Commit cc7f90b1 authored by NaweenTharuka's avatar NaweenTharuka

updated: prosodic features

parent d84ae894
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
Original file is located at
**Importing dependencies**
* pip install fer
* List item
from fer import Video
from fer import FER
import os
......@@ -20,13 +5,9 @@ import sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
"""Upload the video to the Google colab and get the path of the video and xml file"""
location_videofile = "F:\\CDAP-PRESENTLY\\21_22-j-02\\Presently\\presently\\media\\video\\22\\testvideo.mp4"
cascPath = "F:\\CDAP-PRESENTLY\\21_22-j-02\\Presently\\presently\\users\\models\\abc.xml"
"""Get labels to each emotion"""
def _get_labels():
return {
0: "angry",
......@@ -38,10 +19,7 @@ def _get_labels():
6: "neutral",
"""Build a square (around the face)"""
def tosquare(bbox):
"""Convert bounding box to square by elongating shorter side."""
x, y, w, h = bbox
if h > w:
diff = h - w
......@@ -56,15 +34,11 @@ def tosquare(bbox):
return (x, y, w, h)
"""Builded square around the face"""
def __apply_offsets(face_coordinates):
x, y, width, height = face_coordinates
x_off, y_off = (10, 10)
return (x - x_off, x + width + x_off, y - y_off, y + height + y_off)
"""To correct numbers"""
def __preprocess_input(x, v2=False):
x = x.astype("float32")
x = x / 255.0
......@@ -73,8 +47,6 @@ def __preprocess_input(x, v2=False):
x = x * 2.0
return x
"""Add padding to the image"""
def pad(image):
row, col = image.shape[:2]
......@@ -106,7 +78,6 @@ def detect_emotions(location_videofile, NumberofFrames):
success,image =
frame_count = vidcap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
print("Frame Count: ", frame_count)
count = 0
faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascPath)
......@@ -116,7 +87,7 @@ def detect_emotions(location_videofile, NumberofFrames):
if success:
if frame_count > NumberofFrames+1:
count += frame_count/(NumberofFrames+1) # i.e. at 30 fps, this advances one second
count += frame_count/(NumberofFrames+1)
count += 1
vidcap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, count)
......@@ -135,7 +106,6 @@ def detect_emotions(location_videofile, NumberofFrames):
face_coordinates = tosquare(face_coordinates)
x1, x2, y1, y2 = __apply_offsets(face_coordinates)
# adjust for padding
......@@ -154,10 +124,8 @@ def detect_emotions(location_videofile, NumberofFrames):
gray_face = cv2.resize(gray_face, model.input_shape[1:3])
except Exception as e:
#print("Cannot resize")
# Local Keras model
gray_face = __preprocess_input(gray_face, True)
gray_face = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(gray_face, 0), -1)
......@@ -170,9 +138,6 @@ def detect_emotions(location_videofile, NumberofFrames):
dict(box=face_coordinates, emotions=labelled_emotions)
#print("Prediction : ", emotions[0]["emotions"])
#plt.imshow(gray_img, interpolation='nearest')
top_emotions = [max(e["emotions"], key=lambda key: e["emotions"][key]) for e in emotions]
if len(top_emotions):
for top_emotion in emotions[0]["emotions"]:
......@@ -190,4 +155,3 @@ def detect_emotions(location_videofile, NumberofFrames):
return max(arry, key=arry.get), arry
emo, arr1 = detect_emotions(location_videofile, 300)
# print(emo, arr1)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ def run_praat_file(m, p):
objects= run_file(sourcerun, -20, 2, 0.3, "yes",sound,path, 80, 400, 0.01, capture_output=True)
print (objects[0]) # This will print the info from the sound object, and objects[0] is a parselmouth.Sound object
z1=str( objects[1]) # This will print the info from the textgrid object, and objects[1] is a parselmouth.Data object with a TextGrid inside
print (objects[0])
z1=str( objects[1])
return z2
......@@ -39,10 +39,9 @@ def myspsyl(m,p):
Detect and count number of syllables
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[0]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[3]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("number_ of_syllables=",z3)
return z3
return ("Number of syllables = ",z3)
def mysppaus(m,p):
......@@ -51,8 +50,7 @@ def mysppaus(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[1]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[3]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("number_of_pauses=",z3)
return z3
return ("Number of pauses = ",z3)
def myspsr(m,p):
......@@ -61,8 +59,7 @@ def myspsr(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[2]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[3]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("rate_of_speech=",z3,"# syllables/sec original duration")
return z3
return ("Rate of speech = ",z3," # syllables/sec original duration")
def myspatc(m,p):
......@@ -71,8 +68,7 @@ def myspatc(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[3]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[3]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("articulation_rate=",z3,"# syllables/sec speaking duration")
return z3
