Commit c6ce0c0a authored by it18144536's avatar it18144536

face detect initial commit

parent e03258b2
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import ThreeWorld from '@components/ThreeWorld';
import { AnimationContext } from '@ctx/AnimationContext';
import styles from '@layouts_style/MainMiddleArea.module.sass';
import * as handpose from '@tensorflow-models/handpose';
import * as blazeface from '@tensorflow-models/blazeface';
import { drawFullHand, drawZooming, fullCalculation } from '@util/handPose';
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from 'react';
import Webcam from 'react-webcam';
......@@ -14,6 +15,13 @@ type TProps = {
const MainMiddleArea = ({ canvasRef, webcamRef }: TProps): JSX.Element => {
const { setShouldRotate, setVideoHeight, setVideoWidth, setX, setY, setZoom } = useContext(AnimationContext);
const showWebCam = true;
// let ctx;
let currentDateTime = new Date();
// const videoStartTime = new Date();
let needAttentionTimeSec = 0;
let needAttentionTimeMin = 0;
let noFaceTimeSec = 0;
let noFaceTimeMin = 0;
const { containerHeight, containerWidth } = useContext(AnimationContext);
const runHandpose = async () => {
const net = await handpose.load();
......@@ -23,6 +31,76 @@ const MainMiddleArea = ({ canvasRef, webcamRef }: TProps): JSX.Element => {
}, 10); // 10
const runFaceDetect = async () => {
const model = await blazeface.load();
setInterval(() => {
}, 10);
const faceDetect = async (model: blazeface.BlazeFaceModel) => {
const videoReference = webcamRef?.current?.video as HTMLVideoElement;
const canvasReference = canvasRef?.current as HTMLCanvasElement;
if (
typeof webcamRef.current !== 'undefined' &&
webcamRef.current !== null &&
videoReference.readyState === 4 &&
) {
const { videoWidth } = videoReference;
const { videoHeight } = videoReference;
videoReference.width = videoWidth;
videoReference.height = videoHeight;
canvasReference.width = videoWidth;
canvasReference.height = videoHeight;
// ctx = canvasReference.getContext('2d');
// ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)";
const predictions = await model.estimateFaces(videoReference, false);
if (predictions.length > 0) {
// ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasReference.width, canvasReference.height);
for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
const rightEye = predictions[i].landmarks[0];
const leftEye = predictions[i].landmarks[1];
const nose = predictions[i].landmarks[2];
// ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
// ctx.fillRect(rightEye[0], rightEye[1], 10, 10);
// ctx.fillStyle = "red";
// ctx.fillRect(leftEye[0], leftEye[1], 10, 10);
// ctx.fillStyle = "green";
// ctx.fillRect(nose[0], nose[1], 20, 10);
const tempNewDate = new Date();
if (rightEye[0] > nose[0] || nose[0] > leftEye[0]) {
const durationInSec = ((tempNewDate.getTime() - currentDateTime.getTime()) / 1000);
needAttentionTimeSec += durationInSec;
if (needAttentionTimeSec > 60) {
needAttentionTimeMin += 1;
needAttentionTimeSec -= 60;
currentDateTime = tempNewDate;
// console.log('Need Attention -', needAttentionTimeMin, 'min ', Math.trunc(needAttentionTimeSec) , 'sec');
} else {
const tempNewDate = new Date();
const durationInSec = ((tempNewDate.getTime() - currentDateTime.getTime()) / 1000);
noFaceTimeSec += durationInSec;
if (noFaceTimeSec > 60) {
noFaceTimeMin += 1;
noFaceTimeSec -= 60;
// console.log('No Face -', noFaceTimeMin, 'min ', Math.trunc(noFaceTimeSec) , 'sec');
// console.log('No Attention-', needAttentionTimeMin, 'min ', Math.trunc(needAttentionTimeSec) , 'sec','-------------','No Face-', noFaceTimeMin, 'min ', Math.trunc(noFaceTimeSec) , 'sec');
const detect = async (net: handpose.HandPose) => {
const videoReference = webcamRef?.current?.video as HTMLVideoElement;
const canvasReference = canvasRef?.current as HTMLCanvasElement;
......@@ -69,6 +147,7 @@ const MainMiddleArea = ({ canvasRef, webcamRef }: TProps): JSX.Element => {
useEffect(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, []);
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