Commit 0a5e5619 authored by Paranagama R.P.S.D.'s avatar Paranagama R.P.S.D.

Merge branch 'master' into IT20254384

parents c3bd54c5 9c76a64a
...@@ -4,5 +4,9 @@ ...@@ -4,5 +4,9 @@
"Janith", "Janith",
"leaderboard", "leaderboard",
] ],
"[python]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": ""
"python.formatting.provider": "none"
} }
\ No newline at end of file
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"id": "4a663198",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import os\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split\n",
"from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder\n",
"from tensorflow import keras\n",
"from tensorflow.keras import layers\n",
"from keras.models import load_model"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"id": "6a893211",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Set the dataset path and image size\n",
"dataset_path = \"C:/Users/himashara/Documents/signlanguage/training/\"\n",
"image_size = (480, 480) # Adjust the image size as per your requirements\n",
"# Load and preprocess the dataset\n",
"def load_dataset():\n",
" labels = []\n",
" images = []\n",
" for label in os.listdir(dataset_path):\n",
" label_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, label)\n",
" if os.path.isdir(label_path):\n",
" for image_file in os.listdir(label_path):\n",
" image_path = os.path.join(label_path, image_file)\n",
" if os.path.isfile(image_path):\n",
" image =\n",
" image = image.resize(image_size)\n",
" image = np.array(image)\n",
" images.append(image)\n",
" labels.append(label)\n",
" images = np.array(images)\n",
" labels = np.array(labels)\n",
" return images, labels\n",
"images, labels = load_dataset()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"id": "ef0e4281",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Encode the labels into numerical values\n",
"label_encoder = LabelEncoder()\n",
"labels = label_encoder.fit_transform(labels)\n",
"# Split the dataset into training and testing sets\n",
"X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(images, labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)\n",
"# Preprocess the input data\n",
"X_train = X_train.astype(\"float32\") / 255.0\n",
"X_test = X_test.astype(\"float32\") / 255.0\n",
"num_classes = len(np.unique(labels))\n",
"y_train = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes)\n",
"y_test = keras.utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"id": "555ffeee",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Define the model architecture\n",
"model = keras.Sequential([\n",
" layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation=\"relu\", input_shape=(image_size[0], image_size[1], 3)),\n",
" layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),\n",
" layers.Flatten(),\n",
" layers.Dense(64, activation=\"relu\"),\n",
" layers.Dense(num_classes, activation=\"softmax\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"id": "eb07946c",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Epoch 1/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 58s 3s/step - loss: 58.0361 - accuracy: 0.1509 - val_loss: 2.3127 - val_accuracy: 0.2059\n",
"Epoch 2/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 59s 3s/step - loss: 2.3554 - accuracy: 0.2278 - val_loss: 2.0756 - val_accuracy: 0.1824\n",
"Epoch 3/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 67s 3s/step - loss: 2.0049 - accuracy: 0.3195 - val_loss: 2.0513 - val_accuracy: 0.2765\n",
"Epoch 4/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 65s 3s/step - loss: 1.9182 - accuracy: 0.3580 - val_loss: 1.8208 - val_accuracy: 0.3235\n",
"Epoch 5/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 87s 4s/step - loss: 1.7040 - accuracy: 0.3905 - val_loss: 1.7384 - val_accuracy: 0.3294\n",
"Epoch 6/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 70s 3s/step - loss: 1.6378 - accuracy: 0.4024 - val_loss: 1.9270 - val_accuracy: 0.3059\n",
"Epoch 7/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 71s 3s/step - loss: 1.6423 - accuracy: 0.3905 - val_loss: 1.7039 - val_accuracy: 0.3529\n",
"Epoch 8/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 66s 3s/step - loss: 1.5635 - accuracy: 0.4083 - val_loss: 1.6209 - val_accuracy: 0.3294\n",
"Epoch 9/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 67s 3s/step - loss: 1.4948 - accuracy: 0.4038 - val_loss: 1.5666 - val_accuracy: 0.3765\n",
"Epoch 10/10\n",
"22/22 [==============================] - 74s 3s/step - loss: 1.4630 - accuracy: 0.4615 - val_loss: 1.5821 - val_accuracy: 0.3588\n"
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"<keras.callbacks.History at 0x26f794884c0>"
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"# Compile and train the model\n",
"model.compile(loss=\"categorical_crossentropy\", optimizer=\"adam\", metrics=[\"accuracy\"])\n",
", y_train, batch_size=32, epochs=10, validation_data=(X_test, y_test))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"id": "81b6613d",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"6/6 [==============================] - 7s 1s/step - loss: 1.5821 - accuracy: 0.3588\n",
"Test Loss: 1.5821244716644287\n",
"Test Accuracy: 0.3588235378265381\n"
"source": [
"# Evaluate the model on the test dataset\n",
"loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)\n",
"print(\"Test Loss:\", loss)\n",
"print(\"Test Accuracy:\", accuracy)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"id": "65ccc47b",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Save the trained model\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "0db64f31",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# ---------------new updated ---------------"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "d0ce9c60",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# import os\n",
"# from PIL import Image\n",
"# import numpy as np\n",
"# from keras.models import load_model\n",
"# from sinling import SinhalaTokenizer\n",
"# from IPython.display import Image as DisplayImage, display\n",
"# image_size = (480, 480)\n",
"# # Dataset path\n",
"# dataset_path = \"C:/Users/himashara/Documents/signlanguage/training/\"\n",
"# # Translation mapping from Sinhala Unicode to Singlish\n",
"# sinhala_to_singlish = {\n",
"# \"අ\": \"A\",\n",
"# \"ආ\": \"Aah\",\n",
"# \"ඇ\": \"Aeh\",\n",
"# \"ඉ\": \"Ee\",\n",
"# \"ඊ\": \"Eeh\",\n",
"# \"උ\": \"Uh\",\n",
"# \"ඌ\": \"Uhh\",\n",
"# \"එ\": \"A\",\n",
"# \"ඒ\": \"Ae\",\n",
"# \"ඔ\": \"O\",\n",
"# \"ඕ\": \"Ohh\",\n",
"# \"ක්\": \"K\",\n",
"# \"ග්\": \"Ig\",\n",
"# \"ටී\": \"Tee\",\n",
"# \"ට\": \"T\"\n",
"# }\n",
"# # Function to retrieve the letter image\n",
"# def get_letter_image(letter):\n",
"# if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dataset_path, letter)):\n",
"# letter_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, letter)\n",
"# image_files = os.listdir(letter_path)\n",
"# image_path = os.path.join(letter_path, image_files[0]) # Assuming only one image per letter\n",
"# return\n",
"# return None\n",
"# # Load the pre-trained model\n",
"# model = load_model(\"letter_classification_model.h5\")\n",
"# # Sinhala tokenizer\n",
"# tokenizer = SinhalaTokenizer()\n",
"# # Function to preprocess Sinhala text\n",
"# def preprocess_sinhala_text(text):\n",
"# tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)\n",
"# return ' '.join(tokens)\n",
"# # User input\n",
"# unicode_input = input(\"Enter a Sinhala Unicode string: \")\n",
"# # Remove spaces from the user input\n",
"# unicode_input = unicode_input.replace(\" \", \"\")\n",
"# # Translate Sinhala Unicode to Singlish\n",
"# singlish_input = ''.join([sinhala_to_singlish.get(c, c) for c in unicode_input])\n",
"# # Print the translated Singlish string\n",
"# print(\"Translated Singlish string:\", singlish_input)\n",
"# # Retrieve letter images for the Singlish input\n",
"# letter_images = []\n",
"# combined_string = \"\"\n",
"# for letter in singlish_input:\n",
"# combined_string += letter\n",
"# letter_image = get_letter_image(combined_string)\n",
"# if letter_image is not None:\n",
"# letter_image = letter_image.resize(image_size) # Adjust the size if needed\n",
"# letter_image = np.array(letter_image) / 255.0 # Normalize the image if needed\n",
"# letter_images.append(letter_image)\n",
"# combined_string = \"\"\n",
"# # Combine the letter images into a GIF\n",
"# gif_images = [Image.fromarray(np.uint8(letter_image * 255)) for letter_image in letter_images]\n",
"# # Save the combined images as a GIF\n",
"# output_path = \"C:/Users/himashara/Documents/signlanguage/generated-gif/generated.gif\"\n",
"# gif_images[0].save(output_path, save_all=True, append_images=gif_images[1:], loop=0, duration=1200)\n",
"# # Display the generated GIF\n",
"# display(DisplayImage(filename=output_path))\n",
"# print(\"GIF saved successfully!\")"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "ea87d3ca",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 67,
"id": "fc22ffc8",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import os\n",
"import tkinter as tk\n",
"from tkinter import ttk\n",
"from PIL import Image, ImageTk, ImageSequence\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"from keras.models import load_model\n",
"from sinling import SinhalaTokenizer\n",
"# Create Tkinter window\n",
"window = tk.Tk()\n",
"window.title(\"Sinhala to Singlish Translator\")\n",
"# Set up the layout using Tkinter's grid system\n",
"# Step 1: Text area to enter Sinhala Unicode string\n",
"unicode_label = ttk.Label(window, text=\"Enter a Sinhala Unicode string:\")\n",
"unicode_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.W)\n",
"unicode_entry = ttk.Entry(window, width=30)\n",
"unicode_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2, pady=10)\n",
"# Step 2: Convert button\n",
"def convert_unicode_to_singlish():\n",
" # Retrieve the Unicode input from the text entry\n",
" unicode_input = unicode_entry.get()\n",
" # Remove spaces from the user input\n",
" unicode_input = unicode_input.replace(\" \", \"\")\n",
" # Translate Sinhala Unicode to Singlish\n",
" singlish_input = ''.join([sinhala_to_singlish.get(c, c) for c in unicode_input])\n",
" # Update the Singlish text display\n",
" singlish_text.delete(1.0, tk.END)\n",
" singlish_text.insert(tk.END, singlish_input)\n",
" # Retrieve letter images for the Singlish input\n",
" letter_images = []\n",
" combined_string = \"\"\n",
" for letter in singlish_input:\n",
" combined_string += letter\n",
" letter_image = get_letter_image(combined_string)\n",
" if letter_image is not None:\n",
" letter_image = letter_image.resize(image_size) # Adjust the size if needed\n",
" letter_image = np.array(letter_image) / 255.0 # Normalize the image if needed\n",
" letter_images.append(letter_image)\n",
" combined_string = \"\"\n",
" # Combine the letter images into a GIF\n",
" gif_images = []\n",
" for letter_image in letter_images:\n",
" image_pil = Image.fromarray((letter_image * 255).astype(np.uint8))\n",
" gif_images.append(image_pil)\n",
" # Save the combined images as a GIF\n",
" output_path = \"C:/Users/himashara/Documents/signlanguage/generated-gif/generated.gif\"\n",
" gif_images[0].save(output_path, save_all=True, append_images=gif_images[1:], loop=0, duration=1200)\n",
" # Display the generated GIF\n",
" display_gif(output_path)\n",
"def clear_results():\n",
" # Clear the entered Unicode string\n",
" unicode_entry.delete(0, tk.END)\n",
" # Clear the Singlish text display\n",
" singlish_text.delete(1.0, tk.END)\n",
" # Clear the GIF display\n",
" gif_label.configure(image=None)\n",
" gif_label.image = None\n",
" # Cancel the pending after() calls\n",
" window.after_cancel(gif_animation_id)\n",
"def display_gif(output_path):\n",
" # Load the GIF and extract frames using ImageSequence module\n",
" gif_image =\n",
" frames = [frame.copy() for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(gif_image)]\n",
" # Create a Tkinter label widget to display the GIF frames\n",
" global gif_label\n",
" gif_label = ttk.Label(window)\n",
" gif_label.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, pady=10)\n",
" # Recursive function to animate the GIF frames\n",
" def animate_frame(frame_index):\n",
" # Display the current frame on the label\n",
" frame = frames[frame_index]\n",
" frame_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(frame)\n",
" gif_label.configure(image=frame_image)\n",
" gif_label.image = frame_image\n",
" # Calculate the index of the next frame\n",
" next_frame_index = (frame_index + 1) % len(frames)\n",
" # Call the function again after a certain delay\n",
" global gif_animation_id\n",
" gif_animation_id = window.after(1200, animate_frame, next_frame_index)\n",
" # Start the animation by calling the recursive function with the first frame index\n",
" animate_frame(0)\n",
"convert_button = ttk.Button(window, text=\"Convert\", command=convert_unicode_to_singlish)\n",
"convert_button.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=10)\n",
"clear_button = ttk.Button(window, text=\"Clear Results\", command=clear_results)\n",
"clear_button.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=10)\n",
"# Step 3: View area to display Translated Singlish string\n",
"singlish_label = ttk.Label(window, text=\"Translated Singlish string:\")\n",
"singlish_label.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.W)\n",
"singlish_text = tk.Text(window, height=1, width=30)\n",
"singlish_text.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2, pady=10)\n",
"# Dataset path\n",
"dataset_path = \"C:/Users/himashara/Documents/signlanguage/training/\"\n",
"# Translation mapping from Sinhala Unicode to Singlish\n",
"sinhala_to_singlish = {\n",
" \"අ\": \"A\",\n",
" \"ආ\": \"Aah\",\n",
" \"ඇ\": \"Aeh\",\n",
" \"ඉ\": \"Ee\",\n",
" \"ඊ\": \"Eeh\",\n",
" \"උ\": \"Uh\",\n",
" \"ඌ\": \"Uhh\",\n",
" \"එ\": \"A\",\n",
" \"ඒ\": \"Ae\",\n",
" \"ඔ\": \"O\",\n",
" \"ඕ\": \"Ohh\",\n",
" \"ක්\": \"K\",\n",
" \"ග්\": \"Ig\",\n",
" \"ටී\": \"Tee\",\n",
" \"ට\": \"T\"\n",
"# Image size\n",
"image_size = (480, 480)\n",
"# Function to retrieve the letter image\n",
"def get_letter_image(letter):\n",
" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dataset_path, letter)):\n",
" letter_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, letter)\n",
" image_files = os.listdir(letter_path)\n",
" image_path = os.path.join(letter_path, image_files[0]) # Assuming only one image per letter\n",
" return\n",
" return None\n",
"# Load the pre-trained model\n",
"model = load_model(\"letter_classification_model.h5\")\n",
"# Sinhala tokenizer\n",
"tokenizer = SinhalaTokenizer()\n",
"# Function to preprocess Sinhala text\n",
"def preprocess_sinhala_text(text):\n",
" tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)\n",
" return ' '.join(tokens)\n",
"# Start the Tkinter event loop\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "b2efcfc9",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "0e25256c",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "1028b834",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.9.13"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 5
import Curriculum from '../models/curriculum.model.js'; import Curriculum from '../models/curriculum.model.js';
import Tutorial from '../models/tutorial.model.js';
export const getAllCurriculums = async (req, res) => { export const getAllCurriculums = async (req, res) => {
try { try {
...@@ -26,17 +27,39 @@ export const createCurriculum = async (req, res) => { ...@@ -26,17 +27,39 @@ export const createCurriculum = async (req, res) => {
const curriculumData = req.body; const curriculumData = req.body;
try { try {
const newCurriculum = new Curriculum(curriculumData); const newCurriculum = new Curriculum(curriculumData);
// Calculate total tutorial mark
let totalTutorialMark = 0;
for (const tutorialId of curriculumData.tutorials) {
const tutorial = await Tutorial.findById(tutorialId);
totalTutorialMark += tutorial.tutorialMarks;
newCurriculum.curriculumMark = totalTutorialMark;
await; await;
res.status(201).json(newCurriculum); res.status(201).json(newCurriculum);
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
res.status(400).json({ message: error.message }); res.status(400).json({ message: error.message });
} }
} }
export const updateCurriculum = async (req, res) => { export const updateCurriculum = async (req, res) => {
const { id } = req.params; const { id } = req.params;
const updatedCurriculum = req.body; const updatedCurriculum = req.body;
try { try {
const curriculum = await Curriculum.findById(id);
// Calculate total tutorial mark
let totalTutorialMark = 0;
for (const tutorialId of updatedCurriculum.tutorials) {
const tutorial = await Tutorial.findById(tutorialId);
totalTutorialMark += tutorial.tutorialMarks;
updatedCurriculum.curriculumMark = totalTutorialMark;
const result = await Curriculum.findByIdAndUpdate(id, updatedCurriculum, { new: true }); const result = await Curriculum.findByIdAndUpdate(id, updatedCurriculum, { new: true });
res.status(200).json(result); res.status(200).json(result);
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
import { exec } from "child_process"; import { exec } from "child_process";
import multer from "multer"
export const marksCalculator = async (req, res) => { export const marksCalculator = async (req, res) => {
const imageData = req.file.buffer.toString('base64'); const imageData = req.file.buffer.toString('base64');
