Commit 06f66899 authored by Liyanage S.R's avatar Liyanage S.R

Upload file of backend

parent bcb60012
# Import the necessary libraries:
# - Flask: for creating the Flask web server
# - request: to access incoming request data like form data, file uploads, etc.
# - jsonify: to convert Python dictionaries or lists to a JSON response which can be returned from Flask routes
# - CORS: to handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, allowing to make
# requests from one website to another website in the browser
import traceback
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from math import ceil
from flask_cors import CORS
import json
import pickle
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from datetime import datetime
import os
# Initialize the Flask application
app = Flask(__name__)
# # Allow cross-origin requests
# CORS(app)
# CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}})
# Load the XGBoost model and the label encoder upon application start
with open('Models/xg_boost_classifier.pkl', 'rb') as XG_BOOST_MODEL:
xg_boost_classifier = pickle.load(XG_BOOST_MODEL)
with open('Models/label_encoder.pkl', 'rb') as LABEL_ENCODER:
label_encoder = pickle.load(LABEL_ENCODER)
# Define a route for the root URL ("/") of the API
# @app.route('/')
# def home():
# return "Growth Monitoring API is up and running!"
def after_request(response):
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Referer,Accept,Origin,User-Agent,Content-Type')
response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS')
return response
# Define a route for making predictions
@app.route('/predict_growth_monitoring', methods=['POST'])
def predict():
# Extract data from the form of the incoming request
data = request.get_json()
# Extract individual feature values from the form data
character_leaves = int(data['character_leaves'])
average_current_height = float(data['average_current_height'])
no_of_branches = int(data['no_of_branches'])
planted_date = data['planted_date']
checked_date = data['checked_date']
container_size = data['container_size']
color_data = data['current_leaf_colour']
dominant_branch = data['dominant_branch']
# Process the current_leaf_colour to match the model's expected format
if color_data == 'bright_yellow':
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow = 1
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow_to_lime_green = 0
current_leaf_colour_lime_green_with_yellow_undertones = 0
current_leaf_colour_variegated_patterns = 0
current_leaf_colour_yellowish_green = 0
elif color_data == 'bright_yellow_to_lime_green':
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow = 0
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow_to_lime_green = 1
current_leaf_colour_lime_green_with_yellow_undertones = 0
current_leaf_colour_variegated_patterns = 0
current_leaf_colour_yellowish_green = 0
elif color_data == 'lime_green_with_yellow_undertones':
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow = 0
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow_to_lime_green = 0
current_leaf_colour_lime_green_with_yellow_undertones = 1
current_leaf_colour_variegated_patterns = 0
current_leaf_colour_yellowish_green = 0
elif color_data == 'variegated_patterns':
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow = 0
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow_to_lime_green = 0
current_leaf_colour_lime_green_with_yellow_undertones = 0
current_leaf_colour_variegated_patterns = 1
current_leaf_colour_yellowish_green = 0
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow = 0
current_leaf_colour_bright_yellow_to_lime_green = 0
current_leaf_colour_lime_green_with_yellow_undertones = 0
current_leaf_colour_variegated_patterns = 0
current_leaf_colour_yellowish_green = 1
# Convert strings to datetime objects and calculate the growth duration in days
planted_date = datetime.strptime(planted_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
checked_date = datetime.strptime(checked_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
growth_duration = (checked_date - planted_date).days
# Process container size information
if container_size == 'full_not_crowded':
container_size_full_not_crowded = 1
container_size_full_not_crowded = 0
# Process dominant branch information
if dominant_branch == 'yes':
dominant_branch_yes = 1
dominant_branch_yes = 0
# Construct the input array from the extracted values
input_array = np.array([
# Reshape the array to the expected input shape for the model
input_array = input_array.reshape(1, -1)
# Make a prediction using the XGBoost model
predicted_label = xg_boost_classifier.predict(input_array)
# Convert the encoded label back to its string representation
predicted_class = label_encoder.inverse_transform(predicted_label)
