Commit dadf1d96 authored by Amanda Tennakoon's avatar Amanda Tennakoon

Upload speed prediction File

parent 62fc0e37
from utils.image_utils import image_saver
is_vehicle_detected = [0]
current_frame_number_list = [0]
current_frame_number_list_2 = [0]
bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle = [0]
def predict_speed(
speed = 'n.a.' # means not available, it is just initialization
direction = 'n.a.' # means not available, it is just initialization
scale_constant = 1 # manual scaling because we did not performed camera calibration
isInROI = True # is the object that is inside Region Of Interest
update_csv = False
if bottom < 250:
scale_constant = 1 # scale_constant is used for manual scaling because we did not performed camera calibration
elif bottom > 250 and bottom < 320:
scale_constant = 2 # scale_constant is used for manual scaling because we did not performed camera calibration
isInROI = False
if len(bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle) != 0 and bottom \
- bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle[0] > 0 and 195 \
< bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle[0] \
and bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle[0] < 240 \
and roi_position < bottom + 100 and (current_frame_number - current_frame_number_list_2[0]) > 24:
is_vehicle_detected.insert(0, 1)
update_csv = True
image_saver.save_image(crop_img) # save detected vehicle image
current_frame_number_list_2.insert(0, current_frame_number)
# for debugging
# print("bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle[0]: " + str(bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle[0]))
# print("bottom: " + str(bottom))
if bottom > bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle[0]:
direction = 'down'
direction = 'up'
if isInROI:
pixel_length = bottom - bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle[0]
scale_real_length = pixel_length * 100
total_time_passed = current_frame_number - current_frame_number_list[0]
scale_real_time_passed = total_time_passed * 24 # get the elapsed total time for a vehicle to pass through ROI area (24 = fps)
if scale_real_time_passed != 0:
speed = scale_real_length / scale_real_time_passed / scale_constant # performing manual scaling because we have not performed camera calibration
speed = speed / 6 * 40 # use reference constant to get vehicle speed prediction in kilometer unit
current_frame_number_list.insert(0, current_frame_number)
bottom_position_of_detected_vehicle.insert(0, bottom)
return (direction, speed, is_vehicle_detected, update_csv)
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