Commit 5c581853 authored by I.K Seneviratne's avatar I.K Seneviratne

Committing the modifications of student-lecturer correlations and rectifying...

Committing the modifications of student-lecturer correlations and rectifying an error in gaze and emotion front pages.
parent ad27aa6d
......@@ -670,10 +670,14 @@ def get_emotion_correlations(individual_lec_emotions, lec_recorded_activity_data
# this variable will be used to store the correlations
correlations = []
limit = 10
# limit = 10
limit = len(individual_lec_emotions)
data_index = ['lecture-{}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(len(individual_lec_emotions))]
# declare the correlation data dictionary
corr_data = {}
# student activity labels
student_emotion_labels = ['Happy', 'Sad', 'Angry', 'Surprise', 'Neutral']
lecturer_activity_labels = ['seated', 'standing', 'walking']
......@@ -693,31 +697,72 @@ def get_emotion_correlations(individual_lec_emotions, lec_recorded_activity_data
# loop through the lecturer recorded data (lecturer)
for data in lec_recorded_activity_data:
value = int(data['seated_count'])
value1 = int(data['standing_count'])
value2 = int(data['walking_count'])
if value != 0:
if value1 != 0:
if value2 != 0:
# loop through the lecturer recorded data (student)
for data in individual_lec_emotions:
corr_data = {'Happy': happy_perct_list, 'Sad': sad_perct_list, 'Angry': angry_perct_list, 'Surprise': surprise_perct_list, 'Neutral': neutral_perct_list,
'seated': sitting_perct_list, 'standing': standing_perct_list, 'walking': walking_perct_list}
value = int(data['happy_perct'])
value1 = int(data['sad_perct'])
value2 = int(data['angry_perct'])
value3 = int(data['surprise_perct'])
value4 = int(data['neutral_perct'])
if value != 0:
if value1 != 0:
if value2 != 0:
if value3 != 0:
if value4 != 0:
if len(happy_perct_list) == len(individual_lec_emotions):
corr_data[student_emotion_labels[0]] = happy_perct_list
if len(sad_perct_list) == len(individual_lec_emotions):
corr_data[student_emotion_labels[1]] = sad_perct_list
if len(angry_perct_list) == len(individual_lec_emotions):
corr_data[student_emotion_labels[2]] = angry_perct_list
if len(surprise_perct_list) == len(individual_lec_emotions):
corr_data[student_emotion_labels[3]] = surprise_perct_list
if len(neutral_perct_list) == len(individual_lec_emotions):
corr_data[student_emotion_labels[4]] = neutral_perct_list
if (len(sitting_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_emotions):
corr_data[lecturer_activity_labels[0]] = sitting_perct_list
if (len(standing_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_emotions):
corr_data[lecturer_activity_labels[1]] = standing_perct_list
if (len(walking_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_emotions):
corr_data[lecturer_activity_labels[2]] = walking_perct_list
# corr_data = {'Happy': happy_perct_list, 'Sad': sad_perct_list, 'Angry': angry_perct_list, 'Surprise': surprise_perct_list, 'Neutral': neutral_perct_list,
# 'seated': sitting_perct_list, 'standing': standing_perct_list, 'walking': walking_perct_list}
# create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(corr_data, index=data_index)
# calculate the correlation
pd_series = ut.get_top_abs_correlations(df, limit)
print('====correlated variables=====')
# assign a new value to the 'limit' variable
limit = len(pd_series) if len(pd_series) < limit else limit
for i in range(limit):
# this dictionary will get the pandas.Series object's indices and values separately
corr_dict = {}
......@@ -752,10 +752,14 @@ def get_activity_correlations(individual_lec_activities, lec_recorded_activity_d
# this variable will be used to store the correlations
correlations = []
limit = 10
# limit = 10
limit = len(individual_lec_activities)
data_index = ['lecture-{}'.format(i+1) for i in range(len(individual_lec_activities))]
# declare the correlation data dictionary
corr_data = {}
# student activity labels
student_activity_labels = ['phone checking', 'listening', 'note taking']
lecturer_activity_labels = ['seated', 'standing', 'walking']
......@@ -772,29 +776,63 @@ def get_activity_correlations(individual_lec_activities, lec_recorded_activity_d
# loop through the lecturer recorded data (lecturer)
for data in lec_recorded_activity_data:
value = int(data['seated_count'])
value1 = int(data['standing_count'])
value2 = int(data['walking_count'])
if value != 0:
