Topic: “ServPort” - Process reengineering in optimization of the process in vehicle service station
Main Objective: To improve the efficiency of the vehicle service process via process re-engineering and optimization in the automobile industry to provide user satisfaction.
Main Research Question: How do the process re-engineering and optimization improve the efficiency of the vehicle service process and improve customer satisfaction in a vehicle service station?
Individual Research Questions:
- How to improve customer satisfaction and service quality?
- How to assign employees for the relevant job?
- How does the prediction of customer retention affect the vehicle service center’s profitability?
- How to detect vehicle number plates of the characters with mud or dirt and in Sinhala language only after a vehicle arrives to service center?
- How does demand forecasting with dynamic price changes affects for service center’s cost allocation to continue initial services in vehicle service center?
Individual Objectives:
- To allocate employees with resources for a specified service, predict employee efficiency in service station.
- To evaluate the impact on vehicle service center’s profitability based on customer return prediction.
- Automated vehicle registration and automatic approval for entry via the vehicle plate number recognition and vehicle sound detection under defined conditions using improved deep learning techniques.
- predict customers’ future demand for products or services and future cost of specific services considering dynamic change of prices using machine learning algorithms.