Added summary doc py

parent 515000e5
import spacy
from spacy.lang.en.stop_words import STOP_WORDS
from string import punctuation
from heapq import nlargest
import os
import docx
# path declaration
current_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
document_path = current_path+"\\documents"
summarized_doc_path = current_path+"\\summarized_doc"
summarized_doc = docx.Document()
# get list of stop words
stopwords = list(STOP_WORDS)
# get list of punctuations and add new line(\n) to the list
punctuation = punctuation + '\n'
def summerize(fileName):
fn = fileName.split(".")
text = ""
doc = docx.Document(document_path+'\\'+fileName)
AllLines = []
# Read content of the file and store in AllLines
for para in doc.paragraphs:
# Loop through AllLines and remove both the leading and the trailing characters
for line in AllLines:
text = text + line.strip()
# load spacy (spacy - data analysis tool in NLP)
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp(text)
# apply tokenization
tokens = [token.text for token in doc]
print("Tokens: \n"+str(tokens))
# text cleaning - remove stop words and punctuations
# obtaining the frequency of words that are not considered as stop words (a, the, is, ..)
word_frequency = {}
for word in doc:
if word.text.lower() not in stopwords:
if word.text.lower() not in punctuation:
if word.text not in word_frequency.keys():
word_frequency[word.text] = 1
else: #already exist
word_frequency[word.text] += 1
print("\nWords Frequencies: \n"+str(word_frequency))
# get max frequency
max_frequency = max(word_frequency.values())
print("\nMax Frequency: "+str(max_frequency))
# to get normalized word frequencies, divide word frequency by max frequency
for word in word_frequency.keys():
word_frequency[word] = word_frequency[word]/max_frequency
print("\nWord Frequncies after devided by max frequency: \n"+str(word_frequency))
# get sentence tokens
sentence_tokens = [sent for sent in doc.sents]
print("\nSentences tokens:\n"+str(sentence_tokens))
# give scores to each sentences, by adding the word frequencies in each sentence
sentence_score = {}
for sent in sentence_tokens:
for word in sent:
if word.text.lower() in word_frequency.keys():
if sent not in sentence_score.keys():
sentence_score[sent] = word_frequency[word.text.lower()]
sentence_score[sent] += word_frequency[word.text.lower()]
print("\nSentences Scores: \n"+str(sentence_score))
# calculate 40% of text with maximum score
select_length = int(len(sentence_tokens)*0.4)
print("\nSelect Length: \n"+str(select_length))
# create summary
summary = nlargest(select_length, sentence_score, key = sentence_score.get)
# get the final summary
final_summary = [word.text for word in summary]
summary = ''.join(final_summary)
print("\nfinal summary:\n"+summary)
# write text into txt
with open(summarized_doc_path+"\\"+fn[0]+".txt", 'w') as f:
for line in final_summary:
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
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