if value1 != 0:
if value2 != 0:
# loop through the lecturer recorded data (student)
for data in individual_lec_activities:
value = int(data['phone_perct'])
value1 = int(data['listening_perct'])
value2 = int(data['writing_perct'])
if value != 0:
if value1 != 0:
if value2 != 0:
if (len(phone_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_activities):
corr_data[student_activity_labels[0]] = phone_perct_list
if (len(listen_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_activities):
corr_data[student_activity_labels[1]] = listen_perct_list
if (len(note_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_activities):
corr_data[student_activity_labels[2]] = note_perct_list
if (len(sitting_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_activities):
corr_data[lecturer_activity_labels[0]] = sitting_perct_list
if (len(standing_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_activities):
corr_data[lecturer_activity_labels[1]] = standing_perct_list
if (len(walking_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_activities):
corr_data[lecturer_activity_labels[2]] = walking_perct_list
corr_data = {'phone checking': phone_perct_list, 'listening': listen_perct_list, 'note taking': note_perct_list,
'seated': sitting_perct_list, 'standing': standing_perct_list, 'walking': walking_perct_list}
# corr_data = {'phone checking': phone_perct_list, 'listening': listen_perct_list, 'note taking': note_perct_list,
# 'seated': sitting_perct_list, 'standing': standing_perct_list, 'walking': walking_perct_list}
# create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(corr_data, index=data_index)
# calculate the correlation
pd_series = ut.get_top_abs_correlations(df, limit)
print('====correlated variables=====')
# assign a new value to the 'limit' variable
limit = len(pd_series) if len(pd_series) < limit else limit
for i in range(limit):
# this dictionary will get the pandas.Series object's indices and values separately
corr_dict = {}
......@@ -14,4 +14,11 @@ def batch_process(video_id, video_name):
gaze_resp = requests.get('' + video_name + '&lecture_video_id=' + video_id)
\ No newline at end of file
# this method will save the lecture video
def save_student_lecture_video(student_video):
# call the API
student_video_save_resp ='', student_video)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1007,10 +1007,14 @@ def get_gaze_correlations(individual_lec_gaze, lec_recorded_activity_data):
# this variable will be used to store the correlations
correlations = []
limit = 10
# limit = 10
limit = len(individual_lec_gaze)
data_index = ['lecture-{}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(len(individual_lec_gaze))]
# declare the correlation data dictionary
corr_data = {}
# student gaze labels
student_gaze_labels = ['Up and Right', 'Up and Left', 'Down and Right', 'Down and Left', 'Front']
lecturer_activity_labels = ['seated', 'standing', 'walking']
......@@ -1029,28 +1033,72 @@ def get_gaze_correlations(individual_lec_gaze, lec_recorded_activity_data):
# loop through the lecturer recorded data (lecturer)
for data in lec_recorded_activity_data:
value = int(data['seated_count'])
value1 = int(data['standing_count'])
value2 = int(data['walking_count'])
if value != 0:
if value1 != 0:
if value2 != 0:
# loop through the lecturer recorded data (student)
for data in individual_lec_gaze:
corr_data = {'Up and Right': upright_perct_list, 'Up and Left': upleft_perct_list, 'Down and Right': downright_perct_list,
'Down and Left': downleft_perct_list, 'Front': front_perct_list,
'seated': sitting_perct_list, 'standing': standing_perct_list, 'walking': walking_perct_list}
value = int(data['looking_up_and_right_perct'])
value1 = int(data['looking_up_and_left_perct'])
value2 = int(data['looking_down_and_right_perct'])
value3 = int(data['looking_down_and_left_perct'])
value4 = int(data['looking_front_perct'])
if value != 0:
if value1 != 0:
if value2 != 0:
if value3 != 0:
if value4 != 0:
if (len(upright_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_gaze):
corr_data[student_gaze_labels[0]] = upright_perct_list
if (len(upleft_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_gaze):
corr_data[student_gaze_labels[1]] = upleft_perct_list
if (len(downright_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_gaze):
corr_data[student_gaze_labels[2]] = downright_perct_list
