Commit 56174783 authored by Tharindu Udayanga Rajapakse's avatar Tharindu Udayanga Rajapakse 🎱


parent 1de51c64
# A Machine Learning Analysis On Fungiculture And Mushroom Market # A Machine Learning Analysis On Fungiculture And Mushroom Market
**Introduction About My Component****
Traditional method of harvesting mushrooms is “BE” method. It’s done after harvesting the mushrooms.
This method results in significant amount of mushrooms wastage.
A machine learning approach can be used to identify mushrooms which are ready to pick up before harvesting.
We are creating a mobile application which will let you scan the images of mushroom field. Then it will analyze the image using object detection methods and inform the user about the mushrooms which are ready grown enough to pickup.
So it will reduce the wastage which happen from the current mushroom harvesting method.
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