Commit c4fbb241 authored by W P H V Pathirana's avatar W P H V Pathirana


parent f769bc85
Pipeline #5191 canceled with stages
# Auditory Avatar For Disables # Auditory Avatar For Disables
## Main Objective
-"Auditory Avatar for Disables." an online service system for patients who has
audio-cognitive diseases. In this research mainly focus on create a video
avatar and it presented as Augmented overlay
## Main Research questions
To reduce number of equipmnt which are used by deaf people for their various
types of disabilities under deaf
## Individual research question
In currently anyone still didn't find out an app which can use to define if
baby deaf or not without going to hospital
In past researchers didn't create an application for deaf people to reduce
their stress using mobile app directly
## Individual Objectives
Use semantic specific ontology base for mapping words in texts to sign images
Develop an auditory recognition system to detect deafness in newborns
Create a method for people who concerning from depression or stress.
In this scene makes a game which helps to release stress while playing this
game. Mainly creates gamification mode stress releasing approach for disabled
Convert the deaf person’s sign language into augmented audio and text output
for the ordinary person using Auditory Avatar based on the Augmented Reality
concept. As well as it shows emotions on real time
## Other necessary information
-[Proposed Technologies]
-TTS library
-Haar Cascade
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