Commit 04dc617d authored by Diliru Chamika's avatar Diliru Chamika


parent e7964e91
# 2020-028
# Main Objective
In our research we mainly focus for provide a system to Identify the brain tumor as soon as possible in higher rate of prediction and help the other parties
(Ex: Doctor, Radiologist, Patient …etc.) to interact with each other and help the patients before it get out of hand.Through this system we reduces the time to
identify the brain tumor. Because of that doctor can treat Patient more quickly reduces that damage to human body.
# Main Research Question
For the Identification and segmentation AI (Artificial Intelligence) based system is developed by deploying a model through using deep learning techniques.
MRI section is a process of Nero surgeons, MRI consultants , pathologists to take time series of MRI images of a patient. This process is time consuming,
incase doctors take too much time.To identify a brain tumor and to go segmentation to identify a primary type , by identifying this problem can reduce the death count by extrracting the feature
of brain tumor and do identifying the growth pattern of brain tumor and identify the brain tumor using side effects .
# Individual Research Questions
• How should AI based system should be developed to identify the brain tumor though segmentation?
• How to identify a brain tumor through higher accuracy using MRI s within a short time period to reduce death count?
• How to create interaction between doctors and patients before get out of hand the threat?
• How to identify primary stage of the bran tumor?
# individual Objectives
• To take input as a MRI image and through that image we are design to identify a brain tumor at any stage (even in the smallest stage known as glioma).
• To make it easy to read the MRI images for Radiologists which are difficult and take too much time to read the MRI images in present days
• Building a method to identify the growth rate of brain tumor which is more accurate than existing methods.
• Predict the side effects that can be happens due to the brain tumor and the threats that Causes to human body because of those side effects.
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