if (len(downleft_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_gaze):
corr_data[student_gaze_labels[3]] = downleft_perct_list
if (len(front_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_gaze):
corr_data[student_gaze_labels[4]] = front_perct_list
if (len(sitting_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_gaze):
corr_data[lecturer_activity_labels[0]] = sitting_perct_list
if (len(standing_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_gaze):
corr_data[lecturer_activity_labels[1]] = standing_perct_list
if (len(walking_perct_list)) == len(individual_lec_gaze):
corr_data[lecturer_activity_labels[2]] = walking_perct_list
# corr_data = {'Up and Right': upright_perct_list, 'Up and Left': upleft_perct_list, 'Down and Right': downright_perct_list,
# 'Down and Left': downleft_perct_list, 'Front': front_perct_list,
# 'seated': sitting_perct_list, 'standing': standing_perct_list, 'walking': walking_perct_list}
# create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(corr_data, index=data_index)
# calculate the correlation
pd_series = ut.get_top_abs_correlations(df, limit)
print('====correlated variables=====')
# assign a new value to the 'limit' variable
limit = len(pd_series) if len(pd_series) < limit else limit
for i in range(limit):
# this dictionary will get the pandas.Series object's indices and values separately
# this method will remove the redundant pairs in pandas dataframe
def get_redundant_pairs(df):
'''Get diagonal and lower triangular pairs of correlation matrix'''
pairs_to_drop = set()
......@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ def get_redundant_pairs(df):
pairs_to_drop.add((cols[i], cols[j]))
return pairs_to_drop
# this method will return the top specified correlations
def get_top_abs_correlations(df, n):
au_corr = df.corr().abs().unstack()
labels_to_drop = get_redundant_pairs(df)
......@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
real_class = '.' + real_class;
let date =;
//assign the date
global_lecture_date = date;
fetch('' + global_lecturer + '&date=' + date + '&index=' + global_lecturer_subject_index)
.then((res) => res.json())
......@@ -246,6 +248,11 @@
$('#student_video').attr('src', video_src);
{#.then((res) => res.json())#}
{#.then((out) => alert(out.response))#}
{#.catch((err) => alert('err: ' + err));#}
//fetch the lecture recorded video name
fetch('' + global_lecturer + '&subject=' + global_subject + '&date=' + global_lecture_date)
.then((res) => res.json())
......@@ -255,6 +262,7 @@
{#global_lecturer_video_name = "Test_1.mp4";#}
{#global_lecturer_video_name = "Test_2.mp4";#}
{#global_lecturer_video_name = "Test_3.mp4";#}
{#global_lecturer_video_name = "Lecturer_Video_4.mp4";#}
{#//define the lecturer video src#}
{#let lecturer_video_src = "{% static '' %}FirstApp/lecturer_videos/" + global_lecturer_video_name;#}
......@@ -268,11 +276,11 @@
//fetch data from the API
fetch('' + global_video_name)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((out) => displayEmotionRecognitionForFrame(out.response))
.catch((err) => alert('error: ' + err));
{#//fetch data from the API#}
{#fetch('' + global_video_name)#}
{# .then((res) => res.json())#}
{# .then((out) => displayEmotionRecognitionForFrame(out.response))#}
{# .catch((err) => alert('error: ' + err));#}
......@@ -290,6 +298,12 @@
$('#lecturer_video').attr('src', lecturer_video_src);
//fetch data from the API
fetch('' + global_video_name)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((out) => displayEmotionRecognitionForFrame(out.response))
.catch((err) => alert('error: ' + err));
......@@ -362,7 +376,7 @@
fetch('' + global_lecturer_video_name)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((out) => displayLecturerEmotionRecognitionForFrame(out))
.catch((err) => alert('error: ' + err))
.catch((err) => alert('error: ' + err));
......@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
real_class = '.' + real_class;
let date =;
//assign the date
global_lecture_date = date;
fetch('' + global_lecturer + '&date=' + date + '&index=' + global_lecturer_subject_index)
.then((res) => res.json())
......@@ -249,6 +251,18 @@
.then((out) => assignLecturerRecordedVideoName(out))
.catch((err) => alert('error: ' + err));
{#global_lecturer_video_name = "Test_1.mp4";#}
{#global_lecturer_video_name = "Test_2.mp4";#}
{#global_lecturer_video_name = "Test_3.mp4";#}
