Research project of Machine Learning for Regional Weather-Based Disaster Prevention, Sustainable Agriculture, and Hydraulic Power
Research project of Machine Learning for Regional Weather-Based Disaster Prevention, Sustainable Agriculture, and Hydraulic Power Generation
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Main objective - Developing a regional-based rainfall prediction for the Rathnapura district and predicting the impact of rainfall on flood, agriculture, and hydropower generation using advanced machine learning techniques.
Main Research questions - How to develop an accurate regional-based rainfall prediction for the Rathnapura district and predicting the impact of rainfall on flood, agriculture, and hydropower generation before it rains.
Individual research question
Component research question
1. Rainfall Prediction How to do an accurate rain prediction to Ratnapura region for daily,weekly and monthly.
2. Paddy yeild Prediction how to do a paddy yeild prediction of rathnapura region based on rainfall.
3. Hydro power prediction Which is the most suitable power generation based on future weather conditions.
4. Flood Forecsating which is the Flood status of rathnapura region based on rainfall prediction.