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parent 5f889ec3
"tag": "working period",
"patterns": ["a few months","few months","less than a year","1 year","one year","more than 1 year","2 years","more than 2 years","3 years","4 years","5 years","more than 5 years","10 years","more than 10 years"],
"responses": ["okay,what is your job role in this company?"]
"tag": "designation1",
"patterns": ["staff officer"],
"responses": ["Wow, nice to hear that! how many hours a day do you work?"]
"tag": "working hours",
"patterns": ["7","8","9","10","11","12","more than 8"],
"responses": ["Do you work in weekends?"]
"tag": "choice",
"patterns": ["yes","no","sometimes"],
"responses": ["Got it..what do you think your workload? it's heavy or not heavy?"]
"tag": "workload",
"patterns": ["heavy","it's heavy","not heavy","it's okay","i don't know","it's not","depending on the day","no idea","sometimes"],
"responses": ["how much time do you spend for traveling to work from home?"]
"tag": "designation2",
"patterns": ["executive"],
"responses": ["Good! what do you expect from doing a job?"]
"tag": "promotion",
"patterns": ["money","feed my family and children","mental satisfaction","serve the country","serve the society","happiness","fun"],
"responses": ["which level of the support you got from higher officials? (high-mid-low)"]
"tag": "level",
"patterns": ["high level","low level","mid level"],
"responses": ["how much time do you spend for traveling to work from home?"]
"tag": "designation3",
"patterns": ["manager"],
"responses": ["Good! in which department do you work?"]
"tag": "department",
"patterns": ["HR","hr","Human resource","finance","Finance","IT","it","planning","engineering"],
"responses": ["okay, are you male or female?"]
"tag": "gender",
"patterns": ["male","female"],
"responses": ["Hoe did you you find out this job?"]
"tag": "apply",
"patterns": ["from a friend","from linkedin","from facebook","fb","social media","news paper","family member","mother","father","from colleague"],
"responses": ["As you think what are the aspects should be developed from staff members?"]
"tag": "staff",
"patterns": ["unity","efficiency","effectiveness","friendship","nothing should be developed","time management"],
"responses": ["tell me about our catering service in one word!!"]
"tag": "traveling hours",
"patterns": ["about 5 minutes","5 minutes","about 10 minutes","10 minutes","about 15 minutes","15 minutes","about 20 minutes","20 minutes","about half an hour","30 minutes","i can't remember"],
"responses": ["tell me about our catering service in one word!!"]
"tag": "traveling hours2",
"patterns": ["45 minutes","1 hour","one hour","more than 1 hour","more than 30 minutes","more than half an hour","2 hours"],
"responses": ["Oops! it's like a long journey. What is your traveling mode?"]
"tag": "traveling mode",
"patterns": ["bus","train","car","motorbike","three wheeler","van","taxi","on foot","bicycle"],
"responses": ["tell me about our catering service in one word!!"]
"tag": "good catering",
"patterns": ["good","not bad","fine","excellent","best","fantastic","nice"],
"responses": ["Mmmm, sounds good. Indicate how satisfy you are with your salary by 1 to 5?"]
"tag": "bad catering",
"patterns": ["bad","very bad","worst","not good","awful"],
"responses": ["Hmm, we should double check that. Indicate how satisfy you are with your salary by 1 to 5?"]
"tag": "salary",
"patterns": ["1","2","3","4","5"],
"responses": ["okay, i am satisfied with your answers. have a nice day!"]
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