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import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI,Depends,File, UploadFile,HTTPException
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from model_loader import load_model,DecisionTree_model,Nephrotic_model,CKD_model,AKI_model
from prophet import Prophet
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel,ValidationError

app = FastAPI()


def get_loaded_model():
    model = load_model()
    return model

def get_DecisionTree_model():
    model = DecisionTree_model()
    return model

async def startup_event():
    app.loaded_model = get_loaded_model()

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

class InputData(BaseModel):
    age: int
    blood_pressure: float
    specific_gravity: float
    albumin: float
    sugar: float
    red_blood_cells: int
    pus_cell: int
    pus_cell_clumps: int
    bacteria: int
    blood_glucose_random: float
    blood_urea: float
    serum_creatinine: float
    sodium: float
    potassium: float
    haemoglobin: float
    packed_cell_volume: float
    white_blood_cell_count: float
    red_blood_cell_count: float
    hypertension: int
    diabetes_mellitus: int
    coronary_artery_disease: int
    appetite: int
    peda_edema: int
    aanemia: int"/predict_ckd/")
async def predict_ckd(input_data: InputData,loaded_model=Depends(get_loaded_model)):
    # Validate input_data using Pydantic models.
    data = pd.DataFrame({
        'age': [input_data.age],
        'blood_pressure': [input_data.blood_pressure],
        'specific_gravity': [input_data.specific_gravity],
        'albumin': [input_data.albumin],
        'sugar': [input_data.sugar],
        'red_blood_cells': [input_data.red_blood_cells],
        'pus_cell': [input_data.pus_cell],
        'pus_cell_clumps': [input_data.pus_cell_clumps],
        'bacteria': [input_data.bacteria],
        'blood_glucose_random': [input_data.blood_glucose_random],
        'blood_urea': [input_data.blood_urea],
        'serum_creatinine': [input_data.serum_creatinine],
        'sodium': [input_data.sodium],
        'potassium': [input_data.potassium],
        'haemoglobin': [input_data.haemoglobin],
        'packed_cell_volume': [input_data.packed_cell_volume],
        'white_blood_cell_count': [input_data.white_blood_cell_count],
        'red_blood_cell_count': [input_data.red_blood_cell_count],
        'hypertension': [input_data.hypertension],
        'diabetes_mellitus': [input_data.diabetes_mellitus],
        'coronary_artery_disease': [input_data.coronary_artery_disease],
        'appetite': [input_data.appetite],
        'peda_edema': [input_data.peda_edema],
        'aanemia': [input_data.aanemia]

    new_pred_rf_clf = loaded_model.predict(data)
    return int(new_pred_rf_clf)

def Drg_forecast(df):
    m = Prophet()
    future = m.make_future_dataframe(3, freq='MS')
    forecast = m.predict(future)
    forecast = forecast[['ds','yhat']].tail(3)
    # forecast.to_csv("last3.csv")
    result = []
    for index, row in forecast.iterrows():
        timestamp = pd.Timestamp(row['ds'])
        date_only =
        rounded_yhat = round(row['yhat'])
        result.append({'date': str(date_only), 'prediction': rounded_yhat})
    return result"/uploadcsv/")
def upload_csv(csv_file: UploadFile = File(...)):
    dataframe = pd.read_csv(csv_file.file)
    dataframe.columns = ['ds', 'y']
    predictions = Drg_forecast(dataframe)
    return predictions

class InputDataForecast(BaseModel):
def forecast_via_values(inputdataF :InputDataForecast):
    data = pd.DataFrame({'ds':[],'y':[inputdataF.sales]})
    df = pd.read_csv('drg1.csv')
    df.columns = ['ds', 'y']
    frames = [df, data]
    dataframe = pd.concat(frames)
    predictions = Drg_forecast(dataframe)
    return predictions

def recommend_diet(patient_data,loaded_model):  
    patient_df = pd.DataFrame([patient_data])
    gender_mapping = {'M': 0, 'F': 1}
    conditions_mapping = {'Hypertension': 0, 'Diabetes': 1, 'nan': 2}
    food_mapping = {'Low Sodium': 0, 'Low Potassium': 1, 'Balanced': 2}

    patient_df['Gender'] = patient_df['Gender'].map(gender_mapping)
    patient_df['Other Conditions'] = patient_df['Other Conditions'].map(conditions_mapping)
    patient_df['Preferred Food'] = patient_df['Preferred Food'].map(food_mapping)

