Commit cc502470 authored by Mathusan Anantharajah's avatar Mathusan Anantharajah


parent 1038e2fd
# 2022-211
Paddy Rice Smart Farming
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A large number of crops are grown in Sri Lanka which often serve as hosts to different kinds
of fungi, bacteria, and virus. some diseases reach epidemic status and cause serious crop
losses where the impact of some is negligible [2]. Prevention and early diagnosis are
critical to limiting damage by plant pathogens. The farmers need to monitor their crops and
detect the first symptoms to prevent the spread of a plant disease at low cost and save a
major part of the production. Detection of paddy leaf diseases falls important for these
There is a demand for research to classify paddy diseases at initial stages.
This is feasible if there are automated systems that can assist the farmers to recognize
the paddy diseases from the paddy leaf images of the plants. The recognition of agricultural
plant diseases by utilizing image-processing and machine learning techniques can certainly
minimize the reliance on the farmers to protect the yield of paddy crops.
Paddy can be affected by diseases at different stages of growth and all parts of the plant.
in order to detect and diagnose paddy leaf diseases we will be using the Image pre-processing
and segmentation technique along with different types of classification features. According
to the implementation of the system diagnosis will be done based on periodical crop
monitoring, images and historical information about paddy crops provided by the farmer.
The proposed automated system can be used on android and apple platform. System can
certainly help the farmers to classify the diseased paddy leaves at an early stage
to protect the crops from further damage.
Research Problem
In Sri Lanka, agriculture has undergone technological transformation in the last decades,
making farming more convenient, efficient, and profitable. However, farmers face a growing
number of challenges and constraints that include low productivity, poor product quality,
and climate change.
Substantial crops are grown in Sri Lanka which often serve as hosts to different kinds of
fungi, bacteria, and virus. some diseases reach epidemic status and cause serious crop
losses where the impact of some is negligible. Prevention and early diagnosis are critical
to limiting damage by plant pathogens. The farmers need to monitor their crops and detect
the first symptoms to prevent the spread of a plant disease at low cost and save a major
part of the production.
They survive because of direct and indirect support from the government, such as free
irrigation and extension services, massive fertilizer subsidies and support prices.
The economic costs of these measures reflect the unsustainable and misdirected ways adopted
by successive administrations.
So, the country must continue to develop and adapt technological innovations for the
agriculture sector to become a more productive contributor to the economy.
Main Objectives
Predict the disease in an early stage and provide better information about the diseases.
With this information farmers will be more aware about their crops and protect their crops
from diseases.
Monitoring Disease – The application is capability of capturing the image of the affected
crop and identifying the disease
Providing meaningful information – By monitoring the plant from time to time and guiding
the users with related pesticides and level of water
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