10. marital status . 11. i present employment . ii are you a member of the armed forces . 12. have you ever served in sri lanka police . Post and rank no. . If yes indicate the reasons for you to resign From the Post . B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge . 1120 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form . a copy of the nic should be attached fathers full name . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . B relevant police station of present address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge ."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 15. have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a"}, {"department": "", "title": ["Posts vacant "], "description": "Posts vacant ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Sri lanka police "], "description": "Sri lanka police ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of woman police constable special task force "], "description": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. 2. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. 223 bauddaloka mawatha Colombo 07. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before 30.06.2021. late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. 3. Salary scale . monthly rs. 29540 7 x 300 27 x 270 rs. 41630. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. C all the uniforms will be provided free of charge. D facilities to enhance ones sports skills And inborn Talents. E travelling expenses for duties and Financial rewards For exceptional peformance and arduous service. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. 04. Basic qualifications required 4.2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. 032016. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 07.01.2013 bearing no. 24162013. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. Rs. cts. In addition to the above said allowances A free transport facilities. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting. and the applicant Should have passed the subject mathematics In not more than two sittings. Note ", "summary": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. Basic qualifications required 2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 2013 bearing no. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting."}, {"department": "", "title": [" 01. according to the "], "description": " 01. according to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Subject classification "], "description": "Subject classification ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Of the department of examinations two "], "description": "Of the department of examinations two ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and "], "description": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and ", "summary": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["44 are considered as a single subject and "], "description": "44 are considered as a single subject and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 "], "description": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 ", "summary": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["And 45 are also considered as a single "], "description": "And 45 are also considered as a single ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Subject when determining the number "], "description": "Subject when determining the number ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of subjects passed at the examination. "], "description": "Of subjects passed at the examination. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["02. despite having passed the "], "description": "02. despite having passed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Practical test "], "description": "Practical test ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of the technological studies at g. c. e. "], "description": "Of the technological studies at g. c. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination failing in the written "], "description": "ol examination failing in the written ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Test of the same subject is considered as "], "description": "Test of the same subject is considered as ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Having failed the said subject. "], "description": "Having failed the said subject. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["03. since the subjects "], "description": "03. since the subjects ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Optional tamil "], "description": "Optional tamil ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["English and sinhala are not included in "], "description": "English and sinhala are not included in ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["G. c. e. ol subject stream having "], "description": "G. c. e. ol subject stream having I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1115 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Passed those subjects is "], "description": "Passed those subjects is ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Not considered "], "description": "Not considered ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["As one of the subjects passed at g. "], "description": "As one of the subjects passed at g. C. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination. "], "description": "ol examination. 43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than 612. if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 618. 433 should not have Undergone artificial Body modifications which might be Deemed unsuitable for the honour Of Police Service Or May Cause Obstruction in the execution of duty. 44 Other qualifications 441 should be a citizen of sri lanka. 442 the applicant should not possess A tarnished Character. 443 the applicant should be A bachelor divorcees widows and single parents are Not qualified to apply 444 should be prepared to work Anywhere in The country. 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. 5. Preliminary interview . Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council. Note ", "summary": "43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council."}, {"department": "", "title": [" applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having "], "description": " applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Failed the "], "description": "Failed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. "], "description": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. 1116 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 06. Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. the written examination will be held under the following subjects 07. Structured interview. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the structured interview board will be appointed by the inspector General of Police. 08. Method of recruitment. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies. Note ", "summary": "Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies."}, {"department": "", "title": [" deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess "], "description": " deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Exceptional sports "], "description": "Exceptional sports ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a "], "description": "Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the "], "description": "Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. "], "description": "Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. 09. Background check 9.1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 9.2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. 9.3 providing false information during recruitment by applicants will result in disqualification. if it Is revealed After the recruitment that false information had been provided service will be terminated at any time. 10. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. an applicant can take the medical test only once. the medical test will Be conducted Under health 169 form. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Background check 1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1117 11 . Training 11.1 based on the vacancies Available only The applicants who have passed the above Tests will be called for training on a date Specified by the inspector general of Police. selected applicants will receive the Preliminary training at sri lanka police College. afterwards They Will Receive Extensive training in the respective field during The probation period. 11.2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. 12. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme 13. service conditions 13.1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 13.3. 13.2 the selected applicants shall act In conformity With any orders or circulars already made Or may hereafter be made to implement the Official language policy. 13.3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. Circulars instruction codes and provisions Thereof and conditions of the appointment Letter. 13.4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. one should enter Into marriage only as per the instructions given In l.g.p. circulars. if getting married during Probation period a special permission should Be obtained from inspector general of police. If this regulation is violated the appointment Shall be nullified. 13.5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. Measures will be taken as per the provisions of Establishment code and procedural rules of Public service commission in relation to the Resignation. 13.6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 261 revised to inspector general of Police to be included in his personal file. Officer immediately after the Marriage should Include the above particulars about His spouse And submit. If a new asset or possession as described In the Above is acquired a complete Description of The said asset or possession should be Given in Writing to the inspector general of police To be Included in the personal file. 13.7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. 14. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period. 1118 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme service conditions 1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. 4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. 5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. 6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. 15 Efficiency bars efficiency bar examinations should be passed as follows. 16. Language proficiency 17. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. 19. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. those applications should accompany a certificate indicating that the applicant can be released if selected. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances. 20. applications that do not conform to the requirements of this notification will be rejected. replies will not be sent to Such applicants in that regard. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1119 Note ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" travelling or any other expense "], "description": " travelling or any other expense Will not ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Be paid by the sri lanka police to the "], "description": "Be paid by the sri lanka police to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Applicants who are called for interviews and "], "description": "Applicants who are called for interviews and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Examinations. "], "description": "Examinations. C. d. w Ickramaratne Inspector general of police. Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form 01. A name in full . in clear and legible handwriting should be exactly as mentioned in the nic B name with initials . C post applied . 02. national identity card No. . a copy of the nic should be attached 03. fathers full name . 04. place of birth of the applicant . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . Province . 05. A present address . B relevant police station of present address . C permanent address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . E mailing address . F grama niladaris division of Permanent address . divisional secretariat . G telephone no. home . Mobile . H email address . 06. A nationality . B whether you are a sri lankan citizen by Descent or by registration . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . ii applicants father . iii applicants paternal grand father . iv applicants paternal great grand father . 07. date of birth . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . as at the closing date of this Gazette Notification Years months days . 08. height feet . inches . 09. educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached . 10. marital status . 11. i present employment . ii are you a member of the armed forces . 12. have you ever served in sri lanka police . Post and rank no. . If yes indicate the reasons for you to resign From the Post . B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge . 1120 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form . a copy of the nic should be attached fathers full name . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . B relevant police station of present address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge ."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 15. have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a"}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": ["Registrar generals department "], "description": "Registrar generals department ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages kandyan "], "description": "Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages kandyan ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["general sinhala "], "description": "general sinhala Medium Ratnapura district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 03 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. N.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce ol or any other similar examination it shall Be considered As one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the Post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name listgrama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgrama niladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat. applications Could also be downloaded from the of Fi Cial website of the registrar generals department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address Given in the schedule. W. m. m. B. weerasekara Registrar general. Registrar generals department No. 234a3 denzil Kobbekaduwa mawatha Battaramulla On this 04th day of august 2021. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "general sinhala Medium Ratnapura district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 03 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name listgrama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgrama niladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat."}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 27.08.2021 1825 Schedule 08413 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": ["Registrar generals department "], "description": "Registrar generals department ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages kandyan "], "description": "Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages kandyan ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["general sinhala "], "description": "general sinhala Medium Kegalle district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. N.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce ol or any other similar examination it shall Be considered As one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of The post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 1826 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "general sinhala Medium Kegalle district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination."}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 27.08.2021 07. additional details such as village name listgrama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgrama niladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat. applications Could also be downloaded from the of Fi Cial website of the registrar generals department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address Given in the schedule. W. m. m. B. weerasekara Registrar general. Registrar generals department No. 234a3 denzil Kobbekaduwa mawatha Battaramulla On this 04th day of august 2021. Schedule 08415 ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 additional details such as village name listgrama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgrama niladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat."}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": ["Registrar generals department "], "description": "Registrar generals department ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages tamil medium "], "description": "Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages tamil medium Badulla district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 27.08.2021 1827 Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. N.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce ol or any other similar examination it shall Be considered As one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the Post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name listgramaniladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgramaniladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat. applications Could also be downloaded from the of Fi Cial website of the registrar generals department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address Given in the schedule. W. m. m. B. weerasekara Registrar general. Registrar generals department No. 234a3 denzil Kobbekaduwa mawatha Battaramulla On this 04th day of august 2021. Schedule 08416 1828 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 1827 Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name listgramaniladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgramaniladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat."}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 27.08.2021 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": ["Registrar generals department "], "description": "Registrar generals department ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of registrar of muslim marriages "], "description": "Post of registrar of muslim marriages sinhala Medium Kegalle district Applications are called for the post of Registrar of Muslim marriages in the divisions set out in The schedule Hereof 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant Muslim marriages division and entitled To reasonable Properties and should be a person With outstanding Personality who has acquired sufficient interest And influence Amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not More than 55 years of age as at the closing date Of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim Marriages should be married and should not be a widow Widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 Subjects including sinhala tamilrelevant Language for The post with 02 credit passes in not more than Two 02 Sittings in gce ol examination together with The ability To perform duties in secondary language as per The language Requirement of the populate within the division Or else Should have passed in any other similar examination. N.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce ol or Any other similar examination it shall be considered As one subject and pass is applicable only if the Applicant passes both parts of the said subject. possession of moulavi certificate or Diploma in Arabic language shall be considered As fulfillment Of aforesaid basic qualification. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the Office in a centrally located building that ensures Respect of The post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name listgrama Niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim Marriage additional marriages Relevant educational And other qualifications required for this post Could be Obtained from notices exhibited in public places Within the Division such as district secretariat Divisional secretariat Or relevant land and district registries Grama niladhari Offices samurdhi development society offices And post Offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said annex 01 Inclusive of village name listgrama Niladhari divisions Could be collected from district secretariat ga office Relevant land and district registry or Divisional secretariat. Applications could also be downloaded from The official Website of the Registrar generals Department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on Or before 27th september 2021 by registered post To the Address given in the schedule. W. m. m. ", "summary": "Post of registrar of muslim marriages sinhala Medium Kegalle district Applications are called for the post of Registrar of Muslim marriages in the divisions set out in The schedule Hereof applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant Muslim marriages division and entitled To reasonable Properties and should be a person With outstanding Personality who has acquired sufficient interest And influence Amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not More than 55 years of age as at the closing date Of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years applicants for the post of registrar of muslim Marriages should be married and should not be a widow Widower or divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 Subjects including sinhala tamilrelevant Language for The post with 02 credit passes in not more than Two 02 Sittings in gce ol examination together with The ability To perform duties in secondary language as per The language Requirement of the populate within the division Or else Should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name listgrama Niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim Marriage additional marriages Relevant educational And other qualifications required for this post Could be Obtained from notices exhibited in public places Within the Division such as district secretariat Divisional secretariat Or relevant land and district registries Grama niladhari Offices samurdhi development society offices And post Offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said annex 01 Inclusive of village name listgrama Niladhari divisions Could be collected from district secretariat ga office Relevant land and district registry or Divisional secretariat."}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages (kandyan ", "/general) sinhala ", "medium "], "description": "ratnapura district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.(maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 03 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. n.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the of fi cial website ( ) of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. weerasekara, registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 04th day of august, 2021. i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'27 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 27.08.2021 1825 schedule 08\u2013413 \u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013 ", "summary": "ratnapura district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 03 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 04th day of august, i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'27 p art i "}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages (kandyan ", "/general) sinhala ", "medium "], "description": "kegalle district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.(maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. n.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 1826 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'27 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 27.08.2021 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the of fi cial website ( ) of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. weerasekara, registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 04th day of august, 2021. schedule 08-415 \u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013 ", "summary": "kegalle district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat."}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages tamil medium "], "description": "badulla district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'27 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 27.08.2021 1827 division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.(maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. n.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/gramaniladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/gramaniladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the of fi cial website ( ) of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. weerasekara, registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 04th day of august, 2021. schedule 08-416 1828 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'27 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 27.08.2021 ", "summary": "badulla district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'27 p art i s ec . applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/gramaniladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/gramaniladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 04th day of august, schedule 08-416 1828 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'27 p art i "}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of muslim marriages ", "- sinhala ", "medium "], "description": "kegalle district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.(maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widow/ widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala / tamil/(relevant language for the post with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. n.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. (possession of moulavi certificate or diploma in arabic language shall be considered as fulfillment of aforesaid basic qualification.) 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the official website ( ) of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. weerasekara, registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 04th day of august, 2021. ", "summary": "kegalle district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala / tamil/(relevant language for the post with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat."}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["vacancies exist in the sri lanka ", "volunteer air force for airmen/ ", "air women in the trades ", "are given ", "below as direct entry "], "description": "1. vacancies exist in the volunteer force of the sri lanka air force for airmen / airwomen in the trades given below and the required minimum and specific qualifications are stated against 2. trades & educational, professional qualifications required:- a . ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["general engineering trade. "], "description": "(1) operator motor transport (male) passes in 06 subjects at the gce (o/l) examination at not more than two sittings including a simple (s) pass in sinhala / tamil language. pass the driving test conducted by the sri lanka air force (possession of a valid light vehicle driving license is essential and priority will be given to possession of a valid heavy vehicle driving licence is respectively.) (2) surface technician (male) passed g.c.e.o/l (minimum 6 passes including english language and mathematics) priority will be given to candidates with g.c.e. a/l qualification with chemistry as a subject with minimum \u201cs\u201d pass. completed lab assistant training programme conducted at institute of chemistry of sri lanka or lab technology related course at a government institution or government registered private institution or equivalent qualification one year or above in related field. b . ", "summary": " operator motor transport passes in 06 subjects at the gce examination at not more than two sittings including a simple pass in sinhala / tamil language. pass the driving test conducted by the sri lanka air force surface technician passed g.c.e.o/l priority will be given to candidates with g.c.e."}, {"department": "", "title": ["administrative trade ", "\u2013 administrative ", "assistant (stenographers)male /female "], "description": " passes in 06 subjects at the gce (o/l) examination at not more than two sittings including a credit (c) pass in sinhala / tamil / english language. if the post applied for is \u2018sinhala stenographer\u2019 such applicant should have a credit pass for the subject of sinhala in gce o/l. if the post applied for is \u2018english stenographer\u2019 such applicant should have a credit pass for the subject of english in gce o/l. if the post applied for is \u2018tamil stenographer\u2019 such applicant should have a credit pass for the subject of tamil in gce o/l. candidates should have successfully followed and passed a stenography and typing course at the national youth services council, national apprentice and industrial training authority, technical college or at a government registered training institution and minimum of 06 months experience in relevant field. 3. ", "summary": "passes in 06 subjects at the gce examination at not more than two sittings including a credit pass in sinhala / tamil / english language."}, {"department": "", "title": ["other requirements "], "description": ": - a . candidates must fulfil the following general conditions for enlistment in the sri lanka volunteer air force: - (1) nationality - must be a citizen of sri lanka. (2) age as at 15 december 2021 not less than 18 years and not more than 30 years ( male / female) (3) height - 5 feet 5 inches (165.0 cm) and above (male) 5 feet 3 inches (160.0 cm) and above (female) (4) weight : - 17 < bmi > 26 (male) 17 < bmi > 25 (female) weight (kg) body mass index = \u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013 height 2 (m) (5) vision colour standard: cp2 (6) visual acuity: 6/6 each eye (without spectacles and lens) (7) chest: not less than 32\" (male) (8) civil status: married / unmarried ( a ) unmarried direct entry airmen / airwomen are not allowed to marry until the 01 year period from the date of enlistment. i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 17.09.2021 1949 4. candidates who do not possess the required educational qualifications or fulfil the requirements of paragraph 01 to 02 will be rejected. on arrival for the first interview the height, weight, chest and vision will be measured. candidates whose height, weight, chest and vision are below the standard specified in the gazette notification and who have no exceptional skills will not be interviewed. any candidate who has special ability / qualifications may at the discretion of the commander of the air force be considered, even though he does not have the pre requisite on any of above, provided that he possess the requisite of the professional/ special qualifications for the best interest of the sri lanka air force. 5. due consideration will be given to outstanding achievements in the field of sports. 6. ", "summary": "candidates must fulfil the following general conditions for enlistment in the sri lanka volunteer air force - nationality - must be a citizen of sri lanka. age as at 15 december 2021 not less than 18 years and not more than 30 years height - 5 feet 5 inches and above 5 feet 3 inches and above weight - 17 < bmi > 26 17 < bmi > 25 weight body mass index \u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013 height 2 vision colour standard cp2 visual acuity 6/6 each eye chest not less than 32\" civil status married / unmarried unmarried direct entry airmen / airwomen are not allowed to marry until the 01 year period from the date of enlistment. i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 1949 candidates who do not possess the required educational qualifications or fulfil the requirements of paragraph 01 to 02 will be rejected."}, {"department": "", "title": ["conditions of service: "], "description": " - a . the candidate is to initially enlist in the air force as an airmen/airwomen volunteer engagement and will undergo a basic combat training course. on successful completion of training, the duration of which will depend on the trade, the status allocated on his /her enlistment as an other rank. b . airmen will be required to undergo training at a place in sri lanka or abroad as decided by the commander of the air force in consultation with the ministry of defence. c . during the period of training as airmen / airwomen and thereafter, personnel will be subject to air force law. d . every airmen / airwomen will be provided all items of uniforms, equipment and medical facilities. e . during the period of training, an airmen / airwomen will be accommodated in an air force mess and will be provided with food. f. in the event of a airmen / airwomen voluntarily terminating his candidature during training, the parent or guardian will be required to refund to the republic of sri lanka all expenses incurred up to that time by the republic of sri lanka on account of such airmen/ airwomen. g . if at any time during his course a airmen/ airwomen is reported by the authorities as being unsuitable for reasons of misconduct or due to causes within his/her control to qualify for a commission, his parent or guardian will be required to refund to the sri lanka air force all expenses incurred on his training and will be required to enter into a bond to this effect with the commander of the air force acting on behalf of the government of sri lanka. h . parent or guardian will sign a declaration as given in cage 28 of the application form in respect of sub paragraphs (f) and (g) above, and forward them together with the application. parent or guardian will be required to enter in to a bond subsequently in this form with the republic of sri lanka prior to the appointment of these candidates as airmen. j . candidates who possess the requirement as per para 1 to 4 will be called for the preliminary interview and if successful will be called for medical examinations and all candidates selected will be medically and physically examined under sri lanka air force arrangements to check the suitability in par with the sri lanka air force medical fitness standards. candidates who successfully complete these tests will be called for the are enlistment. the required number of candidates per trade will be selected according to merit at these interviews and tests. k . a single airman is required to live in the airmen barracks. he /she is provided with furnished accommodation and food. a single airmen\u2019s ration allowance is paid to the mess. l . a married airmen /airwomen may be provided with a married quarter if available. recovery of rental will be as applicable to public servants. m . all airmen / airwomen are liable to be posted for duty or training in any part of the world at any time. n . all airmen / airwomen are governed by the air force act and orders issued from time to time. 7. ", "summary": "the candidate is to initially enlist in the air force as an airmen/airwomen volunteer engagement and will undergo a basic combat training course. airmen will be required to undergo training at a place in sri lanka or abroad as decided by the commander of the air force in consultation with the ministry of defence. during the period of training as airmen / airwomen and thereafter, personnel will be subject to air force law. every airmen / airwomen will be provided all items of uniforms, equipment and medical facilities. during the period of training, an airmen / airwomen will be accommodated in an air force mess and will be provided with food. f. in the event of a airmen / airwomen voluntarily terminating his candidature during training, the parent or guardian will be required to refund to the republic of sri lanka all expenses incurred up to that time by the republic of sri lanka on account of such airmen/ airwomen. if at any time during his course a airmen/ airwomen is reported by the authorities as being unsuitable for reasons of misconduct or due to causes within his/her control to qualify for a commission, his parent or guardian will be required to refund to the sri lanka air force all expenses incurred on his training and will be required to enter into a bond to this effect with the commander of the air force acting on behalf of the government of sri lanka. parent or guardian will be required to enter in to a bond subsequently in this form with the republic of sri lanka prior to the appointment of these candidates as airmen. candidates who possess the requirement as per para 1 to 4 will be called for the preliminary interview and if successful will be called for medical examinations and all candidates selected will be medically and physically examined under sri lanka air force arrangements to check the suitability in par with the sri lanka air force medical fitness standards. all airmen / airwomen are liable to be posted for duty or training in any part of the world at any time. all airmen / airwomen are governed by the air force act and orders issued from time to time."}, {"department": "", "title": ["terms of engagement "], "description": ": - a . ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["volunteer airmen / air women administrative ", "trade\u2013administrative assistant (stenographers). "], "description": "selected candidates will be enlisted to the third class of the rank of aircraftsman /aircraftswoman 1950 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 17.09.2021 in the volunteer air force and shall be required to serve for two (02) years. opportunities exist for suitable to extend for further service on completion of two (02) years of service on the discretion of the commander of the sri lanka air force. b. ", "summary": "selected candidates will be enlisted to the third class of the rank of aircraftsman /aircraftswoman 1950 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 in the volunteer air force and shall be required to serve for two years."}, {"department": "", "title": ["volunteer airmen operator motor transport and surface technician. "], "description": "selected candidates will be enlisted to the third class of the rank of aircraftsman /aircraftswoman in the volunteer air force and shall be required to serve for five (05) years. opportunities exist for suitable to extend for further service on completion of five (05) years of service on the discretion of the commander of the sri lanka air force. 8. ", "summary": "selected candidates will be enlisted to the third class of the rank of aircraftsman /aircraftswoman in the volunteer air force and shall be required to serve for five years. opportunities exist for suitable to extend for further service on completion of five years of service on the discretion of the commander of the sri lanka air force."}, {"department": "", "title": [" official language requirements. "], "description": " the selected candidates will be required to comply with any rules already made or may hereafter be made for giving effect to the language policy of the republic of sri lanka and in particular for implementing the provisions the official language act, no. 33 of 1956. 9. ", "summary": "the selected candidates will be required to comply with any rules already made or may hereafter be made for giving effect to the language policy of the republic of sri lanka and in particular for implementing the provisions the official language act, no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["pay and allowances. "], "description": "a. it is to be noted that all consolidated salaries including allowances indicated below are the initial step of particular rank. note : married living-out personnel are entitled for ration allowance of approximately rs. 20,000.00 and applicable rent ceiling. b. ", "summary": "a. it is to be noted that all consolidated salaries including allowances indicated below are the initial step of particular rank. note married living-out personnel are entitled for ration allowance of approximately rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["pensions/gratuities. "], "description": " payable in terms of the air force pensions and gratuities code 1981 and as amended from time to time. all airmen/ airwomen are contributors to the widows and orphans pension (armed force) scheme. rate of contributions are as per widows and orphans pension (armed forces) scheme regulations 1970. 10. ", "summary": "all airmen/ airwomen are contributors to the widows and orphans pension scheme. rate of contributions are as per widows and orphans pension scheme regulations "}, {"department": "", "title": ["instructions to applicants. "], "description": "a. applications should be submitted in applicants own handwriting in terms of the from specified below. all cages of the application should be filled with much detail as possible. applications should be sent by registered post addressed to ", "summary": "a. applications should be submitted in applicants own handwriting in terms of the from specified below."}, {"department": "", "title": ["\u201ccommand recruiting officer, sri lanka air force trade training ", "school, kotugoda\u201d "], "description": " so as to reach there not later than 1200 noon on 01 october 2021. the envelope enclosing the application should be marked ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["\u201capplication for volunteer airmen/airwomen\u201d "], "description": "on the top left corner. applications received at sri lanka air force, kotugoda after closing date and time and not in accordance with the requirement of this notification and not in registered post will not be considered. b. candidates who are in government service/ corporations/ boards/ civil establishments should forward their applications through their heads of departments / corporations/ boards/civil establishments and should bear a certificate to the effect that the candidate will be released if selected. c. candidates will be required to produce the originals with certified photo copy of the following documents when summoned for interviews or when called upon to do so. (1) certificate of registration of birth and a photo copy. (certificate issued for the purpose of the education code will not be accepted). i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 17.09.2021 1951 (2) national identity card and a photo copy. (3) original certificates in support of the educational qualifications required for the branch applied and photo copies. (4) certificates of trade / technical training and / or experience (if any) obtained from a recognized institution and photo copies. (5) two recent certificates of character (within 06 months obtained). one of these should be from the principal of the last school attended and the other from a responsible person who knows the applicant for more than two years or from the present employer (if employed). (6) original certificates in support of sports activities and extra curricular activities and photo copies. (7) a plain folder with file tag. (8) a colour photo of 2x2\u00bd inches certified by the gs. d. applications of candidates who fail to produce documents when requested to do so will not be considered. e. no documents or original copies of documents should be attached to the application form. f. the air force will not be responsible for loss of any originals of certificates if enclosed with the application form. 11. preliminary selections will be made amongst those candidates who fulfil the above conditions. candidates so selected will be required to undergo tests as may be prescribed by the commander of the air force. candidates considered suitable for the interview will be required to appear for an interview at their own expense before an air force recruiting board. such candidates will be informed individually of place, date and time. 12. on every occasion an applicant is summoned for interviews, he is to produce the national identity card. candidates who do not have the national identity card could produce some other form of the accepted identification. however, no candidates will be enlisted without the national identity card. 13. all candidates who are selected is required to undergo a medical screening test and a physical fitness test as per sri lanka air force medical and fitness standard during the selection process. 14. the required number of candidates per trade will be selected according to high marks merit at these interviews and tests. 15. anyone who desires to recommend a candidate should do so by giving his testimonial. any form of canvassing or attempt to influence the selection of a candidate will result in disqualification of such candidates 16. candidates who are found unsuitable for enlistment will not be notified. sk pathirana, wwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp, msc (moa) usa, msc (def stu) in mgt, m phil (ind), mim (sl), ndc (ind), psc, qfi air marshal, commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, po box 594, colombo. 1952 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 17.09.2021 ", "summary": " fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 1951 national identity card and a photo copy. sk pathirana, wwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp, msc usa, msc in mgt, m phil , mim , ndc , psc, qfi air marshal, commander of the air force. 1952 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i "}, {"department": "", "title": ["application for airmen /airwomen in the ", "\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\ of the sri lanka ", " air force "], "description": "01. nationality: - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. (state whether citizen of sri lanka by descent or by registration and if latter, quote number and date of certificate) 02. full name (as per the national identity card): \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.....\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 03. national identity card number: - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026... 04. permanent address \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026... 05. postal address: - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026....... 06. date of birth:- \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. (age as at 15 dec. 2021) : years:\u2026..............\u2026.months:........\u2026\u2026\u2026days:\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 07. height: - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026cm (\u2026\u2026\u2026..feet \u2026\u2026\u2026.inches) 08. nearest police station to permanent address: - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. 10. electorate: -\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 11. gs division: - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 12. telephone number: - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 13. married or single:- \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 14. gender : - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..........\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 15. school attended:-\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. 16. particulars of school qualifications obtained:- 17. particulars of employment since leaving school: - (if applicable) : i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 17.09.2021 1953 18. particulars of parents:- 19. any special qualification for the post : - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..........\u2026\u2026\u2026....\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 20. details of current achievements in sports (give details of teams and competitions participated with dates / years etc. and standards / levels achieved) : - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..............................\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 21. other achievements of note at school or with outside organizations (give details with dates / years etc.):-................... 22. any previous service in the armed force or volunteer force, cadet corps or boy scout organization:-........................ 23. have you applied earlier to join the sri lanka air force or any of the armed services or police, if so give details and the outcome of such applications:-...................................................................................................................................... 24. have you being convicted or bound over by a civil or military court, if so give details:-.................................................. 25. if earlier employed in a government department or in the public sector / board / corporation (including the central bank, national bank, universities, joint stock companies controlled by the government etc.) reasons for termination of employment:-................................................................................................................................................................. 26. particulars of testimonials:- 27. declaration to be signed by the applicant:- i, declare on my honour that answers given to the above questions are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. i have read and understood the procedure which will be adopted and the rules which will apply in respect of those candidates who are selected for commission in the sri lanka air force published in the gazette of the republic of sri lanka. \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. signature of applicant. date\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. 28. declaration to be signed by the parent or guardian of the applicant: ( a ) i am the parent / guardian of\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026who is an applicant for a airmen/ airwomen in the sri lanka air force and who has signed the declaration in cage 27 of the form of application above. ( b ) i hereby undertake to be responsible in the event above named applicant being selected for a course of training for the following. 1954 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 17.09.2021 \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026...\u2026. signature of parent /guardian. date\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. name\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 (in block capitals) address\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. signature of first witness. date\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. name\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 (in block capitals) address\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. signature of second witness. ", "summary": " full name \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.....\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 national identity card number - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026... permanent address \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026... postal address - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026....... date of birth - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. \u2026..............\u2026.months ........\u2026\u2026\u2026days \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 height - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026cm nearest police station to permanent address - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. particulars of school qualifications obtained - particulars of employment since leaving school fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'09'17 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 1953 particulars of parents - any special qualification for the post - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..........\u2026\u2026\u2026....\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 details of current achievements in sports - \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..............................\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 other achievements of note at school or with outside organizations -................... any previous service in the armed force or volunteer force, cadet corps or boy scout organization -........................ have you applied earlier to join the sri lanka air force or any of the armed services or police, if so give details and the outcome of such applications -...................................................................................................................................... have you being convicted or bound over by a civil or military court, if so give details -.................................................. if earlier employed in a government department or in the public sector / board / corporation "}]
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "department of government factory",
"title": [
"state ministry of rural housing ",
"and building materials - limited competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 "
"description": "limited competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory -2020 (2021) applications are invited from sri lankan citizens by the commissioner general of examinations for the limited competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following the department of government factory. the candidates who fulfill the relevant qualifications can apply for all three posts. salary code no. : mn1-2016 salary scale : rs. 27,140 -10x300 -11x350 - 10 x495-10x660 - rs. 45,540. grade to which recruitment is made : grade iii educational qualifications : should be employed in non-technical, semi- technical and technical grades primary grade of the department of government factory, fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 should have passed six (06) subjects with credit passes to the two (02) subjects of language and mathematics at the general certificate of education (ordinary level) examination. professional qualifications : should have followed a course on computer word processing/typesetting of not less than 03 months duration recognized by the vocational and tertiary education commission. physical qualifications : not relevant. other qualifications i. all the qualifications required for the recruitment for the post should be satisfied in each and every way the date mentioned in the notice calling for applications. ii. the applicants should hold permanent posts in the department of government factory and should be confirmed in such posts. iii. should have completed at least 05 years of continuous and satisfactory period of service in a permanent appointment immediately preceding the due date and the same shall be certified by the head of the department. method of recruitment : recruitments shall be made to above posts on the order of merit of the marks scored by applicants at the written examination and the preference of the applicants. written examination syllabus of the written examination : not relevant. general interview : no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be verified. 9. the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification and should be prepared by the candidate himself on paper of size a-4 using both sides in the language medium he/she intends to appear for the examination. it should be specially noted that the application forms should be prepared that cages 01 to 08 appear on the first the paper and cages 09 to 12 appear on the other side of the paper and the rest to appear on the third page. the title fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 19.03.2021 \"commissioner-general of examinations, (institutional and foreign examinations branch), department of examinations, p.o. 1503, colombo. applications not comply with the specimen and that are not completed in every aspect shall be rejected without notice. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so to be detached. it is advisable to keep a photocopy application and the receipt of the payment. the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english medium and the language medium of examination, mentioned originally in the application, cannot be changed subsequently. the examination fee is rs. 750.00. it should be paid before the closing date of applications at any post office/ sub post office/ district secretariat/divisional secretariat credited to revenue head 20-03-02-13 of the commissioner general of examination. the receipt obtained should be pasted in the relevant cage of the application form so to be detached. stamps or money orders are not accepted as examination fee. the fee is non- refundable and not be allowed to transfer the fee paid for this examination in favor of another examination. it is advisable to photocopy of the receipt. 12.1 applications not in line with the specimen application, incomplete applications applications received after the closing date will be rejected without any notice. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application perfected. the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to all candidates whose applications have been received on or before the application closing date after paying the due examination fees, assumption that only those who have satisfied the qualifications mentioned in the notification have applied for the examinations. a notification will be published in newspapers as soon as the admission cards are issued candidates by the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received to any applicant even after 2 to 3 days advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the institutional and foreign examinations branch of department of examinations in the manner specified in the advertisement. when informing, the name of the examination applied for, full name, address and number of the candidate should be indicated. it would be advisable for candidates outside colombo to fax a letter of request along fax number of the candidate to the department of examinations through the fax number mentioning the notification for sending of the admission. further, it would be advisable to keep a copy of the application, copy receipt relevant to payment of examination fee and the receipt of registration of the application to prove any information requested department of examinations. 12.2 issuance of an admission card to an applicant does not necessarily mean that the candidate has fulfilled the qualifications to sit the examination or to be appointed to a post. 13.2 applicants should submit their admission card to the supervisor on the first day of the examination. attesting the signature fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 i. national identity card ii. valid passport iii. valid sri lankan driving license candidates should be dressed in a manner which exposes the full face (including ears) ensuring their clear identification. the candidates, who refuse to prove their identity in the said manner shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall. further, candidates should remain examination hall from the moment of entering and leaving the examination hall without covering the face enabling the examiners to identify them easily. 14.1 candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations for the purpose of conducting examinations and issuance of results and they shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment imposed by commissioner general of examinations for violation of these rules and regulations. 14.2 punishment ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nlimited competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory -2020 applications are invited from sri lankan citizens by the commissioner general of examinations for the limited competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following the department of government factory. 45, grade to which recruitment is made grade iii educational qualifications should be employed in non-technical, semi- technical and technical grades primary grade of the department of government factory, fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 should have passed six subjects with credit passes to the two subjects of language and mathematics at the general certificate of education examination. – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 2021 \"commissioner-general of examinationsdepartment of examinations, p.o. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so to be detached. it should be paid before the closing date of applications at any post office/ sub post office/ district secretariat/divisional secretariat credited to revenue head 20-03-02-13 of the commissioner general of examination. the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to all candidates whose applications have been received on or before the application closing date after paying the due examination fees, assumption that only those who have satisfied the qualifications mentioned in the notification have applied for the examinations. a notification will be published in newspapers as soon as the admission cards are issued candidates by the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received to any applicant even after 2 to 3 days advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the institutional and foreign examinations branch of department of examinations in the manner specified in the advertisement. it would be advisable for candidates outside colombo to fax a letter of request along fax number of the candidate to the department of examinations through the fax number mentioning the notification for sending of the admission. further, it would be advisable to keep a copy of the application, copy receipt relevant to payment of examination fee and the receipt of registration of the application to prove any information requested department of examinations. 1 candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations for the purpose of conducting examinations and issuance of results and they shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment imposed by commissioner general of examinations for violation of these rules and regulations.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "department of government factory",
"title": [
"open competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer"
"description": "open competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory - 2020 (2021) applications are invited from sri lankan citizens commissioner general of examinations for the limited open competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following posts department of government factory. the candidates who fulfill the relevant qualifications can apply for all three posts. physical qualifications : every applicant should be physically and mentally fit to perform the duties of and serve in any part of sri lanka. other qualifications i. should be a citizen of sri lanka. ii. should be of excellent moral character. iii. should have fulfilled all the qualifications required to be recruited to the post and the qualifications should have been fulfilled in every way on the closing date of the application. method of recruitment : recruitments shall be made to above posts on the order of merit of the marks scored by applicants at the written examination and the preference of the applicants. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 written examination written examination 9.2 syllabus of the written examination : general interview no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be verified. 10. the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification and should be prepared by candidates themselves who have fulfilled the above qualifications on paper of size a-4 using both sides in the language medium he/she intends to appear for the examination. it should be specially noted that the application forms should be prepared that cages 01 to 05 appear on the first side of the paper and the rest to appear on the other pages. the the examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 19/03/2021 \"commissioner-general of examinations, (institutional and foreign examinations branch), department of examinations, po. 1503, colombo\". applications that do not comply with the specimen and that are not completed in every aspect rejected without notice. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is in line with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application and the receipt of the payment. 11. the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english medium and the language medium of examination, mentioned originally in the application, cannot be changed subsequently. 12. applications not in line with the specimen application and incomplete applications will be rejected without any notice. further, the candidate should ensure that that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached and it is advisable to keep a copy of the receipt relevant to payment of examination fee. applications which have not been filled properly and applications received after the closing date will be rejected without notice. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application perfected. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nopen competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory - 2020 applications are invited from sri lankan citizens commissioner general of examinations for the limited open competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following posts department of government factory. – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 written examination written examination 2 syllabus of the written examination general interview no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be verified. the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification and should be prepared by candidates themselves who have fulfilled the above qualifications on paper of size a-4 using both sides in the language medium he/she intends to appear for the examination. the examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 19/03/2021 \"commissioner-general of examinationsdepartment of examinations, po. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is in line with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached. the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english medium and the language medium of examination, mentioned originally in the application, cannot be changed subsequently. further, the candidate should ensure that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached and it is advisable to keep a copy of the receipt relevant to payment of examination fee.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "service of the ministry of justice ",
"title": [
"recruitment to the post of ",
"technical officer (civil) grade iii ",
"in the sri lanka ",
"technical officers' ",
"service of the ministry of justice "
"description": "(open basis) - 2021 applications are invited from qualified applicants recruit suitable persons to fill 07 vacancies in the technical officer (civil) grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice on open basis. applications from certificate holders in the civil sector will only be considered. application forms prepared as specimen form appended at the end of this notice should be sent by registered post to reach the \"secretary, ministry of justice, superior courts complex, colombo 12 on or before the closing date of applications mentioned below. the words \"recruitment to the post of technical officer grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice (open basis)\" should be written on the top left hand comer of the envelope containing the application form. closing date of applications will be on 12.03.2021 : no allegation that an application form document respecting such form has been lost or delayed in the post can be considered. applicants who delay their applications until the last day will do so at their own risk. method of recruitment. – recruitments will be made on the order of merit secured at the written examination conducted by an institution approved by the commissioner general of examinations or the secretary of the ministry of justice and as well as at the general interview to be conducted by interview board to be appointed by the secretary to ministry of justice. terms of engagement (i) this post is permanent. the pension scheme applicable to the post is subject to future policy decisions to be taken by the government. (ii) an officer recruited to this post is subject to a 03 year probation period and is required to pass the first efficiency bar examination before within the said 03 years. (iii) an officer recruited to this post should, in terms of the public administration circular no.18/2020 circulars incidental thereto, acquire the prescribed language proficiency within 05 appointing to this post. the officer who enters the public service in a medium of language other than in a medium of any of the official languages will require to reach within 03 years a requisite standard of proficiency in one official language and within 05 years the other official language. (iv) this appointment will be subject procedural rules of the public service commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial regulations and departmental orders and any other regulations. salary scale. – in terms of the public administration circular no.3/2016, this post with salary code mn-3-2016, carries a salary scale of rs. 31,040-10x445-11x660- 10x730-10x750- rs. 57,550. (per month) (salaries paid in terms of schedule ii of the public administration circular no.03/2016 dated 25.02.2026.) qualifications :- educational qualifications ) should have passed the g.c.e.(ordinary level) examination in six subjects not more than two sittings with credit passes sinhala/tamil/english language, mathematics, science and one any other ) should have passed the g.c.e.(advanced level) examination in all subjects in one setting with physics, combined mathematics and chemistry. (except for common general test) (03 passes in the same stream in one sitting under the old syllabus is treated sufficient.) vocational qualifications ) national diploma in technology (civil) conferred on by the university of moratuwa or hardy institute of ampara. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 ) national diploma in engineering (civil) conferred on by the national apprentice and industrial training authority. ) higher national diploma in engineering (civil) conferred on by the ministry of education and higher education. ) national diploma in technology (civil) conferred on by the open university of sri lanka. ) successful completion of part the engineering examination (civil) conducted by the sri lanka institute of engineering. ) any other technological qualifications equivalent in all respect to those referred to above, recognized by the sri lanka vocational education commission with the concurrence of the ministry of higher education and of the institutions in whose authority the certificates referred to above have been ) successful completion of the national vocational qualifications (nvq) level 06 applicable to the field of employment. experience .– special preference is given to service ex perience in the respective field. physical fitness. – every applicant should be in good mental and physical order to serve in any part of the island and to discharge the duties and functions of the post. other qualifications (i) every applicant should be a citizen (ii) every applicant should bear an excellent and exemplary moral character. (iii) applicants are considered to be eligible for the competitive examination only if the qualifications in all respect including the age limit have been satisfied on or before closing date of application mentioned notification. age limit.– the age should be not less than 18 and not more than 30 years as at closing date of applications. method of recruitment .– recruitment will be made on the order of merit secured at the competitive examination and general interview. a similar number applicants expected to be recruited are interviewed order of merit secured at the competitive written exam ination to be selected. written examination general interview.– qualifications of the applicants will be checked by the interview board to be appointed by the secretary to the ministry of justice. 12. applications should be prepared on a a4 paper of 22x29 cm in size using both sides indicating items from 1 -12 on the first page and 13 onwards on the second third pages. it should be filled by the applicant's own legible handwriting. applications which are not in conformity with the specimen appended at the end of this notice or received after the closing date of acceptance of applications are liable to be rejected without notice. it is advisable for applicants to retain a copy of the application. incomplete applications and applications of applicants who do not possess the prescribed minimum requirements will also be rejected. applicants should therefore see that his/her application is perfect in all respect. receipt of applications will not be acknowledged. ) no any document or duplicate thereof is required be annexed to the application. ) applications of the applicants in respect of whom the originals of the prescribed certificates are failed to be submitted when requested to do so will not be considered. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 (ii) applicants who are employed in the public service /provincial public service. state corporations, etc. should forward their applications through the respective heads of the departments. examination fee.– every applicant should deposit an examination fee in a sum of rs.500/- to the credit of the account no.1761001990251 84 in the mid city branch of the people's bank in favour of the secretary to the ministry of justice. the original of the receipt issued by the bank in proof of the payment should be affixed in the space provided for the purpose in the application. annexure 02 no. ........................... (for office use only) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n - 2021 applications are invited from qualified applicants recruit suitable persons to fill 07 vacancies in the technical officer grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice on open basis. application forms prepared as specimen form appended at the end of this notice should be sent by registered post to reach the \"secretary, ministry of justice, superior courts complex, colombo 12 on or before the closing date of applications mentioned below. the words \"recruitment to the post of technical officer grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice \" should be written on the top left hand comer of the envelope containing the application form. an officer recruited to this post is subject to a 03 year probation period and is required to pass the first efficiency bar examination before within the said 03 years. an officer recruited to this post should, in terms of the public administration circular no.18/2020 circulars incidental thereto, acquire the prescribed language proficiency within 05 appointing to this post. this appointment will be subject procedural rules of the public service commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial regulations and departmental orders and any other regulations. examination in six subjects not more than two sittings with credit passes sinhala/tamil/english language, mathematics, science and one any other ) should have passed the g.c.e. examination in all subjects in one setting with physics, combined mathematics and chemistry. vocational qualifications ) national diploma in technology conferred on by the university of moratuwa or hardy institute of ampara. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 ) national diploma in engineering conferred on by the national apprentice and industrial training authorityhigher national diploma in engineering conferred on by the ministry of education and higher educationnational diploma in technology conferred on by the open university of sri lankasuccessful completion of part the engineering examination conducted by the sri lanka institute of engineeringany other technological qualifications equivalent in all respect to those referred to above, recognized by the sri lanka vocational education commission with the concurrence of the ministry of higher education and of the institutions in whose authority the certificates referred to above have been ) successful completion of the national vocational qualifications level 06 applicable to the field of employment. applicants are considered to be eligible for the competitive examination only if the qualifications in all respect including the age limit have been satisfied on or before closing date of application mentioned notification. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 applicants who are employed in the public service /provincial public service.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Railway ",
"title": [
"open competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of ",
"railway technological management assistant (mechanical) ",
"& railway ",
"technological management assistant (electrical) in management "
