Adaptive Learning Assistant (A-LA) for e-learning platforms
Adaptive Learning Assistant (A-LA) for e-learning platforms
**Main Objective**
To support learners with a self-paced individual study plan by analyzing their learning competencies and to optimize learner interaction with the materials.
**Main Research Question**
Current e-learning platforms are only providing learners with materials they have searched for and based on the search history,
the future materials are provided. With this platform, the learner will be provided materials not only based on their learning style
but also according to the learner’s memory retention level, interaction with materials, prior performance, personality traits etc.
Therefore, the learners will be able to evaluate his/her performance and improve their knowledge in weak areas without much effort.
**Individual Research Questions**
i. Is the learning process of each learner the same?
ii. Can every learner be accurately evaluated?
iii.Does every learner interact with learning materials properly?
iv. Do current e-learning platforms motivate learners?
v. Is there a correlation between the user’s interests and the user’s performance?
**Individual Objectives**
• Provide recommendations and Personal Education Plan for personalized learning path based on learner’s differences and changes in individual characteristics.
• To provide recommendation based on processed data and feedback analysis (AI Bot for providing instructions)
• Test understanding and knowledge gathered by generating questions based on real time analysis
• Optimize user performance in assessments and exams by identifying the difficulty of each part of the course.