Commit 14efd434 authored by I.K Seneviratne's avatar I.K Seneviratne


parent 2d26c54d
......@@ -28,14 +28,24 @@ This Research Project will be conducted to find answers for the following 4 rese
## Individual Research Questions
The main research questions came up for the project were based on each individual component that will be implemented through the course of the project. Hence, the individual research questions could be listed down as follows.
### Attendance Register
*What is the optimum way of tracking student attendance in a much efficient way and how does the lecturer analyze reasons for student absenteeism?*
### Monitoring Student Behavior
*Does a correlation exist between lecturing style and student behavior in the classroom and how can Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence be incorporated in determining this relationship?.*
### Lecture Summarizing
*How to summarize the lecture content to enable students to pay more attention to the lecture and reduce time spend for taking notes?*
### Monitoring Lecturer Performance
*How to evaluate lecture performance by tracking their behavior during a lecture and analyzing the quality of the lecture content which is delivered by the lecturer?”*
## Individual Objectives
### Attendance Register
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