# Return the prediction as a JSON response
return jsonify({'Predicted Growth Category': predicted_class[0]})
except Exception as e:
# Log the error for debugging purposes (print for this example)
# Return an error response
return jsonify({'error': 'An error occurred during prediction.', 'details': str(e)}), 500
# Load the XGBoost model for order prediction on application start
with open('Models/xg_boost_REGRESSOR.pkl', 'rb') as XG_BOOST_MODEL:
xgb_order_model = pickle.load(XG_BOOST_MODEL)
# Route to predict order date based on given inputs
@app.route('/predict_order_date', methods=['POST'])
def predict_order_date():
# Extract data from the incoming request
data = request.get_json()
# Extract values from the data
fertilizer_ratio = int(data['FERTILZER_RATIO'])
growth_duration = int(data['GROWTH_DURATION'])
media_grown = data['MEDIA_GROWN']
current_growth_category = data['CURRENT_GROWTH_CATEGORY']
current_pot_type = data['CURRENT_POT_TYPE']
shade_type = data['SHADE_TYPE']
# Process the media_grown information
if media_grown == 'coir_cowdung':
media_grown_coir_cowdung = 1
media_grown_coir_cowdung_coco_chips = 0
media_grown_coir_cowdung = 0
media_grown_coir_cowdung_coco_chips = 1
# Process the current_growth_category information
if current_growth_category == 'mature_well_grown':
current_growth_category_mature_well_grown = 1
current_growth_category_medium_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_well_growing = 0
elif current_growth_category == 'medium_level_poorly_growing':
current_growth_category_mature_well_grown = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_poorly_growing = 1
current_growth_category_medium_level_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_well_growing = 0
elif current_growth_category == 'medium_level_well_growing':
current_growth_category_mature_well_grown = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_well_growing = 1
current_growth_category_recently_planted_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_well_growing = 0
elif current_growth_category == 'recently_planted_poorly_growing':
current_growth_category_mature_well_grown = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_poorly_growing = 1
current_growth_category_recently_planted_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_well_growing = 0
elif current_growth_category == 'recently_planted_well_growing':
current_growth_category_mature_well_grown = 0
current_growth_category_mature_well_grown = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_well_growing = 1
current_growth_category_small_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_well_growing = 0
elif current_growth_category == 'small_level_poorly_growing':
current_growth_category_mature_well_grown = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_poorly_growing = 1
current_growth_category_small_level_well_growing = 0
else :
current_growth_category_mature_well_grown = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_medium_level_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_recently_planted_well_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_poorly_growing = 0
current_growth_category_small_level_well_growing = 1
# Process current_pot_type
if current_pot_type == '8cm_pot':
current_pot_type_8cm_pot = 1
current_pot_type_hanging_pot = 0
current_pot_type_net_pot = 0
elif current_pot_type == 'hanging_pot':
current_pot_type_8cm_pot = 0
current_pot_type_hanging_pot = 1
current_pot_type_net_pot = 0
current_pot_type_8cm_pot = 0
current_pot_type_hanging_pot = 0
current_pot_type_net_pot = 1
# Process shade_type
if shade_type == '70_shade_net':
shade_type_70_shade_net = 1
shade_type_70_shade_net = 0
# Construct the input array from the processed values
input_array = np.array([
# Reshape the array to the expected input shape for the model
input_array = input_array.reshape(1, -1)
# Make a prediction using the XGBoost model
predicted_order_date = xgb_order_model.predict(input_array)
# Round the prediction to the nearest higher integer
predicted_order_date = np.ceil(predicted_order_date[0])
# Return the prediction as a JSON response
# Round up the predicted value to the nearest whole number
rounded_order_date = ceil(predicted_order_date)
return jsonify({'Predicted Order Date': str(rounded_order_date) + " days"})
except Exception as e:
# Log the error for debugging purposes
return jsonify({
"error": "An error occurred during prediction.",
"details": str(e),
"trace": traceback.format_exc() # Import traceback at the beginning of your file
# Run the Flask app
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=os.environ.get('PORT', 5000))
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