Commit 08b81fbe authored by Fernando P.I.S.P's avatar Fernando P.I.S.P


parent 9fd9b207
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import dlib
import math
# variables
# colors
YELLOW = (0, 247, 255)
CYAN = (255, 255, 0)
MAGENTA = (255, 0, 242)
GOLDEN = (32, 218, 165)
LIGHT_BLUE = (255, 9, 2)
PURPLE = (128, 0, 128)
CHOCOLATE = (30, 105, 210)
PINK = (147, 20, 255)
ORANGE = (0, 69, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
LIGHT_GREEN = (0, 255, 13)
LIGHT_CYAN = (255, 204, 0)
BLUE = (255, 0, 0)
RED = (0, 0, 255)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
LIGHT_RED = (2, 53, 255)
# face detector object
detectFace = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
# landmarks detector
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(
# function
def midpoint(pts1, pts2):
x, y = pts1
x1, y1 = pts2
xOut = int((x + x1)/2)
yOut = int((y1 + y)/2)
# print(xOut, x, x1)
return (xOut, yOut)
def eucaldainDistance(pts1, pts2):
x, y = pts1
x1, y1 = pts2
eucaldainDist = math.sqrt((x1 - x) ** 2 + (y1 - y) ** 2)
return eucaldainDist
# creating face detector function
def faceDetector(image, gray, Draw=True):
cordFace1 = (0, 0)
cordFace2 = (0, 0)
# getting faces from face detector
faces = detectFace(gray)
face = None
# looping through All the face detected.
for face in faces:
# getting coordinates of face.
cordFace1 = (face.left(),
cordFace2 = (face.right(), face.bottom())
# draw rectangle if draw is True.
if Draw == True:
cv.rectangle(image, cordFace1, cordFace2, GREEN, 2)
return image, face
def faceLandmakDetector(image, gray, face, Draw=True):
# calling the landmarks predictor
landmarks = predictor(gray, face)
pointList = []
# looping through each landmark
for n in range(0, 68):
point = (landmarks.part(n).x, landmarks.part(n).y)
# getting x and y coordinates of each mark and adding into list.
# draw if draw is True.
if Draw == True:
# draw circle on each landmark, point, 3, ORANGE, 1)
return image, pointList
# Blink detector function.
def blinkDetector(eyePoints):
top = eyePoints[1:3]
bottom = eyePoints[4:6]
# finding the mid point of above points
topMid = midpoint(top[0], top[1])
bottomMid = midpoint(bottom[0], bottom[1])
# getting the actual width and height eyes using eucaldainDistance function
VerticalDistance = eucaldainDistance(topMid, bottomMid)
HorizontalDistance = eucaldainDistance(eyePoints[0], eyePoints[3])
# print()
blinkRatio = (HorizontalDistance/VerticalDistance)
return blinkRatio, topMid, bottomMid
# Eyes Tracking function.
def EyeTracking(image, gray, eyePoints):
# getting dimensions of image
dim = gray.shape
# creating mask .
mask = np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.uint8)
# converting eyePoints into Numpy arrays.
PollyPoints = np.array(eyePoints, dtype=np.int32)
# Filling the Eyes portion with WHITE color.
cv.fillPoly(mask, [PollyPoints], 255)
# Writing gray image where color is White in the mask using Bitwise and operator.
eyeImage = cv.bitwise_and(gray, gray, mask=mask)
# getting the max and min points of eye inorder to crop the eyes from Eye image .
maxX = (max(eyePoints, key=lambda item: item[0]))[0]
minX = (min(eyePoints, key=lambda item: item[0]))[0]
maxY = (max(eyePoints, key=lambda item: item[1]))[1]
minY = (min(eyePoints, key=lambda item: item[1]))[1]
# other then eye area will black, making it white
eyeImage[mask == 0] = 255
# cropping the eye form eyeImage.
cropedEye = eyeImage[minY:maxY, minX:maxX]
# getting width and height of cropedEye
height, width = cropedEye.shape
divPart = int(width/3)
# applying the threshold to the eye .
ret, thresholdEye = cv.threshold(cropedEye, 100, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
# dividing the eye into Three parts .
rightPart = thresholdEye[0:height, 0:divPart]
centerPart = thresholdEye[0:height, divPart:divPart+divPart]
leftPart = thresholdEye[0:height, divPart+divPart:width]
# counting Black pixel in each part using numpy.
rightBlackPx = np.sum(rightPart == 0)
centerBlackPx = np.sum(centerPart == 0)
leftBlackPx = np.sum(leftPart == 0)
pos, color = Position([rightBlackPx, centerBlackPx, leftBlackPx])
# print(pos)
return mask, pos, color
def Position(ValuesList):
maxIndex = ValuesList.index(max(ValuesList))
posEye = ''
color = [WHITE, BLACK]
if maxIndex == 0:
posEye = "Right"
color = [YELLOW, BLACK]
elif maxIndex == 1:
posEye = "Center"
color = [BLACK, MAGENTA]
elif maxIndex == 2:
posEye = "Left"
posEye = "Eye Closed"
color = [BLACK, WHITE]
return posEye, color
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