return ("Articulation Rate =",z3," # syllables/sec speaking duration")
def myspst(m,p):
......@@ -81,8 +77,7 @@ def myspst(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[3]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[4]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("speaking_duration=",z4,"# sec only speaking duration without pauses")
return z4
return ("Speaking duration = ",z4," # sec only speaking duration without pauses")
def myspod(m,p):
......@@ -91,8 +86,7 @@ def myspod(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[3]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[5]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("original_duration=",z4,"# sec total speaking duration with pauses")
return z4
return ("Original duration = ",z4," # sec total speaking duration with pauses")
def myspbala(m,p):
......@@ -101,8 +95,7 @@ def myspbala(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[3]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[6]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("balance=",z4,"# ratio (speaking duration)/(original duration)")
return z4
return ("Balance = ",z4," # ratio (speaking duration)/(original duration)")
def myspf0mean(m,p):
......@@ -111,8 +104,7 @@ def myspf0mean(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[3]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[7]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("f0_mean=",z4,"# Hz global mean of fundamental frequency distribution")
return z4
return ("f0 mean = ",z4," # Hz global mean of fundamental frequency distribution")
def myspf0sd(m,p):
......@@ -121,8 +113,7 @@ def myspf0sd(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[3]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[8]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("f0_SD=",z4,"# Hz global standard deviation of fundamental frequency distribution")
return z4
return ("f0 SD = ",z4," # Hz global standard deviation of fundamental frequency distribution")
def myspf0med(m,p):
......@@ -131,8 +122,7 @@ def myspf0med(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[3]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[9]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("f0_MD=",z4,"# Hz global median of fundamental frequency distribution")
return z4
return ("f0 MD = ",z4," # Hz global median of fundamental frequency distribution")
def myspf0min(m,p):
......@@ -141,8 +131,7 @@ def myspf0min(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[10]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[10]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("f0_min=",z3,"# Hz global minimum of fundamental frequency distribution")
return z3
return ("f0 min = ",z3," # Hz global minimum of fundamental frequency distribution")
def myspf0max(m,p):
......@@ -151,8 +140,7 @@ def myspf0max(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[11]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[11]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("f0_max=",z3,"# Hz global maximum of fundamental frequency distribution")
return z3
return ("f0 max = ",z3," # Hz global maximum of fundamental frequency distribution")
def myspf0q25(m,p):
......@@ -161,8 +149,7 @@ def myspf0q25(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[12]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[11]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("f0_quan25=",z3,"# Hz global 25th quantile of fundamental frequency distribution")
return z3
return ("f0 quan25 = ",z3," # Hz global 25th quantile of fundamental frequency distribution")
def myspf0q75(m,p):
......@@ -171,22 +158,7 @@ def myspf0q75(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
z3=int(z2[13]) # will be the integer number 10
z4=float(z2[11]) # will be the floating point number 8.3
print ("f0_quan75=",z3,"# Hz global 75th quantile of fundamental frequency distribution")
return z3
def mysptotal(m,p):
z2 = run_praat_file(m, p)
dataset=pd.DataFrame({"number_ of_syllables":z5[0,:],"number_of_pauses":z5[1,:],"rate_of_speech":z5[2,:],"articulation_rate":z5[3,:],"speaking_duration":z5[4,:],
print (dataset.T)
return dataset.T
return ("f0 quan75 = ",z3," # Hz global 75th quantile of fundamental frequency distribution")
def mysppron(m,p):
......@@ -206,9 +178,9 @@ def mysppron(m,p):
db= binom.rvs(n=10,p=z4,size=10000)
print ("Pronunciation_posteriori_probability_score_percentage= :%.2f" % (b))
return ("Pronunciation posteriori probability score percentage = : %.2f" % (b))
print ("Try again the sound of the audio was not clear")
return ("Try again the sound of the audio was not clear")
def myspgend(m,p):
......@@ -266,21 +238,21 @@ def myspgend(m,p):
if z4>97 and z4<=114:
print("a Male, mood of speech: Showing no emotion, normal, p-value/sample size= :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
return ("A Male, Mood of speech: Showing no emotion | normal, p-value/sample size :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