{#global_lecturer_video_name = "Lecturer_Video_4.mp4";#}
{#//define the lecturer video src#}
{#let lecturer_video_src = "{% static '' %}FirstApp/lecturer_videos/" + global_lecturer_video_name;#}
{#//assign the video src#}
{#$('#lecturer_video').attr('src', lecturer_video_src);#}
//fetch data from the API
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{# <div class="small text-gray-500">December 12, 2019</div>#}
{# <span class="font-weight-bold">A new monthly report is ready to download!</span>#}
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{# <div class="small text-gray-500">December 7, 2019</div>#}
{# $290.29 has been deposited into your account!#}
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{# <div class="small text-gray-500">December 2, 2019</div>#}
{# Spending Alert: We've noticed unusually high spending for your account.#}
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{# <div class="font-weight-bold">#}
{# <div class="text-truncate">Hi there! I am wondering if you can help me with a problem I've been having.</div>#}
{# <div class="small text-gray-500">Emily Fowler · 58m</div>#}
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{# <div>#}
{# <div class="text-truncate">I have the photos that you ordered last month, how would you like them sent to you?</div>#}
{# <div class="small text-gray-500">Jae Chun · 1d</div>#}
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{# <div>#}
{# <div class="text-truncate">Last month's report looks great, I am very happy with the progress so far, keep up the good work!</div>#}
{# <div class="small text-gray-500">Morgan Alvarez · 2d</div>#}
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{# <div>#}
{# <div class="text-truncate">Am I a good boy? The reason I ask is because someone told me that people say this to all dogs, even if they aren't good...</div>#}
{# <div class="small text-gray-500">Chicken the Dog · 2w</div>#}
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{# <div class="small text-gray-500">December 12, 2019</div>#}
{# <span class="font-weight-bold">A new monthly report is ready to download!</span>#}
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{# <i class="fas fa-donate text-white"></i>#}
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{# <div class="small text-gray-500">December 7, 2019</div>#}
{# $290.29 has been deposited into your account!#}
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{# <div class="small text-gray-500">December 2, 2019</div>#}
{# Spending Alert: We've noticed unusually high spending for your account.#}
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{# <span class="badge badge-danger badge-counter">7</span>#}
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{# <div class="font-weight-bold">#}
{# <div class="text-truncate">Hi there! I am wondering if you can help me with a problem I've been having.</div>#}
{# <div class="small text-gray-500">Emily Fowler · 58m</div>#}
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{# <div>#}
{# <div class="text-truncate">I have the photos that you ordered last month, how would you like them sent to you?</div>#}
{# <div class="small text-gray-500">Jae Chun · 1d</div>#}
{# </div>#}
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{# <div class="status-indicator bg-warning"></div>#}
{# </div>#}
{# <div>#}
{# <div class="text-truncate">Last month's report looks great, I am very happy with the progress so far, keep up the good work!</div>#}
{# <div class="small text-gray-500">Morgan Alvarez · 2d</div>#}
{# </div>#}
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{# <div>#}
{# <div class="text-truncate">Am I a good boy? The reason I ask is because someone told me that people say this to all dogs, even if they aren't good...</div>#}
{# <div class="small text-gray-500">Chicken the Dog · 2w</div>#}
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<button class="btn btn-secondary" type="button" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/logout">Logout</a>
{% endblock %}
{% block 'modal' %}
{% load static %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'FirstApp/vendor/jquery/jquery.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'FirstApp/vendor/jquery/jquery.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'FirstApp/vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js' %}"></script>