...@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ export const marksCalculator = async (req, res) => { ...@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ export const marksCalculator = async (req, res) => {
const [predicted_class_name, confidence] = stdout.trim().split(','); const [predicted_class_name, confidence] = stdout.trim().split(',');
const parsedConfidence = parseFloat(confidence).toFixed(2); const parsedConfidence = parseFloat(confidence).toFixed(2);
let status = ""; let status = "";
if (predicted_class_name === targetClass && parsedConfidence > 85) { if (predicted_class_name === targetClass && parsedConfidence > 85) {
...@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ export const getTutorialById = async (req, res) => { ...@@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ export const getTutorialById = async (req, res) => {
export const createTutorial = async (req, res) => { export const createTutorial = async (req, res) => {
const tutorialData = req.body; const tutorialData = req.body;
// Calculate total tutorial marks based on task item marks
const totalTaskMarks = tutorialData.taskItems.reduce((total, task) => total + (task.taskItemMark || 0), 0);
tutorialData.tutorialMarks = totalTaskMarks;
try { try {
const newTutorial = new Tutorial(tutorialData); const newTutorial = new Tutorial(tutorialData);
await; await;
...@@ -32,9 +37,14 @@ export const createTutorial = async (req, res) => { ...@@ -32,9 +37,14 @@ export const createTutorial = async (req, res) => {
export const updateTutorial = async (req, res) => { export const updateTutorial = async (req, res) => {
const { id } = req.params; const { id } = req.params;
const updatedTutorial = req.body; const updatedTutorialData = req.body;
// Calculate total tutorial marks based on updated task item marks
const totalTaskMarks = updatedTutorialData.taskItems.reduce((total, task) => total + (task.taskItemMark || 0), 0);
updatedTutorialData.tutorialMarks = totalTaskMarks;
try { try {
const result = await Tutorial.findByIdAndUpdate(id, updatedTutorial, { new: true }); const result = await Tutorial.findByIdAndUpdate(id, updatedTutorialData, { new: true });
res.status(200).json(result); res.status(200).json(result);
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
res.status(404).json({ message: 'Tutorial not found' }); res.status(404).json({ message: 'Tutorial not found' });
import UserProgress from '../models/userProgress.model.js'; import UserProgress from "../models/userProgress.model.js";
// Logic to subscribe to a curriculum for a user
export const subscribeCurriculum = async (req, res) => {
const { userId, curriculum } = req.body;
try {
let userProgress = await UserProgress.findOne({ userId });
if (!userProgress) {
// If there is no user progress record for this user, create a new one
userProgress = new UserProgress({
curriculums: [curriculum], // Add the curriculum to the curriculums array
} else {
// If there is an existing user progress record, check if the curriculum already exists
const existingCurriculumIndex = userProgress.curriculums.findIndex(c => c.curriculumCode === curriculum.curriculumCode);
if (existingCurriculumIndex !== -1) {
// If the curriculum exists, update it
userProgress.curriculums[existingCurriculumIndex] = curriculum;
} else {
// If the curriculum doesn't exist, add it to the array
// Update the totalCurriculumsMarks based on curriculum marks
const totalCurriculumsMarks = userProgress.curriculums.reduce((total, curriculum) => total + curriculum.curriculumMark, 0);
userProgress.totalCurriculumsMarks = totalCurriculumsMarks;
// Save the user progress record
res.status(200).json({ message: 'Curriculum subscription successful' });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal server error' });
// Get user's curriculum subscriptions and progress
export const getUserProgress = async (req, res) => { export const getUserProgress = async (req, res) => {
const userId = req.params.userId; const userId = req.params.userId;
try { try {
const userProgress = await UserProgress.findOne({ userId }).populate('curriculumId tutorialProgress.tutorialId'); const userProgress = await UserProgress.findOne({ userId });
if (!userProgress) {
return res.status(404).json({ message: 'User progress not found' });
res.status(200).json({ userProgress });
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: error.message }); console.error(error);
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal server error' });
} }
} };
export const updateUserProgress = async (req, res) => { // Update task item progress and calculate overall progress
const userId = req.params.userId; export const updateTaskItemProgress = async (req, res) => {
const { curriculumId, tutorialId, completed, marks } = req.body; const { userId, curriculumCode, tutorialCode, taskItemTitle, taskItemMarkUser, taskItemSpentTime } = req.body;
try { try {
let userProgress = await UserProgress.findOne({ userId }); const userProgress = await UserProgress.findOne({ userId });
if (!userProgress) { if (!userProgress) {
userProgress = new UserProgress({ userId }); return res.status(404).json({ message: 'User progress not found' });
} }
const curriculumProgress = userProgress.curriculumId.find(prog => prog.curriculumId.equals(curriculumId)); // Find the curriculum, tutorial, and task item to update
const curriculumIndex = userProgress.curriculums.findIndex(c => c.curriculumCode === curriculumCode);
if (curriculumIndex === -1) {
return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Curriculum not found' });
if (!curriculumProgress) { const tutorialIndex = userProgress.curriculums[curriculumIndex].tutorials.findIndex(t => t.tutorialCode === tutorialCode);
userProgress.curriculumId.push({ curriculumId }); if (tutorialIndex === -1) {
return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Tutorial not found' });
} }
const tutorialProgress = curriculumProgress.tutorialProgress.find(prog => prog.tutorialId.equals(tutorialId)); const taskItemIndex = userProgress.curriculums[curriculumIndex].tutorials[tutorialIndex].taskItems.findIndex(item => item.title === taskItemTitle);
if (taskItemIndex === -1) {
if (!tutorialProgress) { return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Task item not found' });
curriculumProgress.tutorialProgress.push({ tutorialId, completed });
} else {
tutorialProgress.completed = completed;
} }
userProgress.marks = marks; // Update task item progress
userProgress.curriculums[curriculumIndex].tutorials[tutorialIndex].taskItems[taskItemIndex].taskItemMarkUser = taskItemMarkUser;
userProgress.curriculums[curriculumIndex].tutorials[tutorialIndex].taskItems[taskItemIndex].taskItemSpentTime = taskItemSpentTime;
// Calculate total task marks and spent time for the tutorial
const tutorial = userProgress.curriculums[curriculumIndex].tutorials[tutorialIndex];
tutorial.tutorialMarkUser = tutorial.taskItems.reduce((total, item) => total + item.taskItemMarkUser, 0);
tutorial.tutorialSpentTime = tutorial.taskItems.reduce((total, item) => total + item.taskItemSpentTime, 0);
// Calculate total tutorial marks and spent time for the curriculum
const curriculum = userProgress.curriculums[curriculumIndex];
curriculum.curriculumMarkUser = curriculum.tutorials.reduce((total, t) => total + t.tutorialMarkUser, 0);
curriculum.curriculumSpentTime = curriculum.tutorials.reduce((total, t) => total + t.tutorialSpentTime, 0);
// Calculate total curriculum marks and spent time for the user
userProgress.totalCurriculumsMarks = userProgress.curriculums.reduce((total, c) => total + c.curriculumMarkUser, 0);
userProgress.totalCurriculumSpentTime = userProgress.curriculums.reduce((total, c) => total + c.curriculumSpentTime, 0);
// Save the updated user progress
await; await;
res.status(200).json({ message: 'Task item progress updated successfully' });
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ message: error.message }); console.error(error);
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal server error' });
} }
} };
...@@ -11,17 +11,21 @@ const commonFields = { ...@@ -11,17 +11,21 @@ const commonFields = {
type: Date, type: Date,
default: new Date(), default: new Date(),
}, },
}; };
const curriculumSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ const curriculumSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
curriculumCode: { curriculumCode: {
type: String, type: String,
unique: true, // Ensures unique values for curriculumCode unique: true, // Ensures unique values for curriculumCode
}, },
curriculumLevel: String, curriculumLevel: Number,
curriculumTitle: String, curriculumTitle: String,
curriculumDescription: String, curriculumDescription: String,
curriculumImage: String, curriculumImage: String,
curriculumMark: {
type: Number,
default: 0
tutorials: [{ tutorials: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Tutorial", ref: "Tutorial",
...@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ const taskItemSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ ...@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ const taskItemSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
howToDo: String, howToDo: String,
referenceImage: String, referenceImage: String,
referenceVideo: String, referenceVideo: String,
taskItemMark : {
type: Number,
default: 0
// Additional fields for task items // Additional fields for task items
}); });
...@@ -30,6 +34,10 @@ const tutorialSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ ...@@ -30,6 +34,10 @@ const tutorialSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
tutorialTitle: String, tutorialTitle: String,
tutorialDescription: String, tutorialDescription: String,
tutorialImage: String, tutorialImage: String,
tutorialMarks: {
type: Number,
default: 0
taskItems: [taskItemSchema], // Embed task items as subdocuments taskItems: [taskItemSchema], // Embed task items as subdocuments
// Additional fields for tutorial details // Additional fields for tutorial details
status: { status: {
import mongoose from "mongoose"; import mongoose from "mongoose";
const taskItemSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: {
type: String,
required: true,
description: {
type: String,
required: true,
howToDo: [String],
referenceImage: String,
referenceVideo: String,
taskItemMark: {
type: Number,
default: 0
taskItemMarkUser: {
type: Number,
default: 0
taskItemSpentTime: {
type: Number,
default: 0
}, { _id: false });
const tutorialTypeUserProgressSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
tutorialCode: String,
tutorialTitle: String,
tutorialDescription: String,
tutorialImage: String,
tutorialMark: {
type: Number,
default: 0
tutorialMarkUser: {
type: Number,
default: 0
tutorialSpentTime: {
type: Number,
default: 0
taskItems: [taskItemSchema],
}, { _id: false });
const curriculumTypeUserProgressSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
curriculumCode: String,
curriculumLevel: Number,
curriculumTitle: String,
curriculumDescription: String,
curriculumImage: String,
curriculumMark: {
type: Number,
default: 0
curriculumMarkUser: {
type: Number,
default: 0
curriculumSpentTime: {
type: Number,
default: 0
tutorials: [tutorialTypeUserProgressSchema],
}, { _id: false });
const userProgressSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ const userProgressSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
userId: { userId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: true, required: true,
ref: 'User' // Reference to the User model ref: 'User'
curriculums: [curriculumTypeUserProgressSchema],
totalCurriculumsMarks: {
type: Number,
default: 0
totalCurriculumSpentTime: {
type: Number,
default: 0
status: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
createdBy: String,
createdAt: {
type: Date,
default: new Date(),
updatedBy: String,
updatedAt: {
type: Date,
default: new Date(),
}, },
curriculumId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: true,
ref: 'Curriculum' // Reference to the Curriculum model
tutorialProgress: [
tutorialId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Tutorial' // Reference to the Tutorial model
completed: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
marks: {
type: Number,
default: 0
}); });
const UserProgress = mongoose.model("UserProgress", userProgressSchema); const UserProgress = mongoose.model("UserProgress", userProgressSchema);
import express from "express"; import express from "express";
import { getUserProgress, updateUserProgress } from "../controllers/userProgress.controller.js"; import { getUserProgress, subscribeCurriculum, updateTaskItemProgress } from "../controllers/userProgress.controller.js";
const router = express.Router(); const router = express.Router();'/subscribe-curriculum', subscribeCurriculum);
router.get('/:userId', getUserProgress); router.get('/:userId', getUserProgress);'/:userId', updateUserProgress); router.put('/update-task-item-progress', updateTaskItemProgress);
export default router; export default router;
...@@ -485,10 +485,15 @@ ...@@ -485,10 +485,15 @@
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...@@ -49,27 +49,11 @@ ...@@ -49,27 +49,11 @@
2023-08-30 22:40:09,427 - INFO - Error. 2023-08-30 22:40:09,427 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-30 22:40:09,427 - INFO - Error. 2023-08-30 22:40:09,427 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-30 22:40:09,427 - INFO - Error. 2023-08-30 22:40:09,427 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:56:45,217 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict' 2023-09-02 18:07:23,625 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:56:45,217 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict' 2023-09-02 18:07:23,625 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:56:45,217 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict' 2023-09-02 18:07:23,625 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:56:45,273 - INFO - Error. 2023-09-02 18:07:23,625 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:56:45,273 - INFO - Error. 2023-09-02 18:07:23,627 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:56:45,273 - INFO - Error. 2023-09-02 18:07:23,627 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:57:34,975 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict' 2023-09-02 18:07:23,627 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:57:34,975 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict' 2023-09-02 18:07:23,627 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:57:34,975 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:57:34,975 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:57:34,975 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:57:34,975 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:58:12,694 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:58:12,694 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:58:12,694 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:58:12,696 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:58:12,696 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:58:12,696 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:59:27,558 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:59:27,558 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:59:27,558 - INFO - Failed to make predictions. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'predict'
2023-08-31 20:59:27,560 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:59:27,560 - INFO - Error.
2023-08-31 20:59:27,560 - INFO - Error.
...@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@ from utils import mappings ...@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@ from utils import mappings
router = APIRouter() router = APIRouter()
logger = setup_logger() logger = setup_logger()
class ImageRequest(BaseModel): class ImageRequest(BaseModel):
image: UploadFile image: UploadFile
# Load your Keras model # Load your Keras model
# model = tf.keras.models.load_model('../ML_Models/sign_language_to_text/models/sign_language_model.h5') model = tf.keras.models.load_model('../ML_Models/sign_language_to_text/models/sign_language_model.h5')
model= None
CLASSES = mappings.classes CLASSES = mappings.classes
NUM_CLASSES = len(mappings.classes) # number of classes NUM_CLASSES = len(mappings.classes) # number of classes
IMG_SIZE = 224 # image size IMG_SIZE = 224 # image size
...@@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ prediction_service = SignLanguagePredictionService(model, CLASSES, mappings,spee ...@@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ prediction_service = SignLanguagePredictionService(model, CLASSES, mappings,spee"/upload/video", tags=["Sign Language"])"/upload/video", tags=["Sign Language"])
async def upload_video(video: UploadFile = File(...)): async def upload_video(video: UploadFile = File(...)):
try: try:
file_location = f"files/{video.filename}" file_location = f"files/{video.filename}"
with open(file_location, "wb") as file: with open(file_location, "wb") as file:
file.write( file.write(
...@@ -69,7 +69,4 @@ def predict_using_video(video_request: UploadFile = File(...), speed: int = Quer ...@@ -69,7 +69,4 @@ def predict_using_video(video_request: UploadFile = File(...), speed: int = Quer
return prediction_service.predict_sign_language_video_with_speed_levels(video_request, speed=speed) return prediction_service.predict_sign_language_video_with_speed_levels(video_request, speed=speed)
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:"Error. {e}")"Error. {e}")
raise HTTPException( raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Request Failed.")
detail="Request Failed."