elif z4>114 and z4<=135:
print("a Male, mood of speech: Reading, p-value/sample size= :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
return ("A Male, Mood of speech: Reading, p-value/sample size :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
elif z4>135 and z4<=163:
print("a Male, mood of speech: speaking passionately, p-value/sample size= :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
return ("A Male, Mood of speech: speaking passionately, p-value/sample size :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
elif z4>163 and z4<=197:
print("a female, mood of speech: Showing no emotion, normal, p-value/sample size= :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
return ("A Female, Mood of speech: Showing no emotion | normal, p-value/sample size :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
elif z4>197 and z4<=226:
print("a female, mood of speech: Reading, p-value/sample size= :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
return ("A Female, Mood of speech: Reading, p-value/sample size :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
elif z4>226 and z4<=245:
print("a female, mood of speech: speaking passionately, p-value/sample size= :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
return ("A Female, Mood of speech: speaking passionately, p-value/sample size :%.2f" % (mmm), (nnn))
print("Voice not recognized")
return ("Voice not recognized")
print ("Try again the sound of the audio was not clear")
return ("Try again the sound of the audio was not clear")
def myprosody(m,p):
......@@ -299,11 +271,10 @@ def myprosody(m,p):
result_array = np.empty((0, 27))
objects= run_file(sourcerun, -20, 2, 0.3, "yes",sound,path, 80, 400, 0.01, capture_output=True)
z1=( objects[1]) # This will print the info from the textgrid object, and objects[1] is a parselmouth.Data object with a TextGrid inside
z1=( objects[1])
result_array=np.append(result_array,[z3], axis=0)
np.savetxt(outo,result_array, fmt='%s',delimiter=',')
#Data and features analysis
df = pd.read_csv(outo,
......@@ -334,15 +305,15 @@ def myprosody(m,p):
if he==0:
dfout = "%s:\t %f (%s)" % (nsns[i],he,"% percentile ")
elif he>=25 and he<=75:
dfout = "%s:\t %f (%s)" % (nsns[i],he,"% percentile ")
dfout = "%s:\t (%s)" % (nsns[i],":Out of Range")
print ("Try again the sound of the audio was not clear")
return ("Try again the sound of the audio was not clear")
def mysplev(m,p):
import sys
import myprosody as mysp
import pickle
......@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'users/css/main.css' %}" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'users/css/plugin.css' %}" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'users/css/style.css' %}" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-eOJMYsd53ii+scO/bJGFsiCZc+5NDVN2yr8+0RDqr0Ql0h+rP48ckxlpbzKgwra6" crossorigin="anonymous">
<link rel="preconnect" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
{% block content %}
<h2> {{ var1 }} {{ var2 }}</h2>
<!-- {% for key, value in predictions.items %}
<!-- {% for key, value in var2.items %}
<h2>{{ forloop.counter }}. {{ key }} : {{ value }}</h2>
{% endfor %} -->
......@@ -10,11 +10,16 @@ from .models import Video
from django.template import Template, Context
import datetime
from . import emotiondetectionvideo
from . import emotiondetectionaudio
# from . import emotiondetectionaudio
import myprosody as mysp
import pickle
from . import myprosody
def test(request):
var1= emotiondetectionaudio.emo_list
var2= emotiondetectionaudio.total_predictions_np
var2= myprosody.myspgend(p,c)
var1= myprosody.myprosody(p,c)
context= {
'var1': var1,
'var2': var2
......@@ -60,7 +65,46 @@ def emotionvideo(request):
return render(request, 'users/emotionvideo.html',context)
def emotionaudioprosody(request):
return render(request, 'users/prosody.html')
myspsyl= myprosody.myspsyl(p,c)
mysppaus= myprosody.mysppaus(p,c)
myspsr= myprosody.myspsr(p,c)
myspatc= myprosody.myspatc(p,c)
myspst= myprosody.myspst(p,c)
myspod= myprosody.myspod(p,c)
myspbala= myprosody.myspbala(p,c)
myspf0mean= myprosody.myspf0mean(p,c)
myspf0sd= myprosody.myspf0sd(p,c)
myspf0med= myprosody.myspf0med(p,c)
myspf0min= myprosody.myspf0min(p,c)
myspf0max= myprosody.myspf0max(p,c)
myspf0q25= myprosody.myspf0q25(p,c)
myspf0q75= myprosody.myspf0q75(p,c)
myspgend= myprosody.myspgend(p,c)
mysppron= myprosody.mysppron(p,c)
prosody= myprosody.myprosody(p,c)
context= {
'myspsyl': myspsyl,
'mysppaus': mysppaus,
'myspsr': myspsr,
'myspatc': myspatc,
'myspst': myspst,
'myspod': myspod,
'myspbala': myspbala,
'myspf0mean': myspf0mean,
'myspf0sd': myspf0sd,
'myspf0med': myspf0med,
'myspf0min': myspf0min,
'myspf0max': myspf0max,
'myspf0q25': myspf0q25,
'myspf0q75': myspf0q75,
'myspgend': myspgend,
'mysppron': mysppron,
'prosody': prosody
return render(request, 'users/prosody.html',context)
def overallfeedback(request):
return render(request, 'users/overallfeedback.html')
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