Commit 34604cb2 authored by Jayasith H.B.C's avatar Jayasith H.B.C

feat(database) database change

parent 33b44e56
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......@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ def text_extraction(filename, class_id, boxes, accurate_indexes, category_index,
image = cv2.imread(app.SUBMISSION_PATH + '/' + filename)
for i in range(0, len(accurate_indexes)):
if category_index[class_id[i]]['name'] != "relationship":
height, width, c = image.shape
ymin = boxes[i][0] * height
......@@ -60,13 +59,9 @@ def text_extraction(filename, class_id, boxes, accurate_indexes, category_index,
xmax = boxes[i][3] * width
crop_img = image[int(ymin):int(ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(crop_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
thresh, bw_img = cv2.threshold(gray_img, 160, 255, cv2.THRESH_TOZERO)
resize_img = cv2.resize(bw_img, None, fx=1, fy=1)
ocr_result = pytesseract.image_to_string(resize_img, config='1 eng --oem 1 --psm 13')
result = ocr_result.strip().replace("\\", "")
text = re.sub("=|,", "", result)
......@@ -83,3 +78,5 @@ def text_extraction(filename, class_id, boxes, accurate_indexes, category_index,
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