\ No newline at end of file
from datetime import datetime
import moviepy.editor as mp
import requests
import speech_recognition as sr
from fastapi import APIRouter, File, HTTPException, UploadFile
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from pymongo.mongo_client import MongoClient
from core.logger import setup_logger
# Replace with your MongoDB Atlas credentials
username = "admin"
password = "JppbU6MZeHfOj7sp"
uri = f"mongodb+srv://{username}:{password}"
client = MongoClient(uri)
db = client["test"]
items_collection = db["translated_items"]
items_collection_log = db["translated_items_log"]
TEMP_VIDEO_PATH = "C:/Users/himashara/Documents/SLIIT/1 SEMESTER/Research Project - IT4010/Research Project/2023-029/Project/Backend/Server_Python/resources/temp_video.mp4"
AUDIO_SAVE_PATH = "C:/Users/himashara/Documents/SLIIT/1 SEMESTER/Research Project - IT4010/Research Project/2023-029/Project/Backend/Server_Python/resources/audio.wav"
router = APIRouter()
logger = setup_logger()"/rest_pyton/uploaded_video")
async def uploaded_video(file: UploadFile = File(...)):
# Process the uploaded video
video_content = await
temp_video_path = TEMP_VIDEO_PATH
with open(temp_video_path, "wb") as temp_video_file:
audio_save_path = AUDIO_SAVE_PATH
video = mp.VideoFileClip(temp_video_path)
audio =
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.AudioFile(audio_save_path) as source:
audio = r.record(source)
recognized_text = r.recognize_google(audio, language="si-LK")
translated_text_si = translate_text(recognized_text, "si")
translated_text_en = translate_text(recognized_text, "en")
translated_integer_si = " ".join(
str(unicode_to_int_mapping.get(word, "0"))
for word in translated_text_si.split()
print("Translated Integer (Si):", translated_integer_si)
# Send translated integer to MongoDB
return JSONResponse(
"translated_text_si": translated_text_si,
"translated_text_en": translated_text_en,
# return JSONResponse(content={"translated_text_si": "test"})
except Exception as e:
return JSONResponse(content={"error": str(e)}, status_code=500)
unicode_to_int_mapping = {"මම": 1, "හෙට": 2, "යනවා": 3, "මං": 4}
def translate_text(text, target_language):
url = ""
params = {
"client": "gtx",
"sl": "auto",
"tl": target_language,
"dt": "t",
"q": text,
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
translation_data = response.json()
translated_text = translation_data[0][0][0]
return translated_text
# v1
# def send_to_mongodb(translated_integer_si):
# translated_item_data = {
# "translated_integer_si": translated_integer_si,
# "timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
# }
# result = items_collection.insert_one(translated_item_data)
# if not result.inserted_id:
# raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Failed to create translated item")
# v2
# def send_to_mongodb(translated_integer_si):
# translated_item_data = {
# "translated_integer_si": translated_integer_si,
# "timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
# }
# # Save the previous record to the log before updating
# existing_record = items_collection.find_one()
# if existing_record:
# items_collection_log = db["translated_items_log"]
# items_collection_log.insert_one(existing_record)
# # Update the existing record or create a new one
# result = items_collection.replace_one({}, translated_item_data, upsert=True)
# if result.matched_count == 0 and result.modified_count == 0:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=500, detail="Failed to update or create translated item"
# )
# v3
def send_to_mongodb(translated_integer_si):
translated_item_data = {
"translated_integer_si": translated_integer_si,
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
# Save the previous record to the log before updating
existing_record = items_collection.find_one()
if existing_record:
items_collection_log = db["translated_items_log"]
# Exclude the _id field to allow MongoDB to generate a new one
existing_record.pop("_id", None)
# Update the existing record or create a new one
result = items_collection.replace_one({}, translated_item_data, upsert=True)
if result.matched_count == 0 and result.modified_count == 0:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=500, detail="Failed to update or create translated item"
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from pymongo.mongo_client import MongoClient
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List
from bson import ObjectId
from datetime import datetime
app = FastAPI()
# Replace with your MongoDB Atlas credentials
username = "admin"
password = "JppbU6MZeHfOj7sp"
uri = f"mongodb+srv://{username}:{password}"
client = MongoClient(uri)
db = client["test"]
items_collection = db["translated_items"]
class ItemCreate(BaseModel):
item_name: str
item_description: str
class Item(BaseModel):
item_name: str
item_description: str
_id: str
class TranslatedItemCreate(BaseModel):
translated_integer_si: str
async def startup_db_client():
app.mongodb_client = MongoClient(uri)
print("Pinged your deployment. You successfully connected to MongoDB!")
except Exception as e:
async def shutdown_db_client():
async def read_root():
return {"message": "FastAPI with MongoDB integration"}
# send tranlated integer to mongodb"/translated_items/", response_model=TranslatedItemCreate)
async def create_translated_item(translated_item_create: TranslatedItemCreate):
translated_item_data = {
"translated_integer_si": translated_item_create.translated_integer_si,
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
result = items_collection.insert_one(translated_item_data)
if result.inserted_id:
# return translated_item_data
return {**translated_item_data, "_id": str(result.inserted_id)}
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Failed to create translated item")
@app.put("/items/{item_id}", response_model=Item)
async def update_item(item_id: str, item_update: ItemCreate):
item_object_id = ObjectId(item_id) # Convert item_id to ObjectId
update_data = {
"item_name": item_update.item_name,
"item_description": item_update.item_description,
result = items_collection.update_one({"_id": item_object_id}, {"$set": update_data})
if result.modified_count > 0:
updated_item = items_collection.find_one({"_id": item_object_id})
return {**updated_item, "_id": str(updated_item["_id"])}
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Item not found")
@app.get("/items/", response_model=List[Item])
async def get_all_items():
items = list(items_collection.find())
items_with_string_id = [{**item, "_id": str(item["_id"])} for item in items]
return items_with_string_id
if __name__ == "__main__":
import uvicorn, host="", port=8000)
from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi import FastAPI
from controllers import translate_controler, users_controller from controllers import translate_controler, users_controller, video_to_sign_language_controller
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from pymongo.mongo_client import MongoClient
from core.logger import setup_logger from core.logger import setup_logger
app = FastAPI()
# Replace with your MongoDB Atlas credentials
username = "admin"
password = "JppbU6MZeHfOj7sp"
uri = f"mongodb+srv://{username}:{password}"
client = MongoClient(uri)
db = client["test"]
items_collection = db["translated_items"]
async def startup_db_client():
app.mongodb_client = MongoClient(uri)
print("Pinged your deployment. You successfully connected to MongoDB!")
except Exception as e:
async def shutdown_db_client():
app = FastAPI()
logger = setup_logger() logger = setup_logger()
app.include_router(users_controller.router) app.include_router(users_controller.router)
app.include_router(translate_controler.router) app.include_router(translate_controler.router)
# Add cores middleware # Add cores middleware
...@@ -21,6 +47,7 @@ origins = [ ...@@ -21,6 +47,7 @@ origins = [
"http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:8080",
"http://localhost:8004", "http://localhost:8004",
"http://localhost:3000", "http://localhost:3000",
] ]
app.add_middleware(CORSMiddleware, app.add_middleware(CORSMiddleware,
...@@ -32,4 +59,4 @@ app.add_middleware(CORSMiddleware, ...@@ -32,4 +59,4 @@ app.add_middleware(CORSMiddleware,
@app.get('/') @app.get('/')
async def root(): async def root():
url = app.docs_url or '/docs' url = app.docs_url or '/docs'
return RedirectResponse(url) return RedirectResponse(url)
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -2,4 +2,9 @@ fastapi ...@@ -2,4 +2,9 @@ fastapi
uvicorn uvicorn
python-multipart==0.0.6 python-multipart==0.0.6
tensorflow==2.12.0 tensorflow==2.12.0
opencv-python== opencv-python==
\ No newline at end of file moviepy==1.0.3
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -110,7 +110,11 @@ ...@@ -110,7 +110,11 @@
"util": "^0.12.5", "util": "^0.12.5",
"uuid": "^9.0.0", "uuid": "^9.0.0",
"web-vitals": "^3.3.1", "web-vitals": "^3.3.1",
"yup": "^1.1.1" "yup": "^1.1.1",
"@material-ui/core": "^4.12.4",
"@mui/icons-material": "^5.14.6",
"react-material-file-upload": "^0.0.4",
"react-webcam": "^7.1.1"
}, },
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"start": "react-app-rewired start", "start": "react-app-rewired start",
import { curriculumType } from "types/curriculum";
export const curriculums: curriculumType[] = [
"curriculumCode": "01",
"curriculumLevel": 1,
"curriculumDescription": "This curriculum teaches basic sign language skills to help beginners communicate effectively using sign language.",
"curriculumTitle": "Basic Sign Language Skills",
"curriculumImage": "",
"_id": "1",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"curriculumMark": 100,
"tutorials": [
"tutorialCode": "01",
"tutorialTitle": "Numbers and Counting",
"tutorialDescription": "In this tutorial, you'll discover how to express numbers visually using simple hand gestures. Each number has a unique sign that involves specific finger placements and hand movements. We'll break down each number step by step, providing you with clear instructions, images, and videos to help you learn effectively.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"_id": "1",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"tutorialMark": 100,
"taskItems": [
"_id": "1",
"title": "Learn Number One",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number one. Understanding this basic sign is crucial for counting and expressing singular items or concepts in sign language. Practice the hand shape, movement, and facial expression associated with the sign to improve your fluency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index finger straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "2",
"title": "Learn Number Two",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number two. Mastering this sign is essential for counting and expressing pairs or dual concepts in sign language. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and facial expression involved in signing the number two to enhance your signing skills.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index and middle fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."],
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "3",
"title": "Learn Number Three",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number three in sign language. Mastering this sign is essential for expressing the quantity or position of three items. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and facial expression involved in signing the number three to enhance your signing skills.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "4",
"title": "Learn Number Four",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number four in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting or indicating the quantity or position of four items. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and expression to accurately convey the number four in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "5",
"title": "Learn Number Five",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number five in sign language. Mastering this sign is crucial for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of five. Practice the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to effectively communicate the number five in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend all your fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your thumb resting on the side of your palm.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "6",
"title": "Learn Number Six",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number six in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of six. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and expression involved in signing the number six to enhance your signing proficiency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb and pinky finger straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "7",
"title": "Learn Number Seven",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number seven in sign language. Mastering this sign is essential for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of seven. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to accurately convey the number seven in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your thumb, pinky, and pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "8",
"title": "Learn Number Eight",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number eight in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of eight. Practice the hand shape, movement, and expression to effectively communicate the number eight in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend all your fingers straight up.",
"- Cross your index and middle fingers over your ring and pinky fingers.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "9",
"title": "Learn Number Nine",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number nine in sign language. Mastering this sign is crucial for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of nine. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and expression involved in signing the number nine to enhance your signing proficiency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb and all your fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "10",
"title": "Learn Number Ten",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number ten in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of ten. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to accurately convey the number ten in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb, index, and middle fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"tutorialCode": "02",
"tutorialTitle": "Everyday Vocabulary",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach signs for everyday objects and activities, such as eat, drink, sleep, book, pen, etc.\nIntroduce signs for common words used in daily life.\nProvide visual demonstrations and interactive exercises for learners to practice using these signs.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [],
"_id": "2",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"tutorialMark": 0,
"tutorialCode": "03",
"tutorialTitle": "Family Signs",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach signs for family members, such as mother, father, sister, brother, etc.\nIntroduce signs for common family-related words, such as family, love, and home.\nProvide visual demonstrations and practice exercises for learners to practice these family signs.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [],
"_id": "3",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"tutorialMark": 0,
"tutorialCode": "04",
"tutorialTitle": "Basic Conversational Phrases",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach simple conversational phrases, such as \"What is your name?\" or \"How are you?\"\nIntroduce signs for common question words and phrases.\nProvide visual demonstrations and practice exercises for learners to practice these conversational phrases.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [],
"_id": "4",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"tutorialMark": 0,
"curriculumCode": "02",
"curriculumLevel": 2,
"curriculumTitle": "Intermediate Sign Language Skills",
"curriculumDescription": "This curriculum focuses on building intermediate sign language skills, allowing learners to engage in more complex conversations and interactions using sign language.",
"curriculumImage": "",
"tutorials": [],
"_id": "2",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"curriculumMark": 0,
"curriculumCode": "03",
"curriculumLevel": 3,
"curriculumTitle": "Advance Sign Language Skills",
"curriculumDescription": "This curriculum is designed for those who already have a solid foundation in sign language. It covers advanced topics, nuances, and cultural aspects of sign language communication.",
"curriculumImage": "",
"tutorials": [],
"_id": "3",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"curriculumMark": 100,
export interface StatusType {
id: number
code: string
description: string
// ==============================|| DATA - Status ||============================== //
const status: readonly StatusType[] = [
{ id: 1, code: "Active", description: "Active" },
{ id: 2, code: "New", description: "New" },
{ id: 3, code: "Pending", description: "Pending" },
{ id: 4, code: "Hold", description: "Hold" },
{ id: 5, code: "Rejected", description: "Rejected" },
export default status;
import { taskItemType } from "types/taskItem";
export const taskItems: taskItemType[] = [
"_id": "1",
"title": "Learn Number One",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number one. Understanding this basic sign is crucial for counting and expressing singular items or concepts in sign language. Practice the hand shape, movement, and facial expression associated with the sign to improve your fluency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index finger straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "2",
"title": "Learn Number Two",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number two. Mastering this sign is essential for counting and expressing pairs or dual concepts in sign language. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and facial expression involved in signing the number two to enhance your signing skills.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index and middle fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."],
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "3",
"title": "Learn Number Three",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number three in sign language. Mastering this sign is essential for expressing the quantity or position of three items. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and facial expression involved in signing the number three to enhance your signing skills.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "4",
"title": "Learn Number Four",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number four in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting or indicating the quantity or position of four items. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and expression to accurately convey the number four in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "5",
"title": "Learn Number Five",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number five in sign language. Mastering this sign is crucial for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of five. Practice the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to effectively communicate the number five in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend all your fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your thumb resting on the side of your palm.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "6",
"title": "Learn Number Six",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number six in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of six. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and expression involved in signing the number six to enhance your signing proficiency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb and pinky finger straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "7",
"title": "Learn Number Seven",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number seven in sign language. Mastering this sign is essential for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of seven. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to accurately convey the number seven in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your thumb, pinky, and pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "8",
"title": "Learn Number Eight",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number eight in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of eight. Practice the hand shape, movement, and expression to effectively communicate the number eight in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend all your fingers straight up.",
"- Cross your index and middle fingers over your ring and pinky fingers.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "9",
"title": "Learn Number Nine",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number nine in sign language. Mastering this sign is crucial for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of nine. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and expression involved in signing the number nine to enhance your signing proficiency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb and all your fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "10",
"title": "Learn Number Ten",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number ten in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of ten. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to accurately convey the number ten in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb, index, and middle fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
\ No newline at end of file
import { tutorialType } from "types/tutorial";
export const tutorials: tutorialType[] = [
"tutorialCode": "01",
"tutorialTitle": "Numbers and Counting in Sign Language",
"tutorialDescription": "In this tutorial, you'll discover how to express numbers visually using simple hand gestures. Each number has a unique sign that involves specific finger placements and hand movements. We'll break down each number step by step, providing you with clear instructions, images, and videos to help you learn effectively.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"_id": "1",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"tutorialMark": 100,
"taskItems": [
"_id": "1",
"title": "Learn Number One",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number one. Understanding this basic sign is crucial for counting and expressing singular items or concepts in sign language. Practice the hand shape, movement, and facial expression associated with the sign to improve your fluency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index finger straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "2",
"title": "Learn Number Two",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number two. Mastering this sign is essential for counting and expressing pairs or dual concepts in sign language. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and facial expression involved in signing the number two to enhance your signing skills.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index and middle fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."],
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "3",
