Commit b884fefc authored by Ariyasuthan's avatar Ariyasuthan

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parent 59543624
from src.dataToCode.dataClasses.classData import ClassData
from src.dataToCode.dataClasses.modifier import Modifier
from src.dataToCode.languages.classToCode import ClassToCode
from src.dataToCode.languages.toPython.initToPython import InitToPython
from src.dataToCode.languages.toPython.methodToPython import MethodToPython
from src.dataToCode.languages.toPython.fileNameToPython import FileNameToPython
class ClassToPython(ClassToCode):
def __init__(self, class_data: ClassData):
self.class_data = class_data
all_methods = self.class_data.methods
for implementation in self.class_data.implementations:
for method in implementation.methods:
if method not in all_methods:
all_methods = list(all_methods)
self.method_to_code = MethodToPython(all_methods, False)
self.init_to_python = InitToPython(self.class_data.fields)
def convert(self) -> str:
return (f"{self.__formatted_imports()}"
f"class {}"
def __formatted_imports(self) -> str:
inheritances = self.class_data.inheritances + self.class_data.implementations
imports = [f"from {FileNameToPython(inheritance).get_file_name()[:-3]} import {}"
for inheritance in inheritances]
optional_import = self.__optional_abc_import()
space = '\n\n\n' if inheritances else '\n\n' if optional_import else ""
return optional_import + '\n'.join(imports) + space
def __optional_abc_import(self) -> str:
for method in self.class_data.methods:
if method.modifier is Modifier.abstract:
return "from abc import ABC, abstractmethod\n"
return ""
def __formatted_inheritances(self) -> str:
inheritances = self.class_data.inheritances + self.class_data.implementations
inheritances_name = [f"{}"
for inheritance in inheritances]
return ', '.join(inheritances_name)
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