Commit c5934ed9 authored by thirani's avatar thirani


parent 94db1936
import os
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import joblib
import librosa
from pydub import AudioSegment
import simpleaudio as sa
# Define audio feature extraction function using librosa
def extract_features(file_path):
audio, _ = librosa.load(file_path, sr=16000)
mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=audio, sr=16000, n_mfcc=20)
return mfccs
# Function to convert MP3 to WAV format
def convert_to_wav(file_path):
audio = AudioSegment.from_mp3(file_path)
wav_file_path = file_path.replace('.mp3', '.wav')
audio.export(wav_file_path, format='wav')
return wav_file_path
# Load the TensorFlow Lite model
interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path='sound.tflite')
# Load the label encoder
label_encoder_path = 'labels_encoder.pkl'
label_encoder = joblib.load(label_encoder_path)
# Load the label names from the label.txt file
label_file_path = 'label.txt'
with open(label_file_path, 'r') as f:
labels =
# Define the output messages
output_messages = {
'cat': 'There is a cat somewhere',
'dog': 'There is a dog somewhere',
'door': 'There is a door near you',
'person': 'People are around you',
'computer': "That's a computer"
# Get input and output details
input_details = interpreter.get_input_details()
output_details = interpreter.get_output_details()
# Define the path to the audio folder
audio_folder = 'audio'
# Get a list of all files in the audio folder
audio_files = os.listdir(audio_folder)
for file_name in audio_files:
file_path = os.path.join(audio_folder, file_name)
sample_audio_format = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1][1:].lower() # Get the file format
if sample_audio_format == 'mp3':
file_path = convert_to_wav(file_path) # Convert MP3 to WAV if it's an MP3 file
# Extract features for the audio file
sample_features = extract_features(file_path)
expected_shape = (20, 157)
if sample_features.shape[1] < expected_shape[1]:
# Pad the features with zeros
pad_width = expected_shape[1] - sample_features.shape[1]
sample_features = np.pad(sample_features, ((0, 0), (0, pad_width)))
elif sample_features.shape[1] > expected_shape[1]:
# Truncate the features
sample_features = sample_features[:, :expected_shape[1]]
# Reshape and expand dimensions to match the input tensor shape
sample_features = np.expand_dims(sample_features, axis=0)
sample_features = np.expand_dims(sample_features, axis=-1)
expected_shape = input_details[0]['shape']
# Reshape the sample_features array
sample_features = np.reshape(sample_features, expected_shape)
# Run inference on the audio file
interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], sample_features)
output = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index'])
predicted_class_index = np.argmax(output)
predicted_class = labels[predicted_class_index]
# Map the predicted class index to the actual class label
predicted_label = label_encoder.inverse_transform([predicted_class_index])[0]
# Play the audio file
wave_obj = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file(file_path)
play_obj =
# Display the predicted class
output_message = output_messages.get(predicted_class, 'Unknown sound')
print(f'Audio File: {file_name}\nOutput Message: {output_message}\n')
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