Commit 825ea047 authored by Avindika H.M.U's avatar Avindika H.M.U

Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'master'


See merge request !5
parents e5a819b0 76a25ece
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
- Can we identify fake IDs? What happens if we lost the ID? Can people recognize a person’s ID photo after 20 years? How to change the ID” s address if we shift to a new house? Do we need to carry the ID card every time? Do we need to take ID card to every government/private institution?
#### 1.IT19109268 – Avindika H.M.U – Update and Verification of ID Address
#### Research Question: How to change the ID” s address if we shift to a new house?
#### Research Question:
- How to change the ID” s address if we shift to a new house?
### Individual Objectives:
......@@ -35,6 +36,22 @@
- • Quality of the images are enhanced
- • Documents are converted to the PDF format
- • Documents are verified
#### 2.IT19124940 – Sankalana G.L.A – IOT Device to capture the biometric data
#### Research Question:
- Can we make fake IDs?
- Why use IOT device with biometric?
### Individual Objectives:
#### Specific Objectives:
- • • Build a IOT device to capture the person face id and fingerprint.
#### Sub Objectives:
- • Detects & Capture the images of the face from the camera.
- • Identify the electronic fingerprint of the finger from fingerprint scanner
- • Stored the capture face ID and fingerprint on the database
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