"description": "assistant technological service category segmemt - 2-2021 amendment – 1 amendment of the below cited condition under the number 4 published in the notification dated 05.02.2021 for recruitment to the above posts. conditions of recruitment. – trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre as at 15.06.2017 are allowed to apply ignoring the above cited educational qualification, have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully. the above condition will be amended as follows : as per the decision of the cabinet of ministers dated 19.12.2017 of the secretary to the cabinet of ministers /17/2882/709/102-1, until the railway department prepares a new salary structure only the trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre are allowed to apply ignoring the educational qualification - published in the notification dated 05.02.2021 if they have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully. the other facts, cited in the notification will be effected without any alterations. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n– trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre as at 2017 are allowed to apply ignoring the above cited educational qualification, have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully. the above condition will be amended as follows as per the decision of the cabinet of ministers dated 2017 of the secretary to the cabinet of ministers /17/2882/709/102-1, until the railway department prepares a new salary structure only the trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre are allowed to apply ignoring the educational qualification - published in the notification dated 2021 if they have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "john kotelawala defence university ", "title": [], "description": "general sir kotelawala defence university hospital calls applications from qualified persons following posts. 1. medical consultant 1. consultant general physician 2. consultant emergency physician 3. consultant anaesthetist 4. consultant intensivist 5. consultant cardiologist 6. consultant paediatric cardiologist 7. consultant chemical pathologist 8. consultant nephrologist 9. consultant haematologist 10. consultant gastroenterologist 11. consultant neurologist 12. consultant family medicine 13. consultant endocrinologist 14. consultant obstetrician & gynecologist 15. consultant vascular surgeon 16. consultant ent surgeon 17. consultant transplantation surgeon ( ability to transplant, kidney, liver and biliary duct) 18. consultant cardiothoracic surgeon 19. consultant gastrointestinal surgeon 20. consultant maxillofacial surgeon 21. consultant orthodontist ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n medical consultant consultant general physician consultant emergency physician consultant anaesthetist consultant intensivist consultant cardiologist consultant paediatric cardiologist consultant chemical pathologist consultant nephrologist consultant haematologist consultant gastroenterologist consultant neurologist consultant family medicine consultant endocrinologist consultant obstetrician & gynecologist consultant vascular surgeon consultant ent surgeon consultant transplantation surgeon consultant cardiothoracic surgeon consultant gastrointestinal surgeon consultant maxillofacial surgeon consultant orthodontist", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable in the sri lanka medical council according to the medical (amendment) act, no.28 of 2018 (ii) medical officers / dental surgeons with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (iii) doctor of medicine (md) master of surgery (ms) in the relevant specialty with board certification of post-graduate institute of medicine (pgim), university of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i (extraordinary) no.1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka]. (iv) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc) ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable in the sri lanka medical council according to the medical act, no.28 of 2018 medical officers / dental surgeons with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council doctor of medicine master of surgery in the relevant specialty with board certification of post-graduate institute of medicine , university of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i no.1883/17 dated 2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka].", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mc 1-2 - rs.(91,645 \u2013 12 x 2,700 - 124,045. the medical consultant grade i will be placed on mc 1-2 step 1 - rs. 91,645.00 2. medical officer - grade i ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n(91,645 \u2013 12 x 2,700 - 124, the medical consultant grade i will be placed on mc 1-2 step 1 - rs.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. (ii) a minimum of six (06) years of experience grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity (iii) a recognized post graduate qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the (extraordinary) no. 1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. (iv) certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc) ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n a minimum of six years of experience grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity a recognized post graduate qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the no.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs. (58,675 - 3x 1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270-99,015). the medical officer will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs.78,585.00 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 3. dental surgeon - grade i ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe medical officer will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs.78,00 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 .", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) dental surgeons with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a dental surgeon. (ii) a minimum of nine (09) years of experience as a grade ii dental surgeon in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity homes \u02ee. recognized qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the (extraordinary) no. 1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. (iv) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n a minimum of nine years of experience as a grade ii dental surgeon in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity homes \u02ee. recognized qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the no.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385- 2x1910-10x2,270 - 99,015) the dental surgeon will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs.78,585.00. 4. medical officer - grade ii ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n the dental surgeon will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs.78,", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. (ii) a minimum of two (02) years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity homes\u201d. (iii) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n a minimum of two years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity homes\u201d.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs. (58,675 - 3\u00d71,375 - 7\u00d71,385- 2\u00d71,910-10\u00d72,270 - 99,015). the medical officer will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5- rs.64,185.00 5. dental surgeon - grade ii ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe medical officer will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5- rs.64,00 dental surgeon - grade ii", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) dental surgeon with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a dental surgeon. (ii) certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc). ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385- 2x1,910-10x2,270 - 99,015). the dental surgeon will be placed on mo 1-1 step 1- rs.58,675.00 6. medical officer - preliminary grade ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe dental surgeon will be placed on mo 1-1 step 1- rs.58,00 medical officer - preliminary grade", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) medical officers with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. (ii) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs.(58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x 1,385 - 2x 1,910 - 10 x2,270 - 99,015). the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step rs.60,050.00 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "general conditions:", "title": [], "description": "(i) shall be a citizen of sri lanka. (ii) shall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve in the general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital or at any other place, as may be determined by the university administration. (iii) shall be of excellent moral character. (iv) the applicants should have completed all requisite qualifications by the closing date of applications. (v) these posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts which are not from the special grades are subject to a probation period of three (03) years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, dental surgeon grade i, medical fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 officer grade ii and dental surgeon grade other special grade posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one (01) year. (vi) medical consultants shall be required and train medical and allied health sciences undergraduates and postgraduate students under the supervision and direction of the deans and respective heads of department of faculties medicine and allied health science. (vii) contribution of the employee to employees provident fund (epf) is 10% and the university will contribute 15% for (epf) and 3% for employees trust fund (etf). (subject to revisions that may be introduced by parliament (viii) duly completed applications with certified copies of educational, professional and service certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \u201cexecutive director, general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital, werahera\u201d on or before 18.07.2021 applied should be indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelope. (ix) general sir john kotelawala defence university reserves the right to shortlist prospective applicants. (x) incomplete, late applications and those not comply with the prescribed format will be (xi) application and other relevant details downloaded from the kdu website (www.kdu. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n shall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve in the general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital or at any other place, as may be determined by the university administration. these posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts which are not from the special grades are subject to a probation period of three years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, dental surgeon grade i, medical fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 officer grade ii and dental surgeon grade other special grade posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one year. (subject to revisions that may be introduced by parliament duly completed applications with certified copies of educational, professional and service certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \u201cexecutive director, general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital, werahera\u201d on or before 2021 applied should be indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelope.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "psc mphil ", "title": [], "description": "secretary, ministry of defence. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "the court ", "title": [], "description": "of appeal of sri lanka - 2021 in terms of the provision set out in scheduled officers service minute published in the extra ordinary no 2088/26 dated 11.09.2018,a notification was published in no.2228 dated 13.05.2021 calling applications from the citizens of sri lanka who possess required qualifications to be recruited to the registrar of the court of appeal in the scheduled officers service and the judicial service commission decided to extend the closing date for applications of the present travel restrictions in force. 02. accordingly paragraph 10 of the said notification is amended as follows. method of applying ) the application fee is rs.500/-. the application form can be obtained by sending the receipt obtained by paying the relevant amount from any people\u2019s bank branch to the credit of the account ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nof appeal of sri lanka - 2021 in terms of the provision set out in scheduled officers service minute published in the extra ordinary no 2088/26 dated 2018,a notification was published in no.2228 dated 2021 calling applications from the citizens of sri lanka who possess required qualifications to be recruited to the registrar of the court of appeal in the scheduled officers service and the judicial service commission decided to extend the closing date for applications of the present travel restrictions in force.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "secretary, judicial service commission", "title": [], "description": "no.297100199025039 of the people\u2019s bank, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "dam street branch ", "title": [], "description": "along with an envelope 9x4 in size with the name and address of the applicant written on it, by registered post to the judicial service commission secretariat or by personally handing it over. or else, a completed application form prepared in accordance with specimen in the notification can be sent by registered post, having affixed the receipt to the application. ) duly perfected application should be sent under registered post to reach the address \u201csecretary, commission secretariat, colombo 12\u201d on or before 09th july 2021 the applicants should hand over the applications by personally visiting the judicial service commission secretariat. 03. other facts mentioned in the notification remain unchanged. by order of the judicial service commission. h. s. somarathne, secretary, service commission. judicial service commission secretariat, colombo 12, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nalong with an envelope 9x4 in size with the name and address of the applicant written on it, by registered post to the judicial service commission secretariat or by personally handing it over. duly perfected application should be sent under registered post to reach the address \u201csecretary, commission secretariat, colombo 12\u201d on or before 09th july 2021 the applicants should hand over the applications by personally visiting the judicial service commission secretariat.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "to grade iii of the sri lanka foreign service - ", "title": [], "description": "2020(2021) the public service commission has approved the following amendments to the \" ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "grade iii ", "title": [], "description": "of the sri lanka foreign service - 2020(2021) \" published of the democratic socialist republic lanka, no. 2223 of 09.04.2021 and no. 2229 of 21.05.2021. the closing date for applications for the sri lanka foreign service recruitment examination mentioned in the above notification is extended by the public service commission to 15.07.2021 , due to the travel restrictions currently in place to control the covid -19 epidemic. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n2229 of the closing date for applications for the sri lanka foreign service recruitment examination mentioned in the above notification is extended by the public service commission to 2021 , due to the travel restrictions currently in place to control the covid -19 epidemic.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "further, the maximum age limit specified in section ", "title": [], "description": "04 of the notification no. 2223 of 09.04.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n2223 of 2021", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "for applications ", "title": [], "description": "(i.e. 10.05.2021) given in the original ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n given in the original", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "notification. ", "title": [], "description": "respective application has been published under \u201conline applications \u2013 institutional exams\u201d in \u201cour service\u201d of the department of examinations and the applications can be submitted only applicants should download the application submitted online and complete relevant parts of the application in his own handwriting in the printed copy attesting the signature of the applicant and forward the same under registered cover; along with the certification of the head of the department if applicable, in order to reach the \u201ccommissioner general of examinations, institutional examinations organization branch, department of examinations, sri lanka, box 1503, colombo\u201d. furthermore, \u201copen competitive examination to recruit graduates to grade 3-1(a) sri lanka teachers\u2019 service to teach foreign languages in national schools islandwide \u2013 2021\u201d should be clearly stated on top left-hand corner of the envelope. the closing date of applications will be 13.08.2021. sending the printed copy of the application post is compulsory and any complaint made in relation to a loss or delaying of an application in post will not be entertained. the applicant himself should bear the risk of delaying applications till the closing date. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nrespective application has been published under \u201conline applications \u2013 institutional exams\u201d in \u201cour service\u201d of the department of examinations and the applications can be submitted only applicants should download the application submitted online and complete relevant parts of the application in his own handwriting in the printed copy attesting the signature of the applicant and forward the same under registered cover; along with the certification of the head of the department if applicable, in order to reach the \u201ccommissioner general of examinations, institutional examinations organization branch, department of examinations, sri lanka, box 1503, colombo\u201d.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": " method of recruitment : ", "title": [], "description": "admiral prof. jayanath colombage, secretary, foreign ministry. foreign ministry, republic building, colombo 01. 11th june, 2021. \u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nadmiral prof. jayanath colombage, secretary, foreign ministry. foreign ministry, republic building, colombo ", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "open competitive examination to recruit ", "title": [], "description": "graduates to grade 3-1(a) of the sri lanka ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "teachers\u2019 service to teach foreign languages ", "title": [], "description": "national schools islandwide \u2013 2021 applications are hereby called to recruit graduates to grade 3-1 (a) of the sri lanka teachers\u2019 service foreign languages in national schools islandwide. the 2.1 recruitments will be made according number of existing vacancies upon a school based system while the applicants, who have scored a minimum of 40% for each paper in a written examination conducted by the commissioner general of examinations will be directed to a general interview in the order of their total mark. candidates, who have not fulfilled the qualifications required by this notification, will be rejected at the interview. 2.2 candidates, who qualify from the general interview will be subjected to a practical test in terms of section 12.3 of this notification to evaluate skills on teaching and teaching methods required for the profession and school-based recruitments will be made according to the number of vacancies and in the order of the total marks scored in the written and practical tests. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 2.3 list of vacancies will be exhibited at the interview. accordingly, the candidates will have to indicate their preference in being appointed to vacant schools at the interview. when several candidates, who have applied for the same school have scored similar marks, eligible applicants will be selected according to prescribed marking criteria approved by the secretary to the ministry of education. 2.4 since these appointments will be school-based, no candidate will be allowed transfers till the completion 2.5 list of vacancies : ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe 1 recruitments will be made according number of existing vacancies upon a school based system while the applicants, who have scored a minimum of 40% for each paper in a written examination conducted by the commissioner general of examinations will be directed to a general interview in the order of their total mark. 2 candidates, who qualify from the general interview will be subjected to a practical test in terms of section 3 of this notification to evaluate skills on teaching and teaching methods required for the profession and school-based recruitments will be made according to the number of vacancies and in the order of the total marks scored in the written and practical tests.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": " employment conditions :", "title": [], "description": "this post is permanent. you will be subjected to future policy decisions taken by the government regarding your pension scheme. the appointees to this post will be subjected to a probation period of three (03) years and they should first efficiency bar examination within the aforesaid period of three (03) years. you should obtain proficiency in official language in terms of the public administration circulars 18/2020 and its incidental circulars. this appointment will be subjected to the procedural rules of the public service commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial regulations of the government and other departmental rules. this appointment will be subjected to the provisions of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers service published the extraordinary no 1885/38 of 23.10.2014 and its future amendments as well as to the general conditions of public service appointments. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthis appointment will be subjected to the procedural rules of the public service commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial regulations of the government and other departmental rules. this appointment will be subjected to the provisions of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers service published the extraordinary no 1885/38 of 2014 and its future amendments as well as to the general conditions of public service appointments.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": " salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "in terms of the public administration circular no. 03/2016, this post will be entitled to a salary scale g-e-01-2016 of rs. 27,740-300x6-380x7- 445x2-rs. 33,090/- (monthly). the appointees will be placed on the 14 salary step of this scale in rs. 32,200/- salaries will be paid in accordance with the provisions in schedule ii of this circular. in addition, you will be entitled to other allowances granted to public officers by the government from time to time. 05. educational qualifications: 5.1 in terms of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers\u2019 service and the cabinet decision no. cp/19/1412/127/011-i of 19.07.2019, you should have fulfilled following qualifications as 13.08.2021. 06. age limit: of applications. (accordingly, only the applicants, who have the date of birth on or before 13.08.2003 and on or after 13.08.1986 will be eligible to apply.) ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nin addition, you will be entitled to other allowances granted to public officers by the government from time to time. educational qualifications 1 in terms of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers\u2019 service and the cabinet decision no. ", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "other requirements:", "title": [], "description": " (i) applicants should be sri lankan citizens. (ii) applicants should be of exemplary character. (iii) should have fulfilled all qualifications required for the post by the closing date of applications stated in this notification. (iv) every applicant should be physically and mentally fit to serve in any part of the island. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": " method of applying:", "title": [], "description": "8.1 online application should be completed in english language only. when the soft copy submitted online as well as the printed copy forwarded under registered post receive the department of examinations, the soft copy and the printout will be verified and the applicant will be informed of the acceptance / non-acceptance of the application as a valid application through an sms to the mobile number used to access the system an e-mail. please download the common instructions prepared in relation to online applying and thoroughly follow the instructions when completing the application. any revision made in the application after obtaining the printout will not be considered as a valid revision. incomplete applications will be rejected without further notice. examination procedure this examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english mediums and the venue of the examination will be determined depending on the number of applications received. each applicant should face all subjects of the examination in one medium and the said medium should be the same medium of the appointment. applicants will not be allowed to change the language medium stated in the application later. examination consists of (02) two question papers. each applicant should face both (02) question papers and should obtain minimum 40% to each paper in order to pass the examination. the appointing authority will determine the number of recruitments. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 8.3 an applicant may submit only one application. 8.4 signature of the applicant should be attested in the application as well as in the admission of the examination. signature of an applicant applying through a public institution should be attested by the head of the institution or an authorized officer while the signature of any other applicant should be attested by a principal of a government school/ retired officer, grama niladhari of the division, justice of peace / commissioner for oaths/ attorney-at-law, public notary, commissioned officer of tri- forces or a permanent staff grade officer in public or provincial public service or the chief incumbent of a buddhist religious institution / a reverend or a priest of any other religious institution. 8.5 on the presumption that only eligible persons will apply, the applicants, who have fulfilled the age limit stated in the notification and have paid the prescribed examination fee and have properly submitted the online applications and forwarded the printed copy along with the respective receipt on or before the closing date of applications, will be issued admissions by the commissioner general of examinations. department of examinations will publish a newspaper advertisement when admissions have been issued. any applicant, who has not received the admission within 02 or 03 days of the notice, should inquire from the institutional examination division of the department of examinations. when inquiring the applicant should accurately mention the title of the examination applied, full name of the applicant, nic no. and the address. if the applicant resides out of colombo, should fax a letter of request to 011-2784232 along with the aforesaid details and a fax number to immediately receive the admission. keeping in hand a copy of the application and the registered post receipt of posting the printed application would be beneficial for the applicant in confirming such detail. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nwhen the soft copy submitted online as well as the printed copy forwarded under registered post receive the department of examinations, the soft copy and the printout will be verified and the applicant will be informed of the acceptance / non-acceptance of the application as a valid application through an sms to the mobile number used to access the system an e-mail. examination procedure this examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english mediums and the venue of the examination will be determined depending on the number of applications received. signature of an applicant applying through a public institution should be attested by the head of the institution or an authorized officer while the signature of any other applicant should be attested by a principal of a government school/ retired officer, grama niladhari of the division, justice of peace / commissioner for oaths/ attorney-at-law, public notary, commissioned officer of tri- forces or a permanent staff grade officer in public or provincial public service or the chief incumbent of a buddhist religious institution / a reverend or a priest of any other religious institution. 5 on the presumption that only eligible persons will apply, the applicants, who have fulfilled the age limit stated in the notification and have paid the prescribed examination fee and have properly submitted the online applications and forwarded the printed copy along with the respective receipt on or before the closing date of applications, will be issued admissions by the commissioner general of examinations. any applicant, who has not received the admission within 02 or 03 days of the notice, should inquire from the institutional examination division of the department of examinations.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": " facing the examination : ", "title": [], "description": "9.1 all applicants, who have accurately submitted applications will be issued admissions by the commissioner general of examinations. applicants should face the examination upon submission of their attested admission to the supervisor of the examination center. applicants fail to do so will not be allowed to face the examination. 9.2 each applicant should sit for the examination in the examination hall assigned for them. every applicant should hand over the attested admission of the prescribed examination hall to its supervisor on the first day facing the examination. all candidates will be subjected to the rules and regulations imposed commissioner general of examinations in relation to conducting and issuing results examination. any candidate, who violates such rules, may be subjected to any punishment imposed by the commissioner general of examinations. - issuance of an admission to a candidate will not be considered as a fulfillment of qualifications for him or her to face the examination or to be appointed to a post while passing the examination will not be considered as an eligibility to receive the appointment. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n1 all applicants, who have accurately submitted applications will be issued admissions by the commissioner general of examinations.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": " identity of the candidates :", "title": [], "description": " (i) all candidates should confirm their identity so as to satisfy the supervisor of the examination hall at each subject they face. one of following documents will be accepted for the purpose. (i) national identity card (ii) valid passport (iii) valid sri lankan driving license furthermore, the candidates should enter the examination hall without covering the face and the ears enabling the supervisors to confirm their identity and any candidate, who rejects to confirm their identity will not be allowed to enter the examination hall. furthermore, the candidates should remain the face and ears uncovered throughout the examination for the invigilators to recognize their identity. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n national identity card valid passport valid sri lankan driving license furthermore, the candidates should enter the examination hall without covering the face and the ears enabling the supervisors to confirm their identity and any candidate, who rejects to confirm their identity will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "false information: ", "title": [], "description": "applicants should be cautious to furnish accurate information in the application. according to the rules and regulations of this examination, if any applicant is revealed to be not eligible his/her candidacy may be cancelled at any instance before, during or after the examination. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \naccording to the rules and regulations of this examination, if any applicant is revealed to be not eligible his/her candidacy may be cancelled at any instance before, during or after the examination.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": " syllabus ", "title": [], "description": "written examination two question papers are prescribed for this examination and all applicants should mandatorily face both papers. (i) aptitude \u2013 time 01 hour (100 marks) it is expected to measure the analytical skill, logical understanding, ability of interpretation, ability of applying to other situations, skill of quantification, understanding the relationship between time and space of the applicant in relation to the problems presented in a numerical, textual and figurative context and in pertaining to the interrelations. this will consist of 50 mcq and short answer questions. all questions should be answered. (ii) general knowledge - time (100 marks) this question paper consists of 50 mcqs and short answer questions which aim at testing the general knowledge of the applicant in the field of teaching and / or general knowledge on local trends that have taken place and that are currently taking place in education sector and general knowledge modifications occurred after 2010 in relation to the education, higher education, technical teacher education. all the questions should be answered. general interview marks will not be allocated for the general interview. \u2013 objectives expected to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification or newspaper advertisement publicized in accordance therewith and evaluating physical qualifications. practical test as the practical test the candidate should make a presentation on a recognized topic. a duration not less than 05 minutes will be given for the presentation and the marks allocated will be as follows. \u2013 objectives expected to be achieved \u2013 evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession. methodology of the practical test (i) duration under five (05) minutes will be given for the practical (ii) maximum marks for the practical test will be twenty-five (25). (iii) minimum 02 marks should be obtained for each criterion in order to pass the practical test. (iv) the evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by a panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 objectives of criteria objective and the approach evaluation of the ability to clearly explain the objective of the lesson and approach the personality and voice control perfect personality as a teacher and the ability to control voice in teaching. clarity in communication communicate effectively in teaching learning ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n aptitude \u2013 time 01 hour it is expected to measure the analytical skill, logical understanding, ability of interpretation, ability of applying to other situations, skill of quantification, understanding the relationship between time and space of the applicant in relation to the problems presented in a numerical, textual and figurative context and in pertaining to the interrelations. general knowledge - time this question paper consists of 50 mcqs and short answer questions which aim at testing the general knowledge of the applicant in the field of teaching and / or general knowledge on local trends that have taken place and that are currently taking place in education sector and general knowledge modifications occurred after 2010 in relation to the education, higher education, technical teacher education. methodology of the practical test duration under five minutes will be given for the practical maximum marks for the practical test will be twenty-five . minimum 02 marks should be obtained for each criterion in order to pass the practical test. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 objectives of criteria objective and the approach evaluation of the ability to clearly explain the objective of the lesson and approach the personality and voice control perfect personality as a teacher and the ability to control voice in teaching.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": " examination fee :", "title": [], "description": "13.1 examination fee is rs.600. only the following payment methods allowed by the online system should be used to pay examination fees. any bank credit card any bank debit card activated with online payment facilities bank of ceylon online banking teller slip payment from of ceylon branch payment at any post office department of post \u2013instructions in relation to above payment methods are published in the website under technical instructions for the examination. 13.2 receipt of payment will be acknowledged through an sms or an e-mail. the total amount of the examination fee should be paid while applications with less or over payments will be rejected. the department of examinations will not be responsible for any fault occurred in paying examination fees through above payment methods. 13.3 examination fees paid will not be returned or exchanged for any other examination at any ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nany bank credit card any bank debit card activated with online payment facilities bank of ceylon online banking teller slip payment from of ceylon branch payment at any post office department of post \u2013instructions in relation to above payment methods are published in the website under technical instructions for the examination.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": " examination results :", "title": [], "description": "14.1 commissioner general of examinations will forward the results sheet prepared in the order of the total marks of the written examination to the secretary of the ministry of education and the commissioner general of examinations will take measures to personally inform the results to all applicants or to publish results in www.results.exams. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "instructions on completing applications", "title": [], "description": "the online application is prepared using the following schedule 01. schedule 01 16. officers currently engaged in public service should mandatorily submit applications attested by the head department under heading of 14 of the application. 17. candidates, who fail to attend the interview on the prescribed date will never be considered again. 18. all certificates should be submitted at the interview while no certificate submitted later will be accepted. 19. the secretary to the ministry of education will reserve the right of determining any matter not covered from this notice as well as the right of final and conclusive decision relating to filling or not filling a part of or entire vacancies. 20. in the event of any inconsistancy among sinhala, tamil and english texts of this notification, the sinhala text shall prevail. prof. k. kapila c. k. perera , secretary, ministry of education, isurupaya, pelawatta, battaramulla. 23rd april, 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n23rd april, fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 .", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "state ministry of national security and disaster management", "title": [], "description": "registrar general\u2019s department for the post of registrar service class i of grade iii of executive service category recruitment under limited stream- 2015(2020) in pursuant to the order of the public service commission, applications are hereby called from eligible candidates in registrar service class ii of this department as at 26.05.2015 for the post of registrar service class i grade iii registrar general\u2019s department, to fill 13 existing vacancies, on the basis of limited competitive examination. duly filled applications in accordance with the specimen application form attached hereof should only be forward by registered registrar general, registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla to or before the date stated hereunder. the words \u201c recruitment under limited stream- 2015(2020) for the post ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nregistrar general\u2019s department for the post of registrar service class i of grade iii of executive service category recruitment under limited stream- 2015 in pursuant to the order of the public service commission, applications are hereby called from eligible candidates in registrar service class ii of this department as at 2015 for the post of registrar service class i grade iii registrar general\u2019s department, to fill 13 existing vacancies, on the basis of limited competitive examination.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "service class i of grade iii", "title": [], "description": "\u201d should clearly notified top left hand corner of the envelope containing the application. further, the name stated in the caption should be written in english in addition to sinhala in sinhala applications and specified in english in addition to tamil in tamil applications. closing date for applications: 19.07 2021 : hand delivered applications shall be entertained under no circumstances and no complaints made with regard to lose of applications, letters on postal delay shall be considered. applicants are liable to bear the losses, damages caused by delaying application until the closing date. method of recruitment to service upon the results of the written competitive examination conducted by commissioner general of examinations, candidates who score highest of the examination will be recruited in descending order of marks obtained, amongst the candidate who score 40% or above for each question paper. qualifications of the applicants scrutinized by interview board approved by the public service commission. no marks will be granted interview. number of appointments and effective date for the appointment will be determined by the the public service commission. conditions of service i. this post is permanent and pensionable. selected candidates shall contribute to the widows\u2019 and orphans\u2019 pension scheme and widowers\u2019 and orphans\u2019 pension scheme. ii. recruited officers shall be subject to an acting period of one (01) year. iii. as per the public circular 1/2014, the recruited officer shall obtain prescribed language proficiency before expiry of five years of service in the post. iv. this post shall be subject to procedural regulations and conditions set out in the recruitment procedure of the public service commission. v. first efficiency bar examination should be passed before expiry of three (03) years after appointment to the post of registrar service class i grade iii vi. your medium qualified for the appointment shall be the medium that is stated in the application salary scale this post shall be entitled for a monthly salary scale of rs. 47,615-10x1,335-8x1,630-110,895 (sl- 1-2016) as per the schedule i of the public administrative circular no. 03/2016 dated 25.02.2016. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 qualifications experience: been confirmed in the registrar service class ii in the registrar general\u2019s department : completion of three (03) years of satisfactory service in registrar service class ii : completion of five (05) years of satisfactory service prior to the date of calling for application age limits : nor relevant physical fitness every applicant should possess sound physically fitness to serve any part of the sri lanka and to accomplish duties of the post. other qualifications : i. applicant should possess an outstanding character ii. applicant should have completed five (05) years of satisfactory service prior to the date of promotion in the service. iii. should have fulfilled all required qualifications for the recruitment prior to 26.05.2015 written examination i. this examination will be conducted by commissioner general of examinations ii. examination will be conducted in all three (03) languages iii. medium applied for the examination will not be then changed iv. written test will be comprised with following question papers v. syllabus method of application i. application must be prepared in 22-29cm size a-4 paper so as to appear captions from 01 to 06 on the first page and the rest of the caption in 2nd and 3rd pages using either side of the paper and relevant details should be clearly enter by your own hand writing. application that are not compliance with the specimen applications forms and the incomplete applications will be rejected without any notice. it is useful to retain a photocopy of the relevant application. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 ii. signature of the applicant should be attested by a senior deputy registrar general or deputy registrar examination fees i. examination fees is rs. 2,000/= ii. receipt for deposit of examination fees in favor of the registrar general account no. 7041650 branch of bank of ceylon island wide prior to the closing date of application should be affixed in the prescribed cage. examination fees will not be refunded. it will be useful to retain a photocopy of the receipt n.b: (remarks) a. it is required to place the date frank on the date of receipt of the application duly filled and forward by the officers and to obtain the attestation of the head of the department affirming the accuracy of the particular stated in the application, on or before the closing date. it is the responsibility of the applicant to forward the application prior to the due date enabling to accomplish the above. b. admission for the examination will be forward to official address under the name of the officer. c. public service commission shall reserve rights not to grant the appointment under circumstances where any candidate shall be found unqualified for the appointment under regulations and provisions that in force at the time of appointment of as a consequence of unfavorable conduct at service. d. public service commission shall determine to fill a certain number of vacancies or not to fill existing vacancies and any other aspects that are not stated in this regulations. 10. this post shall be subject to procedural regulations of the public service commission, circulars issued from time to time with regard to public service and conditions and amendments made to approved recruitment procedure for the recruitment for executive grade in the registrar general\u2019s department. 11. in case of any discrepancy or incompliance shall be found in this notification that is published in sinhala, tamil and english media, under such circumstances, actions shall be taken as per the notification published in sinhala by order of the public service commission, secretary, state ministry of national security and disaster management. 21st may, 2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nclosing date for applications 07 2021 hand delivered applications shall be entertained under no circumstances and no complaints made with regard to lose of applications, letters on postal delay shall be considered. method of recruitment to service upon the results of the written competitive examination conducted by commissioner general of examinations, candidates who score highest of the examination will be recruited in descending order of marks obtained, amongst the candidate who score 40% or above for each question paper. as per the public circular 1/2014, the recruited officer shall obtain prescribed language proficiency before expiry of five years of service in the post. v. first efficiency bar examination should be passed before expiry of three years after appointment to the post of registrar service class i grade iii vi. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 qualifications experience been confirmed in the registrar service class ii in the registrar general\u2019s department completion of three years of satisfactory service in registrar service class ii completion of five years of satisfactory service prior to the date of calling for application age limits nor relevant physical fitness every applicant should possess sound physically fitness to serve any part of the sri lanka and to accomplish duties of the post. it will be useful to retain a photocopy of the receipt n.b a. it is required to place the date frank on the date of receipt of the application duly filled and forward by the officers and to obtain the attestation of the head of the department affirming the accuracy of the particular stated in the application, on or before the closing date. c. public service commission shall reserve rights not to grant the appointment under circumstances where any candidate shall be found unqualified for the appointment under regulations and provisions that in force at the time of appointment of as a consequence of unfavorable conduct at service. this post shall be subject to procedural regulations of the public service commission, circulars issued from time to time with regard to public service and conditions and amendments made to approved recruitment procedure for the recruitment for executive grade in the registrar general\u2019s department. in case of any discrepancy or incompliance shall be found in this notification that is published in sinhala, tamil and english media, under such circumstances, actions shall be taken as per the notification published in sinhala by order of the public service commission, secretary, state ministry of national security and disaster management.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "service category ", "title": [], "description": "under limited stream- 2015(2020) (specify in the relevant cage : sinhala -1 tamil - 2 english-3) (for official use only) 1.1 name with initial : ................................................................................................................................................... (in english block capitals) gunawardana, m.g.b.s.k 1.2 name with initial : ................................................................................................................................................... (in sinhala/tamil) 1.3 names denoted by initials : ...................................................................................................................................... (in english block capitals) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 1.4 names denoted by initials : ....................................................................................................................................... (in sinhala/tamil) 2.0 service station and address : 2.1 name and address of the office/department/institute (in english block capitals) : ..................................... 2.2 name and address of the office/department/institute (in sinhala/tamil) : ............................................................. 2.3 address to that the admission should be posted (in english block capitals) : .............................................. (c) details of disciplinary actions during the period service (d) active and satisfactory period of service of qualification in registrar service ii that should be completed 26.05.2015 as per the conditions set out in para 06 of the circular.: \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 8.0 affix the cash receipt, firmly i. name and branch of the bank to which money was paid \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 9.0 declaration of the candidate:- i declare that i have earned all salary increments during the period of last five years prior to 26.05.2015, i have performed an active and satisfactory service period as per the conditions set out in chapter 06 of the circular and further i have not subjected to any disciplinary action except from warning during the period of my service. further, i do declare that i shall be subject to all orders imposed by the public service commission with regard to issuance of examination results. signature. date :\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014. : the applicant shall place the signature before a senior deputy registrar general or deputy registrar general. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nunder limited stream- 2015 1 name with initial ................................................................................................................................................... gunawardana, m.g.b.s.k 2 name with initial ................................................................................................................................................... 3 names denoted by initials ...................................................................................................................................... fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 4 names denoted by initials ....................................................................................................................................... 0 service station and address 1 name and address of the office/department/institute ..................................... 2 name and address of the office/department/institute ............................................................. 3 address to that the admission should be posted .............................................. details of disciplinary actions during the period service active and satisfactory period of service of qualification in registrar service ii that should be completed 2015 as per the conditions set out in para 06 of the circular. \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 0 affix the cash receipt, firmly i. name and branch of the bank to which money was paid \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 0 declaration of the candidate - i declare that i have earned all salary increments during the period of last five years prior to 2015, i have performed an active and satisfactory service period as per the conditions set out in chapter 06 of the circular and further i have not subjected to any disciplinary action except from warning during the period of my service.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "attestation of applicants' signature :", "title": [], "description": "i do hereby certify that mr./mrs/miss \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 (full name), an officer in registrar service class ii in the registrar general's department, placed his/her signature before me. signature of attester official frank. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ni do hereby certify that mr./mrs/miss \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026an officer in registrar service class ii in the registrar general's department, placed his/her signature before me.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "attestation by the head of the department", "title": [], "description": "i do hereby certify that miss/mrs. mr .......................................................................... has been serving in the class ii in the registrar general\u2019s department, particulars furnished hereof are true and accurate, she/he has earned all salary increments during the last five years prior to 12.05.2015 (except for the salary increment which is a condition of passing the service or departmental examination), she/he performed an active and satisfactory period of service as chapter 06 of the circular, she/he had not been subjected to any disciplinary action for any offense (except warnings) during the entire period of service and as per the conditions set out in the circular, she/he is eligible to appear for the interview. (affix the official frank) \u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013\u2013 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nmr .......................................................................... has been serving in the class ii in the registrar general\u2019s department, particulars furnished hereof are true and accurate, she/he has earned all salary increments during the last five years prior to 2015 , she/he performed an active and satisfactory period of service as chapter 06 of the circular, she/he had not been subjected to any disciplinary action for any offense during the entire period of service and as per the conditions set out in the circular, she/he is eligible to appear for the interview.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of public health management ", "title": [], "description": "assistants\u2019 service \u2013 2021 01.0 it is hereby notified that the limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of public health management assistants\u2019 service will be held by the commissioner general of examinations in the month of september 2021. 02.0. this examination will be held in the following towns for the officers serving in the ministry of health, state ministry pharmaceutical production, supply and regulation, state ministry of primary health care, epidemic and covid disease control, state ministry of promotion of indigenous medicine, development of rural ayurvedic hospitals and community health and hospitals and institutions thereunder and, are receiving salaries under the pl salary codes primary level and salary codes of mn-01-2016 as per the public administration circular 03/2016, and who have been confirmed in the said appointments. the list of towns and respective town numbers are given below. the commissioner general of examinations at his discretion, may cancel any of the examination centers owing to the insufficient number of candidates or another reason and decide an alternative center taking the candidates\u2019 second preference into consideration. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 03.0 the candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner general of examinations for conducting the examination and issuance of results. he / she is liable to any punishment imposed by the commissioner general of examinations for breach of these rules. 04.0 number of appointments and the effective date of appointments shall be determined by the secretary, ministry of health. the secretary reserves the right to refrain from filling some or all vacancies. 05.0 medium in which candidates should sit for the examination: this examination will be held in sinhala, tamil & english languages. candidates may sit this examination in only one language medium of their preference. candidates will not be allowed to change the language medium subsequently. : monthly salary scale applicable for the grade iii, ii and i of the public health management assistants\u2019 service, as per the public administration circular no. 03/2016 dated 25.02.2016: rs.28,940 -10x300 -11x350 -10x560 -10x660 - rs.47,990 and the said salary is entitled to you from 01.01.2020. salary will be paid from the effective date appointment as per the provisions of schedule ii of said circular. officers should obtain promotion to grade ii and to go beyond the salary point of rs.31,940 and rs.35,790 respectively. in addition, you are entitled to other allowances paid to the public officers by the government from time to time. : appointees will be granted incremental credit subject to the incremental credit rules prevailing at of receiving appointment. conditions of service (i) number of appointments and the effective date of appointments shall be determined by the appointing authority. the appointing authority reserves the right to refrain from filling of some or all vacancies. (ii) selected candidates shall be appointed to a post in grade iii, subject to general conditions governing the appointments in the public service, terms and conditions set out by the public health management assistants\u2019 service minute published in the extraordinary of democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. 2053/18 dated 09.01.2018, amendments which will be made thereto in due course to the said service minute, provisions of the establishments code and financial regulations and procedural rules of the public service commission published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1589/30 dated 20.02.2009. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 (iii) candidates who are successful examination will be appointed on an acting basis for one year from the date of the appointment. their posts will be permanent pensionable. efficiency examination shall be passed within 03 years from the date of recruitment to grade iii of public health management assistants\u2019 service, as mentioned in the service minute. (iv) candidates who receive appointments results of the examination will be liable to posted to any station in sri lanka and they would not be given the present work station, for whatever the reason. (v) the officer shall compulsorily serve 03 years at the service station to which he/ she is appointed at first from the date of appointment. appointing authority reserves the right to transfer any officer before the lapse of said period, on special reasons as determined by him, if it is required to make such transfer. official language. - officers who have been appointed to service in a language other than any official language shall acquire proficiency in one of the official languages before confirmation in the service. other official language. - proficiency second official language should be achieved before lapse of 03 years from the date of appointment in terms of the provisions of public administration circular 18/2020 and circulars incidental thereto. (vii) the general hours of work of the officers in the public health management assistants\u2019 service are from 8.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. in all days of the year. however the above time may vary on the service exigency and nature of the duty. it is compulsory to be on night duty and the officers may be ordered to do additional work. and also, the public health management assistants are subject to be on duty on 365 days of the year. (viii) officers discharging the duties required by the secretary of the ministry of health shall finish a security of rs.5000/= (ix) on service exigency officers serving in health institutions and hospitals may be called upon to work on saturdays and public holidays. they are eligible to overtime or holidays pay or leave in lieu for each such day. .-the officers in the provincial public service are not allowed to sit for this examination. method of recruitment experience shall have completed an active and satisfactory service period of 05 years at least in a permanent post as at the closing date of applications and should not have been punished in accordance with the provisions of public service commission circular 01/2020. that should be confirmed by the head of the department. (a training period covered by a candidate prior to the appointment to a certain permanent basis or a training period which shall have to be completed as a condition for appointment to a certain post on permanent basis shall not be considered for the period for satisfying above qualifications. further the period of service under temporary basis completed by a candidate before his appointment to a certain a permanent basis shall not be considered for the 05 year period for satisfying above qualifications.) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 (ii) candidates should have an excellent character. (iii) should have satisfied all the qualifications required for recruitment to the post as at the closing date of applications. 1. candidates should have completed a satisfactory service of 05 years preceding the closing date of applications. satisfactory service period is described by following facts : (i) should have earned all the salary increments during the five years preceding the closing date of applications, (ii) should not have been subjected disciplinary punishment during the period of 05 years preceding the closing date of applications. 2. the head of department should release the officer if he / she is selected for an appointment. 3. temporary and casual employees serving in hospitals and other institutions under the ministry of health are not eligible to sit for this examination. candidates, forwarding applications, should satisfy themselves that they have fulfilled all the requirements prescribed herein. candidates who sit for the examination without fulfilling the requirements prescribed in this notification will be disqualified, even if they obtained the marks required. applications (i) candidates should get their applications forms printed in 03 pages using a4 size (21cm x 29cm) papers complying with the specimen form of application appended at the end of this notification in such a manner that no.1.0 to 4.0 appear on the first page, no. 5.0 to 8.0 on the second page and other sections from 9.0 appear on the third page. (ii) printed applications which are duly perfected by candidates should be submitted to head of the institutions before 16.07.2021 and get them personally certified by head of the institution that the information furnished by the applicant is true and correct. then applications should be sent by registered post to reach the commissioner examinations, institutional examinations organization branch, department of examinations, p.o. box 1503, colombo on or before 30.07.2021. the top left corner of the envelope containing the application should bear the words \u201c ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nassistants\u2019 service \u2013 2021 0 it is hereby notified that the limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of public health management assistants\u2019 service will be held by the commissioner general of examinations in the month of september this examination will be held in the following towns for the officers serving in the ministry of health, state ministry pharmaceutical production, supply and regulation, state ministry of primary health care, epidemic and covid disease control, state ministry of promotion of indigenous medicine, development of rural ayurvedic hospitals and community health and hospitals and institutions thereunder and, are receiving salaries under the pl salary codes primary level and salary codes of mn-01-2016 as per the public administration circular 03/2016, and who have been confirmed in the said appointments. the commissioner general of examinations at his discretion, may cancel any of the examination centers owing to the insufficient number of candidates or another reason and decide an alternative center taking the candidates\u2019 second preference into consideration. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 0 the candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner general of examinations for conducting the examination and issuance of results. monthly salary scale applicable for the grade iii, ii and i of the public health management assistants\u2019 service, as per the public administration circular no. selected candidates shall be appointed to a post in grade iii, subject to general conditions governing the appointments in the public service, terms and conditions set out by the public health management assistants\u2019 service minute published in the extraordinary of democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. 2053/18 dated 2018, amendments which will be made thereto in due course to the said service minute, provisions of the establishments code and financial regulations and procedural rules of the public service commission published in the gazette extraordinary no. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 candidates who are successful examination will be appointed on an acting basis for one year from the date of the appointment. efficiency examination shall be passed within 03 years from the date of recruitment to grade iii of public health management assistants\u2019 service, as mentioned in the service minute. candidates who receive appointments results of the examination will be liable to posted to any station in sri lanka and they would not be given the present work station, for whatever the reason. the general hours of work of the officers in the public health management assistants\u2019 service are from 30 a.m. to 15 p.m. in all days of the year. officers discharging the duties required by the secretary of the ministry of health shall finish a security of rs.5000/ on service exigency officers serving in health institutions and hospitals may be called upon to work on saturdays and public holidays. method of recruitment experience shall have completed an active and satisfactory service period of 05 years at least in a permanent post as at the closing date of applications and should not have been punished in accordance with the provisions of public service commission circular 01/ fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 candidates should have an excellent character. satisfactory service period is described by following facts should have earned all the salary increments during the five years preceding the closing date of applications, should not have been subjected disciplinary punishment during the period of 05 years preceding the closing date of applications. applications candidates should get their applications forms printed in 03 pages using a4 size papers complying with the specimen form of application appended at the end of this notification in such a manner that no.0 to 0 appear on the first page, no.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "assistants\u2019 ", "title": [], "description": "service \u2013 2021 \u2026.\u2026 (mention the district in which you intend to sit the examination)\u201d. (it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application form with the candidate) (iii) when preparing the applications, the the examination should be written in english in addition to sinhala on sinhala applications and in addition to tamil on tamil applications. (iv) the post and the service station of the candidate at the time of applying for the examination will be applied for all the action of the examination. any changes taken place after submitting application will not be taken into consideration. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 : appointments are issued to the selected candidates strictly according to the full name mentioned in the application and therefore the name should be correctly written. it shall not be allowed to change the name or include a part to the name or remove a part there of at the issuance of appointments. examination fees: examination fee of rs.600/= should be paid at any post office/sub post office to be credited to revenue head 20-03-02-13 of the commissioner general of examinations. the receipt obtained thus should be pasted in the application form. (it would be advisable to photocopy of the receipt.) the fee is non-refundable and it shall not be paid back under any circumstances. money orders or stamps are not accepted for examination fees. 11.0 if it is found at the interview that the applicant does not possess the required qualifications in terms circular, his / her candidature will be cancelled. sitting the examination i. the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to the candidates who have forwarded duly perfect applications along with the receipt of paying the prescribed examination fee on or before the closing date of applications, on the presumption that only those who possess the qualifications mentioned notification have applied. as soon as the admission cards are issued to candidates, department of examinations will publish a paper notice announcing the same. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such an advertisement it should be inquired from the institution examination organization branch, department of examinations in the manner as mentioned in the notification. the applicant should correctly mentioned the name of the examination applied for, full name of applicant, national identity card number and address when making such inquiry. in case of applicants outside colombo, it would be advisable to make a request sending a letter of request stating the same to the fax number mentioned in the notification along with the fax number to which a copy of the admission card can be sent promptly. it would be useful to have the following documents in hand at the time of calling the department of examinations, i.e. a photocopy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fees (if applicable) and receipt of registration. ii. the signature of the applicant placed application and admission card should have been attested. every applicant should get his / her signature attested by the head of the institution or any officer authorized by him. the candidate would be allowed to sit for the examination only in the examination hall assigned to him/her at the in the examination center established at provincial level. and in such case, first of all the admission card attested should be presented to the supervisor of the examination hall. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n when preparing the applications, the examination should be written in english in addition to sinhala on sinhala applications and in addition to tamil on tamil applications. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 appointments are issued to the selected candidates strictly according to the full name mentioned in the application and therefore the name should be correctly written. sitting the examination i. the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to the candidates who have forwarded duly perfect applications along with the receipt of paying the prescribed examination fee on or before the closing date of applications, on the presumption that only those who possess the qualifications mentioned notification have applied. as soon as the admission cards are issued to candidates, department of examinations will publish a paper notice announcing the same. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such an advertisement it should be inquired from the institution examination organization branch, department of examinations in the manner as mentioned in the notification. the applicant should correctly mentioned the name of the examination applied for, full name of applicant, national identity card number and address when making such inquiry. in case of applicants outside colombo, it would be advisable to make a request sending a letter of request stating the same to the fax number mentioned in the notification along with the fax number to which a copy of the admission card can be sent promptly. a photocopy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fees and receipt of registration.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "be permitted to sit for the examination.", "title": [], "description": "13.0 candidates will be required to prove their identity for each subject in the examination hall to the satisfaction of the supervisor. for this purpose, any of the following documents will be accepted. (i) the national identity card issued department of registration of persons; (ii) a valid passport; (iii) a valid driving license. candidates should enter the examination hall without covering their face and ears in order to prove their identity. further, any candidate who refuse to assist for proving his/ her identity will not be allowed to enter the examination hall. the candidate should remain in the examination hall from the time of entering up to the time of leaving the examination hall without covering face and ears enabling the invigilators to identify the candidate. 14.0 heads of departments should approve duty leave to officers to whom admission cards have been issued commissioner general of examinations enabling appear for the examination. traveling expenses are not paid. penalty for furnishing false information candidates should be careful to furnish correct information when filling the application form. as per the rules and regulations of the examination, the candidature applicant may be cancelled prior to, during or after the examination, if his/her ineligibility to sit for the examination is disclosed. if any of the particulars furnished by a candidate is found to be false at any stage he/she will be liable to dismissal from the public service. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 scheme of examination (i) the subjects of the examination and the marks assigned to each subject are given below: (ii) marks shall be deducted in every question paper for illegible handwriting and spelling mistakes. candidates shall sit this examination only in one language as their preference. candidates are required to obtain an aggregate of at least 50% of the total marks of the examination. appointments shall strictly be made in the order of the merit and the number of vacancies. syllabus of the examination (these papers shall be designed to test the aptitude and ability of the candidates to perform his official duties.) 18.0 the issuing of an admission card to a candidate does not necessarily mean that he / she has satisfied the required qualifications to sit the examination. 19.0 any matter not provided for herein will be decided by the secretary of the ministry of health. all candidates are bound to comply with the general examination rules published in this notification. 20.0 in the event of any inconsistency between the sinhala, tamil and english medium notifications, the sinhala notification shall prevail. dr. s. h. munasinghe, secretary, ministry of health. ministry of health, \u201csuwasiripaya\u201d, no. 385, rev. baddegama wimalawansa thero mawatha, colombo 10, 12th of june, 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 (for office use only) specimen form of application ministry of health limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade public health management assistants\u2019 service - 2021 language medium of examination town the candidate intend to appear for the examination sinhala - 2 tamil - 3 first preference english - 4 second preference (indicate the relevant number in the cage) (indicate the relevant number in the cage) 1.1 name with initials : ................................................................................................................................................ (in english block capitals) in full:........................................................................................................................................................... (in sinhala/tamil) 1.3 address to which the admission card should be sent: ............................................................................................ (in english block capitals) 1.4 national identity card no. : 1.5 marital status : ........................................................................................................................................................ 1.6 nationality : \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 ............................................................................................................ 2.0 place of work and address: 2.1 name and address of office/department/institution: ............................................................................................. (in english block capitals) 3.2 mobile phone no : 3.3 date of birth : year : month : date : 3.4 age as at 16.07.2021 : years : months : days : 4.0 educational qualifications 4.1 particulars of g. c. e. (o/l) examination: (i) year of the examination : \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. (ii) index number of candidate : \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. (iii) results : fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 9.0 attestation of applicant\u2019s signature : i certify that mr./ mrs./ miss. ................................................ , employed at my place of work and who is personally known to me, placed his / her signature in my presence on ..................... date :............... .............................., signature of the officer attesting the signature attestor\u2019s name in full: \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. designation: \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. address: \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. (to be confirmed by official stamp) 10. certificate of the head of department: i do certify, 10.1 that this candidate (mr./ mrs./ miss.) ............................................................................ is an employee in this institution, 10.2 that he / she is holding a permanent post, 10.3 that he / she has been confirmed in a permanent post as at 16.07.2021, 10.4 that he / she has been issued a letter confirming him / her in a permanent post, 10.5 that he / she has completed at least 5 years of active and satisfactory service on or before 16.07.2021, 10.6 that he / she is drawing a salary / or is on a scale of salary which is within the limits prescribed in para 8.0 of notification, 10.7 that his / her work and conduct during the 5 years immediately prior to 16.07.2021 have been satisfactory, 10.8 that he / she could be released from his / her present post, if selected for an appointment on the results of this examination, 10.9 that the application bears a receipt to the value of rs. 600/=, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 scheme of examination the subjects of the examination and the marks assigned to each subject are given below marks shall be deducted in every question paper for illegible handwriting and spelling mistakes. syllabus of the examination \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 specimen form of application ministry of health limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade public health management assistants\u2019 service - 2021 language medium of examination town the candidate intend to appear for the examination sinhala - 2 tamil - 3 first preference english - 4 second preference 1 name with initials ................................................................................................................................................ in full ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 address to which the admission card should be sent ............................................................................................ 4 national identity card no. 5 marital status ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 nationality \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 ............................................................................................................ 0 place of work and address 1 name and address of office/department/institution ............................................................................................. 2 mobile phone no 3 date of birth 4 age as at 2021 0 educational qualifications 1 particulars of g. c. e. examination year of the examination \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. index number of candidate \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. results fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 0 attestation of applicant\u2019s signature i certify that mr./ mrs./ miss. ...............................................employed at my place of work and who is personally known to me, placed his / her signature in my presence on ..................... date ............... .............................., signature of the officer attesting the signature attestor\u2019s name in full \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. designation \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. address \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. certificate of the head of department i do certify, 1 that this candidate ............................................................................ is an employee in this institution, 2 that he / she is holding a permanent post, 3 that he / she has been confirmed in a permanent post as at 2021, 4 that he / she has been issued a letter confirming him / her in a permanent post, 5 that he / she has completed at least 5 years of active and satisfactory service on or before 2021, 6 that he / she is drawing a salary / or is on a scale of salary which is within the limits prescribed in para 0 of notification, 7 that his / her work and conduct during the 5 years immediately prior to 2021 have been satisfactory, 8 that he / she could be released from his / her present post, if selected for an appointment on the results of this examination, 9 that the application bears a receipt to the value of rs.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"state": "unavailable"}]
\ No newline at end of file
"department": "ministry of public services, ",
"title": [
"examinations, results of examinations & c. ",
"provincial councils ",
"and local ",
"government ",
"limited competitive examination ",
"for recruitment ",
"to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative ",
"service - "
"description": "applications are invited from qualified citizens of sri lanka for the limited competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in grade iii of the sri lanka administrative the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november. the secretary reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission. in this notice, ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are invited from qualified citizens of sri lanka for the limited competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in grade iii of the sri lanka administrative the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "the ministry in charge of the subject of public ",
"title": [
"“secretary” ",
"“the secretary to ",
"administration” "
"description": "b. the term otherwise specified, ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "the ministry in charge of the subject of public ",
"title": [
"“the sri lanka administrative service” "
"description": " under this examination, recruitment will be made to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service (a) applications for this examination can be submitted from 07th of august 2021 till 24:00 hrs 06 september 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"written examination – "
"description": " this examination shall consist of four (04) question papers as follows. general intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code, procedural rules of the public services commission and financial regulations) case studies relevant to public administration ii (relating to the testing of creative, analytical and communicative skills) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngeneral intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i case studies relevant to public administration ii ",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"interview – "
"description": " a general interview and a structured interview will be held for the candidates who sat for all the question papers of the written examination and obtained the highest aggregate marks as determined by the public service commission as adequate. the date of the interview decided by the secretary as per the instructions of the public service commission. the number to be appointed will be 42. in an instance where the candidates who have obtained equal marks for the final vacancy or final few vacancies are exceeding the number of vacancies, the decision on filling such number of vacancies will be made by the public service commission as per section 80 of the procedural rules. the effective date of the appointment will be determined on the orders public services commission. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \na general interview and a structured interview will be held for the candidates who sat for all the question papers of the written examination and obtained the highest aggregate marks as determined by the public service commission as adequate. the number to be appointed will be in an instance where the candidates who have obtained equal marks for the final vacancy or final few vacancies are exceeding the number of vacancies, the decision on filling such number of vacancies will be made by the public service commission as per section 80 of the procedural rules.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"conditions of service – "
"description": "4.1 a selected candidate will be appointed to grade iii of the service subject to the general conditions governing the appointments of the public service, terms and conditions set out in the service minute of the sri lanka administrative service published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1842/2 of 23.12.2013 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, amendments made or to be made in future to that service minute, provisions of the establishments code and financial regulations and the procedural rules of public service commission published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1589/30 of 20.02.2009. 4.2 this post is permanent and pensionable. the candidates are required to contribute to the widows’/ widowers’ and orphans pension 4.3 this appointment is subject to an acting period of one year. the candidates should pass the first efficiency bar examination within 03 years from the recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service as mentioned in the service minute. 4.4 the candidates should acquire proficiency official languages before expiry of three (03) years from the recruitment to the post as per the public administration circular no. 18/2020 dated 16.10.2020 and circulars incidental thereto. 4.5 the appointments of the applicants who assume duties of the post offered to him and/ or reject or avoid the assumption of duties of a post or an area where he is appointed, on the fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 prescribed date shall be cancelled upon the orders of the public service commission. 05. monthly salary scale the monthly salary scale applicable to this post as per schedule i of public administration circular no. 03/2016 dated 25.02.2016 is rs. 47,615 - 10 x 1,335 – 8 x 17 x 2,170 - 110,895/- (sl - i -2016). in addition you will also be entitled to other allowances paid to public officers by the government from time to time. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n1 a selected candidate will be appointed to grade iii of the service subject to the general conditions governing the appointments of the public service, terms and conditions set out in the service minute of the sri lanka administrative service published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1842/2 of 2013 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, amendments made or to be made in future to that service minute, provisions of the establishments code and financial regulations and the procedural rules of public service commission published in the gazette extraordinary no. the candidates should pass the first efficiency bar examination within 03 years from the recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service as mentioned in the service minute. 4 the candidates should acquire proficiency official languages before expiry of three years from the recruitment to the post as per the public administration circular no. 5 the appointments of the applicants who assume duties of the post offered to him and/ or reject or avoid the assumption of duties of a post or an area where he is appointed, on the fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 prescribed date shall be cancelled upon the orders of the public service commission.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"recruitment qualifications "
"description": "b. educational qualifications and experience should be an officer in a permanent and pensionable service/ post in public service or provincial public service drawing a salary under the salary code of mn 2-2016 or above mn code or the salary code of sl 1-2016 as mentioned in the public administration circular no. 03/2016 with five (05) years of active and satisfactory period of service in that service/ post. 1. the effective date of the degree should be of fulfilling the qualifications or a prior date. considered when computing the above mentioned period of service. c. age and other qualifications to be satisfied i. should be not more than fifty three (53) years of age as at the date of fulfilling the qualifications. accordingly, only the persons whose birthdays fall on or after 31.12.1967 are eligible to apply examination. ii. should have been confirmed in a service/ post referred to in 6 (b) above. the officers who have completed all qualifications required to sit for the examination as per section no. the examination notice and completed all the qualifications required for confirmation in service according relevant service minute/ scheme of recruitment, received the letter of confirmation in service/ post issued by the respective appointing authority may also apply examination. however, such officers, 1. should have passed the efficiency bar examination relevant to the confirmation in service as at the date of examining the qualifications. 2. should compulsorily produce the letter of confirmation in service at the time they appear for the interview if they pass this examination and qualify for the general interview. (the date of confirmation in service should be effective on or before the date of examining the qualifications.) d. restrictions on qualifications fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 07. examination fee the fee for the examination will be rs. 1200/-. when the examination fee is paid, the payments should only through the following payment methods provided in the online system. i. any bank credit cards ii. any bank debit cards with internet payment iii. bank of ceylon online banking system iv. bank of ceylon teller slip payment v. postal department payment at any post office note .– instructions on the manner in which the payments are made through the above methods are published under technical instructions in the website of the department of examinations. acknowledgement of the payment will be informed by an sms or email. the full amount of the examination fee should be paid and the applications for which the payments have been made less or more than the examination fee will be rejected. the department of examinations be responsible for the errors occurring in the payment of examination fees by the above payment methods. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nb. educational qualifications and experience should be an officer in a permanent and pensionable service/ post in public service or provincial public service drawing a salary under the salary code of mn 2-2016 or above mn code or the salary code of sl 1-2016 as mentioned in the public administration circular no. the examination notice and completed all the qualifications required for confirmation in service according relevant service minute/ scheme of recruitment, received the letter of confirmation in service/ post issued by the respective appointing authority may also apply examination. however, such officers, should have passed the efficiency bar examination relevant to the confirmation in service as at the date of examining the qualifications. bank of ceylon teller slip payment v. postal department payment at any post office note .– instructions on the manner in which the payments are made through the above methods are published under technical instructions in the website of the department of examinations.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "ministry of public services, ",
"title": [
"provincial councils ",
"and local ",
"government ",
"limited competitive examination ",
"for recruitment ",
"to grade iii of the sri lanka planning service – "
"description": "applications are invited from citizens of sri lanka for filling up of 46 vacancies in the posts in grade iii sri lanka planning service on limited basis. the relevant application has been published in the website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. once the application is submitted online, it should be downloaded and the signature of the applicant should be attested printed copy with certification of the head of the institution. thereafter, it should be sent by the registered post the commissioner general of examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b. 1503, colombo on or before the closing date of applications. “ ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are invited from citizens of sri lanka for filling up of 46 vacancies in the posts in grade iii sri lanka planning service on limited basis. the relevant application has been published in the website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. thereafter, it should be sent by the registered post the commissioner general of examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"limited competitive ",
"examination for recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative services – 2021 "
"description": "the sri lanka administrative services – 2021” should be clearly marked on the top left corner of the envelope. the closing date of applications will of september 2021. note.— the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail will not be considered. (the inconveniences that may cause due to the sending applications until the closing date should be borne by the applicant himself.) the post and service station of the applicants time of applying for the examination is considered for all matters with regard to the examination and the changes that occur after sending the applications will not be considered. ) applications that are not completed in every aspect will be rejected. no complaints on the loss or delay of the applications will be entertained. ) immediately after the issuance of admission cards to the applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such notice, steps should be taken to make inquiries thereon from the department of examinations in the manner specified in the notice. the name of the examination and the full name, address and national identity card number of the applicant should be correctly mentioned when making such inquiry. in case of an applicant outside colombo, it would be advisable to send a request letter to the fax number stated in that notice, indicating a fax number to obtain a copy of the admission card by way of fax. it would also be advisable to keep the copy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fee and receipt of postal registration in hand to confirm any matter inquired by the department of examinations. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nimmediately after the issuance of admission cards to the applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such notice, steps should be taken to make inquiries thereon from the department of examinations in the manner specified in the notice. in case of an applicant outside colombo, it would be advisable to send a request letter to the fax number stated in that notice, indicating a fax number to obtain a copy of the admission card by way of fax. it would also be advisable to keep the copy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fee and receipt of postal registration in hand to confirm any matter inquired by the department of examinations.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"identity of candidates ",
"written examination : "
"description": "candidates of the examination shall be required to prove his/her identity at the examination hall satisfaction of the supervisor for each subject he/she appears for. for this purpose, any of the following documents will be accepted. (i) national identity card (ii) valid passport. (iii) valid driving license of sri lanka, furthermore, the candidates should enter the examination hall without covering their faces and ears in order to prove their identity. the applicants who refuse to prove their identity in the said manner shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall. moreover, the applicants should remain examination hall from the time of entering leaving the examination hall upon completion of the examination without covering the face enabling the invigilators to identify the applicants. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n valid driving license of sri lanka, furthermore, the candidates should enter the examination hall without covering their faces and ears in order to prove their identity. moreover, the applicants should remain examination hall from the time of entering leaving the examination hall upon completion of the examination without covering the face enabling the invigilators to identify the applicants.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"procedure of examination and ",
"medium of ",
"examination "
"description": " fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 been fulfilled and whether the applicants have complied with the restrictions on eligibility. (ii). the board of general interview will be appointed by the public service commission. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nfpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 been fulfilled and whether the applicants have complied with the restrictions on eligibility.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"(b) structured interview - "
