

namespace Kreait\Firebase\DynamicLink;

use Countable;
use IteratorAggregate;

 * @see https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/dynamic-links/analytics#response_body
 * @implements IteratorAggregate<array>
final class EventStatistics implements Countable, IteratorAggregate
    public const PLATFORM_ANDROID = 'ANDROID';
    public const PLATFORM_DESKTOP = 'DESKTOP';
    public const PLATFORM_IOS = 'IOS';

    // Any click on a Dynamic Link, irrespective to how it is handled and its destinations
    public const TYPE_CLICK = 'CLICK';

    // Attempts to redirect users, either to the App Store or Play Store to install or update the app,
    // or to some other destination
    public const TYPE_REDIRECT = 'REDIRECT';

    // Actual installs (only supported by the Play Store)
    public const TYPE_APP_INSTALL = 'APP_INSTALL';

    // First-opens after an install
    public const TYPE_APP_FIRST_OPEN = 'APP_FIRST_OPEN';

    // Re-opens of an app
    public const TYPE_APP_RE_OPEN = 'APP_RE_OPEN';

    /** @var array<int, array<string, string>> */
    private array $events;

     * @param array<int, array<string, string>> $events
    private function __construct(array $events)
        $this->events = $events;

     * @param array<int, array<string, string>> $events
    public static function fromArray(array $events): self
        return new self($events);

    public function onAndroid(): self
        return $this->filterByPlatform(self::PLATFORM_ANDROID);

    public function onDesktop(): self
        return $this->filterByPlatform(self::PLATFORM_DESKTOP);

    public function onIOS(): self
        return $this->filterByPlatform(self::PLATFORM_IOS);

    public function clicks(): self
        return $this->filterByType(self::TYPE_CLICK);

    public function redirects(): self
        return $this->filterByType(self::TYPE_REDIRECT);

    public function appInstalls(): self
        return $this->filterByType(self::TYPE_APP_INSTALL);

    public function appFirstOpens(): self
        return $this->filterByType(self::TYPE_APP_FIRST_OPEN);

    public function appReOpens(): self
        return $this->filterByType(self::TYPE_APP_RE_OPEN);

    public function filterByType(string $type): self
        return $this->filter(static fn (array $event) => ($event['event'] ?? null) === $type);

    public function filterByPlatform(string $platform): self
        return $this->filter(static fn (array $event) => ($event['platform'] ?? null) === $platform);

    public function filter(callable $filter): self
        return new self(\array_filter($this->events, $filter));

     * @codeCoverageIgnore
     * @return \Traversable<array<string, string>>
    public function getIterator(): \Traversable
        yield from $this->events;

    public function count(): int
        $count = (int) \array_sum(\array_column($this->events, 'count'));

        return max($count, 0);