"title": "Learn Number Three",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number three in sign language. Mastering this sign is essential for expressing the quantity or position of three items. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and facial expression involved in signing the number three to enhance your signing skills.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "4",
"title": "Learn Number Four",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number four in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting or indicating the quantity or position of four items. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and expression to accurately convey the number four in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "5",
"title": "Learn Number Five",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number five in sign language. Mastering this sign is crucial for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of five. Practice the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to effectively communicate the number five in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend all your fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your thumb resting on the side of your palm.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "6",
"title": "Learn Number Six",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number six in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of six. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and expression involved in signing the number six to enhance your signing proficiency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb and pinky finger straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "7",
"title": "Learn Number Seven",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number seven in sign language. Mastering this sign is essential for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of seven. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to accurately convey the number seven in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your thumb, pinky, and pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "8",
"title": "Learn Number Eight",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number eight in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of eight. Practice the hand shape, movement, and expression to effectively communicate the number eight in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend all your fingers straight up.",
"- Cross your index and middle fingers over your ring and pinky fingers.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "9",
"title": "Learn Number Nine",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number nine in sign language. Mastering this sign is crucial for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of nine. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and expression involved in signing the number nine to enhance your signing proficiency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb and all your fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "10",
"title": "Learn Number Ten",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number ten in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of ten. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to accurately convey the number ten in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb, index, and middle fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"tutorialCode": "02",
"tutorialTitle": "Everyday Vocabulary in Sign Language",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach signs for everyday objects and activities, such as eat, drink, sleep, book, pen, etc.\nIntroduce signs for common words used in daily life.\nProvide visual demonstrations and interactive exercises for learners to practice using these signs.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [],
"_id": "2",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"tutorialMark": 0,
"tutorialCode": "03",
"tutorialTitle": "Family Signs in Sign Language",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach signs for family members, such as mother, father, sister, brother, etc.\nIntroduce signs for common family-related words, such as family, love, and home.\nProvide visual demonstrations and practice exercises for learners to practice these family signs.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [],
"_id": "3",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"tutorialMark": 0,
"tutorialCode": "04",
"tutorialTitle": "Basic Conversational Phrases in Sign Language",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach simple conversational phrases, such as \"What is your name?\" or \"How are you?\"\nIntroduce signs for common question words and phrases.\nProvide visual demonstrations and practice exercises for learners to practice these conversational phrases.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [],
"_id": "4",
"status": 1,
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage",
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"tutorialMark": 0,
\ No newline at end of file
import { userProgressType } from "types/userProgress";
export const userProgress: userProgressType = {
"_id": "64f1f99f9a5bff5bfdb1bbc9",
"userId": "64f087fda8db35e2f70753ab",
"curriculums": [
"curriculumCode": "01",
"curriculumLevel": 1,
"curriculumTitle": "Basic Sign Language Skills",
"curriculumDescription": "This curriculum teaches basic sign language skills to help beginners communicate effectively using sign language.",
"curriculumImage": "",
"curriculumMark": 100,
"curriculumMarkUser": 24,
"curriculumSpentTime": 15,
"tutorials": [
"tutorialCode": "01",
"tutorialTitle": "Numbers and Counting",
"tutorialDescription": "In this tutorial, you'll discover how to express numbers visually using simple hand gestures. Each number has a unique sign that involves specific finger placements and hand movements. We'll break down each number step by step, providing you with clear instructions, images, and videos to help you learn effectively.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"tutorialMark": 100,
"tutorialMarkUser": 24,
"tutorialSpentTime": 15,
"taskItems": [
"title": "Learn Number One",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number one. Understanding this basic sign is crucial for counting and expressing singular items or concepts in sign language. Practice the hand shape, movement, and facial expression associated with the sign to improve your fluency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index finger straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 8,
"taskItemSpentTime": 5
"title": "Learn Number Two",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number two. Mastering this sign is essential for counting and expressing pairs or dual concepts in sign language. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and facial expression involved in signing the number two to enhance your signing skills.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index and middle fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 8,
"taskItemSpentTime": 5
"title": "Learn Number Three",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number three in sign language. Mastering this sign is essential for expressing the quantity or position of three items. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and facial expression involved in signing the number three to enhance your signing skills.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 8,
"taskItemSpentTime": 5
"title": "Learn Number Four",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number four in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting or indicating the quantity or position of four items. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and expression to accurately convey the number four in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 0,
"taskItemSpentTime": 0
"title": "Learn Number Five",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number five in sign language. Mastering this sign is crucial for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of five. Practice the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to effectively communicate the number five in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend all your fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your thumb resting on the side of your palm.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 0,
"taskItemSpentTime": 0
"title": "Learn Number Six",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number six in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of six. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and expression involved in signing the number six to enhance your signing proficiency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb and pinky finger straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 0,
"taskItemSpentTime": 0
"title": "Learn Number Seven",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number seven in sign language. Mastering this sign is essential for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of seven. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to accurately convey the number seven in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your thumb, pinky, and pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 0,
"taskItemSpentTime": 0
"title": "Learn Number Eight",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number eight in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of eight. Practice the hand shape, movement, and expression to effectively communicate the number eight in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend all your fingers straight up.",
"- Cross your index and middle fingers over your ring and pinky fingers.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 0,
"taskItemSpentTime": 0
"title": "Learn Number Nine",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number nine in sign language. Mastering this sign is crucial for counting, expressing quantities, or representing the concept of nine. Pay attention to the hand shape, movement, and expression involved in signing the number nine to enhance your signing proficiency.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb and all your fingers straight up.",
"- Keep your pinky finger folded.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 0,
"taskItemSpentTime": 0
"title": "Learn Number Ten",
"description": "In this lesson, you will learn how to sign the number ten in sign language. This sign is commonly used for counting, indicating quantities, or representing the concept of ten. Focus on the hand shape, movement, and facial expression to accurately convey the number ten in sign language.",
"howToDo": [
"- Extend your thumb, index, and middle fingers straight up.",
"- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.",
"- Hold your hand in front of your chest."
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10,
"taskItemMarkUser": 0,
"taskItemSpentTime": 0
"tutorialCode": "02",
"tutorialTitle": "Everyday Vocabulary",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach signs for everyday objects and activities, such as eat, drink, sleep, book, pen, etc.\nIntroduce signs for common words used in daily life.\nProvide visual demonstrations and interactive exercises for learners to practice using these signs.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"tutorialMark": 0,
"tutorialMarkUser": 0,
"tutorialSpentTime": 0,
"taskItems": []
"tutorialCode": "03",
"tutorialTitle": "Family Signs",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach signs for family members, such as mother, father, sister, brother, etc.\nIntroduce signs for common family-related words, such as family, love, and home.\nProvide visual demonstrations and practice exercises for learners to practice these family signs.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"tutorialMark": 0,
"tutorialMarkUser": 0,
"tutorialSpentTime": 0,
"taskItems": []
"tutorialCode": "04",
"tutorialTitle": "Basic Conversational Phrases",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach simple conversational phrases, such as \"What is your name?\" or \"How are you?\"\nIntroduce signs for common question words and phrases.\nProvide visual demonstrations and practice exercises for learners to practice these conversational phrases.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"tutorialMark": 0,
"tutorialMarkUser": 0,
"tutorialSpentTime": 0,
"taskItems": []
"totalCurriculumsMarks": 24,
"totalCurriculumSpentTime": 15,
"status": 1,
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"updatedAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z")
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Message from './Message'; ...@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Message from './Message';
import Notification from './Notification'; import Notification from './Notification';
import Profile from './Profile'; import Profile from './Profile';
import Search from './Search'; import Search from './Search';
// import Customization from './Customization'; import Customization from './Customization';
import MobileSection from './MobileSection'; import MobileSection from './MobileSection';
// import MegaMenuSection from './MegaMenuSection'; // import MegaMenuSection from './MegaMenuSection';
...@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const HeaderContent = () => { ...@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const HeaderContent = () => {
<Notification /> <Notification />
<Message /> <Message />
{/* <Customization /> */} <Customization />
{!downLG && <Profile />} {!downLG && <Profile />}
{downLG && <MobileSection />} {downLG && <MobileSection />}
</> </>
...@@ -3,19 +3,20 @@ import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; ...@@ -3,19 +3,20 @@ import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
// assets // assets
import { import {
BookOutlined, BookOutlined,
CarryOutOutlined, CarryOutOutlined,
CreditCardOutlined, CreditCardOutlined,
FileTextOutlined, FileTextOutlined,
LoginOutlined, LoginOutlined,
RocketOutlined, RocketOutlined,
ShoppingOutlined, ShoppingOutlined,
TeamOutlined, TeamOutlined,
TranslationOutlined, TranslationOutlined,
UserOutlined, UserOutlined,
VideoCameraOutlined, VideoCameraOutlined,
} from '@ant-design/icons'; } from '@ant-design/icons';
// type // type
...@@ -33,9 +34,10 @@ const icons = { ...@@ -33,9 +34,10 @@ const icons = {
RocketOutlined, RocketOutlined,
BookOutlined, BookOutlined,
TranslationOutlined, TranslationOutlined,
AudioOutlined, FastForwardOutlined,
RedditOutlined, RedditOutlined,
}; };
// ==============================|| MENU ITEMS - SUPPORT ||============================== // // ==============================|| MENU ITEMS - SUPPORT ||============================== //
...@@ -80,13 +82,27 @@ const application: NavItemType = { ...@@ -80,13 +82,27 @@ const application: NavItemType = {
icon: icons.TranslationOutlined, icon: icons.TranslationOutlined,
url: '/ssl-translate/process', url: '/ssl-translate/process',
}, },
id: 'video-to-sign-language',
title: <FormattedMessage id="video-to-sign-language" />,
type: 'collapse',
icon: icons.RedditOutlined,
children: [
id: 'video-translate',
title: <FormattedMessage id="video-translate" />,
type: 'item',
url: '/video-to-sign-language/VideoTranslate',
{ {
id: 'emotion-detection', id: 'emotion-detection',
title: <FormattedMessage id="emotion-detection" />, title: <FormattedMessage id="emotion-detection" />,
type: 'collapse', type: 'collapse',
icon: icons.RedditOutlined, icon: icons.RedditOutlined,
children: [ children: [
{ {
id: 'audio-detection', id: 'audio-detection',
title: <FormattedMessage id="audio-detection" />, title: <FormattedMessage id="audio-detection" />,
...@@ -101,7 +117,7 @@ const application: NavItemType = { ...@@ -101,7 +117,7 @@ const application: NavItemType = {
icon: icons.VideoCameraOutlined, icon: icons.VideoCameraOutlined,
url: '/emotion-detection/video-detection', url: '/emotion-detection/video-detection',
}, },
] ]
}, },
...@@ -137,6 +153,12 @@ const application: NavItemType = { ...@@ -137,6 +153,12 @@ const application: NavItemType = {
type: 'item', type: 'item',
url: '/learning-management/curriculums-subscribed', url: '/learning-management/curriculums-subscribed',
}, },
id: 'learning-curriculums-subscribed-tutorial',
title: <FormattedMessage id="learning-curriculums-subscribed-tutorial" />,
type: 'item',
url: '/learning-management/curriculums-subscribed-tutorial',
{ {
id: 'learning-lead-board', id: 'learning-lead-board',
title: <FormattedMessage id="learning-lead-board" />, title: <FormattedMessage id="learning-lead-board" />,
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
// material-ui // material-ui
import {
// third-party Accordion, AccordionDetails, AccordionSummary,
} from '@mui/material';
import { useTheme } from '@mui/material/styles';
// project import // project import
import MainCard from 'components/MainCard'; import usePagination from 'hooks/usePagination';
import ScrollX from 'components/ScrollX'; import { GlobalFilter } from 'utils/react-table';
// types
// assets // assets
import { BookOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
//types import { userProgress } from 'data/userProgress';
import CurriculumSection from 'sections/learning-management/learning-curriculums-subscribed/CurriculumSection';
import EmptyCurriculumCard from 'sections/learning-management/learning-curriculums-subscribed/skeleton/EmptyCurriculumCard';
import { curriculumTypeUserProgress, userProgressType } from 'types/userProgress';
// ==============================|| List ||============================== // // ==============================|| List ||============================== //
const allColumns = [
id: 1,
header: 'Default'
id: 2,
header: 'Title'
const List = () => { const List = () => {
const theme = useTheme();
const [data, setData] = useState<userProgressType["curriculums"]>([])
const matchDownSM = useMediaQuery((theme: Theme) => theme.breakpoints.down('sm'));
const [curriculumsData, setCurriculumsData] = useState<userProgressType["curriculums"]>([]);
const [sortBy, setSortBy] = useState('Default');
const [globalFilter, setGlobalFilter] = useState('');
const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
const handleChange = (event: SelectChangeEvent) => {
setSortBy( as string);
// search
useEffect(() => {
const newData = data?.filter((value: any) => {
if (globalFilter) {
return value.curriculumTitle.toLowerCase().includes(globalFilter.toLowerCase());
} else {
return value;
}, [globalFilter, data]);
const PER_PAGE = 6;
const count = Math.ceil(curriculumsData?.length! / PER_PAGE);
const _DATA = usePagination(curriculumsData, PER_PAGE);
const handleChangePage = (e: any, p: any) => {
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState<string | false>('panel0');
const handleAccordionChange = (panel: string) => (event: React.SyntheticEvent, newExpanded: boolean) => {
setExpanded(newExpanded ? panel : false);
return ( return (
<MainCard content={false}> <>
<ScrollX> <Box sx={{ position: 'relative', marginBottom: 3 }}>
</ScrollX> <Stack direction="row" alignItems="center">
</MainCard> <Stack
direction={matchDownSM ? 'column' : 'row'}
sx={{ width: '100%' }}
{/* @ts-ignore */}
<GlobalFilter preGlobalFilteredRows={data} globalFilter={globalFilter} setGlobalFilter={setGlobalFilter} />
<Stack direction={matchDownSM ? 'column' : 'row'} alignItems="center" spacing={1}>
<FormControl sx={{ m: 1, minWidth: 120 }}>
inputProps={{ 'aria-label': 'Without label' }}
renderValue={(selected) => {
if (!selected) {
return <Typography variant="subtitle1">Sort By</Typography>;
return <Typography variant="subtitle2">Sort by ({sortBy})</Typography>;
{ => {
return (
<MenuItem key={} value={column.header}>
<Grid container spacing={3}>
{curriculumsData?.length! > 0 ? (
.sort(function (a: any, b: any) {
if (sortBy === 'Title') return a.curriculumTitle.localeCompare(b.curriculumTitle);
return a;
.map((curriculum: curriculumTypeUserProgress, index: number) => (
<Slide key={index} direction="up" in={true} timeout={50}>
<Grid item xs={12} sm={12} lg={12}>
'& .MuiAccordion-root': {
borderColor: theme.palette.divider,
'& .MuiAccordionSummary-root': {
bgcolor: 'transparent',
flexDirection: 'row',
'&:focus-visible': {
bgcolor: 'primary.lighter'
'& .MuiAccordionDetails-root': {
borderColor: theme.palette.divider
'& .Mui-expanded': {
color: theme.palette.primary.main
<Accordion expanded={expanded === `panel${index}`} onChange={handleAccordionChange(`panel${index}`)}>
<AccordionSummary aria-controls={`panel${index}d-content`} id={`panel${index}d-header`}>
<Stack direction="row" spacing={1.5} alignItems="center">
<BookOutlined style={{ fontSize: '26px' }} />
<Typography variant="h4">{curriculum.curriculumTitle}</Typography>
<CurriculumSection curriculum={curriculum} />
) : (
<EmptyCurriculumCard title={'System have no curriculumsData yet.'} />
<Stack spacing={2} sx={{ p: 2.5 }} alignItems="flex-end">
) )
} }
import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
// material-ui
import { Alert, Box, Button, Dialog, DialogActions, DialogContent, DialogTitle, Divider, Grid, LinearProgress, List, ListItemAvatar, ListItemButton, ListItemSecondaryAction, ListItemText, Stack, Typography } from "@mui/material";
import { useTheme } from '@mui/material/styles';
// project import
import AntAvatar from 'components/@extended/Avatar';
import MainCard from "components/MainCard";
// types
import { tutorialTypeUserProgress } from "types/userProgress";
// assets
import { CheckCircleOutlined, CheckOutlined, ClockCircleOutlined, FileImageOutlined, FileMarkdownFilled, LeftOutlined, PlayCircleOutlined, RightOutlined, TrophyOutlined, UserOutlined, VideoCameraOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
import { PopupTransition } from "components/@extended/Transitions";
import ReportCard from "components/cards/statistics/ReportCard";
import { userProgress } from "data/userProgress";
import { selectedCommonDataProps, selectedItemContentProps } from "./types/types";
import Webcam from 'react-webcam';
// action style
const actionSX = {
mt: 0.75,
ml: 1,
top: 'auto',
right: 'auto',
alignSelf: 'flex-start',
transform: 'none'
function convertMinutesToHMS(minutes: number) {
const hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
const remainingMinutes = minutes % 60;
const seconds = Math.round((minutes % 1) * 60);
return `${hours} hr ${remainingMinutes} min ${seconds} sec`;
// ==============================|| Tutorial ||============================== //
const Tutorial = () => {
const theme = useTheme();
const [data, setData] = useState<tutorialTypeUserProgress>()
const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState<{ selectedCommonData: selectedCommonDataProps | null, backgroundColor: any | null }>({
selectedCommonData: null,
backgroundColor: 'white', // Initial background color
const [selectedItemContent, setSelectedItemContent] = useState<selectedItemContentProps | null>(null)
const [desc, setDesc] = useState("")
const [readMore, setReadMore] = useState(false)
const [itemDesc, setItemDesc] = useState("")
const [itemReadMore, setItemReadMore] = useState(false)
const [itemReferenceData, setItemReferenceData] = useState<"image" | "video">("image")
const handleItemClick = (item: selectedCommonDataProps, backgroundColor: any) => {
selectedCommonData: {
userId: item.userId,
curriculumCode: item.curriculumCode,
tutorialCode: item.tutorialCode,
title: item.title
useEffect(() => {
// Set your data here
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
setDesc(data?.tutorialDescription?.slice(0, 200)!)