"description": "a structured interview will be conducted board of interview appointed by the public service commission in accordance with the following marking scheme to measure the managerial skills, leadership qualities, communication skills and personality of the applicants. the maximum marks that can be earned at that interview will be twenty five (25). opportunity given to a candidate for appearing for the interview shall not be treated as a completion of qualifications to be awarded an appointment. the commissioner general of examinations will convey the results to all applicants who appeared examination, personally by post or on the website 15. syllabus of the written examination - (01) general intelligence it is expected to assess the intelligence level of the candidate in analytical skills, logical comprehension, interpretative ability, ability in application to other situations and arriving at conclusions in response to problems presented to the candidate in relation to numerical, lingual and figurative structures and inter-relations. (duration: 1 ½ hours.- 100 marks. this question paper shall consist of multiple choice questions. all questions should be answered.) (02) social, economic, political background in sri lanka and global trends it is expected to test the candidate’s knowledge of social, economic, political, cultural, scientific and technological conditions locally and globally or his ability to think creatively, analytically and critically and the ability to decide priority and strategic projection in response to situations presented to him. (duration: 3 hours.- 100 marks. this question paper shall consist of the multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, structured essay type questions and essay type questions. all questions should be answered.) (03) case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code , procedural fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 rules of the public service commission and financial regulations) it is expected to test the candidate’s creative thinking power and problem solving ability in terms of the practice of government service as per the establishments code and the financial regulations by presenting to him a case/ cases built up connecting one or several problems that may arise in different environments in the public (duration : 3 hours- 100 marks. this question paper shall consist of the multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, structured essay type questions and essay type questions. all questions should be answered.) (04) case studies relevant to public administration ii (relating to the evaluation of creative, analytical and communicative skills) it is expected to test the candidate’s ability for reasoning and imagination in relation to the analyzing, collating and presenting of information on a topic/theme selected candidate from a given set of topics/ themes; and the ability to comprehend a complex passage, a piece of writing memorandum and express the salient ideas thereof concisely, clearly and accurately in the candidate’s own words. (duration : 3 hours - 100 marks. all questions should be answered.) in the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the texts published in this notice in sinhala, tamil and english languages, the sinhala text shall prevail. by order of the public service commission, secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. of july 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n syllabus of the written examination - general intelligence it is expected to assess the intelligence level of the candidate in analytical skills, logical comprehension, interpretative ability, ability in application to other situations and arriving at conclusions in response to problems presented to the candidate in relation to numerical, lingual and figurative structures and inter-relations. social, economic, political background in sri lanka and global trends it is expected to test the candidate’s knowledge of social, economic, political, cultural, scientific and technological conditions locally and globally or his ability to think creatively, analytically and critically and the ability to decide priority and strategic projection in response to situations presented to him. this question paper shall consist of the multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, structured essay type questions and essay type questions. all questions should be answered.) case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code , procedural fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 rules of the public service commission and financial regulations) it is expected to test the candidate’s creative thinking power and problem solving ability in terms of the practice of government service as per the establishments code and the financial regulations by presenting to him a case/ cases built up connecting one or several problems that may arise in different environments in the public case studies relevant to public administration ii it is expected to test the candidate’s ability for reasoning and imagination in relation to the analyzing, collating and presenting of information on a topic/theme selected candidate from a given set of topics/ themes; and the ability to comprehend a complex passage, a piece of writing memorandum and express the salient ideas thereof concisely, clearly and accurately in the candidate’s own words.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"competitive examination ",
"for recruitment to grade iii of the sri ",
"lanka planning "
"description": "service - 2021” should be clearly marked on the corner of the envelope. the applications will be accepted 07 august 2021 till 24:00 hrs 06 september 2021. note : the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail will not be considered. the inconveniences that may cause due to the delay in sending applications until the closing date should be borne by the applicant himself. the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november 2021. commissioner general of examinations reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission. (a) the closing date of calling for applications will be ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nthe applications will be accepted 07 august 2021 till 24 00 hrs 06 september note the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november commissioner general of examinations reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"september. "
"description": "note : the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail be considered. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06"
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": [], "description": "limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ii of class 2 of sri ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["lanka information "], "description": "and communication technology service - 2021 paragraph 6.0., (d) experience which stipulates the qualifications, of the notification on the \"limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ii of class 2 of sri lanka information and communication technology service - 2021\" published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. 2247 dated 24th of september 2021 is revised in the following manner. qualifications. (d) experience - (1) should be an officer in class 3 grade i or grade ii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no. 01/2020. (i) should be a confirmed officer in appointment, who has completed an active and satisfactory period fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 of service of 05 years in class 3 grade iii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no. 01/2020. (i) shall have satisfied the educational qualifications mentioned in 6.1 of this notification. the applicants shall have satisfied all the qualifications relevant to the post by 25.10.2021, which is ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nand communication technology service - 2021 paragraph , experience which stipulates the qualifications, of the notification on the \"limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ii of class 2 of sri lanka information and communication technology service - 2021\" published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. experience - should be an officer in class 3 grade i or grade ii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 of service of 05 years in class 3 grade iii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["the closing ", "date of the applications mentioned in the initial notification. "], "description": "(03) the other provisions stipulated in the said notification shall remain unchanged and the closing applications shall be extended up to 01.11.2021 due to this revision. the applicant, who have already applied for this examination, are hereby in formed not to re-submit applications due to these revisions. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["lokabandara "], "description": "director general of combined services, ministry of public service, provincial councils and local government, independence square, colombo 07. 01st october,2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ndirector general of combined services, ministry of public service, provincial councils and local government, independence square, colombo ", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "ministry of education", "title": ["by order of the education service committee of the public service commission "], "description": "following amendments are made to the notification published on the no. 2231 dated 04.06.2021 and no. 2242 dated 20.08.2021 regarding the recruitment into the class iii of the sri lanka education administrative amendments that are common to both limited as well as service experience and merit based competitive tests scheduled to be held are as follows : * closing date of applications shall be extended up to 22.10.2021 * all qualif ations should have been fulfilled by 30.07.2021 * applicants, who have already submitted their applications by 03.09.2021 or before need not to apply again. secretary, ministry of education. 05th october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n2242 dated 2021 regarding the recruitment into the class iii of the sri lanka education administrative amendments that are common to both limited as well as service experience and merit based competitive tests scheduled to be held are as follows closing date of applications shall be extended up to 2021 all qualif ations should have been fulfilled by 2021 applicants, who have already submitted their applications by 2021 or before need not to apply again. 05th october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 .", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["public service commission ", "common competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts in all-island ", "services and "], "description": "executive service category of the public service - 2021 public service commission has ordered to extend the closing date of application for the above examination notification published in the no. 2237 dated 16.07.2021 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, as amended by the subsequent notification published in the no. 2239 dated 30.07.2021, till 15.10.2021 02. further, those applicants who had submitted online applications for the above examination on or before 31.07.2021 may submit applications for amendment of order of preference to services/posts following the procedure specified in paragraph 3 of the said notification dated 30.07.2021 till above closing date of applications. secretary, service commission. office of the public service commission, no. 1200/9, rajamalwatte road, battaramulla, 08th october, 2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n2239 dated 2021, till 2021 further, those applicants who had submitted online applications for the above examination on or before 2021 may submit applications for amendment of order of preference to services/posts following the procedure specified in paragraph 3 of the said notification dated 2021 till above closing date of applications.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": ["limited competitive examination for ", "recruitment to "], "description": "grade iii of sri lanka accountants service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the of the democratice socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2239 dated 30.07.2021. 02. the closing date for calling application of this notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 03. the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying. on the order of the public service commission. secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. 06th october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ngrade iii of sri lanka accountants service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the of the democratice socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2239 dated the closing date for calling application of this notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": ["limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade "], "description": "sri lanka administrative service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification, published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated 06.08.2021. 02. the closing date for calling application mentioned in paragraph 08.(a) of this notice is extended 15th of october 2021 03. the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying. on the order of the public service commission. secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. 06th october, 2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nsri lanka administrative service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification, published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated of this notice is extended 15th of october 2021 the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": ["limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade "], "description": "sri lanka planning service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated 06.08.2021. 02. the closing date for calling application mentioned in that notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 03. the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying. on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nsri lanka planning service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated the closing date for calling application mentioned in that notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "ampara district", "title": ["registrar general's department ", "post of registrar of births and deaths - ", "tamil medium ", "ampara district "], "description": "applications are called for the post of registrar of births and deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant registrar of births and deaths division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. .- in case a subject contains 02 parts at g.c.e. any other similar examination, it shall be considered subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 05. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and enable easy access by all or majority of residents. under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited candidate for post of the registrar of births and deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building located in the close proximity within 01 km from the hospitle. 06. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births and deaths, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 07. relevant application and the said \"annex inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ag office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the official website ( lk) of the registrar general's department. 08. duly filled application should be forwarded before 06.12.2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general, registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla. 18th october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are called for the post of registrar of births and deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant registrar of births and deaths division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited candidate for post of the registrar of births and deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building located in the close proximity within 01 km from the hospitle. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births and deaths, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \"annex inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "ampara district", "title": ["registrar general's department ", "post of registrar of muslim ", "marriages (sinhala/tamil) ", "ampara district "], "description": "applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil (relevant language for the post ) with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. - in case a subject contains 02 parts at g.c.e. any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. (possession of moulavi certificate or diploma in arabic language shall be considered as fulfillment of aforesaid basic qualification. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notice exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \"annex - 01\" inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ag office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off icial website (ww of the registrar general's department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded before 06.12.2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w.m.m.b. weerasekara registrar general, registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla. 18th october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce (o/l examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notice exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \"annex - 01\" inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "\u2011 2021'11'05 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "\u2011 2021'11'05 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "\u2011 2021'11'05 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "\u2011 2021'11'05 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "court book binder grade iii in the scheduled public officers' service", "title": ["judicial service commission ", "open competitive examination for the recruitment of ", "court book binder grade iii in the scheduled public officers' service "], "description": "in terms of the scheduled public officers' service minute published in the extraordinary gazette no. 2088/26 dated 11.09.2018 and the judicial service commission decision dated 14.10.2021 applications are called from applicants who possess the required qualifications for the open competitive examination for the recruitment of court book binder grade iii in the scheduled public officers' service as per the decision of the judicial service commission. 02. recruitments are made to grade iii of the court book binders' service by this examination. 03. it is hereby notified that this examination will be held in colombo by the secretary, judicial service commission. the secretary, judicial service commission reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the instructions of the judicial service commission. 04. (a) syllabus of the written examination. (ii). general knowledge : it is expected to test the applicants' knowledge in social, economical and cultural facts/ incidents and facts/ incidents of scientific and technical development in sri lanka (iii). language and comprehension : this question paper may consist of subject related questions designed to test the applicants' ability of expression, comprehension, spellings, summarizing passages, expressing the idea of several given sentences in one sentence and use of simple grammar. applicants should answer one question paper that has been prepared inclusive of all above three subjects and they will be given 02 hours to answer the paper. (this paper will consist of multiple choice questions, short questions, questions on structured essays and essays.) note : illegible hand writing will be penalized. (b) a number of applicants equal to the number of vacancies allocated for said examination may be appointed following the descending order beginning from the highest scorer of marks after an interview for verification of qualifications. however, the judicial service commission may determine not to fill a certain number of vacancies. conditions of service. 5.1 a selected candidate is appointed to grade iii of the court book binders' service subject to general conditions governing the appointments in public service, terms and conditions set out in the schedule public officers' service minute published by the extraordinary gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. 2088/26 dated 11.09.2018 amendments already made and will be made thereto in due course to the said service minute, provisions of the establishments code and financial regulations. 5.2 this post is permanent and pensionable. thought it has been stated above that the posts in the scheduled public officers' service are pensionable, the officers that are to be recruited to grade iii of the court book binders' fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 service in future will be subjected to the decisions taken by the government and/or judicial service commission in relation to the pension scheme applicable to them. 5.3 this appointment is subject to an probation period of three years. the efficiency bar examination shall be passed by the officer, within 05 years after recruitment to grade iii of the court book binders' service. 5.4 the proficiency in the relevant level of the official language prescribed for grade iii of the court book binders' service should be achieved within 05 years after appointment in terms of the public administration circular no. 01/2014 and amendments done thereto and judicial service commission circular no. 396 and amendments done thereto. 5.5 the appointments of the applicants who fail to assume duties in the post to which they are appointed on date and/or applicants who refuse or neglect to assume duties in a post or in an area into which they are appointed, are cancelled at the discretion of the judicial service commission. : as per service commission circular no. 386 dated 24/06/2016 issued subsequent to no. 03/2016 judicial service commission, the monthly salary scale applicable to grade iii of the court book binders' service in the scheduled public officers' service is (pl 2-2016) rs. 25,250 - 10x270 - 10x300-10x330-12x350-rs. 38,450 (initial salary step - rs. 25,250). salary will be paid from the effective date of the appointment in terms of the provisions set out in above circular. qualifications following qualifications shall have been completed to be recruited to grade iii of the court book binders' service in the scheduled public officers' service. educational and professional qualifications, (a) be a citizen of sri lanka (b) should not be less than eighteen (18) years and not more than thirty (30) years of age (c) shall have passed g.c.e. (ordinary level) examination in six (06) subjects including sinhala/tamil language and mathematics with credit passes for three (03) subjects including sinhala/tamil language at one sitting. (d) shall have acquired a certificate having successfully followed a course on book binding at least for a period of not less than 01 month at the department of national archives or any other government institution. - upper age limit for applicants who are already in the government service and provincial public service is forty five (45) years. - it is compulsory that every applicant should have fulfilled all the qualifications required for the respective post of november 2021 or prior to said date. examination fees - examination fee is rs. 400/- . the receipt obtained by paying said amount to people's bank, dam street branch to the credit of account of secretary, judicial service commission no. 297100199025039 should be affixed using one edge of the receipt on the due place of the application so as not to be detached. (a photocopy of the receipt should be kept with the applicant for future use) the fee will not be refunded under any circumstances, while money orders and stamps will not be accepted in respect of the fee. method of applying : ) applications should be prepared in compliance with the specimen application form annexed to this notification using both sides of the paper of size 8 1/2''x12\" (a4) and it should be completed in applicant's own handwriting, computerized/typed applications can also be used for this purpose. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 applications which are incomplete and not prepared in accordance with the specimen form will be rejected without any notice. (it would be advisable to keep a photocopy of the completed application form). it is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that the application form prepared by him/her complies with the specimen the examination notice, as otherwise the application may be rejected. ) applications duly perfected should be sent by registered post to reach, the address \"secretary. judicial service commission secretariat, colombo 12\" on or before 15.12.2021. the words \" open competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of the court book binders' service 2021\" should be clearly written on the top left hand corner of the envelope in which the application is enclosed. any application received after the due date will be rejected. ) applicant's signature in the application form should have been attested by a principal of a government school, a justice of peace, commissioner for oaths, an attorney at - law, notary public, commissioned officer in the armed forces, an officer holding a post in the police service or an officer holding a permanent post in staff grade in the public service. ) applicants who are already in the government service and who have fulfilled above qualifications should submit their applications through their respective heads of the department. ) applications which have not been duly completed in every respect will be rejected. no complaints regarding applications lost or delayed in the post will be entertained. ) admission to the examination - if the admission card is not received it should be brought to the notice of judicial service commission manner specified in the advertisement. when informing, the name of the examination, full name of the applicant, national identity card number and the address should be mentioned. in case of an applicant outside colombo, a letter of request consisting of above mentioned details and a fax number for sending a copy of the admission card should be faxed to the fax numbers 0112421206 or 0112446111 of the judicial service commission secretariat. further to that it would be advisable for the candidate to keep a copy of application form, copy of the receipt relevant to payment of examination fee and the postal article of posting of the application to substantiate any information when requested by the judicial service commission secretariat. applicant's signature in the application form and the admission card should have been attested. an applicant should get his signature attested by an officer mentioned in paragraph (c) or (d) above. sitting for the examination. ) the secretary of the judicial service commission will issue admission cards to all applicants who have sent applications which are complete in every respect. an applicant who does not present the admission card will not be permitted to sit for the examination. ) applicant should appear for the examination at the centre specified for him/her. all the applicants should signature placed in the admission card relevant to the examination centre attested and present it to the head of the examination hall on the first day they sit for the examination. applicants shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the secretary of the judicial service commission for the purpose of conducting the examination. if an applicant violates these rules, he/she is liable for a punishment imposed by the secretary of the judicial service commission. - the issuance of an admission card to an applicant does not necessarily mean that he/she has the required qualifications to sit for the examination. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 identity of applicants applicants will be required to prove their identity in the examination hall to the satisfaction of the supervisor subject they offer. any of the following documents will be accepted for this. ) national identity card issued by the department of registration of persons ) a valid passport ) a valid driving license penalty for furnishing false information if it is found that any applicant is not eligible, his/her candidature can be cancelled at any time, before, during the examination. if any of the particulars furnished by the applicant is found to be false with his/her knowledge or if he/ she has willfully suppressed any important fact, he/she will be liable to be dismissed from the public service. 13. any matter not provided for in these rules will be dealt with as determined by the secretary of the judicial service commission subject to the instructions of the judicial service commission. 14. examination will be held in sinhala and tamil mediums. i. an applicant should answer the question paper he/she sits for in one and the same language. ii. an applicant is not allowed to change the language medium indicated in the application. iii. examination results - issuance of results to applicants will be made by the secretary of the judicial service commission by post. 15. in the event of any inconsistency or contradiction between the sinhala, tamil and english texts of this notification, the sinhala text shall prevail. by order of the judicial service commission secretary, service commission. judicial service commission secretariat, colombo 12, 27th of october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 (for office use only) specimen application form ommission ompetitive xamination ecruitment 01. medium : language medium of examination : sinhala - 1 tamil - 2 (indicate the correct number in the cage) 02. personal details : 2.1 name with initials : mr. / mrs. / miss ....................................................................................................................,. .................................................................................................................................................................................... (in english block capitals) ( : - a. p. k. siriwardana) 2.2 name in full : ............................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................... (in english block capitals) 2.3 name in full : ............................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................... (in sinhala / tamil) 2.4 personal address (in english block capitals) : admission card will be posted to this address) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2.5 personal address (in sinhala / tamil) : .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2.6 residing district : ..................................................................................................................................................... 2.7 gender : male - 1 female (indicate the relevant number in the cage) 2.8 national identity card number 2.9 civil status : married - 1 unmarried (indicate the relevant number in the cage) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 08. particulars of the receipt obtained for the examination fee : 09. applicant's certificate : (a) i, solemnly declare that particulars furnished by me in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. i agree to bear any consequence that may cause as a result of incompleteness of sections and/or provision of erroneous information. i also state that all sections herein have been correctly filled. (b) i am aware that if any particulars contained here in are found to be false, i am liable to disqualification before appointment and to dismissal from service if the inaccuracy is detected after appointment. (c) further to that, i hereby agree to abide by all the conditions imposed by the secretary of the judical service commission for the purpose of holding this examination. (d) i shall not change any information mentioned herein subsequently. 10. attestation of applicant's signature : i, hereby certify that mr./mrs./miss. ................................................................................................................... who submits this application is known to me personally and that he/she placed his/her signature in my presence on .................... and further the applicant has paid the prescribed examination fee and pasted the receipt on the application. date. ..................................... .............................................................................. signature of the officer attesting the signature certification of the head of department (only for officers in the government service) i, hereby recommend that mr./mrs./miss ................................................................................ serving in this ............. has fulfilled educational qualifications required to apply for court book binder garade iii of the scheduled public officers' service that he/she can be released from the present post if selected for this post, that he/she is not more than of age by 05.11.2021, that he/she placed his/her signature in my presence and that i submit his/her application herewith. date. ..................................... .............................................................................. signature of the head of the department official stamp fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n2088/26 dated 2018 and the judicial service commission decision dated 2021 applications are called from applicants who possess the required qualifications for the open competitive examination for the recruitment of court book binder grade iii in the scheduled public officers' service as per the decision of the judicial service commission. the secretary, judicial service commission reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the instructions of the judicial service commission. general knowledge it is expected to test the applicants' knowledge in social, economical and cultural facts/ incidents and facts/ incidents of scientific and technical development in sri lanka . 1 a selected candidate is appointed to grade iii of the court book binders' service subject to general conditions governing the appointments in public service, terms and conditions set out in the schedule public officers' service minute published by the extraordinary gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. thought it has been stated above that the posts in the scheduled public officers' service are pensionable, the officers that are to be recruited to grade iii of the court book binders' fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 service in future will be subjected to the decisions taken by the government and/or judicial service commission in relation to the pension scheme applicable to them. the efficiency bar examination shall be passed by the officer, within 05 years after recruitment to grade iii of the court book binders' service. 5 the appointments of the applicants who fail to assume duties in the post to which they are appointed on date and/or applicants who refuse or neglect to assume duties in a post or in an area into which they are appointed, are cancelled at the discretion of the judicial service commission. 03/2016 judicial service commission, the monthly salary scale applicable to grade iii of the court book binders' service in the scheduled public officers' service is rsupper age limit for applicants who are already in the government service and provincial public service is forty five years. method of applying ) applications should be prepared in compliance with the specimen application form annexed to this notification using both sides of the paper of size 8 1/2''x12\" and it should be completed in applicant's own handwriting, computerized/typed applications can also be used for this purpose. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 applications which are incomplete and not prepared in accordance with the specimen form will be rejected without any notice. judicial service commission secretariat, colombo 12\" on or before the words \" open competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of the court book binders' service 2021\" should be clearly written on the top left hand corner of the envelope in which the application is enclosed. applicant's signature in the application form should have been attested by a principal of a government school, a justice of peace, commissioner for oaths, an attorney at - law, notary public, commissioned officer in the armed forces, an officer holding a post in the police service or an officer holding a permanent post in staff grade in the public servicein case of an applicant outside colombo, a letter of request consisting of above mentioned details and a fax number for sending a copy of the admission card should be faxed to the fax numbers 0112421206 or 0112446111 of the judicial service commission secretariat. further to that it would be advisable for the candidate to keep a copy of application form, copy of the receipt relevant to payment of examination fee and the postal article of posting of the application to substantiate any information when requested by the judicial service commission secretariat. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 identity of applicants will be required to prove their identity in the examination hall to the satisfaction of the supervisor subject they offer. national identity card issued by the department of registration of persons ) a valid passport ) a valid driving license penalty for furnishing false information if it is found that any applicant is not eligible, his/her candidature can be cancelled at any time, before, during the examination. judicial service commission secretariat, colombo 12, 27th of october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 specimen application form ommission ompetitive xamination ecruitment medium language medium of examination sinhala - 1 tamil - 2 personal details 1 name with initials mrmrsmiss ....................................................................................................................,. .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 name in full ............................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 name in full ............................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 personal address admission card will be posted to this address) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 personal address .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 residing district ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 gender male - 1 female 8 national identity card number 9 civil status married - 1 unmarried fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 particulars of the receipt obtained for the examination fee applicant's certificate i, solemnly declare that particulars furnished by me in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. i am aware that if any particulars contained here in are found to be false, i am liable to disqualification before appointment and to dismissal from service if the inaccuracy is detected after appointment. further to that, i hereby agree to abide by all the conditions imposed by the secretary of the judical service commission for the purpose of holding this examination. ..................................... .............................................................................. signature of the officer attesting the signature certification of the head of department i, hereby recommend that mr./mrs./miss ................................................................................ serving in this ............. has fulfilled educational qualifications required to apply for court book binder garade iii of the scheduled public officers' service that he/she can be released from the present post if selected for this post, that he/she is not more than of age by 2021, that he/she placed his/her signature in my presence and that i submit his/her application herewith.", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "quantity surveyor assistant of the supervisory management assistant non technical/technical category ", "title": ["state ministry of rural housing and building materials industries promotion ", "open competitive examination for the recruitment to the post of ", "quantity surveyor assistant of the supervisory management assistant non technical/technical category "], "description": "department of government factory - 2021 applications are invited from sri lankan citizens by the commissioner general of examinations for the limited open competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo in february 2022 to fill vacancies in the following posts of the department of government factory. salary scale 1.1 salary code no. : mn-3 2016 1.2 salary scale rs. 31,040 - 10x445 - 11x660 - 10x730 - 10x750 - rs. 57,550/= grade to which recruitment is made : grade iii educational qualifications should have passed six (06) subjects at the same sitting with credit passes to sinhala/tamil/english language and two other subjects of language and mathematics at the general certificate of education (ordinary level) examination, should have passed all subjects at the same sitting at the general certificate of education (advanced level) examination (other than common general test) professional qualifications should have obtained national certificate of technology (quantity surveying) of level five (05) or six (06) of the national vocational qualifications awarded by a technical or technological college recognized the vocational and tertiary education commission. experience having a two year experience in a recognized technical institution of the relevant field will be considered as a special qualification. physical qualifications every applicant should be physically and mentally fit to perform the duties of the post and serve in any part of sri other qualifications i. should be a citizen of sri lanka. ii. should be of excellent moral character iii. the candidate is considered as having fulfilled all the qualifications required to sit the competitive examination only if he/she has fulfilled the relevant qualifications and the prescribed age limit in every respect on the date mentioned in the notice calling for applications. 8.1 minimum limit: not less than 18 years 8.2 maximum limit: not more than 30 years (accordingly only those whose birthdays fall on or before 12.12.2003 and on or after 12.12.1991 are qualified to fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 method of recruitment candidates who have passed the written examination will be recruited to the post on the order of merit and according to the number of vacancies having verified the qualifications through a general interview. examination 10.1 written examination the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english mediums. the candidates can sit the examination in the language of their choice and all question papers examination should be answered in the same language. ) the language medium applied will not be allowed to be changed at the examination. ) the examination fee is rs. 600.00. the receipt obtained for the payment of fees from any post office/sub post office should be pasted relevant cage of the application form so as not to be detached. money orders or stamps for the examination fee will not be accepted. the fee paid for the examination will not be refunded under any circumstances. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the receipt. 10.2 syllabus subject no. 01 - general knowledge and understanding. subject no. 02 quantity surveying and the use of sls 573 10.3 general interview : no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be varified. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 method of application : the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification using both sides of 8 1/2''x12'' (a4) size paper with numbers 01 to 05 to appear on the first page and remained in the other page. the application should be filled in own handwriting by the candidate in the language medium he/she intends to sit the examination. the title of the examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. since the applications that do not comply with the specimen and that are not completed in every aspect shall be rejected without notice, the candidates should ensure that the application is in line with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached. the applications perfected thus should be sent under the registered cover on or before 12.12.2021 to reach \"commissioner - general of examinations, institutional examinations organization branch, department of examinations, p.o. 1503, colombo\". on the top left-hand corner of the envelope enclosing the application \" ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ndepartment of government factory - 2021 applications are invited from sri lankan citizens by the commissioner general of examinations for the limited open competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo in february 2022 to fill vacancies in the following posts of the department of government factory. 57,550/ grade to which recruitment is made grade iii educational qualifications should have passed six subjects at the same sitting with credit passes to sinhala/tamil/english language and two other subjects of language and mathematics at the general certificate of education examination, should have passed all subjects at the same sitting at the general certificate of education examination professional qualifications should have obtained national certificate of technology of level five or six of the national vocational qualifications awarded by a technical or technological college recognized the vocational and tertiary education commission. the candidate is considered as having fulfilled all the qualifications required to sit the competitive examination only if he/she has fulfilled the relevant qualifications and the prescribed age limit in every respect on the date mentioned in the notice calling for applications. 1 minimum limit not less than 18 years 2 maximum limit not more than 30 years (accordingly only those whose birthdays fall on or before 2003 and on or after 1991 are qualified to fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 method of recruitment candidates who have passed the written examination will be recruited to the post on the order of merit and according to the number of vacancies having verified the qualifications through a general interview. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 method of application the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification using both sides of 8 1/2''x12'' size paper with numbers 01 to 05 to appear on the first page and remained in the other page. the title of the examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. since the applications that do not comply with the specimen and that are not completed in every aspect shall be rejected without notice, the candidates should ensure that the application is in line with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached. the applications perfected thus should be sent under the registered cover on or before 2021 to reach \"commissioner - general of examinations, institutional examinations organization branch, department of examinations, p.o.", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "quantity surveyor assistant of the supervisory management assistant non technical/ technical category of ", "title": ["open competitive examination for the recruitment to the post of ", "quantity surveyor assistant of the supervisory management assistant non technical/ technical category of "], "description": "the department of government factory - 2021 \" should be clearly indicated. applications received after this date will be rejected. it is essential for applicants who are in the public service to submit their applications through their respective head of department/institution. (ii) applications that are not completed in every aspect will be rejected. any complaints regarding applications lost or delayed in the post will not be entertained. (iii) a notification will be published in newspapers as soon as the admission cards are issued to the candidates by the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received by any applicant even after 2 to 3 days of such advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the department of examinations in the manner specified in the advertisement. when informing, the name of the examination applied for, full name, address, the nic number of the candidate should be indicated and copies of the application and receipt for the payment of examination fees kept in your possession should attached. it would be advisable for candidates outside colombo to fax a letter of request along with a fax number of the candidate to the department of examinations through the fax number mentioning the notification for sending a copy of the admission. (iv) the applicants should have their signature in the admission card attested and on the first day of sitting the examination, the admission card so attested should be submitted to the chief supervisor of the examination. (v) issuance of an admission card to an applicant does not necessarily mean that the candidate has fulfilled the qualifications to sit the examination or to be appointed to a post. 12. applicant's signature in the application form and the admission card should be attested. an applicant who applies for the examination from an institution should get his signature attested by the head of the institution or by and officer authorized by him and other applicants by a principal of a government school/a retired officer, a grama niladhari of a division, a justice of peace, a commissioner of oaths, and attorney-at law, a notary public, a commissioned officer of the armed forces, or a staff officer holding a permanent post in the public service or the provincial public service, a chief incumbent of a buddhist temple or a venerable nayaka thero or a member of the clergy of any other religion holding a important position. indentity of the candidate : candidates will be required to prove their identity at the examination hall to the satisfaction of the supervisor subject they offer. for this purpose, one of the following identity cards should be submitted to the supervisor. i. national identity card ii. valid passport iii. valid driving license candidates should be dressed in a manner which exposes the full face (including ears) ensuring, their clear identification. the candidates, who refuse to prove their identity in the said manner shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall. further, candidates should remain in the examination hall from the moment of entering and leaving the examination hall without covering the face and ears enabling the examiners to identify them easily. 14. candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations purpose of conducting examinations and issuance of results and they shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment imposed by commissioner general of examinations for violation of these rules and regulations. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 15. the results sheet of all the applicants will be submitted to the director general, department of government factory. 16. any matter not included in these regulations will be dealt with as per the discretion of the director general department of government factory. results of the examinations :- the results sheet of the applicants who have secured not less than 40% of marks subject, prepared on the order of the merit will be submitted to \"director general, department of government factory, kolonnawa\". results will be personally informed to all applicants or will be published on the website of department of examinations ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n a notification will be published in newspapers as soon as the admission cards are issued to the candidates by the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received by any applicant even after 2 to 3 days of such advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the department of examinations in the manner specified in the advertisement. the applicants should have their signature in the admission card attested and on the first day of sitting the examination, the admission card so attested should be submitted to the chief supervisor of the examination. an applicant who applies for the examination from an institution should get his signature attested by the head of the institution or by and officer authorized by him and other applicants by a principal of a government school/a retired officer, a grama niladhari of a division, a justice of peace, a commissioner of oaths, and attorney-at law, a notary public, a commissioned officer of the armed forces, or a staff officer holding a permanent post in the public service or the provincial public service, a chief incumbent of a buddhist temple or a venerable nayaka thero or a member of the clergy of any other religion holding a important position. candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations purpose of conducting examinations and issuance of results and they shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment imposed by commissioner general of examinations for violation of these rules and regulations. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 the results sheet of all the applicants will be submitted to the director general, department of government factory. results of the examinations - the results sheet of the applicants who have secured not less than 40% of marks subject, prepared on the order of the merit will be submitted to \"director general, department of government factory, kolonnawa\".", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" "], "description": "18. in the event of any inconsistency between sinhala, tamil and english texts of this notification, the sinhala text will prevail. director general, department of government factory. department of government factory, kolonnawa road, kolonnawa. november, 2021 specimen application form (for office use only) competitive examination recruitment upervisory 1.1 name in full (in english block letters) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... (eg: herath mudiyanselage saman kumara gunawardhana) 1.2 name with the last name first followed by the initials of other names (in english block letters) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... (eg: gunawardhana, h. m. s. k.) 1.3 name in full (in sinhala/tamil) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 1.4 name and address of the office/department/institution (in english block letters) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1.5 name and address of the office/department/institution (in sinhala/tamil) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2.0 the address to which the admission card should be sent (in english block letters) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. date of birth : date month age as at the closing date of the application: ......................................... marital status : ....................................................................................... 4.0 nic no.: 5.0 mobile telephone no.: 6.0 educational qualification: g. c. e. (advanced level) examination fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 i, declare that the information given herein are true and correct and that i am eligible to sit the examination from the language medium indicated above and that i have pasted herein the receipt for the payment of examination fees. i, further declare that i am subject to the rules and regulations imposed by the director general of examinations in regard to the conduct examination and the release of results. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nnovember, 2021 specimen application form competitive examination recruitment upervisory 1 name in full ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 name with the first followed by the initials of other names ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 name in full .............................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 4 name and address of the office/department/institution .............................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 name and address of the office/department/institution .............................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 0 the address to which the admission card should be sent ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. date of birth date month age as at the closing date of the application ......................................... marital status ....................................................................................... 0 nic no. 0 educational qualification g. c. e. examination fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 i, declare that the information given herein are true and correct and that i am eligible to sit the examination from the language medium indicated above and that i have pasted herein the receipt for the payment of examination fees.", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "attestation of the signature of the applicant", "title": ["attestation of the signature of the applicant "], "description": "i, certify that mr.*/mrs.*/miss.* ................................ who submits this application is personally known to me, that he/she placed his/her signature before me on ........................., that prescribed examinations fees have been duly paid and the receipt thereof has been affixed herein. ............................................ signature of attesting officer name of the attesting officer : ................................... designation : ................................................ address : .................................... date : .................................... ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n ................................ who submits this application is personally known to me, that he/she placed his/her signature before me on ........................., that prescribed examinations fees have been duly paid and the receipt thereof has been affixed herein.", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "certification of the head of the department", "title": ["certification of the head of the department "], "description": "i, certify that mr.* /mrs.*/miss* employed as a permanent employee of this ministry*/department* and if selected to the post he/she can be released from the service. ........................................................... signature and official stamp of the head of the department * delete whichever not applicable name: ..................................... designation : ......................................... address : ............................................. date : ................................. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 05.11.2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n........................................................... signature and official stamp of the head of the department delete whichever not applicable name ..................................... designation ......................................... address ............................................. date ................................. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'11'05", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "\u2011 2021'11'05 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-11-05", "url": ""}]
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "public service commission",
"title": [
"public service commission ",
"calling applications for the recruitment of ",
"officers to the post of assistant director ",
"(legal) of ",
"the commission to investigate allegations of "
"description": "bribery or corruption -2020 applications are called by order of the public service commission to select eligible candidates for vacancies of the post of assistant director (legal) of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption. applications prepared according to the specimen this notice should be sent under registered cover the director general, commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption, no.36, malalasekara mawatha, colombo 07 on or before 25.03.2021 . the top left hand corner of the envelope containing the application should indicate “ ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nbribery or corruption -2020 applications are called by order of the public service commission to select eligible candidates for vacancies of the post of assistant director of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption. applications prepared according to the specimen this notice should be sent under registered cover the director general, commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption, no.36, malalasekara mawatha, colombo 07 on or before 2021 .",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "public service commision",
"title": [
"post of assistant director (legal)” "
"description": ") closing date of applications- 25.03.2021 : - complaints with regard to the losses or delays of an application or any other related document in the post will not be considered. losses incurred by failure to submit application on the due date must be the applicant. method of recruitment :- suitable applicants will be recruited upon a structured interview according order of marks on merit achieved by each candidate vacancies available. number of vacancies is 14. number of appointments and the effective date of appointment will depend on the order of the public service commission. service conditions i. this post is permanent and pensionable. you shall be subjected to any policy decision taken by the government in future regarding pension scheme which you are entitled to. further you are required to contribute to the widows’ and orphans’/ widowers’ and orphans’ pension scheme. contributions to the pension scheme should be made as per the directions taken time to time by the government. ii. the officers appointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three (03) years and the first efficiency bar examination should be passed during three (03) year probation iii. you should confirm that the proficiency in official language is acquired in accordance with the policies of the government before the lapse of three(03) years from the date of acceptance of this appointment. if you have qualified for this appointment in sinhala language your other official language should be tamil language and if you have qualified for this appointment in tamil language your other official language should be sinhala language. the provisions of the public administration circular no. 18/2020 dated 16.10.2020 and the provisions of the circulars incidental there to are applicable for this. iv. the public service commission reserves the power to cancel the appointment of any candidate who fails to assume duties of the appointed post on due date and/or rejects or avoids serving in an area where the applicant is appointed. v. this appointment is subjected to the procedural commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, public financial regulations and regulations of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption and circular regulations issued time to time by the government. salary scale salary scale applicable to this post as per the public administration circular no.03/2016 is sl- 5-2016, rs. 58,295 - 5 x 1,335-5 x 1,630-15 x2,170- rs, 105,670/-(monthly). educational qualifications i. should have taken oath as an attomey-at-law in the supreme court experience should have active service period of not less than three (03) years upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme court, should have experience of not less than three (03) years in following fields in a public institution upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 proceedings coordination with attorney general’s department ii. agreements related with legal undertakings iii. legal activities on acts and regulations iv. formulation of legal documents drafting acts, circulars, regulations v. legal or judicial activities or inquiries conducted by statutory institutions : - should not be below 22 years and over 45 years as at the closing date of the application. (only the persons bom on or before 25.03.1999 and on 25.03.1976 are eligible to apply for this post.) physical qualifications should be physically and mentally fit to serve in any part of the island and to execute the duties of the post. other qualifications i. should be a sri lankan citizen. ii. should have an excellent character iii. applicant or any member of the family should not be found guilty for criminal charges under the law of sri lanka iv. the applicants should have achieved all qualifications required to recruit to the post as at the closing date of the applications mentioned notification. v. a security clearance report will be called before making appointment on all selected applicants to examine the suitability of each person to serve in the commission. method of recruitment : - 8.1 structured interview: marks will be awarded by an interview board appointed by the public service commission. 8.2 marking scheme for the interview will be as follows : fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 9. the application should be prepared using 22-29cm size (a4 sheets) in such a way that headings 01-09 should appear on first page. the application should be dully filled by own hand writing of the applicant. computerized/ typewritten applications can also be used in this purpose. applications that do not comply with the specimen or that have completed properly will be rejected without any notification. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application candidate. it is the responsibility of the candidate to verify that the perfected application complies with the specimen given in the notification, as otherwise, the application may be rejected. ) any document or a copy should not be attached to the application ) applications of the candidates who fail to produce documents when requested to do so will not be considered. 10. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer authorized by him/her and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head / retired officer of a government school, grama niladhari of the respective division, a commissioner for oaths, an attomey-at-law, a notary public, a commissioned officer of three forces, a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary above rs.415,260/- fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 14. names and addresses of non-related referees provide your information : : signatures of the candidates currently in public service should be attested by the respective head of the institution or an authorized officer. if the applicant is in public service:- i, do hereby certify that the particulars given by me in the application are true and correct. i am aware any particulars contained herein are found to be incorrect before selection, i am subjected to be disqualified or dismissed from the service without any compensation is revealed after selection. .................................., signature of the applicant. date :........................ attestation of the applicant’s signature i certify that mr./mrs./miss. ........................................ known to me personally and that he/she placed his/her signature in my presence on this .............. day of ....................... 2021. ............................, signature. designation: .......................................................... frank: ........................................................................ date: ....................................................................................... certification of the head of the institution i certify that this applicant mr./ mrs./ miss ....................... presently serves in this ministry/ department/ institution in permanent/ temporary basis and the details given her are true and correct according to the officer’s personal file and other relevant documents. he/ she could be/ could not be released from his/her present post if he/she is selected to the above post. ..................................., signature of head of the institution. date:............................... name: .............................. designation: ............................. institution: ................................ (strike through irrelevant words) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n) closing date of applications- 2021 - complaints with regard to the losses or delays of an application or any other related document in the post will not be considered. the officers appointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three years and the first efficiency bar examination should be passed during three year probation iii. v. this appointment is subjected to the procedural commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, public financial regulations and regulations of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption and circular regulations issued time to time by the government. educational qualifications i. should have taken oath as an attomey-at-law in the supreme court experience should have active service period of not less than three years upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme court, should have experience of not less than three years in following fields in a public institution upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 proceedings coordination with attorney general’s department ii. formulation of legal documents drafting acts, circulars, regulations v. legal or judicial activities or inquiries conducted by statutory institutions - should not be below 22 years and over 45 years as at the closing date of the application. 2 marking scheme for the interview will be as follows fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 the application should be prepared using 22-29cm size in such a way that headings 01-09 should appear on first page. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer authorized by him/her and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head / retired officer of a government school, grama niladhari of the respective division, a commissioner for oaths, an attomey-at-law, a notary public, a commissioned officer of three forces, a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary above rs.415,260/- fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 names and addresses of non-related referees provide your information signatures of the candidates currently in public service should be attested by the respective head of the institution or an authorized officer. if the applicant is in public service - i, do hereby certify that the particulars given by me in the application are true and correct. designation .......................................................... frank ........................................................................ date ....................................................................................... certification of the head of the institution i certify that this applicant mr./ mrs./ miss ....................... presently serves in this ministry/ department/ institution in permanent/ temporary basis and the details given her are true and correct according to the officer’s personal file and other relevant documents.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "department of social service development",
"title": [
"state ministry of ",
"primary health ",
"services, pandemics and covid ",
"prevention ",
"- Vocational instructor (grade iii "
"description": "vocational instructor (grade iii) applications are called from eligible sri lankan citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of vocational instructor to batticaloa vocational training centers which commencing soon for a disable persons under the department of social service. applications, prepared in accordance with following specimen should be sent to director, department of social service, 2 stage, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla by registered post on or before 05.03.2021. the words “recruitment of vocational instructor (grade iii )” should be written on the top left hand corner envelop in which the application is enclosed. application and details could also be downloaded through the website of required qualifications to recruit for this post :- vocational instructor (electronic, sewing) 1.1. age limit :- shall be not less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age on the closing date of applications. educational qualifications ) educational qualifications for vocational instructor (electronic, sewing) (i) should have passed 06 subjects with credit passes for four subjects including language and mathematics and two fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 of any other subjects at the g.c.e. (ordinary level) examination at one sitting. (ii) should (advanced level) all subjects in any stream (except the general paper) and should have achieved the required level of achievement to pursue a tertiary education course professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from ceylon technical college or ceylon german technical training institute should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of small industries or the department of textile industries ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of social services or national youth service council or its affiliated institutes ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from vocational training authority or its affiliated institutes ; should have successfully followed and obtained the certificate for a technical course recognized vocational education commission as a course categorized vocational qualification (nvq) level 05 or a course recommended by that commission as an equivalent to that level experience :- not applicable physical fitness all the candidates should have physical and mental fitness to serve in any part of the island and to perform the duties of the post. method of recruitment recruitments are made on the result of written and professional test. the written test held first. twice the number of required called for interview from the candidates who score high marks in the written test according to the order of merit. only the candidates who get through the general interview will be forwarded for professional test. the number equal to the number of vacancies will be selected for the training course from the candidates who also get through from the professional test according to the total aggregated marks obtained from written and professional test in order of merit. those who are selected, should obtain a certificate successfully completion training course on teaching methods. candidates who obtain that certificate recruited for the post. written test salary scale :- salary code –mt-01 -2016 per the public administration circular no. salary scale – rs. 29,840-10x300-11x350- 10x560-10x660- rs. 48,890. terms of service :- this post is permanent and pensionable. it is subjected to a future policy decision on scheme of pension made by fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 government and required to contribute widows’/widowers’ and orphans’ pension fund. it should be acquired proficiency in the prescribed official language within 05 years in accordance with the public administration circular no. 01/2014 and incidental circulars to that. social service director. department of social services, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla, 12.02.2021. pplication recruitment ………….......................................... language medium 01. name with initials : ......................................................................................................................................................... 02. names denoted by initials : ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ address :.......................................................................................................................................................................... 04. telephone number : ........................................................................................................................................................ 05. nic number : .................................................................................................................................................................. 06. date of birth :.................................................................................................................................................................. 07. age as at closing date of application : years : ............................... months : ............................... days : ............................... 08. marital status : ................................................................................................................................................................. : ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10. educational qualifications :- ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nvocational instructor applications are called from eligible sri lankan citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of vocational instructor to batticaloa vocational training centers which commencing soon for a disable persons under the department of social service. applications, prepared in accordance with following specimen should be sent to director, department of social service, 2 stage, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla by registered post on or before the words “recruitment of vocational instructor ” should be written on the top left hand corner envelop in which the application is enclosed. application and details could also be downloaded through the website of required qualifications to recruit for this post - vocational instructor age limit - shall be not less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age on the closing date of applications. educational qualifications ) educational qualifications for vocational instructor should have passed 06 subjects with credit passes for four subjects including language and mathematics and two fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . should all subjects in any stream and should have achieved the required level of achievement to pursue a tertiary education course professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from ceylon technical college or ceylon german technical training institute should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of small industries or the department of textile industries ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of social services or national youth service council or its affiliated institutes ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from vocational training authority or its affiliated institutes ; should have successfully followed and obtained the certificate for a technical course recognized vocational education commission as a course categorized vocational qualification level 05 or a course recommended by that commission as an equivalent to that level experience - not applicable physical fitness all the candidates should have physical and mental fitness to serve in any part of the island and to perform the duties of the post. department of social services, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla, pplication recruitment ………….......................................... language medium name with initials ......................................................................................................................................................... names denoted by initials ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ address .......................................................................................................................................................................... telephone number ........................................................................................................................................................ nic number .................................................................................................................................................................. date of birth .................................................................................................................................................................. age as at closing date of application ............................... months ............................... days ............................... marital status ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. educational qualifications ",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"medical consultant - ",
"general sir ",
"john kotelawala defence university "
"description": "general sir kotelawala defence university hospital calls applications from qualified persons for the following posts 1. medical consultant fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 (i) medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable inthe sri lanka medical council according to the medical (amendment) \n of 2018 ; (ii) medical officers / dental surgeons with validfull registration of sri lanka medical council (iii) doctor ofmedicine (md)/ master of surgery (ms) in the relevant specialty withboard certification of post-graduate institute of medicine (pgim), \nuniversity of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i of the gazette \n(extraordinary) no.1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democraticsocialist republic of sri lanka] ; (iv) certificate of good standingfrom sri lanka medical council (slmc). Medical Officers and Dental Surgeon who have registered / registerable in the Sri Lanka Medical Council according to the Medical (Amendment) Act.No.28 of 2018 ;",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable inthe sri lanka medical council according to the medical of 2018 ; medical officers / dental surgeons with validfull registration of sri lanka medical council doctor ofmedicine / master of surgery in the relevant specialty withboard certification of post-graduate institute of medicine , university of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i of the gazette no.1883/17 dated 2014 of the democraticsocialist republic of sri lanka certificate of good standingfrom sri lanka medical council .",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"dental surgeon - grade ii ",
"qualifications: "
"description": "i. dental surgeon with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a dental surgeon. ii. certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc). shall not be less than 25 years and not more than 45 years.",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ni. dental surgeon with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a dental surgeon.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"medical officer - preliminary grade ",
"qualifications: "
"description": " (i) medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. (ii) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"para medical - special grade ",
"qualifications: "
"description": " (i) should have completed at least ten years (10) of satisfactory service in grade i of the service (ii) if has worked under the ministry of health, having passed all the relevant efficiency bar examination and earned ten (10) salary increments. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"grade 1 nursing officer "
