Commit 255c1815 authored by Ramanayaka D.H.'s avatar Ramanayaka D.H.

Upload New File

parent 5e50c4fb
import dash
from dash import html, dcc, Input, Output, State
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
import pymongo
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from app import app
# Connect to MongoDB # creating a MongoDB client object named client. This line establishes a connection to the MongoDB database
client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb+srv://")
db = client["user_database"] #creates a reference to a specific MongoDB database called "user_database".
users_collection = db["users"] #accessing a specific collection within the "user_database" database.
# Define the layout of the registration page
# reg = html.Div([
# html.H1("Registration Page"),
# html.Div([
# html.Label("Username"),
# dcc.Input(id="username-input", type="text"),
# html.Label("Password"),
# dcc.Input(id="password-input", type="password"),
# html.Button("Register", id="register-button"),
# html.Div(id="registration-status")
# ])
# ])
reg = html.Div([
html.H1("Registration"),#title for the registration form
dcc.Input(id='logger_store',value="reg", type='hidden'),
html.Label("Email address"), #Label for email address
dcc.Input(id="username-input",type="email",className="form-control",placeholder="Enter email"),
html.Div([html.Label("Password"), #Label for PW
dcc.Input(id="password-input", type="password",className="form-control",placeholder="Password")],className="login-inner-box-input"),
html.Center([dbc.Button("Register",className="btn btn-light", id="register-button")]) , #button to register
],className="card login-inner-box"), #apply CSS classes to format the elements
html.Img(src=app.get_asset_url('register.gif'),id="login-vector") #to give an image on to the register componenet
log = html.Div([ #main container for the web page or section of the web page.
html.Div([ #creates a hidden input field with the id attribute 'logger_store' and an initial value of "login.
dcc.Input(id='logger_store',value="login", type='hidden'),
html.H1("Login"), #title "Login"
html.Label("Email address"), #Label #to input email
dcc.Input(id="username-input",type="email",className="form-control",placeholder="Enter email"),
html.Div([html.Label("Password"), #Label #to input password
dcc.Input(id="password-input", type="password",className="form-control",placeholder="Password")],className="login-inner-box-input"),
html.Center([dbc.Button("Login",className="btn btn-light", id="register-button")]) , #login button
],className="card login-inner-box"), #used to apply CSS classes to format the elements.
html.Img(src=app.get_asset_url('login.gif'),id="login-vector") #to give an image on to the login componenet
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