Commit c2c124bb authored by kaveena's avatar kaveena

Add mysql.txt file

parent 6f794172
create database parking_system;
use parking_system;
create table users(id varchar(100) NOT NULL, type varchar(100) NOT NULL, min INT(100) NOT NULL, hour INT(100) NOT NULL, date INT(100) NOT NULL, month INT(100) NOT NULL, year INT(100) NOT NULL, isVIP INT(10) NOT NULL, isExit INT(10) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
INSERT INTO users VALUES ('ID001','VIP', 00, 08, 11, 1, 2021);
select * from users;
create table users(id varchar(100) NOT NULL, type varchar(100) NOT NULL, isVIP INT(10) NOT NULL, isExit INT(10) NOT NULL, inDate datetime DEFAULT NULL, outDate datetime DEFAULT NULL, vehical varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
INSERT INTO users VALUES ('ID001','VIP', 1, 0, '2018-01-30 23:32:40', NULL, NULL);
CREATE TABLE admin(userName varchar(20) NOT NULL, password varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL)ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
INSERT INTO admin VALUES ('admin','adminpass');
select * from admin;
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