Commit 1b3505d6 authored by Salgado M.V.I.'s avatar Salgado M.V.I.


parent b3d12986
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ component has three main sub-components. They are,
**Details to Setup the Project**
Implement the Plugin.
**Implement the Plugin.****
This plugin will manage the Projects file, and those files can share with DCC applications. As for the initial states, only this will connect to mainly used DCC applications in
the industry. They are Maya, Max, and Houdini. Other than these applications, files can be shared with Assist software and Assist Rener Handler. All the project files will be created
......@@ -140,3 +140,102 @@ This code has some small errors to fix because of that, this is not exported as
To work this properly, should have to create the database in MySql and Maya, 3D Max, and Houdini Application should be installed. And Render handler Part that is under Tharindu/ Render_handeler branch
should be set up on your computer. And finally, should set up the Assist software and must create an account on it. Without these above mentions, requirements file sharing part cannot be one.
**script writing, storyboarding, inventory management and timetable generation******
This part manages all the pre-production works.The main four functions of the systems
are Script writing, Storyboarding, Inventory Management and Timetable generation.
The front end of the system has been developed using React and the backend has developed
using Node JS.
* Mongo DB handles all the databases of the system.
* The first three functions scripting, storyboarding and inventory management that are
implemented in the application uses react framework for front-end.
* Typescript library of NodeJS is used in the backend to do all the calculations and
background processes. All the scripts and decision tree algorithm is coded using
this library.
* VS coding is needed in order to open and run the code.
* First section is adding new script.
* Second section is typing the opened script.
* Third section is creating the storyboard.
* Fourth section is adding free dates of the actors.
* Fifth section is the initial generated timetable.
**Progress tracking and Budget management*****
### Introduction
A smooth flow of production in content creating and video production field is a must thing. a whole production divided into different tasks and. The Director expects them to play an equal role in constantly working together. The handling of these crew has been done in the past without the use of technology. this system simplifies whole production management thing and is here as a subsystem budget management, production tracking and weather predictions tasks also in the system. The requirements cover the areas of production managers budget handling with inventory management and crew members pay checks, scheduling the available dates for a shoot according to the weather predictions to do that task system tracks production dates from the beginning of the shoot.
### Tech
Progress tracking and Budget management component uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
* [ReactJS] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
* [AngularJS] - Mobile Application for Attendance Tracking.
* [Python] - Backend for weather analysis
* [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
* [Express] - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
* [Yarn] - Project Package Manager
### Installation & Deployment
Progress tracking and Budget management component requires [Node.js]( v4+ & [Python]( v3.6+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the backend server.
$ cd Progress_tracking_and_Budget_management\backend
$ npm install -d
$ node app.js
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the client application.
$ cd Progress_tracking_and_Budget_management\frontend
$ npm install -d
$ npm start
Client Application will deploy on
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the mobile app.
$ cd Progress_tracking_and_Budget_management\mobile\attendance
$ npm install -d
$ npm start
Mobile Application will deploy on
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the weather predictor.
$ cd Progress_tracking_and_Budget_management\Python
Install dependencies
**Instructions to install the render manager****
Requirenments :
1. One of the 4 DCC applications installed to connect the plugin
2. A render engine software
3. High GPU card (Nvidia 1050TI or better)
4. Network of computers to create a local farm
Instructions :
1. Unzip UserInterfaces folder at the same location in the folder
2. Run the setup.exe
3. Run setup_intergrations.exe
4. Run thesttings to implement to specific DCC application
5. Run slave handler and render handler
\ No newline at end of file
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