    # Predict the kidney disease stage
    level = loaded_model.predict(patient_df)[0]

    if level == 1:
        return "Maintain a balanced diet. No specific restrictions but ensure a healthy intake of protein, sodium, potassium and phosphorus."
    elif level == 2:
        return "Start to monitor and limit the intake of protein, sodium, potassium and phosphorus to prevent further kidney damage."
    elif level == 3:
        return "Follow a diet low in protein, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Consult a dietitian for a personalized diet plan."

class InputDataDiet_Plan(BaseModel):
    Age: int
    Gender: str
    BMI: int
    Current_Protein_Intake: int
    Current_Sodium_Intake: int
    Current_Potassium_Intake: int
    Current_Phosphorus_Intake: int
    Other_Conditions: str
    GFR: int
    Proteinuria: int
    Preferred_Food: str"/Suggest_Diet_Plan/")
def Suggest_Diet_Plan(
    patient_data = {
    'Age': input_Data_Diet_Plan.Age,
    'Gender': input_Data_Diet_Plan.Gender,
    'BMI': input_Data_Diet_Plan.BMI,
    'Current Protein Intake (g)': input_Data_Diet_Plan.Current_Protein_Intake,
    'Current Sodium Intake (mg)': input_Data_Diet_Plan.Current_Sodium_Intake,
    'Current Potassium Intake (mg)': input_Data_Diet_Plan.Current_Potassium_Intake,
    'Current Phosphorus Intake (mg)': input_Data_Diet_Plan.Current_Phosphorus_Intake,
    'Other Conditions': input_Data_Diet_Plan.Other_Conditions,
    'GFR': input_Data_Diet_Plan.GFR,
    'Preferred Food': input_Data_Diet_Plan.Preferred_Food,
    suggesting = recommend_diet(patient_data,loaded_model_1)
    return suggesting

class Symptoms(BaseModel):
    Age: int
    Gender: str
    AKIDiagnosis: str
    InitialCreatinine: float
    PeakCreatinine: float
    UrineOutput: int

    Proteinuria: str
    Edema: str
    Albumin_Level: str

    Change_in_Urination: int
    Swelling: int

    Metallic_Taste_in_Mouth: int

    Dizziness_Trouble_Concentrating: int
    Pain_in_Back_or_Sides: int
    Nausea_Vomiting: int"/predict_diseas/")
def predict_disease(

    if (
        inputDData.AKIDiagnosis != "" and
        inputDData.InitialCreatinine is not None and
        inputDData.PeakCreatinine is not None and
        inputDData.UrineOutput is not None and
        inputDData.Swelling is not None
        patient_data = {
            "AKIDiagnosis" :inputDData.AKIDiagnosis,
            "InitialCreatinine" :inputDData.InitialCreatinine,
            "PeakCreatinine" :inputDData.PeakCreatinine,
            "UrineOutput" :inputDData.UrineOutput,
            "Swelling" :inputDData.Swelling,
        results = Model_1(patient_data,Model1)
        return results
    elif (
        inputDData.Change_in_Urination is not None or
        inputDData.Swelling is not None or
        inputDData.Metallic_Taste_in_Mouth is not None or
        inputDData.Dizziness_Trouble_Concentrating is not None or
        inputDData.Pain_in_Back_or_Sides is not None or
        inputDData.Nausea_Vomiting is not None
        patient_data = {
            'Change_in_Urination': inputDData.Change_in_Urination,
            'Metallic_Taste_in_Mouth': inputDData.Metallic_Taste_in_Mouth,
            'Dizziness_Trouble_Concentrating': inputDData.Dizziness_Trouble_Concentrating,
            'Pain_in_Back_or_Sides': inputDData.Pain_in_Back_or_Sides,
            'Nausea_Vomiting': inputDData.Nausea_Vomiting,
        results = Model_3(patient_data,Model3)
        return results
        return "Invalid input parameters"

def Model_1(patient_data,model):
    patient_data = pd.DataFrame([patient_data])
    AKIDiagnosis = {'Yes': 0, 'No': 1}
    # Swelling = {'Yes': 0, 'No': 1}
    patient_data['AKIDiagnosis'] = patient_data['AKIDiagnosis'].map(AKIDiagnosis)
    # patient_data['Swelling'] = patient_data['Swelling'].map(Swelling)
    results = model.predict(patient_data)
    if results==0:
        results = "Has AKI"
        results = "no AKI"
    return results

def Model_3(patient_data,model):
    patient_data = pd.DataFrame([patient_data])
    results = model.predict(patient_data)[0]
    if results==0:
        results = "Has CKD"
        results = "no CKD"
    return results

if __name__ == "__main__":"main:app", host="",port=8000, log_level="info")