Commit ee27b181 authored by Shehan Liyanage's avatar Shehan Liyanage

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parent 3b6c555b
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from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import base64
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit, send
import cv2
import io
import numpy as np
import mediapipe as mp
import base64
import tensorflow as tf
import logging
app = Flask(__name__)
# Load the model
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('./finalModel.h5')
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
import mediapipe as mp
mp_holistic =
holistic = mp_holistic.Holistic(min_detection_confidence=0.5, min_tracking_confidence=0.5)
mp_drawing =
actions = (["haloo", "dannwa", "mama", "obata", "puluwan", "suba", "udaasanak"])
# Load the saved model
model = load_model(r'./finalModel.h5')
sequence = []
sentence = []
predictions = []
threshold = 0.7
actions = ["haloo", "dannwa", "mama", "obata", "puluwan", "suba", "udaasanak"]
count = 31
def mediapipe_detection(image, model):
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image.flags.writeable = False
results = model.process(image)
image.flags.writeable = True
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # COLOR CONVERSION BGR 2 RGB
image.flags.writeable = False # Image is no longer writeable
results = model.process(image) # Make prediction
image.flags.writeable = True # Image is now writeable
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # COLOR COVERSION RGB 2 BGR
return image, results
def draw_landmarks(image, results):
# Draw face connections
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image, results.face_landmarks, mp_holistic.FACEMESH_TESSELATION,
mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(70,110,10), thickness=1, circle_radius=1),
mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(70,256,121), thickness=1, circle_radius=1))
# Draw pose connections
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image, results.pose_landmarks, mp_holistic.POSE_CONNECTIONS,
mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(70,22,10), thickness=2, circle_radius=4),
mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(70,44,121), thickness=2, circle_radius=2))
# Draw left hand connections
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image, results.left_hand_landmarks, mp_holistic.HAND_CONNECTIONS,
mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(121,22,76), thickness=2, circle_radius=4),
mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(121,44,250), thickness=2, circle_radius=2))
# Draw right hand connections
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image, results.right_hand_landmarks, mp_holistic.HAND_CONNECTIONS,
mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(245,117,66), thickness=2, circle_radius=4),
mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(245,66,230), thickness=2, circle_radius=2))
def extract_keypoints(results):
pose = np.array([[res.x, res.y, res.z, res.visibility] for res in results.pose_landmarks.landmark]).flatten() if results.pose_landmarks else np.zeros(33*4)
face = np.array([[res.x, res.y, res.z] for res in results.face_landmarks.landmark]).flatten() if results.face_landmarks else np.zeros(468*3)
......@@ -35,54 +54,81 @@ def extract_keypoints(results):
rh = np.array([[res.x, res.y, res.z] for res in results.right_hand_landmarks.landmark]).flatten() if results.right_hand_landmarks else np.zeros(21*3)
return np.concatenate([pose, face, lh, rh])
@app.route('/endpoint', methods=['POST'])
def process_frame():
data = request.json
frame_data = data['frame']
def pad_sequence(sequence, target_length):
if len(sequence) < target_length:
padding = np.zeros((target_length - len(sequence), sequence.shape[1]))
sequence = np.vstack((padding, sequence))
return sequence
# Fix incorrect padding for base64 string
frame_data += "=" * ((4 - len(frame_data) % 4) % 4)
def PredictSign(frame):
with mp_holistic.Holistic(min_detection_confidence=0.5, min_tracking_confidence=0.5) as holistic:
global sequence
global sentence
global predictions
global threshold
global count
# Decode the base64 string to an image
decoded_data = base64.b64decode(frame_data)
np_data = np.frombuffer(decoded_data, dtype=np.uint8)
frame = cv2.imdecode(np_data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
if frame is None:
raise ValueError("Failed to decode image")
# Process the frame with Mediapipe and your model
image, results = mediapipe_detection(frame, holistic)
draw_landmarks(image, results)
keypoints = extract_keypoints(results)
sequence = sequence[-50:]
sequence = sequence[-50:] # Keep the last 50 keypoints
if len(sequence) == 50:
res = model.predict(np.expand_dims(sequence, axis=0))[0]
padded_sequence = pad_sequence(np.array(sequence), 50)
res = model.predict(np.expand_dims(padded_sequence, axis=0))[0]
# Implement your prediction logic
if np.unique(predictions[-25:])[0] == np.argmax(res):
if np.unique(predictions[-3:])[0] == np.argmax(res):
if res[np.argmax(res)] > threshold:
if len(sentence) > 0:
if actions[np.argmax(res)] != sentence[-1]:
return sentence[-1]
return sentence[-1]
count -= 1
if len(sentence) > 5:
sentence = sentence[-5:]
# Print predictions and sentence to the console
print(f"Predicted: {actions[np.argmax(res)]}")
print(f"Sentence: {sentence}")
return jsonify({'message': 'Frame processed', 'sentence': sentence}), 200
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Exception in /endpoint")
return jsonify({'message': 'Error processing frame', 'error': str(e)}), 500
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'mysecretkey'
socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins='*')
def index():
return 'Running'
def on_connect():
emit('me', request.sid)
def on_disconnect():
send('callEnded', broadcast=True)
def on_prediction_video(data):
global actions
img_bytes = base64.b64decode(data.split(',')[1])
np_arr = np.frombuffer(img_bytes, np.uint8)
img = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
ans = PredictSign(img)
emit('predictionVideo', ans)
def on_call_user(data):
from_user = data['from']
userToCall = data['userToCall']
caller_name = data['name']
signal = data['signalData']
emit('callUser', {'from': from_user, 'name': caller_name, 'signal': signal}, room=userToCall)
def on_answer_call(data):
emit('callAccepted', data['signal'], room=data['to'])
if __name__ == '__main__':, port=8000), debug=True, port=5000)
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