Commit 7e22b145 authored by LiniEisha's avatar LiniEisha

resolving conflict issues

parent 922ff7da
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.cluster.util import cosine_distance
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import re
#def read_article(file_name):
# file = open(file_name, "r")
# filedata = file.readlines()
# article = filedata[0].split(". ")
# sentences = []
# for sentence in article:
# print(sentence)
# sentences.append(sentence.replace("[^a-zA-Z]", " ").split(" "))
# sentences.pop()
# return sentences
sentences = "Today our lecture is based an introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts. OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING is a programming concept that works on the principles. The main principles are abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. OOP allows users to create the objects that they want and then, create methods to handle those objects. The basic concept of OOPs is to create objects, re-use them throughout the program, and manipulate these objects to get results. Object Oriented Programming popularly known as OOP, is used in a modern programming language like Java. Students, your 1st assignment will be in next week based on core OOP Concepts. Now Let’s what are Core OOPS concepts. First one is class. The class is a group of similar entities. It is only an logical component which means it is not a physical entity. Now let’s go for example, if you had a class called “Expensive Cars” the object could be like Mercedes, BMW, Toyota, etc. and the properties an be price or speed of these cars. While the methods may be performed with these cars are driving, reverse, braking. Next core concept is object. An object can be defined as an instance of a class, and there can be multiple instances of a class in a program. An Object contains both the data and the function, which operates on the data. For example - chair, bike, marker, pen, table. Next, we have Inheritance. What is inheritance. Inheritance is an OOPS concept in which one object acquires the properties and behaviours of the parent object. It’s creating a parent-child relationship between two classes. It offers robust and natural mechanism for organizing and structure of any software. You will get a full question on inheritance and abstraction. An abstraction is an act of representing essential features without including background details. It is a technique of creating a new data type that is suited for a specific application. Now let’s see an example while driving a car, you do not have to be concerned with its internal working. Here you just need to concern about parts like steering wheel, Gears, accelerator. Ok so do you know what is Encapsulation? It is an OOP method wrapping the data and code. In this OOPS idea, the factors of a class are constantly hidden different classes. It must be gotten to utilizing the techniques for their present class. For instance - in school, an understudy can't exist without a class. Rest of the oop core concepts will be discussed in our next lecture. Before we end the lecture I will tell you some advantages of oop . OOP offers easy to understand and a clear modular structure for programs. Objects created for Object-Oriented Programs can be reused in other programs. Thus it saves significant development cost. Large programs are difficult to write, but if the development and designing team follow OOPS concept then they can better design with minimum flaws. It also enhances program modularity because every object exists independently."
sentences01 = "." + sentences
import sumy
from sumy.parsers.plaintext import PlaintextParser
from sumy.nlp.tokenizers import Tokenizer
from sumy.summarizers.lex_rank import LexRankSummarizer
Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based, object-oriented, and designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
It is intended to let application developers write once, run anywhere (WORA),meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.J
ava applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying computer architecture. T
he syntax of Java is similar to C and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than either of them.
public class Baby {
String name;
double weight = 5.0;
boolean isMale;
int numPoops = 0;
Baby[] siblings;
Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based, object-oriented, and designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers write once, run anywhere (WORA),meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying computer architecture. The syntax of Java is similar to C and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than either of them.
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