"description": "(i) should be a grade 1 nursing officer. (ii) should be a nursing officer who has followed and passed the 1 ½ year diploma course in ward management and supervision / and supervising / public health nursing and midwifery / mental health nursing, conducted by the national nursing training school primary nursing school. (iii) having passed the 2 efficiency bar examination. (iv) having earned all due salary increments and completed an active and satisfactory service period during the preceding 5 years. (v) performance above satisfactory level in years prior to the date of promotion as per approved performance appraisal procedure. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n should be a nursing officer who has followed and passed the 1 ½ year diploma course in ward management and supervision / and supervising / public health nursing and midwifery / mental health nursing, conducted by the national nursing training school primary nursing school.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "john kotelawala defence university ", "title": [], "description": "general sir kotelawala defence university hospital calls applications from qualified persons following posts. 1. medical consultant 1. consultant general physician 2. consultant emergency physician 3. consultant anaesthetist 4. consultant intensivist 5. consultant cardiologist 6. consultant paediatric cardiologist 7. consultant chemical pathologist 8. consultant nephrologist 9. consultant haematologist 10. consultant gastroenterologist 11. consultant neurologist 12. consultant family medicine 13. consultant endocrinologist 14. consultant obstetrician & gynecologist 15. consultant vascular surgeon 16. consultant ent surgeon 17. consultant transplantation surgeon ( ability to transplant, kidney, liver and biliary duct) 18. consultant cardiothoracic surgeon 19. consultant gastrointestinal surgeon 20. consultant maxillofacial surgeon 21. consultant orthodontist ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n medical consultant consultant general physician consultant emergency physician consultant anaesthetist consultant intensivist consultant cardiologist consultant paediatric cardiologist consultant chemical pathologist consultant nephrologist consultant haematologist consultant gastroenterologist consultant neurologist consultant family medicine consultant endocrinologist consultant obstetrician & gynecologist consultant vascular surgeon consultant ent surgeon consultant transplantation surgeon consultant cardiothoracic surgeon consultant gastrointestinal surgeon consultant maxillofacial surgeon consultant orthodontist", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable in the sri lanka medical council according to the medical (amendment) act, no.28 of 2018 (ii) medical officers / dental surgeons with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (iii) doctor of medicine (md) master of surgery (ms) in the relevant specialty with board certification of post-graduate institute of medicine (pgim), university of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i (extraordinary) no.1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka]. (iv) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc) ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable in the sri lanka medical council according to the medical act, no.28 of 2018 medical officers / dental surgeons with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council doctor of medicine master of surgery in the relevant specialty with board certification of post-graduate institute of medicine , university of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i no.1883/17 dated 2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka].", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mc 1-2 - rs.(91,645 \u2013 12 x 2,700 - 124,045. the medical consultant grade i will be placed on mc 1-2 step 1 - rs. 91,645.00 2. medical officer - grade i ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n(91,645 \u2013 12 x 2,700 - 124, the medical consultant grade i will be placed on mc 1-2 step 1 - rs.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. (ii) a minimum of six (06) years of experience grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity (iii) a recognized post graduate qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the (extraordinary) no. 1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. (iv) certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc) ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n a minimum of six years of experience grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity a recognized post graduate qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the no.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs. (58,675 - 3x 1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270-99,015). the medical officer will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs.78,585.00 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 3. dental surgeon - grade i ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe medical officer will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs.78,00 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 .", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) dental surgeons with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a dental surgeon. (ii) a minimum of nine (09) years of experience as a grade ii dental surgeon in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity homes \u02ee. recognized qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the (extraordinary) no. 1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. (iv) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n a minimum of nine years of experience as a grade ii dental surgeon in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity homes \u02ee. recognized qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the no.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385- 2x1910-10x2,270 - 99,015) the dental surgeon will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs.78,585.00. 4. medical officer - grade ii ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n the dental surgeon will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs.78,", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. (ii) a minimum of two (02) years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity homes\u201d. (iii) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n a minimum of two years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \u201cprivate hospitals, nursing homes and maternity homes\u201d.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs. (58,675 - 3\u00d71,375 - 7\u00d71,385- 2\u00d71,910-10\u00d72,270 - 99,015). the medical officer will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5- rs.64,185.00 5. dental surgeon - grade ii ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe medical officer will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5- rs.64,00 dental surgeon - grade ii", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) dental surgeon with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a dental surgeon. (ii) certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc). ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385- 2x1,910-10x2,270 - 99,015). the dental surgeon will be placed on mo 1-1 step 1- rs.58,675.00 6. medical officer - preliminary grade ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe dental surgeon will be placed on mo 1-1 step 1- rs.58,00 medical officer - preliminary grade", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "qualifications:", "title": [], "description": "(i) medical officers with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. (ii) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "salary scale: ", "title": [], "description": "mo 1-1 rs.(58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x 1,385 - 2x 1,910 - 10 x2,270 - 99,015). the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step rs.60,050.00 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "general conditions:", "title": [], "description": "(i) shall be a citizen of sri lanka. (ii) shall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve in the general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital or at any other place, as may be determined by the university administration. (iii) shall be of excellent moral character. (iv) the applicants should have completed all requisite qualifications by the closing date of applications. (v) these posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts which are not from the special grades are subject to a probation period of three (03) years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, dental surgeon grade i, medical fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 18.06.2021 officer grade ii and dental surgeon grade other special grade posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one (01) year. (vi) medical consultants shall be required and train medical and allied health sciences undergraduates and postgraduate students under the supervision and direction of the deans and respective heads of department of faculties medicine and allied health science. (vii) contribution of the employee to employees provident fund (epf) is 10% and the university will contribute 15% for (epf) and 3% for employees trust fund (etf). (subject to revisions that may be introduced by parliament (viii) duly completed applications with certified copies of educational, professional and service certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \u201cexecutive director, general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital, werahera\u201d on or before 18.07.2021 applied should be indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelope. (ix) general sir john kotelawala defence university reserves the right to shortlist prospective applicants. (x) incomplete, late applications and those not comply with the prescribed format will be (xi) application and other relevant details downloaded from the kdu website (www.kdu. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n shall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve in the general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital or at any other place, as may be determined by the university administration. these posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts which are not from the special grades are subject to a probation period of three years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, dental surgeon grade i, medical fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'06'18 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 officer grade ii and dental surgeon grade other special grade posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one year. (subject to revisions that may be introduced by parliament duly completed applications with certified copies of educational, professional and service certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \u201cexecutive director, general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital, werahera\u201d on or before 2021 applied should be indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelope.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "psc mphil ", "title": [], "description": "secretary, ministry of defence. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "the court ", "title": [], "description": "of appeal of sri lanka - 2021 in terms of the provision set out in scheduled officers service minute published in the extra ordinary no 2088/26 dated 11.09.2018,a notification was published in no.2228 dated 13.05.2021 calling applications from the citizens of sri lanka who possess required qualifications to be recruited to the registrar of the court of appeal in the scheduled officers service and the judicial service commission decided to extend the closing date for applications of the present travel restrictions in force. 02. accordingly paragraph 10 of the said notification is amended as follows. method of applying ) the application fee is rs.500/-. the application form can be obtained by sending the receipt obtained by paying the relevant amount from any people\u2019s bank branch to the credit of the account ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nof appeal of sri lanka - 2021 in terms of the provision set out in scheduled officers service minute published in the extra ordinary no 2088/26 dated 2018,a notification was published in no.2228 dated 2021 calling applications from the citizens of sri lanka who possess required qualifications to be recruited to the registrar of the court of appeal in the scheduled officers service and the judicial service commission decided to extend the closing date for applications of the present travel restrictions in force.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "secretary, judicial service commission", "title": [], "description": "no.297100199025039 of the people\u2019s bank, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}, {"department": "dam street branch ", "title": [], "description": "along with an envelope 9x4 in size with the name and address of the applicant written on it, by registered post to the judicial service commission secretariat or by personally handing it over. or else, a completed application form prepared in accordance with specimen in the notification can be sent by registered post, having affixed the receipt to the application. ) duly perfected application should be sent under registered post to reach the address \u201csecretary, commission secretariat, colombo 12\u201d on or before 09th july 2021 the applicants should hand over the applications by personally visiting the judicial service commission secretariat. 03. other facts mentioned in the notification remain unchanged. by order of the judicial service commission. h. s. somarathne, secretary, service commission. judicial service commission secretariat, colombo 12, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nalong with an envelope 9x4 in size with the name and address of the applicant written on it, by registered post to the judicial service commission secretariat or by personally handing it over. duly perfected application should be sent under registered post to reach the address \u201csecretary, commission secretariat, colombo 12\u201d on or before 09th july 2021 the applicants should hand over the applications by personally visiting the judicial service commission secretariat.", "date": "2021-06-18", "url": ""}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["dangerous drugs ", "control board ", "vacancies "], "description": "applications are invited from citizens of sri fill the following vacancy in the national dangerous drugs control board. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["position- assistant legal officer ", "service category - \u201cjunior manager\u201d "], "description": "no. of vacancies - 01 qualifications external candidates should have a degree in law recognized by the university grants commission, and is a lawyer in the supreme court ; should have 01 year experience lawyer and notary. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nof vacancies - 01 qualifications external candidates should have a degree in law recognized by the university grants commission, and is a lawyer in the supreme court ; should have 01 year experience lawyer and notary.", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["salary category "], "description": "salary scale - rs. (42,600 - 10 x 755 \u2013 18 x 1,135 - rs. 70,580/-) (government approved allowances are addition to salary) must be not less than 22 years and not more than 45 years. maximum age limit is not applicable for internal applicants. .\u2013 applicants should be able to carry out the duties entrusted to the post efficiently and should be able to any part of the island and should have a perfect physical and mental fitness as well as an excellent character. recruitment procedure. \u2013 will be recruited on the results of a written competitive examination and / structured interview decided by the recruitment authority. nature of appointment.\u2013 this is a permanent post and entitlement to employees provident fund and employees trust fund. application fee. \u2013 application fee rs. 500 shall be paid by any bank of ceylon branch to the account number 1643, maintained at bank of ceylon under \"national dangerous drugs control board\", please keep a copy of with you and send the original deposit slip attached application. the application fee will not be refunded. application forms should be sent to the chairman, national dangerous drugs control board, no. 383, kotte road, rajagiriya on or before 13.08.2021 under registered post. specimen application forms can be downloaded from nddcb web site: ( application must be prepared in \u201ca4\u201d paper using both-sides copies of certificates attached. state the post applied left hand top corner of the envelope. applicants employed in government/ corporations/ statutory boards should apply their applications through relevant institutions/ departments. incomplete applications / applications without the original deposit slip / applications without specimen application/attaching money or money orders application/ applications of internal applicants without the signature of the director general or chairman and delayed applications will be rejected without further notice. further, influencing to obtain this position in any manner will disqualification. the decision of the national dangerous drugs control board will be final. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n70,580/-) must be not less than 22 years and not more than 45 years. 500 shall be paid by any bank of ceylon branch to the account number 1643, maintained at bank of ceylon under \"national dangerous drugs control board\", please keep a copy of with you and send the original deposit slip attached application. application forms should be sent to the chairman, national dangerous drugs control board, no. specimen application forms can be downloaded from nddcb web site .your application must be prepared in \u201ca4\u201d paper using both-sides copies of certificates attached. applicants employed in government/ corporations/ statutory boards should apply their applications through relevant institutions/ departments. incomplete applications / applications without the original deposit slip / applications without specimen application/attaching money or money orders application/ applications of internal applicants without the signature of the director general or chairman and delayed applications will be rejected without further notice.", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["qualiications must be fulfilled in every way on the ", "closing date on which applications are received. "], "description": "language of reference to the above post. \u2013 applications should be referred in english language and using given national dangerous drugs control board. kotte road, rajagiriya. published date : 22.07.2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \npublished date 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 .", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "parliament of sri lanka", "title": [], "description": "method of recruitment. \u2013 on the merit of a structured terms and conditions of service applications are invited from citizens of sri lanka who are physically sound and of excellent moral character for the post of \u201c ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n\u2013 on the merit of a structured terms and conditions of service applications are invited from citizens of sri lanka who are physically sound and of excellent moral character for the post of \u201c", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["assistant secretary general "], "description": "the staff of the secretary-general of parliament. applications prepared in accordance with the specimen given below should be sent under registered cover ", "summary": "Summarized result: \napplications prepared in accordance with the specimen given below should be sent under registered cover", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["secretary-general of parliament, ", "parliament of ", "sri lanka, sri jayewardenepura kotte "], "description": "or before august 22, 2021 indicating \u201c ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["post of assistant ", "secretary - "], "description": "\u201d on the top left corner of the envelope. (this is accessible ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["assistant secretary \u2013 general of parliament "], "description": "salary scale. \u2013 according to the schedule i of the management services circular 06/2016 dated 07.11.2016, the monthly salary scale specified for this rs. 76,175 \u2013 12 x 2,170 \u2013 r s. 102,215 /- (the minimum initial gross monthly remuneration together with allowances will be approximately rs. 190,000.00) other benefits (i) official vehicle with driver (ii) prospects of overseas training (iii) allowances paid to the parliament staff .\u2013 should be not less than 30 years and not more than 40 years of age by the closing date for applications educational qualifications (i) ll.b degree offered by a university recognized by the university grants commission (ii) attorney-at-law of the supreme court. special consideration will be given to candidates who possess any one or more of the following. ) good knowledge on constitutional law, parliamentary practices and procedures ) good knowledge in administrative financial regulations of the government ) competence in information technology ) experience in the judicial service/ attorney- general\u2019s department (i) this post is permanent. pension entitlement pertaining to this post will be determined according to policy decisions taken by the government in future. appointment will be made subject to a three-year (3) probation period. if a person who has been confirmed in a permanent, pensionable post in the public/ provincial public service is selected, he / she will be appointed subject to an acting period of one year. (ii) the selected candidate will be subject financial departmental regulations applicable to the staff of the secretary - general of parliament. (iii) the selected candidate should contribute to the widows\u2019 orphans\u2019/widowers\u2019 and orphans\u2019 pension fund from his/her salary with a percentage specified by the government. (iv) the selected candidate will be subject to a medical examination. (v) a security clearance report with respect selected candidate will be obtained prior to his / her appointment. 7. applicants should attach to their application, copies (not originals) of the following certificates. originals of the certificates should be produced when called ) birth certificate ) certificates of educational qualifications ) certificates of professional qualifications ) certificates of experience 8. applicants serving in the public/ provincial public service should send their applications through relevant heads of departments / institutions. 9. canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. 10. applications received after the closing date or sent without copies of the relevant certificates or fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 10. experience (copies of the certificates should be attached) : 11. details of present employment: ) name and address of the institution: .................................................................................................................................................................................................... date of first appointment: ........................................................................................................................................... ) present post: ............................................................................................................................................................... ) monthly basic salary: ................................................................................................................................................. ) allowances: ................................................................................................................................................................... ) gross salary: .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12. have you been convicted for criminal offence by a court of law? (yes / no ) if yes, give details: . ............................................................................................................................................................ .................. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13. have you served under the government before? ( yes / no ) if yes, give details: ... ......................................................................................................................................................... \u2026\u2026..................................... ............................................................................................................................................... i do hereby certify that all the particulars furnished by me in this application are true and correct. i am also aware that, i am liable to be disqualified for this post if any particulars contained herein are found to be false or incorrect before selection, or to be dismissed without any compensation if such detection is made after appointment. certification of head of department/institution (only for applicants serving in the public service/provincial public service) secretary - general of parliament, i recommend and forward the application of mr / mrs /miss ............................... holding the post of ............... ........................................ in this institution. i certify that he/she has been confirmed in this post and his/her conduct are satisfactory and that he/she has not been subjected to any disciplinary action or there is no intention such inquiry. he/she can be released/cannot be released from the service if selected for this post. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n190, other benefits official vehicle with driver prospects of overseas training allowances paid to the parliament staff .\u2013 should be not less than 30 years and not more than 40 years of age by the closing date for applications educational qualifications ll.b degree offered by a university recognized by the university grants commission attorney-at-law of the supreme court. good knowledge on constitutional law, parliamentary practices and procedures ) good knowledge in administrative financial regulations of the government ) competence in information technology ) experience in the judicial service/ attorney- general\u2019s department this post is permanent. the selected candidate should contribute to the widows\u2019 orphans\u2019/widowers\u2019 and orphans\u2019 pension fund from his/her salary with a percentage specified by the government. originals of the certificates should be produced when called ) birth certificate ) certificates of educational qualifications ) certificates of professional qualifications ) certificates of experience applicants serving in the public/ provincial public service should send their applications through relevant heads of departments / institutions. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 experience details of present employment ) name and address of the institution .................................................................................................................................................................................................... date of first appointment ..........................................................................................................................................present post ..............................................................................................................................................................monthly basic salary ................................................................................................................................................allowances ..................................................................................................................................................................gross salary .............................................................................................................................................................................. have you been convicted for criminal offence by a court of law if yes, give details ... ......................................................................................................................................................... \u2026\u2026..................................... ............................................................................................................................................... i do hereby certify that all the particulars furnished by me in this application are true and correct. certification of head of department/institution secretary - general of parliament, i recommend and forward the application of mr / mrs /miss ............................... holding the post of ............... ........................................ in this institution.", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["health service committee of the public service commission "], "description": "recruitment to the post of dental surgeon in grade ii for the ministry of health \u2013 2021 to fulfill the vacancies of grade 2 dental surgeons as per the service requirements in the sri lankan health service, of the health service committee of the public service commission applications are called by the ministry of health from the applicants who satisfy the qualifications given under paragraph 04 herein. applications prepared in accordance vacancy list for attachment and form for declaration of options appended at the end of this notification will be accepted on ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nrecruitment to the post of dental surgeon in grade ii for the ministry of health \u2013 2021 to fulfill the vacancies of grade 2 dental surgeons as per the service requirements in the sri lankan health service, of the health service committee of the public service commission applications are called by the ministry of health from the applicants who satisfy the qualifications given under paragraph 04 herein.", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" of august "], "description": "at office of directorate of dental services from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. officers of the office of director (dental services) will assist you on location on the above said dates in verifying your certificates and marking options for service stations. to obtain a date and a time for the afore said process you will have to contact the office of director (dental services) via the telephone number 0112-692846. 02. in terms of the public administration circular no.03/2016 this post carries the salary scale rs. 52,955 - 645x4 - 1335x3 - 1345x7 - 1630x2 - 2170x16 \u2013 104,355/- (sl \u2013 2-2016) monthly (sl- 2-2016). in addition, recruits are entitled to allowances paid according to public and departmental circulars and the recruits should pass the first efficiency bar examination before reaching the fourth salary step of this scale. 03. this post is permanent and pensionable. you will be subjected to any policy decision taken by the government in respect of the pension scheme and your appointment is subjected to a probation period of three years from the appointment. furthermore you will be subjected to orders of the public service commission, procedural rules of the public service commission, provisions of the establishment code, financial regulations and, rules and regulations issued from time to time by the government. in addition, in terms of the public administration circular 01/2014 dated 21.01.2014 required to obtain the official language proficiency before expiry of five years from the date of appointment. in case of failure to do so, your increments will be stopped. 04. merit list for recruitment to this post will be prepared based on the merit list issued by the faculty of dental sciences, university of peradeniya concerning the dental surgeons who have obtained their bds from the university of peradeniya and merit list issued from sri lanka medical council concerning those who hold a foreign degree in dentistry. 05. applications of graduates will be considered according to the order in the merit list. 06. copies of the following should be attached to applications and originals of them should be submitted on 4 of august for verification. ) duly perfected applications certified with the signature and form for declaration of options. ) three (03) copies of the birth certificate. ) three (03) copies of the registration certificate of sri lanka medical council. ) three (03) photocopies of the national identity card showing both sides. 07. applicants may obtain the merit list, vacancy list, notification on recruitment of dental surgeons and form for declaration of options from the website o r from the office of director (dental services). 08. when marking preferences for service stations in the form for declaration of options, all applicants are advised hereby to mark a number of choices equal to or more than the merit number. by the order of health service committee of public service commission h. munasinghe, secretary, ministry of health. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 priority cadre vacancies to be filled by post intern dental surgeons - 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ...................................., signature of the applicant. date :................ new appointment list - 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 priority cadre vacancies to be filled by post intern dental surgeons - 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 . date ................ new appointment list - 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'07'22 .", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": ". (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": ". (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": ". (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": ". (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": ". (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": ". (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 22.07.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021", "date": "2021-07-23", "url": ""}]
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "kalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nkalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department ",
"title": [
"post of registrar of muslim ",
" marriages (sinhala/tamil) "
"description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.(maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil (relevant language for the post) with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( ) of the registrar general’s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 .",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "ministry of education",
"title": [
"recruitment of bachelor of education graduates ",
"in special education, drama and theatre to grade 2-II of the sri lanka\nteachers’ service - 2021\nfor sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies\nexisting in national and\nprovincial schools islandwide "
"description": "applications are being called from male and female applicants for therecruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama \n& theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers serviceto fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in nationaland provincial schools islandwide. applications prepared as per thespecimen given at the end of this notification should be sent underregistered post on or before the following date according toinstructions given in section 8.4 of this gazette notification. (a) \nclosing date of applications will be 03.09. 2021 .— complaints onmisplacing or delaying an application or a letter in its connectionin post will not be entertained. the applicants themselves will haveto bear the repercussions of delaying applications till the closingdate. 02. method of recruitment : 2.1 applicants, who have fulfilledthe qualifications stated in 5.1 or 5.2 of this notification, shouldface a general interview to check whether the applicants havefulfilled the required qualifications. 2.2 applicants, who qualifyfrom the general interview will be subjected to a practical test interms of section 9.2 of this notification to evaluate teachinglearning skills required for the profession. recruitments will bemade based on schools according to the number of vacancies upon thepriority of total marks obtained by the applicant at the practicaltest. the applicants, who have not fulfilled the qualifications will berejected at the general interview. 2.3 recruitments will be made onlyupon the number of vacancies exist at the time of recruitment and thelist of vacancies will be exhibited to the applicants at thepractical test. accordingly, the applicants should indicate the orderof their preference at the interview. vacancies in provincial schoolswill be filled only upon the concurrence of the provinces. : accordingto the schools based system, priority will be given to highest marks.\n furthermore, when more than one applicant have applied for the sameschool, the eligible applicant will be selected upon a specificmarking scheme approved by the secretary to the ministry of education. \n 2.4 since recruitments for these vacancies based on schools, \ntransfers will not be given under any condition before the completionof a period of 05 years. 2.5 list of vacancies provincial schoolsnational schools 03. employment conditions : i. this post is permanent.\n the pension scheme entitled for this post will be subjected to policydecisions made by the government in future. ii. the officersappointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three (03) \n years and they should pass the first efficiency bar examination withinthe aforesaid period of three (03) years. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xldm%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazetteof the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 iii. \nshould obtain proficiency in official language in terms of the publicadministration circular 01/2014 and other circulars incidental thereto.\n iv. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, \n establishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financialrules of the government and other departmental rules. v. thisappointment will be subjected to the provisions of the service minuteof the sri lanka teachers’ service published in the gazetteextraordinary of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. \n1885/38 of 23.10.2014 and any future amendment made thereto as well asthe general conditions related to public service appointments. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: applications are being called from male and female applicants for therecruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama \n& theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers serviceto fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in nationaland provincial schools islandwide. method of recruitment 1 applicants, \nwho have fulfilled the qualifications stated in 1 or 2 of thisnotification, should face a general interview to check whether theapplicants have fulfilled the required qualifications. 2 applicants, whoqualify from the general interview will be subjected to a practicaltest in terms of section 2 of this notification to evaluate teachinglearning skills required for the profession. recruitments will be madebased on schools according to the number of vacancies upon the priorityof total marks obtained by the applicant at the practical test. 4 sincerecruitments for these vacancies based on schools, transfers will not begiven under any condition before the completion of a period of 05years. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, \nestablishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financialrules of the government and other departmental rules.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "",
"title": [
"recruitment of b. ed. graduates ",
"in special "
"description": "education, drama and theatre to grade 2-ii ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "",
"title": [
"of the sri lanka teachers service for sinhala, ",
"tamil and english medium vacancies existing ",
"in national and provincial schools islandwide "
"description": "” should mandatorily be stated on top left hand corner of the envelope. 9.1 general interview - marks will not be awarded for the general interview. : objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 in accordance therewith and evaluating physical qualifications. 9.2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. marks allocated will be allocated as follows. note 5 .— objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 9.2.1 methodology of the practical test : duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. (ii) maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five (25) marks. (iii) minimum 02 marks under each criterion should be achieved in order to pass the practical test. (iv) evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education. 9.2.2 objective of the criteria : ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . 2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. note 5 .— objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 1 methodology of the practical test duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five marks. evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["university hospital ", "general sir ", "john kotelawala ", "defence university ", "general sir john kotelawala ", "defence university ", "hospitle calls applications from ", "qualified persons for the following posts. "], "description": "01. medical officer - grade i qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. ii. a minimum of six (06) years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". recognized qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the (extaordinary) no: 1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. iv. certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc) salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,585.00 02. medical officer - grade ii qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. ii. a minimum of two (02) years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,185.00 03. medical officer - preliminary grade qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rs. 60,050.00 4. perfusionist qualifications.- i. should have obtained the degree of physics with grade pass accepted by university grant commission. .\u2013 must be not less than 22 years more than 45 years. salary scale .\u2013 ma 4- rs. 37,970 - 10x755 -15x930 -5x1,135 - rs. 65,145) perfusionist grade iii will be placed on ma 4 step 1 - rs. 37,910.00 5. orthopedic work shop mechanic qualifications.- i. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate, diploma in (electrical fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 and electronic) awarded by open universities not less than level 5 (nvq 5). ii. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate not less than level 5 (nvq 5) higher national diploma in (electrical and electronic) engineering awarded by the ministry of education and higher education ; iii. should have obtained a certificate of than 5 levels (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate recognized by the tertiary and vocational eduation commission in respect of the post. .\u2013 must be not less 18 years and than 45 years. salary scale. \u2013 ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) orthopedic workshop mechanic grade iii placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 6. audiology technician qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate ; ii. must be registered with the sri lanka medical council to work in sri lanka as an audiologist technician. .\u2013 must be not less than 18 years more than 45 years. salary scale. \u2013 ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) audiology technician grade iii will be placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n medical officer - grade i qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of six years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,00 medical officer - grade ii qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of two years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,00 medical officer - preliminary grade qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rsma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 30,00 audiology technician qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 of the national vocational qualification certificate ; iima 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["general conditions : "], "description": "in the general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital or at any other place island, as may be determined by the university administration. shall be of excellent moral character. the applicants should have completed all requisite qualifications by the closing date of applications. these posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts are subject to a probation period of three (03) years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, medical officer grade ii posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one (01) year. contribution of the employee to employees provident fund (epf) is 10% and the university will contribute 15% for (epf) and 3% for employees trust fund (etf). (subject to revisions that may be introduced by parliament dully complete applications with certified copies of relevant certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \"executive director, university hospital, general sir john kotelawala defence university, werahera\" or before on 25.10.2021. the post applied should be indicated on left hand corner of the envelope. general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital reserves the right to shortlist prospective applicants. incomplete or late applications and those which do not comply wiht the prescribed format will be rejected. 10. application and other relevant details could be downloaded from the kdu website ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthese posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts are subject to a probation period of three years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, medical officer grade ii posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one year. (subject to revisions that may be introduced by parliament dully complete applications with certified copies of relevant certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \"executive director, university hospital, general sir john kotelawala defence university, werahera\" or before on the post applied should be indicated on left hand corner of the envelope.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" "], "description": "wwv rwp rsp usp ndc psc mphil. secretary, ministry of defence. 1. should be a citizen of sri lanka. shall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nshall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 .", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["sri lanka air force "], "description": "amendment to government gazette no. 2245 published on 10th september 2021 professional / academic qualifications.- . electronics engineering branch (1) research officer - male / female (volunteer) group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator (project) professor/doctorate level qualified professionals: posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. (2) squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals: possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. basic entry requirements age limit : as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years instructions to applicants applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below. all cages of the application should be completed neatly with as much details as possible. applications should be addressed to \" ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nelectronics engineering branch research officer - male / female group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator professor/doctorate level qualified professionals posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. basic entry requirements age limit as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years instructions to applicants applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["command recruiting ", "officer, sri lanka air force trade training school, kotugoda "], "description": "\" so as to reach him not later than noon on 22 october 2021 under registered cover. the envelope enclosing the application should be marked \" ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n\" so as to reach him not later than noon on 22 october 2021 under registered cover.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["application for research officer "], "description": "\". applications received after the closing date and not in accordance with the requirements of this notification and not in registered post mail will not be entertained. pay and allowances the salary scales of the commissioned officers of sri lanka air force are as follows. wwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc (moa) usa, msc (def stu) in mgt, m phil (ind), mim (sl), ndc (ind), psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, p.o. box. 594, colombo 02. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nwwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc usa, msc in mgt, m phil , mim , ndc , psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, p.o. 594, colombo fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 .", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "the registrar general's department", "title": ["post of registrar of birth and ", "notice of cancellation ", "galle district "], "description": " the calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 (iia) of the the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no. 2241 dated 13.08.2021 is cancelled hereby. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general. registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}]
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "registrar general's department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births and deaths - ",
"tamil medium ",
"ampara district "
"description": "applications are called for the post of registrar of births and deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant registrar of births and deaths division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. .- in case a subject contains 02 parts at g.c.e. any other similar examination, it shall be considered subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 05. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and enable easy access by all or majority of residents. under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited candidate for post of the registrar of births and deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building located in the close proximity within 01 km from the hospitle. 06. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births and deaths, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 07. relevant application and the said \"annex inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ag office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the official website ( lk) of the registrar general's department. 08. duly filled application should be forwarded before 06.12.2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general, registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla. 18th october, 2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'11'05 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 05.11.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are called for the post of registrar of births and deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant registrar of births and deaths division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited candidate for post of the registrar of births and deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building located in the close proximity within 01 km from the hospitle. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births and deaths, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \"annex inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-11-05",
"url": ""
"department": "registrar general's department",
"title": [
"registrar general's department ",
"post of registrar of muslim ",
"marriages (sinhala/tamil) ",
"ampara district "
"description": "applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil (relevant language for the post ) with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. - in case a subject contains 02 parts at g.c.e. any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. (possession of moulavi certificate or diploma in arabic language shall be considered as fulfillment of aforesaid basic qualification. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notice exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \"annex - 01\" inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ag office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off icial website (ww of the registrar general's department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded before 06.12.2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w.m.m.b. weerasekara registrar general, registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla. 18th october, 2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'11'05 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce (o/l examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notice exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \"annex - 01\" inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-11-05",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ", "(kandyan/general) sinhala "], "description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general\u2019s department. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ", "(kandyan/general) sinhala "], "description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ", "(kandyan/general) sinhala "], "description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ", "(kandyan/general) sinhala "], "description": "kalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general\u2019s department. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nkalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department ", "title": ["post of registrar of muslim ", " marriages (sinhala/tamil) "], "description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.(maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil (relevant language for the post) with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( ) of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 .", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "ministry of education", "title": ["recruitment of bachelor of education graduates ", "in special education, "], "description": "drama and theatre to grade 2-ii of the ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["sri lanka "], "description": "teachers\u2019 service - 2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["for sinhala, tamil and english ", "medium vacancies ", "existing in national and ", "provincial schools islandwide "], "description": "applications are being called from male and female applicants for the recruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama & theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers service to fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in national and provincial schools islandwide. applications prepared as per the specimen given at the end of this notification should be sent under registered post on or before the following date according to instructions given in section 8.4 of this gazette notification. (a) closing date of applications will be 03.09. 2021 .\u2014 complaints on misplacing or delaying an application or a letter in its connection in post will not be entertained. the applicants themselves will have to bear the repercussions of delaying applications till the closing date. 02. method of recruitment : 2.1 applicants, who have fulfilled the qualifications stated in 5.1 or 5.2 of this notification, should face a general interview to check whether the applicants have fulfilled the required qualifications. 2.2 applicants, who qualify from the general interview will be subjected to a practical test in terms of section 9.2 of this notification to evaluate teaching learning skills required for the profession. recruitments will be made based on schools according to the number of vacancies upon the priority of total marks obtained by the applicant at the practical test. the applicants, who have not fulfilled the qualifications will be rejected at the general interview. 2.3 recruitments will be made only upon the number of vacancies exist at the time of recruitment and the list of vacancies will be exhibited to the applicants at the practical test. accordingly, the applicants should indicate the order of their preference at the interview. vacancies in provincial schools will be filled only upon the concurrence of the provinces. : according to the schools based system, priority will be given to highest marks. furthermore, when more than one applicant have applied for the same school, the eligible applicant will be selected upon a specific marking scheme approved by the secretary to the ministry of education. 2.4 since recruitments for these vacancies based on schools, transfers will not be given under any condition before the completion of a period of 05 years. 2.5 list of vacancies provincial schools national schools 03. employment conditions : i. this post is permanent. the pension scheme entitled for this post will be subjected to policy decisions made by the government in future. ii. the officers appointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three (03) years and they should pass the first efficiency bar examination within the aforesaid period of three (03) years. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 iii. should obtain proficiency in official language in terms of the public administration circular 01/2014 and other circulars incidental thereto. iv. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, establishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial rules of the government and other departmental rules. v. this appointment will be subjected to the provisions of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers\u2019 service published in the gazette extraordinary of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. 1885/38 of 23.10.2014 and any future amendment made thereto as well as the general conditions related to public service appointments. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are being called from male and female applicants for the recruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama & theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers service to fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in national and provincial schools islandwide. method of recruitment 1 applicants, who have fulfilled the qualifications stated in 1 or 2 of this notification, should face a general interview to check whether the applicants have fulfilled the required qualifications. 2 applicants, who qualify from the general interview will be subjected to a practical test in terms of section 2 of this notification to evaluate teaching learning skills required for the profession. recruitments will be made based on schools according to the number of vacancies upon the priority of total marks obtained by the applicant at the practical test. 4 since recruitments for these vacancies based on schools, transfers will not be given under any condition before the completion of a period of 05 years. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, establishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial rules of the government and other departmental rules.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["salary scale "], "description": "administration no. 03/2016, this post is entitled to ge 02-2016 with a salary scale of rs. 33,300-495x5-680x5-825x7- 1,335x20- rs.71,650/-. (monthly). they placed in step 3 of this salary scale at rs. 34,290/-. in addition, you will be entitled to any other allowance granted to public officers from time to time government. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n03/2016, this post is entitled to ge 02-2016 with a salary scale of rs. in addition, you will be entitled to any other allowance granted to public officers from time to time government.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["educational qualifications "], "description": "5.1 in terms of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers service, possessing a bachelor of education degree in special education or drama and theatre obtained from a university recognized by the university grants commission or a degree awarding institution recognized by the university grants commission assing sinhala language or tamil language as a subject at g. c. e. (o/l) examination .\u2014 applicants who have qualified from examinations conducted by the commissioner general of examinations and recognized as equal to local g. c. e. (o/l) may also apply. 06 age limit age as at 03.09. 2021 minimum limit : 18 years maximum limit : 40 years accordingly, the applicants, whose date of birth has fallen before 03.09. 2003 or after 03.09.1981 will only be eligible to apply. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n1 in terms of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers service, possessing a bachelor of education degree in special education or drama and theatre obtained from a university recognized by the university grants commission or a degree awarding institution recognized by the university grants commission assing sinhala language or tamil language as a subject at g. c. e. examination .\u2014 applicants who have qualified from examinations conducted by the commissioner general of examinations and recognized as equal to local g. c. e. may also apply.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["other qualifications "], "description": "i. applicants should be sri lankan citizens. ii. applicants should be of exemplary character. iii. should have fulfilled all qualifications required for the post as at closing date of applications stated in this notification. iv. should be physically and mentally fit to any part of sri lanka. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ni. applicants should be sri lankan citizens. should have fulfilled all qualifications required for the post as at closing date of applications stated in this notification. should be physically and mentally fit to any part of sri lanka.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["method of application "], "description": "8.1 application should be in accordance with the specimen given in this notification, prepared using both sides of an a4 sheet and should have completed the applicant himself. from 1.0 to 5.0 of the application should be in the first page while 6.0 to 9.0 in the second page. applications not in accordance with the specimen as well as incomplete applications will be rejected without prior notice. (it may be beneficial to keep a copy of the application) 8.2 subject applied or the language medium will not be changed and appeals in its regard will not be entertained. 8.3 an applicant may submit only one application. 8.4 applicants, who have fulfilled the qualifications required in 5.1 or 5.2 may forward the perfected application under registered post to reach \u201csenior assistant secretary, establishment branch, ministry of education, isurupaya, battaramulla\u201d on or before 03.09. 2021. 8.5 furthermore, the title of the application in sinhala medium applications should be in english in addition to sinhala while in tamil medium applications should be in english in addition to ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n1 application should be in accordance with the specimen given in this notification, prepared using both sides of an a4 sheet and should have completed the applicant himself. 4 applicants, who have fulfilled the qualifications required in 1 or 2 may forward the perfected application under registered post to reach \u201csenior assistant secretary, establishment branch, ministry of education, isurupaya, battaramulla\u201d on or before 5 furthermore, the title of the application in sinhala medium applications should be in english in addition to sinhala while in tamil medium applications should be in english in addition to", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["recruitment of b. ed. graduates ", "in special "], "description": "education, drama and theatre to grade 2-ii ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["of the sri lanka teachers service for sinhala, ", "tamil and english medium vacancies existing ", "in national and provincial schools islandwide "], "description": "\u201d should mandatorily be stated on top left hand corner of the envelope. 9.1 general interview - marks will not be awarded for the general interview. : objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 in accordance therewith and evaluating physical qualifications. 9.2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. marks allocated will be allocated as follows. note 5 .\u2014 objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 9.2.1 methodology of the practical test : duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. (ii) maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five (25) marks. (iii) minimum 02 marks under each criterion should be achieved in order to pass the practical test. (iv) evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education. 9.2.2 objective of the criteria : ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . 2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. note 5 .\u2014 objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 1 methodology of the practical test duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five marks. evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["clarity in communication. "], "description": "evaluating effective communication teaching learning process. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["time management. "], "description": "evaluating the ability to achieve expected objectives within the prescribed timeframe. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["presentation methods. "], "description": "evaluating the perfect use of presentation skills to achieve the objective. 10. instructions to complete the application : use only the following schedule 01 in completing the application. schedule 01 11. officers currently engaged in public service should mandatorily submit applications with 9.0 of the application attested by the head of the department. 12. candidates, who fail to attend the interview prescribed date will not be considered again. 13. all certificates should be submitted at the interview while no certificate submitted later will be accepted. 14. the secretary to the ministry of education will reserve the right of determining any matter not covered from this notice as well as the right of final and conclusive decision relating to filling or not filling a part or entire vacancies. 15. in the event of any inconsistancy among sinhala, tamil and english texts of this notification, the sinhala text shall prevail. secretary. ministry of education, isurupaya, pelawatta, battaramulla, 27th july 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 details of educational qualifications 6.0 details of higher educational qualifications university issued effective date of the degree main subject / subjects followed for the degree medium of the degree 7.0 i hereby declare that the particulars stated here are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. i that i would be subjected to dismissal from service if found not eligible for this post. i will not change later any information stated here. signature of the applicant 8.0 attestation of the signature of the applicant : mr./ mrs./ miss. \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.., who is submitting this application is personally known to me and i certify that he/ she has placed his / her signature on \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. before me and he/she has prescribed examination fee and pasted the receipt. ................................ signature of the officer attesting the signature full name of the attesting officer designation 9.0 if the applicant is a public servant, the attestation of the head of the institution i hereby forward the application of mr./ mrs./ miss. \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 he / she serves as a permanent / temporary / casual employee of this ministry / department and he / she can / cannot be released from ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nministry of education, isurupaya, pelawatta, battaramulla, 27th july fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 details of educational qualifications 0 details of higher educational qualifications university issued effective date of the degree main subject / subjects followed for the degree medium of the degree 0 i hereby declare that the particulars stated here are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.., who is submitting this application is personally known to me and i certify that he/ she has placed his / her signature on \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. ................................ signature of the officer attesting the signature full name of the attesting officer designation 0 if the applicant is a public servant, the attestation of the head of the institution i hereby forward the application of mr./ mrs./ miss.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "ministry of public services, ", "title": ["examinations, results of examinations & c. ", "provincial councils ", "and local ", "government ", "limited competitive examination ", "for recruitment ", "to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative ", "service - "], "description": "applications are invited from qualified citizens of sri lanka for the limited competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in grade iii of the sri lanka administrative the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november. the secretary reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission. in this notice, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are invited from qualified citizens of sri lanka for the limited competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in grade iii of the sri lanka administrative the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "the ministry in charge of the subject of public ", "title": ["\u201csecretary\u201d ", "\u201cthe secretary to ", "administration\u201d "], "description": "b. the term otherwise specified, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["\u201cthe sri lanka administrative service\u201d "], "description": " under this examination, recruitment will be made to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service (a) applications for this examination can be submitted from 07th of august 2021 till 24:00 hrs 06 september 2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["written examination \u2013 "], "description": " this examination shall consist of four (04) question papers as follows. general intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code, procedural rules of the public services commission and financial regulations) case studies relevant to public administration ii (relating to the testing of creative, analytical and communicative skills) ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ngeneral intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i case studies relevant to public administration ii ", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["interview \u2013 "], "description": " a general interview and a structured interview will be held for the candidates who sat for all the question papers of the written examination and obtained the highest aggregate marks as determined by the public service commission as adequate. the date of the interview decided by the secretary as per the instructions of the public service commission. the number to be appointed will be 42. in an instance where the candidates who have obtained equal marks for the final vacancy or final few vacancies are exceeding the number of vacancies, the decision on filling such number of vacancies will be made by the public service commission as per section 80 of the procedural rules. the effective date of the appointment will be determined on the orders public services commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \na general interview and a structured interview will be held for the candidates who sat for all the question papers of the written examination and obtained the highest aggregate marks as determined by the public service commission as adequate. the number to be appointed will be in an instance where the candidates who have obtained equal marks for the final vacancy or final few vacancies are exceeding the number of vacancies, the decision on filling such number of vacancies will be made by the public service commission as per section 80 of the procedural rules.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["conditions of service \u2013 "], "description": "4.1 a selected candidate will be appointed to grade iii of the service subject to the general conditions governing the appointments of the public service, terms and conditions set out in the service minute of the sri lanka administrative service published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1842/2 of 23.12.2013 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, amendments made or to be made in future to that service minute, provisions of the establishments code and financial regulations and the procedural rules of public service commission published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1589/30 of 20.02.2009. 4.2 this post is permanent and pensionable. the candidates are required to contribute to the widows\u2019/ widowers\u2019 and orphans pension 4.3 this appointment is subject to an acting period of one year. the candidates should pass the first efficiency bar examination within 03 years from the recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service as mentioned in the service minute. 4.4 the candidates should acquire proficiency official languages before expiry of three (03) years from the recruitment to the post as per the public administration circular no. 18/2020 dated 16.10.2020 and circulars incidental thereto. 4.5 the appointments of the applicants who assume duties of the post offered to him and/ or reject or avoid the assumption of duties of a post or an area where he is appointed, on the fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 prescribed date shall be cancelled upon the orders of the public service commission. 05. monthly salary scale the monthly salary scale applicable to this post as per schedule i of public administration circular no. 03/2016 dated 25.02.2016 is rs. 47,615 - 10 x 1,335 \u2013 8 x 17 x 2,170 - 110,895/- (sl - i -2016). in addition you will also be entitled to other allowances paid to public officers by the government from time to time. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n1 a selected candidate will be appointed to grade iii of the service subject to the general conditions governing the appointments of the public service, terms and conditions set out in the service minute of the sri lanka administrative service published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1842/2 of 2013 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, amendments made or to be made in future to that service minute, provisions of the establishments code and financial regulations and the procedural rules of public service commission published in the gazette extraordinary no. the candidates should pass the first efficiency bar examination within 03 years from the recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service as mentioned in the service minute. 4 the candidates should acquire proficiency official languages before expiry of three years from the recruitment to the post as per the public administration circular no. 5 the appointments of the applicants who assume duties of the post offered to him and/ or reject or avoid the assumption of duties of a post or an area where he is appointed, on the fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 prescribed date shall be cancelled upon the orders of the public service commission.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["recruitment qualifications "], "description": "b. educational qualifications and experience should be an officer in a permanent and pensionable service/ post in public service or provincial public service drawing a salary under the salary code of mn 2-2016 or above mn code or the salary code of sl 1-2016 as mentioned in the public administration circular no. 03/2016 with five (05) years of active and satisfactory period of service in that service/ post. 1. the effective date of the degree should be of fulfilling the qualifications or a prior date. considered when computing the above mentioned period of service. c. age and other qualifications to be satisfied i. should be not more than fifty three (53) years of age as at the date of fulfilling the qualifications. accordingly, only the persons whose birthdays fall on or after 31.12.1967 are eligible to apply examination. ii. should have been confirmed in a service/ post referred to in 6 (b) above. the officers who have completed all qualifications required to sit for the examination as per section no. the examination notice and completed all the qualifications required for confirmation in service according relevant service minute/ scheme of recruitment, received the letter of confirmation in service/ post issued by the respective appointing authority may also apply examination. however, such officers, 1. should have passed the efficiency bar examination relevant to the confirmation in service as at the date of examining the qualifications. 2. should compulsorily produce the letter of confirmation in service at the time they appear for the interview if they pass this examination and qualify for the general interview. (the date of confirmation in service should be effective on or before the date of examining the qualifications.) d. restrictions on qualifications fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 07. examination fee the fee for the examination will be rs. 1200/-. when the examination fee is paid, the payments should only through the following payment methods provided in the online system. i. any bank credit cards ii. any bank debit cards with internet payment iii. bank of ceylon online banking system iv. bank of ceylon teller slip payment v. postal department payment at any post office note .\u2013 instructions on the manner in which the payments are made through the above methods are published under technical instructions in the website of the department of examinations. acknowledgement of the payment will be informed by an sms or email. the full amount of the examination fee should be paid and the applications for which the payments have been made less or more than the examination fee will be rejected. the department of examinations be responsible for the errors occurring in the payment of examination fees by the above payment methods. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nb. educational qualifications and experience should be an officer in a permanent and pensionable service/ post in public service or provincial public service drawing a salary under the salary code of mn 2-2016 or above mn code or the salary code of sl 1-2016 as mentioned in the public administration circular no. the examination notice and completed all the qualifications required for confirmation in service according relevant service minute/ scheme of recruitment, received the letter of confirmation in service/ post issued by the respective appointing authority may also apply examination. however, such officers, should have passed the efficiency bar examination relevant to the confirmation in service as at the date of examining the qualifications. bank of ceylon teller slip payment v. postal department payment at any post office note .\u2013 instructions on the manner in which the payments are made through the above methods are published under technical instructions in the website of the department of examinations.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["method of application "], "description": "(a) the relevant application has been published website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. once the application is submitted online, it should be downloaded and the signature of the applicant should be attested in the printed copy with certification of the head of the institution if applicable. thereafter, that printed copy of the application should be sent by the registered post to reach the commissioner general examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b. 1503, colombo on or before the closing date of applications. \u201c ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n the relevant application has been published website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. thereafter, that printed copy of the application should be sent by the registered post to reach the commissioner general examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["limited competitive ", "examination for recruitment to grade iii of "], "description": "the sri lanka administrative services \u2013 2021\u201d should be clearly marked on the top left corner of the envelope. the closing date of applications will of september 2021. note.\u2014 the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail will not be considered. (the inconveniences that may cause due to the sending applications until the closing date should be borne by the applicant himself.) the post and service station of the applicants time of applying for the examination is considered for all matters with regard to the examination and the changes that occur after sending the applications will not be considered. ) applications that are not completed in every aspect will be rejected. no complaints on the loss or delay of the applications will be entertained. ) immediately after the issuance of admission cards to the applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such notice, steps should be taken to make inquiries thereon from the department of examinations in the manner specified in the notice. the name of the examination and the full name, address and national identity card number of the applicant should be correctly mentioned when making such inquiry. in case of an applicant outside colombo, it would be advisable to send a request letter to the fax number stated in that notice, indicating a fax number to obtain a copy of the admission card by way of fax. it would also be advisable to keep the copy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fee and receipt of postal registration in hand to confirm any matter inquired by the department of examinations. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nimmediately after the issuance of admission cards to the applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such notice, steps should be taken to make inquiries thereon from the department of examinations in the manner specified in the notice. in case of an applicant outside colombo, it would be advisable to send a request letter to the fax number stated in that notice, indicating a fax number to obtain a copy of the admission card by way of fax. it would also be advisable to keep the copy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fee and receipt of postal registration in hand to confirm any matter inquired by the department of examinations.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["admission to the examination - "], "description": ") on the assumption that only those who possess the qualifications mentioned in the notification have sent applications, the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to the applicants who fall within the age limit specified in the notice and who have paid the relevant examination fees and duly submitted their applications through online and sent printed copy by registered post on or before the closing date of applications. candidates should sit the examination examination hall assigned to them. every candidate should get his admission card attested in advance and produce it to the supervisor of the hall on the first day he presents himself for the examination. a set of rules to be observed by every candidate is published in this . candidates fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations on conducting the examination. he or she liable to be subjected to a punishment imposed by the commissioner general of examinations of violation of such rules and regulations. : the issuance of an admission card to a candidate shall not be treated as an acceptance that he or she has fulfilled a qualification to sit the examination. : (i) candidates should answer all question papers in one medium of language. (ii) candidates will not be allowed to change the medium of examination mentioned in the application form. 14. method of recruitment ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n) on the assumption that only those who possess the qualifications mentioned in the notification have sent applications, the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to the applicants who fall within the age limit specified in the notice and who have paid the relevant examination fees and duly submitted their applications through online and sent printed copy by registered post on or before the closing date of applications. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations on conducting the examination.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["identity of candidates ", "written examination : "], "description": "candidates of the examination shall be required to prove his/her identity at the examination hall satisfaction of the supervisor for each subject he/she appears for. for this purpose, any of the following documents will be accepted. (i) national identity card (ii) valid passport. (iii) valid driving license of sri lanka, furthermore, the candidates should enter the examination hall without covering their faces and ears in order to prove their identity. the applicants who refuse to prove their identity in the said manner shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall. moreover, the applicants should remain examination hall from the time of entering leaving the examination hall upon completion of the examination without covering the face enabling the invigilators to identify the applicants. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n valid driving license of sri lanka, furthermore, the candidates should enter the examination hall without covering their faces and ears in order to prove their identity. moreover, the applicants should remain examination hall from the time of entering leaving the examination hall upon completion of the examination without covering the face enabling the invigilators to identify the applicants.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["penalty for false information "], "description": "if it is revealed that a candidate does not possess the required qualifications, his / her candidature is liable to be annulled at any stage before, during or after the examination. if it is revealed that false information has been furnished by a candidate within him/ her knowledge or if he/ she has willfully suppressed a material fact, he or she will be liable for dismissal from the public service. matters not provided for in these regulations dealt with as decided by the secretary subject to the order of the public service commission. a written examination constituting four (04) question papers in the following subjects will be conducted. the minimum marks to be obtained from each subject are as follows. the applicants should sit for all the question papers. general interview ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nif it is revealed that a candidate does not possess the required qualifications, his / her candidature is liable to be annulled at any stage before, during or after the examination. if it is revealed that false information has been furnished by a candidate within him/ her knowledge or if he/ she has willfully suppressed a material fact, he or she will be liable for dismissal from the public service. a written examination constituting four question papers in the following subjects will be conducted.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["procedure of examination and ", "medium of ", "examination "], "description": " fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 been fulfilled and whether the applicants have complied with the restrictions on eligibility. (ii). the board of general interview will be appointed by the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nfpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 been fulfilled and whether the applicants have complied with the restrictions on eligibility.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["(b) structured interview - "], "description": "a structured interview will be conducted board of interview appointed by the public service commission in accordance with the following marking scheme to measure the managerial skills, leadership qualities, communication skills and personality of the applicants. the maximum marks that can be earned at that interview will be twenty five (25). opportunity given to a candidate for appearing for the interview shall not be treated as a completion of qualifications to be awarded an appointment. the commissioner general of examinations will convey the results to all applicants who appeared examination, personally by post or on the website 15. syllabus of the written examination - (01) general intelligence it is expected to assess the intelligence level of the candidate in analytical skills, logical comprehension, interpretative ability, ability in application to other situations and arriving at conclusions in response to problems presented to the candidate in relation to numerical, lingual and figurative structures and inter-relations. (duration: 1 \u00bd hours.- 100 marks. this question paper shall consist of multiple choice questions. all questions should be answered.) (02) social, economic, political background in sri lanka and global trends it is expected to test the candidate\u2019s knowledge of social, economic, political, cultural, scientific and technological conditions locally and globally or his ability to think creatively, analytically and critically and the ability to decide priority and strategic projection in response to situations presented to him. (duration: 3 hours.- 100 marks. this question paper shall consist of the multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, structured essay type questions and essay type questions. all questions should be answered.) (03) case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code , procedural fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 rules of the public service commission and financial regulations) it is expected to test the candidate\u2019s creative thinking power and problem solving ability in terms of the practice of government service as per the establishments code and the financial regulations by presenting to him a case/ cases built up connecting one or several problems that may arise in different environments in the public (duration : 3 hours- 100 marks. this question paper shall consist of the multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, structured essay type questions and essay type questions. all questions should be answered.) (04) case studies relevant to public administration ii (relating to the evaluation of creative, analytical and communicative skills) it is expected to test the candidate\u2019s ability for reasoning and imagination in relation to the analyzing, collating and presenting of information on a topic/theme selected candidate from a given set of topics/ themes; and the ability to comprehend a complex passage, a piece of writing memorandum and express the salient ideas thereof concisely, clearly and accurately in the candidate\u2019s own words. (duration : 3 hours - 100 marks. all questions should be answered.) in the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the texts published in this notice in sinhala, tamil and english languages, the sinhala text shall prevail. by order of the public service commission, secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. of july 2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n syllabus of the written examination - general intelligence it is expected to assess the intelligence level of the candidate in analytical skills, logical comprehension, interpretative ability, ability in application to other situations and arriving at conclusions in response to problems presented to the candidate in relation to numerical, lingual and figurative structures and inter-relations. social, economic, political background in sri lanka and global trends it is expected to test the candidate\u2019s knowledge of social, economic, political, cultural, scientific and technological conditions locally and globally or his ability to think creatively, analytically and critically and the ability to decide priority and strategic projection in response to situations presented to him. this question paper shall consist of the multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, structured essay type questions and essay type questions. all questions should be answered.) case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code , procedural fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 rules of the public service commission and financial regulations) it is expected to test the candidate\u2019s creative thinking power and problem solving ability in terms of the practice of government service as per the establishments code and the financial regulations by presenting to him a case/ cases built up connecting one or several problems that may arise in different environments in the public case studies relevant to public administration ii it is expected to test the candidate\u2019s ability for reasoning and imagination in relation to the analyzing, collating and presenting of information on a topic/theme selected candidate from a given set of topics/ themes; and the ability to comprehend a complex passage, a piece of writing memorandum and express the salient ideas thereof concisely, clearly and accurately in the candidate\u2019s own words.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "ministry of public services, ", "title": ["provincial councils ", "and local ", "government ", "limited competitive examination ", "for recruitment ", "to grade iii of the sri lanka planning service \u2013 "], "description": "applications are invited from citizens of sri lanka for filling up of 46 vacancies in the posts in grade iii sri lanka planning service on limited basis. the relevant application has been published in the website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. once the application is submitted online, it should be downloaded and the signature of the applicant should be attested printed copy with certification of the head of the institution. thereafter, it should be sent by the registered post the commissioner general of examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b. 1503, colombo on or before the closing date of applications. \u201c ", "summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are invited from citizens of sri lanka for filling up of 46 vacancies in the posts in grade iii sri lanka planning service on limited basis. the relevant application has been published in the website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. thereafter, it should be sent by the registered post the commissioner general of examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["competitive examination ", "for recruitment to grade iii of the sri ", "lanka planning "], "description": "service - 2021\u201d should be clearly marked on the corner of the envelope. the applications will be accepted 07 august 2021 till 24:00 hrs 06 september 2021. note : the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail will not be considered. the inconveniences that may cause due to the delay in sending applications until the closing date should be borne by the applicant himself. the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november 2021. commissioner general of examinations reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission. (a) the closing date of calling for applications will be ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe applications will be accepted 07 august 2021 till 24 00 hrs 06 september note the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november commissioner general of examinations reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["september. "], "description": "note : the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail be considered. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["appointing authority\u201d "], "description": " mentioned in this notice means the public service commission and the means the sri lanka planning service. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 method of recruitment :- of the candidates who sat all the question papers of the written examination, only those who obtained at least 40% of the marks or more out prescribed marks for every written question paper will be called for an interview for verification of qualifications according to the order of the marks they have obtained. the qualifications of the applicants will be examined by of interview approved by the public service commission. marks will not be awarded interview. the number to be appointed to this post effective date of appointments will be decided by order of the public service commission. the public service commission reserves the right a certain number of vacancies or all vacancies. 