}, [data])
useEffect(() => {
if (!selectedItemContent?.description) return
setItemDesc(selectedItemContent?.description.slice(0, 200)!)
}, [selectedItemContent])
useEffect(() => {
// Filter data based on selectedItem.title
if (selectedItem && data) {
const filteredItem = data.taskItems.find((item) => item.title === selectedItem.selectedCommonData?.title);
userId: selectedItem.selectedCommonData?.userId!,
curriculumCode: selectedItem.selectedCommonData?.curriculumCode!,
tutorialCode: selectedItem.selectedCommonData?.tutorialCode!,
} || null)
} else {
}, [selectedItem]);
//alert model
const [openModel, setOpenModel] = useState(false);
const handleModelClose = () => {
// web cam
const webcamRef = useRef<Webcam>(null);
const [capturedImage, setCapturedImage] = useState<string | null>(null);
const capture = () => {
if (webcamRef.current) {
const imageSrc = webcamRef.current.getScreenshot();
return (
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item md={12}>
<MainCard title="Overview">
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Typography variant="h3" sx={{ mb: 2 }}>
<Typography variant="h5" sx={{ textAlign: "justify" }}>
<span style={{ fontWeight: "bold", cursor: "pointer" }}
onClick={() => {
if (!readMore) {
} else {
setDesc(data?.tutorialDescription?.slice(0, 200)!)
}} color="secondary">
{readMore ? "Show Less" : "...Read More"}
<Typography variant="h4" sx={{ pt: 3, pb: 1, zIndex: 1 }}>
{(data?.tutorialMarkUser! / data?.tutorialMark!) * 100}% Completed
<Box sx={{ maxWidth: '60%' }}>
<LinearProgress variant="determinate" color="success" value={(data?.tutorialMarkUser! / data?.tutorialMark!) * 100} />
<Grid md={5} item>
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid md={12} item>
primary={`${data?.tutorialMarkUser?.toLocaleString('en-US', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
secondary="Tutorial User Mark" color={theme.palette.error.main} iconPrimary={FileMarkdownFilled} />
<Grid md={12} item>
<ReportCard primary={`${convertMinutesToHMS(data?.tutorialSpentTime!)}`} secondary="Tutorial Time Spent On" color={theme.palette.success.dark} iconPrimary={ClockCircleOutlined} />
<Grid item md={4}>
<MainCard title="Task List">
py: 0,
'& .MuiListItemButton-root': {
'& .MuiListItemSecondaryAction-root': { ...actionSX, position: 'relative' }
{data?, index) => {
const isSelected = selectedItem.selectedCommonData?.title === item.title;
const backgroundColor = isSelected ? theme.palette.primary.lighter : 'white';
const iconColor = isSelected ? 'warning' : 'success';
return (
onClick={() => handleItemClick({
userId: "",
curriculumCode: "",
tutorialCode: data.tutorialCode!,
title: item.title
}, backgroundColor)}
sx={{ backgroundColor }}
<AntAvatar alt="Basic" type="combined" color={iconColor}>
<ClockCircleOutlined />
<ListItemText primary={<Typography variant="subtitle1">{item.title}</Typography>} />
<Stack alignItems="flex-end">
<Typography variant="subtitle1" noWrap>User Mark : {item.taskItemMarkUser?.toLocaleString('en-US', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
<Typography variant="h6" color="secondary" noWrap> Mark : {item.taskItemMark?.toLocaleString('en-US', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
})} </Typography>
<Grid item md={8}>
<MainCard title="Task View">
<Grid container spacing={2}>
{selectedItemContent !== null
<Grid item md={8}>
<Typography variant="h4" sx={{ mb: 2 }}>
<Typography variant="h5" sx={{ textAlign: "justify", mb: 2 }}>
<span style={{ fontWeight: "bold", cursor: "pointer" }}
onClick={() => {
if (!itemReadMore) {
} else {
setItemDesc(selectedItemContent?.description?.slice(0, 200)!)
}} color="secondary">
{itemReadMore ? "Show Less" : "...Read More"}
<MainCard title="How To Do">
py: 0,
'& .MuiListItemButton-root': {
'& .MuiListItemSecondaryAction-root': { ...actionSX, position: 'relative' }
{selectedItemContent?.howToDo && selectedItemContent?, index) => {
return (
<ListItemButton divider>
<AntAvatar alt="Basic" type="combined" color="info">
{index + 1}
<ListItemText primary={<Typography variant="subtitle1">{i}</Typography>} />
<Grid item xs={4}>
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item md={6}>
endIcon={<FileImageOutlined />}
sx={{ my: 2 }}
onClick={() => { setItemReferenceData("image") }}
Image Reference
<Grid item md={6}>
endIcon={<VideoCameraOutlined />}
sx={{ my: 2 }}
onClick={() => { setItemReferenceData("video") }}
Vide Reference
<Grid item md={12} xs={4} sx={{ height: '246px', '& img': { mb: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', objectFit: 'contain' } }}>
{itemReferenceData == "image" && <img src={selectedItemContent?.referenceImage} alt="feature" style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }} />}
{itemReferenceData == "video" && <>In Constriction ....</>}
<Grid item md={8}>
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item md={6}>
<ReportCard primary={`Task Mark : ${(selectedItemContent.taskItemMark)?.toLocaleString('en-US', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
secondary="Task Mark" color={theme.palette.success.dark} iconPrimary={CheckCircleOutlined}
<Grid item md={6}>
<ReportCard primary={`User Mark : ${(selectedItemContent.taskItemMarkUser)?.toLocaleString('en-US', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
secondary="Task User Mark" color={theme.palette.success.dark} iconPrimary={UserOutlined}
<Grid item md={12}>
primary={`Pass Mark : ${(selectedItemContent.taskItemMark * (85 / 100))?.toLocaleString('en-US', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
secondary="To Complete the task you should get 85% or higher of the task mark" color={theme.palette.success.dark} iconPrimary={TrophyOutlined}
<Grid item md={4}>
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid item md={12}>
endIcon={<PlayCircleOutlined />}
sx={{ my: 1, width: "100%", height: "100%" }}
onClick={() => { setOpenModel(true) }}
Practice Task
<Grid item md={12}>
endIcon={<CheckOutlined />}
sx={{ my: 1, width: "100%", height: "100%" }}
onClick={() => { }}
Complete Task
<Grid item md={6}>
endIcon={<LeftOutlined />}
sx={{ my: 1, width: "100%", height: "100%" }}
onClick={() => { }}
Previous Task
<Grid item md={6}>
endIcon={<RightOutlined />}
sx={{ my: 1, width: "100%", height: "100%" }}
onClick={() => { }}
Next Task
<Grid item md={12}>
<Alert variant="border" color="warning">Select a Task</Alert>
sx={{ '& .MuiDialog-paper': { p: 0 }, transition: 'transform 225ms' }}
<Divider />
<DialogContent sx={{ p: 2.5 }}>
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item md={8}>
<MainCard title="Capture / Upload Image">
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item md={6}>
// videoConstraints={videoConstraints}
<Grid item md={6}>
{capturedImage && (
<img src={capturedImage} alt="Captured" style={{ width: 400, height: 300 }} />
<Grid item md={4}>
<MainCard title="Practice Result">
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item md={12}>
primary={`Result : N/A`}
secondary="To Complete the task you should get 85% or higher of the task mark" color={theme.palette.success.dark} />
<Grid item md={12}>
primary={`Status : N/A`}
secondary="To Complete the task you should get 85% or higher of the task mark" color={theme.palette.success.dark} />
<Grid item md={12}>
<Button variant="contained" color="success" onClick={() => { }} fullWidth>
Get Result
<Grid item md={8}>
<Button size="small" variant="contained" onClick={capture} fullWidth>
<Grid item md={4} />
<Divider />
<DialogActions sx={{ p: 2.5 }}>
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item md={12}>
<Button type="button" variant="contained" sx={{ float: "right" }} onClick={handleModelClose}>
export default Tutorial;
import { taskItemTypeUserProgress } from "types/userProgress";
export interface selectedItemContentProps extends taskItemTypeUserProgress {
userId: string
curriculumCode: string
tutorialCode: string
export interface selectedCommonDataProps {
userId: string
curriculumCode: string
tutorialCode: string
title: string
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@ import { ...@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@ import {
import usePagination from 'hooks/usePagination'; import usePagination from 'hooks/usePagination';
import CurriculumCard from 'sections/learning-management/learning-curriculums/CurriculumCard'; import CurriculumCard from 'sections/learning-management/learning-curriculums/CurriculumCard';
import EmptyCurriculumCard from 'sections/learning-management/learning-curriculums/skeleton/EmptyCurriculumCard'; import EmptyCurriculumCard from 'sections/learning-management/learning-curriculums/skeleton/EmptyCurriculumCard';
import { curriculumType } from 'types/curriculum';
import { GlobalFilter } from 'utils/react-table'; import { GlobalFilter } from 'utils/react-table';
import { dataProps } from './types/types';
// types // types
// assets // assets
import { curriculums } from 'data/curriculums';
// ==============================|| List ||============================== // // ==============================|| List ||============================== //
...@@ -37,64 +38,18 @@ const allColumns = [ ...@@ -37,64 +38,18 @@ const allColumns = [
}, },
{ {
id: 2, id: 2,
header: 'Code' header: 'Title'
id: 3,
header: 'Name'
id: 4,
header: 'Level'
id: 5,
header: 'Status'
} }
]; ];
const List = () => { const List = () => {
const data: dataProps[] = [ const [data, setData] = useState<curriculumType[]>([])
"_id": "1",
"curriculumCode": "01",
"curriculumLevel": 1,
"curriculumDescription": "This curriculum teaches basic sign language skills to help beginners communicate effectively using sign language.",
"curriculumName": "Learn Basic Sign Language Skills",
"curriculumImage": "",
"tutorials": [],
"status": 1,
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"_id": "2",
"curriculumCode": "02",
"curriculumLevel": 2,
"curriculumName": "Learn Intermediate Sign Language Skills",
"curriculumDescription": "This curriculum focuses on building intermediate sign language skills, allowing learners to engage in more complex conversations and interactions using sign language.",
"curriculumImage": "",
"tutorials": [],
"status": 1,
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"_id": "3",
"curriculumCode": "03",
"curriculumLevel": 3,
"curriculumName": "Learn Advance Sign Language Skills",
"curriculumDescription": "This curriculum is designed for those who already have a solid foundation in sign language. It covers advanced topics, nuances, and cultural aspects of sign language communication.",
"curriculumImage": "",
"tutorials": [],
"status": 1,
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
const matchDownSM = useMediaQuery((theme: Theme) => theme.breakpoints.down('sm')); const matchDownSM = useMediaQuery((theme: Theme) => theme.breakpoints.down('sm'));
const [curriculumsData, setCurriculumsData] = useState<curriculumType[]>([]);
const [sortBy, setSortBy] = useState('Default'); const [sortBy, setSortBy] = useState('Default');
const [globalFilter, setGlobalFilter] = useState(''); const [globalFilter, setGlobalFilter] = useState('');
const [curriculumCard, setCurriculumCard] = useState<dataProps[]>([]);
const [page, setPage] = useState(1); const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
const handleChange = (event: SelectChangeEvent) => { const handleChange = (event: SelectChangeEvent) => {
...@@ -105,27 +60,29 @@ const List = () => { ...@@ -105,27 +60,29 @@ const List = () => {
useEffect(() => { useEffect(() => {
const newData = data.filter((value: any) => { const newData = data.filter((value: any) => {
if (globalFilter) { if (globalFilter) {
return value.curriculumName.toLowerCase().includes(globalFilter.toLowerCase()); return value.curriculumTitle.toLowerCase().includes(globalFilter.toLowerCase());
} else { } else {
return value; return value;
} }
}); });
console.log(newData.length); setCurriculumsData(newData);
}, [globalFilter, data]);
}, [globalFilter]);
const PER_PAGE = 6; const PER_PAGE = 6;
const count = Math.ceil(curriculumCard.length / PER_PAGE); const count = Math.ceil(curriculumsData.length / PER_PAGE);
const _DATA = usePagination(curriculumCard, PER_PAGE); const _DATA = usePagination(curriculumsData, PER_PAGE);
const handleChangePage = (e: any, p: any) => { const handleChangePage = (e: any, p: any) => {
setPage(p); setPage(p);
_DATA.jump(p); _DATA.jump(p);
}; };
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return ( return (
<> <>
<Box sx={{ position: 'relative', marginBottom: 3 }}> <Box sx={{ position: 'relative', marginBottom: 3 }}>
...@@ -168,19 +125,14 @@ const List = () => { ...@@ -168,19 +125,14 @@ const List = () => {
</Stack> </Stack>
</Box> </Box>
<Grid container spacing={3}> <Grid container spacing={3}>
{curriculumCard.length > 0 ? ( {curriculumsData.length > 0 ? (
.currentData() .currentData()
.sort(function (a: any, b: any) { .sort(function (a: any, b: any) {
if (sortBy === 'Customer Name') return a.fatherName.localeCompare(b.fatherName); if (sortBy === 'Title') return a.curriculumTitle.localeCompare(b.curriculumTitle);
if (sortBy === 'Email') return;
if (sortBy === 'Contact') return;
if (sortBy === 'Age') return b.age < a.age ? 1 : -1;
