Commit 7d67b62f authored by Jayasith H.B.C's avatar Jayasith H.B.C

Merge branch 'master' into 'IT19079264'


See merge request !105
parents 79d4d5bd 7bcede41
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......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def generate_diagram(filename):
# generate python file for the class
# generate python file for the class (pyreverse)
def generate_class(actors, data):
res = create_class_methods(data)
class_string_arr = generate_class_string_array(actors, res)
......@@ -11,15 +11,10 @@ def remove_unwanted_values(data):
return data
# removing duplicates
def remove_duplicates(data):
return list(set(data))
# punctuation removal
# punctuation removing
def remove_punctuation(sentence):
text_no_punct = [token for token in sentence if not token.is_punct]
cleaned_sentence = ' '.join(token.text for token in text_no_punct)
text_without_punctuation = [token for token in sentence if not token.is_punct]
cleaned_sentence = ' '.join(token.text for token in text_without_punctuation)
return cleaned_sentence
......@@ -37,44 +32,45 @@ def main(scenario, assignment_type):
del sentences[-1]
# creating required lists
nc = []
nouns_pronouns = []
cleaned_extracted_actions = []
cleaned_sentences = []
splitted_actions_array = []
splitted_actions_and_actor_array = []
# looping through each sentence
for sentence in sentences:
# getting actors using nouns pronouns
res = get_nouns_pronouns(sentence)
cleaned_sentence = remove_punctuation(sentence)
splitted_actions = split_actions(str(cleaned_sentence))
splitted_actions_and_actor = split_actions(str(cleaned_sentence))
extracted_actions = get_actions(splitted_actions)
extracted_actions = get_actions(splitted_actions_and_actor)
if extracted_actions is not None:
# remove duplicates of the actors
nc = list(dict.fromkeys(nc))
data = remove_unwanted_values(nc)
nouns_pronouns = list(dict.fromkeys(nouns_pronouns))
actors = remove_unwanted_values(nouns_pronouns)
extracted_relationships = get_include_extend_relationships(splitted_actions_array)
extracted_relationships = get_include_extend_relationships(splitted_actions_and_actor_array)
actors_and_use_cases_array = identify_use_cases(cleaned_extracted_actions)
if assignment_type == 1:
generated_usecase_diagram_path = generate_use_case_diagram(data, extracted_relationships,
generated_usecase_diagram_path = generate_use_case_diagram(actors, extracted_relationships,
return generated_usecase_diagram_path
elif assignment_type == 2:
generated_class_diagram_path = generate_class(data, cleaned_extracted_actions)
generated_class_diagram_path = generate_class(actors, cleaned_extracted_actions)
return generated_class_diagram_path
elif assignment_type == 3:
generated_class_diagram_path = generate_class(data, cleaned_extracted_actions)
generated_usecase_diagram_path = generate_use_case_diagram(data, extracted_relationships,
generated_class_diagram_path = generate_class(actors, cleaned_extracted_actions)
generated_usecase_diagram_path = generate_use_case_diagram(actors, extracted_relationships,
return generated_class_diagram_path, generated_usecase_diagram_path
......@@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ def get_nouns_pronouns(sentence):
return token
# removing punctuations
def remove_punctuation(sentence):
text_no_punct = [token for token in sentence if not token.is_punct]
cleaned_sentence = ' '.join(token.text for token in text_no_punct)
return cleaned_sentence
# get actions and actors
def split_actions(sentence):
split_string = "should be able to "
if split_string in sentence:
......@@ -37,16 +39,18 @@ def split_actions(sentence):
return extracted_string
def get_actions(splitted_action):
# get
def get_actions(splitted_action_and_actor):
temp_array = []
if splitted_action is not None and '|' in splitted_action[1]:
res = splitted_action[1].split(' | ')
# print('res',res)
if splitted_action_and_actor is not None and '|' in splitted_action_and_actor[1]:
res = splitted_action_and_actor[1].split(' | ')
return temp_array
return splitted_action
return splitted_action_and_actor
def get_sentences(text):
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