Commit e94f10bd authored by Boteju W.J.M.'s avatar Boteju W.J.M.


parent ad02aaa8
Pipeline #1917 failed with stages
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ In summary, the following are the research problems that will be addressed throu
* How can sensors and computer vision be combined to track dogs’ behavioral changes?
* Check whether our pet dog has the appropriate behavior according to its breed and to its age?
* How to use dog breed identification to track unusual behaviors of a specific dog breed?
* How to track the changes in sleeping hours using low-quality surveillance camera video feed?
* How to track the changes in resting hours using surveillance camera video feed?
* How to identify a change in a dog’s walking activity level if it is undergoing a different health condition?
* How to analyze the barking behavior of the dog and identify the reason for the barking at unusual times?
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