<a class="scroll-to-top rounded" href="#page-top">
<i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>
<div class="modal fade" id="logoutModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel"
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel">Ready to Leave?</h5>
<button class="close" type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<div class="modal-body">Select "Logout" below if you are ready to end your current session.</div>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-secondary" type="button" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="/logout">Logout</a>
{% endblock %}
{% block 'scripts' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block 'scripts' %}
{% load static %}
<script src="" integrity="sha384-J6qa4849blE2+poT4WnyKhv5vZF5SrPo0iEjwBvKU7imGFAV0wwj1yYfoRSJoZ+n" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-Q6E9RHvbIyZFJoft+2mJbHaEWldlvI9IOYy5n3zV9zzTtmI3UksdQRVvoxMfooAo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src=""
<script src=""
<script src=""
<script src="{% static 'FirstApp/vendor/jquery/jquery.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'FirstApp/vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js' %}"></script>
......@@ -477,7 +498,7 @@
<!-- Page level custom scripts -->
<script src="{% static 'FirstApp/js/demo/chart-area-demo.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'FirstApp/js/demo/chart-pie-demo.js' %}"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -301,7 +301,8 @@
let interval = setInterval(() => {
{#let url = '';#}
{#let url = '';#}
let url = '';
......@@ -401,7 +402,7 @@
<div class="card-body">
<!--loading gif -->
{% if due_lectures.count == 0 %}
{% if due_lectures|length == 0 %}
<div class="text-center" id="no_subject_selected">
<span class="font-italic">No lecture is to be processed</span>
......@@ -414,38 +415,43 @@
<div class="text-center" id="no_timetable_content" hidden>
<span class="font-italic">Not included in the timetable</span>
<!--displaying the timetable -->
<table class="table table-striped" id="timetable">
{# <caption id="timetable_caption"></caption>#}
<th>start time</th>
<th>end time</th>
<tbody id="timetable_body">
{% for lecture in due_lectures %}
<!-- if there are due lectures, display the table -->
{% if due_lectures %}
<!--displaying the timetable -->
<table class="table table-striped" id="timetable">
{# <caption id="timetable_caption"></caption>#}
<td class="font-weight-bolder">{{ }}</td>
{# <td>{{ lecture.subject }}</td>#}
<td class="font-weight-bolder">{{ lecture.subject_name }}</td>
<td class="font-weight-bolder">{{ lecture.start_time }}</td>
<td class="font-weight-bolder">{{ lecture.end_time }}</td>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success batch_process"
data-video-id="{{ lecture.video_id }}"
data-video-name="{{ lecture.video_name }}"
id="{{ lecture.subject }}">Process
{# <span class="font-italic font-weight-bolder text-success">Processing</span>#}
<th>start time</th>
<th>end time</th>
{% endfor %}
<tbody id="timetable_body">
{% for lecture in due_lectures %}
<td class="font-weight-bolder">{{ }}</td>
{# <td>{{ lecture.subject }}</td>#}
<td class="font-weight-bolder">{{ lecture.subject_name }}</td>
<td class="font-weight-bolder">{{ lecture.start_time }}</td>
<td class="font-weight-bolder">{{ lecture.end_time }}</td>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success batch_process"
data-video-id="{{ lecture.video_id }}"
data-video-name="{{ lecture.video_name }}"
id="{{ lecture.subject }}">Process
{# <span class="font-italic font-weight-bolder text-success">Processing</span>#}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
......@@ -528,7 +534,6 @@
<!-- end of progress row -->
<!-- end of container -->
......@@ -541,9 +546,9 @@
<!-- end of progress row -->
<!-- snackbar -->
<div id="snackbar">The lecture is completely processed..</div>
<!-- end of snackbar -->
<!-- snackbar -->
<div id="snackbar">The lecture is completely processed..</div>
<!-- end of snackbar -->
{% endblock %}
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ urlpatterns = [
url(r'^check-availability/$', api.CheckStudentBehaviorAvailability.as_view()),
# perform random task (delete later)
url(r'^get-random_number/$', api.TestRandom.as_view()),
url(r'^get-random-number/$', api.TestRandom.as_view()),
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