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# 2022-81
## Main objective:
The main objective of this research project is to help farmers with their paddy
fields and make life easier for them. The farmers will be receiving proper guidance
and techniques so that producing a steady abundant yield of crops to match the great
demand of consumers. Farmers will have the opportunity of exchanging information
among one-another so as to regulate knowledge.
## Main Research questions
There were four major concerns we were able to recognise after conversing with the
proper authorities and farmers alike. In no particular order of importance, they are
diseases and pests harming the rice crops, unwanted weeds that are growing in paddy fields,
mismanagement of fertilisers by farmers and finally growth issues when it comes to different rice
life cycles.
## Individual research question
**IT19101620** - The first major issue when it comes to paddy is the prevalence of diseases that
are native to rice. With new diseases and sicknesses being found each passing day,
it becomes difficult for the common farmer to identify and treat them. What is closely
related to diseases are pests and other unwanted insects that are also attracted to the crops.
These pests might be the reason that diseases are created from the plant in the first place,
as well as the reason why diseases are distributed. Pests, even while not spreading disease,
might make the crops unsanitary for human consumption.
**IT19117256** - The second issue is the growth of unwanted weeds that are prevalent in paddy fields.
While weeds do not directly harm rice crops, weeds absorb nutrients from the paddy fields
that should have gone for the development of healthy rice plants. The identification of weeds
however is not difficult for the common farmer, but the true challenge lies in the recognition
of proper weedicide to combat the identified weed. This is due to vast amount of weed types and
the equally wide variety of weedicides being difficult to recollect for the common famer.
**IT19129372** - The next issue is the recognition of suitable fertilizers that are needed for the crops
to grow healthy and abundant. Farmers due to lack proper guidance tent to use incorrect fertilizers,
fertilizers that have considerable side effects or even the correct fertilizers in wrong amounts thus
making it harmful. This has become a major problem in Sri Lanka today due there being reports of various
health concerns for the consumer such as increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and Diabetes.
The environment is also damaged as a repercussion, examples being contaminated waterways and the
destruction of algae.
**IT19240152** - Finally, there have been concerns about the fact that, farmers are lacking in knowledge when
it comes to the lifecycle of rice crops and whether the rice plant is in the proper phase of the
lifecycle at the given time. This can cause mistreatment or no treatment altogether thus resulting
poor harvest and there by profit.
## Individual Objectives
**IT19101620** - Introduction of a mobile application to identify diseases and pests in paddy cultivation.
The main objective of identifying potential diseases and pests in paddy plants is to create
an Android based mobile application that can analyze leaf changes using the image processing
method and detect possible diseases in paddy cultivation. This Android based mobile application
is used to detect leaf diseases with the help of automated algorithms and those pests can detect
automated algorithms. This uses the database to identify the most vulnerable sheets and present
the most accurate result. In addition, the application provides treatment for diseases and pests.
**IT19117256** - The main objective of this component is to identify weeds that are commonly spread in rice fields.
This is done using a mobile based application and images that are inputted to it. First part is to
highlight the areas of the paddy field that are rich in weed through the use of aerial imagery fed to
the application. Then image processing technology is used to compare and contrast the weed rich areas
and show to the app user. Then the user has the ability to take an image of the weeds up close to identify
their types also with the help of image processing. Finally the application will use machine learning and
deep learning to show the best solution to combat the particular weed type.
**IT19129372** - Introduce a mobile application to Identify the fertilization information. Then give guidance to the
farmer on how to use it properly according to fertilizer type.
The main objective of the application is to give proper guidance to the farmer on how to use
fertilizers. In order to do that user will have the ability to take a picture of rice fields and fertilizers.
This will help to identify the best utilization methods with detailed instructions including amount and dosage
of fertilization that could be used to aid their growth using the machine learning. Then the farmer can easily
conduct the fertilization according to the instructions given by the application.
**IT19240152** - The main objective of identifying the growth of paddy plants is to create an Android-based mobile application
that analyzes the changes in the paddy tree using image processing technology and tracks the height of the paddy tree.
The Mobile-based application is used to identify the height of a paddy tree with the help of an automated algorithm.
The algorithm uses the database to identify the most vulnerable and predict the most accurate outcome. In addition,
the application provides treatment to a paddy grower to increase the growth of paddy cultivation.
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