3. conditions of employment in service :- 4. salary scale:- the monthly salary scale applicable to these posts schedule i of public administration circular no. 03/2016 dated 25.02.2016 is rs. 47,615 - 10 x 1,335 \u2013 8 x 1630 - 2,170 - 110,895/- (sl i -2016). in addition to that, also be entitled to other allowances paid to public officers by the government from time to time. 5. qualifications:- 5.1. educational qualifications : should have obtained a degree from a university recognized by the university grants commission. 5.2. experience : should have been confirmed in the appointment and should have completed an uninterrupted, permanent and satisfactory period of service of not less than five years in a service/ post in the public service or provincial public service which carries the salary code of mn-1-2016 or above mn code or sl \u2013 1- 2016 in the public administration circular no. 03/2016 with the qualifications set out in 5.1 above on or before the date of publishing of the notice calling for applications in the gazette. 5.3. physical fitness: every candidate should be physically fit and mentally sound to serve in any part of sri lanka and discharge the duties of the post. 5.4. other qualifications : i. all qualifications required for applying for this examination should have been fulfilled in every aspect on or before the date of publishing the gazette notice calling for applications. ii. no person ordained in any religion allowed to apply for or sit this competitive examination. iii. should have earned all salary increments on the due dates within the immediately preceding five years in acquiring the qualifications required for applying. iv. should have not been subjected disciplinary punishment as at the date of examining the qualifications as per the provisions in public service commission circular no. 01/2020 and amendments made thereto. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 v. no candidate will be allowed to limited competitive examination of the sri lanka planning service more than twice. 6. written examination : the commissioner general of examinations, subject orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination. the commissioner general of examinations reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission. 6.1. question 6.2. syllabus : subject no. 01 - comprehension the candidate will be given passages. the candidate will be presented with a alternative statements relating to the passage one of which fits the contents of the passage best. the candidate will be directed to select and state the most appropriate sentence. the questions in respect of other sentences will be set to test how candidate grasps their meaning. all questions should be answered. subject no. 02 - case study a question paper designed to test the candidate\u2019s creative thinking power and problem solving abilities. in this paper, the candidate presented with one or more situations books and publications relating to the economy and planning of present sri lanka and directed solutions. all questions should be answered. subject no. 03 \u2013 planning this question paper is intended to candidate\u2019s basic knowledge of principles of planning and planning strategies. 6.3. interview : only a general interview will be conducted. of the applicants who obtained at least 40% or more out of the prescribed marks written question paper, only a number equivalent to the number of vacancies will be called interview according to the order of merit aggregate marks. the applicants who are confirmed at this interview that they have fulfilled the basic qualifications will be selected for appointment. marks will not be awarded for this interview. only attending the interview will not be considered as a completion of qualifications for granting an appointment. 6.4. results of the examination: the result sheet containing the names of the candidates who qualified in the written examination will be sent to the secretary, public service commission. the commissioner general of examinations will convey the results to all applicants who appeared for the examination, personally by post or on the 7. examination conditions :- fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 (i) any bank credit card (ii) any bank debit card with internet transaction facility (iii) bank of ceylon online banking system (iv) bank of ceylon teller slip payment (v) any post office of the department of posts note \u2013 instructions on the manner in which the payments are made through the above methods are published under technical instructions website of the department of examinations. issue admission cards to the candidates within the age limit specified in the notice and who have paid the relevant examination fees and duly submitted their applications through online and sent printed copy by registered post on or before the closing date of applications. moreover, the department of examinations will provide the facility to download a copy admission card through its website. immediately after the issuance of admission cards applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. if the admission card received even after 2 or 3 days of such notice, steps should be taken to make inquiries thereon from the institutional examination organization branch of the department of examinations in the manner specified in the notice. the the examination and the full name, address and national identity card number of the applicant should be correctly mentioned when making such inquiry. in case of an applicant outside colombo, it would be advisable to send a request letter with such details to the fax number mentioned notice furnishing a fax number of the applicant to promptly obtain a copy of the admission card. it would also be suitable to keep of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fee, printout of the application form and receipt of postal registration in confirm any matter inquired by the department of examinations. furthermore, the candidates should enter the examination hall without covering their faces fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 and ears in order to prove their identity. the candidate who refuses to prove their identity in the said manner shall not be allowed the examination hall. moreover, the candidates should remain in the examination hall from the time of entering the examination hall leaving upon completion of the examination without covering the face and ears enabling the invigilators to identify the candidate. penalty for false information :- if it is revealed that a candidate does not possess the required qualifications, his / her candidature is liable to be annulled at any stage before, during or after the examination. if it is revealed that false information has been furnished by a candidate within him/ her knowledge or if he/ she has willfully suppressed a material fact, he or she will be liable for dismissal from the public service. in the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the texts published in this notice in sinhala, tamil and english languages, the sinhala text shall by order of the public service commission secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. of july 2021. if any of the above matters is revealed after the appointment, all sums of money already paid under the fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nfpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 method of recruitment - of the candidates who sat all the question papers of the written examination, only those who obtained at least 40% of the marks or more out prescribed marks for every written question paper will be called for an interview for verification of qualifications according to the order of the marks they have obtained. experience should have been confirmed in the appointment and should have completed an uninterrupted, permanent and satisfactory period of service of not less than five years in a service/ post in the public service or provincial public service which carries the salary code of mn-1-2016 or above mn code or sl \u2013 1- 2016 in the public administration circular no. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 v. no candidate will be allowed to limited competitive examination of the sri lanka planning service more than twice. written examination the commissioner general of examinations, subject orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination. of the applicants who obtained at least 40% or more out of the prescribed marks written question paper, only a number equivalent to the number of vacancies will be called interview according to the order of merit aggregate marks. results of the examination the result sheet containing the names of the candidates who qualified in the written examination will be sent to the secretary, public service commission. examination conditions - fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 any bank credit card any bank debit card with internet transaction facility bank of ceylon online banking system bank of ceylon teller slip payment any post office of the department of posts note \u2013 instructions on the manner in which the payments are made through the above methods are published under technical instructions website of the department of examinations. immediately after the issuance of admission cards applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. furthermore, the candidates should enter the examination hall without covering their faces fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . penalty for false information - if it is revealed that a candidate does not possess the required qualifications, his / her candidature is liable to be annulled at any stage before, during or after the examination. in the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the texts published in this notice in sinhala, tamil and english languages, the sinhala text shall by order of the public service commission secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. of july if any of the above matters is revealed after the appointment, all sums of money already paid under the fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "\u2011 2021'08'06 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "\u2011 2021'08'06 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "\u2011 2021'08'06 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ", "(kandyan/general) sinhala "], "description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general\u2019s department. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ", "(kandyan/general) sinhala "], "description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ", "(kandyan/general) sinhala "], "description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department", "title": ["post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ", "(kandyan/general) sinhala "], "description": "kalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general\u2019s department. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nkalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "registrar general\u2019s department ", "title": ["post of registrar of muslim ", " marriages (sinhala/tamil) "], "description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.(maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil (relevant language for the post) with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 08. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( ) of the registrar general\u2019s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general\u2019s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. relevant application and the said \u201cannex -01\u201d inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 .", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "ministry of education", "title": ["recruitment of bachelor of education graduates ", "in special education, "], "description": "drama and theatre to grade 2-ii of the ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["sri lanka "], "description": "teachers\u2019 service - 2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["for sinhala, tamil and english ", "medium vacancies ", "existing in national and ", "provincial schools islandwide "], "description": "applications are being called from male and female applicants for the recruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama & theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers service to fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in national and provincial schools islandwide. applications prepared as per the specimen given at the end of this notification should be sent under registered post on or before the following date according to instructions given in section 8.4 of this gazette notification. (a) closing date of applications will be 03.09. 2021 .\u2014 complaints on misplacing or delaying an application or a letter in its connection in post will not be entertained. the applicants themselves will have to bear the repercussions of delaying applications till the closing date. 02. method of recruitment : 2.1 applicants, who have fulfilled the qualifications stated in 5.1 or 5.2 of this notification, should face a general interview to check whether the applicants have fulfilled the required qualifications. 2.2 applicants, who qualify from the general interview will be subjected to a practical test in terms of section 9.2 of this notification to evaluate teaching learning skills required for the profession. recruitments will be made based on schools according to the number of vacancies upon the priority of total marks obtained by the applicant at the practical test. the applicants, who have not fulfilled the qualifications will be rejected at the general interview. 2.3 recruitments will be made only upon the number of vacancies exist at the time of recruitment and the list of vacancies will be exhibited to the applicants at the practical test. accordingly, the applicants should indicate the order of their preference at the interview. vacancies in provincial schools will be filled only upon the concurrence of the provinces. : according to the schools based system, priority will be given to highest marks. furthermore, when more than one applicant have applied for the same school, the eligible applicant will be selected upon a specific marking scheme approved by the secretary to the ministry of education. 2.4 since recruitments for these vacancies based on schools, transfers will not be given under any condition before the completion of a period of 05 years. 2.5 list of vacancies provincial schools national schools 03. employment conditions : i. this post is permanent. the pension scheme entitled for this post will be subjected to policy decisions made by the government in future. ii. the officers appointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three (03) years and they should pass the first efficiency bar examination within the aforesaid period of three (03) years. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 iii. should obtain proficiency in official language in terms of the public administration circular 01/2014 and other circulars incidental thereto. iv. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, establishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial rules of the government and other departmental rules. v. this appointment will be subjected to the provisions of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers\u2019 service published in the gazette extraordinary of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. 1885/38 of 23.10.2014 and any future amendment made thereto as well as the general conditions related to public service appointments. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are being called from male and female applicants for the recruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama & theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers service to fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in national and provincial schools islandwide. method of recruitment 1 applicants, who have fulfilled the qualifications stated in 1 or 2 of this notification, should face a general interview to check whether the applicants have fulfilled the required qualifications. 2 applicants, who qualify from the general interview will be subjected to a practical test in terms of section 2 of this notification to evaluate teaching learning skills required for the profession. recruitments will be made based on schools according to the number of vacancies upon the priority of total marks obtained by the applicant at the practical test. 4 since recruitments for these vacancies based on schools, transfers will not be given under any condition before the completion of a period of 05 years. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, establishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial rules of the government and other departmental rules.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["salary scale "], "description": "administration no. 03/2016, this post is entitled to ge 02-2016 with a salary scale of rs. 33,300-495x5-680x5-825x7- 1,335x20- rs.71,650/-. (monthly). they placed in step 3 of this salary scale at rs. 34,290/-. in addition, you will be entitled to any other allowance granted to public officers from time to time government. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n03/2016, this post is entitled to ge 02-2016 with a salary scale of rs. in addition, you will be entitled to any other allowance granted to public officers from time to time government.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["educational qualifications "], "description": "5.1 in terms of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers service, possessing a bachelor of education degree in special education or drama and theatre obtained from a university recognized by the university grants commission or a degree awarding institution recognized by the university grants commission assing sinhala language or tamil language as a subject at g. c. e. (o/l) examination .\u2014 applicants who have qualified from examinations conducted by the commissioner general of examinations and recognized as equal to local g. c. e. (o/l) may also apply. 06 age limit age as at 03.09. 2021 minimum limit : 18 years maximum limit : 40 years accordingly, the applicants, whose date of birth has fallen before 03.09. 2003 or after 03.09.1981 will only be eligible to apply. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n1 in terms of the service minute of the sri lanka teachers service, possessing a bachelor of education degree in special education or drama and theatre obtained from a university recognized by the university grants commission or a degree awarding institution recognized by the university grants commission assing sinhala language or tamil language as a subject at g. c. e. examination .\u2014 applicants who have qualified from examinations conducted by the commissioner general of examinations and recognized as equal to local g. c. e. may also apply.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["other qualifications "], "description": "i. applicants should be sri lankan citizens. ii. applicants should be of exemplary character. iii. should have fulfilled all qualifications required for the post as at closing date of applications stated in this notification. iv. should be physically and mentally fit to any part of sri lanka. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ni. applicants should be sri lankan citizens. should have fulfilled all qualifications required for the post as at closing date of applications stated in this notification. should be physically and mentally fit to any part of sri lanka.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["method of application "], "description": "8.1 application should be in accordance with the specimen given in this notification, prepared using both sides of an a4 sheet and should have completed the applicant himself. from 1.0 to 5.0 of the application should be in the first page while 6.0 to 9.0 in the second page. applications not in accordance with the specimen as well as incomplete applications will be rejected without prior notice. (it may be beneficial to keep a copy of the application) 8.2 subject applied or the language medium will not be changed and appeals in its regard will not be entertained. 8.3 an applicant may submit only one application. 8.4 applicants, who have fulfilled the qualifications required in 5.1 or 5.2 may forward the perfected application under registered post to reach \u201csenior assistant secretary, establishment branch, ministry of education, isurupaya, battaramulla\u201d on or before 03.09. 2021. 8.5 furthermore, the title of the application in sinhala medium applications should be in english in addition to sinhala while in tamil medium applications should be in english in addition to ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n1 application should be in accordance with the specimen given in this notification, prepared using both sides of an a4 sheet and should have completed the applicant himself. 4 applicants, who have fulfilled the qualifications required in 1 or 2 may forward the perfected application under registered post to reach \u201csenior assistant secretary, establishment branch, ministry of education, isurupaya, battaramulla\u201d on or before 5 furthermore, the title of the application in sinhala medium applications should be in english in addition to sinhala while in tamil medium applications should be in english in addition to", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["recruitment of b. ed. graduates ", "in special "], "description": "education, drama and theatre to grade 2-ii ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["of the sri lanka teachers service for sinhala, ", "tamil and english medium vacancies existing ", "in national and provincial schools islandwide "], "description": "\u201d should mandatorily be stated on top left hand corner of the envelope. 9.1 general interview - marks will not be awarded for the general interview. : objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 in accordance therewith and evaluating physical qualifications. 9.2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. marks allocated will be allocated as follows. note 5 .\u2014 objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 9.2.1 methodology of the practical test : duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. (ii) maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five (25) marks. (iii) minimum 02 marks under each criterion should be achieved in order to pass the practical test. (iv) evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education. 9.2.2 objective of the criteria : ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . 2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. note 5 .\u2014 objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 1 methodology of the practical test duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five marks. evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education.", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["clarity in communication. "], "description": "evaluating effective communication teaching learning process. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["time management. "], "description": "evaluating the ability to achieve expected objectives within the prescribed timeframe. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-08-06"}, {"department": "", "title": ["presentation methods. "], "description": "evaluating the perfect use of presentation skills to achieve the objective. 10. instructions to complete the application : use only the following schedule 01 in completing the application. schedule 01 11. officers currently engaged in public service should mandatorily submit applications with 9.0 of the application attested by the head of the department. 12. candidates, who fail to attend the interview prescribed date will not be considered again. 13. all certificates should be submitted at the interview while no certificate submitted later will be accepted. 14. the secretary to the ministry of education will reserve the right of determining any matter not covered from this notice as well as the right of final and conclusive decision relating to filling or not filling a part or entire vacancies. 15. in the event of any inconsistancy among sinhala, tamil and english texts of this notification, the sinhala text shall prevail. secretary. ministry of education, isurupaya, pelawatta, battaramulla, 27th july 2021. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 06.08.2021 details of educational qualifications 6.0 details of higher educational qualifications university issued effective date of the degree main subject / subjects followed for the degree medium of the degree 7.0 i hereby declare that the particulars stated here are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. i that i would be subjected to dismissal from service if found not eligible for this post. i will not change later any information stated here. signature of the applicant 8.0 attestation of the signature of the applicant : mr./ mrs./ miss. \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.., who is submitting this application is personally known to me and i certify that he/ she has placed his / her signature on \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. before me and he/she has prescribed examination fee and pasted the receipt. ................................ signature of the officer attesting the signature full name of the attesting officer designation 9.0 if the applicant is a public servant, the attestation of the head of the institution i hereby forward the application of mr./ mrs./ miss. \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 he / she serves as a permanent / temporary / casual employee of this ministry / department and he / she can / cannot be released from ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nministry of education, isurupaya, pelawatta, battaramulla, 27th july fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'08'06 . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 details of educational qualifications 0 details of higher educational qualifications university issued effective date of the degree main subject / subjects followed for the degree medium of the degree 0 i hereby declare that the particulars stated here are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.., who is submitting this application is personally known to me and i certify that he/ she has placed his / her signature on \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. ................................ signature of the officer attesting the signature full name of the attesting officer designation 0 if the applicant is a public servant, the attestation of the head of the institution i hereby forward the application of mr./ mrs./ miss.", "date": "2021-08-06"}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["university hospital ", "general sir ", "john kotelawala ", "defence university ", "general sir john kotelawala ", "defence university ", "hospitle calls applications from ", "qualified persons for the following posts. "], "description": "01. medical officer - grade i qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. ii. a minimum of six (06) years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". recognized qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the (extaordinary) no: 1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. iv. certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc) salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,585.00 02. medical officer - grade ii qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. ii. a minimum of two (02) years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,185.00 03. medical officer - preliminary grade qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rs. 60,050.00 4. perfusionist qualifications.- i. should have obtained the degree of physics with grade pass accepted by university grant commission. .\u2013 must be not less than 22 years more than 45 years. salary scale .\u2013 ma 4- rs. 37,970 - 10x755 -15x930 -5x1,135 - rs. 65,145) perfusionist grade iii will be placed on ma 4 step 1 - rs. 37,910.00 5. orthopedic work shop mechanic qualifications.- i. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate, diploma in (electrical fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 and electronic) awarded by open universities not less than level 5 (nvq 5). ii. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate not less than level 5 (nvq 5) higher national diploma in (electrical and electronic) engineering awarded by the ministry of education and higher education ; iii. should have obtained a certificate of than 5 levels (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate recognized by the tertiary and vocational eduation commission in respect of the post. .\u2013 must be not less 18 years and than 45 years. salary scale. \u2013 ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) orthopedic workshop mechanic grade iii placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 6. audiology technician qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate ; ii. must be registered with the sri lanka medical council to work in sri lanka as an audiologist technician. .\u2013 must be not less than 18 years more than 45 years. salary scale. \u2013 ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) audiology technician grade iii will be placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n medical officer - grade i qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of six years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,00 medical officer - grade ii qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of two years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,00 medical officer - preliminary grade qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rsma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 30,00 audiology technician qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 of the national vocational qualification certificate ; iima 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["general conditions : "], "description": "in the general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital or at any other place island, as may be determined by the university administration. shall be of excellent moral character. the applicants should have completed all requisite qualifications by the closing date of applications. these posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts are subject to a probation period of three (03) years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, medical officer grade ii posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one (01) year. contribution of the employee to employees provident fund (epf) is 10% and the university will contribute 15% for (epf) and 3% for employees trust fund (etf). (subject to revisions that may be introduced by parliament dully complete applications with certified copies of relevant certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \"executive director, university hospital, general sir john kotelawala defence university, werahera\" or before on 25.10.2021. the post applied should be indicated on left hand corner of the envelope. general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital reserves the right to shortlist prospective applicants. incomplete or late applications and those which do not comply wiht the prescribed format will be rejected. 10. application and other relevant details could be downloaded from the kdu website ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthese posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts are subject to a probation period of three years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, medical officer grade ii posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one year. (subject to revisions that may be introduced by parliament dully complete applications with certified copies of relevant certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \"executive director, university hospital, general sir john kotelawala defence university, werahera\" or before on the post applied should be indicated on left hand corner of the envelope.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" "], "description": "wwv rwp rsp usp ndc psc mphil. secretary, ministry of defence. 1. should be a citizen of sri lanka. shall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nshall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 .", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["sri lanka air force "], "description": "amendment to government gazette no. 2245 published on 10th september 2021 professional / academic qualifications.- . electronics engineering branch (1) research officer - male / female (volunteer) group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator (project) professor/doctorate level qualified professionals: posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. (2) squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals: possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. basic entry requirements age limit : as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years instructions to applicants applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below. all cages of the application should be completed neatly with as much details as possible. applications should be addressed to \" ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nelectronics engineering branch research officer - male / female group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator professor/doctorate level qualified professionals posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. basic entry requirements age limit as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years instructions to applicants applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["command recruiting ", "officer, sri lanka air force trade training school, kotugoda "], "description": "\" so as to reach him not later than noon on 22 october 2021 under registered cover. the envelope enclosing the application should be marked \" ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n\" so as to reach him not later than noon on 22 october 2021 under registered cover.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["application for research officer "], "description": "\". applications received after the closing date and not in accordance with the requirements of this notification and not in registered post mail will not be entertained. pay and allowances the salary scales of the commissioned officers of sri lanka air force are as follows. wwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc (moa) usa, msc (def stu) in mgt, m phil (ind), mim (sl), ndc (ind), psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, p.o. box. 594, colombo 02. fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nwwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc usa, msc in mgt, m phil , mim , ndc , psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, p.o. 594, colombo fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 .", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "the registrar general's department", "title": ["post of registrar of birth and ", "notice of cancellation ", "galle district "], "description": " the calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 (iia) of the the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no. 2241 dated 13.08.2021 is cancelled hereby. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general. registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["Posts vacant "], "description": "Posts vacant ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Public service commission "], "description": "Public service commission ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Calling applications for the recruitment of "], "description": "Calling applications for the recruitment of ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Officers to the post of assistant director "], "description": "Officers to the post of assistant director legal of ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["The commission to investigate allegations of "], "description": "The commission to investigate allegations of ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Bribery or corruption 2020 "], "description": "Bribery or corruption 2020 Applications are called by order of the Public service Commission to select eligible candidates for 14 Vacancies Of the post of assistant director legal of The commission To investigate allegations of bribery Or corruption. Applications prepared according to the specimen Given in This notice should be sent under registered cover To reach The director general commission to Investigate allegations Of bribery or corruption no.36 Malalasekara mawatha Colombo 07 on or before 25.03.2021 . the top Left hand Corner of the envelope containing the Application should Indicate ", "summary": "Bribery or corruption 2020 Applications are called by order of the Public service Commission to select eligible candidates for 14 Vacancies Of the post of assistant director legal of The commission To investigate allegations of bribery Or corruption. Applications prepared according to the specimen Given in This notice should be sent under registered cover To reach The director general commission to Investigate allegations Of bribery or corruption no.36 Malalasekara mawatha Colombo 07 on or before 2021 ."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of assistant director legal "], "description": "Post of assistant director legal . A closing date of applications ", "summary": "Post of assistant director legal ."}, {"department": "", "title": ["25.03.2021 "], "description": "25.03.2021 Note complaints with regard to the losses or Delays of an application or any other related Document in the post will not be considered. Losses incurred by failure To submit Application on the due date must be Borne by The applicant. 1. Method of recruitment suitable applicants will Be recruited upon a structured interview according To the Order of marks on merit achieved by each candidate And the Vacancies available. number of vacancies is 14. number Of appointments and the effective date of Appointment will Depend on the order of the public service commission. 2. Service conditions I. this post is permanent and Pensionable. you Shall be subjected to any policy decision taken By the government in future regarding pension Scheme which you are entitled to. further you Are required to contribute to the widows and Orphans widowers and orphans pension Scheme. contributions to the pension scheme Should be made as per the directions taken time To time by the government. Ii. the officers appointed to this post Will be Subjected to a probation period of three 03 Years and the first efficiency bar examination Should be passed during three 03 Year probation Period. Iii. you should confirm that the Proficiency in Official language is acquired in accordance with The policies of the government before the lapse Of three03 years from the date of acceptance Of this appointment. if you have qualified for This appointment in sinhala language your other Official language should be tamil language and if You have qualified for this appointment in tamil Language your other official language should be Sinhala language. the provisions of the public Administration circular no. 182020 dated 16.10.2020 and the provisions of the circulars Incidental there to are applicable for this. Iv. the public service commission Reserves the Power to cancel the appointment of any candidate Who fails to assume duties of the appointed post On due date andor rejects or avoids serving in an Area where the applicant is appointed. V. this appointment is subjected to The procedural Rules Of Public Service Commission Establishment code of the democratic socialist Republic of sri lanka public financial Regulations and regulations of the commission To investigate allegations of bribery or Corruption and circular regulations issued time To time by the government. 3. Salary scale Salary scale applicable to this post As per the public administration circular No.032016 is Sl 52016 rs. 58295 5 x 13355 x 163015 x2170 Rs 105670monthly. 4. Educational qualifications I. should have taken oath as an Attomeyatlaw in The supreme court Experience Should have active service period of not less than three 03 years upon taking oath as an attorneyatlaw In the supreme court Or Should have experience of not less than three 03 Years in following fields in a public institution upon Taking oath as an attorneyatlaw in the supreme Court I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "number of vacancies is number Of appointments and the effective date of Appointment will Depend on the order of the public service commission. the officers appointed to this post Will be Subjected to a probation period of three 03 Years and the first efficiency bar examination Should be passed during three 03 Year probation Period. you should confirm that the Proficiency in Official language is acquired in accordance with The policies of the government before the lapse Of three03 years from the date of acceptance Of this appointment. the public service commission Reserves the Power to cancel the appointment of any candidate Who fails to assume duties of the appointed post On due date andor rejects or avoids serving in an Area where the applicant is appointed. V. this appointment is subjected to The procedural Rules Of Public Service Commission Establishment code of the democratic socialist Republic of sri lanka public financial Regulations and regulations of the commission To investigate allegations of bribery or Corruption and circular regulations issued time To time by the government. Salary scale Salary scale applicable to this post As per the public administration circular No.032016 is Sl 52016 rs. Educational qualifications I. should have taken oath as an Attomeyatlaw in The supreme court Experience Should have active service period of not less than three 03 years upon taking oath as an attorneyatlaw In the supreme court Or Should have experience of not less than three 03 Years in following fields in a public institution upon Taking oath as an attorneyatlaw in the supreme Court I fldgi ii W"}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 349 I. legal Proceedings On Cases And Coordination with attorney generals Department Ii. agreements related with legal undertakings iii. legal activities on acts and regulations iv. formulation of legal documents Such as Drafting acts circulars regulations V. legal or judicial activities Or inquiries Conducted by statutory institutions 5. Age limit should not be below 22 years and over 45 years as at the closing date of the Application. only The persons bom on or before 25.03.1999 and on Or after 25.03.1976 are eligible to apply for this post. 6. Physical qualifications Should be physically and Mentally fit to serve in any part of the island and To execute The duties of the post. 7. Other qualifications I. should be a sri lankan citizen. Ii. should have an excellent character Iii. applicant or any member of the Family should Not be found guilty for criminal charges under The law of sri lanka Iv. the applicants should have Achieved all Qualifications required to recruit to the post as at The closing date of the applications mentioned In the Gazette notification. V. a security clearance report will be Called before Making appointment on all selected applicants To examine the suitability of each person to Serve in the commission. 8. Method of recruitment 8.1 structured interview Marks will be awarded by an interview board Appointed by The public service commission. 8.2 marking scheme for the interview will be as follows 350 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 349 I. legal Proceedings On Cases And Coordination with attorney generals Department Ii. formulation of legal documents Such as Drafting acts circulars regulations V. legal or judicial activities Or inquiries Conducted by statutory institutions the applicants should have Achieved all Qualifications required to recruit to the post as at The closing date of the applications mentioned In the Gazette notification. V. a security clearance report will be Called before Making appointment on all selected applicants To examine the suitability of each person to Serve in the commission."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 351 9. the application should be prepared using 2229cm size a4 sheets in such a way that headings 0109 should Appear on first page. the application should be dully filled by own hand writing of the applicant. Computerized typewritten Applications can also be used in this purpose. applications that do not comply with the specimen or that have Not been Completed properly will be rejected without any notification. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application With the Candidate. it is the responsibility of the candidate to verify that the perfected application complies with the Specimen given In the notification as otherwise the application may be rejected. N.b. A any document or a copy should not be attached to the application B applications of the candidates who fail to produce documents when requested to do so will not be considered. 10. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer Authorized by himher and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head retired officer of A government School grama niladhari of the respective division a commissioner for oaths an attomeyatlaw a notary Public a Commissioned officer of three forces a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary Above rs.415260 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 351 the application should be prepared using 2229cm size a4 sheets in such a way that headings 0109 should Appear on first page. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer Authorized by himher and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head retired officer of A government School grama niladhari of the respective division a commissioner for oaths an attomeyatlaw a notary Public a Commissioned officer of three forces a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary Above rs.415260 I fldgi ii W"}, {"department": "state ministry of ", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 353 14. names and addresses of nonrelated referees Who can Provide your information Note signatures of the candidates currently in Public service Should be attested by the respective head of The institution Or an authorized officer. If the applicant is in public service I do hereby certify that the particulars given by me In the application are true and correct. i am aware That if Any particulars contained herein are found to be False or Incorrect before selection i am subjected to Be disqualified Or dismissed from the service without any compensation If it Is revealed after selection. .................................. Signature of the applicant. Date ........................ Attestation of the applicants signature I certify that mr.mrs.miss. ........................................ known to me personally and That heshe Placed hisher signature in my presence on this .............. day Of ....................... 2021. ............................ Signature. Name and Designation .......................................................... Official Frank ........................................................................ Date ....................................................................................... Certification of the head of the institution I certify that this applicant mr. mrs. miss ....................... Presently serves in this ministry department Institution in Permanent temporary basis and the details given By him Her are true and correct according to the Officers personal File and other relevant documents. he she could Be could Not be released from hisher present post if heshe Is selected To the above post. ................................... Signature of head of the institution. Date............................... Name .............................. Designation ............................. Institution ................................ strike through irrelevant words 02305 ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 353 names and addresses of nonrelated referees Who can Provide your information Note signatures of the candidates currently in Public service Should be attested by the respective head of The institution Or an authorized officer. Date ....................................................................................... Certification of the head of the institution I certify that this applicant mr. mrs. miss ......................."}, {"department": "state ministry of ", "title": ["State ministry of "], "description": "State ministry of ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Primary health "], "description": "Primary health ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "department of social service development", "title": ["Services pandemics and covid "], "description": "Services pandemics and covid Prevention ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "department of social service development", "title": ["Department of social service development "], "description": "Department of social service development Vocational instructor grade iii Applications are called from eligible Sri lankan Citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of Vocational instructor To batticaloa vocational training centers which Will be Commencing soon for a disable persons under The department Of social service. applications prepared in Accordance with Following specimen should be sent to Director department Of social service 2 Nd floor 2 Nd Stage sethsiripaya Baththaramulla by registered post on or Before 05.03.2021. The words recruitment of vocational Instructor grade Iii should be written on the top left hand corner Of the Envelop in which the application is Enclosed. application And details could also be downloaded through the Website of Required qualifications to recruit for this post 1. Vocational instructor electronic sewing 1.1. age limit shall be not less than 18 Years and Not more than 35 years of age on the closing Date of applications. 1.2. Educational qualifications A educational qualifications for Post of Vocational instructor electronic sewing i should have passed 06 subjects With credit passes for four subjects Including Sinhala Or Tamil Language and mathematics and two 354 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Department of social service development Vocational instructor grade iii Applications are called from eligible Sri lankan Citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of Vocational instructor To batticaloa vocational training centers which Will be Commencing soon for a disable persons under The department Of social service."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 Of any other subjects at The g.c.e. ordinary level Examination at One sitting. And ii should Have Passed G.c.e. advanced level all subjects in Any stream except the general Paper and should have achieved The required level of achievement to Pursue a tertiary education course 1.3 Professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more on relevant profession From ceylon technical college or ceylon German technical training institute Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more from department of Small industries or the department of textile Industries Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more from department of Social services or national youth service Council or its affiliated institutes Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more on relevant profession From vocational training authority or its Affiliated institutes Or should have successfully Followed and Obtained the certificate for a technical course Recognized By Tertiary And Vocational Education commission as a course categorized Under National Vocational Qualification nvq level 05 or a course recommended by That commission as an equivalent to that level 1.4 Experience not applicable 1.5 Physical fitness All the candidates should have Physical and Mental fitness to serve in any part of The island And to perform the duties of the post. 1.6 Other 1.7 Method of recruitment Recruitments are made on the result Of written And professional test. the written test Will be Held first. twice the number of required Will be Called for interview from the Candidates who Score high marks in the written Test according To the order of merit. only The candidates Who get through the general Interview will Be forwarded for professional Test. the Number equal to the number Of vacancies Will be selected for the training Course from The candidates who also get Through from The professional test according to The total Aggregated marks obtained from Written and Professional test in order of Merit. those Who are selected should obtain A certificate After Successfully Completion 3 Month Training course on teaching methods. Only the Candidates who obtain that certificate Will be Recruited for the post. 1.7.1 Written test 1.8 Salary scale salary code mt01 2016 as Per the public administration circular no. 032016 Salary scale rs. 2984010x30011x350 10x56010x660 rs. 48890. 1.9. Terms of service this post Is permanent And pensionable. it is subjected to a future Policy decision on scheme of pension made by I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "advanced level all subjects in Any stream except the general Paper and should have achieved The required level of achievement to Pursue a tertiary education course 3 Professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more on relevant profession From ceylon technical college or ceylon German technical training institute Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more from department of Small industries or the department of textile Industries Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more from department of Social services or national youth service Council or its affiliated institutes Or should have obtained a certificate for A course Of two years or more on relevant profession From vocational training authority or its Affiliated institutes Or should have successfully Followed and Obtained the certificate for a technical course Recognized By Tertiary And Vocational Education commission as a course categorized Under National Vocational Qualification nvq level 05 or a course recommended by That commission as an equivalent to that level 4 Experience not applicable 5 Physical fitness All the candidates should have Physical and Mental fitness to serve in any part of The island And to perform the duties of the post. twice the number of required Will be Called for interview from the Candidates who Score high marks in the written Test according To the order of merit. the Number equal to the number Of vacancies Will be selected for the training Course from The candidates who also get Through from The professional test according to The total Aggregated marks obtained from Written and Professional test in order of Merit. those Who are selected should obtain A certificate After Successfully Completion 3 Month Training course on teaching methods."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 355 Government and required to contribute widowswidowers and orphans pension fund. it should Be acquired Proficiency in the prescribed official language within 05 years in accordance with the Public administration Circular no. 012014 and incidental circulars to that. Note C Handana r Anaweera a Rachchi Social service director. Department of Social services 2 Nd floor 2 Nd stage Sethsiripaya Baththaramulla 12.02.2021. A Pplication For Recruitment To The Post Of .......................................... Language medium 01. name with initials ......................................................................................................................................................... 02. names denoted by initials ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 03. Address .......................................................................................................................................................................... 04. telephone number ........................................................................................................................................................ 05. nic number .................................................................................................................................................................. 06. date of Birth .................................................................................................................................................................. 07. age as at closing date of application Years ............................... months ............................... days ............................... 08. marital status ................................................................................................................................................................. 09. sex ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10. educational qualifications ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 355 Government and required to contribute widowswidowers and orphans pension fund. Language medium name with initials ......................................................................................................................................................... names denoted by initials ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Address .......................................................................................................................................................................... telephone number ........................................................................................................................................................ nic number .................................................................................................................................................................. date of Birth .................................................................................................................................................................. age as at closing date of application Years ............................... months ............................... days ............................... marital status ................................................................................................................................................................. sex ................................................................................................................................................................................. educational qualifications"}, {"department": "", "title": ["I. g.c.e.ordinary level "], "description": "I. g.c.e.ordinary level year . index number .. 356 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "index number .. 356 I fldgi ii W"}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 ii. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["G.c.e.advanced level "], "description": "G.c.e.advanced level year . index number .. 11. professional and other qualifications 12. experience .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... I hereby certify that particulars furnished by me in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge And belief. ............................................. Signature of applicant. 02667 ", "summary": "index number .. professional and other qualifications experience .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................... .. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... I hereby certify that particulars furnished by me in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge And belief."}, {"department": "", "title": ["University hospital "], "description": "University hospital ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["General sir "], "description": "General sir ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["John kotelawala defence university "], "description": "John kotelawala defence university Vacancies General sir John Kotelawala defence university hospital calls Applications from Qualified persons for the following posts ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["1. medical consultant "], "description": "1. medical consultant I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 357 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualification "], "description": "Qualification i medical officers and dental surgeon Who have Registered registerable in the sri lanka medical Council according to the medical amendment of 2018 Or ii medical officers dental surgeons With valid Full registration of sri lanka medical council slmc And iii doctor of medicine md master Of surgery ms in the relevant specialty with board Certification of postgraduate institute of Medicine pgim university of colombo sri Lanka appendix i of the gazette extraordinary No.188317 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic Socialist republic of sri lanka And iv certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 30 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "Qualification i medical officers and dental surgeon Who have Registered registerable in the sri lanka medical Council according to the medical amendment of 2018 Or ii medical officers dental surgeons With valid Full registration of sri lanka medical council slmc And iii doctor of medicine md master Of surgery ms in the relevant specialty with board Certification of postgraduate institute of Medicine pgim university of colombo sri Lanka appendix i of the gazette extraordinary No.188317 dated 2014 of the democratic Socialist republic of sri lanka And iv certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mc 12 rs. 91645 12 x 2700 Rs. 124045 grade i medical consultants are placed in 1 St Step Of mc 12 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["2. medical officer grade i "], "description": "2. medical officer grade i ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i medical officer with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing As a medical officer. And ii should have a minimum of six 06 Years of Experience as a grade ii medical officer in Institution coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes. and iii should have a recognized Post graduate Qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the Gazette extraordinary No188317 Dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic Of sri lanka. and iv certificate of good standing from the Sri lanka Medical council slmc Age limit shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii should have a minimum of six 06 Years of Experience as a grade ii medical officer in Institution coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs. 58675 3 x 1375 7 x1385 2 x1910 10 x 2270 99015 grade i medical officers are placed in 14 Th Step Of mo 11 rs.78585.00 ", "summary": "58675 3 x 1375 7 x1385 2 x1910 10 x 2270 99015 grade i medical officers are placed in 14 Th Step Of mo 11 rs.00"}, {"department": "", "title": ["3. dental surgeon grade i "], "description": "3. dental surgeon grade i ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i dental surgeons with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing as A dental surgeon. And ii should have a minimum of nine 09 Years of Experience as a grade ii dental surgeon in Institutions coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes. And iii should have a recognized Post graduate Qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the Gazette extraordinary No188317 Dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic Of sri lanka. And iv certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii should have a minimum of nine 09 Years of Experience as a grade ii dental surgeon in Institutions coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs. 58675 31375 71385 21910102270 rs. 99015 grade i dental surgeons are placed in 14 Th Step of Mo 11 rs.78585.00 358 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "99015 grade i dental surgeons are placed in 14 Th Step of Mo 11 rs.00 358 I fldgi ii W"}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 4. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Medical officer grade ii "], "description": "Medical officer grade ii ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i medical officer with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing as A medical officer. And ii should have a minimum of two 02 Years of Experience as a medical officer in institutions Coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes. And iii certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii should have a minimum of two 02 Years of Experience as a medical officer in institutions Coming under the ministry of health or Hospitals registered with private health services Regulatory council of ministry of health sri Lanka under the category of private hospitals Nursing homes and maternity homes."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs. 58675 31375 71385 21910102270 99015 grade ii medical officer are placed in 5 Th Step of Mo 11 rs.64185.00 5. ", "summary": "58675 31375 71385 21910102270 99015 grade ii medical officer are placed in 5 Th Step of Mo 11 rs.00 "}, {"department": "", "title": ["Dental surgeon grade ii "], "description": "Dental surgeon grade ii ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications I. dental surgeon with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing as A dental surgeon. And Ii. certificate of good standing from the Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "Qualifications I. dental surgeon with valid full registration Of sri Lanka medical council slmc for practicing as A dental surgeon. certificate of good standing from the Sri lanka Medical council slmc."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs. 58675 31375 71385 21910102270 rs. 99015 grade ii dental surgeons are placed in 1 St step of Mo 11 rs.58675.00 6. ", "summary": "99015 grade ii dental surgeons are placed in 1 St step of Mo 11 rs.00 "}, {"department": "", "title": ["Medical officer preliminary grade "], "description": "Medical officer preliminary grade ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i medical officers with valid Full registration Of sri lanka medical council slmc for Practicing as a medical officer. And ii certificate of good standing from Sri lanka Medical council slmc. Age limit Shall not be less than 25 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "Qualifications i medical officers with valid Full registration Of sri lanka medical council slmc for Practicing as a medical officer."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mo 11 rs.58675 31375 7 1385 2 1910 10 2270 rs. 99015 preliminary grade medical officers are Placed in 2 Nd step of mo 11 rs.60050.00 7. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Para medical special grade "], "description": "Para medical special grade ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i should have completed at least ten Years 10 Of satisfactory service in grade i of the service Category. And ii if has worked under the ministry Of health Having passed all the relevant efficiency Bar examination and earned ten 10 salary Increments. Age limit Must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 55 years. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 8 rs.50970 10 1385 8 1910 80100 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 359 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["8. matron special grade nursing officer "], "description": "8. matron special grade nursing officer ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i should be a special grade nursing officer. And ii should have successfully completed the 1 Year diploma which include ward management And supervision teaching and supervising public health nursing and midwifery Psychiatry conducted by the national institute For nursing education post basic nursing School and should have completed 05 years Of experience in a grade i nursing officer hospital service education public health Post. And iii having completed the 3 Rd Efficiency bar Examination. And iv having earned all due salary Increments and Completed a satisfactory service period during The immediately preceding 05 years. And v performance above satisfactory level In the 05 years prior to the date of promotion as per Approved performance appraisal procedure. Age limit Must be not less than 25 years and not more Than 55 years. ", "summary": "And ii should have successfully completed the 1 Year diploma which include ward management And supervision teaching and supervising public health nursing and midwifery Psychiatry conducted by the national institute For nursing education post basic nursing School and should have completed 05 years Of experience in a grade i nursing officer hospital service education public health Post."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt8 rs. 50970 10 x 1385 8 x 1910 80100 matrons special grade are placed 4 Th step Of mt 8 rs.55125 ", "summary": "50970 10 x 1385 8 x 1910 80100 matrons special grade are placed 4 Th step Of mt 8 rs.55125"}, {"department": "", "title": ["9. nursing sister "], "description": "9. nursing sister ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i should be a grade 1 nursing officer. And ii should be a nursing officer who Has followed And passed the 1 year diploma course in Ward management and supervision Teaching And supervising Public health nursing and Midwifery mental health nursing conducted By the national nursing training school Or post Primary nursing school. And iii having passed the 2 Nd efficiency bar examination. And iv having earned all due salary Increments and Completed an active and satisfactory service period During the preceding 5 years. And v performance above satisfactory level in The 05 Years prior to the date of promotion as per approved Performance appraisal procedure. Age limit must be not less than 25 years and not more Than 55 years. ", "summary": "And ii should be a nursing officer who Has followed And passed the 1 year diploma course in Ward management and supervision Teaching And supervising Public health nursing and Midwifery mental health nursing conducted By the national nursing training school Or post Primary nursing school."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 7 rs 33295 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 5 x 750 59805 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["10. nursing officer "], "description": "10. nursing officer ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall possess a bsc degree in nursing Or diploma In nursing from a recognized university or from The ministry of health. And ii shall have passed all subjects in Biology or Mathematics or agriculture streams except Common general test at one sitting at the g.c.e. al examination or three 03 subjects of the Old syllabus in the same streams at one sitting. And iii shall have passed six 06 subjects at Not more Than two sittings with four 04 credit passes for Sinhala tamil language mathematics science And english at the g.c.e. ol examination. Age limit Shall not be less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii shall have passed all subjects in Biology or Mathematics or agriculture streams except Common general test at one sitting at the g.c.e. And iii shall have passed six 06 subjects at Not more Than two sittings with four 04 credit passes for Sinhala tamil language mathematics science And english at the g.c.e."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 7 rs.33295 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 5 x750 59805 nursing officer is placed under the 1 St step of mt 7. 360 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Salary scale Mt 7 rs.33295 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 5 x750 59805 nursing officer is placed under the 1 St step of mt "}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["11. pharmacist "], "description": "11. pharmacist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i passed the g.c.e. ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one sitting And passed the english language at not more than Two sittings. And ii passed the g.c.e. al examination In three Subjects with a credit pass for chemistry and Two other subjects of combined mathematics Biology physics or agriculture at one sitting. And iii A should have a degree in Pharmacology Science pharmacology from a university Recognized By The University Grants Commission or from an institution recognized By the university grants commission as a Degree awarding institution. Or B should have completed the Twoyear fulltime Diploma course in pharmacology conducted By the ministry of health. And iv A registration of sri lanka Medical council slmc to practice as a pharmacist. Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as a pharmacist in sri Lanka. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. Sitting and passed english language at Not more Than two sittings. And ii passed the g.c.e. al examination With a Credit pass for physics and two other subjects Including combined mathematics biology Chemistry or agriculture at one sitting. And iii A bachelors degree in Radiotherapy Radiology from a university recognized By the university grants commission or An institution recognized by the university Grants commission as a degree awarding Institution. Or B should have passed the Twoyear diploma Training course in radiographer Conducted By the ministry of health. And v A should have registered with the Sri lanka Medical council to work as a Radiographer In sri lanka. Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as a Radiographer in Sri lanka. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one sitting And passed the english language at not more than Two sittings. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 59360 radiographer is placed in 1 St step of mt6. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["13. occupational therapist "], "description": "13. occupational therapist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 pharmacist is placed in 1 St step of mt 6. ", "summary": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["12. radiographer therapist "], "description": "12. radiographer therapist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i passed the gce ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including Sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i passed the gce ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one sitting And passed english language at not more than Two sittings. And ii passed the g.c.e. al examination In three Subjects with a credit pass for physics and I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Qualifications i passed the gce ol examination In six Subjects with four credit passes including sinhala tamil mathematics and science at one sitting And passed english language at not more than Two sittings."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 361 Two other subjects of Combined mathematics Biology chemistry or agriculture at one sitting. And iii A should have a degree In occupational Therapist from a university recognized by The university grants commission or from And institution recognized by the university Grants commission as a degree awarding Institution. Or B should have completed the twoyear full Time diploma course in occupational Therapist conducted by the ministry of Health. And iv A should have registered with the Sri lanka Medical council to work as an Occupational Therapist. Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as an Occupational Therapist in sri lanka. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 361 Two other subjects of Combined mathematics Biology chemistry or agriculture at one sitting. And iii A should have a degree In occupational Therapist from a university recognized by The university grants commission or from And institution recognized by the university Grants commission as a degree awarding Institution. Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as an Occupational Therapist in sri lanka."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 occupational therapist is placed under 1 St step of mt6 By the faculty of dental university Of peradeniya Or ministry of health. And iv should have registered with the sri Lanka medical Council. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 occupational therapist is placed under 1 St step of mt6 By the faculty of dental university Of peradeniya Or ministry of health."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 6 rs32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 dental technician is placed under 1 St step of mt 6. ", "summary": "Salary scale mt 6 rs32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["15. ophthalmic technologist "], "description": "15. ophthalmic technologist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications I. passed the g.c.e ol examination In six Subjects including english language with credit Passes for sinhala tamil mathematics science And one other subject at not more than two sittings. And Ii. passed the g.c.e. al examination In the Science stream with a credit pass for physics and Two other subjects from chemistry biology or Agriculture at one sitting. And iii. should have passed the twoyear Fulltime diploma In ophthalmic technology course conducted by The ministry of health. And ", "summary": "Qualifications I. passed the g.c.e ol examination In six Subjects including english language with credit Passes for sinhala tamil mathematics science And one other subject at not more than two sittings. al examination In the Science stream with a credit pass for physics and Two other subjects from chemistry biology or Agriculture at one sitting. should have passed the twoyear Fulltime diploma In ophthalmic technology course conducted by The ministry of health."}, {"department": "", "title": ["14. dental technician "], "description": "14. dental technician ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i passed the g.c.e. ol examination In six Subjects including english language with credit Passes for sinhala tamil mathematics science And one other subject at not more than two Sittings. And ii passed the g.c.e. al examination In the Science stream with a credit pass for chemistry And passed two other subjects from physics Biology or agriculture at one sitting. And iii should have passed the twoyear Fulltime Diploma course for dental technicians conducted Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as an ophthalmic Technologist in sri lanka. Age limit must be not less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "ol examination In six Subjects including english language with credit Passes for sinhala tamil mathematics science And one other subject at not more than two Sittings. al examination In the Science stream with a credit pass for chemistry And passed two other subjects from physics Biology or agriculture at one sitting. And iii should have passed the twoyear Fulltime Diploma course for dental technicians conducted Or B if the applicant possesses a Foreign degree Should have registered in sri lanka medical Council for practicing as an ophthalmic Technologist in sri lanka."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 59360 Ophthalmic technologist is placed under 1 St Step of Mt6. 362 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Salary scale mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 59360 Ophthalmic technologist is placed under 1 St Step of Mt"}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["16. orthoptist "], "description": "16. orthoptist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i should have been confirmed in service As an Ophthalmic technologist. And ii should be in grade ii or above in The service Category having passed the satisfactory efficiency Bar examination on the due date and should have Completed an active service period of five 05 Years to the closing date of the application. And iii shall have completed the 06 Months training In orthoptist conducted by the national eye Hospital sri lanka and should have passed the Final examination. And iv shall be registered in the sri Lanka medical Council. Age limit Shall not be less than 22 years and not more Than 45 years. ", "summary": "And ii should be in grade ii or above in The service Category having passed the satisfactory efficiency Bar examination on the due date and should have Completed an active service period of five 05 Years to the closing date of the application. And iii shall have completed the 06 Months training In orthoptist conducted by the national eye Hospital sri lanka and should have passed the Final examination."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 orthoptist is placed in 1 St step of mt 6. ", "summary": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs 32850 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": [" 17. speech therapist "], "description": " 17. speech therapist ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall possess a fulltime diploma In speech Therapy of not less than two years from an institute Recognized as a degree awarding institution by University grant commission or a university Recognized by the university grant commission. Age limit not less than 22 years and not more than 45 Years. ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall possess a fulltime diploma In speech Therapy of not less than two years from an institute Recognized as a degree awarding institution by University grant commission or a university Recognized by the university grant commission."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 6 rs. 32850 10 x 445 11x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 59360 Speech therapist is placed under 1 St step of mt 6. ", "summary": "32850 10 x 445 11x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["18. public health inspector "], "description": "18. public health inspector ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including English with four 04 credit passes for sinhala tamil language mathematics science and one Other subject at not more than two sittings at the G.c.e. ol examination. And ii should have passed two 02 Subjects from Chemistry physics and agriculture with a credit Pass for biology or combined mathematics at one Sitting at the g.c.e. al examination. And iii should have obtained the Diploma certificate After successfully completing the fulltime years Diploma for public health inspectors conducted By ministry of health. And iv only males can apply. Age limit Not less than 22 years and not more than 55 Years. ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including English with four 04 credit passes for sinhala tamil language mathematics science and one Other subject at not more than two sittings at the G.c.e. And ii should have passed two 02 Subjects from Chemistry physics and agriculture with a credit Pass for biology or combined mathematics at one Sitting at the g.c.e. And iii should have obtained the Diploma certificate After successfully completing the fulltime years Diploma for public health inspectors conducted By ministry of health."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 5 rs. 32405 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 58915 Public health inspector is placed under 1 St Step of Mt 5 ", "summary": "32405 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["19. midwife "], "description": "19. midwife ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including English with four 04 credit passes for sinhala tamil language mathematics science and one Other subject at not more than two sittings at the G.c.e. ol examination. And ii shall have passed three subjects From bio Science physics agriculture and chemistry at One sitting at the g.c.e al examination. And iii should have obtained the Diploma certificate After successfully completing the fulltime Years diploma for midwifery conducted by Ministry of health. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including English with four 04 credit passes for sinhala tamil language mathematics science and one Other subject at not more than two sittings at the G.c.e. And ii shall have passed three subjects From bio Science physics agriculture and chemistry at One sitting at the g.c.e al examination."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210219 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 19.02.2021 363 And iv only females can apply. Age limit Shall not be less than 22 years and not more Than 55 years. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Mt 5 rs. 32405 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs. 58915 Midwife is placed under 1 St step of mt 5 ", "summary": "32405 10 x 445 11 x 660 10 x 730 10 x 750 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["20. management assistant "], "description": "20. management assistant Non technical ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including Sinhala tamil language mathematics and English with four 04 credit passes at one sitting At the g.c.e. ol examination. And ii shall have passed three subjects at The g.c.e. al except common general test at one Sitting. ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 Subjects including Sinhala tamil language mathematics and English with four 04 credit passes at one sitting At the g.c.e."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Additional qualification "], "description": "Additional qualification The ability to write and speak In english and tamil is considered as a Special qualification At the interview. Age limit not less than 18 years and not more than 45 Years. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Salary scale "], "description": "Salary scale Ma 12 rs .27910 10 x 300 7 x 350 12 x 600 12 x 710 rs. 49080 Management assistant nontechnical Is placed Under 1 St step of ma 1 2. ", "summary": "Salary scale Ma 12 rs .27910 10 x 300 7 x 350 12 x 600 12 x 710 rs."}, {"department": "", "title": ["21. driver "], "description": "21. driver ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Qualifications "], "description": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 subjects With two 02 credit passes at not more than two sittings at The g.c.e. ol examination. ", "summary": "Qualifications i shall have passed in six 06 subjects With two 02 credit passes at not more than two sittings at The g.c.e."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Vocational qualifications "], "description": "Vocational qualifications i should possess a driving license issued By the Commissioner general motor traffic for heavy Vehicles .a driving license in vehicle class a Under old procedure or a driving license in vehicle Class d according to new procedure Shall have Been obtained. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Experience "], "description": "Experience i should possess a minimum of Three years Experience in driving after receiving the driving License. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Physical qualifications "], "description": "Physical qualifications i should be of sound physical and Mental health To perform duties under any circumstance in day Time and night time and if needed should be able To perform in shifts through all 24 hours. ii minimum height should be 5 feet and 2 inches. ", "summary": "Physical qualifications i should be of sound physical and Mental health To perform duties under any circumstance in day Time and night time and if needed should be able To perform in shifts through all 24 hours."}, {"department": "", "title": ["Visual acuity "], "description": "Visual acuity i visual acuity of 69 for both eyes is Required as Per the vision standards recognized for drivers of Heavy vehicles by eye surgeon association. ", "summary": ""}]
