Commit 7d8f53b8 authored by Alahakoon K.M.R.A.B's avatar Alahakoon K.M.R.A.B


parent a202722b
......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ Vehicle Parking System(2022-235)
For drivers, their vehicle is a valuable asset. Thieves use car parks to disassemble and steal vehicles' parts.
For example, side mirrors and car logos.
*Member 01*
***Member 01***
research question:-
......@@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ Vehicle Parking System(2022-235)
to select an empty slot of his choice and Predict how long takes for the slot to free and
it show in the mobile application.
*Member 02*
***Member 02***
Research question:-
......@@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ Vehicle Parking System(2022-235)
the driver by using image processing and show graphically
how to park through the mobile application.
*Member 03*
***Member 03***
Research question:-
......@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ Vehicle Parking System(2022-235)
Develop a management component from machine learning and time series analysis to track the dates,
times of vehicles coming to vehicle park.
*Member 04*
***Member 04***
Research question:-
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