Commit c344bebc authored by Tharani Ariyawansa's avatar Tharani Ariyawansa

protocl extraction

parent dcfcc426
#!/usr/bin/env python3
__author__ = 'EONRaider @'
from ctypes import BigEndianStructure, create_string_buffer, c_ubyte, c_uint8, \
c_uint16, c_uint32, sizeof
from socket import inet_ntop, AF_INET, AF_INET6
class Protocol(BigEndianStructure):
_pack_ = 1
def __new__(cls, packet):
return cls.from_buffer_copy(packet)
def __init__(self, *args):
self.encapsulated_proto = None
def __str__(self):
return create_string_buffer(sizeof(self))[:]
def addr_array_to_hdwr(address: str) -> str:
Converts a c_ubyte array of 6 bytes to IEEE 802 MAC address.
Ex: From b'\xceP\x9a\xcc\x8c\x9d' to 'ce:50:9a:cc:8c:9d'
return ':'.join(format(octet, '02x') for octet in bytes(address))
def hex_format(value: int, str_length: int) -> str:
Fills a hex value with zeroes to the left for compliance with
the presentation of codes used in Internet protocols.
Ex: From '0x800' to '0x0800'
return format(value, '#0{}x'.format(str_length))
class Ethernet(Protocol): # IEEE 802.3 standard
_fields_ = [
('dst', c_ubyte * 6), # Destination hardware address
('src', c_ubyte * 6), # Source hardware address
('eth', c_uint16) # Ethertype
header_len = 14
ethertypes = {'0x0806': 'ARP', '0x0800': 'IPv4', '0x86dd': 'IPv6'}
def __init__(self, packet: bytes):
self.dest = self.addr_array_to_hdwr(self.dst)
self.source = self.addr_array_to_hdwr(self.src)
self.ethertype = self.hex_format(self.eth, 6)
# Limit implementation to common protocols
self.encapsulated_proto = self.ethertypes.get(self.ethertype, None)
class IPv4(Protocol): # IETF RFC 791
_fields_ = [
("version", c_uint8, 4), # Protocol version
("ihl", c_uint8, 4), # Internet header length
("dscp", c_uint8, 6), # Differentiated services code point
("ecp", c_uint8, 2), # Explicit congestion notification
("len", c_uint16), # Total packet length
("id", c_uint16), # Identification
("flags", c_uint16, 3), # Fragmentation control flags
("offset", c_uint16, 13), # Fragment offset
("ttl", c_uint8), # Time to live
("proto", c_uint8), # Encapsulated protocol
("chksum", c_uint16), # Header checksum
("src", c_ubyte * 4), # Source address
("dst", c_ubyte * 4) # Destination address
header_len = 20
proto_numbers = {1: 'ICMP', 6: 'TCP', 17: 'UDP'}
def __init__(self, packet: bytes):
self.source = inet_ntop(AF_INET, self.src)
self.dest = inet_ntop(AF_INET, self.dst)
# Limit implementation to common protocols
self.encapsulated_proto = self.proto_numbers.get(self.proto, None)
class IPv6(Protocol): # IETF RFC 2460 / 8200
_fields_ = [
("version", c_uint32, 4), # Protocol version
("tclass", c_uint32, 8), # Traffic class
("flabel", c_uint32, 20), # Flow label
("payload_len", c_uint16), # Payload length
("next_header", c_uint8), # Type of next header
("hop_limit", c_uint8), # Hop limit (replaces IPv4 TTL)
("src", c_ubyte * 16), # Source address
("dst", c_ubyte * 16) # Destination address
header_len = 40
def __init__(self, packet: bytes):
self.source = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, self.src)
self.dest = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, self.dst)
class ARP(Protocol): # IETF RFC 826
_fields_ = [
("htype", c_uint16), # Hardware type
("ptype", c_uint16), # Protocol type
("hlen", c_uint8), # Hardware length
("plen", c_uint8), # Protocol length
("oper", c_uint16), # Operation
("sha", c_ubyte * 6), # Sender hardware address
("spa", c_ubyte * 4), # Sender protocol address
("tha", c_ubyte * 6), # Target hardware address
("tpa", c_ubyte * 4), # Target protocol address
header_len = 28
def __init__(self, packet: bytes):
self.protocol = self.hex_format(self.ptype, 6)
self.source_hdwr = self.addr_array_to_hdwr(self.sha)
self.target_hdwr = self.addr_array_to_hdwr(self.tha)
self.source_proto = inet_ntop(AF_INET, bytes(
self.target_proto = inet_ntop(AF_INET, bytes(self.tpa))
class TCP(Protocol): # IETF RFC 793
_fields_ = [
("sport", c_uint16), # Source port
("dport", c_uint16), # Destination port
("seq", c_uint32), # Sequence number
("ack", c_uint32), # Acknowledgement number
("offset", c_uint16, 4), # Data offset
("reserved", c_uint16, 3), # Reserved field
("flags", c_uint16, 9), # TCP flag codes
("window", c_uint16), # Size of the receive window
("chksum", c_uint16), # TCP header checksum
("urg", c_uint16), # Urgent pointer
header_len = 32
def __init__(self, packet: bytes):
self.flag_hex = self.hex_format(self.flags, 5)
self.flag_txt = self.translate_flags()
def translate_flags(self):
f_names = 'NS', 'CWR', 'ECE', 'URG', 'ACK', 'PSH', 'RST', 'SYN', 'FIN'
f_bits = format(self.flags, '09b')
return ' '.join(flag_name for flag_name, flag_bit in
zip(f_names, f_bits) if flag_bit == '1')
class UDP(Protocol): # IETF RFC 768
_fields_ = [
("sport", c_uint16), # Source port
("dport", c_uint16), # Destination port
("len", c_uint16), # Header length
("chksum", c_uint16) # Header checksum
header_len = 8
def __init__(self, packet: bytes):
class ICMP(Protocol): # IETF RFC 792
_fields_ = [
("type", c_uint8), # Control message type
("code", c_uint8), # Control message subtype
("chksum", c_uint16), # Header checksum
("rest", c_ubyte * 4) # Rest of header (contents vary)
header_len = 8
icmp_types = {0: 'REPLY', 8: 'REQUEST'}
def __init__(self, packet: bytes):
# Limit implementation to ICMP ECHO
self.type_txt = self.icmp_types.get(self.type, 'OTHER')
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