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[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["Posts vacant "], "description": "Posts vacant ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Sri lanka police "], "description": "Sri lanka police ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of woman police constable special task force "], "description": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. 2. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. 223 bauddaloka mawatha Colombo 07. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before 30.06.2021. late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. 3. Salary scale . monthly rs. 29540 7 x 300 27 x 270 rs. 41630. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. C all the uniforms will be provided free of charge. D facilities to enhance ones sports skills And inborn Talents. E travelling expenses for duties and Financial rewards For exceptional peformance and arduous service. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. 04. Basic qualifications required 4.2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. 032016. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 07.01.2013 bearing no. 24162013. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. Rs. cts. In addition to the above said allowances A free transport facilities. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting. and the applicant Should have passed the subject mathematics In not more than two sittings. Note ", "summary": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. Basic qualifications required 2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 2013 bearing no. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting."}, {"department": "", "title": [" 01. according to the "], "description": " 01. according to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Subject classification "], "description": "Subject classification ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Of the department of examinations two "], "description": "Of the department of examinations two ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and "], "description": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and ", "summary": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["44 are considered as a single subject and "], "description": "44 are considered as a single subject and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 "], "description": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 ", "summary": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["And 45 are also considered as a single "], "description": "And 45 are also considered as a single ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Subject when determining the number "], "description": "Subject when determining the number ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of subjects passed at the examination. "], "description": "Of subjects passed at the examination. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["02. despite having passed the "], "description": "02. despite having passed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Practical test "], "description": "Practical test ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of the technological studies at g. c. e. "], "description": "Of the technological studies at g. c. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination failing in the written "], "description": "ol examination failing in the written ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Test of the same subject is considered as "], "description": "Test of the same subject is considered as ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Having failed the said subject. "], "description": "Having failed the said subject. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["03. since the subjects "], "description": "03. since the subjects ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Optional tamil "], "description": "Optional tamil ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["English and sinhala are not included in "], "description": "English and sinhala are not included in ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["G. c. e. ol subject stream having "], "description": "G. c. e. ol subject stream having I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1115 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Passed those subjects is "], "description": "Passed those subjects is ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Not considered "], "description": "Not considered ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["As one of the subjects passed at g. "], "description": "As one of the subjects passed at g. C. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination. "], "description": "ol examination. 43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than 612. if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 618. 433 should not have Undergone artificial Body modifications which might be Deemed unsuitable for the honour Of Police Service Or May Cause Obstruction in the execution of duty. 44 Other qualifications 441 should be a citizen of sri lanka. 442 the applicant should not possess A tarnished Character. 443 the applicant should be A bachelor divorcees widows and single parents are Not qualified to apply 444 should be prepared to work Anywhere in The country. 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. 5. Preliminary interview . Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council. Note ", "summary": "43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council."}, {"department": "", "title": [" applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having "], "description": " applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Failed the "], "description": "Failed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. "], "description": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. 1116 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 06. Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. the written examination will be held under the following subjects 07. Structured interview. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the structured interview board will be appointed by the inspector General of Police. 08. Method of recruitment. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies. Note ", "summary": "Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies."}, {"department": "", "title": [" deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess "], "description": " deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Exceptional sports "], "description": "Exceptional sports ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a "], "description": "Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the "], "description": "Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. "], "description": "Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. 09. Background check 9.1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 9.2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. 9.3 providing false information during recruitment by applicants will result in disqualification. if it Is revealed After the recruitment that false information had been provided service will be terminated at any time. 10. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. an applicant can take the medical test only once. the medical test will Be conducted Under health 169 form. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Background check 1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1117 11 . Training 11.1 based on the vacancies Available only The applicants who have passed the above Tests will be called for training on a date Specified by the inspector general of Police. selected applicants will receive the Preliminary training at sri lanka police College. afterwards They Will Receive Extensive training in the respective field during The probation period. 11.2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. 12. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme 13. service conditions 13.1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 13.3. 13.2 the selected applicants shall act In conformity With any orders or circulars already made Or may hereafter be made to implement the Official language policy. 13.3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. Circulars instruction codes and provisions Thereof and conditions of the appointment Letter. 13.4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. one should enter Into marriage only as per the instructions given In l.g.p. circulars. if getting married during Probation period a special permission should Be obtained from inspector general of police. If this regulation is violated the appointment Shall be nullified. 13.5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. Measures will be taken as per the provisions of Establishment code and procedural rules of Public service commission in relation to the Resignation. 13.6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 261 revised to inspector general of Police to be included in his personal file. Officer immediately after the Marriage should Include the above particulars about His spouse And submit. If a new asset or possession as described In the Above is acquired a complete Description of The said asset or possession should be Given in Writing to the inspector general of police To be Included in the personal file. 13.7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. 14. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period. 1118 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme service conditions 1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. 4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. 5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. 6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. 15 Efficiency bars efficiency bar examinations should be passed as follows. 16. Language proficiency 17. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. 19. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. those applications should accompany a certificate indicating that the applicant can be released if selected. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances. 20. applications that do not conform to the requirements of this notification will be rejected. replies will not be sent to Such applicants in that regard. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1119 Note ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" travelling or any other expense "], "description": " travelling or any other expense Will not ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Be paid by the sri lanka police to the "], "description": "Be paid by the sri lanka police to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Applicants who are called for interviews and "], "description": "Applicants who are called for interviews and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Examinations. "], "description": "Examinations. C. d. w Ickramaratne Inspector general of police. Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form 01. A name in full . in clear and legible handwriting should be exactly as mentioned in the nic B name with initials . C post applied . 02. national identity card No. . a copy of the nic should be attached 03. fathers full name . 04. place of birth of the applicant . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . Province . 05. A present address . B relevant police station of present address . C permanent address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . E mailing address . F grama niladaris division of Permanent address . divisional secretariat . G telephone no. home . Mobile . H email address . 06. A nationality . B whether you are a sri lankan citizen by Descent or by registration . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . ii applicants father . iii applicants paternal grand father . iv applicants paternal great grand father . 07. date of birth . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . as at the closing date of this Gazette Notification Years months days . 08. height feet . inches . 09. educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached . 10. marital status . 11. i present employment . ii are you a member of the armed forces . 12. have you ever served in sri lanka police . Post and rank no. . If yes indicate the reasons for you to resign From the Post . B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge . 1120 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form . a copy of the nic should be attached fathers full name . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . B relevant police station of present address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge ."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 15. have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a"}, {"department": "", "title": ["Posts vacant "], "description": "Posts vacant ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Sri lanka police "], "description": "Sri lanka police ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of woman police constable special task force "], "description": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. 2. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. 223 bauddaloka mawatha Colombo 07. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before 30.06.2021. late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. 3. Salary scale . monthly rs. 29540 7 x 300 27 x 270 rs. 41630. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. C all the uniforms will be provided free of charge. D facilities to enhance ones sports skills And inborn Talents. E travelling expenses for duties and Financial rewards For exceptional peformance and arduous service. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. 04. Basic qualifications required 4.2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. 032016. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 07.01.2013 bearing no. 24162013. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. Rs. cts. In addition to the above said allowances A free transport facilities. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting. and the applicant Should have passed the subject mathematics In not more than two sittings. Note ", "summary": "Post of woman police constable special task force Applications are invited from the citizens of Sri lanka Direct recruitment for the post of probationary Woman police Constable or sri lanka police special task force. applications duly prepared according to the specimen Application form given below should be Forwarded to The address directorrecruitment Police recruitment Division no. 375 first floor sri Sambuddhathva jayanthi Mawatha colombo 06 or commandant special Task force Headquarters no. The post you are applying for should be mentioned On the Topleft corner of the envelope in which Your application Is enclosed and it should be forwarded by Registered post To reach the above address on or before late Applications will not be considered and applications Will not Be issued by sri lanka police. B free medical facilities for Officers financial Support can be obtained even for getting medical Treatment abroad. F officers will be entitled to the Special allowance Only during the period they are attached to the stf Consequent to the basic training. Basic qualifications required 2 Educational qualifications This salary scale is calculated according to public Administration circular no. Further these officers are entitled for the allowances Granted under the inspector generals Circular dated 2013 bearing no. they will Receive the Following allowances on a monthly basis in addition To the Salary scale mentioned above. having passed 06 subjects with 04 credit Passes including a credit pass for the medium Language at g. c. e. ol examination at One and the same sitting."}, {"department": "", "title": [" 01. according to the "], "description": " 01. according to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Subject classification "], "description": "Subject classification ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "of the department of examinations two ", "title": ["Of the department of examinations two "], "description": "Of the department of examinations two ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and "], "description": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no. 41 and ", "summary": "Aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["44 are considered as a single subject and "], "description": "44 are considered as a single subject and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 "], "description": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no. 42 ", "summary": "Two aesthetic subjects bearing no."}, {"department": "", "title": ["And 45 are also considered as a single "], "description": "And 45 are also considered as a single ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Subject when determining the number "], "description": "Subject when determining the number ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of subjects passed at the examination. "], "description": "Of subjects passed at the examination. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["02. despite having passed the "], "description": "02. despite having passed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Practical test "], "description": "Practical test ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Of the technological studies at g. c. e. "], "description": "Of the technological studies at g. c. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination failing in the written "], "description": "ol examination failing in the written ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Test of the same subject is considered as "], "description": "Test of the same subject is considered as ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Having failed the said subject. "], "description": "Having failed the said subject. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["03. since the subjects "], "description": "03. since the subjects ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Optional tamil "], "description": "Optional tamil ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["English and sinhala are not included in "], "description": "English and sinhala are not included in ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["G. c. e. ol subject stream having "], "description": "G. c. e. ol subject stream having I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1115 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Passed those subjects is "], "description": "Passed those subjects is ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Not considered "], "description": "Not considered ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["As one of the subjects passed at g. "], "description": "As one of the subjects passed at g. C. e. ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["ol examination. "], "description": "ol examination. 43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than 612. if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 618. 433 should not have Undergone artificial Body modifications which might be Deemed unsuitable for the honour Of Police Service Or May Cause Obstruction in the execution of duty. 44 Other qualifications 441 should be a citizen of sri lanka. 442 the applicant should not possess A tarnished Character. 443 the applicant should be A bachelor divorcees widows and single parents are Not qualified to apply 444 should be prepared to work Anywhere in The country. 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. 5. Preliminary interview . Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council. Note ", "summary": "43 Physical requirements 431 all the applicants should Be physically And mentally fit to discharge the duties of The post and to work anywhere within sri Lanka. 432 Vision requirements Minimum vision of one eye without Wearing spectacles or contact lens Should not be less than if the vision Of one eye is 66 the vision of the other Eye should be 445 qualifications mentioned in The application From 41 to 42 which are required for The post are expected to have been fully Acquired by the date mentioned in the notice Inviting applications and the qualifications In 44 are expected to remain the same even On the date of recruitment. Only the applicants who meet The basic qualifications and age requirement out Of those Who have furnished the applications will be called For the Preliminary interview. during the Interview qualifications Mentioned in paragraph 43 except 432 and 433 And 44 except 442 and 444 mentioned above will be checked. The applicants who face the preliminary interview should Face the endurance test conducted by a board Of officers Appointed by the inspector general of police. The form forwarded with the call letter to get it verified That the applicant is not unfit to face this Endurance test Should be furnished then with the recommendation Of a Doctor registered with sri lanka medical council."}, {"department": "", "title": [" applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having "], "description": " applicants who fail to run a distance of 1000 meters in 05 minutes are considered having ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Failed the "], "description": "Failed the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. "], "description": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks. 1116 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Fitness test and also should obtain more than 60 marks out of 100 as cut off marks."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 06. Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. the written examination will be held under the following subjects 07. Structured interview. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the structured interview board will be appointed by the inspector General of Police. 08. Method of recruitment. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies. Note ", "summary": "Written examination The applicants who get through the preliminary interview will be called for the written Examination. Only the applicants who get through the preliminary interview and written examination Will be directed to the structured interview. the aggregate of the marks obtained by each applicant for the written examination And structured interview is listed in descending order. based on the order of marks obtained a number of Applicants which Is 125 of the number of vacancies will be called for the background check and medical test and the Qualified applicants Out of those will be recruited for the post based on the number of available vacancies."}, {"department": "", "title": [" deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess "], "description": " deviating from the above procedural measures the applicants who possess ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Exceptional sports "], "description": "Exceptional sports ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a "], "description": "Skills on national or international level or have displayed special talents or proficiency in a ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the "], "description": "Different field may be recruited at the discretion of the appointing authority disregarding the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. "], "description": "Height and chest requirement if such applicant meets other qualifications. 09. Background check 9.1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 9.2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. 9.3 providing false information during recruitment by applicants will result in disqualification. if it Is revealed After the recruitment that false information had been provided service will be terminated at any time. 10. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. an applicant can take the medical test only once. the medical test will Be conducted Under health 169 form. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Background check 1 a background check will be conducted to check any adverse reports on the applicants based On the Number of available vacancies and the arrangement of the aggregate of the marks obtained by each Applicant for the written examination and structured interview listed in descending order. 2 with the intention of getting the applicants character exposed background checks will also be Carried out On the applicant on his next of kin and on his close companions and applicants with negative background Check reports will not be recruited. Medical test only the applicants who do not have negative background report will be called for medical Test. the selected applicants should pass the medical test conducted by the medical board headed by the Chief medical Officer of police hospital. in addition a test will be performed on the applicants to check whether they are Physically and Mentally fit to perform police duties. appeals will not be considered from the applicants who disqualify from the medical test."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1117 11 . Training 11.1 based on the vacancies Available only The applicants who have passed the above Tests will be called for training on a date Specified by the inspector general of Police. selected applicants will receive the Preliminary training at sri lanka police College. afterwards They Will Receive Extensive training in the respective field during The probation period. 11.2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. 12. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme 13. service conditions 13.1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 13.3. 13.2 the selected applicants shall act In conformity With any orders or circulars already made Or may hereafter be made to implement the Official language policy. 13.3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. Circulars instruction codes and provisions Thereof and conditions of the appointment Letter. 13.4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. one should enter Into marriage only as per the instructions given In l.g.p. circulars. if getting married during Probation period a special permission should Be obtained from inspector general of police. If this regulation is violated the appointment Shall be nullified. 13.5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. Measures will be taken as per the provisions of Establishment code and procedural rules of Public service commission in relation to the Resignation. 13.6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 261 revised to inspector general of Police to be included in his personal file. Officer immediately after the Marriage should Include the above particulars about His spouse And submit. If a new asset or possession as described In the Above is acquired a complete Description of The said asset or possession should be Given in Writing to the inspector general of police To be Included in the personal file. 13.7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. 14. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period. 1118 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "2 appointing authority will Decide whether To extend the training period or nullify the Appointment of the officers who do not Complete their preliminary training. Nature of post Permanent and pensionable subject To the policy decisions made by the governing on The pension Scheme service conditions 1 selected applicants should serve A probation Periodapprenticeship of three years under the Section 3 should abide by the circulars of National police Commission provisions of establishment code Financial regulations public administration Circulars treasury circulars sri lanka police Ordinance police Gazette notification l.g.p. 4 the probation period shall prevail for First three Years from the date of appointment and the Officers are not permitted to consummate the Marriage during the period. 5 those who are recruited Should serve Compulsory service period of 5 years after Completion of training. they should sign a bond Giving their consent to pay all the stipulated Expenses should there be any that had been Spent for hisher training and other expenses Including uniforms at the time he is handing Over the resignation letter in the event of an Officer intends to resign from the service before Completion of his compulsory service period. 6 when each and every officer Of direct Recruitment is initially appointed to the police Service who should provide particulars of all Their assets which the officer either has absolute Ownership to or retains title to or has been Transferred to and all the liabilities in general Form no. 7 probationary woman police Constables should Subscribe an affirmationoath to the effect That they comply with the constitution of Democratic socialist republic of sri lanka As soon as they start the training at sri lanka Police college or special task force training School at katukurunda. Confirmation in service After the completion of Probation period of 03 years directly recruited Officers will Be confirmed in service by the appointing authority. If an Officer fails to meet the requirements of the First efficiency Bar within probation period the officer will be Confirmed in Service after deciding the seniority as per Procedural rules Considering the additional time spent after The prescribed Period."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. 15 Efficiency bars efficiency bar examinations should be passed as follows. 16. Language proficiency 17. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. 19. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. those applications should accompany a certificate indicating that the applicant can be released if selected. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances. 20. applications that do not conform to the requirements of this notification will be rejected. replies will not be sent to Such applicants in that regard. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 However appointments of officers who could not meet the requirement of the first efficiency bar within a period of Additional 03 years will be nullified unless decided by the appointing authority to confirm the service or to Extend the Probation period. A general conditions relevant to the appointment to posts of the public service that have been published in the Beginning of paragraph ii a of part i of this Gazette notification will be applicable. a applicants who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the relevant heads Of department. b applications should be completed in applicants own handwriting on 11 x 8 papers and should be sent along with The relevant copies of the certificates to the address mentioned in the above paragraph 02 and the application should Not be Handed over personally to any officer under any circumstances."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 1119 Note ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" travelling or any other expense "], "description": " travelling or any other expense Will not ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Be paid by the sri lanka police to the "], "description": "Be paid by the sri lanka police to the ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Applicants who are called for interviews and "], "description": "Applicants who are called for interviews and ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Examinations. "], "description": "Examinations. C. d. w Ickramaratne Inspector general of police. Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form 01. A name in full . in clear and legible handwriting should be exactly as mentioned in the nic B name with initials . C post applied . 02. national identity card No. . a copy of the nic should be attached 03. fathers full name . 04. place of birth of the applicant . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . Province . 05. A present address . B relevant police station of present address . C permanent address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . E mailing address . F grama niladaris division of Permanent address . divisional secretariat . G telephone no. home . Mobile . H email address . 06. A nationality . B whether you are a sri lankan citizen by Descent or by registration . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . ii applicants father . iii applicants paternal grand father . iv applicants paternal great grand father . 07. date of birth . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . as at the closing date of this Gazette Notification Years months days . 08. height feet . inches . 09. educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached . 10. marital status . 11. i present employment . ii are you a member of the armed forces . 12. have you ever served in sri lanka police . Post and rank no. . If yes indicate the reasons for you to resign From the Post . B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge . 1120 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "Sri lanka police P Ost Of p Robationary w Oman p Olice c Onstable s Pecial T Ask f Orce Specimen Application Form . a copy of the nic should be attached fathers full name . Divisional secretariat of the relevant birth Place . B relevant police station of present address . D relevant police station of permanent Address . if by registration kindly produce that certificate C if you became a citizen by descent Mention the birth places of i applicant . a copy of the birth certificate should Be attached Age . educational Qualifications should Mention The Examinations passed and the copies of the relevant Certificates should be attached B have you ever served in armed forces If yes Please attach a copy of the certificate of legal Discharge ."}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210521 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 21.05.2021 15. have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 have you ever been arrested on suspicion Or in Connection with any offence have you ever been Accused of an offence or summoned or punished by a"}]
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": ["Registrar generals department "], "description": "Registrar generals department ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages kandyan "], "description": "Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages kandyan ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["general sinhala "], "description": "general sinhala Medium Ratnapura district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 03 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. N.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce ol or any other similar examination it shall Be considered As one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the Post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name listgrama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgrama niladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat. applications Could also be downloaded from the of Fi Cial website of the registrar generals department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address Given in the schedule. W. m. m. B. weerasekara Registrar general. Registrar generals department No. 234a3 denzil Kobbekaduwa mawatha Battaramulla On this 04th day of august 2021. I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "general sinhala Medium Ratnapura district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 03 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name listgrama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgrama niladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat."}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 27.08.2021 1825 Schedule 08413 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": ["Registrar generals department "], "description": "Registrar generals department ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages kandyan "], "description": "Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages kandyan ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["general sinhala "], "description": "general sinhala Medium Kegalle district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. N.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce ol or any other similar examination it shall Be considered As one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of The post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 1826 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "general sinhala Medium Kegalle district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination."}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 27.08.2021 07. additional details such as village name listgrama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgrama niladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat. applications Could also be downloaded from the of Fi Cial website of the registrar generals department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address Given in the schedule. W. m. m. B. weerasekara Registrar general. Registrar generals department No. 234a3 denzil Kobbekaduwa mawatha Battaramulla On this 04th day of august 2021. Schedule 08415 ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 additional details such as village name listgrama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgrama niladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat."}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": ["Registrar generals department "], "description": "Registrar generals department ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages tamil medium "], "description": "Post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages tamil medium Badulla district Applications are called for the post of registrar of births deaths and marriagesadditional marriages for The divisions Set out in the schedule hereof 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births deaths and marriages additional marriages I fldgi ii W ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 27.08.2021 1827 Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. N.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce ol or any other similar examination it shall Be considered As one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the Post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name listgramaniladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgramaniladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat. applications Could also be downloaded from the of Fi Cial website of the registrar generals department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 27th september 2021 by registered post to the address Given in the schedule. W. m. m. B. weerasekara Registrar general. Registrar generals department No. 234a3 denzil Kobbekaduwa mawatha Battaramulla On this 04th day of august 2021. Schedule 08416 1828 I fldgi ii W ", "summary": "iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 2021 1827 Division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who Has acquired Sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widowwidower or Divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not More than two 02 sittings in gce ol examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary Language as Per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name listgramaniladhari divisions of the relevant division of births deaths And marriages additional marriages relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post could Be obtained From notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat divisional secretariat Or relevant Land and district registries grama niladhari offices samurdhi development society offices and post offices Depicted in The schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said annex 01 inclusive of village name listgramaniladhari divisions could Be collected from district secretariat ga office relevant land and district registry or divisional Secretariat."}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": [" fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 "], "description": " fpoh ys xld mcddkasl iudcjd ckrcfha .ei mh 20210827 P Art i s Ec . iia gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka 27.08.2021 ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "registrar generals department", "title": ["Registrar generals department "], "description": "Registrar generals department ", "summary": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["Post of registrar of muslim marriages "], "description": "Post of registrar of muslim marriages sinhala Medium Kegalle district Applications are called for the post of Registrar of Muslim marriages in the divisions set out in The schedule Hereof 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant Muslim marriages division and entitled To reasonable Properties and should be a person With outstanding Personality who has acquired sufficient interest And influence Amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not More than 55 years of age as at the closing date Of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim Marriages should be married and should not be a widow Widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 Subjects including sinhala tamilrelevant Language for The post with 02 credit passes in not more than Two 02 Sittings in gce ol examination together with The ability To perform duties in secondary language as per The language Requirement of the populate within the division Or else Should have passed in any other similar examination. N.b . in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce ol or Any other similar examination it shall be considered As one subject and pass is applicable only if the Applicant passes both parts of the said subject. possession of moulavi certificate or Diploma in Arabic language shall be considered As fulfillment Of aforesaid basic qualification. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the Office in a centrally located building that ensures Respect of The post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name listgrama Niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim Marriage additional marriages Relevant educational And other qualifications required for this post Could be Obtained from notices exhibited in public places Within the Division such as district secretariat Divisional secretariat Or relevant land and district registries Grama niladhari Offices samurdhi development society offices And post Offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said annex 01 Inclusive of village name listgrama Niladhari divisions Could be collected from district secretariat ga office Relevant land and district registry or Divisional secretariat. Applications could also be downloaded from The official Website of the Registrar generals Department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on Or before 27th september 2021 by registered post To the Address given in the schedule. W. m. m. ", "summary": "Post of registrar of muslim marriages sinhala Medium Kegalle district Applications are called for the post of Registrar of Muslim marriages in the divisions set out in The schedule Hereof applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant Muslim marriages division and entitled To reasonable Properties and should be a person With outstanding Personality who has acquired sufficient interest And influence Amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not More than 55 years of age as at the closing date Of the Applications.maximum age of retirement is 65 years applicants for the post of registrar of muslim Marriages should be married and should not be a widow Widower or divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 Subjects including sinhala tamilrelevant Language for The post with 02 credit passes in not more than Two 02 Sittings in gce ol examination together with The ability To perform duties in secondary language as per The language Requirement of the populate within the division Or else Should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name listgrama Niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim Marriage additional marriages Relevant educational And other qualifications required for this post Could be Obtained from notices exhibited in public places Within the Division such as district secretariat Divisional secretariat Or relevant land and district registries Grama niladhari Offices samurdhi development society offices And post Offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said annex 01 Inclusive of village name listgrama Niladhari divisions Could be collected from district secretariat ga office Relevant land and district registry or Divisional secretariat."}]
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "department of government factory",
"title": [
"state ministry of rural housing ",
"and building materials - limited competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 "
"description": "limited competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory -2020 (2021) applications are invited from sri lankan citizens by the commissioner general of examinations for the limited competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following the department of government factory. the candidates who fulfill the relevant qualifications can apply for all three posts. salary code no. : mn1-2016 salary scale : rs. 27,140 -10x300 -11x350 - 10 x495-10x660 - rs. 45,540. grade to which recruitment is made : grade iii educational qualifications : should be employed in non-technical, semi- technical and technical grades primary grade of the department of government factory, fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 should have passed six (06) subjects with credit passes to the two (02) subjects of language and mathematics at the general certificate of education (ordinary level) examination. professional qualifications : should have followed a course on computer word processing/typesetting of not less than 03 months duration recognized by the vocational and tertiary education commission. physical qualifications : not relevant. other qualifications i. all the qualifications required for the recruitment for the post should be satisfied in each and every way the date mentioned in the notice calling for applications. ii. the applicants should hold permanent posts in the department of government factory and should be confirmed in such posts. iii. should have completed at least 05 years of continuous and satisfactory period of service in a permanent appointment immediately preceding the due date and the same shall be certified by the head of the department. method of recruitment : recruitments shall be made to above posts on the order of merit of the marks scored by applicants at the written examination and the preference of the applicants. written examination syllabus of the written examination : not relevant. general interview : no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be verified. 9. the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification and should be prepared by the candidate himself on paper of size a-4 using both sides in the language medium he/she intends to appear for the examination. it should be specially noted that the application forms should be prepared that cages 01 to 08 appear on the first the paper and cages 09 to 12 appear on the other side of the paper and the rest to appear on the third page. the title fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 19.03.2021 \"commissioner-general of examinations, (institutional and foreign examinations branch), department of examinations, p.o. 1503, colombo. applications not comply with the specimen and that are not completed in every aspect shall be rejected without notice. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so to be detached. it is advisable to keep a photocopy application and the receipt of the payment. the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english medium and the language medium of examination, mentioned originally in the application, cannot be changed subsequently. the examination fee is rs. 750.00. it should be paid before the closing date of applications at any post office/ sub post office/ district secretariat/divisional secretariat credited to revenue head 20-03-02-13 of the commissioner general of examination. the receipt obtained should be pasted in the relevant cage of the application form so to be detached. stamps or money orders are not accepted as examination fee. the fee is non- refundable and not be allowed to transfer the fee paid for this examination in favor of another examination. it is advisable to photocopy of the receipt. 12.1 applications not in line with the specimen application, incomplete applications applications received after the closing date will be rejected without any notice. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application perfected. the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to all candidates whose applications have been received on or before the application closing date after paying the due examination fees, assumption that only those who have satisfied the qualifications mentioned in the notification have applied for the examinations. a notification will be published in newspapers as soon as the admission cards are issued candidates by the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received to any applicant even after 2 to 3 days advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the institutional and foreign examinations branch of department of examinations in the manner specified in the advertisement. when informing, the name of the examination applied for, full name, address and number of the candidate should be indicated. it would be advisable for candidates outside colombo to fax a letter of request along fax number of the candidate to the department of examinations through the fax number mentioning the notification for sending of the admission. further, it would be advisable to keep a copy of the application, copy receipt relevant to payment of examination fee and the receipt of registration of the application to prove any information requested department of examinations. 12.2 issuance of an admission card to an applicant does not necessarily mean that the candidate has fulfilled the qualifications to sit the examination or to be appointed to a post. 13.2 applicants should submit their admission card to the supervisor on the first day of the examination. attesting the signature fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 i. national identity card ii. valid passport iii. valid sri lankan driving license candidates should be dressed in a manner which exposes the full face (including ears) ensuring their clear identification. the candidates, who refuse to prove their identity in the said manner shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall. further, candidates should remain examination hall from the moment of entering and leaving the examination hall without covering the face enabling the examiners to identify them easily. 14.1 candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations for the purpose of conducting examinations and issuance of results and they shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment imposed by commissioner general of examinations for violation of these rules and regulations. 14.2 punishment ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nlimited competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory -2020 applications are invited from sri lankan citizens by the commissioner general of examinations for the limited competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following the department of government factory. 45, grade to which recruitment is made grade iii educational qualifications should be employed in non-technical, semi- technical and technical grades primary grade of the department of government factory, fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 should have passed six subjects with credit passes to the two subjects of language and mathematics at the general certificate of education examination. – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 2021 \"commissioner-general of examinationsdepartment of examinations, p.o. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so to be detached. it should be paid before the closing date of applications at any post office/ sub post office/ district secretariat/divisional secretariat credited to revenue head 20-03-02-13 of the commissioner general of examination. the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to all candidates whose applications have been received on or before the application closing date after paying the due examination fees, assumption that only those who have satisfied the qualifications mentioned in the notification have applied for the examinations. a notification will be published in newspapers as soon as the admission cards are issued candidates by the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received to any applicant even after 2 to 3 days advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the institutional and foreign examinations branch of department of examinations in the manner specified in the advertisement. it would be advisable for candidates outside colombo to fax a letter of request along fax number of the candidate to the department of examinations through the fax number mentioning the notification for sending of the admission. further, it would be advisable to keep a copy of the application, copy receipt relevant to payment of examination fee and the receipt of registration of the application to prove any information requested department of examinations. 1 candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations for the purpose of conducting examinations and issuance of results and they shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment imposed by commissioner general of examinations for violation of these rules and regulations.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "department of government factory",
"title": [
"open competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer"
"description": "open competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory - 2020 (2021) applications are invited from sri lankan citizens commissioner general of examinations for the limited open competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following posts department of government factory. the candidates who fulfill the relevant qualifications can apply for all three posts. physical qualifications : every applicant should be physically and mentally fit to perform the duties of and serve in any part of sri lanka. other qualifications i. should be a citizen of sri lanka. ii. should be of excellent moral character. iii. should have fulfilled all the qualifications required to be recruited to the post and the qualifications should have been fulfilled in every way on the closing date of the application. method of recruitment : recruitments shall be made to above posts on the order of merit of the marks scored by applicants at the written examination and the preference of the applicants. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 written examination written examination 9.2 syllabus of the written examination : general interview no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be verified. 10. the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification and should be prepared by candidates themselves who have fulfilled the above qualifications on paper of size a-4 using both sides in the language medium he/she intends to appear for the examination. it should be specially noted that the application forms should be prepared that cages 01 to 05 appear on the first side of the paper and the rest to appear on the other pages. the the examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 19/03/2021 \"commissioner-general of examinations, (institutional and foreign examinations branch), department of examinations, po. 1503, colombo\". applications that do not comply with the specimen and that are not completed in every aspect rejected without notice. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is in line with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application and the receipt of the payment. 11. the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english medium and the language medium of examination, mentioned originally in the application, cannot be changed subsequently. 12. applications not in line with the specimen application and incomplete applications will be rejected without any notice. further, the candidate should ensure that that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached and it is advisable to keep a copy of the receipt relevant to payment of examination fee. applications which have not been filled properly and applications received after the closing date will be rejected without notice. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application perfected. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nopen competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory - 2020 applications are invited from sri lankan citizens commissioner general of examinations for the limited open competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following posts department of government factory. – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 written examination written examination 2 syllabus of the written examination general interview no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be verified. the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification and should be prepared by candidates themselves who have fulfilled the above qualifications on paper of size a-4 using both sides in the language medium he/she intends to appear for the examination. the examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 19/03/2021 \"commissioner-general of examinationsdepartment of examinations, po. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is in line with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached. the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english medium and the language medium of examination, mentioned originally in the application, cannot be changed subsequently. further, the candidate should ensure that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached and it is advisable to keep a copy of the receipt relevant to payment of examination fee.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "service of the ministry of justice ",
"title": [
"recruitment to the post of ",
"technical officer (civil) grade iii ",
"in the sri lanka ",
"technical officers' ",
"service of the ministry of justice "
"description": "(open basis) - 2021 applications are invited from qualified applicants recruit suitable persons to fill 07 vacancies in the technical officer (civil) grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice on open basis. applications from certificate holders in the civil sector will only be considered. application forms prepared as specimen form appended at the end of this notice should be sent by registered post to reach the \"secretary, ministry of justice, superior courts complex, colombo 12 on or before the closing date of applications mentioned below. the words \"recruitment to the post of technical officer grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice (open basis)\" should be written on the top left hand comer of the envelope containing the application form. closing date of applications will be on 12.03.2021 : no allegation that an application form document respecting such form has been lost or delayed in the post can be considered. applicants who delay their applications until the last day will do so at their own risk. method of recruitment. – recruitments will be made on the order of merit secured at the written examination conducted by an institution approved by the commissioner general of examinations or the secretary of the ministry of justice and as well as at the general interview to be conducted by interview board to be appointed by the secretary to ministry of justice. terms of engagement (i) this post is permanent. the pension scheme applicable to the post is subject to future policy decisions to be taken by the government. (ii) an officer recruited to this post is subject to a 03 year probation period and is required to pass the first efficiency bar examination before within the said 03 years. (iii) an officer recruited to this post should, in terms of the public administration circular no.18/2020 circulars incidental thereto, acquire the prescribed language proficiency within 05 appointing to this post. the officer who enters the public service in a medium of language other than in a medium of any of the official languages will require to reach within 03 years a requisite standard of proficiency in one official language and within 05 years the other official language. (iv) this appointment will be subject procedural rules of the public service commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial regulations and departmental orders and any other regulations. salary scale. – in terms of the public administration circular no.3/2016, this post with salary code mn-3-2016, carries a salary scale of rs. 31,040-10x445-11x660- 10x730-10x750- rs. 57,550. (per month) (salaries paid in terms of schedule ii of the public administration circular no.03/2016 dated 25.02.2026.) qualifications :- educational qualifications ) should have passed the g.c.e.(ordinary level) examination in six subjects not more than two sittings with credit passes sinhala/tamil/english language, mathematics, science and one any other ) should have passed the g.c.e.(advanced level) examination in all subjects in one setting with physics, combined mathematics and chemistry. (except for common general test) (03 passes in the same stream in one sitting under the old syllabus is treated sufficient.) vocational qualifications ) national diploma in technology (civil) conferred on by the university of moratuwa or hardy institute of ampara. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 ) national diploma in engineering (civil) conferred on by the national apprentice and industrial training authority. ) higher national diploma in engineering (civil) conferred on by the ministry of education and higher education. ) national diploma in technology (civil) conferred on by the open university of sri lanka. ) successful completion of part the engineering examination (civil) conducted by the sri lanka institute of engineering. ) any other technological qualifications equivalent in all respect to those referred to above, recognized by the sri lanka vocational education commission with the concurrence of the ministry of higher education and of the institutions in whose authority the certificates referred to above have been ) successful completion of the national vocational qualifications (nvq) level 06 applicable to the field of employment. experience .– special preference is given to service ex perience in the respective field. physical fitness. – every applicant should be in good mental and physical order to serve in any part of the island and to discharge the duties and functions of the post. other qualifications (i) every applicant should be a citizen (ii) every applicant should bear an excellent and exemplary moral character. (iii) applicants are considered to be eligible for the competitive examination only if the qualifications in all respect including the age limit have been satisfied on or before closing date of application mentioned notification. age limit.– the age should be not less than 18 and not more than 30 years as at closing date of applications. method of recruitment .– recruitment will be made on the order of merit secured at the competitive examination and general interview. a similar number applicants expected to be recruited are interviewed order of merit secured at the competitive written exam ination to be selected. written examination general interview.– qualifications of the applicants will be checked by the interview board to be appointed by the secretary to the ministry of justice. 12. applications should be prepared on a a4 paper of 22x29 cm in size using both sides indicating items from 1 -12 on the first page and 13 onwards on the second third pages. it should be filled by the applicant's own legible handwriting. applications which are not in conformity with the specimen appended at the end of this notice or received after the closing date of acceptance of applications are liable to be rejected without notice. it is advisable for applicants to retain a copy of the application. incomplete applications and applications of applicants who do not possess the prescribed minimum requirements will also be rejected. applicants should therefore see that his/her application is perfect in all respect. receipt of applications will not be acknowledged. ) no any document or duplicate thereof is required be annexed to the application. ) applications of the applicants in respect of whom the originals of the prescribed certificates are failed to be submitted when requested to do so will not be considered. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 (ii) applicants who are employed in the public service /provincial public service. state corporations, etc. should forward their applications through the respective heads of the departments. examination fee.– every applicant should deposit an examination fee in a sum of rs.500/- to the credit of the account no.1761001990251 84 in the mid city branch of the people's bank in favour of the secretary to the ministry of justice. the original of the receipt issued by the bank in proof of the payment should be affixed in the space provided for the purpose in the application. annexure 02 no. ........................... (for office use only) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n - 2021 applications are invited from qualified applicants recruit suitable persons to fill 07 vacancies in the technical officer grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice on open basis. application forms prepared as specimen form appended at the end of this notice should be sent by registered post to reach the \"secretary, ministry of justice, superior courts complex, colombo 12 on or before the closing date of applications mentioned below. the words \"recruitment to the post of technical officer grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice \" should be written on the top left hand comer of the envelope containing the application form. an officer recruited to this post is subject to a 03 year probation period and is required to pass the first efficiency bar examination before within the said 03 years. an officer recruited to this post should, in terms of the public administration circular no.18/2020 circulars incidental thereto, acquire the prescribed language proficiency within 05 appointing to this post. this appointment will be subject procedural rules of the public service commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial regulations and departmental orders and any other regulations. examination in six subjects not more than two sittings with credit passes sinhala/tamil/english language, mathematics, science and one any other ) should have passed the g.c.e. examination in all subjects in one setting with physics, combined mathematics and chemistry. vocational qualifications ) national diploma in technology conferred on by the university of moratuwa or hardy institute of ampara. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 ) national diploma in engineering conferred on by the national apprentice and industrial training authorityhigher national diploma in engineering conferred on by the ministry of education and higher educationnational diploma in technology conferred on by the open university of sri lankasuccessful completion of part the engineering examination conducted by the sri lanka institute of engineeringany other technological qualifications equivalent in all respect to those referred to above, recognized by the sri lanka vocational education commission with the concurrence of the ministry of higher education and of the institutions in whose authority the certificates referred to above have been ) successful completion of the national vocational qualifications level 06 applicable to the field of employment. applicants are considered to be eligible for the competitive examination only if the qualifications in all respect including the age limit have been satisfied on or before closing date of application mentioned notification. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 applicants who are employed in the public service /provincial public service.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Railway ",
"title": [
"open competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of ",
"railway technological management assistant (mechanical) ",
"& railway ",
"technological management assistant (electrical) in management "
"description": "assistant technological service category segmemt - 2-2021 amendment – 1 amendment of the below cited condition under the number 4 published in the notification dated 05.02.2021 for recruitment to the above posts. conditions of recruitment. – trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre as at 15.06.2017 are allowed to apply ignoring the above cited educational qualification, have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully. the above condition will be amended as follows : as per the decision of the cabinet of ministers dated 19.12.2017 of the secretary to the cabinet of ministers /17/2882/709/102-1, until the railway department prepares a new salary structure only the trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre are allowed to apply ignoring the educational qualification - published in the notification dated 05.02.2021 if they have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully. the other facts, cited in the notification will be effected without any alterations. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n– trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre as at 2017 are allowed to apply ignoring the above cited educational qualification, have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully. the above condition will be amended as follows as per the decision of the cabinet of ministers dated 2017 of the secretary to the cabinet of ministers /17/2882/709/102-1, until the railway department prepares a new salary structure only the trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre are allowed to apply ignoring the educational qualification - published in the notification dated 2021 if they have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
"department": "ministry of public services, ",
"title": [
"limited competitive examination ",
"for recruitment ",
"to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative ",
"description": "applications are invited from qualified citizens of sri lanka for the limited competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in grade iii of the sri lanka administrative the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november. the secretary reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission. this examination shall consist of four (04) question papers as follows. general intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code, procedural rules of the public services commission and financial regulations) case studies relevant to public administration ii (relating to the testing of creative, analytical and communicative skills) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are invited from qualified citizens of sri lanka for the limited competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in grade iii of the sri lanka administrative the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november. general intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i case studies relevant to public administration ii ",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "the ministry in charge of the subject of public ",
"title": [
"“secretary” ",
"“the secretary to ",
"administration” "
"description": "b. the term otherwise specified, ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "the ministry in charge of the subject of public ",
"title": [
"“the sri lanka administrative service” "
"description": " under this examination, recruitment will be made to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service (a) applications for this examination can be submitted from 07th of august 2021 till 24:00 hrs 06 september 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"written examination – "
"description": " this examination shall consist of four (04) question papers as follows. general intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code, procedural rules of the public services commission and financial regulations) case studies relevant to public administration ii (relating to the testing of creative, analytical and communicative skills) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngeneral intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i case studies relevant to public administration ii ",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"interview – "
"description": " a general interview and a structured interview will be held for the candidates who sat for all the question papers of the written examination and obtained the highest aggregate marks as determined by the public service commission as adequate. the date of the interview decided by the secretary as per the instructions of the public service commission. the number to be appointed will be 42. in an instance where the candidates who have obtained equal marks for the final vacancy or final few vacancies are exceeding the number of vacancies, the decision on filling such number of vacancies will be made by the public service commission as per section 80 of the procedural rules. the effective date of the appointment will be determined on the orders public services commission. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \na general interview and a structured interview will be held for the candidates who sat for all the question papers of the written examination and obtained the highest aggregate marks as determined by the public service commission as adequate. the number to be appointed will be in an instance where the candidates who have obtained equal marks for the final vacancy or final few vacancies are exceeding the number of vacancies, the decision on filling such number of vacancies will be made by the public service commission as per section 80 of the procedural rules.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"conditions of service – "
"description": "4.1 a selected candidate will be appointed to grade iii of the service subject to the general conditions governing the appointments of the public service, terms and conditions set out in the service minute of the sri lanka administrative service published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1842/2 of 23.12.2013 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, amendments made or to be made in future to that service minute, provisions of the establishments code and financial regulations and the procedural rules of public service commission published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1589/30 of 20.02.2009. 4.2 this post is permanent and pensionable. the candidates are required to contribute to the widows’/ widowers’ and orphans pension 4.3 this appointment is subject to an acting period of one year. the candidates should pass the first efficiency bar examination within 03 years from the recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service as mentioned in the service minute. 4.4 the candidates should acquire proficiency official languages before expiry of three (03) years from the recruitment to the post as per the public administration circular no. 18/2020 dated 16.10.2020 and circulars incidental thereto. 4.5 the appointments of the applicants who assume duties of the post offered to him and/ or reject or avoid the assumption of duties of a post or an area where he is appointed, on the fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 prescribed date shall be cancelled upon the orders of the public service commission. 05. monthly salary scale the monthly salary scale applicable to this post as per schedule i of public administration circular no. 03/2016 dated 25.02.2016 is rs. 47,615 - 10 x 1,335 – 8 x 17 x 2,170 - 110,895/- (sl - i -2016). in addition you will also be entitled to other allowances paid to public officers by the government from time to time. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n1 a selected candidate will be appointed to grade iii of the service subject to the general conditions governing the appointments of the public service, terms and conditions set out in the service minute of the sri lanka administrative service published in the gazette extraordinary no. 1842/2 of 2013 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, amendments made or to be made in future to that service minute, provisions of the establishments code and financial regulations and the procedural rules of public service commission published in the gazette extraordinary no. the candidates should pass the first efficiency bar examination within 03 years from the recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service as mentioned in the service minute. 4 the candidates should acquire proficiency official languages before expiry of three years from the recruitment to the post as per the public administration circular no. 5 the appointments of the applicants who assume duties of the post offered to him and/ or reject or avoid the assumption of duties of a post or an area where he is appointed, on the fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 prescribed date shall be cancelled upon the orders of the public service commission.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "",
"title": [
"recruitment qualifications "
"description": "b. educational qualifications and experience should be an officer in a permanent and pensionable service/ post in public service or provincial public service drawing a salary under the salary code of mn 2-2016 or above mn code or the salary code of sl 1-2016 as mentioned in the public administration circular no. 03/2016 with five (05) years of active and satisfactory period of service in that service/ post. 1. the effective date of the degree should be of fulfilling the qualifications or a prior date. considered when computing the above mentioned period of service. c. age and other qualifications to be satisfied i. should be not more than fifty three (53) years of age as at the date of fulfilling the qualifications. accordingly, only the persons whose birthdays fall on or after 31.12.1967 are eligible to apply examination. ii. should have been confirmed in a service/ post referred to in 6 (b) above. the officers who have completed all qualifications required to sit for the examination as per section no. the examination notice and completed all the qualifications required for confirmation in service according relevant service minute/ scheme of recruitment, received the letter of confirmation in service/ post issued by the respective appointing authority may also apply examination. however, such officers, 1. should have passed the efficiency bar examination relevant to the confirmation in service as at the date of examining the qualifications. 2. should compulsorily produce the letter of confirmation in service at the time they appear for the interview if they pass this examination and qualify for the general interview. (the date of confirmation in service should be effective on or before the date of examining the qualifications.) d. restrictions on qualifications fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 07. examination fee the fee for the examination will be rs. 1200/-. when the examination fee is paid, the payments should only through the following payment methods provided in the online system. i. any bank credit cards ii. any bank debit cards with internet payment iii. bank of ceylon online banking system iv. bank of ceylon teller slip payment v. postal department payment at any post office note .– instructions on the manner in which the payments are made through the above methods are published under technical instructions in the website of the department of examinations. acknowledgement of the payment will be informed by an sms or email. the full amount of the examination fee should be paid and the applications for which the payments have been made less or more than the examination fee will be rejected. the department of examinations be responsible for the errors occurring in the payment of examination fees by the above payment methods. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nb. educational qualifications and experience should be an officer in a permanent and pensionable service/ post in public service or provincial public service drawing a salary under the salary code of mn 2-2016 or above mn code or the salary code of sl 1-2016 as mentioned in the public administration circular no. the examination notice and completed all the qualifications required for confirmation in service according relevant service minute/ scheme of recruitment, received the letter of confirmation in service/ post issued by the respective appointing authority may also apply examination. however, such officers, should have passed the efficiency bar examination relevant to the confirmation in service as at the date of examining the qualifications. bank of ceylon teller slip payment v. postal department payment at any post office note .– instructions on the manner in which the payments are made through the above methods are published under technical instructions in the website of the department of examinations.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "ministry of public services, ",
"title": [
"provincial councils ",
"and local ",
"government ",
"limited competitive examination ",
"for recruitment ",
"to grade iii of the sri lanka planning service – "
"description": "applications are invited from citizens of sri lanka for filling up of 46 vacancies in the posts in grade iii sri lanka planning service on limited basis. the relevant application has been published in the website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. once the application is submitted online, it should be downloaded and the signature of the applicant should be attested printed copy with certification of the head of the institution. thereafter, it should be sent by the registered post the commissioner general of examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b. 1503, colombo on or before the closing date of applications. “ ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are invited from citizens of sri lanka for filling up of 46 vacancies in the posts in grade iii sri lanka planning service on limited basis. the relevant application has been published in the website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. thereafter, it should be sent by the registered post the commissioner general of examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "ministry of public services",
"title": [
"limited competitive ",
"examination for recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative services – 2021 "
"description": "the sri lanka administrative services – 2021” should be clearly marked on the top left corner of the envelope. the closing date of applications will of september 2021. note.— the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail will not be considered. (the inconveniences that may cause due to the sending applications until the closing date should be borne by the applicant himself.) the post and service station of the applicants time of applying for the examination is considered for all matters with regard to the examination and the changes that occur after sending the applications will not be considered. ) applications that are not completed in every aspect will be rejected. no complaints on the loss or delay of the applications will be entertained. ) immediately after the issuance of admission cards to the applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such notice, steps should be taken to make inquiries thereon from the department of examinations in the manner specified in the notice. the name of the examination and the full name, address and national identity card number of the applicant should be correctly mentioned when making such inquiry. in case of an applicant outside colombo, it would be advisable to send a request letter to the fax number stated in that notice, indicating a fax number to obtain a copy of the admission card by way of fax. it would also be advisable to keep the copy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fee and receipt of postal registration in hand to confirm any matter inquired by the department of examinations. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nimmediately after the issuance of admission cards to the applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such notice, steps should be taken to make inquiries thereon from the department of examinations in the manner specified in the notice. in case of an applicant outside colombo, it would be advisable to send a request letter to the fax number stated in that notice, indicating a fax number to obtain a copy of the admission card by way of fax. it would also be advisable to keep the copy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fee and receipt of postal registration in hand to confirm any matter inquired by the department of examinations.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
"department": "ministry of public services",
"title": [
"competitive examination ",
"for recruitment to grade iii of the sri ",
"lanka planning "
"description": "service - 2021” should be clearly marked on the corner of the envelope. the applications will be accepted 07 august 2021 till 24:00 hrs 06 september 2021. note : the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail will not be considered. the inconveniences that may cause due to the delay in sending applications until the closing date should be borne by the applicant himself. the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november 2021. commissioner general of examinations reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission. (a) the closing date of calling for applications will be ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nthe applications will be accepted 07 august 2021 till 24 00 hrs 06 september note the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november commissioner general of examinations reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission.",
"date": "2021-08-06"
