Commit 662d830e authored by OnellaNatalie's avatar OnellaNatalie

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/IT19041926'

# Conflicts:
#	backend/database.db
#	backend/models/
#	backend/models/
#	backend/routes/
#	backend/services/
parent d6cea4dc
train = "./training_data.spacy"
dev = "./training_data.spacy"
vectors = null
init_tok2vec = null
gpu_allocator = null
seed = 0
lang = "en"
pipeline = ["tok2vec","ner"]
batch_size = 1000
disabled = []
before_creation = null
after_creation = null
after_pipeline_creation = null
tokenizer = {"@tokenizers":"spacy.Tokenizer.v1"}
factory = "ner"
incorrect_spans_key = null
moves = null
scorer = {"@scorers":"spacy.ner_scorer.v1"}
update_with_oracle_cut_size = 100
@architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v2"
state_type = "ner"
extra_state_tokens = false
hidden_width = 64
maxout_pieces = 2
use_upper = true
nO = null
@architectures = "spacy.Tok2VecListener.v1"
width = ${components.tok2vec.model.encode.width}
upstream = "*"
factory = "tok2vec"
@architectures = "spacy.Tok2Vec.v2"
@architectures = "spacy.MultiHashEmbed.v2"
width = ${components.tok2vec.model.encode.width}
attrs = ["NORM","PREFIX","SUFFIX","SHAPE"]
rows = [5000,2500,2500,2500]
include_static_vectors = false
@architectures = "spacy.MaxoutWindowEncoder.v2"
width = 96
depth = 4
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
@readers = "spacy.Corpus.v1"
path = ${}
max_length = 0
gold_preproc = false
limit = 0
augmenter = null
@readers = "spacy.Corpus.v1"
path = ${paths.train}
max_length = 0
gold_preproc = false
limit = 0
augmenter = null
dev_corpus = ""
train_corpus = "corpora.train"
seed = ${system.seed}
gpu_allocator = ${system.gpu_allocator}
dropout = 0.1
accumulate_gradient = 1
patience = 1600
max_epochs = 0
max_steps = 20000
eval_frequency = 200
frozen_components = []
annotating_components = []
before_to_disk = null
@batchers = "spacy.batch_by_words.v1"
discard_oversize = false
tolerance = 0.2
get_length = null
@schedules = "compounding.v1"
start = 100
stop = 1000
compound = 1.001
t = 0.0
@loggers = "spacy.ConsoleLogger.v1"
progress_bar = false
@optimizers = "Adam.v1"
beta1 = 0.9
beta2 = 0.999
L2_is_weight_decay = true
L2 = 0.01
grad_clip = 1.0
use_averages = false
eps = 0.00000001
learn_rate = 0.001
ents_f = 1.0
ents_p = 0.0
ents_r = 0.0
ents_per_type = null
vectors = ${paths.vectors}
init_tok2vec = ${paths.init_tok2vec}
vocab_data = null
lookups = null
before_init = null
after_init = null
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