Commit 511a4013 authored by Samarakoon S.M.A.D IT20233808's avatar Samarakoon S.M.A.D IT20233808

Merge branch 'feature/IT20233808/soilBasedCropRecommendation' into 'master'

removed test files in backend

See merge request !14
parents 2148534c dc0564d4
import pandas as pd
# Read the CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv('soil_crop.csv')
# Divide the values in the "nitrogen," "phosphorus," and "potassium" columns by 10
df['nitrogen'] = df['nitrogen'] / 10
df['phosphorus'] = df['phosphorus'] / 10
df['potassium'] = df['potassium'] / 10
# Save the new dataset to a new CSV file
df.to_csv('new_soil_data.csv', index=False)
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