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "", "title": ["posts \u2013 vacant ", "university hospital ", "general sir ", "john kotelawala ", "defence university ", "vacancies ", "general sir john kotelawala ", "defence university ", "hospitle calls applications from ", "qualified persons for the following posts. "], "description": "01. medical officer - grade i 01. qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. and ii. a minimum of six (06) years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". and iii. a recognized post graduate qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the gazette (extaordinary) no: 1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. and iv. certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc) 02. salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - 99,015) the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,585.00 02. medical officer - grade ii 01. qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. and ii. a minimum of two (02) years of experience as a medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". and iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). 02. salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - 99,015) the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,185.00 03. medical officer - preliminary grade 01. qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. and iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). 02. salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - 99,015) the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rs. 60,050.00 4. perfusionist 01. qualifications.- i. should have obtained the degree of physics with grade pass accepted by university grant commission. age limit .\u2013 must be not less than 22 years and not more than 45 years. salary scale .\u2013 ma 4- rs. 37,970 - 10x755 -15x930 -5x1,135 - rs. 65,145) perfusionist grade iii will be placed on ma 4 step 1 - rs. 37,910.00 5. orthopedic work shop mechanic 01. qualifications.- i. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate, diploma in (electrical i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 1105 and electronic) awarded by open universities not less than level 5 (nvq 5). or ii. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate not less than level 5 (nvq 5) higher national diploma in (electrical and electronic) engineering awarded by the ministry of education and higher education ; or iii. should have obtained a certificate of not less than 5 levels (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate recognized by the tertiary and vocational eduation commission in respect of the post. age limit .\u2013 must be not less 18 years and not more than 45 years. salary scale. \u2013 ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) orthopedic workshop mechanic grade iii will be placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 6. audiology technician 01. qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate ; and ii. must be registered with the sri lanka medical council to work in sri lanka as an audiologist technician. age limit .\u2013 must be not less than 18 years and not more than 45 years. salary scale. \u2013 ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) audiology technician grade iii will be placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n medical officer - grade i qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of six years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,00 medical officer - grade ii qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of two years of experience as a medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,00 medical officer - preliminary grade qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rs. 37,00 orthopedic work shop mechanic qualifications.- i. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate, diploma in (electrical i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 30,00 audiology technician qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 of the national vocational qualification certificate ; and ii. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["general conditions : "], "description": "in the general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital or at any other place in the island, as may be determined by the university administration. 3. shall be of excellent moral character. 4. the applicants should have completed all requisite qualifications by the closing date of applications. 5. these posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts are subject to a probation period of three (03) years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, medical officer grade ii posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one (01) year. 6. contribution of the employee to employees provident fund (epf) is 10% and the university will contribute 15% for (epf) and 3% for employees trust fund (etf). (subject to revisions that may be introduced by parliament by law). 7. dully complete applications with certified copies of relevant certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \"executive director, university hospital, general sir john kotelawala defence university, werahera\" or before on 25.10.2021. the post applied should be indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelope. 8. general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital reserves the right to shortlist prospective applicants. 9. incomplete or late applications and those which do not comply wiht the prescribed format will be rejected. 10. application and other relevant details could be downloaded from the kdu website ( ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nin the general sir john kotelawala defence university hospital or at any other place in the island, as may be determined by the university administration. these posts are permanent and the medical officer preliminary grade and other posts are subject to a probation period of three years, while officers who had served in the posts of medical officer grade i, medical officer grade ii posts in the public service, are subject to a probation period of one year. contribution of the employee to employees provident fund is 10% and the university will contribute 15% for and 3% for employees trust fund . dully complete applications with certified copies of relevant certificates shall be submitted under registered post to reach \"executive director, university hospital, general sir john kotelawala defence university, werahera\" or before on the post applied should be indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelope.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": [" "], "description": ") g eneral k amal g unarathne (r etd ) , wwv rwp rsp usp ndc psc mphil. secretary, ministry of defence. 1. should be a citizen of sri lanka. 2. shall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve 10 - 339 1106 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n shall be adequate physical and mental fitness to discharge the duties of the post well, and to serve 10 - 339 1106 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i ", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["sri lanka air force "], "description": "amendment to government gazette no. 2245 published on 10th september 2021 1. professional / academic qualifications.- (a) . electronics engineering branch (1) research officer - male / female (volunteer) group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator (project) professor/doctorate level qualified professionals: posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. (2) squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals: possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. 2. basic entry requirements .- (a) age limit : as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years 3. instructions to applicants .- (a) applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below. all cages of the application should be completed neatly with as much details as possible. applications should be addressed to \" ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nelectronics engineering branch research officer - male / female group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator professor/doctorate level qualified professionals posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. basic entry requirements .- age limit as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years instructions to applicants .- applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["command recruiting ", "officer, sri lanka air force trade training school, kotugoda "], "description": "\" so as to reach him not later than 1200 noon on 22 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["nd "], "description": " october 2021 under registered cover. the envelope enclosing the application should be marked \" ", "summary": "Summarized result: \noctober 2021 under registered cover.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["application for research officer "], "description": "\". applications received after the closing date and not in accordance with the requirements of this notification and not in registered post mail will not be entertained. 4. pay and allowances .- (a) the salary scales of the commissioned officers of sri lanka air force are as follows. s. k. p athirana , wwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc (moa) usa, msc (def stu) in mgt, m phil (ind), mim (sl), ndc (ind), psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, p.o. box. 594, colombo 02. 10 - 327 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 1107 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n pay and allowances .- the salary scales of the commissioned officers of sri lanka air force are as follows. s. k. p athirana , wwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc usa, msc in mgt, m phil , mim , ndc , psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. 10 - 327 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i ", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "the registrar general's department", "title": ["post of registrar of birth and ", "death of ", "notice of cancellation ", "galle district "], "description": " the calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the post of registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 (iia) of the gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no. 2241 dated 13.08.2021 is cancelled hereby. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara , registrar general. registrar general's department, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nthe calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the post of registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 of the gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "general's department, ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "technological officer of class iii of sri lanka technological service of department of ", "title": [" sugarcane, ", "maize, cashew, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, betel, related ", "industries and ", "export promotion ", "open competitive examination for recruitment to posts of farm manager, extension ", "officer and ", "export agriculture "], "description": "- 2021 01. applications are, hereby, invited from the citizens of sri lanka to fill the below mentioned vacancies existing as at 02.04.2021 in the sri lanka technological service in the department of export agriculture. 1108 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 02. the applicants should not be less than 18 years and more than 30 years of age. 03. this post is entitled to a monthly salary scale of rs. 31,040-10 x 445 - 11 x 660 - 10 x 730- 10 x 750 - rs. 57,550. actions will be taken to pay salaries as per the administration circular no. 03/2016. 04. this is a pensionable post. you will be subject to policy decisions made by the government on this pension scheme in the future. further, you must make contributions to the widow/widower\u2019s and orphan\u2019s pension scheme. contribution to this fund must be made by you as may be ordered by the government from time to time. 05. it is essential that the applicants have secured all the basic educational qualifications and professional qualifications mentioned below by the closing date for receiving applications. educational qualifications .\u2013 (a) must have passed the g. c. e. (o/l) examination in one sitting with six(06) subjects with credit passes for sinhala/tamil/english language, science, mathematics and any other subject (b) must have passed the g. c. e. (a/l) examination in one sitting with three (03) subjects including any two (2) subjects from bio science, agriculture, chemistry, physics, agri-technology, bio-technology and science for technology. professional qualifications .\u2013 having one of the following diploma certificates related to the field of agriculture:\u2013 1. the two year diploma in agriculture awarded by an institute approved by the tertiary and vocational education commission. 2. the higher national diploma in technology related to the field of agriculture awarded by the ministry of higher education. 3. the national diploma in technology related to the field of agriculture awarded by the hardy advanced technological institute, ampara. 4. the diploma related to the field of agriculture awarded by the national apprentice and industrial training authority. 5. the diploma related to the field of agriculture awarded by the open university of sri lanka. 6. completion of national vocational qualification (nvq) level 6 related to the field of agriculture. 7. the two year diploma in agriculture awarded by the department of agriculture. 8. having any other technological qualification accepted as equivalent in all respects to the above mentioned qualifications, by the tertiary and vocational education commission after inquiring and obtaining views from the ministry of higher education and the above mentioned institutes which have issued the certificates. 06. procedure of applying.- (a) applications must be duly prepared using both sides of an a4 (21cm x 29cm) sized paper with sections 01 to 07 appearing on the first page while the rest of the pages containing the other passages respectively in accordance with the specimen application form published at the end of this gazette notification. the relevant information must be clearly entered by the candidate in his/her own handwriting in the medium language applicant is appearing for the examination. (b) one candidate is able to apply for one post or several posts and it is not required to forward separate applications. i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 1109 the preferential order of the posts applied for must be clearly indicated on the applications with the code numbers provided below. in addition, it is not possible to alter the preferential order of posts applied for later. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n- 2021 applications are, hereby, invited from the citizens of sri lanka to fill the below mentioned vacancies existing as at 2021 in the sri lanka technological service in the department of export agriculture. 1108 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 the applicants should not be less than 18 years and more than 30 years of age. educational qualifications .\u2013 must have passed the g. c. e. examination in one sitting with six subjects with credit passes for sinhala/tamil/english language, science, mathematics and any other subject must have passed the g. c. e. examination in one sitting with three subjects including any two subjects from bio science, agriculture, chemistry, physics, agri-technology, bio-technology and science for technology. professional qualifications .\u2013 having one of the following diploma certificates related to the field of agriculture \u2013 the two year diploma in agriculture awarded by an institute approved by the tertiary and vocational education commission. procedure of applying.- applications must be duly prepared using both sides of an a4 sized paper with sections 01 to 07 appearing on the first page while the rest of the pages containing the other passages respectively in accordance with the specimen application form published at the end of this gazette notification. i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 1109 the preferential order of the posts applied for must be clearly indicated on the applications with the code numbers provided below.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["example : "], "description": " an applicant who wishes to apply for the post of extension officer as his 1st preference, the post of technological officer as his 2nd preference and the post of farm manager as his 3rd preference, must indicate the code numbers relevant to the posts applied under the column \u201ccode numbers\u201d of the table no. 02 on the application, in the following manner. (c) both sinhala and tamil medium applications must carry in the title, the name of examination in english, in addition to sinhala/tamil. (d) duly filled applications must be forwarded under the registered post to \u201cdirector general, the department of export agriculture, 1095, getambe, peradeniya on or before 08.11.2021. the name of examination must be clearly mentioned on the top left hand corner of the envelope containing the application. (e) a money order relating to the examination fee calculated according to the number of posts stated below, obtained from any post/sub post office on the island payable at the post office, peradeniya to the director general of export agriculture, , must be forwarded along with the application. it is advisable to retain a copy of the money order with you. it is kindly notified that no fee will be charged other than the examination fee. the examination fee will not be reimbursed or transferred for any other subject under no circumstances. (f) applications that are not in conformity with the specimen application form included in this notification, or not complete in every respect, applications received after the closing date will be rejected without a prior notice and the department of export agriculture will not be liable for the loss of applications in the post or for any postal delays. therefore, you are advised to scrutinize, before forwarding the application, whether your application is in conformity with the specimen application form given in the examination notice, the application has been accurately completed including all the particulars, the prescribed examination fee has been paid ,the particulars of payment have been included in the application and the money order has been attached to the application. further, it may be advisable to retain with you a copy each of the completed application and the receipt pertaining to the payment of the examination fee. 1110 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 (g) the signature of the applicant both on the application and the admission card for the examination must have been attested. a person applying for the examination through a certain institute, must get his/her signature attested by the respective head of the department or by an officer authorized by the head of the department, and the other applicants must get their signatures attested by a principal of a government school, the grama niladhari of the relevant division, a justice of the peace, a commissioner of oath, a lawyer, a public notary, a commissioned officer of the tri-forces or an officer in the public or provincial public service or in a permanent staff grade post. (h) the candidates who are already in the public service should forward their applications through the head of the department. penalty for fraudulent particulars.\u2013 the application form must be carefully filled providing the accurate particulars. if applicant\u2019s ineligibility is disclosed under the rules and regulations of this examination, his/her candidature can be cancelled before the examination, while the examination is being conducted, after the exam or at any occasion. 07. examination procedure : (b) this examination will be held in december 2021 in colombo only. the applicants who do not receive their admissions 05 days prior to the date of examination must inquire, without delay, from the sri lanka institute of development administration ,no.28/10,malalasekara mawatha,colombo 07, producing the particulars listed below. immediately after the issuance of admissions to the candidates, an sms will be published by the sri lanka institute of development administration, notifying it. if there are applicants who have not received their admissions even 2 or 3 days after the receipt of the sms, it must be informed to the sri lanka institute of development administration as mentioned in it. in such an instance, the full name of the candidate, the address, the national identity card number and the name of examination must be mentioned and it is important to have with you, the copies of the application, money order for the payment of the examination fee and the receipt for the registered post received when posting the application. with regard to a candidate residing away from colombo, it may be useful to make an inquiry by sending a letter of request through the fax to sri lanka institute of development administration mentioning a fax number and the particulars given below in order to receive a copy of the admission by fax. it may be useful to keep the following information. (i) name of examination ( ii) full name of candidate (iii) date, post office and number of registration of application. (iv) number, date and, post office of money order for payment of the examination fee. (d) travel or any other expenses incurred by the candidate in order to appear for the examination will not be reimbursed. (e) identity.\u2013 the candidate should prove his/her identity in a manner satisfactory to the supervisor in respect of all the subjects he/she sits for. for this purpose: i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 1111 (i) the national identity card issued by the department of registration of persons, or; (ii) a valid passport will be accepted. the candidates who fail to produce documents to prove their identity will not be allowed to sit for the examination. (f) syllabus: one written examination will be held for both farm manager and extension officer posts. (i) intelligence test (relevant to all posts) the test consists of questions to determine the candidates\u2019 ability of logical reasoning, analytical thinking and decision making. this test consists of 50 multiple choice and short answer type questions and all the questions must be answered by the candidates. (ii) common test i (technological and subject related common test): (relevant to the posts of farm manager and extension officer) * general agriculture and principles. * crop production and principles, agronomical matters. * soil and fertilizer, plant nutrition and environmental impacts. * plant propagation methods * diseases and agents of pests, characteristics and damages. * agricultural principles, past present and future potentials. * botanical matters, climatic factors, impact of fertilizer and nutrition, diseases and pest and post \u2013 harvest technology related to export agricultural crops such as pepper, cinnamon, cocoa, cardamom cloves, nutmeg, betel, arecanut, vanilla and other crops. * sale of export crops and export potentials. * organic farming * management of farm, production of plants and planting material, management of nurseries and organic farming. * methods of agricultural extension and the science of extension. 1112 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 (iii) common test 11 (technological and subject related common test) : (relevant to the post of technological officer) principles of agriculture * contribution of public and private institutes in the development of agriculture in sri lanka. * identification of laboratory equipment, use, cleaning and the safe use of chemicals and storage. * the examination will be held in sinhala, english and tamil medium and the candidates who sit for the exam should appear for all the subjects of the examination in one language medium. it is not allowed to change the medium of examination later. 08. conditions of employment: (i) the candidates selected are bound to serve in any area of the island. (ii) the recruited officers will be subject to a probationary service period of 03 years, 09. mode of recruitment. a number of candidates equivalent to three times the number of vacancies to be filled will be called for the interview on the merit order of the total marks obtained by the candidates who obtained 40% or more marks for every question paper prescribed for the written examination. while awarding of marks will not be done at the interview, the recruitment will be done on the order of merit of the total marks obtained at the examination by the candidates who have verified their qualifications. a results sheet, containing the marks obtained by the candidates who appeared for the examination for each paper and the total marks will be issued to all the candidates who appeared for the examination by the director general of the sri lanka institute of development administration after a notice has been issued by the director general of export agriculture to release the results of the other candidates, following the finalization of all the recruitments. 10. issuance of admissions to appear for the examination will not be considered as an acceptance that the candidate is qualified for appearing for the examination or for the post. the candidature will be cancelled if it will be revealed that the candidate lacks necessary qualifications on the occasion the candidates are called for an interview and their qualifications are checked according to the gazette notification. 11. the decision with regard to any matter not mentioned herein will be taken by the appointing authority. all the i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 1113 candidates are obliged to act according to the examination rules and regulations mentioned in the gazette notification. 12. the candidates who have paid the relevant examination fee and forwarded the applications on or before the closing date will be allowed to sit for the competitive examination by the director general of the sri lanka institute of development administration on the presumption that only those who have the qualifications mentioned in the gazette notification have applied. the candidates are subject to the rules and regulations imposed by the director general of the sri lanka institute of development administration with regard to holding of the examination. in the events of violation of these rules and regulations, she or he will have to be subject to a penalty imposed by the director general of the sri lanka institute of development administration . 13. if any inconsistency exists among the texts of this notifications published in sinhala, tamil and english, the sinhala medium notification shall prevail. d r a. p. h eenkende , director general of export agriculture, specimen form of application a pplication for the c ompetitive e xamination for r ecruitment to the p ost of e xtension o fficer , f arm m anager , and t echnological o fficer of class iii of s ri l anka t echnological s ervice in the d epartment of e xport a griculture \u2013 2021 01. medium applied : (for office use only) sinhala - 2 tamil - 3 english - 4 02. post/posts applied : (write the relevant number in the cage) the post or posts applied must be indicated in the order of preference. even though, one post is applied, that post must be mentioned. 03. name : 3.1 name in full (in english capital letters) : .......................................................................................................... (ex: herath mudiyanselage saman kumara gunawardhana.) 1114 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 3.2 name with initials: ................................................................................................................................................ (surname followed by the initials of the other names in english capital letters) (ex: gunawardhana h. m. s. k) 3.3 name in full (in sinhala /tamil): ........................................................................................................................... 04. permanent address : ........................................................................................................................................................ (in english capital letters) 4.1 address to which admission card should be posted : .......................................................................................... (in english capital letters) 4.2 contact number (if available) : mobile : ................................................................................................................................................................. landline : ............................................................................................................................................................... 4.3 e - mail address : ................................................................................................................................................... 05. national identity card no. : ............................................................................................................................................. 06. gender :\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. female - 1 male - 0 07. marital status : \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. married - 2 unmarried - 1 (write the relevant number in the cage) (write the relevant number in the cage) 09. educational qualifications : (a) g.c.e. (o/l) :\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. year & month :\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. index number :\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. language medium :\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 1115 (b) g.c.e. (a/l) :\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. year & month :\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. index number :\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. language medium :\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. (c) professional qualifications : 10. 11. certification of the applicant: i, hereby certify that the information furnished by me in this application is true and accurate. i am aware that if any information furnished by me in this application is found to be false or inaccurate before i am selected, i am aware that i am liable for disqualification before selection and for dismissal without compensation if such revelation is made after the appointment. further, i declare that i am subject to the rules and regulations imposed by the director general of the sri lanka institute of development administration with regard to holding of this examination. ..........................................., signature of the applicant. date: ............................. 12. attestation of the candidate's signature : i certify that mr./mrs./miss.................................................. who forwards this application is personally known to me and he/she placed his/her signature, in my presence on ........................ and, the money order obtained by paying the prescribed examination fee has been forwarded. 1116 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 .................................................................., signature of the attester. date : ..................................................................................... full name of the attester : ..................................................................................... designation : ........................................................................... address : ....................................................................................... (affirm by official stamp) 13. certificate of the head of the department (if the applicant is employed in the public service) i certify that mr./mrs./miss.................................................. is employed at this ministry/department/office and his/her service is satisfactory and has paid the prescribed examination fees. i also certify that the particulars furnished above by him/her are true and if he/she is selected for an appointment based on the results of this examination he/she can be/cannot be released from the present post. .................................................... signature of the head of department. date: .................................................................................... full name of the certifying officer : .................................................................................... designation: .................................................................................... address : ..................................................................................... (office stamp) 10 - 104 amendment ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n both sinhala and tamil medium applications must carry in the title, the name of examination in english, in addition to sinhala/tamil. duly filled applications must be forwarded under the registered post to \u201cdirector general, the department of export agriculture, 1095, getambe, peradeniya on or before the name of examination must be clearly mentioned on the top left hand corner of the envelope containing the application. a money order relating to the examination fee calculated according to the number of posts stated below, obtained from any post/sub post office on the island payable at the post office, peradeniya to the director general of export agriculturemust be forwarded along with the application. applications that are not in conformity with the specimen application form included in this notification, or not complete in every respect, applications received after the closing date will be rejected without a prior notice and the department of export agriculture will not be liable for the loss of applications in the post or for any postal delays. 1110 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 the signature of the applicant both on the application and the admission card for the examination must have been attested. a person applying for the examination through a certain institute, must get his/her signature attested by the respective head of the department or by an officer authorized by the head of the department, and the other applicants must get their signatures attested by a principal of a government school, the grama niladhari of the relevant division, a justice of the peace, a commissioner of oath, a lawyer, a public notary, a commissioned officer of the tri-forces or an officer in the public or provincial public service or in a permanent staff grade post. in such an instance, the full name of the candidate, the address, the national identity card number and the name of examination must be mentioned and it is important to have with you, the copies of the application, money order for the payment of the examination fee and the receipt for the registered post received when posting the application. name of examination full name of candidate date, post office and number of registration of application. number, date and, post office of money order for payment of the examination fee. for this purpose fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 1111 the national identity card issued by the department of registration of persons, or; a valid passport will be accepted. intelligence test the test consists of questions to determine the candidates\u2019 ability of logical reasoning, analytical thinking and decision making. common test i general agriculture and principles. 1112 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 common test 11 principles of agriculture contribution of public and private institutes in the development of agriculture in sri lanka. a results sheet, containing the marks obtained by the candidates who appeared for the examination for each paper and the total marks will be issued to all the candidates who appeared for the examination by the director general of the sri lanka institute of development administration after a notice has been issued by the director general of export agriculture to release the results of the other candidates, following the finalization of all the recruitments. all the i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 1113 candidates are obliged to act according to the examination rules and regulations mentioned in the gazette notification. d r a. p. h eenkende , director general of export agriculture, specimen form of application a pplication for the c ompetitive e xamination for r ecruitment to the p ost of e xtension o fficer , f arm m anager , and t echnological o fficer of class iii of s ri l anka t echnological s ervice in the d epartment of e xport a griculture \u2013 2021 medium applied sinhala - 2 tamil - 3 english - 4 post/posts applied the post or posts applied must be indicated in the order of preference. 1114 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 2 name with initials ................................................................................................................................................ 3 name in full ........................................................................................................................... permanent address ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 address to which admission card should be posted .......................................................................................... 2 contact number ................................................................................................................................................................. landline ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 e - mail address ................................................................................................................................................... national identity card no. i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . date ............................. attestation of the candidate's signature i certify that mr./mrs./miss.................................................. who forwards this application is personally known to me and he/she placed his/her signature, in my presence on ........................ and, the money order obtained by paying the prescribed examination fee has been forwarded. 1116 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 .................................................................., signature of the attester. date ..................................................................................... full name of the attester ..................................................................................... designation ........................................................................... address ....................................................................................... certificate of the head of the department i certify that mr./mrs./miss.................................................. is employed at this ministry/department/office and his/her service is satisfactory and has paid the prescribed examination fees.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": [], "description": "limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ii of class 2 of sri ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["lanka information "], "description": "and communication technology service - 2021 paragraph 6.0., (d) experience which stipulates the qualifications, of the notification on the \"limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ii of class 2 of sri lanka information and communication technology service - 2021\" published in the gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. 2247 dated 24th of september 2021 is revised in the following manner. 06. qualifications. - (d) experience - (1) should be an officer in class 3 grade i or grade ii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no. 01/2020. or (2) (i) should be a confirmed officer in appointment, who has completed an active and satisfactory period i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 1117 of service of 05 years in class 3 grade iii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no. 01/2020. and (i) shall have satisfied the educational qualifications mentioned in 6.1 of this notification. (02) the applicants shall have satisfied all the qualifications relevant to the post by 25.10.2021, which is ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nand communication technology service - 2021 paragraph , experience which stipulates the qualifications, of the notification on the \"limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ii of class 2 of sri lanka information and communication technology service - 2021\" published in the gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no experience - should be an officer in class 3 grade i or grade ii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no. or should be a confirmed officer in appointment, who has completed an active and satisfactory period i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 1117 of service of 05 years in class 3 grade iii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["the closing ", "date of the applications mentioned in the initial notification. "], "description": "(03) the other provisions stipulated in the said gazette notification shall remain unchanged and the closing date of applications shall be extended up to 01.11.2021 due to this revision. the applicant, who have already applied for this examination, are hereby in formed not to re-submit applications due to these revisions. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["s. a ", "lokabandara ", ", "], "description": "director general of combined services, ministry of public service, provincial councils and local government, independence square, colombo 07. 01st october,2021. 10-191 amendment ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ndirector general of combined services, ministry of public service, provincial councils and local government, independence square, colombo ", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "ministry of education", "title": ["by order of the education service committee of the public service commission "], "description": "following amendments are made to the gazette notification published on the gazette no. 2231 dated 04.06.2021 and gazette no. 2242 dated 20.08.2021 regarding the recruitment into the class iii of the sri lanka education administrative service. amendments that are common to both limited as well as service experience and merit based competitive tests scheduled to be held are as follows : * closing date of applications shall be extended up to 22.10.2021 . * all qualif ic ations should have been fulfilled by 30.07.2021 . * applicants, who have already submitted their applications by 03.09.2021 or before need not to apply again. p rof . k. k apila c. k. p erera , secretary, ministry of education. 05th october, 2021 10 - 244 1118 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 amendment ", "summary": "Summarized result: \namendments that are common to both limited as well as service experience and merit based competitive tests scheduled to be held are as follows closing date of applications shall be extended up to 2021 . 05th october, 2021 10 - 244 1118 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i s ec . \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 amendment", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "", "title": ["public service commission ", "common competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts in all-island ", "services and "], "description": "executive service category of the public service - 2021 public service commission has ordered to extend the closing date of application for the above examination in the notification published in the gazette no. 2237 dated 16.07.2021 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, as amended by the subsequent gazette notification published in the gazette no. 2239 dated 30.07.2021, till 15.10.2021 . 02. further, those applicants who had submitted online applications for the above examination on or before 31.07.2021 may submit applications for amendment of order of preference to services/posts following the procedure specified in paragraph 3 of the said gazette notification dated 30.07.2021 till above closing date of applications. m. a. b. d aya s enarath , secretary, public service commission. office of the public service commission, no. 1200/9, rajamalwatte road, battaramulla, 08th october, 2021. 10 - 272 amendment ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nexecutive service category of the public service - 2021 public service commission has ordered to extend the closing date of application for the above examination in the notification published in the gazette no. 2237 dated 2021 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, as amended by the subsequent gazette notification published in the gazette no. further, those applicants who had submitted online applications for the above examination on or before 2021 may submit applications for amendment of order of preference to services/posts following the procedure specified in paragraph 3 of the said gazette notification dated 2021 till above closing date of applications.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": ["limited competitive examination for ", "recruitment to "], "description": "grade iii of sri lanka accountants service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the gazette of the democratice socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2239 dated 30.07.2021. 02. the closing date for calling application of this notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 . 03. the other provisions in the said gazette shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying. on the order of the public service commission. j. j. r athnasiri , secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. 06th october, 2021 10 - 274 i fldgi : (ii w ) fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i : s ec . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 1119 amendment ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ngrade iii of sri lanka accountants service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the gazette of the democratice socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2239 dated 06th october, 2021 10 - 274 i fldgi fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 p art i ", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": ["limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ", "iii of "], "description": "sri lanka administrative service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification, published in the gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated 06.08.2021. 02. the closing date for calling application mentioned in paragraph 08.(a) of this notice is extended up to 15th of october 2021 . 03. the other provisions in the said gazette shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying. on the order of the public service commission. j. j. r athnasiri , secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. 06th october, 2021 10 - 275 amendment ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nsri lanka administrative service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification, published in the gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated j. j. r athnasiri , secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government.", "date": "2021-10-08"}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": ["limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ", "iii of "], "description": "sri lanka planning service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated 06.08.2021. 02. the closing date for calling application mentioned in that notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 . 03. the other provisions in the said gazette shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying. on the order of the public service commission. j. j. r athnasiri , ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nsri lanka planning service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated the other provisions in the said gazette shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying.", "date": "2021-10-08"}]
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "public service commission",
"title": [
"public service commission ",
"calling applications for the recruitment of ",
"officers to the post of assistant director ",
"(legal) of ",
"the commission to investigate allegations of "
"description": "bribery or corruption -2020 applications are called by order of the public service commission to select eligible candidates for vacancies of the post of assistant director (legal) of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption. applications prepared according to the specimen this notice should be sent under registered cover the director general, commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption, no.36, malalasekara mawatha, colombo 07 on or before 25.03.2021 . the top left hand corner of the envelope containing the application should indicate “ ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nbribery or corruption -2020 applications are called by order of the public service commission to select eligible candidates for vacancies of the post of assistant director of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption. applications prepared according to the specimen this notice should be sent under registered cover the director general, commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption, no.36, malalasekara mawatha, colombo 07 on or before 2021 .",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "public service commision",
"title": [
"post of assistant director (legal)” "
"description": ") closing date of applications- 25.03.2021 : - complaints with regard to the losses or delays of an application or any other related document in the post will not be considered. losses incurred by failure to submit application on the due date must be the applicant. method of recruitment :- suitable applicants will be recruited upon a structured interview according order of marks on merit achieved by each candidate vacancies available. number of vacancies is 14. number of appointments and the effective date of appointment will depend on the order of the public service commission. service conditions i. this post is permanent and pensionable. you shall be subjected to any policy decision taken by the government in future regarding pension scheme which you are entitled to. further you are required to contribute to the widows’ and orphans’/ widowers’ and orphans’ pension scheme. contributions to the pension scheme should be made as per the directions taken time to time by the government. ii. the officers appointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three (03) years and the first efficiency bar examination should be passed during three (03) year probation iii. you should confirm that the proficiency in official language is acquired in accordance with the policies of the government before the lapse of three(03) years from the date of acceptance of this appointment. if you have qualified for this appointment in sinhala language your other official language should be tamil language and if you have qualified for this appointment in tamil language your other official language should be sinhala language. the provisions of the public administration circular no. 18/2020 dated 16.10.2020 and the provisions of the circulars incidental there to are applicable for this. iv. the public service commission reserves the power to cancel the appointment of any candidate who fails to assume duties of the appointed post on due date and/or rejects or avoids serving in an area where the applicant is appointed. v. this appointment is subjected to the procedural commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, public financial regulations and regulations of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption and circular regulations issued time to time by the government. salary scale salary scale applicable to this post as per the public administration circular no.03/2016 is sl- 5-2016, rs. 58,295 - 5 x 1,335-5 x 1,630-15 x2,170- rs, 105,670/-(monthly). educational qualifications i. should have taken oath as an attomey-at-law in the supreme court experience should have active service period of not less than three (03) years upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme court, should have experience of not less than three (03) years in following fields in a public institution upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 proceedings coordination with attorney general’s department ii. agreements related with legal undertakings iii. legal activities on acts and regulations iv. formulation of legal documents drafting acts, circulars, regulations v. legal or judicial activities or inquiries conducted by statutory institutions : - should not be below 22 years and over 45 years as at the closing date of the application. (only the persons bom on or before 25.03.1999 and on 25.03.1976 are eligible to apply for this post.) physical qualifications should be physically and mentally fit to serve in any part of the island and to execute the duties of the post. other qualifications i. should be a sri lankan citizen. ii. should have an excellent character iii. applicant or any member of the family should not be found guilty for criminal charges under the law of sri lanka iv. the applicants should have achieved all qualifications required to recruit to the post as at the closing date of the applications mentioned notification. v. a security clearance report will be called before making appointment on all selected applicants to examine the suitability of each person to serve in the commission. method of recruitment : - 8.1 structured interview: marks will be awarded by an interview board appointed by the public service commission. 8.2 marking scheme for the interview will be as follows : fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 9. the application should be prepared using 22-29cm size (a4 sheets) in such a way that headings 01-09 should appear on first page. the application should be dully filled by own hand writing of the applicant. computerized/ typewritten applications can also be used in this purpose. applications that do not comply with the specimen or that have completed properly will be rejected without any notification. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application candidate. it is the responsibility of the candidate to verify that the perfected application complies with the specimen given in the notification, as otherwise, the application may be rejected. ) any document or a copy should not be attached to the application ) applications of the candidates who fail to produce documents when requested to do so will not be considered. 10. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer authorized by him/her and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head / retired officer of a government school, grama niladhari of the respective division, a commissioner for oaths, an attomey-at-law, a notary public, a commissioned officer of three forces, a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary above rs.415,260/- fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 14. names and addresses of non-related referees provide your information : : signatures of the candidates currently in public service should be attested by the respective head of the institution or an authorized officer. if the applicant is in public service:- i, do hereby certify that the particulars given by me in the application are true and correct. i am aware any particulars contained herein are found to be incorrect before selection, i am subjected to be disqualified or dismissed from the service without any compensation is revealed after selection. .................................., signature of the applicant. date :........................ attestation of the applicant’s signature i certify that mr./mrs./miss. ........................................ known to me personally and that he/she placed his/her signature in my presence on this .............. day of ....................... 2021. ............................, signature. designation: .......................................................... frank: ........................................................................ date: ....................................................................................... certification of the head of the institution i certify that this applicant mr./ mrs./ miss ....................... presently serves in this ministry/ department/ institution in permanent/ temporary basis and the details given her are true and correct according to the officer’s personal file and other relevant documents. he/ she could be/ could not be released from his/her present post if he/she is selected to the above post. ..................................., signature of head of the institution. date:............................... name: .............................. designation: ............................. institution: ................................ (strike through irrelevant words) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n) closing date of applications- 2021 - complaints with regard to the losses or delays of an application or any other related document in the post will not be considered. the officers appointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three years and the first efficiency bar examination should be passed during three year probation iii. v. this appointment is subjected to the procedural commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, public financial regulations and regulations of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption and circular regulations issued time to time by the government. educational qualifications i. should have taken oath as an attomey-at-law in the supreme court experience should have active service period of not less than three years upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme court, should have experience of not less than three years in following fields in a public institution upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 proceedings coordination with attorney general’s department ii. formulation of legal documents drafting acts, circulars, regulations v. legal or judicial activities or inquiries conducted by statutory institutions - should not be below 22 years and over 45 years as at the closing date of the application. 2 marking scheme for the interview will be as follows fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 the application should be prepared using 22-29cm size in such a way that headings 01-09 should appear on first page. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer authorized by him/her and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head / retired officer of a government school, grama niladhari of the respective division, a commissioner for oaths, an attomey-at-law, a notary public, a commissioned officer of three forces, a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary above rs.415,260/- fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 names and addresses of non-related referees provide your information signatures of the candidates currently in public service should be attested by the respective head of the institution or an authorized officer. if the applicant is in public service - i, do hereby certify that the particulars given by me in the application are true and correct. designation .......................................................... frank ........................................................................ date ....................................................................................... certification of the head of the institution i certify that this applicant mr./ mrs./ miss ....................... presently serves in this ministry/ department/ institution in permanent/ temporary basis and the details given her are true and correct according to the officer’s personal file and other relevant documents.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "department of social service development",
"title": [
"state ministry of ",
"primary health ",
"services, pandemics and covid ",
"prevention ",
"- Vocational instructor (grade iii "
"description": "vocational instructor (grade iii) applications are called from eligible sri lankan citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of vocational instructor to batticaloa vocational training centers which commencing soon for a disable persons under the department of social service. applications, prepared in accordance with following specimen should be sent to director, department of social service, 2 stage, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla by registered post on or before 05.03.2021. the words “recruitment of vocational instructor (grade iii )” should be written on the top left hand corner envelop in which the application is enclosed. application and details could also be downloaded through the website of required qualifications to recruit for this post :- vocational instructor (electronic, sewing) 1.1. age limit :- shall be not less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age on the closing date of applications. educational qualifications ) educational qualifications for vocational instructor (electronic, sewing) (i) should have passed 06 subjects with credit passes for four subjects including language and mathematics and two fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 of any other subjects at the g.c.e. (ordinary level) examination at one sitting. (ii) should (advanced level) all subjects in any stream (except the general paper) and should have achieved the required level of achievement to pursue a tertiary education course professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from ceylon technical college or ceylon german technical training institute should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of small industries or the department of textile industries ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of social services or national youth service council or its affiliated institutes ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from vocational training authority or its affiliated institutes ; should have successfully followed and obtained the certificate for a technical course recognized vocational education commission as a course categorized vocational qualification (nvq) level 05 or a course recommended by that commission as an equivalent to that level experience :- not applicable physical fitness all the candidates should have physical and mental fitness to serve in any part of the island and to perform the duties of the post. method of recruitment recruitments are made on the result of written and professional test. the written test held first. twice the number of required called for interview from the candidates who score high marks in the written test according to the order of merit. only the candidates who get through the general interview will be forwarded for professional test. the number equal to the number of vacancies will be selected for the training course from the candidates who also get through from the professional test according to the total aggregated marks obtained from written and professional test in order of merit. those who are selected, should obtain a certificate successfully completion training course on teaching methods. candidates who obtain that certificate recruited for the post. written test salary scale :- salary code –mt-01 -2016 per the public administration circular no. salary scale – rs. 29,840-10x300-11x350- 10x560-10x660- rs. 48,890. terms of service :- this post is permanent and pensionable. it is subjected to a future policy decision on scheme of pension made by fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 government and required to contribute widows’/widowers’ and orphans’ pension fund. it should be acquired proficiency in the prescribed official language within 05 years in accordance with the public administration circular no. 01/2014 and incidental circulars to that. social service director. department of social services, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla, 12.02.2021. pplication recruitment ………….......................................... language medium 01. name with initials : ......................................................................................................................................................... 02. names denoted by initials : ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ address :.......................................................................................................................................................................... 04. telephone number : ........................................................................................................................................................ 05. nic number : .................................................................................................................................................................. 06. date of birth :.................................................................................................................................................................. 07. age as at closing date of application : years : ............................... months : ............................... days : ............................... 08. marital status : ................................................................................................................................................................. : ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10. educational qualifications :- ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nvocational instructor applications are called from eligible sri lankan citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of vocational instructor to batticaloa vocational training centers which commencing soon for a disable persons under the department of social service. applications, prepared in accordance with following specimen should be sent to director, department of social service, 2 stage, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla by registered post on or before the words “recruitment of vocational instructor ” should be written on the top left hand corner envelop in which the application is enclosed. application and details could also be downloaded through the website of required qualifications to recruit for this post - vocational instructor age limit - shall be not less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age on the closing date of applications. educational qualifications ) educational qualifications for vocational instructor should have passed 06 subjects with credit passes for four subjects including language and mathematics and two fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . should all subjects in any stream and should have achieved the required level of achievement to pursue a tertiary education course professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from ceylon technical college or ceylon german technical training institute should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of small industries or the department of textile industries ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of social services or national youth service council or its affiliated institutes ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from vocational training authority or its affiliated institutes ; should have successfully followed and obtained the certificate for a technical course recognized vocational education commission as a course categorized vocational qualification level 05 or a course recommended by that commission as an equivalent to that level experience - not applicable physical fitness all the candidates should have physical and mental fitness to serve in any part of the island and to perform the duties of the post. department of social services, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla, pplication recruitment ………….......................................... language medium name with initials ......................................................................................................................................................... names denoted by initials ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ address .......................................................................................................................................................................... telephone number ........................................................................................................................................................ nic number .................................................................................................................................................................. date of birth .................................................................................................................................................................. age as at closing date of application ............................... months ............................... days ............................... marital status ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. educational qualifications ",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"medical consultant - ",
"general sir ",
"john kotelawala defence university "
"description": "general sir kotelawala defence university hospital calls applications from qualified persons for the following posts 1. medical consultant fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 (i) medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable inthe sri lanka medical council according to the medical (amendment) \n of 2018 ; (ii) medical officers / dental surgeons with validfull registration of sri lanka medical council (iii) doctor ofmedicine (md)/ master of surgery (ms) in the relevant specialty withboard certification of post-graduate institute of medicine (pgim), \nuniversity of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i of the gazette \n(extraordinary) no.1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democraticsocialist republic of sri lanka] ; (iv) certificate of good standingfrom sri lanka medical council (slmc). Medical Officers and Dental Surgeon who have registered / registerable in the Sri Lanka Medical Council according to the Medical (Amendment) Act.No.28 of 2018 ;",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable inthe sri lanka medical council according to the medical of 2018 ; medical officers / dental surgeons with validfull registration of sri lanka medical council doctor ofmedicine / master of surgery in the relevant specialty withboard certification of post-graduate institute of medicine , university of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i of the gazette no.1883/17 dated 2014 of the democraticsocialist republic of sri lanka certificate of good standingfrom sri lanka medical council .",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"dental surgeon - grade ii ",
"qualifications: "
"description": "i. dental surgeon with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a dental surgeon. ii. certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc). shall not be less than 25 years and not more than 45 years.",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ni. dental surgeon with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a dental surgeon.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"medical officer - preliminary grade ",
"qualifications: "
"description": " (i) medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. (ii) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"para medical - special grade ",
"qualifications: "
"description": " (i) should have completed at least ten years (10) of satisfactory service in grade i of the service (ii) if has worked under the ministry of health, having passed all the relevant efficiency bar examination and earned ten (10) salary increments. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"grade 1 nursing officer "
"description": "(i) should be a grade 1 nursing officer. (ii) should be a nursing officer who has followed and passed the 1 ½ year diploma course in ward management and supervision / and supervising / public health nursing and midwifery / mental health nursing, conducted by the national nursing training school primary nursing school. (iii) having passed the 2 efficiency bar examination. (iv) having earned all due salary increments and completed an active and satisfactory service period during the preceding 5 years. (v) performance above satisfactory level in years prior to the date of promotion as per approved performance appraisal procedure. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n should be a nursing officer who has followed and passed the 1 ½ year diploma course in ward management and supervision / and supervising / public health nursing and midwifery / mental health nursing, conducted by the national nursing training school primary nursing school.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "kalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nkalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department ",
"title": [
"post of registrar of muslim ",
" marriages (sinhala/tamil) "
"description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.(maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil (relevant language for the post) with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( ) of the registrar general’s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 .",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "ministry of education",
"title": [
"recruitment of bachelor of education graduates ",
"in special education, drama and theatre to grade 2-II of the sri lanka\nteachers’ service - 2021\nfor sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies\nexisting in national and\nprovincial schools islandwide "
"description": "applications are being called from male and female applicants for therecruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama \n& theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers serviceto fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in nationaland provincial schools islandwide. applications prepared as per thespecimen given at the end of this notification should be sent underregistered post on or before the following date according toinstructions given in section 8.4 of this gazette notification. (a) \nclosing date of applications will be 03.09. 2021 .— complaints onmisplacing or delaying an application or a letter in its connectionin post will not be entertained. the applicants themselves will haveto bear the repercussions of delaying applications till the closingdate. 02. method of recruitment : 2.1 applicants, who have fulfilledthe qualifications stated in 5.1 or 5.2 of this notification, shouldface a general interview to check whether the applicants havefulfilled the required qualifications. 2.2 applicants, who qualifyfrom the general interview will be subjected to a practical test interms of section 9.2 of this notification to evaluate teachinglearning skills required for the profession. recruitments will bemade based on schools according to the number of vacancies upon thepriority of total marks obtained by the applicant at the practicaltest. the applicants, who have not fulfilled the qualifications will berejected at the general interview. 2.3 recruitments will be made onlyupon the number of vacancies exist at the time of recruitment and thelist of vacancies will be exhibited to the applicants at thepractical test. accordingly, the applicants should indicate the orderof their preference at the interview. vacancies in provincial schoolswill be filled only upon the concurrence of the provinces. : accordingto the schools based system, priority will be given to highest marks.\n furthermore, when more than one applicant have applied for the sameschool, the eligible applicant will be selected upon a specificmarking scheme approved by the secretary to the ministry of education. \n 2.4 since recruitments for these vacancies based on schools, \ntransfers will not be given under any condition before the completionof a period of 05 years. 2.5 list of vacancies provincial schoolsnational schools 03. employment conditions : i. this post is permanent.\n the pension scheme entitled for this post will be subjected to policydecisions made by the government in future. ii. the officersappointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three (03) \n years and they should pass the first efficiency bar examination withinthe aforesaid period of three (03) years. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xldm%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazetteof the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 iii. \nshould obtain proficiency in official language in terms of the publicadministration circular 01/2014 and other circulars incidental thereto.\n iv. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, \n establishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financialrules of the government and other departmental rules. v. thisappointment will be subjected to the provisions of the service minuteof the sri lanka teachers’ service published in the gazetteextraordinary of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. \n1885/38 of 23.10.2014 and any future amendment made thereto as well asthe general conditions related to public service appointments. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: applications are being called from male and female applicants for therecruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama \n& theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers serviceto fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in nationaland provincial schools islandwide. method of recruitment 1 applicants, \nwho have fulfilled the qualifications stated in 1 or 2 of thisnotification, should face a general interview to check whether theapplicants have fulfilled the required qualifications. 2 applicants, whoqualify from the general interview will be subjected to a practicaltest in terms of section 2 of this notification to evaluate teachinglearning skills required for the profession. recruitments will be madebased on schools according to the number of vacancies upon the priorityof total marks obtained by the applicant at the practical test. 4 sincerecruitments for these vacancies based on schools, transfers will not begiven under any condition before the completion of a period of 05years. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, \nestablishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financialrules of the government and other departmental rules.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "",
"title": [
"recruitment of b. ed. graduates ",
"in special "
"description": "education, drama and theatre to grade 2-ii ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "",
"title": [
"of the sri lanka teachers service for sinhala, ",
"tamil and english medium vacancies existing ",
"in national and provincial schools islandwide "
"description": "” should mandatorily be stated on top left hand corner of the envelope. 9.1 general interview - marks will not be awarded for the general interview. : objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 in accordance therewith and evaluating physical qualifications. 9.2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. marks allocated will be allocated as follows. note 5 .— objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 9.2.1 methodology of the practical test : duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. (ii) maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five (25) marks. (iii) minimum 02 marks under each criterion should be achieved in order to pass the practical test. (iv) evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education. 9.2.2 objective of the criteria : ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . 2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. note 5 .— objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 1 methodology of the practical test duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five marks. evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "university hospital ",
"title": [
"medical officer ",
"general sir ",
"john kotelawala ",
"defence university ",
"general sir john kotelawala ",
"defence university ",
" ",
" "
"description": "01. medical officer - grade i qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. ii. a minimum of six (06) years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". recognized qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the (extaordinary) no: 1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. iv. certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc) salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,585.00 02. medical officer - grade ii qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. ii. a minimum of two (02) years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,185.00 03. medical officer - preliminary grade qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rs. 60,050.00 4. perfusionist qualifications.- i. should have obtained the degree of physics with grade pass accepted by university grant commission. .– must be not less than 22 years more than 45 years. salary scale .– ma 4- rs. 37,970 - 10x755 -15x930 -5x1,135 - rs. 65,145) perfusionist grade iii will be placed on ma 4 step 1 - rs. 37,910.00 5. orthopedic work shop mechanic qualifications.- i. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate, diploma in (electrical fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'10'08 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 08.10.2021 and electronic) awarded by open universities not less than level 5 (nvq 5). ii. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate not less than level 5 (nvq 5) higher national diploma in (electrical and electronic) engineering awarded by the ministry of education and higher education ; iii. should have obtained a certificate of than 5 levels (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate recognized by the tertiary and vocational eduation commission in respect of the post. .– must be not less 18 years and than 45 years. salary scale. – ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) orthopedic workshop mechanic grade iii placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 6. audiology technician qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate ; ii. must be registered with the sri lanka medical council to work in sri lanka as an audiologist technician. .– must be not less than 18 years more than 45 years. salary scale. – ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) audiology technician grade iii will be placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n medical officer - grade i qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of six years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,00 medical officer - grade ii qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of two years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,00 medical officer - preliminary grade qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rsma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 30,00 audiology technician qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 of the national vocational qualification certificate ; iima 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs.",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
"department": "sri lanka air force",
"title": [
"electronics engineering branch (1) research officer - male / female (volunteer)"
"description": "amendment to government gazette no. 2245 published on 10th september 2021 professional / academic qualifications.- . electronics engineering branch (1) research officer - male / female (volunteer) group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator (project) professor/doctorate level qualified professionals: posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. (2) squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals: possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. basic entry requirements age limit : as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years instructions to applicants applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below. all cages of the application should be completed neatly with as much details as possible. applications should be addressed to \" ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nelectronics engineering branch research officer - male / female group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator professor/doctorate level qualified professionals posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. basic entry requirements age limit as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years instructions to applicants applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below.",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
"department": "sri lanka air force",
"title": [
"command recruiting ",
"officer, sri lanka air force trade training school, kotugoda "
"description": "\" so as to reach him not later than noon on 22 october 2021 under registered cover. the envelope enclosing the application should be marked \" ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n\" so as to reach him not later than noon on 22 october 2021 under registered cover.",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
"department": "sri lanka air force",
"title": [
"application for research officer "
"description": "\". applications received after the closing date and not in accordance with the requirements of this notification and not in registered post mail will not be entertained. pay and allowances the salary scales of the commissioned officers of sri lanka air force are as follows. wwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc (moa) usa, msc (def stu) in mgt, m phil (ind), mim (sl), ndc (ind), psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, p.o. box. 594, colombo 02. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'10'08 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 08.10.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nwwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc usa, msc in mgt, m phil , mim , ndc , psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, p.o. 594, colombo fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'10'08 .",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
"department": "the registrar general's department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of birth and ",
"notice of cancellation ",
"galle district "
"description": " the calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 (iia) of the the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no. 2241 dated 13.08.2021 is cancelled hereby. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general. registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nthe calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no.",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "registrar general's department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births and deaths - ",
"tamil medium ",
"ampara district "
"description": "applications are called for the post of registrar of births and deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant registrar of births and deaths division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. .- in case a subject contains 02 parts at g.c.e. any other similar examination, it shall be considered subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 05. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and enable easy access by all or majority of residents. under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited candidate for post of the registrar of births and deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building located in the close proximity within 01 km from the hospitle. 06. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births and deaths, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 07. relevant application and the said \"annex inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ag office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the official website ( lk) of the registrar general's department. 08. duly filled application should be forwarded before 06.12.2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general, registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla. 18th october, 2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'11'05 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 05.11.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are called for the post of registrar of births and deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant registrar of births and deaths division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited candidate for post of the registrar of births and deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building located in the close proximity within 01 km from the hospitle. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births and deaths, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \"annex inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-11-05",
"url": ""
"department": "registrar general's department",
"title": [
"registrar general's department ",
"post of registrar of muslim ",
"marriages (sinhala/tamil) ",
"ampara district "
"description": "applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil (relevant language for the post ) with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. - in case a subject contains 02 parts at g.c.e. any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. (possession of moulavi certificate or diploma in arabic language shall be considered as fulfillment of aforesaid basic qualification. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notice exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \"annex - 01\" inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ag office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off icial website (ww of the registrar general's department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded before 06.12.2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w.m.m.b. weerasekara registrar general, registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla. 18th october, 2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'11'05 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce (o/l examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notice exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \"annex - 01\" inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-11-05",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "department of government factory",
"title": [
"state ministry of rural housing ",
"and building materials - limited competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 "
