st.markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center;'>Welcome To The Smart Labour Turnover Solutions' Resume Screening System.</h1>",unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.markdown("* Companies receive hundreds of resumes for their job postings, and it is very time-consuming to go through every resume.")
st.markdown("* Our System is mainly capable of automating the resume screening process using machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) techniques.")
st.markdown(""" * Following are the features of our resume screening system.
- Can input five resumes at once,
- Display the best job position for each candidate,
- Display each candidate's probability for all the job positions available,
- All the records can be downloaded in .csv format. """)
st.markdown("* You can input 5 resumes at once in .pdf, .doc, or .txt formats.")
st.markdown("* When you upload the resume, you must name the file with the candidate's name. ex: John Wick.pdf")
st.markdown("* Then our system will parse the resumes using NLP's name entity recognition (NER) techniques and display each candidate's name, skills, and experience.")
st.markdown("* Based on complete extracted data (skills, experience, degree, designation), our system will choose the best position for each candidate from 25 different job positions listed below.")"position.png")
# Resume files Inpuation
# resumes Upoload
st.subheader("1. Please Upload All Your Five Resumes in .pdf, .doc, .docx or .txt Formats")
st.markdown("* Please click the download button below to download the Best Position Prediction Report.")
label="Click here to download the Best Position Prediction Report",
file_name='Best Podition Prediction Report - Smart Labour Turnover Solutions.csv',
#Resume Classification - Part 2 - All Positions Probability
st.subheader("4. Here is Each Candidate's Probability for All 25 Job Positions Available.")
st.markdown("* By examining each candidate's probability for each job position, you can select the best candidates even if they are suitable for the same job position. ")