Commit c36e6c68 authored by Gnanarathna E.D.K.V's avatar Gnanarathna E.D.K.V

Merge branch 'knowledgeIq' into 'master'

Knowledge iq

See merge request !25
parents 0055c0dc d7e91b06
......@@ -381,6 +381,32 @@ def mentalChromScores():
'status': 'MentalCrom scores are added to the system successfully!',
# Knowledge IQ evaluation
@app.route('/predictKnowledgeIq', methods = ['POST','GET'])
def predictKnowledgeIq():
if request.method == 'POST':
file = request.files.get('file')
questionIndex = request.form.get('questionIndex')
if file is None or file.filename == "":
return jsonify({'error: no file'})
prediction = transform_audio(file.filename)
data = {'prediction': prediction}
"activityName": "Colour Numbers",
"questionIndex": questionIndex,
"transcription": prediction,
return jsonify(data)
return jsonify({'error: Error during pipeline execution'})
return jsonify({'result: test'})
# @app.route("/testDB")
# def test():
import React from "react";
import React, {useState, useEffect} from "react";
import Grid from "@mui/material/Grid";
import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper";
import Box from "@mui/material/Box";
import "./ColourNumbers.css";
import { lightBlue, yellow } from "@mui/material/colors";
import { createTheme, ThemeProvider, styled } from "@mui/material/styles";
import { RecordingHandler } from "../../reasoningIqEval/recorder/Recorder";
import Timer from "../../reasoningIqEval/timer/Timer";
const Item = styled(Paper)(({ theme }) => ({
textAlign: "center",
color: theme.palette.text.primary,
......@@ -15,7 +16,25 @@ const Item = styled(Paper)(({ theme }) => ({
fontWeight: "Bold",
const ColourNumbers = ({ nextActivity }) => {
const [allCompleted, setAllCompleted] = useState(false);
const [activityIndex, setActivityIndex] = useState(1);
const switchActivityHandler = () => {
let activityNo = activityIndex + 1;
// switch question
useEffect(() => {
RecordingHandler(`CN.wav`, activityIndex);
}, [activityIndex]);
return (
<div className="new">
<Grid container>
......@@ -47,6 +66,8 @@ const ColourNumbers = ({ nextActivity }) => {
{!allCompleted && <Timer switchActivity={switchActivityHandler} />}
import React, { useState } from "react";
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { green, red } from '@mui/material/colors';
import Avatar from '@mui/material/Avatar';
import Stack from '@mui/material/Stack';
import MicSharpIcon from '@mui/icons-material/MicSharp';
import MicOffSharpIcon from '@mui/icons-material/MicOffSharp';
import VolumeUpIcon from '@mui/icons-material/VolumeUp';
import VolumeOffIcon from '@mui/icons-material/VolumeOff';
import Picture from '../../../../assets/digitspan.jpg';
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';
import Instruction1 from '../../../../assets/audio/audio.aac';
import Instruction2 from '../../../../assets/audio/audio2.aac';
import Timer from "../../reasoningIqEval/timer/Timer";
import {RecordingHandler} from "../recorder/Recorder";
import "./DigitSpan.css";
const DigitSpan = ({ nextActivity }) => {
const [buttonClicked, setButtonClicked] = useState(1);
const [buttonClicked, setButtonClicked] = useState(1);
const [audio, setAudio] = useState(Instruction1);
const [allCompleted, setAllCompleted] = useState(false);
const [activityIndex, setActivityIndex] = useState(1);
const switchActivityHandler = () => {
let activityNo = activityIndex + 1;
// switch question
// if(activityNo < 4){
// }
// else{
// setAllCompleted(true);
// }
// const audioFiles =[{source: Instruction1},
// {source: Instruction2}];
// const audioFiles2 =[Instruction1,Instruction2]
// const playAudio = () => {
// const audioPromise =
// if (audioPromise !== undefined) {
// audioPromise
// .then(_ => {
// // autoplay started
// console.log('Audio Playing')
// })
// .catch(err => {
// // catch dom exception
// })
// }
// }
useEffect(() => {
RecordingHandler(`DS.wav`, activityIndex);
}, [activityIndex]);
// const switchAudio = () => {
// if (audio < audioFiles.length - 1) {
// setActivityIndex(activityIndex+1)
// this.setState({
// audio: audioFiles2[activityIndex]
// });
// //restart playlist
// } else {
// console.log('ERROR');
// }
// }
// useEffect(() => {
// console.log('rec');
// RecordingHandler(`CN.wav`, activityIndex);
// }, [activityIndex]);
return (
<div className="container">
{/* <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center">
class="max-w-sm h-auto shadow-lg"
</div> */}
{allCompleted && (
<div className="w-4/6 h-4/6 m-auto">
{" "}
<Stack direction="row" spacing={2} justifyContent="center" alignItems="center">
{buttonClicked === 1 && (
{/* {buttonClicked === 1 && (
<Avatar sx={{ bgcolor: green[500], width: 100, height: 100}}
onClick={()=> {setButtonClicked(2)}}>
<MicSharpIcon sx={{ fontSize: 60 }}/>
......@@ -27,7 +109,20 @@ const DigitSpan = ({ nextActivity }) => {
onClick={()=> {setButtonClicked(1)}}>
<MicOffSharpIcon sx={{ fontSize: 60 }}/>
)} */}
{/* {buttonClicked === 1 && (
<Avatar sx={{ bgcolor: green[500], width: 100, height: 100}}
onClick={()=> {}}>
<VolumeUpIcon sx={{ fontSize: 60 }}/>
{buttonClicked === 2 && (
<Avatar sx={{ bgcolor: red[500], width: 100, height: 100 }}
onClick={()=> {setButtonClicked(1)}}>
<VolumeOffIcon sx={{ fontSize: 60 }}/>
)} */}
{!allCompleted && <Timer switchActivity={switchActivityHandler} />}
{/* <Button
onClick={() => {
import * as RecordRTC from "recordrtc";
import axios from "axios";
import baseURL from "../../../../config/api";
import API from "../../../../config/api";
export const RecordingHandler = async (fileName, questionIndex) => {
let stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: false,
audio: true,
let recorder = new RecordRTC.StereoAudioRecorder(stream, {
type: "audio",
mimeType: "audio/wav",
numberOfAudioChannels: 1,
sampleRate: 44100,
const sleep = (m) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, m));
await sleep(15000);
await recorder.stop(function () {
let blob = recorder.blob;
processRecording(blob, fileName, questionIndex);
stream.getTracks().forEach(function (track) {
const processRecording = (blob, fileName, questionIndex) => {
let recordedFile = new File([blob], fileName);
uploadRecording(recordedFile, fileName, questionIndex);
const uploadRecording = async (file, fileName, questionIndex) => {
let data = new FormData();
data.append("file", file, fileName);
data.append("questionIndex", questionIndex);
const config = {
headers: {
"content-type": "multipart/form-data",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
await`predictKnowledgeIq`, data, config)
.then((res) => {
console.log(res, "DONE" + new Date().toISOString);
.catch((err) => {
console.log(err, "ERROR" + new Date().toISOString);
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