Commit a1c15a36 authored by W.D.R.P. Sandeepa's avatar W.D.R.P. Sandeepa

complete login fun

parent 2294ffe2
import re
import MySQLdb
import mysql
from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for, render_template, request, jsonify, make_response
import random
import os
......@@ -18,35 +22,36 @@ app = Flask(__name__)
def home():
return render_template('home.html')
# @app.route('/register', methods =['POST'])
# def register():
# msg = ''
# if request.method == 'POST' and 'username' in request.form and 'password' in request.form and 'email' in request.form:
# username = request.form['username']
# password = request.form['password']
# email = request.form['email']
# cursor = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
# cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE name = % s', (username,))
# account = cursor.fetchone()
# if account:
# msg = 'Account already exists !'
# elif not re.match(r'[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+', email):
# msg = 'Invalid email address !'
# elif not re.match(r'[A-Za-z0-9]+', username):
# msg = 'Username must contain only characters and numbers !'
# elif not username or not password or not email:
# msg = 'Please fill out the form !'
# else:
# cursor.execute('INSERT INTO accounts VALUES (NULL, % s, % s, % s)', (username, password, email,))
# mysql.connection.commit()
# msg = 'You have successfully registered !'
# elif request.method == 'POST':
# msg = 'Please fill out the form !'
# return msg
@app.route('/register', methods =['POST'])
def register():
msg = ''
if request.method == 'POST' and 'username' in request.form and 'password' in request.form and 'email' in request.form:
username = request.form['username']
password = request.form['password']
email = request.form['email']
cursor = mysql.connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE name = % s', (username,))
account = cursor.fetchone()
if account:
msg = 'Account already exists !'
elif not re.match(r'[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+', email):
msg = 'Invalid email address !'
elif not re.match(r'[A-Za-z0-9]+', username):
msg = 'Username must contain only characters and numbers !'
elif not username or not password or not email:
msg = 'Please fill out the form !'
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO accounts VALUES (NULL, % s, % s, % s)', (username, password, email,))
msg = 'You have successfully registered !'
elif request.method == 'POST':
msg = 'Please fill out the form !'
return msg
# Color Function Route (IT18218640)
# Get Color activities route
def getColorActivities1():
return get_color_activities1()
......@@ -60,43 +65,61 @@ def getColorActivitiesResult():
# print("data_dic")
return get_color_activity_result()
# @app.route("/predict", methods=["POST"])
# def predict():
# # get audio file and save it
# audio_file = request.files["file"]
# print(f"{request.files['file']}")
# # print(f"{request.files['name']}")
# ######################################
# print(f"{request.form['name']}")
# #####################################
# # print(f"{request.json}")
# file_name = str(random.randint(0, 100000))
# #
# # get file name
# # predict_file_name = audio_file.filename
# # predict_file_name = predict_file_name.split("/")
# # new_predict_file_name = predict_file_name[1]
# # new_predict_file_name = new_predict_file_name.split(".")
# # FPFN = new_predict_file_name[0]
# # print(f"{FPFN}")
# # invoke keyword spotting service
# kss = Keyword_Spotting_service()
# # make a prediction
# predicted_keyword = kss.predict(file_name, request.form['name'])
# # remove the audio file
# os.remove(file_name)
# # send back the predicted keword in json format
# data = {"Keyword": predicted_keyword}
# return jsonify(data)
# # return "audio_file"
@app.route("/predict", methods=["POST"])
def predict():
data = request.get_json()
fileitem = data['uri']
# if fileitem.filename:
# # strip the leading path from the file name
fn = os.path.basename(fileitem)
# # open read and write the file into the server
open(fn, 'wb').write(
resp = make_response(request.get_json())
resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
return resp
# get audio file and save it
# audio_file = request.files["file"]
# audio_file = request.files["name"]
# print((f"{}"))
# print((f"{request.form}"))
# print((f"{request.values}"))
# print((f"{request.json}"))
# print(f"{request.form['name']}")
# file_name = str(random.randint(0, 100000))
# # get file name
# predict_file_name = audio_file.filename
# predict_file_name = predict_file_name.split("/")
# new_predict_file_name = predict_file_name[1]
# new_predict_file_name = new_predict_file_name.split(".")
# FPFN = new_predict_file_name[0]
# # print(f"{FPFN}")
# # invoke keyword spotting service
# kss = Keyword_Spotting_service()
# # make a prediction
# predicted_keyword = kss.predict(file_name, FPFN)
# # remove the audio file
# os.remove(file_name)
# # send back the predicted keword in json format
# data = {"Keyword" : predicted_keyword}
# return jsonify("print")
# return "Print"
# Read Function Route (IT)
......@@ -119,26 +142,29 @@ def abc():
# Loging
@app.route("/login", methods=['POST'])
def login():
req = request.get_json()
username = req['username']
email = req['email']
password = req['password']
user = getStudentByName(username, password)
user = getStudentByName(email, password)
if len(user) == 0:
data = {
"body": [],
"message": "Failed"
"message": "Failed",
"status": 404
data = {
"body": user,
"message": "Success"
"message": "Success",
"status": 200
body = jsonify(data)
return make_response(body)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#',port='5000', debug=True)
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def create_con():
return db
from API.db.dbConnection import get_data
def getStudentByName(username, password):
qry = 'SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE name = "{}" AND password = "{}"'.format(username, password)
def getStudentByName(email, password):
qry = 'SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE email = "{}" AND password = "{}"'.format(email, password)
user = get_data(qry)
return user
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Home from '../screen/home';
import Start from '../screen/Start';
import Register from '../screen/auth/Register';
import Login from '../screen/auth/Login';
import Splash from '../screen/splash/splash';
import Splash from '../screen/splash/Splash';
import Color from '../screen/Color';
import Blue from '../screen/activity/Blue';
import Read from '../screen/Read';
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import Orientation from 'react-native-orientation-locker';
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { SafeAreaView, ScrollView, View, StyleSheet, ImageBackground, Text, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, Image } from "react-native";
import client from "../client/Client";
const isValidObjectField = (obj) => {
return Object.values(obj).every(value => value.trim());
......@@ -66,11 +68,45 @@ const Login = () => {
const submitForm = () => {
if (isValidForm()){
()=> { navigation.navigate("Start")}
const loginFun = () => {
var formData = JSON.stringify(userInfo);'login', formData, {
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
.then((response) => {
if( == 404){
return updateError('Please register our system', setError);
if( == 200){
return navigation.navigate("Start");
.catch((err) => {
......@@ -85,15 +121,15 @@ const Login = () => {
{error ? (<Text style={{color: 'red', fontSize: 18, textAlign: 'center'}}>{error}</Text>) : null}
<View style={styles.form_input}>
<TextInput value={email} autoCapitalize="none" onChangeText={value => handleOnChangeText(value, 'email')} style={styles.text_input} placeholder="Enter Email"></TextInput>
<TextInput id="email" value={email} autoCapitalize="none" onChangeText={value => handleOnChangeText(value, 'email')} style={styles.text_input} placeholder="Enter Email"></TextInput>
<View style={styles.form_input}>
<TextInput value={password} autoCapitalize="none" secureTextEntry onChangeText={value => handleOnChangeText(value, 'password')} keyboardType="visible-password" style={styles.text_input} placeholder="Enter Password"></TextInput>
<TextInput id="password" value={password} autoCapitalize="none" secureTextEntry onChangeText={value => handleOnChangeText(value, 'password')} style={styles.text_input} placeholder="Enter Password"></TextInput>
<View style={styles.form_input}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=> { navigation.navigate("Home")}} style={styles.btn}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={ submitForm } style={styles.btn}>
<Text style={styles.btn_text}>
Sign In
......@@ -82,11 +82,34 @@ const Register = () => {
const submitForm = () => {
if (isValidForm()){
// console.log(userInfo);
// import client from "../client/Client";
const registerFun = ()=> {
// client.get('register', userInfo, {
// headers: {
// Accept: 'application/json',
// 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
// },
// })
// .then((response) => {
// console.log(response);
// })
// .catch((err) => {
// console.log(err);
// });
return (
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