Commit ffecce7d authored by A.I.P. Balasuriya's avatar A.I.P. Balasuriya


parent caf587a5
# Secure smart parking solution
**Main objective**
**Main Research Question**
How to secure and mitigate issues and ease the management activities and enhance the security in the parking area?
**Individual research question**
Member 1: How to prevent vehicle theft and prepare for security issues?
Member 2: How to detect security threats happen inside parking lot to ensure safety of the vehicles?
Member 3: How to avoid uncontrollable traffic in parking areas?
How to manage parking area without any trouble?
No Proper way to notify parking area traffic?
How to get accurate and reliable information about vehicles count?
Member 4: How to detect the space in the parking slot and how many vehicles can be parked?
How do you make an online reservation when looking for a parking space?
How to solve the problems that occur when a previous vehicle still lives in that space?
**Individual Objectives**
Memmber 1: Identifying drivers and preventing vehicle theft.
Predicting the times that the most issues occurs such as accidents, vehicle theft, animal attacks.
Sending security warnings.
Member 2: Identify persons who are often going around inside parking lot.
Identify animals coming to the parking lot.
Identify if vehicles got hit on another.
Identify if someone forcibly try to open vehicle door.
Send security alerts separately for each identified threat immediately.
Member 3: To build Prediction System based on vehicles type, for give most convenient parking location to users and get user registration frequency.
-Identify vehicle type
-Predict the vehicle arrival and exit time.
-Predict the peak hours based on vehicle type
-Get User registration frequency.
Member 4: Identify a suitable place to park.
Identify how many slots are available.
Identify how many vehicles are parking.
Identify whether vehicles are parked within the slot number provided.
Identify the parking location and provide a suitable location for the user to choose from.
Introducing online bookings for the convenience of users.
Detects problems in slots and the system automatically activates and provides new slots.
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