Commit 17d4ba9c authored by Fernando W.S.I's avatar Fernando W.S.I


parent a45d0c77
# 2021-130
A Smart way to recommend primary student(Grade 1-3) courses using their skills
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**A Smart way to recommend primary student(Grade 1-3) courses using their skills**
**Main Objective:**
Enhance the Quality of learning, meet the learning styles and needs of the students, improve user accessibility and flexibility to engage learners in the learning process.
**Sub Objective 1: **
To Design a method that allows kids to concentrate and understand by using drawing knowledge such as objects identification, shapes identification etc.
**Sub Objective 2: **
To Design a method that allows kids to concentrate and understand by using drawing knowledge such as objects identification, shapes identification etc.
**Sub Objective 3:**
To Design a method that allows kids to concentrate and understand by using mathematical knowledge such as addition and multiplication.
**Sub Objective 4: **
To Design a method that allows kids to concentrate and understand by using real-world artifacts such as voice recognition to pronunciations children's activity.
**Main Research Questions**
Many children received no education due to the COVID – 19 Pandemic. Most of the primary students wait for the Reopening of their schools to continue the studies.
Many institutes and schools have proposed many learning methodologies for students but there are few distance learning methodologies for primary students such as grades 1 to 3.
Students cannot acquire their basic which gives them from school due to the shift away from the school.
There are many e-learning platforms, but the main problem is they are unable to provide a personalized e-learning platform for a student.
Most of the eLearning systems shared the same course contents with different students who have different studying styles.
Therefore, it is not the best approach to provide common course materials who have different studying style.
It is essential to consider the students studying if you require to get the best from the student studying process.
There is a shortage of personalized E-Learning systems to improve the student skills as a learning journey and recommend student course materials.
**Member 1- IT18140958 - Fernando W.S.I**
**Kinder Art**
**Research question**
* No proper way to recommend course materials according to student skill level.
* There is no proper way to visualize when students make mistakes such as if the student draw incorrect image, then system will only say your answer is incorrect
and does not provide any explanations and visualize the correct picture and most matching image to child drawing.
* There are very fewer number of E- learning platforms to improve drawing skills of age 6 to 8 children.
**Main objective**
* The main objective of Kinder Art concept is to improve drawing skills of Grade1-3 students and recommend course levels for them.
**Sub objective**
* Design course materials beyond basic drawing concepts which is designed drawing activities based on environmental studies. As an example, give activities to Grade 1
student to draw and identified based on Things we see in the night sky lesson in environmental studies.
* Improve kids logical thinking. Provide activities like draw missing part of the picture or give sequence of pictures and identify the pattern and draw the most
suitable picture.
* Improve creativity of child. Provide activities like create a man using given shapes in shapes identification lesson.
* Provide systematic way to explain incorrect answer and step by step process to correct answer. Minimize the probability of doing same error again and again.
As an example, we have given a tree to draw but child has drawn a flower. Then system will display correct image and matching image for student incorrect answer.
**Member 2- IT18180480 - Yapa Y.M.T.S**
**Play with Math**
**Research question**
* Student cannot acquire basic mathematical knowledge due to the sudden shift away from schools.
* There were no mathematical activities based on knowledge level.
* Most of the Mathematical activities are unable to visualize the mistakes and corrections
**Main objective**
* Improve student’s mathematical skills through hands-on activities and play. Recommend personalized course materials according to the student's skill levels.
**Sub objective**
* Guide the student throughout the activity since the students are primary students, they cannot refer to the courses on their own.
* Visualize the mistakes and correct the answers step by step to improve the student’s knowledge.
* Visualize the test results and generate a progress report to view the student’s progress at each level.
**Member 3- IT18198928 - W.H.M Kasun Smapath**
**Speak with SMARTE'S**
**Research question**
* Existing speech recognition activities are unable to identify the spoken words intelligently.
* Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation primary students are unable to learn the basic speaking and pronunciation activities
* Existing speech recognition activities do not guide the students when they make a mistake.
**Main objective**
* Enhance the English language communication skills of a student. We would mainly focus on key areas like understanding and use different words, use the language for
different purposes, the pronunciation of speech sounds, and improve fluency or flow of speech to emphasize the communication skill of a student.
**Sub objective**
* Speak with smarties concept guide the student through each activity.
* Correct the answer when student make a mistake.
* Visualize the activity results and generate a progress report at the end of the activity
**Member 4- IT18188578 - K.D.D.I Kodithuwakku**
**Research question**
**Main objective**
* Chatbots are mainly used to answer student questions. Bots could be programmed to answer basic questions of students on their own. Chatbots can address student
questions 24/7 a day, but this cannot be accomplished by teachers.
**Sub objective**
* Personalized learning, adjusted to the student's tempo, per their preferences and precise criteria.
* The purpose of the project is to address the problem of students not having sufficient support when it takes to math equations.
* Chatbot will deliver correct pronunciations for students and correct the wrong pronunciation.
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