if (sortBy === 'Country') return;
if (sortBy === 'Status') return a.status.localeCompare(b.status);
return a; return a;
}) })
.map((curriculum: dataProps, index: number) => ( .map((curriculum: curriculumType, index: number) => (
<Slide key={index} direction="up" in={true} timeout={50}> <Slide key={index} direction="up" in={true} timeout={50}>
<Grid item xs={12} sm={6} lg={4}> <Grid item xs={12} sm={6} lg={4}>
<CurriculumCard curriculum={curriculum} /> <CurriculumCard curriculum={curriculum} />
...@@ -188,7 +140,7 @@ const List = () => { ...@@ -188,7 +140,7 @@ const List = () => {
</Slide> </Slide>
)) ))
) : ( ) : (
<EmptyCurriculumCard title={'System have no curriculums yet.'} /> <EmptyCurriculumCard title={'System have no curriculumsData yet.'} />
)} )}
</Grid> </Grid>
<Stack spacing={2} sx={{ p: 2.5 }} alignItems="flex-end"> <Stack spacing={2} sx={{ p: 2.5 }} alignItems="flex-end">
...@@ -124,7 +124,143 @@ const List = () => { ...@@ -124,7 +124,143 @@ const List = () => {
const theme = useTheme(); const theme = useTheme();
// table // table
const data: dataProps[] = [] const data: dataProps[] = [
"_id": "",
"tutorialCode": "01",
"tutorialTitle": "Numbers and Counting in Sign Language",
"tutorialDescription": "In this tutorial, you'll discover how to express numbers visually using simple hand gestures. Each number has a unique sign that involves specific finger placements and hand movements. We'll break down each number step by step, providing you with clear instructions, images, and videos to help you learn effectively.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number One",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number one in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend your index finger straight up.\n- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number Two",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number two in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend your index and middle fingers straight up.\n- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number Three",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number three in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.\n- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number Four",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number four in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend your thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.\n- Keep your pinky finger folded.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number Five",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number five in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend all your fingers straight up.\n- Keep your thumb resting on the side of your palm.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number Six",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number six in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend your thumb and pinky finger straight up.\n- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number Seven",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number seven in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend your index, middle, and ring fingers straight up.\n- Keep your thumb, pinky, and pinky finger folded.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number Eight",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number eight in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend all your fingers straight up.\n- Cross your index and middle fingers over your ring and pinky fingers.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number Nine",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number nine in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend your thumb and all your fingers straight up.\n- Keep your pinky finger folded.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"_id": "",
"title": "Learn Number Ten",
"description": "Learn how to sign the number ten in sign language.",
"howToDo": "- Extend your thumb, index, and middle fingers straight up.\n- Keep the rest of your fingers closed.\n- Hold your hand in front of your chest.",
"referenceImage": "",
"referenceVideo": "",
"taskItemMark": 10
"status": 1,
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage"
"_id": "",
"tutorialCode": "02",
"tutorialTitle": "Everyday Vocabulary in Sign Language",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach signs for everyday objects and activities, such as eat, drink, sleep, book, pen, etc.\nIntroduce signs for common words used in daily life.\nProvide visual demonstrations and interactive exercises for learners to practice using these signs.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [],
"status": 1,
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage"
"_id": "",
"tutorialCode": "03",
"tutorialTitle": "Family Signs in Sign Language",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach signs for family members, such as mother, father, sister, brother, etc.\nIntroduce signs for common family-related words, such as family, love, and home.\nProvide visual demonstrations and practice exercises for learners to practice these family signs.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [],
"status": 1,
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage"
"_id": "",
"tutorialCode": "04",
"tutorialTitle": "Basic Conversational Phrases in Sign Language",
"tutorialDescription": "Teach simple conversational phrases, such as \"What is your name?\" or \"How are you?\"\nIntroduce signs for common question words and phrases.\nProvide visual demonstrations and practice exercises for learners to practice these conversational phrases.",
"tutorialImage": "",
"taskItems": [],
"status": 1,
"createdAt": new Date("2023-08-30T12:00:00Z"),
"createdBy": "Nuwan Gamage"
const columns = useMemo( const columns = useMemo(
() => () =>
...@@ -231,7 +367,7 @@ const List = () => { ...@@ -231,7 +367,7 @@ const List = () => {
//alert model //alert model
const [openAlert, setOpenAlert] = useState(false); const [openAlert, setOpenAlert] = useState(false);
const [tutorialId, setTutorialId] = useState<number | string | undefined>(undefined) const [tutorialId, setTutorialId] = useState<number | string | undefined>(undefined)
const handleAlertClose = () => { const handleAlertClose = () => {
setOpenAlert(!openAlert); setOpenAlert(!openAlert);
...@@ -243,8 +379,8 @@ const List = () => { ...@@ -243,8 +379,8 @@ const List = () => {
<ScrollX> <ScrollX>
<ReactTable columns={columns} data={data} handleAddEdit={handleAddEdit} /> <ReactTable columns={columns} data={data} handleAddEdit={handleAddEdit} />
</ScrollX> </ScrollX>
{/* add / edit tutorial dialog */} {/* add / edit tutorial dialog */}
<Dialog <Dialog
maxWidth="sm" maxWidth="sm"
TransitionComponent={PopupTransition} TransitionComponent={PopupTransition}
keepMounted keepMounted
...@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ export interface dataProps { ...@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ export interface dataProps {
tutorialTitle: string; tutorialTitle: string;
tutorialDescription: string; tutorialDescription: string;
tutorialImage: string; tutorialImage: string;
status: number; status?: number;
createdBy: string; createdBy?: string;
updatedBy: string; updatedBy?: string;
createdAt: Date; createdAt?: Date;
updatedAt: Date; updatedAt?: Date;
taskItems: taskItemProps[] taskItems: taskItemProps[]
} }
...@@ -41,4 +41,5 @@ export interface taskItemProps { ...@@ -41,4 +41,5 @@ export interface taskItemProps {
howToDo: string; howToDo: string;
referenceImage: string; referenceImage: string;
referenceVideo: string; referenceVideo: string;
taskItemMark: number;
} }
\ No newline at end of file
import axios from 'axios';
class SignLanguageToTextService {
predictSignLanguageVideo(speed, data) {
export default new SignLanguageToTextService();
import axios from 'axios';
class VideoToSignLanguage {
videoTranslation(data) {
// @ts-ignore
export default new VideoToSignLanguage();
// project import
import {
// Slider,
} from '@mui/material';
import MainCard from 'components/MainCard';
import ScrollX from 'components/ScrollX';
import { CloudUploadOutlined, CopyOutlined, HighlightOutlined, TranslationOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import axios from 'axios';
import { MuiFileInput } from 'mui-file-input';
import { useSnackbar } from 'notistack';
import { useState } from 'react';
// ==============================|| List ||============================== //
const VideoTranslate = () => {
const [file, setFile] = useState<File | string | null>(null);
const [videoUrl, setVideoUrl] = useState('');
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
const [translatedTextSi, setTranslatedTextSi] = useState('');
const [translatedTextEn, setTranslatedTextEn] = useState('');
const handleDropSingleFile = (files: any) => {
if (files) {
Object.assign(files, {
preview: URL.createObjectURL(files)
const handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
// ----------------- Video Upload ------------------------------------------------
// const TranslateVideoToSignLanguage = async () => {
// if (file) {
// setLoading(true);
// const formData = new FormData();
// //@ts-ignore
// formData.append('video', file,;
// try {
// const response = await VideoToSignLanguageService.videoTranslation(formData);
// const { translated_text_si, translated_text_en } =;
// setTranslatedTextSi(translated_text_si);
// setTranslatedTextEn(translated_text_en);
// if (response.status == 200) {
// console.log(;
// // setValue(;
// } else {
// enqueueSnackbar('Something went Wrong!', { variant: 'error' });
// }
// // setLoading(false);
// } catch (error) {
// console.log(error);
// setLoading(false);
// enqueueSnackbar('Something went Wrong!', { variant: 'error' });
// }
// } else {
// enqueueSnackbar('Please select a file.', { variant: 'warning' });
// }
// };
async function uploadVideo() {
if (file) {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', file);
try {
const response = await'', formData, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
} else {
console.error('No file selected.');
const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar();
const onCopy = (text: string) => {
if (text) {
enqueueSnackbar('Copied!', { variant: 'success' });
return (
<MainCard content={false}>
{/* Content Here */}
padding: 3,
bgcolor: '#625D5D',
color: '#fafafb',
borderRadius: 6,
// boxShadow: '0px 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' // Subtle box shadow
{/* Double Button Here */}
aria-label="Customized buttons"
marginBottom: '20px',
backgroundColor: '#ff3c3c', // Change background color
'& .MuiButton-root': { // Apply styles to individual buttons
color: 'white', // Text color
'&:hover': {
backgroundColor: '#000000' // Change color on hover
bgcolor: '#ff3c3c',
padding: '10px 50px',
fontSize: '1.05rem', // Larger font size
'& .anticon': {
fontSize: '1.2rem', // Larger icon size
// variant={checkTranalationTypeForUpload()}
startIcon={<CloudUploadOutlined />}
// onClick={() => {
// setIsUploadFile(true);
// }}
bgcolor: '#ff3c3c',
padding: '10px 50px',
fontSize: '1.05rem', // Larger font size
'& .anticon': {
fontSize: '1.2rem', // Larger icon size
// variant={checkTranalationTypeForRecord()}
startIcon={<HighlightOutlined />}
// onClick={() => {
// setIsUploadFile(false);
// }}
{/* Video uploading */}
<Box sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>
<CardHeader title="Upload a video | Drag & Drop or Select File" />
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
<Card sx={{ marginBottom: '20px', marginLeft: '10px', padding: '35px 10px' }}>
{/* ! Important */}
{/* @ts-ignore */}
<MuiFileInput value={file} onChange={handleDropSingleFile} inputProps={{ accept: 'video/*' }} />
<Paper style={{ padding: '20px', marginTop: '15px' }}>
<Typography variant="h5" align="center" gutterBottom>
<div style={{ marginTop: '20px', textAlign: 'center' }}>
{file ? <video src={videoUrl} width="400" controls /> : <p>No Video Selected ...</p>}
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
<Card sx={{ p: 5, minHeight: 300, marginBottom: '10px', marginRight: '10px' }}>
<Box display="grid" gap={5}>
<Stack spacing={2}>
<Grid container spacing={1}>
{/* <Grid item xs={12} md={6}> */}
{/* <h3>Set Sign Speed </h3> */}
{/* <Slider
/> */}
{/* <h4>Speed - {speed}</h4> */}
{/* </Grid> */}
<Grid item xs={12} md={6} container direction="row" justifyContent="flex-start" alignItems="center">
style={{ width: '200px', height: '60px', fontSize: '20px' }}
mb: 3
endIcon={<TranslationOutlined />}
{loading ? (
<LinearProgress />
<Typography variant="h5" component="div" sx={{ marginTop: 2 }}>
) : (
{/* -------- Translated Avatar ------------------------- */}
<Typography variant="overline" sx={{ color: 'text.secondary', marginBottom: 2 }}>
Translated Avatar
<Paper elevation={3} sx={{ p: 2, maxWidth: 600, margin: '0 auto', marginBottom: 3 }}>
<video controls width="100%" height="auto">
{/* <source src="your-video-url.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> */}
Your browser does not support the video tag.
