Commit ed538e53 authored by Chalika Mihiran's avatar Chalika Mihiran


parent 40af23b7
def wordcount(filename, listwords):
file = open(filename, "r")
read = file.readlines()
for word in listwords:
lower = word.lower()
count = 0
for sentance in read:
line = sentance.split()
for each in line:
line2 = each.lower()
line2 = line2.strip("!@#$%^&*(()_+=")
if lower == line2:
count += 1
print(lower, ":", count)
except FileExistsError:
print("Have not filler word")
print("********Analyze Filler Word in your Speech********");
wordcount("momo.txt", ["Like","okay" ,"so", "actually" ,"basically","right"])
ScoreforFillerwords = 60/100
\ No newline at end of file
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