
Development of a Real-Time Object Recognition and Navigation System 
for Visually Impaired Persons in Indoor Environments Using Container 

The visually impaired face many challenges in navigating through indoor environments such as 
classrooms and lecture halls. Existing assistive technologies, such as canes and guide dogs, have 
limitations and may not provide adequate support for navigating complex indoor environments. 
In this research, we aim to develop a comprehensive system that can assist visually impaired 
persons in navigating indoor environments.
The system will use computer vision algorithms and techniques to accurately recognize and 
identify objects and obstacles in indoor environments, such as desks, chairs, doors, and people.
Navigation assistance: Based on the recognized objects and obstacles in the environment, the 
system will provide real-time navigation assistance to visually impaired persons through 
auditory feedback.
The system will feature a user-friendly interface that is accessible to visually impaired persons, 
with easy-to-understand navigation instructions.