{/* -------- Translated Sinhala Unicode ------------------------- */}
<Typography variant="overline" sx={{ color: 'text.secondary', fontStyle: 'italic', marginBottom: 2 }}>
Sinhala Unicode
marginBottom: 2
endAdornment: (
<InputAdornment position="end">
<IconButton onClick={() => onCopy(value)}>
<CopyOutlined />
{/* -------- Translated English Unicode ------------------------- */}
<Typography variant="overline" sx={{ color: 'text.secondary', fontStyle: 'italic' }}>
English Unicode
endAdornment: (
<InputAdornment position="end">
<IconButton onClick={() => onCopy(value)}>
<CopyOutlined />
export default VideoTranslate;
// // project import
// import { useState } from 'react';
// import MainCard from 'components/MainCard';
// import ScrollX from 'components/ScrollX';
// // assets
// //types
// // ==============================|| List ||============================== //
// const VideoTranslate = () => {
// const [sinhalaTranslation, setSinhalaTranslation] = useState('');
// const [singlishTranslation, setSinglishTranslation] = useState('');
// const handleConvertClick = () => {
// // Perform the video translation logic here
// // You can use the values from `sinhalaTranslation` and `singlishTranslation`
// };
// return (
// <MainCard content={false}>
// <ScrollX>
// <h3> Video Translation here </h3>
// <div>
// <h4>Sinhala Unicode Translation</h4>
// <textarea
// value={sinhalaTranslation}
// onChange={(e) => setSinhalaTranslation(}
// />
// </div>
// <div>
// <h4>Singlish Translation</h4>
// <textarea
// value={singlishTranslation}
// onChange={(e) => setSinglishTranslation(}
// />
// </div>
// <div>
// <button onClick={handleConvertClick}>Convert Video</button>
// </div>
// </ScrollX>
// </MainCard>
// );
// };
// export default VideoTranslate;
// import { Alert, Button, Card, CardActions, CardContent, CardHeader, Container, Grid, Typography } from '@mui/material';
// import Head from 'next/head';
// import { useCallback, useState } from 'react';
// import { ComingSoonIllustration } from 'assets/illustrations';
// import CustomBreadcrumbs from 'components/custom-breadcrumbs/CustomBreadcrumbs';
// import Iconify from 'components/iconify/Iconify';
// import HomeWidget from 'sections/@dashboard/spokenLanguageTranslation-module/HomeWidget';
// import _mock from '../../../_mock';
// import Editor from '../../../components/editor';
// import { useSettingsContext } from '../../../components/settings';
// import { Upload } from '../../../components/upload';
// import DashboardLayout from '../../../layout/dashboard';
// import {
// CarouselBasic3
// } from '../../../sections/_examples/extra/carousel';
// SpokenLanguageTranslationHomePage.getLayout = (page: React.ReactElement) => <DashboardLayout>{page}</DashboardLayout>;
// export default function SpokenLanguageTranslationHomePage() {
// const { themeStretch } = useSettingsContext();
// const [translateType, setTranslateType] = useState<"video" | "text">()
// const [file, setFile] = useState<File | string | null>(null);
// const [quillSimple, setQuillSimple] = useState('');
// const handleHomeWidgetOnClick = (value: string) => {
// if (!value) return
// if (value == "Video Translate") {
// setTranslateType("video")
// return
// }
// if (value == "Text Translate") {
// setTranslateType("text")
// return
// }
// }
// const handleDropSingleFile = useCallback((acceptedFiles: File[]) => {
// const file = acceptedFiles[0];
// if (file) {
// setFile(
// Object.assign(file, {
// preview: URL.createObjectURL(file),
// })
// );
// }
// }, []);
// const _carouselsExample = [...Array(5)].map((_, index) => ({
// id:,
// title: _mock.text.title(index),
// image: _mock.image.cover(index),
// description: _mock.text.description(index),
// }));
// return (
// <>
// <Head>
// <title> Spoken Language Translation Home | SignLink </title>
// </Head>
// <Container maxWidth={themeStretch ? false : 'xl'}>
// <CustomBreadcrumbs
// heading="Spoken Language Translation"
// links={[
// {
// name: 'Dashboard',
// href: '#',
// icon: <Iconify icon="eva:home-fill" />,
// },
// { name: 'Spoken Language Translation Module', href: '#', icon: <Iconify icon="eva:cube-outline" /> },
// { name: 'Spoken Language Translation', icon: <Iconify icon="eva:cube-outline" /> },
// ]}
// />
// </Container>
// <Container maxWidth={themeStretch ? false : 'xl'}>
// <Grid container spacing={2} rowSpacing={3}>
// <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={6}>
// <HomeWidget
// title="Video Translate"
// subTitle="Spoken Language Video Convert to sign language"
// icon="eva:video-fill"
// color='warning'
// handleClick={handleHomeWidgetOnClick}
// />
// </Grid>
// <Grid item xs={12} md={6} lg={6}>
// <HomeWidget
// title="Text Translate"
// subTitle="Spoken Language Text Convert to sign language"
// icon="eva:text-fill"
// color="success"
// handleClick={handleHomeWidgetOnClick}
// />
// </Grid>
// {!translateType && <>
// <Grid item xs={12} md={12} lg={12}>
// <Alert severity='info' >Select a Translation type</Alert>
// </Grid>
// </>}
// {translateType == "video" && <>
// <Grid item xs={12} md={8} lg={8}>
// <Card>
// <CardHeader
// title="Upload Video"
// subheader="Upload you're video to convert to sigh language"
// />
// <CardContent>
// <Upload file={file} onDrop={handleDropSingleFile} onDelete={() => setFile(null)} />
// </CardContent>
// <CardActions>
// <Button variant="contained" color='error' fullWidth onClick={() => { setFile(null) }}>
// Reset
// </Button>
// <Button variant="contained" fullWidth>
// Convert
// </Button>
// </CardActions>
// </Card>
// </Grid>
// <Grid item xs={12} md={4} lg={4}>
// <Card>
// <CardHeader title="3D Model" />
// <CardContent>
// <Typography variant="h3" paragraph>
// Coming Soon!
// </Typography>
// <Typography sx={{ color: 'text.secondary' }}>
// We are currently working hard on this page!
// </Typography>
// <ComingSoonIllustration sx={{ my: 1, height: 200 }} />
// </CardContent>
// </Card>
// </Grid>
// </>}
// {translateType == "text" && <>
// <Grid item xs={12} md={8} lg={8}>
// <Card sx={{ height: "100%" }}>
// <CardHeader
// title="Enter text"
// subheader="Enter you're text to convert to sigh language"
// />
// <CardContent>
// <Editor
// simple
// id="simple-editor"
// value={quillSimple}
// onChange={(value) => setQuillSimple(value)}
// />
// </CardContent>
// <CardActions>
// <Button variant="contained" color='error' fullWidth onClick={() => { setQuillSimple('') }}>
// Reset
// </Button>
// <Button variant="contained" fullWidth>
// Convert
// </Button>
// </CardActions>
// </Card>
// </Grid>
// <Grid item xs={12} md={4} lg={4}>
// <Card>
// <CardHeader title="Converted Output" />
// <CardContent>
// <CarouselBasic3 data={_carouselsExample} />
// </CardContent>
// </Card>
// </Grid>
// </>}
// </Grid>
// </Container>
// </>
// );
// }
...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const Dashboard = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/home/dashboard'))); ...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const Dashboard = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/home/dashboard')));
const MemberManagementList = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/member-management/list/list'))); const MemberManagementList = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/member-management/list/list')));
// render - user management page // render - user management page
const UserManagementList = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/user-management/list/list'))); const UserManagementList = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/user-management/list/list')));
// render - ssl translate process page // render - ssl translate process page
const SSLTranslateProcess = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/ssl-translate/process/process'))); const SSLTranslateProcess = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/ssl-translate/process/process')));
...@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ const SSLTranslateProcess = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/ssl-translate/proc ...@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ const SSLTranslateProcess = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/ssl-translate/proc
const LearningDashboard = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/dashboard'))); const LearningDashboard = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/dashboard')));
const LearningCurriculums = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/learning-curriculums/list/list'))); const LearningCurriculums = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/learning-curriculums/list/list')));
const LearningCurriculumsSubscribed = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/learning-curriculums-subscribed/list/list'))); const LearningCurriculumsSubscribed = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/learning-curriculums-subscribed/list/list')));
const LearningCurriculumsSubscribedTutorial = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/learning-curriculums-subscribed/tutorial/tutorial')));
const LearningLeadBoard = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/learning-lead-board/list/list'))); const LearningLeadBoard = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/learning-lead-board/list/list')));
const LearningFeedBack = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/learning-feedback/list/list'))); const LearningFeedBack = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/learning-management/learning-feedback/list/list')));
...@@ -45,6 +46,8 @@ const CurriculumManagementList = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/parameter/cur ...@@ -45,6 +46,8 @@ const CurriculumManagementList = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/parameter/cur
// render - parameter tutorial management page // render - parameter tutorial management page
const TutorialManagementList = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/parameter/tutorial-management/list/list'))); const TutorialManagementList = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/parameter/tutorial-management/list/list')));
// render - Video to Sign Language page
const VideoTranslation = Loadable(lazy(() => import('pages/video-to-sign-language/VideoTranslate/VideoTranslate')));
// render - audio-detection page // render - audio-detection page
...@@ -119,6 +122,15 @@ const MainRoutes = { ...@@ -119,6 +122,15 @@ const MainRoutes = {
] ]
}, },
path: 'video-to-sign-language',
children: [
path: 'VideoTranslate',
element: <VideoTranslation />
{ {
path: 'learning-management', path: 'learning-management',
children: [ children: [
...@@ -134,6 +146,10 @@ const MainRoutes = { ...@@ -134,6 +146,10 @@ const MainRoutes = {
path: 'curriculums-subscribed', path: 'curriculums-subscribed',
element: <LearningCurriculumsSubscribed /> element: <LearningCurriculumsSubscribed />
}, },
path: 'curriculums-subscribed-tutorial',
element: <LearningCurriculumsSubscribedTutorial />
{ {
path: 'lead-board', path: 'lead-board',
element: <LearningLeadBoard /> element: <LearningLeadBoard />
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
// third party
import { useInView } from 'react-intersection-observer';
import { motion, useAnimation } from 'framer-motion';
// =============================|| LANDING - FADE IN ANIMATION ||============================= //
function Animation({ children, variants }: { children: React.ReactElement; variants: any }) {
const controls = useAnimation();
const [ref, inView] = useInView();
useEffect(() => {
if (inView) {
}, [controls, inView]);
return (
x: {
type: 'spring',
stiffness: 150,
damping: 30,
duration: 0.5
opacity: { duration: 1 }
export default Animation;
// material-ui
import {
} from '@mui/material';
import { useTheme } from '@mui/material/styles';
// project import
import TutorialSection from './TutorialSection';
// types
import MainCard from 'components/MainCard';
import { ThemeDirection } from 'types/config';
import { curriculumTypeUserProgress } from "types/userProgress";
// assets
import { CheckCircleOutlined, UnorderedListOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import Reader from 'assets/images/analytics/reader.svg';
import ReportCard from 'components/cards/statistics/ReportCard';
// ==============================|| Curriculum - Section ||============================== //
const CurriculumSection = ({ curriculum }: { curriculum: curriculumTypeUserProgress }) => {
const theme = useTheme();
return (
<Stack spacing={2} sx={{ padding: 2 }}>
<MainCard title="Overview">
<Grid container spacing={2}>
bgcolor: `${theme.palette.primary.main}`,
position: 'relative',
p: 2.75,
borderRadius: { xs: 2, sm: '8px 0px 0px 8px' },
overflow: 'hidden'
<Typography variant="h5" color="white">
<Typography color={theme.palette.grey[0]} variant="caption" sx={{ maxWidth: '55%', pt: 1 }}>
Your learning capacity is 80% as daily analytics
<Typography variant="h4" color="white" sx={{ pt: 8, pb: 1, zIndex: 1 }}>
{(curriculum.curriculumMarkUser / curriculum.curriculumMark) * 100}% Completed
<Box sx={{ maxWidth: '60%' }}>
<LinearProgress variant="determinate" color="success" value={(curriculum.curriculumMarkUser / curriculum.curriculumMark) * 100} />
position: 'absolute',
bottom: -7,
right: 0,
...(theme.direction === ThemeDirection.RTL && { transform: { xs: 'rotateY(180deg)', sm: 'inherit' } })
<img alt="reder" src={Reader} />
<Grid md={5} item>
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid md={12} item>
<ReportCard primary={`LEVEL - ${curriculum.curriculumLevel}`} secondary="Curriculum Level" color={theme.palette.error.main} iconPrimary={UnorderedListOutlined} />
<Grid md={12} item>
<ReportCard primary={`Pass Mark - ${curriculum.curriculumMark}`} secondary="Curriculum Pass Mark" color={theme.palette.success.dark} iconPrimary={CheckCircleOutlined} />
<MainCard title="Tutorials">
<Grid container spacing={2}>
{, index) => {
return (<TutorialSection tutorial={tutorial!} />)
export default CurriculumSection;
import { useState } from 'react';
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router';
// material-ui
import {
} from '@mui/material';
// project import
import Animation from 'sections/learning-management/learning-curriculums-subscribed/Animation';
// types
import { tutorialTypeUserProgress } from "types/userProgress";
// assets
import { PlaySquareOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import AnimateButton from 'components/@extended/AnimateButton';
import MainCard from 'components/MainCard';
// ==============================|| Tutorial - Section ||============================== //
const TutorialSection = ({ tutorial }: { tutorial: tutorialTypeUserProgress }) => {
let navigation = useNavigate()
const [desc, setDesc] = useState(tutorial.tutorialDescription?.slice(0, 100))
const [readMore, setReadMore] = useState(false)
return (
<Grid item md={3}>
visible: { opacity: 1 },
hidden: { opacity: 0 }
<MainCard contentSX={{ p: 3 }}>
<Grid container spacing={1.5}>
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Typography variant="h4" sx={{ fontWeight: 600, mt: 2 }}>
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Typography variant="body1" color="secondary" sx={{ textAlign: "justify" }}>
<span style={{ fontWeight: "bold", cursor: "pointer" }}
onClick={() => {
if (!readMore) {
} else {
setDesc(tutorial.tutorialDescription?.slice(0, 100))
}} color="secondary">
{readMore ? "Show Less" : "...Read More"}
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Box sx={{ display: 'inline-block' }}>
endIcon={<PlaySquareOutlined />}
sx={{ my: 2 }}
onClick={() => { navigation(`/learning-management/curriculums-subscribed-tutorial`) }}
Start Tutorial
<Grid item xs={12} sx={{ '& img': { mb: -3.75, width: `calc( 100% + 24px)` } }}>
<img src={tutorial.tutorialImage} alt="feature" />
export default TutorialSection;
\ No newline at end of file
// material-ui
import { CardContent, Grid, Skeleton, Stack, Avatar } from '@mui/material';
// project import
import MainCard from 'components/MainCard';
// assets
import { ContactsOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
// ===========================|| SKELETON - USER EMPTY CARD ||=========================== //
const UserCard = () => {
return (
sx={{ boxShadow: `rgba(50, 50, 93, 0.25) 0px 13px 27px -5px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 8px 16px -8px`, borderRadius: 2 }}
<CardContent sx={{ p: 2 }}>
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Stack flexDirection="row" alignItems="center">
<ContactsOutlined style={{ visibility: 'inherit' }} />
<Stack sx={{ width: '100%', pl: 2.5 }}>
<Skeleton animation={false} height={20} width="80%" />
<Skeleton animation={false} height={20} width="40%" />
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Skeleton animation={false} height={20} width={45} />
<Skeleton animation={false} height={20} />
<Stack direction="row" alignItems="center" spacing={1}>
<Skeleton animation={false} height={20} width={90} />
<Skeleton animation={false} height={20} width={38} />
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Stack direction="row" justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center">
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid item>
<Skeleton animation={false} height={20} width={40} />
<Grid item>
<Skeleton animation={false} height={17} width={20} />
<Skeleton animation={false} height={32} width={47} />
export default UserCard;
// material-ui
import { Box, Grid, Stack, Typography } from '@mui/material';
// project import
import CurriculumCard from './CurriculumCard';
interface Props {
title: string;
// ==============================|| EMPTY STATE ||============================== //
const EmptyCurriculumCard = ({ title }: Props) => {
return (
<Grid container spacing={3}>
<Grid item xs={12}>
p: { xs: 2.5, sm: 6 },
height: `calc(100vh - 192px)`,
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
bgcolor: 'transparent'
<Grid container direction="column" justifyContent="center" alignItems="center">
