Commit f66ee476 authored by Senatilaka T.S.'s avatar Senatilaka T.S.

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parent ce7fddbf
import io
import torch
from PIL import Image
ddWeights = './weights/'
gsWeights = './weights/'
def setModel(modelType):
global model
weight = ddWeights
if modelType == 'gs':
weight = gsWeights
model = torch.hub.load("./yolov5", 'custom', path=weight, source='local')
model.conf = 0.6
def yolov5(img):
results = model(img)
detected_classes = []
confidence = 0.0
names = results.names
if results.pred is not None:
pred = results.pred[0]
if pred is not None:
for c in pred[:, -1].unique():
n = (pred[:, -1] == c).sum()
confidence = pred[0][4].item()
detected_classes.append(f"{names[int(c)]}{'s' * (n > 1)}")
rendered_imgs = results.render()
converted_img = Image.fromarray(rendered_imgs[0]).convert("RGB")
return detected_classes, confidence, converted_img
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