Commit 8a2d04c6 authored by Adithya Kahawanugoda's avatar Adithya Kahawanugoda


parent 45ec6be2
Pipeline #5212 canceled with stages
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
**Main objective :**
`Design and develop a Linux based application with an embedded system product as a cognitive ability assessment tool to measure and evaluate Knowledge IQ, Reasoning IQ, Mental Chronometry (processing speed) and Attention Span of Sri Lankan Sinhala children between ages 7 to 9 years.`
```Design and develop a Linux based application with an embedded system product as a cognitive ability assessment tool to measure and evaluate Knowledge IQ, Reasoning IQ, Mental Chronometry (processing speed) and Attention Span of Sri Lankan Sinhala children between ages 7 to 9 years.```
**Main research question :**
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