Commit 57486134 authored by Nilan Meegoda's avatar Nilan Meegoda

Update with IT19105826's individual research question and subtasks

parent 9bc7ad46
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......@@ -23,9 +23,19 @@ So, Sri Lanka needs to develop an automated and validated instrument to measure
**Individual research question :**
1. IT19105208 - Kahawanugoda M.A.I.
1. IT19105826 - Meegoda M.N.D.
1. IT19170480 - Monarawila C.H.M.R.P.K.
1. IT19091044 - Gnanarathna E.D.K.V.
2. IT19105826 - Meegoda M.N.D.
* How to evaluate the attention span when the child is interacting with the cognitive assessment tasks with an ensemble technique and normalized the obtained attention score for the final cognitive grade evaluation ?
3. IT19170480 - Monarawila C.H.M.R.P.K.
4. IT19091044 - Gnanarathna E.D.K.V.
**Individual Objectives :**
......@@ -42,6 +52,12 @@ Design and develop machine learning models that involve automatic speech recogni
Design and develop an appearance-based methodology with a multimodal convolutional neural network to evaluate the attention span with eye gaze estimation and head pose estimation
* Implement a real-time face identification method to recognize face and locate facial landmarks to categorize the facial features.
* Identify the eye gaze direction of the child when interacting with the assessment tasks by developing an eye gaze estimation model.
* Develop a head pose estimation model to identify the head pose of the child.
* Develop an algorithm to predict the attention scores base on the gaze estimation and head pose estimation models and derive average attention scores.
3. IT19170480 - Monarawila C.H.M.R.P.K
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