<Grid item>
<Box sx={{ ml: -9, mb: { xs: -8, sm: -5 } }}>
<Box sx={{ position: 'relative' }}>
<CurriculumCard />
<Box sx={{ position: 'relative', top: -120, left: 72 }}>
<CurriculumCard />
<Grid item>
<Stack spacing={1}>
<Typography align="center" variant="h4">
export default EmptyCurriculumCard;
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
// third party
import { useInView } from 'react-intersection-observer';
import { motion, useAnimation } from 'framer-motion';
// =============================|| LANDING - FADE IN ANIMATION ||============================= //
function Animation({ children, variants }: { children: React.ReactElement; variants: any }) {
const controls = useAnimation();
const [ref, inView] = useInView();
useEffect(() => {
if (inView) {
}, [controls, inView]);
return (
x: {
type: 'spring',
stiffness: 150,
damping: 30,
duration: 0.5
opacity: { duration: 1 }
export default Animation;
import { useState } from 'react'; import { useState } from 'react';
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router';
// material-ui // material-ui
import { import {
Button, Button,
Grid, Grid,
Typography Typography
} from '@mui/material'; } from '@mui/material';
// third-party // third-party
import { PDFDownloadLink } from '@react-pdf/renderer';
// project import // project import
import IconButton from 'components/@extended/IconButton';
import MainCard from 'components/MainCard'; import MainCard from 'components/MainCard';
// assets // assets
import { MoreOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import { PlusOutlined, SendOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import Avatar from 'components/@extended/Avatar'; import AnimateButton from 'components/@extended/AnimateButton';
import curriculumLevels from 'data/curriculumLevels'; import { curriculumType } from 'types/curriculum';
import Animation from './Animation';
import CurriculumPreview from './CurriculumPreview';
// types // types
export interface curriculumCardProps {
_id: number | string | undefined;
curriculumCode: string;
curriculumLevel: number;
curriculumName: string;
curriculumDescription: string;
curriculumImage: string;
tutorials?: tutorialItemProps[];
status?: number;
createdBy?: string;
updatedBy?: string;
createdAt?: Date;
updatedAt?: Date;
export interface tutorialItemProps {
_id: number | string | undefined;
tutorialCode: string;
tutorialTitle: string;
tutorialDescription: string;
tutorialImage: string;
status?: number;
createdBy?: string;
updatedBy?: string;
createdAt?: Date;
updatedAt?: Date;
taskItems?: taskItemProps[]
export interface taskItemProps {
_id: number | string | undefined;
title: string;
description: string;
howToDo: string;
referenceImage: string;
referenceVideo: string;
// ==============================|| CURRICULUM - CARD ||============================== // // ==============================|| CURRICULUM - CARD ||============================== //
const CurriculumCard = ({ curriculum }: { curriculum: curriculumCardProps }) => { const CurriculumCard = ({ curriculum }: { curriculum: curriculumType }) => {
// const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); const navigate = useNavigate()
// const handleClickOpen = () => { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
// setOpen(true);
// };
// const handleClose = () => { const handleClickOpen = () => {
// setOpen(false); setOpen(true);
// };
const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState<null | HTMLElement>(null);
const openMenu = Boolean(anchorEl);
const handleMenuClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => {
}; };
const handleMenuClose = () => {
setAnchorEl(null); const handleClose = () => {
}; };
const [desc, setDesc] = useState(curriculum.curriculumDescription?.slice(0, 100))
const [readMore, setReadMore] = useState(false)
return ( return (
<> <>
<MainCard sx={{ height: 1, '& .MuiCardContent-root': { height: 1, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' } }}> <Animation
<Grid id="print" container spacing={2.25}> variants={{
<Grid item xs={12}> visible: { opacity: 1 },
<List sx={{ width: 1, p: 0 }}> hidden: { opacity: 0 }
<ListItem }}
disablePadding >
secondaryAction={ <MainCard contentSX={{ p: 3 }}>
<IconButton edge="end" aria-label="comments" color="secondary" onClick={handleMenuClick}> <Grid container spacing={1.5}>
<MoreOutlined style={{ fontSize: '1.15rem' }} /> <Grid item xs={12}>
</IconButton> <Typography variant="h3" sx={{ fontWeight: 600, mt: 2 }}>
} {curriculum.curriculumTitle}
> </Typography>
<Avatar alt={curriculum.curriculumName!} src={curriculum.curriculumImage!} />
primary={<Typography variant="subtitle1">{curriculum.curriculumName}</Typography>}
<Typography variant="caption" color="secondary">
{curriculumLevels.find(level => === curriculum.curriculumLevel)?.description || ""}
'aria-labelledby': 'fade-button'
vertical: 'bottom',
horizontal: 'right'
vertical: 'top',
horizontal: 'right'
<MenuItem sx={{ a: { textDecoration: 'none', color: 'inherit' } }}>
document={<></>} fileName={`${curriculum.curriculumCode}-${curriculum.curriculumName}.pdf`}
// document={<ListSmallCard customer={customer} />} fileName={`Customer-${customer.fatherName}.pdf`}
Export PDF
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Divider />
<Grid item xs={12}>
{/* <Grid item xs={12}>
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid item xs={6}>
<List sx={{ p: 0, overflow: 'hidden', '& .MuiListItem-root': { px: 0, py: 0.5 } }}>
<MailOutlined />
<ListItemText primary={<Typography color="secondary">{}</Typography>} />
<PhoneOutlined />
<Typography color="secondary">
<PatternFormat displayType="text" format="+1 (###) ###-####" mask="_" defaultValue={} />
<Grid item xs={6}>
<List sx={{ p: 0, overflow: 'hidden', '& .MuiListItem-root': { px: 0, py: 0.5 } }}>
<EnvironmentOutlined />
<ListItemText primary={<Typography color="secondary">{}</Typography>} />
<LinkOutlined />
<Link href="" target="_blank" sx={{ textTransform: 'lowercase' }}>
</Grid> </Grid>
</Grid> <Grid item xs={12}>
<Grid item xs={12}> <Typography variant="body1" color="secondary" sx={{ textAlign: "justify" }}>
<Box> {desc}
<Box <span style={{ fontWeight: "bold", cursor: "pointer" }}
sx={{ onClick={() => {
display: 'flex', if (!readMore) {
flexWrap: 'wrap', setDesc(curriculum.curriculumDescription)
listStyle: 'none', setReadMore(true)
p: 0.5, } else {
m: 0 setDesc(curriculum.curriculumDescription?.slice(0, 100))
}} setReadMore(false)
component="ul" }
> }} color="secondary">
{ string, index: number) => ( {readMore ? "Show Less" : "...Read More"}
<ListItem disablePadding key={index} sx={{ width: 'auto', pr: 0.75, pb: 0.75 }}> </span>
<Chip color="secondary" variant="outlined" size="small" label={skill} /> </Typography>
</ListItem> </Grid>
))} <Grid item xs={6}>
<Box sx={{ display: 'inline-block' }}>
endIcon={<PlusOutlined />}
sx={{ my: 2, width: "100%" }}
onClick={() => { navigate(`/learning-management/curriculums-subscribed`) }}
Follow Curriculum
<Grid item xs={6}>
<Box sx={{ display: 'inline-block' }}>
endIcon={<SendOutlined />}
sx={{ my: 2, width: "100%" }}
Preview Curriculum
</Box> </Box>
</Box> </Grid>
</Grid> */} <Grid item xs={12} sx={{ '& img': { marginBottom: '-3.75px', width: '100%', height: '456px', objectFit: 'cover' } }}>
</Grid> <img src={curriculum.curriculumImage} alt="feature" />
<Stack </Grid>
direction="row" </Grid>
className="hideforPDf" </MainCard>
alignItems="center" </Animation>
sx={{ mt: 'auto', mb: 0, pt: 2.25 }}
<Typography variant="caption" color="secondary">
Updated in {curriculum.createdAt?.toLocaleTimeString()}
<Button variant="outlined" size="small" onClick={() => {
// handleClickOpen()
{/* edit customer dialog */} {/* edit curriculum dialog */}
{/* <CustomerPreview customer={customer} open={open} onClose={handleClose} /> */} <CurriculumPreview curriculum={curriculum} open={open} onClose={handleClose} />
</> </>
); );
}; };
import { useState } from 'react';
// material-ui
import {
Accordion, AccordionDetails, AccordionSummary,
} from '@mui/material';
import { useTheme } from '@mui/material/styles';
// third-party
import { PDFDownloadLink } from '@react-pdf/renderer';
// project import
import Avatar from 'components/@extended/Avatar';
import IconButton from 'components/@extended/IconButton';
import { PopupTransition } from 'components/@extended/Transitions';
import MainCard from 'components/MainCard';
import SimpleBar from 'components/third-party/SimpleBar';
// assets
import { DownloadOutlined, TagOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import curriculumLevels from 'data/curriculumLevels';
import { curriculumType } from 'types/curriculum';
// types
// ==============================|| Curriculum - CARD PREVIEW ||============================== //
export default function CurriculumPreview({ curriculum, open, onClose }: { curriculum: curriculumType; open: boolean; onClose: () => void }) {
const theme = useTheme();
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState<string | false>('panel0');
const handleChange = (panel: string) => (event: React.SyntheticEvent, newExpanded: boolean) => {
setExpanded(newExpanded ? panel : false);
return (
sx={{ '& .MuiDialog-paper': { width: 1024, maxWidth: 1, m: { xs: 1.75, sm: 2.5, md: 4 } } }}
<Box id="PopupPrint" sx={{ px: { xs: 2, sm: 3, md: 5 }, py: 1 }}>
<DialogTitle sx={{ px: 0 }}>
<List sx={{ width: 1, p: 0 }}>
<Stack direction="row" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center" spacing={0}>
<Tooltip title="Export">
document={<></>} fileName={`${curriculum.curriculumCode}-${curriculum.curriculumTitle}.pdf`}
// document={<ListCard customer={customer} />} fileName={`Customer-${customer.fatherName}.pdf`}
<IconButton color="secondary">
<DownloadOutlined />
{/* <Tooltip title="Edit">
<IconButton color="secondary" onClick={handleAdd}>
<EditOutlined />
<Tooltip title="Delete" onClick={handleClose}>
<IconButton color="error">
<DeleteOutlined />
</Tooltip> */}
<ListItemAvatar sx={{ mr: 0.75 }}>
<Avatar alt={curriculum.curriculumTitle} size="lg" src={curriculum.curriculumImage} />
primary={<Typography variant="h5">{curriculum.curriculumTitle}</Typography>}
secondary={<Typography color="secondary"> {curriculumLevels.find(level => === curriculum.curriculumLevel)?.description || ""}</Typography>}
<DialogContent dividers sx={{ px: 0 }}>
<SimpleBar sx={{ height: 'calc(100vh - 390px)' }}>
<Grid container spacing={3}>
<Grid item xs={12} sm={8} xl={12}>
<Grid container spacing={2.25}>
<Grid item xs={12}>
<MainCard title="Overview">
<Grid item xs={12}>
<MainCard title="Tutorials">
'& .MuiAccordion-root': {
borderColor: theme.palette.divider,
'& .MuiAccordionSummary-root': {
bgcolor: 'transparent',
flexDirection: 'row',
'&:focus-visible': {
bgcolor: 'primary.lighter'
'& .MuiAccordionDetails-root': {
borderColor: theme.palette.divider
'& .Mui-expanded': {
color: theme.palette.primary.main
{curriculum.tutorials?.map((tutorial, index) => {
return (
<Accordion expanded={expanded === `panel${index}`} onChange={handleChange(`panel${index}`)}>
<AccordionSummary aria-controls={`panel${index}d-content`} id={`panel${index}d-header`}>
<Stack direction="row" spacing={1.5} alignItems="center">
<TagOutlined />
<Typography variant="h6">{tutorial.tutorialTitle}</Typography>
<Stack spacing={2}>
<Typography variant="h5">{tutorial.tutorialDescription}</Typography>
<Button color="error" onClick={onClose}>
import { tutorialType } from "./tutorial"
export interface curriculumType {
_id?: string
curriculumCode: string
curriculumLevel: number
curriculumTitle: string
curriculumDescription: string
curriculumImage: string
curriculumMark: number
tutorials: tutorialType[],
status: number
createdBy: string
createdAt: Date
updatedBy?: string
updatedAt?: Date
\ No newline at end of file
export interface taskItemType {
_id?: string
title: string,
description: string,
howToDo: string[],
referenceImage: string,
referenceVideo: string,
taskItemMark: number
\ No newline at end of file
import { taskItemType } from "./taskItem"
export interface tutorialType {
_id?: string
tutorialCode?: string
tutorialTitle?: string
tutorialDescription?: string
tutorialImage?: string
tutorialMark: number
taskItems: taskItemType[]
status: number
createdBy: string
createdAt: Date
updatedBy?: string
updatedAt?: Date
\ No newline at end of file
export interface userProgressType {
_id: string
userId: string
curriculums?: curriculumTypeUserProgress[]
totalCurriculumsMarks: number
totalCurriculumSpentTime: number
status: number
createdBy?: string
createdAt: Date
updatedBy?: string
updatedAt?: Date
export interface curriculumTypeUserProgress {
curriculumCode: string
curriculumLevel: number
curriculumTitle: string
curriculumDescription: string
curriculumImage: string
curriculumMark: number
curriculumMarkUser: number
curriculumSpentTime: number
tutorials: tutorialTypeUserProgress[],
export interface tutorialTypeUserProgress {
tutorialCode?: string
tutorialTitle?: string
tutorialDescription?: string
tutorialImage?: string
tutorialMark: number
tutorialMarkUser: number
tutorialSpentTime: number
taskItems: taskItemTypeUserProgress[]
export interface taskItemTypeUserProgress {
title: string,
description: string,
howToDo: string[],
referenceImage: string,
referenceVideo: string,
taskItemMark: number
taskItemMarkUser: number
taskItemSpentTime: number
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -165,5 +165,8 @@ ...@@ -165,5 +165,8 @@
"emotion-detection": "Emotion Detection", "emotion-detection": "Emotion Detection",
"audio-detection": "Audio Detection", "audio-detection": "Audio Detection",
"video-detection": "Video Detection", "video-detection": "Video Detection",
"learning-dashboard": "Dashboard" "learning-dashboard": "Dashboard",
"learning-curriculums-subscribed-tutorial": "Tutorial",
"video-to-sign-language": "Sign Language Translate",
"video-translate": "Video Translator"
} }
...@@ -31,15 +31,40 @@ The main objective of this project is to develop a Sign Language Translation Sys ...@@ -31,15 +31,40 @@ The main objective of this project is to develop a Sign Language Translation Sys
### Member: Ranaweera R M S H (IT20251000) ### Member: Ranaweera R M S H (IT20251000)
**Research Question:** **Research Question:**
- How can sign language translation be achieved by identifying audio and text components in a video and translating them into sign language using 3D components? - How can sign language translation be achieved by identifying the audio components in a video and the text, and translating them into sign language using 3D components?
**Objectives:** **Objectives:**
- Pre-process video data to extract audio and text components. - Pre-process video data to extract audio components.
- Develop techniques to translate audio and text into sign language. - Develop techniques to translate audio into sign language.
- Integrate sign language translation with 3D components to create a visually appealing sign language video. - Develop techniques to translate text into sign language.
- Evaluate the accuracy of sign language translation and the overall effectiveness of the demonstration. - Integrate sign language translation with 3D components to create visually appealing sign language videos.
- Evaluate the accuracy of sign language translation.
- Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the sign language translation demonstration.
- Apply computer graphics techniques to enhance the realism and visual quality of the sign language animations. - Apply computer graphics techniques to enhance the realism and visual quality of the sign language animations.
## Novelty and Contributions
- **Novel Approach:**
> The research question proposes a novel approach to sign language translation by utilizing audio components from a video and text input. This approach combines audio analysis and text translation with 3D components to create visually appealing sign language videos.
- **Audio Component Extraction:**
> The research aims to develop techniques to pre-process video data and extract audio components. This extraction process is crucial for identifying and analyzing the audio elements necessary for sign language translation.
- **Audio-to-Sign Language Translation:**
> The research contributes to the development of techniques that translate audio components into sign language. By analyzing the audio data, the system can generate accurate sign language gestures and expressions corresponding to the spoken words or sounds.
- **Text-to-Sign Language Translation:**
> Another significant contribution is the development of techniques to translate text input into sign language. This enables users to input text directly, which the system converts into sign language gestures and expressions, providing a means of communication for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
- **Integration of 3D Components:**
> The research focuses on integrating sign language translation with 3D components to enhance the visual quality and realism of the sign language animations. This integration adds depth and realism to the sign language gestures and creates visually appealing videos that effectively convey the intended message.
- **Evaluation of Translation Accuracy:**
> The research evaluates the accuracy of the sign language translation by comparing the generated sign language gestures with established sign language conventions. This evaluation ensures that the translations are linguistically and culturally appropriate, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the system.
- **Computer Graphics Enhancements:**
> The research contributes to the application of computer graphics techniques to enhance the realism and visual quality of the sign language animations. By leveraging graphics capabilities, the system can create visually engaging and expressive sign language videos, improving the user experience.
### Member: A V R Dilshan (IT20005276) ### Member: A V R Dilshan (IT20005276)
**Research Question:** **Research Question:**
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