"description": "limited competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory -2020 (2021) applications are invited from sri lankan citizens by the commissioner general of examinations for the limited competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following the department of government factory. the candidates who fulfill the relevant qualifications can apply for all three posts. salary code no. : mn1-2016 salary scale : rs. 27,140 -10x300 -11x350 - 10 x495-10x660 - rs. 45,540. grade to which recruitment is made : grade iii educational qualifications : should be employed in non-technical, semi- technical and technical grades primary grade of the department of government factory, fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 should have passed six (06) subjects with credit passes to the two (02) subjects of language and mathematics at the general certificate of education (ordinary level) examination. professional qualifications : should have followed a course on computer word processing/typesetting of not less than 03 months duration recognized by the vocational and tertiary education commission. physical qualifications : not relevant. other qualifications i. all the qualifications required for the recruitment for the post should be satisfied in each and every way the date mentioned in the notice calling for applications. ii. the applicants should hold permanent posts in the department of government factory and should be confirmed in such posts. iii. should have completed at least 05 years of continuous and satisfactory period of service in a permanent appointment immediately preceding the due date and the same shall be certified by the head of the department. method of recruitment : recruitments shall be made to above posts on the order of merit of the marks scored by applicants at the written examination and the preference of the applicants. written examination syllabus of the written examination : not relevant. general interview : no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be verified. 9. the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification and should be prepared by the candidate himself on paper of size a-4 using both sides in the language medium he/she intends to appear for the examination. it should be specially noted that the application forms should be prepared that cages 01 to 08 appear on the first the paper and cages 09 to 12 appear on the other side of the paper and the rest to appear on the third page. the title fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 19.03.2021 \"commissioner-general of examinations, (institutional and foreign examinations branch), department of examinations, p.o. 1503, colombo. applications not comply with the specimen and that are not completed in every aspect shall be rejected without notice. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so to be detached. it is advisable to keep a photocopy application and the receipt of the payment. the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english medium and the language medium of examination, mentioned originally in the application, cannot be changed subsequently. the examination fee is rs. 750.00. it should be paid before the closing date of applications at any post office/ sub post office/ district secretariat/divisional secretariat credited to revenue head 20-03-02-13 of the commissioner general of examination. the receipt obtained should be pasted in the relevant cage of the application form so to be detached. stamps or money orders are not accepted as examination fee. the fee is non- refundable and not be allowed to transfer the fee paid for this examination in favor of another examination. it is advisable to photocopy of the receipt. 12.1 applications not in line with the specimen application, incomplete applications applications received after the closing date will be rejected without any notice. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application perfected. the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to all candidates whose applications have been received on or before the application closing date after paying the due examination fees, assumption that only those who have satisfied the qualifications mentioned in the notification have applied for the examinations. a notification will be published in newspapers as soon as the admission cards are issued candidates by the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received to any applicant even after 2 to 3 days advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the institutional and foreign examinations branch of department of examinations in the manner specified in the advertisement. when informing, the name of the examination applied for, full name, address and number of the candidate should be indicated. it would be advisable for candidates outside colombo to fax a letter of request along fax number of the candidate to the department of examinations through the fax number mentioning the notification for sending of the admission. further, it would be advisable to keep a copy of the application, copy receipt relevant to payment of examination fee and the receipt of registration of the application to prove any information requested department of examinations. 12.2 issuance of an admission card to an applicant does not necessarily mean that the candidate has fulfilled the qualifications to sit the examination or to be appointed to a post. 13.2 applicants should submit their admission card to the supervisor on the first day of the examination. attesting the signature fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 i. national identity card ii. valid passport iii. valid sri lankan driving license candidates should be dressed in a manner which exposes the full face (including ears) ensuring their clear identification. the candidates, who refuse to prove their identity in the said manner shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall. further, candidates should remain examination hall from the moment of entering and leaving the examination hall without covering the face enabling the examiners to identify them easily. 14.1 candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations for the purpose of conducting examinations and issuance of results and they shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment imposed by commissioner general of examinations for violation of these rules and regulations. 14.2 punishment ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nlimited competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory -2020 applications are invited from sri lankan citizens by the commissioner general of examinations for the limited competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following the department of government factory. 45, grade to which recruitment is made grade iii educational qualifications should be employed in non-technical, semi- technical and technical grades primary grade of the department of government factory, fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 should have passed six subjects with credit passes to the two subjects of language and mathematics at the general certificate of education examination. – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 2021 \"commissioner-general of examinationsdepartment of examinations, p.o. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so to be detached. it should be paid before the closing date of applications at any post office/ sub post office/ district secretariat/divisional secretariat credited to revenue head 20-03-02-13 of the commissioner general of examination. the commissioner general of examinations will issue admission cards to all candidates whose applications have been received on or before the application closing date after paying the due examination fees, assumption that only those who have satisfied the qualifications mentioned in the notification have applied for the examinations. a notification will be published in newspapers as soon as the admission cards are issued candidates by the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received to any applicant even after 2 to 3 days advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the institutional and foreign examinations branch of department of examinations in the manner specified in the advertisement. it would be advisable for candidates outside colombo to fax a letter of request along fax number of the candidate to the department of examinations through the fax number mentioning the notification for sending of the admission. further, it would be advisable to keep a copy of the application, copy receipt relevant to payment of examination fee and the receipt of registration of the application to prove any information requested department of examinations. 1 candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the commissioner general of examinations for the purpose of conducting examinations and issuance of results and they shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment imposed by commissioner general of examinations for violation of these rules and regulations.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "department of government factory",
"title": [
"open competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer"
"description": "open competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory - 2020 (2021) applications are invited from sri lankan citizens commissioner general of examinations for the limited open competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following posts department of government factory. the candidates who fulfill the relevant qualifications can apply for all three posts. physical qualifications : every applicant should be physically and mentally fit to perform the duties of and serve in any part of sri lanka. other qualifications i. should be a citizen of sri lanka. ii. should be of excellent moral character. iii. should have fulfilled all the qualifications required to be recruited to the post and the qualifications should have been fulfilled in every way on the closing date of the application. method of recruitment : recruitments shall be made to above posts on the order of merit of the marks scored by applicants at the written examination and the preference of the applicants. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 written examination written examination 9.2 syllabus of the written examination : general interview no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be verified. 10. the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification and should be prepared by candidates themselves who have fulfilled the above qualifications on paper of size a-4 using both sides in the language medium he/she intends to appear for the examination. it should be specially noted that the application forms should be prepared that cages 01 to 05 appear on the first side of the paper and the rest to appear on the other pages. the the examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 19/03/2021 \"commissioner-general of examinations, (institutional and foreign examinations branch), department of examinations, po. 1503, colombo\". applications that do not comply with the specimen and that are not completed in every aspect rejected without notice. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is in line with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application and the receipt of the payment. 11. the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english medium and the language medium of examination, mentioned originally in the application, cannot be changed subsequently. 12. applications not in line with the specimen application and incomplete applications will be rejected without any notice. further, the candidate should ensure that that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached and it is advisable to keep a copy of the receipt relevant to payment of examination fee. applications which have not been filled properly and applications received after the closing date will be rejected without notice. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application perfected. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nopen competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts of management assistant non technical - segment 2 officer category of the department of government factory - 2020 applications are invited from sri lankan citizens commissioner general of examinations for the limited open competitive examination scheduled to be held in colombo to fill vacancies in the following posts department of government factory. – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 written examination written examination 2 syllabus of the written examination general interview no marks are allocated, only the qualifications will be verified. the application should be in the form of the specimen appended to this notification and should be prepared by candidates themselves who have fulfilled the above qualifications on paper of size a-4 using both sides in the language medium he/she intends to appear for the examination. the examination appearing on the specimen should be indicated in english language as well, on both sinhala and tamil application forms. the applications perfected thus should be sent by registered post on or before 19/03/2021 \"commissioner-general of examinationsdepartment of examinations, po. therefore the candidates should ensure that the application is in line with the specimen application, it has been perfected with accurate information and that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached. the examination will be held in sinhala, tamil and english medium and the language medium of examination, mentioned originally in the application, cannot be changed subsequently. further, the candidate should ensure that the receipt obtained against the examination fee has been affixed in the cage so as not to be detached and it is advisable to keep a copy of the receipt relevant to payment of examination fee.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "service of the ministry of justice ",
"title": [
"recruitment to the post of ",
"technical officer (civil) grade iii ",
"in the sri lanka ",
"technical officers' ",
"service of the ministry of justice "
"description": "(open basis) - 2021 applications are invited from qualified applicants recruit suitable persons to fill 07 vacancies in the technical officer (civil) grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice on open basis. applications from certificate holders in the civil sector will only be considered. application forms prepared as specimen form appended at the end of this notice should be sent by registered post to reach the \"secretary, ministry of justice, superior courts complex, colombo 12 on or before the closing date of applications mentioned below. the words \"recruitment to the post of technical officer grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice (open basis)\" should be written on the top left hand comer of the envelope containing the application form. closing date of applications will be on 12.03.2021 : no allegation that an application form document respecting such form has been lost or delayed in the post can be considered. applicants who delay their applications until the last day will do so at their own risk. method of recruitment. – recruitments will be made on the order of merit secured at the written examination conducted by an institution approved by the commissioner general of examinations or the secretary of the ministry of justice and as well as at the general interview to be conducted by interview board to be appointed by the secretary to ministry of justice. terms of engagement (i) this post is permanent. the pension scheme applicable to the post is subject to future policy decisions to be taken by the government. (ii) an officer recruited to this post is subject to a 03 year probation period and is required to pass the first efficiency bar examination before within the said 03 years. (iii) an officer recruited to this post should, in terms of the public administration circular no.18/2020 circulars incidental thereto, acquire the prescribed language proficiency within 05 appointing to this post. the officer who enters the public service in a medium of language other than in a medium of any of the official languages will require to reach within 03 years a requisite standard of proficiency in one official language and within 05 years the other official language. (iv) this appointment will be subject procedural rules of the public service commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial regulations and departmental orders and any other regulations. salary scale. – in terms of the public administration circular no.3/2016, this post with salary code mn-3-2016, carries a salary scale of rs. 31,040-10x445-11x660- 10x730-10x750- rs. 57,550. (per month) (salaries paid in terms of schedule ii of the public administration circular no.03/2016 dated 25.02.2026.) qualifications :- educational qualifications ) should have passed the g.c.e.(ordinary level) examination in six subjects not more than two sittings with credit passes sinhala/tamil/english language, mathematics, science and one any other ) should have passed the g.c.e.(advanced level) examination in all subjects in one setting with physics, combined mathematics and chemistry. (except for common general test) (03 passes in the same stream in one sitting under the old syllabus is treated sufficient.) vocational qualifications ) national diploma in technology (civil) conferred on by the university of moratuwa or hardy institute of ampara. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 ) national diploma in engineering (civil) conferred on by the national apprentice and industrial training authority. ) higher national diploma in engineering (civil) conferred on by the ministry of education and higher education. ) national diploma in technology (civil) conferred on by the open university of sri lanka. ) successful completion of part the engineering examination (civil) conducted by the sri lanka institute of engineering. ) any other technological qualifications equivalent in all respect to those referred to above, recognized by the sri lanka vocational education commission with the concurrence of the ministry of higher education and of the institutions in whose authority the certificates referred to above have been ) successful completion of the national vocational qualifications (nvq) level 06 applicable to the field of employment. experience .– special preference is given to service ex perience in the respective field. physical fitness. – every applicant should be in good mental and physical order to serve in any part of the island and to discharge the duties and functions of the post. other qualifications (i) every applicant should be a citizen (ii) every applicant should bear an excellent and exemplary moral character. (iii) applicants are considered to be eligible for the competitive examination only if the qualifications in all respect including the age limit have been satisfied on or before closing date of application mentioned notification. age limit.– the age should be not less than 18 and not more than 30 years as at closing date of applications. method of recruitment .– recruitment will be made on the order of merit secured at the competitive examination and general interview. a similar number applicants expected to be recruited are interviewed order of merit secured at the competitive written exam ination to be selected. written examination general interview.– qualifications of the applicants will be checked by the interview board to be appointed by the secretary to the ministry of justice. 12. applications should be prepared on a a4 paper of 22x29 cm in size using both sides indicating items from 1 -12 on the first page and 13 onwards on the second third pages. it should be filled by the applicant's own legible handwriting. applications which are not in conformity with the specimen appended at the end of this notice or received after the closing date of acceptance of applications are liable to be rejected without notice. it is advisable for applicants to retain a copy of the application. incomplete applications and applications of applicants who do not possess the prescribed minimum requirements will also be rejected. applicants should therefore see that his/her application is perfect in all respect. receipt of applications will not be acknowledged. ) no any document or duplicate thereof is required be annexed to the application. ) applications of the applicants in respect of whom the originals of the prescribed certificates are failed to be submitted when requested to do so will not be considered. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 (ii) applicants who are employed in the public service /provincial public service. state corporations, etc. should forward their applications through the respective heads of the departments. examination fee.– every applicant should deposit an examination fee in a sum of rs.500/- to the credit of the account no.1761001990251 84 in the mid city branch of the people's bank in favour of the secretary to the ministry of justice. the original of the receipt issued by the bank in proof of the payment should be affixed in the space provided for the purpose in the application. annexure 02 no. ........................... (for office use only) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n - 2021 applications are invited from qualified applicants recruit suitable persons to fill 07 vacancies in the technical officer grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice on open basis. application forms prepared as specimen form appended at the end of this notice should be sent by registered post to reach the \"secretary, ministry of justice, superior courts complex, colombo 12 on or before the closing date of applications mentioned below. the words \"recruitment to the post of technical officer grade iii in the sri lanka technical officers' service of the ministry of justice \" should be written on the top left hand comer of the envelope containing the application form. an officer recruited to this post is subject to a 03 year probation period and is required to pass the first efficiency bar examination before within the said 03 years. an officer recruited to this post should, in terms of the public administration circular no.18/2020 circulars incidental thereto, acquire the prescribed language proficiency within 05 appointing to this post. this appointment will be subject procedural rules of the public service commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financial regulations and departmental orders and any other regulations. examination in six subjects not more than two sittings with credit passes sinhala/tamil/english language, mathematics, science and one any other ) should have passed the g.c.e. examination in all subjects in one setting with physics, combined mathematics and chemistry. vocational qualifications ) national diploma in technology conferred on by the university of moratuwa or hardy institute of ampara. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 ) national diploma in engineering conferred on by the national apprentice and industrial training authorityhigher national diploma in engineering conferred on by the ministry of education and higher educationnational diploma in technology conferred on by the open university of sri lankasuccessful completion of part the engineering examination conducted by the sri lanka institute of engineeringany other technological qualifications equivalent in all respect to those referred to above, recognized by the sri lanka vocational education commission with the concurrence of the ministry of higher education and of the institutions in whose authority the certificates referred to above have been ) successful completion of the national vocational qualifications level 06 applicable to the field of employment. applicants are considered to be eligible for the competitive examination only if the qualifications in all respect including the age limit have been satisfied on or before closing date of application mentioned notification. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 applicants who are employed in the public service /provincial public service.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Railway ",
"title": [
"open competitive examination for recruitment to grade iii of ",
"railway technological management assistant (mechanical) ",
"& railway ",
"technological management assistant (electrical) in management "
"description": "assistant technological service category segmemt - 2-2021 amendment – 1 amendment of the below cited condition under the number 4 published in the notification dated 05.02.2021 for recruitment to the above posts. conditions of recruitment. – trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre as at 15.06.2017 are allowed to apply ignoring the above cited educational qualification, have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully. the above condition will be amended as follows : as per the decision of the cabinet of ministers dated 19.12.2017 of the secretary to the cabinet of ministers /17/2882/709/102-1, until the railway department prepares a new salary structure only the trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre are allowed to apply ignoring the educational qualification - published in the notification dated 05.02.2021 if they have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully. the other facts, cited in the notification will be effected without any alterations. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n– trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre as at 2017 are allowed to apply ignoring the above cited educational qualification, have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully. the above condition will be amended as follows as per the decision of the cabinet of ministers dated 2017 of the secretary to the cabinet of ministers /17/2882/709/102-1, until the railway department prepares a new salary structure only the trainees who have enrolled for the training courses in sri lanka german railway technical training centre are allowed to apply ignoring the educational qualification - published in the notification dated 2021 if they have obtained the training certificate after completing the relevant courses successfully.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
"department": "ministry of public services, ",
"title": [
"limited competitive examination ",
"for recruitment ",
"to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative ",
"description": "applications are invited from qualified citizens of sri lanka for the limited competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in grade iii of the sri lanka administrative the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november. the secretary reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission. this examination shall consist of four (04) question papers as follows. general intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code, procedural rules of the public services commission and financial regulations) case studies relevant to public administration ii (relating to the testing of creative, analytical and communicative skills) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are invited from qualified citizens of sri lanka for the limited competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in grade iii of the sri lanka administrative the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november. general intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i case studies relevant to public administration ii ",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "the ministry in charge of the subject of public ",
"title": [
"“secretary” ",
"“the secretary to ",
"administration” "
"description": "b. the term otherwise specified, ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "the ministry in charge of the subject of public ",
"title": [
"“the sri lanka administrative service” "
"description": " under this examination, recruitment will be made to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative service (a) applications for this examination can be submitted from 07th of august 2021 till 24:00 hrs 06 september 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "",
"title": [
"written examination – "
"description": " this examination shall consist of four (04) question papers as follows. general intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i (relating to the establishments code, procedural rules of the public services commission and financial regulations) case studies relevant to public administration ii (relating to the testing of creative, analytical and communicative skills) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngeneral intelligence social, economic and political background lanka and global trends case studies relevant to public administration i case studies relevant to public administration ii ",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "ministry of public services, ",
"title": [
"provincial councils ",
"and local ",
"government ",
"limited competitive examination ",
"for recruitment ",
"to grade iii of the sri lanka planning service – "
"description": "applications are invited from citizens of sri lanka for filling up of 46 vacancies in the posts in grade iii sri lanka planning service on limited basis. the relevant application has been published in the website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. once the application is submitted online, it should be downloaded and the signature of the applicant should be attested printed copy with certification of the head of the institution. thereafter, it should be sent by the registered post the commissioner general of examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b. 1503, colombo on or before the closing date of applications. “ ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are invited from citizens of sri lanka for filling up of 46 vacancies in the posts in grade iii sri lanka planning service on limited basis. the relevant application has been published in the website of the sri lanka examination department, and applications can be submitted only through online. thereafter, it should be sent by the registered post the commissioner general of examinations, institutional examination organization branch, sri lanka examination department, p. b.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "ministry of public services",
"title": [
"limited competitive ",
"examination for recruitment to grade iii of the sri lanka administrative services – 2021 "
"description": "the sri lanka administrative services – 2021” should be clearly marked on the top left corner of the envelope. the closing date of applications will of september 2021. note.— the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail will not be considered. (the inconveniences that may cause due to the sending applications until the closing date should be borne by the applicant himself.) the post and service station of the applicants time of applying for the examination is considered for all matters with regard to the examination and the changes that occur after sending the applications will not be considered. ) applications that are not completed in every aspect will be rejected. no complaints on the loss or delay of the applications will be entertained. ) immediately after the issuance of admission cards to the applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such notice, steps should be taken to make inquiries thereon from the department of examinations in the manner specified in the notice. the name of the examination and the full name, address and national identity card number of the applicant should be correctly mentioned when making such inquiry. in case of an applicant outside colombo, it would be advisable to send a request letter to the fax number stated in that notice, indicating a fax number to obtain a copy of the admission card by way of fax. it would also be advisable to keep the copy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fee and receipt of postal registration in hand to confirm any matter inquired by the department of examinations. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nimmediately after the issuance of admission cards to the applicants, a notice thereon will be published in newspapers and the website of the department of examinations. if the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such notice, steps should be taken to make inquiries thereon from the department of examinations in the manner specified in the notice. in case of an applicant outside colombo, it would be advisable to send a request letter to the fax number stated in that notice, indicating a fax number to obtain a copy of the admission card by way of fax. it would also be advisable to keep the copy of the application form, receipt of payment of examination fee and receipt of postal registration in hand to confirm any matter inquired by the department of examinations.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "ministry of public services",
"title": [
"competitive examination ",
"for recruitment to grade iii of the sri ",
"lanka planning "
"description": "service - 2021” should be clearly marked on the corner of the envelope. the applications will be accepted 07 august 2021 till 24:00 hrs 06 september 2021. note : the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the complaints on the loss or delay of the printed copy in the mail will not be considered. the inconveniences that may cause due to the delay in sending applications until the closing date should be borne by the applicant himself. the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november 2021. commissioner general of examinations reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission. (a) the closing date of calling for applications will be ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nthe applications will be accepted 07 august 2021 till 24 00 hrs 06 september note the printed copy of the application should compulsorily be sent by the registered post. the commissioner general of examinations, subject to the orders of the public service commission, will conduct this examination at colombo in november commissioner general of examinations reserves the right to postpone or cancel this examination subject to the orders of the public service commission.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
\ No newline at end of file
[{"key": "value"}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": [], "description": "limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ii of class 2 of sri ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["lanka information "], "description": "and communication technology service - 2021 paragraph 6.0., (d) experience which stipulates the qualifications, of the notification on the \"limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ii of class 2 of sri lanka information and communication technology service - 2021\" published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. 2247 dated 24th of september 2021 is revised in the following manner. qualifications. (d) experience - (1) should be an officer in class 3 grade i or grade ii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no. 01/2020. (i) should be a confirmed officer in appointment, who has completed an active and satisfactory period fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 of service of 05 years in class 3 grade iii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no. 01/2020. (i) shall have satisfied the educational qualifications mentioned in 6.1 of this notification. the applicants shall have satisfied all the qualifications relevant to the post by 25.10.2021, which is ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nand communication technology service - 2021 paragraph , experience which stipulates the qualifications, of the notification on the \"limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade ii of class 2 of sri lanka information and communication technology service - 2021\" published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. experience - should be an officer in class 3 grade i or grade ii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no. \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 2021 of service of 05 years in class 3 grade iii of sri lanka information and communication technology service and should not have been subject to a disciplinary punishment in terms of the provisions set out in public service commission circular no.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["the closing ", "date of the applications mentioned in the initial notification. "], "description": "(03) the other provisions stipulated in the said notification shall remain unchanged and the closing applications shall be extended up to 01.11.2021 due to this revision. the applicant, who have already applied for this examination, are hereby in formed not to re-submit applications due to these revisions. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["lokabandara "], "description": "director general of combined services, ministry of public service, provincial councils and local government, independence square, colombo 07. 01st october,2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ndirector general of combined services, ministry of public service, provincial councils and local government, independence square, colombo ", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "ministry of education", "title": ["by order of the education service committee of the public service commission "], "description": "following amendments are made to the notification published on the no. 2231 dated 04.06.2021 and no. 2242 dated 20.08.2021 regarding the recruitment into the class iii of the sri lanka education administrative amendments that are common to both limited as well as service experience and merit based competitive tests scheduled to be held are as follows : * closing date of applications shall be extended up to 22.10.2021 * all qualif ations should have been fulfilled by 30.07.2021 * applicants, who have already submitted their applications by 03.09.2021 or before need not to apply again. secretary, ministry of education. 05th october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n2242 dated 2021 regarding the recruitment into the class iii of the sri lanka education administrative amendments that are common to both limited as well as service experience and merit based competitive tests scheduled to be held are as follows closing date of applications shall be extended up to 2021 all qualif ations should have been fulfilled by 2021 applicants, who have already submitted their applications by 2021 or before need not to apply again. 05th october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 .", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": ["public service commission ", "common competitive examination for the recruitment to the posts in all-island ", "services and "], "description": "executive service category of the public service - 2021 public service commission has ordered to extend the closing date of application for the above examination notification published in the no. 2237 dated 16.07.2021 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, as amended by the subsequent notification published in the no. 2239 dated 30.07.2021, till 15.10.2021 02. further, those applicants who had submitted online applications for the above examination on or before 31.07.2021 may submit applications for amendment of order of preference to services/posts following the procedure specified in paragraph 3 of the said notification dated 30.07.2021 till above closing date of applications. secretary, service commission. office of the public service commission, no. 1200/9, rajamalwatte road, battaramulla, 08th october, 2021. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n2239 dated 2021, till 2021 further, those applicants who had submitted online applications for the above examination on or before 2021 may submit applications for amendment of order of preference to services/posts following the procedure specified in paragraph 3 of the said notification dated 2021 till above closing date of applications.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": ["limited competitive examination for ", "recruitment to "], "description": "grade iii of sri lanka accountants service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the of the democratice socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2239 dated 30.07.2021. 02. the closing date for calling application of this notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 03. the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying. on the order of the public service commission. secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. 06th october, 2021 fpoh \u2011 ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd\u00a7 ckrcfha .ei\u00fc m;%h \u2011 2021'10'08 . (iia) \u2013 gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka \u2013 08.10.2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \ngrade iii of sri lanka accountants service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the of the democratice socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2239 dated the closing date for calling application of this notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": ["limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade "], "description": "sri lanka administrative service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification, published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated 06.08.2021. 02. the closing date for calling application mentioned in paragraph 08.(a) of this notice is extended 15th of october 2021 03. the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying. on the order of the public service commission. secretary, ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government. 06th october, 2021 ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nsri lanka administrative service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification, published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated of this notice is extended 15th of october 2021 the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "ministry of public services, provincial councils and local government", "title": ["limited competitive examination for recruitment to grade "], "description": "sri lanka planning service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated 06.08.2021. 02. the closing date for calling application mentioned in that notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 03. the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying. on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \nsri lanka planning service - 2021 this is with reference to the above examination notification published in the of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, no.2240 dated the closing date for calling application mentioned in that notice is extended up to 15th of october, 2021 the other provisions in the said shall remain unchanged and the applicants who have already submitted their applications for the above examination are requested to refrain from reapplying.", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}, {"department": "", "title": [], "description": "on the order of the public service commission. ", "summary": "Summarized result: \n", "date": "2021-10-08", "url": ""}]
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"key": "value"
"department": "public service commission",
"title": [
"public service commission ",
"calling applications for the recruitment of ",
"officers to the post of assistant director ",
"(legal) of ",
"the commission to investigate allegations of "
"description": "bribery or corruption -2020 applications are called by order of the public service commission to select eligible candidates for vacancies of the post of assistant director (legal) of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption. applications prepared according to the specimen this notice should be sent under registered cover the director general, commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption, no.36, malalasekara mawatha, colombo 07 on or before 25.03.2021 . the top left hand corner of the envelope containing the application should indicate “ ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nbribery or corruption -2020 applications are called by order of the public service commission to select eligible candidates for vacancies of the post of assistant director of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption. applications prepared according to the specimen this notice should be sent under registered cover the director general, commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption, no.36, malalasekara mawatha, colombo 07 on or before 2021 .",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "public service commision",
"title": [
"post of assistant director (legal)” "
"description": ") closing date of applications- 25.03.2021 : - complaints with regard to the losses or delays of an application or any other related document in the post will not be considered. losses incurred by failure to submit application on the due date must be the applicant. method of recruitment :- suitable applicants will be recruited upon a structured interview according order of marks on merit achieved by each candidate vacancies available. number of vacancies is 14. number of appointments and the effective date of appointment will depend on the order of the public service commission. service conditions i. this post is permanent and pensionable. you shall be subjected to any policy decision taken by the government in future regarding pension scheme which you are entitled to. further you are required to contribute to the widows’ and orphans’/ widowers’ and orphans’ pension scheme. contributions to the pension scheme should be made as per the directions taken time to time by the government. ii. the officers appointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three (03) years and the first efficiency bar examination should be passed during three (03) year probation iii. you should confirm that the proficiency in official language is acquired in accordance with the policies of the government before the lapse of three(03) years from the date of acceptance of this appointment. if you have qualified for this appointment in sinhala language your other official language should be tamil language and if you have qualified for this appointment in tamil language your other official language should be sinhala language. the provisions of the public administration circular no. 18/2020 dated 16.10.2020 and the provisions of the circulars incidental there to are applicable for this. iv. the public service commission reserves the power to cancel the appointment of any candidate who fails to assume duties of the appointed post on due date and/or rejects or avoids serving in an area where the applicant is appointed. v. this appointment is subjected to the procedural commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, public financial regulations and regulations of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption and circular regulations issued time to time by the government. salary scale salary scale applicable to this post as per the public administration circular no.03/2016 is sl- 5-2016, rs. 58,295 - 5 x 1,335-5 x 1,630-15 x2,170- rs, 105,670/-(monthly). educational qualifications i. should have taken oath as an attomey-at-law in the supreme court experience should have active service period of not less than three (03) years upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme court, should have experience of not less than three (03) years in following fields in a public institution upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 proceedings coordination with attorney general’s department ii. agreements related with legal undertakings iii. legal activities on acts and regulations iv. formulation of legal documents drafting acts, circulars, regulations v. legal or judicial activities or inquiries conducted by statutory institutions : - should not be below 22 years and over 45 years as at the closing date of the application. (only the persons bom on or before 25.03.1999 and on 25.03.1976 are eligible to apply for this post.) physical qualifications should be physically and mentally fit to serve in any part of the island and to execute the duties of the post. other qualifications i. should be a sri lankan citizen. ii. should have an excellent character iii. applicant or any member of the family should not be found guilty for criminal charges under the law of sri lanka iv. the applicants should have achieved all qualifications required to recruit to the post as at the closing date of the applications mentioned notification. v. a security clearance report will be called before making appointment on all selected applicants to examine the suitability of each person to serve in the commission. method of recruitment : - 8.1 structured interview: marks will be awarded by an interview board appointed by the public service commission. 8.2 marking scheme for the interview will be as follows : fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 9. the application should be prepared using 22-29cm size (a4 sheets) in such a way that headings 01-09 should appear on first page. the application should be dully filled by own hand writing of the applicant. computerized/ typewritten applications can also be used in this purpose. applications that do not comply with the specimen or that have completed properly will be rejected without any notification. it is advisable to keep a photocopy of the application candidate. it is the responsibility of the candidate to verify that the perfected application complies with the specimen given in the notification, as otherwise, the application may be rejected. ) any document or a copy should not be attached to the application ) applications of the candidates who fail to produce documents when requested to do so will not be considered. 10. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer authorized by him/her and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head / retired officer of a government school, grama niladhari of the respective division, a commissioner for oaths, an attomey-at-law, a notary public, a commissioned officer of three forces, a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary above rs.415,260/- fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 14. names and addresses of non-related referees provide your information : : signatures of the candidates currently in public service should be attested by the respective head of the institution or an authorized officer. if the applicant is in public service:- i, do hereby certify that the particulars given by me in the application are true and correct. i am aware any particulars contained herein are found to be incorrect before selection, i am subjected to be disqualified or dismissed from the service without any compensation is revealed after selection. .................................., signature of the applicant. date :........................ attestation of the applicant’s signature i certify that mr./mrs./miss. ........................................ known to me personally and that he/she placed his/her signature in my presence on this .............. day of ....................... 2021. ............................, signature. designation: .......................................................... frank: ........................................................................ date: ....................................................................................... certification of the head of the institution i certify that this applicant mr./ mrs./ miss ....................... presently serves in this ministry/ department/ institution in permanent/ temporary basis and the details given her are true and correct according to the officer’s personal file and other relevant documents. he/ she could be/ could not be released from his/her present post if he/she is selected to the above post. ..................................., signature of head of the institution. date:............................... name: .............................. designation: ............................. institution: ................................ (strike through irrelevant words) ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n) closing date of applications- 2021 - complaints with regard to the losses or delays of an application or any other related document in the post will not be considered. the officers appointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three years and the first efficiency bar examination should be passed during three year probation iii. v. this appointment is subjected to the procedural commission, establishment code of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, public financial regulations and regulations of the commission to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption and circular regulations issued time to time by the government. educational qualifications i. should have taken oath as an attomey-at-law in the supreme court experience should have active service period of not less than three years upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme court, should have experience of not less than three years in following fields in a public institution upon taking oath as an attorney-at-law in the supreme fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 proceedings coordination with attorney general’s department ii. formulation of legal documents drafting acts, circulars, regulations v. legal or judicial activities or inquiries conducted by statutory institutions - should not be below 22 years and over 45 years as at the closing date of the application. 2 marking scheme for the interview will be as follows fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 the application should be prepared using 22-29cm size in such a way that headings 01-09 should appear on first page. applicants in public service should get the signature attested by the head of the institution or an officer authorized by him/her and other applicants should get their signatures attested by the head / retired officer of a government school, grama niladhari of the respective division, a commissioner for oaths, an attomey-at-law, a notary public, a commissioned officer of three forces, a permanent officer in public service who draws an annual salary above rs.415,260/- fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 names and addresses of non-related referees provide your information signatures of the candidates currently in public service should be attested by the respective head of the institution or an authorized officer. if the applicant is in public service - i, do hereby certify that the particulars given by me in the application are true and correct. designation .......................................................... frank ........................................................................ date ....................................................................................... certification of the head of the institution i certify that this applicant mr./ mrs./ miss ....................... presently serves in this ministry/ department/ institution in permanent/ temporary basis and the details given her are true and correct according to the officer’s personal file and other relevant documents.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "department of social service development",
"title": [
"state ministry of ",
"primary health ",
"services, pandemics and covid ",
"prevention ",
"- Vocational instructor (grade iii "
"description": "vocational instructor (grade iii) applications are called from eligible sri lankan citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of vocational instructor to batticaloa vocational training centers which commencing soon for a disable persons under the department of social service. applications, prepared in accordance with following specimen should be sent to director, department of social service, 2 stage, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla by registered post on or before 05.03.2021. the words “recruitment of vocational instructor (grade iii )” should be written on the top left hand corner envelop in which the application is enclosed. application and details could also be downloaded through the website of required qualifications to recruit for this post :- vocational instructor (electronic, sewing) 1.1. age limit :- shall be not less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age on the closing date of applications. educational qualifications ) educational qualifications for vocational instructor (electronic, sewing) (i) should have passed 06 subjects with credit passes for four subjects including language and mathematics and two fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 of any other subjects at the g.c.e. (ordinary level) examination at one sitting. (ii) should (advanced level) all subjects in any stream (except the general paper) and should have achieved the required level of achievement to pursue a tertiary education course professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from ceylon technical college or ceylon german technical training institute should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of small industries or the department of textile industries ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of social services or national youth service council or its affiliated institutes ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from vocational training authority or its affiliated institutes ; should have successfully followed and obtained the certificate for a technical course recognized vocational education commission as a course categorized vocational qualification (nvq) level 05 or a course recommended by that commission as an equivalent to that level experience :- not applicable physical fitness all the candidates should have physical and mental fitness to serve in any part of the island and to perform the duties of the post. method of recruitment recruitments are made on the result of written and professional test. the written test held first. twice the number of required called for interview from the candidates who score high marks in the written test according to the order of merit. only the candidates who get through the general interview will be forwarded for professional test. the number equal to the number of vacancies will be selected for the training course from the candidates who also get through from the professional test according to the total aggregated marks obtained from written and professional test in order of merit. those who are selected, should obtain a certificate successfully completion training course on teaching methods. candidates who obtain that certificate recruited for the post. written test salary scale :- salary code –mt-01 -2016 per the public administration circular no. salary scale – rs. 29,840-10x300-11x350- 10x560-10x660- rs. 48,890. terms of service :- this post is permanent and pensionable. it is subjected to a future policy decision on scheme of pension made by fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 government and required to contribute widows’/widowers’ and orphans’ pension fund. it should be acquired proficiency in the prescribed official language within 05 years in accordance with the public administration circular no. 01/2014 and incidental circulars to that. social service director. department of social services, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla, 12.02.2021. pplication recruitment ………….......................................... language medium 01. name with initials : ......................................................................................................................................................... 02. names denoted by initials : ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ address :.......................................................................................................................................................................... 04. telephone number : ........................................................................................................................................................ 05. nic number : .................................................................................................................................................................. 06. date of birth :.................................................................................................................................................................. 07. age as at closing date of application : years : ............................... months : ............................... days : ............................... 08. marital status : ................................................................................................................................................................. : ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10. educational qualifications :- ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nvocational instructor applications are called from eligible sri lankan citizens to recruit to the 02 posts of vocational instructor to batticaloa vocational training centers which commencing soon for a disable persons under the department of social service. applications, prepared in accordance with following specimen should be sent to director, department of social service, 2 stage, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla by registered post on or before the words “recruitment of vocational instructor ” should be written on the top left hand corner envelop in which the application is enclosed. application and details could also be downloaded through the website of required qualifications to recruit for this post - vocational instructor age limit - shall be not less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age on the closing date of applications. educational qualifications ) educational qualifications for vocational instructor should have passed 06 subjects with credit passes for four subjects including language and mathematics and two fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . should all subjects in any stream and should have achieved the required level of achievement to pursue a tertiary education course professional qualifications should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from ceylon technical college or ceylon german technical training institute should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of small industries or the department of textile industries ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more from department of social services or national youth service council or its affiliated institutes ; should have obtained a certificate for of two years or more on relevant profession from vocational training authority or its affiliated institutes ; should have successfully followed and obtained the certificate for a technical course recognized vocational education commission as a course categorized vocational qualification level 05 or a course recommended by that commission as an equivalent to that level experience - not applicable physical fitness all the candidates should have physical and mental fitness to serve in any part of the island and to perform the duties of the post. department of social services, sethsiripaya, baththaramulla, pplication recruitment ………….......................................... language medium name with initials ......................................................................................................................................................... names denoted by initials ............................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ address .......................................................................................................................................................................... telephone number ........................................................................................................................................................ nic number .................................................................................................................................................................. date of birth .................................................................................................................................................................. age as at closing date of application ............................... months ............................... days ............................... marital status ................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. educational qualifications ",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"medical consultant - ",
"general sir ",
"john kotelawala defence university "
"description": "general sir kotelawala defence university hospital calls applications from qualified persons for the following posts 1. medical consultant fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'02'19 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 19.02.2021 (i) medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable inthe sri lanka medical council according to the medical (amendment) \n of 2018 ; (ii) medical officers / dental surgeons with validfull registration of sri lanka medical council (iii) doctor ofmedicine (md)/ master of surgery (ms) in the relevant specialty withboard certification of post-graduate institute of medicine (pgim), \nuniversity of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i of the gazette \n(extraordinary) no.1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democraticsocialist republic of sri lanka] ; (iv) certificate of good standingfrom sri lanka medical council (slmc). Medical Officers and Dental Surgeon who have registered / registerable in the Sri Lanka Medical Council according to the Medical (Amendment) Act.No.28 of 2018 ;",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 medical officers and dental surgeon registered / registerable inthe sri lanka medical council according to the medical of 2018 ; medical officers / dental surgeons with validfull registration of sri lanka medical council doctor ofmedicine / master of surgery in the relevant specialty withboard certification of post-graduate institute of medicine , university of colombo, sri lanka [appendix i of the gazette no.1883/17 dated 2014 of the democraticsocialist republic of sri lanka certificate of good standingfrom sri lanka medical council .",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"dental surgeon - grade ii ",
"qualifications: "
"description": "i. dental surgeon with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a dental surgeon. ii. certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc). shall not be less than 25 years and not more than 45 years.",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ni. dental surgeon with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a dental surgeon.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"medical officer - preliminary grade ",
"qualifications: "
"description": " (i) medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. (ii) certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"para medical - special grade ",
"qualifications: "
"description": " (i) should have completed at least ten years (10) of satisfactory service in grade i of the service (ii) if has worked under the ministry of health, having passed all the relevant efficiency bar examination and earned ten (10) salary increments. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
"department": "Health",
"title": [
"grade 1 nursing officer "
"description": "(i) should be a grade 1 nursing officer. (ii) should be a nursing officer who has followed and passed the 1 ½ year diploma course in ward management and supervision / and supervising / public health nursing and midwifery / mental health nursing, conducted by the national nursing training school primary nursing school. (iii) having passed the 2 efficiency bar examination. (iv) having earned all due salary increments and completed an active and satisfactory service period during the preceding 5 years. (v) performance above satisfactory level in years prior to the date of promotion as per approved performance appraisal procedure. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n should be a nursing officer who has followed and passed the 1 ½ year diploma course in ward management and supervision / and supervising / public health nursing and midwifery / mental health nursing, conducted by the national nursing training school primary nursing school.",
"date": "2021-02-19",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriage/additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages for the divisions set out schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "gampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ngampaha district applications are called for the post of registrar of birth, death and marriage for the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births, deaths and marriages/additional marriages ",
"(kandyan/general) sinhala "
"description": "kalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. in case a subject contains 02 parts at gce (o/l) or any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( of the registrar general’s department. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nkalutara district applications are called for the post of registrar of births, deatsh and marriages /additional marriages for the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant births, deaths and marriages /additional marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of marriages should be married and should not be a widow/widower or applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births, deaths and marriages/ additional marriages, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices and post offices depicted schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "registrar general’s department ",
"title": [
"post of registrar of muslim ",
" marriages (sinhala/tamil) "
"description": "colombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications.(maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil (relevant language for the post) with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 08. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ga office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off cial website ( ) of the registrar general’s department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded on or before 06th september 2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. eerasekara registrar general. registrar general’s department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, 2021. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \ncolombo district applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule hereof; applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 2021 applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed other similar examination. relevant application and the said “annex -01” inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla, on this 06th day of july, fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 .",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "ministry of education",
"title": [
"recruitment of bachelor of education graduates ",
"in special education, drama and theatre to grade 2-II of the sri lanka\nteachers’ service - 2021\nfor sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies\nexisting in national and\nprovincial schools islandwide "
"description": "applications are being called from male and female applicants for therecruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama \n& theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers serviceto fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in nationaland provincial schools islandwide. applications prepared as per thespecimen given at the end of this notification should be sent underregistered post on or before the following date according toinstructions given in section 8.4 of this gazette notification. (a) \nclosing date of applications will be 03.09. 2021 .— complaints onmisplacing or delaying an application or a letter in its connectionin post will not be entertained. the applicants themselves will haveto bear the repercussions of delaying applications till the closingdate. 02. method of recruitment : 2.1 applicants, who have fulfilledthe qualifications stated in 5.1 or 5.2 of this notification, shouldface a general interview to check whether the applicants havefulfilled the required qualifications. 2.2 applicants, who qualifyfrom the general interview will be subjected to a practical test interms of section 9.2 of this notification to evaluate teachinglearning skills required for the profession. recruitments will bemade based on schools according to the number of vacancies upon thepriority of total marks obtained by the applicant at the practicaltest. the applicants, who have not fulfilled the qualifications will berejected at the general interview. 2.3 recruitments will be made onlyupon the number of vacancies exist at the time of recruitment and thelist of vacancies will be exhibited to the applicants at thepractical test. accordingly, the applicants should indicate the orderof their preference at the interview. vacancies in provincial schoolswill be filled only upon the concurrence of the provinces. : accordingto the schools based system, priority will be given to highest marks.\n furthermore, when more than one applicant have applied for the sameschool, the eligible applicant will be selected upon a specificmarking scheme approved by the secretary to the ministry of education. \n 2.4 since recruitments for these vacancies based on schools, \ntransfers will not be given under any condition before the completionof a period of 05 years. 2.5 list of vacancies provincial schoolsnational schools 03. employment conditions : i. this post is permanent.\n the pension scheme entitled for this post will be subjected to policydecisions made by the government in future. ii. the officersappointed to this post subjected to a probation period of three (03) \n years and they should pass the first efficiency bar examination withinthe aforesaid period of three (03) years. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xldm%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazetteof the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 iii. \nshould obtain proficiency in official language in terms of the publicadministration circular 01/2014 and other circulars incidental thereto.\n iv. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, \n establishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financialrules of the government and other departmental rules. v. thisappointment will be subjected to the provisions of the service minuteof the sri lanka teachers’ service published in the gazetteextraordinary of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka no. \n1885/38 of 23.10.2014 and any future amendment made thereto as well asthe general conditions related to public service appointments. ",
"summary": "Summarized result: applications are being called from male and female applicants for therecruitment of bachelor of education in special education and drama \n& theatre to grade ii of class 2 of the sri lanka teachers serviceto fill sinhala, tamil and english medium vacancies exist in nationaland provincial schools islandwide. method of recruitment 1 applicants, \nwho have fulfilled the qualifications stated in 1 or 2 of thisnotification, should face a general interview to check whether theapplicants have fulfilled the required qualifications. 2 applicants, whoqualify from the general interview will be subjected to a practicaltest in terms of section 2 of this notification to evaluate teachinglearning skills required for the profession. recruitments will be madebased on schools according to the number of vacancies upon the priorityof total marks obtained by the applicant at the practical test. 4 sincerecruitments for these vacancies based on schools, transfers will not begiven under any condition before the completion of a period of 05years. this appointment will be subjected procedural commission, \nestablishment democratic socialist republic of sri lanka, financialrules of the government and other departmental rules.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "",
"title": [
"recruitment of b. ed. graduates ",
"in special "
"description": "education, drama and theatre to grade 2-ii ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
"department": "",
"title": [
"of the sri lanka teachers service for sinhala, ",
"tamil and english medium vacancies existing ",
"in national and provincial schools islandwide "
"description": "” should mandatorily be stated on top left hand corner of the envelope. 9.1 general interview - marks will not be awarded for the general interview. : objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 06.08.2021 in accordance therewith and evaluating physical qualifications. 9.2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. marks allocated will be allocated as follows. note 5 .— objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 9.2.1 methodology of the practical test : duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. (ii) maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five (25) marks. (iii) minimum 02 marks under each criterion should be achieved in order to pass the practical test. (iv) evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education. 9.2.2 objective of the criteria : ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n objectives to be achieved - checking whether the qualifications stated in the service minute and in this notification publicized fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'08'06 . 2 practical test the candidate should make a presentation not less than 05 minutes in duration on a recognized topic before an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the line ministry of education. note 5 .— objectives to be achieved - evaluating the skills of the candidate relating to teaching learning process, which requires in the teaching profession 1 methodology of the practical test duration not less than 5 minutes given for the practical test. maximum marks allocated for the practical test will be twenty-five marks. evaluation of the practical test will be conducted by an interview panel appointed by the secretary to the ministry of education.",
"date": "2021-08-06",
"url" : ""
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "university hospital ",
"title": [
"medical officer ",
"general sir ",
"john kotelawala ",
"defence university ",
"general sir john kotelawala ",
"defence university ",
" ",
" "
"description": "01. medical officer - grade i qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. ii. a minimum of six (06) years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". recognized qualification mentioned in appendix ii of the (extaordinary) no: 1883/17 dated 11.10.2014 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. iv. certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council (slmc) salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,585.00 02. medical officer - grade ii qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. ii. a minimum of two (02) years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,185.00 03. medical officer - preliminary grade qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council (slmc) for practicing as a medical officer. iii. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council (slmc). salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rs. 60,050.00 4. perfusionist qualifications.- i. should have obtained the degree of physics with grade pass accepted by university grant commission. .– must be not less than 22 years more than 45 years. salary scale .– ma 4- rs. 37,970 - 10x755 -15x930 -5x1,135 - rs. 65,145) perfusionist grade iii will be placed on ma 4 step 1 - rs. 37,910.00 5. orthopedic work shop mechanic qualifications.- i. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate, diploma in (electrical fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'10'08 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 08.10.2021 and electronic) awarded by open universities not less than level 5 (nvq 5). ii. should have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate not less than level 5 (nvq 5) higher national diploma in (electrical and electronic) engineering awarded by the ministry of education and higher education ; iii. should have obtained a certificate of than 5 levels (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate recognized by the tertiary and vocational eduation commission in respect of the post. .– must be not less 18 years and than 45 years. salary scale. – ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) orthopedic workshop mechanic grade iii placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 6. audiology technician qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 (nvq 5) of the national vocational qualification certificate ; ii. must be registered with the sri lanka medical council to work in sri lanka as an audiologist technician. .– must be not less than 18 years more than 45 years. salary scale. – ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 50,940) audiology technician grade iii will be placed on ma 2-1 - rs. 30,310.00 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n medical officer - grade i qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of six years of experience as a grade ii medical officer in institution coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitales, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from the sri lanka medical council salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade i will be placed on mo 1-1 step 14 - rs. 78,00 medical officer - grade ii qualifications.- i. medical officer with valid full registration lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. a minimum of two years of experience medical officer in institutions coming under the ministry of health or hospitals registered with private health services regulatory council of ministry of health, sri lanka under the category of \"private hospitlas, nursing homes and maternity homes\". certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer grade ii will be placed on mo 1-1 step 5 - rs. 64,00 medical officer - preliminary grade qualifications.- i. medical officers with valid full registration of sri lanka medical council for practicing as a medical officer. certificate of good standing from sri lanka medical council . salary scale.- mo 1 -1 rs. (58,675 - 3x1,375 - 7x1,385 - 2x1,910 - 10x2,270 - the medical officer preliminary grade will be placed on mo 1-1 step 2 - rsma 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs. 30,00 audiology technician qualifications.- i. should have passed the two year full time regular and internal audiologist diploma training course conducted by the ministry of health not less than level 5 of the national vocational qualification certificate ; iima 2-1 - rs. 30,310 -10x300 - 7x350 -4x 495 - 20x660 - rs.",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
"department": "sri lanka air force",
"title": [
"electronics engineering branch (1) research officer - male / female (volunteer)"
"description": "amendment to government gazette no. 2245 published on 10th september 2021 professional / academic qualifications.- . electronics engineering branch (1) research officer - male / female (volunteer) group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator (project) professor/doctorate level qualified professionals: posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. (2) squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals: possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. basic entry requirements age limit : as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years instructions to applicants applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below. all cages of the application should be completed neatly with as much details as possible. applications should be addressed to \" ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nelectronics engineering branch research officer - male / female group captain/wing commander - chief coordinator professor/doctorate level qualified professionals posses a minimum of 5 years, experience in the fields of engineering physics/material engineering/ polymer electronics/ nano technology/ robotics and mechatronics engineering with having completed the phd in engineering discipline. squadron leader - project inspector master level qualified professionals possess a minimum of 5 years', experience in the fields of electrical/ electronics and telecommunication engineering with having completed masters in engineering discipline. basic entry requirements age limit as at 01st november, 2021 squadron leader - should not be more than 40 years group captain/wing commander - should not be more than 50 years instructions to applicants applications should be submitted in terms of the form specified below.",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
"department": "sri lanka air force",
"title": [
"command recruiting ",
"officer, sri lanka air force trade training school, kotugoda "
"description": "\" so as to reach him not later than noon on 22 october 2021 under registered cover. the envelope enclosing the application should be marked \" ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \n\" so as to reach him not later than noon on 22 october 2021 under registered cover.",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
"department": "sri lanka air force",
"title": [
"application for research officer "
"description": "\". applications received after the closing date and not in accordance with the requirements of this notification and not in registered post mail will not be entertained. pay and allowances the salary scales of the commissioned officers of sri lanka air force are as follows. wwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc (moa) usa, msc (def stu) in mgt, m phil (ind), mim (sl), ndc (ind), psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, p.o. box. 594, colombo 02. fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'10'08 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 08.10.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nwwv and bar, rwp and bar, rsp and three bars, vsv, usp msc usa, msc in mgt, m phil , mim , ndc , psc, qfi air marshal commander of the air force. headquarters, sri lanka air force, p.o. 594, colombo fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'10'08 .",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
"department": "the registrar general's department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of birth and ",
"notice of cancellation ",
"galle district "
"description": " the calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 (iia) of the the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no. 2241 dated 13.08.2021 is cancelled hereby. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general. registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \nthe calling for applications for the following division which appeared in the notice of calling applications for the registrar of birth & deaths in galle district which was published by me in the part 1 of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka bearing no.",
"date": "2021-10-08",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
"key": "value"
"department": "registrar general's department",
"title": [
"post of registrar of births and deaths - ",
"tamil medium ",
"ampara district "
"description": "applications are called for the post of registrar of births and deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant registrar of births and deaths division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. both male and female candidates can apply 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications. (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l) examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. .- in case a subject contains 02 parts at g.c.e. any other similar examination, it shall be considered subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. 05. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and enable easy access by all or majority of residents. under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited candidate for post of the registrar of births and deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building located in the close proximity within 01 km from the hospitle. 06. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births and deaths, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 07. relevant application and the said \"annex inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ag office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the official website ( lk) of the registrar general's department. 08. duly filled application should be forwarded before 06.12.2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w. m. m. b. w eerasekara registrar general, registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla. 18th october, 2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'11'05 . (iia) – gazette of the democratic socialist republic of sri lanka – 05.11.2021 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are called for the post of registrar of births and deaths for the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant registrar of births and deaths division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including tamil language with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. under circumstances where there is no adequate office facilities provided within the hospital premises, recruited candidate for post of the registrar of births and deaths, should be able to establish his/her office at a suitable building located in the close proximity within 01 km from the hospitle. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of births and deaths, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notices exhibited in public places within the division district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \"annex inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-11-05",
"url": ""
"department": "registrar general's department",
"title": [
"registrar general's department ",
"post of registrar of muslim ",
"marriages (sinhala/tamil) ",
"ampara district "
"description": "applications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule 01. applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. 02. only muslim males can apply for this post. 03. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications (maximum age of retirement is 65 years) 04. applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or divorced. 05. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil (relevant language for the post ) with 02 credit passes in not more than two (02) sittings in gce (o/l examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. - in case a subject contains 02 parts at g.c.e. any other similar examination, it shall be considered as one subject and pass is applicable only if the applicant passes both parts of the said subject. (possession of moulavi certificate or diploma in arabic language shall be considered as fulfillment of aforesaid basic qualification. 06. applicant should have the ability to establish the office in a centrally located building that ensures respect of the post and easy access by all or majority of residents. 07. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notice exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. 08. relevant application and the said \"annex - 01\" inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat (ag office), relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat. applications could also be downloaded from the off icial website (ww of the registrar general's department. 09. duly filled applications should be forwarded before 06.12.2021 by registered post to the address given in the schedule. w.m.m.b. weerasekara registrar general, registrar general's department, no. 234/a3, denzil kobbekaduwa mawatha, battaramulla. 18th october, 2021 fpoh ‑ ys% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiü m;%h ‑ 2021'11'05 ",
"summary": "Summarized result: \napplications are called for the post of registrar of muslim marriages in the divisions set out in the schedule applicant should be a permanent resident of relevant muslim marriages division and entitled to reasonable properties and should be a person with outstanding personality who has acquired sufficient interest and influence amongst the residents of the area. applicant should be not less than 30 years more than 55 years of age as at the closing date of the applications applicants for the post of registrar of muslim marriages should be married and should not be a widower or divorced. applicant should have passed minimum of 06 subjects including sinhala/tamil with 02 credit passes in not more than two sittings in gce (o/l examination together with the ability to perform duties in secondary language as per the language requirement of the populate within the division or else should have passed in any other similar examination. additional details such as village name list/grama niladhari divisions of the relevant division of muslim marriage, relevant educational and other qualifications required for this post, could be obtained from notice exhibited in public places within the division such as district secretariat, divisional secretariat or relevant land and district registries, grama niladhari offices, samurdhi development society offices depicted in the schedule hereunder. relevant application and the said \"annex - 01\" inclusive of village name list/grama niladhari divisions could be collected from district secretariat , relevant land and district registry or divisional secretariat.",
"date": "2021-11-05",
"url": ""
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks."""
import os
import sys
def main():
"""Run administrative tasks."""
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'cgp1.settings')
from import execute_from_command_line
except ImportError as exc:
raise ImportError(
"Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and "
"available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you "
"forget to activate a virtual environment?"
) from exc
if __name__ == '__main__':
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